‘Dune: Part Two’ Cast on the Movie’s Cinematic Experience and How to Ride a Sandworm

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I see possible Futures all at once and in so many Futures our enemies Prevail but I do see a way there is a narrow way [Applause] through Hello friends my name is n PR you're watching the big ticket interview for June part two and as you can see no unattractive people were allowed in the making of This film it's crazy to think about the journey this story has been on to make it to the big screen Frank Herbert's epic sci-fi novel that inspired a whole genre was denied 22 times by editors who thought it was too complex in the 70s Alejandra yod rowski tried to give us the coolest Dune movie never made and then in the 80s we got a dune film but some fans thought that it didn't quite capture all of the story so as I was coming here I was thinking about how man it's been 60 years that fans have been waiting to see Paul atraes try and fulfill his prophecy Timothy I want to start with you because you play Paul and I want to ask you about that pressure and him confronting that prophecy because the greatest gift Dune has ever given me is the litany against fear I must not fear fear is the mind killer tell us about confronting that prophecy you know from part one to part two the becoming of what he becomes and how you were able to fully commit to that but still hold humility while taking Direction in a scene man thank you for such a beautiful question yeah and thank you for such a an intro that honors the the book and all the previous versions made and unmade and uh I think the easy answer is was in Denise hands and it's he's the most passionate of all of us I think about this material and uh this is uh we see Paul tradies here and you actually had the correct pronunciation there when you say a traes I remember that from the pamphlet we got when we started the first one and U did you say it a different way first well people say Paul a tradies you know but in the you know in the Frank Herbert pronunciation it is a traes how you said it um and uh this this second film is is the becoming like you put it you know it's it ties the loose ends of the first movie and we see Paul go from the sort of boyish figure from the first one and steps into the second one fatherless and and becomes the man that he needs to be whether he's ready for it or not was that daunting for you stepping into like the Big M absolutely and uh all the more so because of everyone I'm on this couch with sincerely looking up to everyone here you know and uh watching No Country for Old Men for stupidly the first time right before we started this one and realizing what Titans these two were beyond the work there I already knew so man a huge pressure but honestly I love everything I've been in but this might be the project I'm most proud of because for all the reasons you listed and just it's cool to be in the theater and feel like I don't know how I'm in this and and just really admire the movie and admire Denise it's like one of these movies man yeah can I tell you that uh watching you rise as a leading man of my generation has been so beautiful to witness wow and the way that you carried the first film like fans cannot wait to see you in this movie like I'm looking I'm waiting for like Nike to drop some Messiah Dune dunks because you're just that would be sick too you know um I've heard you say before in an interview that Chie Paul's love interest is really his moral compass otherwise a messiah prophecy would be too abstract right and Zinda you play Chie and Chie and Paul are literally like sci-fi Romeo and Juliet you know I was reading that you shot scenes with Timothy in Abu Dhabi and Jordan as the sun was going down and I was thinking man like the pressure to to relax into Romance when you're pressed for time and like how are they flirting in futuristic space talk like is he wooing her with a sandwalk you know what I mean like we were trying to figure that out too you know definely I think Denny was also trying to figure that out but I think what he's so brilliant at which I think uh is so impressive is while the movie is so massive and there's so much to cover there's so much to like you say honor right and everybody has their own you know storyline their own moments but he always is able to find the human moments which is what guides us through everything and and carve out those things that feel like no matter what planet you're on you feel connected and you feel like like it's it's your own um and so I don't know I think he I think we all were trying to figure out how do we balance so much happening to these characters so such intense stakes and you know um while also allowing them to just be young people that are like having this like romance and whatever and um and it's and it's conflicting and it's painful and it's confusing because Paul represents something that to her is everything she despises you know so wow um can you tell us about bringing their epic love to life in this because it is the center of the film um I think trust trust in Denny yeah I think he's he's we always kind of go back to that he he's uh I think more than anyone he understands the material through and through because he loves it like he he I know he like he said that he signed like his yearbook muad right so it's like he really loves this so when you're um when you're