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[Music] my wife is in love with this Timothy sham son of he's like 21 years old he's magical and gentle he's extraordinary on screen and he's just a lovely gentle presence he's almost like a human Paddington a human [Music] Paddington Timo timote timote Shalom last month was taken over by the Christmas Time family Blockbuster Motion Picture film musical Wonka willly [Music] Wonka this video isn't necessarily going to be a review of that film I mean Wonka's moment has passed Christmas is over but you know trust and believe the soundtrack was on repeat the entirety of December well there's chocolate and there's chocolate but only one make instead of just talking about how much I loved Wonka this video is going to be about the star of that film he's behind me isn't he oh God this man for whatever reason just you know rules the industry right now he's the current Hollywood it boy oh my God oh my God oh my God Tim recently reached the age of 28 and he's already done things that a lot of seasoned actors can only dream of that being said timy anime is not the first of his kind Hollywood has been ruled over by Leading Men Who take all the good roles for decades I'm looking at you Leonardo I'm looking at you with your roles and your your Titanic and your and your we take this archetype of leading man Hollywood it boy definitely for granted like what is this today we're talking about everything from Hollywood beauty standards to Willie Wonka to Young Leonardo DiCaprio to ancient Greece to uh fan culture so everyone are quiet up and now listen down scratch that reverse it as we explore what I'm now calling the Shalom effect oh it sounds so official it's like a thesis this is you know this is my thesis this is my thesis Fe Fe feis part one the rise of Timmy this little Victorian orphan looking boy is Hollywood's relatively new obsession the fandom behind Timothy sh is very much there it's very strong everyone loves a bit of Timothy Shalom okay so why do we love Timothy shal over here I love his movies his acting and he's just like really goodlooking yeah um he's looking so cute he's just he's so cartic it seems like Timothy has always kind of inhabited this kind of Hollywood bubble he's been acting in little short films and you know went to drama school since he was very young and of course there was that resurfaced clip of him rapping as little little Timmy Tim was that the name today we're doing our performance uh in about 7 hours uh so right now we just got out here and you know we're feeling out the space I think we'll do a warm up soon the Timothy that was only a decade ago that just shows how fast the tide can turn on someone and like a year after that clip Timothy somehow lands a role in interstellar with Christopher Nolan I mean he's not in it that much but he's he's there I mean I mean oh there he is there there oh yeah there there he is yeah imagine immediately Hitting off a filmography with Vella H Timothy that's quite a high pro profile movie to start off with how did you pull that one off H oh I don't know there's something there's something suspicious in the air right now oh what is it um something s my tongue nepotism Timothy nepotism Hollywood is giving him special treatment Shalom is a nepo baby but a lot of people don't know that but he has an uncle in the industry that open a lot of doors for him his uncle directed episodes of The Gilmore Girls it all connects no obviously I'm joking you know hot take I think the whole nepo babies thing is a bit overblown we start accusing every celebrity of being you know in a cult of elitists which I mean they are they are in a cult of elitists but it goes from pointing out that someone is the child of another big celebrity to how dare you be the son of a chef Hollywood is nepo babies everywhere is nepo baby is all the way down discovering a popular actor is only popular because of nepotism is like discovering that the sky is blue or something it's just the fact of life yeah okay nepotism allegations aside Timothy's breakout role 3 years after Interstellar was of course call me by your name great Vibes beautiful Vibes groundbreakingly call me by your name got Timothy that best actor nomination at age 22 22 Jesus that's so young what the [ __ ] am I doing here I need to get out of here of course getting nominated ated at such a young age is like a kind of crossing of the Rubicon over to not only notoriety as that guy from that movie but also you know opportunity I can't wink I can't getting an Oscar nomination at such a young age just shows how much potential you have you know how much you could be if you're doing this at 22 you know what could you be doing in 50 years and therefore Timothy's kind of rising star narrative becomes less about you know grinding and working hard to get to the top and auditioning for everything to um a kind of hey uh Timmy uh can you be my film uh no Timmy um can you me my movie please how about you do my movie H how about you do my movie Timmy could you do my film hey Timmy I'll send you a script in 2014 you know you have this young gentleman fresh out of drama school he can't really dress himself bless him he's not even sure about acting in the first place cut 10 years later to 2024 and we have Shalom Mania that's a good word shom Shalom Mania how do we get to the point where one little skinny guy can cause so much hype and success in the industry I mean how did that Timmy do it you know that how did he do it well I would say a lot of it has to do with you know choosing the right scripts being strategic a lot of men who come up in the industry based on their looks or their romantic appeal kind of get stuck in that for a long time they get stuck playing this kind of frob teenage boy for years and the novelty of it you know it comes and goes eventually people have to age out of that type cast a lot of Timmy's current success is based on that first initial 2016 streak of good movies after