How to Retopologize the Body in Maya

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hey guys having immortan here from flipped normals in this video we are going to cover how to read apologize our buddy here so we were just quickly just showing you here in ZBrush we have this little man and it's over Dublin thing and the first thing we're gonna do is to be just going to use destination monster here on it like originally this here was around 4 million police which is way too much to Rito put so with estimation master here we're able to get it down to around like eighty thousand police so I'm not actually going to estimate it because it's already been done but you essentially go to see plugin you got an estimation master you hit pre-process current you select a poly count here or the amount of decimation you want as a percentage it doesn't current and then you just export it out importer back in Tamiya and we are ready to start our route apology here who so essentially super nice super nice that's made a model here which we can actually work with now yeah we don't really need more than that no for when we're reach apologizing no we real don't so we do have some additional videos on route apology such as read apologizing face and just general introduction to retopo so we recommend checking out those as well we're not really going to be covering a tool here well we just gonna get started so her first thing select a model and hit this guy here make life this just means that stuff can now be snapped to it so we're going over to a modeling toolkit and using quarter draw quarter is really the foundation for for all of for all of the Rita polity stuff we're gonna be doing so whenever a retopo I like to just block it in same with sculpting as well like we're not gonna go in here and do like this and you start from this this ran your level we're gonna start way way bigger we're also just going to be doing one side of it so we just start blocking stuff out here just part that's like cheating yeah I know it's not real 3d anymore so we can just start over blocking out some big points you you do this just by him making the points by clicking and then hold on the shift key to make the points and I just want to get the big loops around here hold on the tab key just to to dragged it and we drag it out I'm trying to get this center line here as well we had a question actually why do we just do one side and not to work with symmetry well first off I just inherently distrust symmetry I have so many bad experience where it just breaks like crazy but also it just keeps it light because a Quadro does get a bit slow after a while one thing you can actually do to speed up Quadra is to work with it without any history on em or you know while you're doing your wreaths Paula G progress which is like just delete your history good to say blood up here yeah yeah this little button here and then you can say well actually don't need history let's just disable that so that should that should speed things up a little bit yeah but it does it it can get heavy with this kind of lot like the with the blocking here you're not really gonna run into any issues with it being heavy unless you have a maybe an ancient computer or something yeah but in terms of when we start getting to some more define things like you have muscles and everything then they can get a little bit heavy yeah so when it comes to read apology here we we have like kind of two schools one is you do everything in topology meaning about you do all the bony things here like you do all these kind of things you should be in topology or you have we're gonna keep this super clean and since you like less I'm like a muscles and system deal without for this we're gonna keep it very clean and and rely more and displace map for this yeah so if you're doing something let's say you're doing something for film alright and you have this kind of ribcage you probably want to define this kind of ribcage because it sticks out so much guess that'll really help your sim a lot so you wouldn't have to rely on the displacement map to get those kinds of details so it really depends on the project yeah you don't want to go too granular stuff because then then you topologist get goes crazy messy so you can see her the way we're doing this is just blocking stuff in here like not really keeping the details in my just really just blocking in it hold on control key to just add a loop here I'm just actually Stan a twister game Chris you get this annoying error messages so you can also just hold on the shift key just to smooth out the points as well so lock it in here and everyone doing this I'm trying to keep this amount of points here it's similar to this point here like I'm not trying to do this because then that's gonna be weird I'm trying to put this all the way up here so it just is just an equal on point same here as well equal amount of points and then you can always add a loop afterwards for sure like that the less really the less loops that you have in the beginning the the easier your you reach polity process is gonna be hugely important keep it simple mm-hmm so for this is well we're not gonna do we're not gonna do the head or the hands or the feet because that's a video by itself here's a tip for you I've I've done like two or three hands throughout my entire CG career in in topology and I use the same hands and the same feet for all my models a little cheat