Sandburg Blue Ridge Veggie Chili

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[Music] hi i'm jane esselstyn i'm ann esselstyn and today we are making a a great huge yummy dish out of the engine 2 cookbook called sandberg blue ridge chili and there's a great history behind it um that we're going to read about in a second and it's on page 221 if you're following along and we're going to start cooking right away before we even talk about like much about it and the first thing that we put in for this sandburg blue ridge chili are the onions uh yes we're gonna put two uh regular size onions and they go fat it is just so nice when things are go ahead and pod if you want get it in there yeah all in all in and then along with the onions we're going to put in the carrots carrots the carrots and onions gorgeous cut up carrots i think what's so nice is like you know when things are already pre-cut it just makes everything seem a lot easier yeah i had to chop these and get ready a little bit um but it just feels so i don't know fast and easy when you have these prepped for sure so these are going to cook down for a few minutes and they're going to shrink in size and they're going to increase in flavor and i think this is a good time to actually read the blurb this is this book is one that that my brother rip esselstyn uh and i did together and this recipe is so it's i want to talk about the blurb of it it's in my voice in my brother's voice not in your her voice after our grandmother died our grandfather barney kryl my mom's mom my mom's father married blue ridge mountain resident helga sandberg who was also the daughter of carl sandberg the american poet halga's daughter paula makes this amazing chili the first time we had paula's chili we ate it so slowly wanting it to last forever like a great carl sandberg poem be sure to cut all the vegetables the same size a great deal of the liquid comes from the tomatoes and so can tomatoes work best serve this chili by itself or with rice over the lovely salad and this is so beautiful it is like a wonderful pong and for those who don't know carl sandburg amazing poet you've probably heard of robert frost well carl sandberg was like his hobo partner and they're both sort of competing to be not poet laureate but kind of american color of the day of of that what year what era was that just a fan an incredible american public sandberg it was wonderful all right what goes so this cooks down for like seven minutes it has not been seven minutes but um we're going to maybe speed it up and get to seven minutes and then we're going to add actually add the garlic let's add the garlic now and what let's wait a little bit oh no get in there you don't want garlic to burn okay we'll we'll go to watch it we'll watch it watch it we're gonna leave her yes we're gonna okay you want this so the garlic the carrots the onions these are all such like aromatic yummy base for the chili that it's great to cook them down for a little bit to get all their flavors in there and blooming together so add the garlic and cook for another three minutes and continue stirring then we're gonna reduce the heat and we're gonna add the chili powder um and we're gonna add ground cumin and cook them for a bit so while you're stirring that around i'm gonna find the chili powder three tablespoons of chili powder i'm gonna just dive right in i could pour it and level it but i'm gonna three one stir it on up two three and what was the other one it was cool so this is just got a lot of everything i feel like we're building the blue ridge mountains like this is this is it's going to be a ton like all this stuff going in this is only the first half and then we have another just a shame we don't have anything blue in here oh you can't make blue you know i guess we couldn't what what's blue if you put some uh blueberries purple cabbage blueberries we do have another chili that we want to make soon and it's got cherries in it to boom cherry chili so excited to make that one day too but this one um jane how's it feeling yeah keep stirring i need some liquid yep we're gonna hit the tomato pick it in there so after this oh my god all cooks together this has gotten really wave can you see how it's just down top shot oh yeah or is it top camera maybe it's working it's just all cooking so now we're going to add the sweet potatoes sweet potatoes saying they cut you cook them up in such tiny little what you want to do consistent since i was doing the peppers that size and stuff i put did that that size um so after the sweet potatoes we're gonna put the pep peppers in everything is just getting coated show that beautiful so beautiful green yellow red we are we are um this is color philic chromophil we love color so this is all thanks for stirring it how's your arm you getting a good workout this is a lot of chill okay oh yummy look at all that so now to this foundation of onions garlic carrots spices sweet potatoes and peppers we are gonna add two can you just keep stirring that please we're gonna add two okay 28 ounce cans of these 28 downs yes of whole peeled tomatoes my favorite thing to get in a chili is a hunk of tomato oh oh that one i didn't mean to hit that one that was diced ha i meant to have two whole peeled