that you'd expect Timmy to be kind of stuck in that hopeless romantic type cast but no you know Timmy has proved that he has range Timmy got range Timmy got acting range Italian twink small town love interest big city love interest struggling son edgy medieval king and a guilded age rich boy from you know Little Women Lori from Little Women those initial characters that you played that sounds like top archetypes for like female fiction or whatever you know what I mean do you get what I mean like the only thing that he's missing is like a billionaire it's the Jordan Peterson list of what appeals to women the female gay is vampire werewolf vampire werewolf pirate surgeon billionaire and whoever Timothy's agent is you know exactly what you're doing getting him these roles you're appealing straight into them the female Gaye if there's such thing as the female Gaye is definitely Timothy shalom's filmography in my opinion shom Mania kind of reached its peak when you you had both Dune and the French dispatch both come out on the same day both starring Timo P shom screw barbin Heimer the you know the French dispatch and dune that's the perfect double feature the French D Dune the the the Dune dispatch doesn't really have the same ring to it it was announced that Timothy Shan was going to play willly Wonka about 2 years ago nobody was really sure what to think like Timothy Shalom is a young woly Wonka and he's he's singing timoy sham singing as willly Wonka what in the actual what I was reading it like that one clip of Adele you know she's like but now when I tell you I walked out of Wonka filled with Whimsy let me show you how I walked out of my screening of Wonka it was very this like such a feeling coming over me I said I wasn't going to review the Wonka movie here but it was just it was really good it's the same director who did Paddington for for God's sake and Timothy I mean look at him he's in a he's in a silly goofy mood immediately they kick off the film with the ho amazing amazing he's singing his little heart out bless him oh it's so nice to see Willie might only have one silver Sovereign in his pocket but he also has my heart you know it's strange to see such a clear division between like the working Tim shime working as an actor working and playing Wily Wonka and The Press tour red carpet kind of proposed idea of Timothy Shalom they've got this man in a lavender latex jumpsuit in the middle of December there was another one where he was wearing this like black kind of thin latex Matrix coat I love you Timothy who's making you do this in December who's making you wear this against your will I do love the Tweet though Frodo wearing me for real in the minds of Maria it's almost like the Branded idea of Timothy as this kind of heartrob superstar has inflated to the point where it's overtaken any sense of just being like a normal actor whatever happened to you know actor know wearing a suit wearing a tie at a premere but if y Rees walked onto a red carpet wearing this in the '90s he would have been laughed off the red carpet they would have they would have knocked him they would have booed him so why has the Timothy Shalom brand inflated to a point where he looks like a parody of a celebrity what does this tell us about modern celebrity culture the way we view men in the industry you cuz we live you know we live in a society enough pondering we need to talk about what's really important here this man's face look at it it's like an isoceles triangle angle the jaw is just going to he touch his jaw and he goes I mean look at this picture especially look at that what how does he look like that okay in this video we're going to be analyzing Timothy Shalom uh per request and I definitely think this is an interesting face to cover his brow region is extremely feminized his nasal frontal angle is about 146° as you can see just for now his mouth is about 1.59 times his nose so this is outside of the ideal male range it's a bit too feminized we take a 90° angle there and his nose fits right in between his eyes so part two the face of a star on the 27th of June 2007 Shabani the silver back gorilla was transferred to higashi amazu in the Japanese city of ngoya separated from his family and from his brother hayako yes this is still do a video about Timothy shalam bear with me after years of living in the zoo Shabani the gorilla slowly cultivated an audience of admirers women online are part of an online fandom women who were infraed by his charm there was just something about this gorilla he's become known for his dramatic poses pensu brudy even [Music] koi the strange observation that this gorilla looks quite human transformed into a whole economy so many new people visiting the zoo that they have to put it on the website media coverage fan art live tweets of candid photos DVDs of zoo footage Valentine's chocolate exclusive merch body pillows and people say capitalism doesn't breed Innovation the city of ngoya Japan put this gorilla's face on on everything he became like a City mascot Shabani the gorilla postcards brought to you by the city of ngoya just shows you even if you're a gorilla an institution is going to find a way to export your good looks for profit almost like Timothy Shalom with Hollywood oh my God look at him what wait sh sh oh my God he's eating a sandwich oh my God oh God did he just look at us that's crazy oh my God he's so cute so why would the woman of Japan treat this gorilla the same way that we would treat Timothy Shalom obviously it's in the facial structure and just general machismo of this gorilla I mean look at him look at the way he's eating that I would say that the appeal of this gorilla probably comes from you know the irises the whites of the eyes the jawline the expressiveness of the eyebrows and mouth these things are very humanlike and that's obvious when you remember that we share most of our DNA with gorillas usually gorillas have quite dark eyes but with Shabani you know you see