ZBrush to V-Ray for Maya - 32 Bit Displacement Maps

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hey guys having him working from flip normals here and this is very exciting video okay okay we are going to be showing you how to set up displacement maps from DeRay or in v-ray from ZBrush yeah this is something that pretty much every single person who is using severs and very will have to know but there are some annoying quirks here so we're just going to take you through my being hilariously broke into the core fix that like this little bit so we have a model here which is nice little fissure the very first thing we got to make sure is that we have movies and that we have good topology here this is the layout here for it don't worry about what this looks like if you tell me these this layer is bad I know don't worry about it but many ways you should do could you be a bigger TVs so what I mean by good UVC is just technically good like no overlaps or like yeah flip stuff and all that stuff same with apologies well just make sure you topology is good make sure you've done proper clean ups for it and that it's the same topology you haven't severs as well the number one issue with this base maps is really just shitty topology yeah and bad eby's so make sure that stuff is good so here you can see that they lied laid out over you tips so we have the body here it's later over a thousand one two thousand two and then we have the tongue which is over thousand three cuz I really want a lot of detail on that one oh yes you really want that this is just to show you how do you do more flow works and let's move into ZBrush now so here we have our guy here which has a few subdivision levels and same with tongue as well just a few levels here so the way we're going to export this up is we're just gonna leave the model the way this now you don't have to go up or down a levels and everything here really happens under a plugin called multi map exporter let's put her over to yeah i don't know why they changed that i think they changed that in 2018 or moves like r8 or something that's something a lot it's really annoying let's put this guy here and then we go to multimap exporter this is a plugin which is better for ages now and it's really the way you want to export our displacement whatever we've been doing this production it's it's all it's all usable for exporter a lot of people think the big studios have special tools for expert maps trust me they really don't struggle as much as everyone else yes and for some reason this is still an issue exporting maps from ZBrush even like I feel like we've done tutorials on it and it's pretty tight now yes people are still struggling with it yeah like it's one of the hard things is just there's two million settings and there is so much legacy documentation as well so what we're showing you now is hopefully the most of the education for extract misplaced Maps so first we go to multiple exporter and make sure displacement is enabled we don't need any of theater stuff here and we need sub tools because that's gonna exper up maps for the different sub tools as well then merge Maps this is a bit of an interesting one in this case this is not going to be relevant but we can enable it anyway just for good measure this here is when let's say you have two separate sub tools but they're sharing the same udin so let's show an example here this would be like the tongue here this is in separate sub tool but it would be like here now what you'll get is you would you you get two maps you'll get like thousand and one for the udin underscore one and then thousand and one underscore twos you have to merge them in Photoshop a new core sample not afterwards yeah I really recommend that you keep your sub tools in separate YouTube's like really but that's gonna make your life so much easier yeah but if you do for some reason we've picked up something else's file make sure merge Maps is enabled we're gonna enable this then we have our map size we're gonna set this just to 1k for now just cuz we don't want to wait for exports forever oh and a node with merge Maps you can only use it with tips not EXR yes so it's important very good note shouldn't really affect anything but just enough yeah so you oftentimes want to set this to 4k a lot of people set this all the way to 8k which is insane because I've been in production I've literally never used an 8k map if you were to look at the actual map afterwards a new pro Photoshop you can see how soft it is no there's not gonna be any difference between even a 2k and 4k map in most cases I've only used up to 4k yeah ever even when it's like super close-up then usually we'll just have a different UV set and still do before k-map yeah it's so sick to stick to blow this and then we have map border what this is doing is it's adding a bleed border around this let's say you this is an issue we might talk about a separate video but you have the topic of UV smoothing yeah this is the most infuriating topic in the world so UV border might be smooth out here so in order and which will give you seams so in order to rectify that the border here is going to like give you a bleed around it 4 X 16 pixels this also helps if you're if you're taking your maps and you're maybe adjusting them in something like nuke whether it's a displacement map or not then the more bleed you have there the more lenient your edits can be in your maps I just said this as much as you can be eggs and it's never gonna overlap let's say you have so you have another map here it's a very close the bleed this is gonna stop where it is so don't worry too much about that federal like it Mari it just yes until there's no more left it floods everything the maps look crazy and then we have expert options so we've got a good file names and we got to make sure the UV tile ID format is set to udin if it's up to something else it's not gonna expedite your youtubes yeah and then we also and this is just a little pro tip you don't have to do this but under displace map is nice to just put a little period key period after this this is so that if you're using a renamer it's going to separate out to you them as otherwise it might look like this but you did impersonate one yeah and also if you try to read this into Maya Maya would see the DM number and with the number and letters and wouldn't be able to read it I believe yeah I might have issues for that and say our systems might have issues so just having a little dot there yeah it's nice so DM dot up to you if you want do it yeah you probably have to rename your files anyway afterwards which will show you yeah