that is a super TV because it's I definitely recommend you do it you know make make a really good one or two sets of hands that work for a lot of cases like this one here you know as long nails and stuffs you can always add to it but your base topology for your hands maybe even your forearms is already down yeah so you can just attach that to your existing model that's usually how I work because I just don't have time to do a hand again by doing a hand it's like doing the entire body yeah it really is and and then hands are very similar yeah yeah there is a lot of variation and in people with heads or like what kind of crazy stuff here and obviously you can't reuse this basement share because this is a very specific character but for hand I mean yeah like if you had a like a generic man topology kind of thing you could probably use that for this body you'd probably want to do something different for the head because it's very very different from a human yeah you can see here yeah but you know in the hands as well for long nails but you mostly be able to use generic you and base much for this yeah when it comes to the arms well here like I'm just keeping this stuff here simple like you can what you can do for the arms is you can you can make like a cylinder and you shrink wrap it then you have to change tool I'm just lazy like this I'm just gonna drag it out here just so we have this we have something which is working yeah and the nice thing about the Quadro tools like you can drag things out like this you go in and smooth it afterwards and sort of it just conforms pretty good to the arm so adding obviously we need some more loops where there are more curvature like here it was super flat before on but I really don't want to go too heavy with this and then we could just hold on the tab key just extend it down like this yeah really speeds up your workflow if you just have to do once and then can I get down but I also really recommend that you do you do this kind of oh there are a bunch of settings here like extend and here you have an edge or loop so let's just make sure this is set to your two if you hold on the tab key and right mouse button you get it also up this menu this is what happened I accidentally accidentally adhirata enable the marking menu so here you have bunch of settings we do cover this more in the for more videos so we're definitely check those out but what I recommend is you just keep this clean every single time you do an extrusion like this clean it up it's gonna make your life so much easier yeah and also especially when you're doing arms in terms of them in terms of the topology I I don't think I've really seen a mesh that will work well if you try to define the muscles in topology like a standard arm like if you use it for games or use it for the effects whatever it is would almost always be just a cylinder because you can get even spacing between your quads and it's predictable so the sim is gonna resolve super nicely so this is how I would recommend doing arms don't need to I mean you can of course try to like if you have a specific use case for where you want to tighten the forearms or something and maybe your muscles Tim can't really resolve it maybe you'd want to put that into the Paula G but for most cases a cylindrical arm like this it's the way to go even if you don't do sin for it like one day the issues with the forearm is there are two bones in here which means that you don't actually rotate your hand down here but when you wrote in behind you're rotating the entire forearm yeah so the forearm is just deceptively tricky to do so I would just I will just try to keep that clean like borne says if you if you're blocking in too many muscles you might just be in trouble when it comes not there because whatever you put into topology you kind of lock yourself in later down the line so if you if you've blocked in something that goes around the forum in a strange way to sort of conform to the muscles you might you might be in trouble later yeah for sure I definitely recommend getting you know if depending on the pose that you're in you want to twist your your topology on the forum to sort of go along the muscles like you don't want to go across the muscles kind of what I'm trying to do here yeah it's just going a bit across here you don't fight don't fight the muscles when it comes to apology so here it's well I just want to smooth this out a little bit here because I don't want to go in and just tweak all this so you can just hit the B key for four to get this smooth selection and you hold down B and your drag on your screen you can have to decrease it in size and open up so we can just do this now just hold on the shift key and smooth it out blue it's just helpful like because if you just use the shift key on its own without soft select on your own smoothing like one part oh it's awfully sort of like it's averaging out weight like what you see there just makes it a lot easier hmm so one thing I recommend as well is when doing topology here like this is fairly it's not super healing space here but it's um the space in between these are fairly even yeah I would recommend have a higher density where the joints are deform like such as here in the elbow I usually at least have like three joints here that's some basis then of course I'll go in later on as well and just really refine this but I essentially have higher density where stuff is deforming yeah