and one was diced oh well as ann was about to say one of her favorite things is to get a whole tomato or get just big chunks and now you're going to get little chunks because one of them was diced i love it when that kind of thing happens because it's always how things happen in the kitchen like you don't we don't always get it we don't have the right ingredients we don't have the right i tell you this is an arm workout okay and then we add a can of tomato paste this is a six ounce can of tomato paste and keep stirring why get it in i hear it sizzling down below no it's just happy down below oh it's happy happy it's gurgling this is this is i was going to get one of my toothpaste tubes of tomato paste but they only have those in four ounces and we needed six ounces and i knew it i'd use the whole thing and it's kind of rare that i use the whole six ounces and this is well sometimes it was good to get a can this time i always use the whole thing even when it says not to yep because what do you do with a little tiny bit of tomato paste left over at least that's what i think all right this is looking lovely so now that we have the we have the peppers now that we have the peppers i'm going to turn this it says to turn this down a little bit and we don't usually cook on this kind of stove so it's always like we don't really know exactly what to expect but it's doing fine it's all cooking um what i like about this stove is that it's sort of it gets everything so hot so quickly it does it does it's the power of that gas so we have um stir the sweet potatoes the bell peppers the tomatoes the purple paste okay oregano and fennel so we're gonna add oregano and fennel now and it's two teaspoons of oregano which i love i'm an oregano fan sorry to get in your way again and and fennel is you've become a fennel fan well a fresh fennel for sure but fennel seeds here we go one teaspoon how interesting i know you don't like fennel necessarily hmm yeah okay and now what we're going to do with this is it says to partially cover this and simmer it stirring occasionally for 25 minutes so we're gonna take it off the gas stove here just to save gas and um put it on the stove over here and keep it on sort of a medium low a low heat and let it 25 minutes just simmer simmer and we're gonna come back and add what's what's the rest which is a whole as many things we've put in here that's as many things that we have yet to add we just did this side and now we have all this to go so i know we have okay so wait this is just the beginning i know the first of deliciousness yeah half time or not time out that's what i said what's the halftime symbol i don't think there is there's not a halftime symbol okay half time all right and we're transferred over my house into 25 minutes oh my god [Music] okay so we've got this we've got this shimmering amazing how this looks so good right now i know even without all the the rest of the things we're putting in okay so we're gonna put in um squash and zucchini that's the next things we need to add in here they go missing a few in they go i wish i'd cut them a wee bit smaller to match my tiny chopping of the sweet potatoes and the peppers if i could do it and she then thought that couldn't and so she did it and she didn't do it small enough sorry okay and now we're also going to add and we add it actually it's on your side can you add in the beans and the kidney beans and black beans um just one can we've already uh drained and rinsed them did you drain them yeah and so we've got a kidney i always get dark kidney beans when i can just because i have been so trained by dr michael greger that the deeper the color the darker the better i didn't know kidney beans came in the light shade how long have you been looking at the bean section in your life well i only have a lighter kitchen i just buy kidney beans and i think they're always the same color no well sometimes kidney beans when you get like a huge can like when you need to make i don't know like enormous chili you get uh they have like i'm making it up like a 105 55-ounce can um sometimes they add corn syrup and sugar to it the key thing this is the message to take read ingredients that's the key thing that's going on we need to make your shocking we need to make you a t-shirt that says that right right now okay now we need to uh you're going to love this we need to chop coarsely chop almost two cups of this this is almost all of this i have this in water i'm going to cut the egg i love i love that um actually you can hold on to that i get to coarsely chop because i never chop finely enough so here i can do my normal coarsely yeah and chop um thank you so that's going to go in there and then about a teaspoon of black pepper so i'm just going to fifa faux foam about a teaspoon okay so that's probably going to be about 15. 