and don't worry about any of these guys demo as a note switch more targets there's nothing yeah I still think it does nothing still think this is a completely broken yeah so don't worry too much about that one subdivision level this is just from what level do you wanna the generated difference from you normally want to set this to level one if you are exporting out level one from this if your expert level 2 said level 2 yeah there are instances where you might want to export from level 2 but as a good practice it's always good to have your lowest level be the one that you export from then we have adaptive adaptive is it's like it says we'll give you more accurate Maps in detailed areas but it will take longer what this is doing is adaptively subdividing your model yeah leave this off it's it's crazy we've had issues like in production where like a full character would take maybe an hour to do without adaptive and give you sub picks on and it takes 24 with them on and it's no different no there's literally no difference so leave this here off and deepest topics this is the biggest lie of ever in ZBrush it says higher value better quality no higher value means subdivided one subdue it twice if you have a model which is ten million polish and you so prefer this additional four times yeah I'm not gonna do math there on a fly but that's a lot of polish yeah it's just gonna and it's not gonna do anything because you already have enough police here generated smoothy's topic for a different video leave it on or leave it off whatever you want to do it really depends on your UV interpolation it made yeah if you have if you know what you're doing yeah you can you can change this if you don't know what you're doing and you don't know what smoothie bizarre leave it on yeah then we had a mint value this is usually set to 0.5 or 0 this just means that where are you how do we explain that mid value all right so with displacement maps that are 32-bit right you have more values than 0 and 1 right so you can go below 0 and you could go above 1 which means below zero means blacker than black blacker than black and white would be 1 so it's whiter than white yes if you so if you have your mid value at 0 your your black is blacks would be lower than 0 yes if you change it to 0.5 then gray would be your new 0 or black basically so black would now become gray that's 50% gray and then you will could go down from Caray and up to white and above white yeah basically so I guess that's the short believe it leave it at the zero yeah if you're if you work in a pipeline which using point five and they tell you is 0.5 it doesn't really do any difference to your maths like whatsoever no they're gonna look different yeah but technically they have the same info a displacement map is a utility model basically and then we have three channels this is it tells you three identical channels in TIFF format there is no reason to have three identical channels now he's just gonna if you disable this it's gonna put everything in the red channel this is just nice cuz it's enough Austin is enough no difference at all thirty two-bit this has to be enabled this is it without without this everything is gonna go off the rails yeah geeks are disabled because we use the merge Maps X our files are usually a bit better in terms of space comparative files but they don't work for work would merge Maps on and any of this don't touch yeah the scale is baked into into the 32 bit map you might use this in certain cases for whatever reason but for all intensive purposes yeah this is not gonna be used yeah so if you have issues with actually actual scale if you're using 32-bit maps don't scale your model after you've generated your displacement maps because the displacement maps are then scale dependent yes so don't do that don't do that so not we the only thing which is left is here to hit create old maps just take a screenshot of these settings here put them on your secret folder and cradle maps and then we just have a little folder here called maps and now it's just gonna input whatever file name is from the subtool no we just go go and this is super fast if you using like a 1k map it's a lot slower if you have higher maps so this is all here is also kind of lying to you is that if that didn't it close I know the big file so we didn't actually edit this we just quiet and then we also got expert on math or meshes as well or sub tools so make sure these are all on the lowest subdivision level just hit shift T a few times then a few more times and then what you gotta make sure is that if you hit shift F boy Frank that you don't have like this you don't have different polygroups on your model because this might if your impedance in the Maya your model list is gonna be split up into computer random ways so they've actually they've added a feature in Maya now to import solid OBJ's then ignore that yeah but you can also mitigate it under the export option yeah here in ZBrush we just turn off groups so if you do have if you do have groups here which you for whatever reason you mark maybe you need a selection set yes disable this this is so useful what I put this in my in my um this is my custom URI you need to do this per sub tool which is a little annoying which is why the import option in Maya now should be able to help you there on your obje as well yeah exactly so now just expertise out with I just hit ctrl W just to make a group here until W make sure there is nothing no mask or anything and then we go to tool export I'm gonna do under a protocol delete I'm sure we're going to delete that after this video and there is expertise make sure the name makes sense and we call this time just pull it lower caps and now we have these guys here we can just leave yeah because they were a fake fish yeah they were fake done and then we can just go here and drag and drop them in you get a MTL file delete this you just drag and drop this is the easiest way of doing it yeah you can also just go in here file import and button here you can only set one off that has kind of annoying actually so what Morton is talking about here is that if you do if your model is split up into a million different ways what you can do is you can go under here file types and set this here to obj make sure the obj plugin is loaded and then here we've set this if your single object yeah now if you do this you're gonna make damn sure it's not going to be split up at any single way but like Henning says the downside to this is that you can only select one obj at a time from this importer yeah which is kind of annoying which is kind of annoying if there's