like the model is probably not going to form so much right here but it will deform a lot right here yeah yeah the only thing you really have there on the bicep is you might have like it when it contracts or it expands yeah but at the joint where the elbow is you would have a lot of deformation for sure so if you have you need a good amount of topology to support that yeah so again just hold on tap key just extended loop up and this is where we got to be a bit smart when it comes to like actually blocking this stuff out here this gets a bit it gets a bit hard when you start you're going to start to connect these things up here this can change this back here to edge so now the tab key and just get a single one here so I'm just gonna get the muscle up here yeah it was something like maybe maybe for your use case with the chest right if you have something that deforms a lot for the chest you might want something that actually conforms to the muscle like so so where the where they originate and where they insert that that might be you want to follow the topology in in the same way you could have the same thing with the triceps you know have something like a round border going around both both of the heads to all of the heads of the triceps to get better deformation yeah it also depends like yeah how how lean you are or how like if you're doing like if you're doing like an old person with very low muscle density yeah I probably don't need that but if you're doing like the rock or something or the whole you what muscles actually is it's a pretty major part of the character yeah so just go around a bit but I mean again for most I mean for most characters that we do for the effects most them just use a standard base mesh yeah because first of all you don't have time to redo topology every single time you do a character no you know when when let's say you have to do Thor or something he's still a human I mean muscular humans I'm asking a human but he still you know he's still a human so being able to use the same base mesh being able to re-rig it really quickly because you have all your weights and everything that really speeds up your pipeline yeah we you would you would never redo the base mesh now that would be insane I'd be the thoughts of a madman the only time we redo the basement is if like we're actually like upgrading our entire system yeah like let's say we need to like the system we're using is like it is ancient now and it's time to actually do a proper upgrade but we're not just gonna do that for each character so if you're a huge one well if you want to be like a junior modeler or something like that reat apology of a human is not something you are gonna be doing no you might do read apology of something like this or something more creative yeah but the thing is studio probably the studio already has a mesh mesh for you to use yeah so that's and they've probably made a better that you can that you could do yeah they spent a lot of time on it yeah so what there isn't like doing with the polities it feels like a puzzle mmm how do you connect all the pieces yeah exactly I'm just looking around now often the way I'm doing this I'm just like fabulous design more loops to it yeah the annoying thing is if you have like let's say what I mentioned before will you add like a hand like you have a predefined hand and you have to add that to an already kind of finished piece of topology trying to fit two pieces together can be really annoying and really tricky especially if it's like are you you know you can't add any more loops here oh geez what do i do then so that sense when it gets really tricky we actually had some questions on the last videos we're doing like what if you're doing Rita pose you like this and you want to keep working on it and a photo also a curious question cuz essentially you just save your model now mm-hmm and you can go into the outliner window here and let's say we are now in like we have a different model here like we have a little cube down here and the question I was like what if we want to read the pole to continue my Rita poles you know just delete this guy you go back into here maybe green in this recurve bow mm-hmm just stable the Quadro tool Oh like that yeah so I thought was a pretty interesting question like its is one of these like it's not a stupid question it's just uh I hadn't thought about that yeah because the way you continue retopo just go to jr. eat oppa I thought you only get one shot no no another all and if you want to also if you want to export this out let's say you want to work with this in different software mm-hmm you can just select this guy here you just go to file export selection you set this here to I'm just gonna make sure that obj you need to have obj export enabled in the plugin which should be enabled by default now from 2017 onwards that should be enabled but if you're on older versions you're gonna have to just going to plug in plug vendors so you set this to of J and call this whatever and then use export out yeah so same thing for the legs as well thank you nice little friendly for it yeah again legs are kind of like arms cylinders are your friend there where you might have to try to tweak it a little bit is it's the but like trying to get everything to work with the but they're the blood is hard to do mmm essentially whenever you have directional change you see here we were gonna have to figure out a way to connect