the whites of his eyes it's direct human connection I'm sure when Shabani the gorilla looks at you there's a feeling of a human trapped in a gorilla's skin and he's trying to get out it's very uh Beauty and the Beast that explains this fan art depicting him as human God the internet is so weird I mean this gorilla was minding his damn business when you're choosing to buy DVDs of gorilla footage and a body pillow it's the choosing of a kind of fandom culture over genuine direct human connection and that applies to Timothy as well I feel really bad comparing to viam just a a gorilla but my point is the forces of attraction can work in mysterious ways even a gorilla with a drawline can create a wave of fandom the whole notion of like a fan girl can be very uh you know marry me jimy but I feel like it goes deeper into the human psyche than that and at some point everyone's a crazed fan of something especially with actors actors are usually the subject of parasocial relationships and romantic projection because they're a chameleon in their work they shift and change with their roles it's their job to constantly change thems and then we pick and choose what we like in reality we don't actually know what Timothy is like off camera for all we know he could be an absolute [ __ ] but we can only infer from the things that are shown to us through the lens of Hollywood and that's why the roles that Timothy chooses to play are important because because they add this kind of brand idea of Timothy shalam you know people have this idea of what Timothy is like when they watch him but it's all a projection a projection of perfection it's this idea that Timothy shanam is the perfect lover boy but he doesn't know you exist I know I know I'm sorry he doesn't know it's the same as if a woman from Japan projected her love onto a gorilla she knows it's not going to happen because it's a [ __ ] gorilla of course it's not going to happen but that's that's not the point okay it's called yearning have you never heard of Yearning before this woman is yearning for a gorilla guys it's okay she's going for a lonely winter okay it's called yearning if there's one thing about romantic yearning is that it sells a lot of money especially in the film industry the entire industry revolves around this idea this illusion of intimacy with men that come and go like the tide the term white boy of the month has entered the modern lexicon as a kind of descript ion of the internet's tendency to shift Focus between men according to the hype around them you know whether or not they're in the film or whether or not they've done a magazine shoot you know is my predetermined Earthly punishment to be forever Shackled by the wrist to these white men of the month when will I be free of them when will I see the Sun and feel its warmth once more when will I have an explore page that passes the beal test when will I know true peace when Wonka came out everyone was obsessed with Timothy but now everyone you know I'm behind making a video about Timothy sh no one cares about Timothy Shan I'm just going to rip them ball off everyone cares about uh Jacob l l l because of a salt bur Timothy was actually supposed to be in saltburn you see it's it's all connected saltburn was a bad film I'm sorry it was so bad you know what I'm not going to say it's bad I'm just going to say it's not for me no Sal bur not for me obviously the industry relies heavily on creating a marketable image for a celebrity like Timothy and that's an image that capitalizes on youth Timothy I've noticed is always compared to like a greatek god or a statue of David or something and it's really freaky actually look at this AI generated fan art it's it's crazy what is this is such a specific Vibe he's a Greek statue actually actually no that's not a Greek statue that is a Timothy many of us are aware of the phenomenon of the the young Hollywood it boy previous incarnations include Leonardo de Caprio River Phoenix Kiana Reeves Christian Bale Robert Patterson Johnny Depp James Dean Marlon Brando Paul Newman and many more are you noticing any similarities at all let's just say that Hollywood she has a type she has a really specific type of guy that she hangs out with the young actors who have this kind of hype and youth around them are obviously ripe for a certain kind of exploitation Hey kid Hey kid come here come here come here comeing you make it big you reach Heights in this industry that you never thought you could reach everyone loves you you went designer clothes you're in the magazines you're kissing colen and go in the red carpet and guess what they call you a twink everyone calls you a twink and you keep making movies you keep doing the red carpets and suddenly they sto coming only your twink you reached the age of 40 and new of stop coming in you stop looking like you used to they call it twink death but I just feel like a sh of who I used to be firstly I need to address this words that everyone keeps using willy-nilly for everything nowadays twink okay that had a lot of aggression behind it I did not mean for that much aggression to come out thanks to stuff like rupal's drag race you know everyone's in on the slang everyone says twink and slay and Boots the house down slay and slay the house down boots I'm serving Willy Wonker realness on the runway apparently all that qualifies to being called a twink nowadays is being really skinny um being white and uh no no that's that's it twink death is a terrifying thing is a meme comparing younger men with their aged modern day disheveled counterparts poking fun at how he was so young and pure and goodlooking now look at him the example that I use there is Leonard DiCaprio who I think is very similar to where Timothy is now wait you can't you can't see Leonardo he's behind the wall wa this whole section you can't see it so sticking right there yeah now's going to hide you behind the wall both Leonard DiCaprio and two of Shan are well respected because of