asking him a question he's already thought of it like 10 times over so all the worries I have he's already had them you know by the time I get there and it's so nice to know that you're in safe hands and you can ask those questions and be in those moments and and figure it out and also know that you can experiment and have fun while also like being their structure and there's support and there's a vision already there too um so yeah I think we just trust trust that he knows he knows he'll guide us you know yeah how would you describe their love in part two um I feel like it's it's um I would I I would say the Love Story isn't given right it's earned because uh like I said he represents to her everything that she um that that that that represents pain pain right and and and hurt and fear and so when she's confronted with the feeling of like oh wait a minute I think I I I love this person that's like the the separation between mind and heart and how do you H how do you accept both of those things at once you know and I don't without giving anything away or or ruining it for anyone whether you've SE read the books or not you know it it it is um there's a lot of sacrifices that have to be made you know for something that's bigger than than everyone so everybody has to sacrifice something a little piece of their heart or big piece you know um wow but yeah it's I mean it's it's there's so much to talk like there's so much you can keep going and going and going you know there's so much to talk about um but like like he said I'm just so grateful to be here with these I mean yeah these talented people it's like you know the whole thing doing it pinch me and you're always just like wow I can't believe I'm here I know I speak for a lot of people and I say people can't wait to see more of chny in part two and Z you are so effortless and yet such a force and those feel like such opposing energies right but you just like make it happen so I cannot wait uh while we're on the topic of romance uh Florence you are no stranger to sharing romantic scenes with Mr Timothy sham here and films like Little Women uh people are fans are so excited to see you guys ever do rtic scenes I was reading that you guys had to be separated on set cuz you were having so much fun and I know you like calling him shamala Bing Bong so excited calls him bang bong so yeah know how much you respect your grandparents I love my grand respect to the Grand I was going to say you obviously play Princess rulan daughter of shadam Emperor 4th played by the legendary Christopher Walkin uh can you tell us and maybe tease what her relationship with their fathers like and what excited you most about this character aside from like the fire head dresses that you get to wear yes that was one thing that I did do that for when I was reading the script I was like I'm going to get some killer costumes um but yeah I play Princess Anan who is um the emperor's daughter and she's in the middle of this Dynamic of um people either trying to gain power or keep hold of power and I think she lands bangs back in the middle of uh learning that and learning from her father and I I was trying to explain yesterday that I think this is the most different of characters that I've ever played because even though she is opinionated and and intelligent and feisty it never comes out of her she's constantly watching Ing and listening and and waiting and she's very I suppose making a calculated move internally constantly because she has to and she's been trained that way so I think weirdly enough she's probably been one of the quietest of characters I've played um but probably the most exciting because there is a future and you don't quite know what that is what she's thinking so I think I've I've definitely been able to just sit and and watch all of these people um and uh and learn from them in scenes as well because that is kind of what she's doing as well so I've had a I've had a great time and yeah I get to I get to be his um his boo again I can't wait for that director uh Denny VNV said that you have this innate royalness to you and like having met you I feel like that rings so true and I can't wait to see I read that and I was like what is he on about I swear I was either na he was like you're going to be prime minister one day I was I was I was either napping on set wearing my chain mail or I was feeding people food that's incredible wonderful thing to read yeah I can't wait to see your princess in part two uh equally as excited Austin Butler to see your fade rotha Harkin in I mean I'm so obsessed with your dedication of getting into character on day one of readthrough you're already talking like a hekinan you're training for four months with a former Navy SEAL to become what Denny called a cross between a psychotic sociopath serial killer and MC Jagger which is so sick because we almost saw MC Jagger play this role in yod rasi's June but we see how psychotic is when he's like licking a knife how did you decide to portray this villain and tell us about that licking the knife scene uh I mean it all starts with Dene you know as as as everybody here I think can attest to it's that and and going I I had read the novel when I was a teenager and so I I'd kind of had an idea and then talking to den and seeing the first film and knowing the texture that he was playing within and and and how fade would fit into the tapestry that had