6 8 9 10. and you know that's absolutely nothing wrong with the stems people always throw away would you mind if i cut the stems up well they're kind of been just not all because i've been sitting in water for like a day and a half that makes them good wet they're seasoned with age actually there might be a little bit fermented oh this is so pretty wait can you see this top shot look at that look at that oh she's gorgeous how about she's gorgeous do i get to put some barbecue sauce hold on hold on you're you're jump you're you're going for it hold on the next thing i want to go back in order because we so rarely do things in order and we are so bad at following directions we are actually going to lemon zest i'm going to zest it because i like to zest and then a whole lemon zest by the way this is really important do you know that the skin of the potato we put the potato skin in sweet potatoes sweet potato is 10 times the antioxidant of the inside of the potato and the same is true of the lemons and limes zest everything because that's where all the power of the food is i didn't know that about the zest that's amazing gosh we should put zest in everything i mean never put fruit away then put we would become zesty with life i wonder if does have anyway all right so then after this um lemon zest is the kind of lemon press we do a lemon juice and when we get to about two tablespoons let me know is that about one it's probably like one and a half we're gonna do it a little extra lemon because guess who likes lemon and i was talking to you yeah yeah don't you think i'm hearing yeah don't you think we should add a whole lemon well right it says to it says two tablespoons but we did a little more speak of two tablespoons two tablespoons of barbecue sauce please and then two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar [Music] what'll i do should i put it in yeah yeah yeah whatever it's really there's so much chili here for i mean good night nurse there's so much chili here oh so much yummy stuff okay now we need two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar you're good with that yeah okay we love we love our balsamic vinegars are a little like they're thicker they're more intense they're they're these are by the olive tap or the olive scene or the california balsamics this happens to be their four leaf one which is a favorite but all of them are so good okay this chili does it need to cook a little longer yes it does it does it does it needs to cook but you know what we can stop right now because is it nice yeah and just because i want to have just a little it's about 20 minutes taste okay you know what that little bit of extra lemon made it i'm going to have a half a tablespoon is it hot i'm not good when it's really hot is it temperature hot well of course it's hot because i mean did it burn your tongue well i have a tongue that doesn't get burned it's tough you have such a tender tongue lemon is good the lemon makes it really it's surprising all right it's going to cook down for about 20 more minutes well if any of you make it use the whole not just two tablespoons it's so cause chili is usually like kind of cooked to death but like it's cooked until it's like soggy for like two hours yeah yes you know what i just cooked i think we should stop not even cooking any longer because i was gonna say we should probably cook it for another hour what no but you know the zucchini have a little crunch well that's that's not that's not what this dish is we need it we're making chili and we need it we're trying to do it too fast on the video we're going to let this cook for 20 more minutes okay okay may not be as good well i think it's good now tell us how long you cook your chili because we are going to cook it for 21 minutes and we'll get a we'll share with you then all right back in a bit and then we're going to eat it and eat it and eat it lunch breakfast dinner well that's for a week all right we'll be right back [Music] okay whoo we just took the chili off the stove and my mom is ready to dive in and eat it i want it to cool for like as many minutes as we were cooking it i want it to cool for that long um but here we go um this is again sandberg blue ridge chili with can you remember all the things we have in here not onion carrots garlic sweet potato hold on peppers three different kinds of peppers um hold on barbecue no that's at the end chili powder and cumin powder oregano and fennel seeds and oh yeah then squash zucchini beans and zest and um black pepper anyway it's it's not a memory test it's a chili with everything to make you okay so wade we need you because you can handle heat and heat he likes hot things and hot things you'll need some surrounding i need to wait i'm going to blow mine for like 16 minutes actually probably 61 minutes you can really go for it already absolutely how is it you guys it's good it's hot it's really good temperature can you take we put a lot of lemon in can you take the and lemon zest can you pick up any of those like lemony [Laughter] he's eating lava over there and it looks like i'm surprised he didn't drop the dish i have an asbestos mouth and it's no problem yeah it's good okay all right well hey um i really i'm after you it would be great if you wanted it over rice i have rice at home or we could just put over ice and i i could eat it that way all right tell us how you have your chili whether you like it over rice or ice all right bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn
Views: 21,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: MP5mteP1QbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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