this up here and I'm kind of regretting yeah it's hard it's hard to do read apology lied like this so we can also just go into hold on tab key and just set this here at the border and then just extend this app make sure everything is nice okay but you can see how low pulley would go here yeah and this is the exact same way I would do this for whatever I was doing a film game whatever it doesn't matter keep it just super clean in the beginning but see if you want to change the flow later on you you practically can't do that if this is too heavy once super nice thing about keeping it low like this is that let's say your next version of this it's gonna be a higher res one then you can just subdivide this mm-hmm and then sort of conforming to your Michigan and now you have a low res version and a high res version this is usually how we deal with it when it comes to rigging and animation so rigging they'll have a low version of our model because it's a lot easier for them to paint weights animation they'll also be using the low res version because it's just a lot faster you know their animation scenes can get quite heavy especially when you have like a really high-risk character yeah so and you have model we have modelers like myself I'm working we just go like yeah 400,000 that's probably fine they should be able to run that right so so having that's something I really advise you to keep in mind having a base mesh that you can actually subdivide yeah like it go up and down in subdivision level really helps you a lot really does we're gonna be doing this at the end of this video but we were we're doing sake loss essentially taking this guy into some Devonian that also makes it looks just so much better yeah it's actually interesting it reminds me because the blue color do you remember the like looks like a shun doc kind of oh yeah there was a Joan of Arc Joan of Arc they're one of our tutorial back in like ten years ago yeah untidy total 3d it was it was poly modeling this yeah before you really had sculpting before sculpting yeah and it was just like yeah you pulley model every single piece and it was the best tutorial out there like you would have like a box you started out with a box you construed the box but if the reason they reminded me of it because the blue color huh cuz that was very distinct that was back in the old days yeah if you're interested in their how it used to be done dependent miserable back go three total and Joan of Arc Joan of Arc that's the one yeah it's it's 3d is so much easier these days than it was one I mean we could started like bit back to mid mid 2000s or so yeah and first it weren't a lot of good tutorials you had like Joan of Arc and all that and also just from a technological point of view I mean for of course our computers were also from 2005 I mean he's sorry that's very true so first they couldn't run anything yeah there was no and as a result of the nothing were to run anything we couldn't use like we couldn't give nice renders because today we just going like what's the physical accurate way of doing it yeah back then you had to cheat what's the physical accurately we can't do that give it four years so it would just we couldn't do that yeah and sculpting as well you know we had to you had to poly model stuff yeah so you sometimes it'll you'll come across really old models where they're actually poly modeling and I mean poly modeling is a fantastic useful tool I mean it or skill to hapless I mean that does come the foundation of 3d modeling but Jesus Christ doing a carrot like this not using sculpting returnable you yeah you'd have to start with a plane and then you just extrude it yeah I remember Pat H new cars like that I remember I was back in the day today yeah we have that for school as well like so we had to we had to model a full character mmm is using Pauline I mean that was a good exercise very good exercise to learn topology the way I'm also learning how to do read turbo is a fairly efficient manner is that will be going around teaching a lot and then you have students was like I clicked all the buttons all the cuts nothing is merged and it's crazy can you fix it please right let's see oh one thing I think is interesting actually like that that's one of the things that I usually pick up on an students a lot just and it seems like everyone has this question when they're starting out so when you're doing a 3d object should you do it as one object or should you do them as separate objects I I don't know maybe we talked about it before but I just think it's interesting interesting I like sort of my usual response is that if it's separated in real life separated in your model yeah you know like there might be cases where you you want to keep it unified like maybe for games or something yeah and lower-risk stuff laura stuff you might just have one single model but my usual approach is if it's separated real life I'll separate it in the model that's how we do particularly for doing hard surface cuz that's what you're doing like a camera or something they're trying to do everything in one mortal yeah I mean New York on you just can't do it it's just imagine all the loops like the struggle with doing a character is that okay okay now we have to make the leg match up with the hip and everything the arm with the body but if you're doing something super complex where you need super high resolution then like a camera you just have to have