already been laid um it really just provided so much room for play and so I I don't even remember the licking of the knife moment I think that may have been a Dene idea where you know we were always just trying to find these idiosyncrasies and and who fade was and um and there is this kind of seductive sick thing about him that uh I think kind of fit into that moment wow so you don't remember looking the knife I I I remember I just don't remember where that that idea came from he just does it all the time he conly doing that yeah testing testing the sharpness of knives so as you do as you do Austin Butler speaking of knives Javier you're like the Spanish army knife of acting like you've played everything uh Denise said Thank you you're welcome Denise said that your charisma like explodes in part two which I don't even know how that's possible because that like I mean remind me how to ask you how to get out of a speeding ticket later cuz I just feel like you're so charismatic you play sgar who is in the fman and he takes Paul under his wing Because he believes Paul's a messiah and he's like a father figure what does Paul's ride on a sand worm mean to the fman and did you get to ride one because I know that that was your dream uh I I I think the relationship with Paul is is the relationship of a man who starts to really discover him for what he is in reality and for what he wishes him to be uh based on religious fanatism so it goes parallel what he feels and what he expects of him and that Arc is beautifully written and done in the movie and allows us to create a nice relationship of a father figure Mentor but also become something else very powerful in the in the sense that he still worships him to a point where he's absolutely blinded uh and and uh and and that speaks about religion in the sense that the religion fanatism is not something that uh is a joke I mean that's that that's what creates what what what creates so um it's a powerful character in the sense that he changes dramatically through the story from the beginning where he sees this new kid in town until he really gets on his knees uh in front of him and did you get to ride a sand worm I did I did and uh that was a promise made by Deni back in the day and he contractual he the lever it's the only reason he did the move he the lever um Timothy you have to tell me what it was like first time riding a sand worm because that scene in the trailer is just insane well there was a whole worm unit on the movie literally called the worm unit they shot you know uh if I'm right there's a two-minute sequence in the movie or something like that that took them four months to shoot or something insane and uh I don't know I I I don't know how to describe it it was uh it was absolutely insane and uh obviously the worm wasn't there on the day so there is a certain process of visualization but they built I thought was fascinating they built very uh you know specifically what you know a tiny part of the worm would would uh sounds weird would look like slab worm a little slab of worm skin one says that's even weirder you just kind of yeah hook into it yeah yeah I don't know how what did it feel like it felt it was exhilarating and um and uh yes there all these innuendos no but but um was something that I feel like I don't want to speak for Den I don't think they had fully figured out at the end of the first one there's a visual at a distance at the end of the movie of someone writing sand warm so I think they were sort of figuring out but there was definitely a technique to it you know I remember you know going to Z and you know wishing that my arm technique was different wait why because um just you know visuals there's there's a real frame of reference for writing a sand so you're trying to do it cool you know and make it look strong and so you're trying to like okay do I hold like this do I stand like this do I have my leg here do I you know you're trying to have the strongest worm writing pose at the end of the day you know cuz it is it's film making you know so you you're trying to figure it out figure it out not just any weird gameo no no no well they see you all of it it's not me it's not you oh man that's incredible and just seeing you the queen of poses like dude like that was everything figure it out I feel like we're all like just foaming at the mouth for the action in part two and Josh I was actually laughing when I was reading about you talking about how you and Javier were in full diet mode at the Oscars and prep for this film um panic mode panic mode it was a diet it was a panic that's hilarious uh it is such a pleasure to meet you Josh I've always wanted to tell you that I think you have the greatest military face of all time so it's an honor to interview you as gurn H it's a great thing in my house um gurny halik so cool trusted adviser to Paul and House of Trades but on his days off he plays an instrument called the ballis set we were deprived of a scene in part one but I heard we're getting one in part two so what can you tell us about that scene and did you guys ever have any like Dune campfire like music music nights with the biset I would have or without the biset no we didn't we didn't it sounds actually fun though to have like to be practicing the biset the first one that Deni cut out cuz we did it and it was right at the last second he was like Hey we're going to do the scene