the roles that they took on early in their career took a while for Leo to be nominated for an oscar but he definitely deserved it and now looking at this meme it just makes you think about how the industry values a a specific youthful look like without the context a man going from this to this is just natural aging do you remember natural aging anyone remember that as one tweet put it twink death is a cool concept because it lets boys participate in a kind of beauty standard Neurosis normally reserved for women [Music] honestly with these Hollywood beauty standards You' expect all of these actors to look like that one billionaire who's spending all his money trying to look 20 again this isn't twink DEA this a twink birth holy [ __ ] he's doing it in reverse who I this whole twink death thing isn't just about a man losing his looks as he ages it's also about the audience losing an idea of a man losing young Leo I mean come on we lost him it's like he died when this young Leo Fades away with time all we have is the memories Timothy recently reached the age of 28 so by internet standards he's got one foot in the grave um sorry but um there's not long left the actual Timothy shim will of course be fine but it's the idea of the young Timo shime that people will probably mourn the loss of in another 28 years you know Tim he isn't going to look like this forever in terms of Hollywood beauty standards he's hit his Peak so it must be documented must be archived I'm not going to look like this forever so take a picture it will last longer as Timmy has been doing press for Wonka one actor in particular has been by his side the whole time that being he Grant who plays the Oompa Loa OA Loa [Music] WKA in the late ' 80s early '90s you know hugan was like an honorary British it boy of the industry I mean just look at his hair it's beautiful and yeah in the early days he kind of did get typ cast as a kind of bumbling British love interests the hype and fandom of hug Grant I'm sure is nothing like it used to be in the '90s and that's not to say that he fell off or anything I'm just saying that you know things changed when you get older you get typ cast into a new role and now and now hug Grant is just so popular people will hire hug Grant just to be hug Grant would your agents have ever sent you an Oompa Loompa role to even consider would that have even crossed your path oh I yes I think so they they know that I'm into the freak Show stage of my career now that's all I can get hug Grant might not look the same but here he is sat next to the current it boy of Hollywood you know they're in the same room so they're on the same levels of respect so even though he Grant jokes a lot about hating his career I'm sure I'm sure that he's done with well for himself and that he loves his career he has a lot of British sarcasm That Gets Lost in Translation whenever he makes a joke on the red carpet like a sarcastic joke a lot of the American Media takes it seriously so why am I even bringing this up why am I ending a video on timoy shom with an anecdote about hug gr my point is even though the industry is built around you know young actors giving everything they've got for the select couple years the years that they look youngest and have the broadest appeal people do still have a life after twink death surprisingly it's not like you wake up at 30 and just you know crumble Fade Away Hollywood is currently showing Tim ify showmate off like a prized pig at a county fair I mean look what they've gotten wearing I mean what is this fol Hollywood are just obsessed with Timothy shalaman right now but one day it won't be the same and that is okay the collective Shalom Mania all over my Twitter feed sometimes is a bit too much and you got the awards the appearances the compilations the young videos yesterday I was going through my Instagram feed and I saw an AI generated image of timy shanam and Miss Piggy I probably only got that recommended to me because I've had to like find pictures of to inish anime for this video for this wall how can centuries of art history and media lead to this a lot of people on social media like to think that they're the ones choosing who they like the best but I think the industry pick them for us people only pay attention to say Jacob Eli or or Timothy shame because they're being pushed in front of us for media purposes when timoy Shane isn't doing a film he's quite a private person so you don't hear that much about him on social media so the hype for the films and the lusting of the actors they go hand in hand so yearning for an actor like Timothy Shalom is advertisement for the WKA film you've all been in an advert for the wer film the whole time and if you ever find yourself yearning for Timothy Chim just remember that it's a one-sided relationship so really the love that you feel for Timothy shalomay it's love for yourself all right I think I'm out of a talking points now I think I just need to you know rip the wall down the whole timoy sh hype train is going to start up again once Dune part two starts advertising which they kind of already have so um get ready for that if you like this video you know there's plenty more where that came from I've even got you know a whole backlog of comedy sketches on a different Channel if you want some extra content maybe behind your scenes scen of this video then uh you should check out becoming a member you just click the join button my camera literally just died any anyway bye what the [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah
Channel: Joseph Fisher
Views: 28,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video essay, media analysis, commentary, timothee, Timothée Chalamet, wonka, willy wonka, timothy chalmette, timothee snl, twink death, female gaze, dune: part two, hollywood it boy, jacob elordi, saltburn, brittany broski, shabani, zendaya timothee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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