so many loops it's so much it's so inefficient really is that is that is miserable yeah yeah no I think that's a very good point like you also same here it's like do you keep nails separate objects that's actually kind of an interesting one because I guess it depends how how close up you are yes you might want to separate like if you are super closer you might want to separate shader for it yeah subsurface translucency settings and all that but um as a general rule or as a general idea if it's step four in real life yeah I guess nails are separate you know yeah you can pull them off yeah I mean having them separate also makes it a lot easier in terms of the modeling that because yeah probably separately then you also get more pieces that's true it's also more annoying to do yeah but then you also have stuff like yeah if it's a horn do you keep that set for a duty done combined yeah because horns kind of like a nail alright yeah exactly like for this guy here like here we have teeth these guys would obviously be separate but what if they're what like but these things here if they're protruding through mm-hmm it's just a tricky one do you keep them separate or do you keep them combined and I've had that before where I've told the student to to keep it to keep it combined and it turns out that was the worst advice in the world it has me later on being like honey what have you done I'm here to like 3m because of you listen to my advice more critical towards your teachers any it's a fair point like just because you have a teacher and your teacher tells you how to do stuff might not be the best way to do it no like they were trying to trick you I we had a teacher once I remember he he tried to convince us that you could do an entire face read apologize an entire face without any direction changes nope no five sided like this yeah like this star here's like no no you can do it all of just quads going down and there's no directional changes you can't do that yeah that's spoilers so you know sometimes sometimes the teachers that you get might not always know everything yeah unless you get more than myself then we know everything oh yeah all right yeah yeah apart from the story I just told you it's a cute little butt yeah he's weird sculpting monster butts yeah so would you keep the anus separated in this case mmm I mean oh no we talked a lot about in last video bye like monster scrotums oh right yeah I guess we have to cover the anus oh yeah I didn't really sculpt that in here because I figured I didn't want to spend too much time just go really detailed yeah I'm not gonna like I'm not gonna mention any names in terms of films but you know they have a tendency to remove any sort of genitalia from animals it's weird but let's think about like you have like a you have a giant elephant or something just walking through the forest it's not like it's not like they're subtle you know or a horse you know so and that's why we're [Laughter] alright the last video that was male nipples yeah that was made to be fair that's not our fault that is just that just happened yeah get in there now we're trying to connect everything up here and what you want to avoid is spirals and that can be really annoying like I'm trying to avoid here now about this stuff here ghosts and just spirals down and dispels our crazy mm-hmm because that is annoying actually what Morton started before about how how it's hard to connect like a hand up to to a body like if you have it pre-made that's also exactly why I prefer to do this kind of stuff by hand with wit apology and I know you see or measure for this like for this kind of stuff here in a production yeah you can see how quick it is to do this you know we're talking maybe maybe doing this entire body here would take like a few hours do you know where the top comments are gonna be we're gonna get I'm gonna predict what it's gonna be this is faster to do in blender and then followed by that is all you could just see Ramesh this so yeah we often have that so it's a whole yeah you can do this in serum I sure but my reason for not using so much for this is that I know how much time this can take if somebody is I came how much time would it take to do this I would be like for a day my in say two days but you know overshoot are a little bit but when it comes to seer mushrooms like well it takes me no time to do it in the beginning yeah but let's let's get back to rigging see if something screws up here and then you might be spending way more time on like in reality than what it would take in you just to do it the thing is the issue with seer measure but the issue with serum measure and these kind of these kind of models is that sometimes you have like for this case it might work perfectly fine because we're not conforming to the spiked when our conforming to the ribs so that's all good so the serum measure might actually be able to give us a decent result but if we're doing something high res that that where we want to define things in topology yeah I know you can do with curves bottle block but you don't have the same degree of control and once you have to do fixes fixing things on serum mesh topology it's just much it's a much bigger hassle than if you've made it yourself most will just restart it exactly whenever I have to fix air mesh topology I I kill the topology okay so let's try it I mean we have to get here he's gonna take like one second to do because it's so