tomorrow morning can you learn the lyrics and all that so that was one thing and I don't think it was because of that it was just tonally totally off and I agreed but he went down like a big shame spiral and I'm so sorry and I'm going do this and that and then this one came up and for whatever reason cuz Greg Fraser and I had done a book of my writing in Greg's photography uh obviously revolving around the first dune and then so he was privy to the writing so once this came up he said I want you and Hans to collaborate on the song and you know it sounds cool it's a little unnerving simmer and then so I was sitting there for a month or a month and a half right writing lyrics and sending Deni lyrics and sending Hans lyrics and Hans was on vacation and then he would send me back like a picture of a of an iceberg or something or like a really nice Sunset and I was like yeah I need to work on the song send me the music to the song so he would send me music once in a while and it was wrong and then it got so familiar that I was like I don't know if Hans is right for this movie and then eventually I saw the movie and lyrics are good they're okay and the music's brilliant it's genius so yeah he made he makes me look really that is an incredible story you can feel the fun you guys are having Vis early in part one you know it's felt through orchestrated by some of you Denny's Direction Greg Frasier cinematography Han Zimmer score but Denny called this one a cinematic blast actually so I wanted to ask the both of you what do you think he meant by that and why is this a film that that you have to see on the big screen what he meant by that is there's a my guess is there's a certain level of World building in the first one that is ultra detailed but it's laying the groundwork and here this is like the skyscraper that goes on the concrete it's full of action not to put it lightly or you know in a bol way and it's epic and not to again use that word in some silly way it's epic it's like on a huge scale it's done with Integrity it's done with heart it's felt you know everyone here these like amazing actors really brought their aame and it's a Sci-Fi material with in the hands of the best director so it's legitimized in some way not that it needs legitimizing but anyway it's uh it's it's it's a great one it's an experience on the big screen you actually get to be there you get to feel the the the drums and the running and the guns and your seats like you are at the edge of your seat from the moment you start watching it to the very end I mean I wept when I was when I was looking at the credits of the of the CGI team because there was this like beautiful score that Hans had done and I was just like look at all these people that made this movie the respect for every single person that that worked on that movie is so high and it's because everybody gave a damn and wanted to be there and wanted to create the same the same thing the same beautiful experience that we all witnessed on the first and then but this time it's bigger it's epic it's an experience there's only one way to watch this movie and it's like there with speakers yes I can't wait and before I go I have to ask um because after Frank Herbert wrote Dune a lot of fans thought of Paul as a hero and so according to Denny he wrote Dune Messiah to prove that it was actually a warning uh Denny has said he has words on paper for a part three for those of you who play characters in that book would you be down and and what type of story do you think Denny would tell would we be down I mean of course yeah was like n we're all tapping out now I think I think you know any time den he calls it's a yes for me at least you know um he's he he I mean I'm I'm excited to see what what happens I mean I I started Messiah and I was like whoa okay let me I'm only we're shooting the first movie let me just go back to the first one you know cuz it's so much to to take in and I think there's no better hands with better care and and um and love for it than than him so I think just excited to see like you know we're all just like it's it's just like anticipation you know whenever he's ready I know he's like a perfectionist in many ways and doesn't want to share things unless he's fully ready to do that so respecting that and wait till he's ready well at its core dun is the story of Prophecy and fate versus Free Will and I can say confidently that I think it was fate that you all were chosen um to tell this story so thank you so much for putting into it and do it and thank you guys so much for watching tickets to Doom part two we on sale right now on fang.com my name is as Perez and hopefully I will see you next time in a pair of Nike Messiah thanks to you those are amazing guys than you
Channel: Fandango
Views: 682,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune, dune part two, dune 2, dune part two interview, dune interview, dune 2 interview, Zendaya, Timothée Chalamet, Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Zendaya interview, Timothée Chalamet interview, Florence Pugh interview, Austin Butler interview, Josh Brolin interview, Javier Bardem interview, sandworm, dune sandworm, dune sandworm clip, fandango, fandango all access, big ticket, fandango big ticket, bt, dune imax, hans zimmer, rotten tomatoes, rt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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