any way if anyone knows the way around that that was great yeah the way the way yet my workaround is simply just yeah to disable polar groups yeah kill the name so let's just look at what this this reaction looks like that beautiful so we have a starting point now which is pre decent lighting it's very it's very harsh fighting and just trying to just try to make a light setup which allows you to actually see what's going on if you just have a dome light and share on maybe stuff is too soft to see displacement labs so what we are going to do now now we are first we're going to rename our maps this is actually what you can see here that you they call fish fish in tongue this needs to be one sequence here so let's just call this here make sure the the coordinate is here so we could call this disp that's no one whole eggs again this and if you were smart and I mean it smarter man than me you would copy this so long or have a like a bulk rename or a bull ring three files oh yes so this is super handy because now you know this is just one sequence and it can load you can have all your separate models here just under one file now again so select all your guys here you can also rename this you really don't want this name here but uh is rename this one--this that's very pipeline friendly yes beautiful hell let's rename it buddy this guy's name is gonna make me less insane Fung and then we this person do so select both of these guys here and then we go under create v-ray v-ray displacement and single V displacement no to selection this is this is a way you can easily subdivide your models and I displace matter Easter so this is where all the magic happens here this this is awesome because this allows you to work based on the model and not based on shaders in this shader there's a separate way of doing this which is under here you have it basement material this is kind of like an old-school way of doing it yeah and and now it's kind of messy yeah it's really messy one time I used the theory displacement note just for subdivision alone yes if you have a big scene with a lot of things that need to be subdivided just apply a displacement note but as a subdivision note and then I've render time it'll be subdivided and then your port is super fast super handy because otherwise you have to do this and hit like the three key it needs to summarize it but now you can just it can be it can be unsmooth be regular polygons here and you can be smooth at render time yeah so still nothing has really happened that we haven't done anything to it we just told it they have a note us never note here you know full even now see these two guys are under here and what we have to do now is and go under attributes v-ray and we have to add subdivision displacement control and subdivision and displacement quality this is annoying because you've got to click them all there is no way to like doctors so now we have now we have our settings here so let's just do a quick render okay and they're a bunch of they're a bunch of things you can play around with here in terms of like the edge length and the max subdivisions to you know optimize how your displacement map looks but that's not know so essentially what's happening here is how many times is it going to subdivide it yeah so here you can set this like two or three just make it fast and the edge length is well also determines so as far as I know the lower this is the higher the quality yeah the shorter the distance yes exactly and the higher this if you want to optimize this you can send just a high number this is basically where you are controlling your quality here yeah I mean you most of the time default is pretty good yeah just leave it such a this you shouldn't really change anything here now it's such a render of subdivision surface this is this is where you have displacement shift this is where you change your mid value so if you if you set this to 2.5 you're gonna have to do negative point 5 here for whatever reason but don't touch any of this for now and what can we do is we need to enable or put our file node into this this is where we just click on this little guy select file node and go to our little Superman fleet folder maps and you just have to select one of them or are you dem sequence it is smart enough to figure this out yes so let's see what happens right now if we just do this so now I can see say displacement has been enabled but it didn't actually read all of them so we're gonna have to just set this here to eat him in here so just make sure that you didn't has been selected under here and then now it's gonna work kind of this is where the quirks start here so if you compare if you compare this to what we had before you can see like wait what's going on here so you can see that it's kind of like it has like water level anything which is the low with certain values has been cut entirely here yeah so anything here that's below I would guess zero yes here it goes I want to mentally don't understand what this is so I'll just kept it at zero yes so the file or the in theory the fix for this is simple you go under the file no attribute and allow negative colors because you haven't really told Maya to use negative colors so let's see what happens if we do this again now and it's still kind of broken what's going on here I know if you were gyro to Google a Google decision which would you would Google something like allow negative colors you didn't sequence you would be like huh I thought a forum thread where the developers of veera say this is a bug and it cannot be fixed so this here is infuriating so if you were now where to disable udin now it would work yeah but negative values like anything below zero cannot be used with uddham tags with the default settings and this is infuriating I was teaching a class I think management workshop some years some years ago and we just couldn't figure this out we struggle like for a day trying to figure out and only a friend like Kim was able to like free to figure out what was going on here and what's going on here is that you have your displacement mount pounds here are set to automatic this just means that the race is automatically figuring out what the high value and the low value should be near this is broken I'm gonna set to automatically Rico's well this is literally impossible for me to figure out even though every other render engine can do this fellow zero so what I was suggesting to the school when I was teaching the words can we use the Arnold there'll be a lot easier and we couldn't we got to figure this out so the fix here and this is something which every single person which