low res and then it's like oh let's just kill this video yeah one second to do to be fair we didn't use any curves there's no like you know I haven't adjusted any setting so you could probably you could definitely get a better result with zero matter yeah but so now you can see here that it's gonna look pretty good but I can guarantee you the mome we start looking into this this is gonna it's gonna be deceptive yeah there are just thing and sometimes okay cool I didn't get in inspire here and you got something that looks very good but you you you are just gonna run into issues like look at the wrists down there that's that's an that's an area you'd want to fix because you don't want it to like where the bone sticks out you don't want it to like sort of you don't want a directional change right there so you would have to go in fix that topology gets messy yeah like where would you put that little hands as well here there there I usually just copy-paste a finger yeah so it's all under control when you even mapping it as well in in mind here we're controlling the loops properly so the topology we just looked at in see brush it looks fine I'm really starting to hate a rape train now but there's a big difference between up here appearing to be fine and actually being good I think also I remember from from one of the last ones we did with reat apology one of the sort of a common comment I I saw in terms of Siri meshing was no no I use this all the time but legitimately in in a production I'm just curious no offense to the amount of people that comment and all that stuff like how many of you actually use this in a in a real production there I mean riggers with riggers high level exactly stuff I mean this is what we do it's not that we don't know what we're talking about when it comes to this kind of thing and you know that there are certain use cases for for Siri missions sure if you have to get something out quickly it's it's a constant thing it's amazing if you have absolutely no time at all or if you're the quality go for it just isn't that high yeah I mean then some you know you could have like mid-ground characters that could be completely super messed because you don't need more than that you know sure they have a base standard rake where they could just apply some weights cool that'll totally work as well we used to we you see Russia for parts of Kirby and I was looking on some this is pretty damn working film you get to work on movies such as part of the Kirby in five so I was working on that some years ago now three years ago and we did I was working on the Sharks I was doing concept sculpting and modeling for that and for those Seaver messaging was perfectly fine one of the reasons was they kept changing the bloody mind all the time about what they wanted so we were like screw this we see her mesh this and and that that worked up in the final movie we had to do some manual tweaks for that but for that it actually worked what you're doing a shark like it's not deforming a whole lot is wobbling yeah essentially it's a bend deformer no offense to the riggers to rig that but you know it's it's not this guy here will deform so much more than a shark who's doing that so in certain cases for sure yeah shark you know it kind of just goes back and forth he opens its mouth it wobbles a lot yeah so yeah we are hating we're not hating on serum I'm sure it's a tool it's just a tool like blender I don't know if I would get so much hate for blender yeah it's funny because we're actually very optimistic about blender like we've I don't think we've ever said anything bad except for the fact that you couldn't get a job or something it's funny with blender I mean we're going off tangent zero but now I'm just I'm just reading we're topping anyway it would blender it's funny because we're saying our position is fantastic tool you can do most things you can do no old software with it but no big studio uses and then with our ah but then we use it for man on high castle and for hardcore Henry yeah those two projects that's two projects and you mentioned two in last five years and one is a TV series my god I like blender I've used a little bit I'm in no way an expert on it and I would love to you made that's true I would love to see it get more mainstream that's because it's a cool tool it's free to use it would allow people to get into 3d a lot easier yeah for sure great tool so please don't hate on us it's gonna be like maybe it's gonna be like that it quote great tool oh god we hate you guys blender is the best just wait until blender whatever comes out it'll remind I'm sure it's very good yeah they're talking about version 2.8 which is coming up real soon which I looked at we looked into that that looked really good apparently it's a lot better for interoperability between different software and just a bunch of really nice tools first that's cool like blenders one of these tools I could totally see myself getting into yeah they just like if also because there's just someone passion around it yeah so there are some areas here just some go back to actual topology know what the video is but there are some errors here you can see it's stretching like crazy and you could add loops to this what do we do for this is I would extrude it out I'll just select the points around it and I will just do an extrusion for this discuss the topology is going to discover crazy yeah so for that we can just select a model do this select a point I grow the selection and then we can just do a simple extrusion so it's pretty cool because it's still the life feature is still life or still active so we can just do that so now we can go back in here control one is to walk you for isolate selected thanks for that comment yeah we made a video called like um something like top top tips and Maya pro tips and liars and one of the things was we had a script for isolate selected and then because we bunch of stuff turns like we don't know everything and and we didn't actually know that control one is to hook you for less we use a script because I think that might be a recent addition to it probably so I at least back in a day we used to just use yeah custom script for it it's like it's one of those things that just follows you for years yeah because you have something that works yeah I I wouldn't think about hmm maybe in this version of Maya they added a hotkey for it you know no they did they did I mean there was one as well but like shift I was a hotkey but you couldn't really toggle it before and also like I'm using a tablet right now and shift I if I is just hostile or my hand I'm just I'm gonna do that that is that it's like a little workout you're gonna now see here just because we did an extrusion the topology is not screaming as much we also have a guy up here as well where it's a little bit later as well and once I've had a bit more loops but it's in a in an unfortunate position right where the the deltoids where this form that's just too bad for them yeah yes too bad spike so you see what I'm trying to do I'm putting this point on top of it so that once we're adding loops to it huh this is the highlighting is way off now so if that happens you can always just use the multi-cut tool seems to be completely busted without is no good luckily we have about a million tools for adding loops to stuff so you can do shift right mouse button a tree utility side tree split you can just do that as well so this usually happens when you have directional changes within your topology so if it's not like a fall like if it's not a loop around usually this will happen because my goes okay now two edges are crossing paths I don't know how to add that this is going a bit crazy so what you can do as well is sometimes I'll just do disable make live I'll hide this dude go in here and let's just do some multi cut stuff here there's now we can properly controlled it like you can see here the problem is now that there's a loop going across all the way around here so I'm sure we can do some simplifying here where my favorite way of redirecting flow series I'm just going in and I'm just going to cutting stuff in here no mercy we're just cutting stuff in here now usually I just go in and I actually just delete the faces because I don't know my brain doesn't work well with this kind of topology I just got like okay I can I'll just delete that and then I sort of like I'll rebuild it because I'm only rebuilding a little part of it that makes sense to my brain at least because I think this is really hard essentially see if we have the same approach I'm just going in and just destroying it yeah and you're just going in just also just destroying it yeah cuz now you can see I just cut her in here and I just fixed that yeah I know we can either delete this guy and let's just do it either so now we have this guy here actually let's add another loop here and now we can do this and just extrude her in so now it's not alive anymore but it doesn't really matter because you can conform it afterwards and evolve Sacre so I really enjoyed doing this just straight up going in with multi cut and just doing this mm-hmm so we should really fix this here because this is a bit master oh no yeah I'm not sure if we'll do two for the video because I'm not you know it's annoying skiing in and just spending like ten minutes trying stuff back and forth let's leave it for now have like a video that's just a fix yeah exactly you really want don't want to do that so again go in here make life and then we can just go hearing just make life so we're getting to an end point here now but we're getting to a point here now where we are getting we have just and most stuff here is connected up so what I'll do I'll and hold on to be key get a bit of radius and your smooth stuff out for a little make sure this dude here is happy you know sad little bit around it like so and smoothing just solves all your problems yeah like if you want to make stuff just nice and even just smooth it yeah else want a little loop here just because it's just a bit sparse right here and a loop here bit sparse and let's go back to to isolation here and disable this so what I wanna do now I want to make sure that all the points are centered because they are not gonna be centered mm-hmm so we just make sure the grid is enabled just you can see that we can select all the centre points and just make sure they're all selected like so so really important make sure only these are selected and now we can go up here and we have absolute transform you can just simply put in coordinates here it's zero and this just puts them in zero so now go here they're all centered what you can also do you can kind of put them the manipulator in here and just scale it on it's like the old school after so again go back and forth between buddy ruff mm-hmm one thing I do sometimes is I keep it live but I hide