is using displacement maps below zero and you Tim's are gonna face yeah and you set this to explicit this is where you telling be rate what values you want and you would assume you can be like okay just set this here to minus whatever no because this doesn't work the HSV doesn't work but RGB does for some reason so now we can set up a value here of like -10 just to really make sure you have a low value of yeah clearly the lowest value on your map here is not gonna be minus ten you know hello big stream but it had yeah I mean if it's extreme scale and maybe yeah and you only need to do this for the red channel because like we said displacement is only in the red channel for what we export so that's just one less I fear you won't be just be sure you can just copy paste and just make sure it's all such a negative and then you can all do the same for max value for in this case it's not really gonna matter because our max value is still working yeah but this for a sec of argument yeah like if you if your max value would cap out there as well yeah and yeah increase that so this is where we have a question for our viewers if you know we just set this to minus ten and if you set this to - a million this here is still working but are you screwing up the math in theory this is something we actually don't know we did a test here we set this like - a hundred thousand and it still worked fine here but I have a feeling that the math and viewer could go a bit crazy so let's try to render now let me read in pairs yay yay so now everything is working yeah hurrah so the setup in theory is actually pretty simple it's you you bring your model your models in here with multiple items you throw a viewer displacement Oda Adam create v-ray your displacement now and apply signaler to selection then we go under the note and we enable all these attributes here this allows you to have proper displacement control of it leave most to default change this dude this is infuriating only if you're using YouTube thumb only if you use YouTube's otherwise fine and if using mid value of point 5 this might also work yeah we were talking with this before the video like ok so why don't we just use a mid value of 0.5 in this yeah because then your values would probably be realistic from like point 5 to point 6 to point 4 so you'll probably have a range there but let's say you're working on a movie which has giant monsters which are 300 meters tall you you will have values which might be like up to like 17 or so yeah exactly so it we need a system which works in the reverse case scenario here and this works worst case scenario and I mean it's a pretty easy fix mythix super handy we the way we fixed it and when when I was teaching was we plugged in some crazy notes and all that but you can just click this here yeah and set the values and make sure your file note is enabled and you just have a path and this is one sequence and make sure that you do is enabled just Mari yeah and then you render and hopefully everything is gonna work perfectly fine so I'll be curious to see if this isn't if this is also an issue with the max value or if it's only for negative colors like if you can like cuz I can imagine going above one okay that that make sense but going below zero maybe I don't know yeah I'm curious about that so now about 80% of everyone watching this it's gonna go like I work for you but it is more fun and the reason is most likely not your settings whenever whenever we've been teaching this unseen people's displays maps being crazy screw up yeah it's most likely due to an issue in your model when when you we have another video as well on how to reproject in ZBrush from your high rest or Laura's and you might have issues with that's screwed up yeah you can't see your issues like I've I've dealt with with people in texturing and lighting and rendering where they go like your displacement that is broken and I can guarantee you 99% of the time it's never the displacement memo it is never the displacement map because the displacement map is black and white yeah and it's it's yes you can't it up but if you know what you're doing it's really hard to it up so most the time it's not your displacement weapon it's because you did something wrong in another part of the production yeah which most likely would be your UV sphere topology or your reproduction see yeah so if you follow this tutorial step by step and you're like man nothing is working go through those steps again yeah and I'm looking guarantee you that it's gonna work because there are still a bunch of issues yeah this place map is one of the major headaches in any production and we still have the issue of UV smoothing actually let's just talk quickly about UV smoothing the way you fix your UV smoothing is you just have a high res mesh yeah the more low rest your meshes if this model here was like 200 Poly's and you were to apply a map code we will can guarantee you would have UV seen issues on this you want as little difference as possible they're usually usually the way we work is we have a model lesson we do a model in Maya Ruby to pologize everything then we might subdivide it once or twice yeah before taking it into ZBrush and now that's our C bar space yeah because then everything has been smooth and the UVs shrunk a little bit as well so that really helps yeah UV seems is the bane of every more syntax for existence it's it's it's an awful thing and yeah subdivide your model and you should be good thing is you're anything else they have to know in terms of fixing fixing displacements Maps fix your money fix your head make sure you do some always care no I think I think this just just about covers everything cool so we've really hope that your displacement is working yeah and we didn't we don't want to make videos like this in the future yeah we've done for very and now it of Arnold maybe we can do you want to promote oh we don't want remote Oh everyone for flenders but anyway yeah if you want to see more videos maybe not exactly like this in the future make sure to leave a comment like and subscribe cool good luck guys you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 50,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character, texturing, sanden, jaeger, substance, painter, designer, education, foundry, pixologic, nuke, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, vray, v-ray, chaos group, rendering, displacement maps, 32 bit displacement maps, normal maps, ZBrush displacement, Multi Map Exporter
Id: lUOjc85zb8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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