the body because that allows me especially when I'm sort of smoothing out and just figure out where things are should exist it's sometimes it's a little easier to see what's actually going on yeah so Maya is actually a really good way to apology tool now because you can do all these kind of things here they had to make live feature for years yeah but now with the addition of quadrant which done better for a few years now it's actually a really solid tool yeah for this so let's just it's going to crazy here let's move it out like what I would try to avoid is you see this line here goes to can take a digger digger so we make sound effects don't worry about it makes tutorials better it makes it so just try to smooth these out a little bit here and so we're almost there and I'm just gonna add a few more loops I want one more loop in here that's just hide/unhide this again select this guy as you can see it doesn't really conform to it so go in here and then we're just gonna clean up a little bit here sometimes the issue with the smoothing sometimes you can run into issues when you're smoothing that it'll try to smooth between sort of like not in the another neck creases but a little smooth between like two points above so it's sometimes it can be hard if you're smoothing to actually get that nice crisp edge in there so sometimes you'll just have to move it manually unfortunately you have to do work what I'm also trying here now that that this here isn't it's not perfectly spaced I'm trying to make it pinch more here and go more up here just so it conforms better to the shape yeah because if you think about right now his leg is bent so it's already like in a kind of deformed state yeah yeah so a few more loops in here I think we're just going on speeding train again so stuff is almost connecting up blah let's connect ace but up not doing that in topology we should we should yeah I don't live here so I'm just thinking now can this connect up here or a three down here three up here and if we have this we can fairly easy to connect this up here so something like that mm-hmm so what we have now we have a nice loop going all the way down here and which goes all the way down here same the arms as well they're going all the way down so just keeping it nice and simple so like I said the area I would have reworked if we had more time to bore you with too much stuff here is I would definitely keep this here cleaner yes this here is fairly messy right now so the next step here now is well actually do this tour it's simple smooth again just to make sure everything is nice and then we'll just smooth it actually smooth the model so hold on save them all saved first hold on shift right mouse button and smooth and now we have way smoother model and now you can see it just looks way more pro right away mm-hmm like it just just looks better yeah so now what we can do now we can go in and now we can just start to smooth it down now you can see that hold on the shift key and just smooth it down it's gonna just conform better to the model yeah I guess once you smooth it and starts to shrink yeah so if I was doing this for production I would have kept both both of these meshes here because then you then you have like more than was saying before you have like a high and have the low yeah which can be quite handy for like the animation version so we would also probably keep this keep it one subdivision hardness as well for render mesh this here might be maybe they serious animation or at least we would probably do one subdivision hardness as well just depending on the need so then let's hide the body rest and now we have a body here and let's again just make sure that these are all centered pretty sure they are so then we just got to be mirroring this over on height or unselect these guys said this is zero yeah they were fine save it and then we're just gonna go to shift right mouse button and hit mirror so here we just have a perfect mirror now we can do set the merge threshold sometimes you want to set this all the way down to 0.01 and if your model is set up correctly then the axe axe the x-axis with directions of the - should be correct and there you go there you go we're just gonna do a super quick little thing here in the center line just to make sure this is good and we are good so let's look at this with some wireframe on so this here is is our approach to read apology start off super simple block all the things out try to connect them up properly just keep it simple subdivided it at the end have more resolution at the joints like this and here should probably add a few more here as well just keep it simple extrude stuff like this and like this so so yeah that's it let us know if you have any questions if I do we do polled you or if you you want to shout at us for Siri meshing for Superman a blender you know anything goes yeah but thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see more content like this in the future make sure to like comment and subscribe
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 70,547
Rating: 4.980907 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character, texturing, sanden, jaeger, substance, painter, designer, education, foundry, pixologic, nuke, cinema4d, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, drawing tutorials
Id: _TYOgI9kJtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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