Introduction to Mari - Getting Started with Texturing

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you [Music] hey guys having a Morton from flip normals here and in this video we are going to take a look at Mari this is Mari 4 which was released just before Christmas now so this is gonna be a video where we we cover pretty much everything you need to know in order to get up and running with Mari Mari is is a tool I've been using a lot over the last few years and I really like it it's it's a fantastic texturing tool and it's like the most powerful texturing tool out there in terms of is pure performance so a fantastic tool and I hope you guys find this to be useful it does also require quite some like some beefy hardware and graphics card strip so in this machine we have a 970 Ti from GeForce GTX 970 Ti and like in a production we probably use a quadrille card the Quadra cards cost several thousand pounds or dollars you you'll be able to like I would say like a mid to a high range graphics card from Mt fours you'll be able to get away with like hobby level kind of whatever you want to do just keep that in mind that it's not really gonna work too well and low in graphics cards yeah it's not like super to run anything I also before start off there is a non-commercial version of Mari as well which you can found on the foundress website which can do most things this one can it has a few limitations here and there like maximum six youtubes I believe but in general it's gonna work perfectly fine so let's get started with this so this is what you're gonna see the first time you open up Mari and if you right-click now you can this is how you make a new project just hit the new and now we get a new project so now we're just gonna call this East and so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put in the geometry path here Mari will not work unless you have geometry geometry loaded and this piece of geometry has to have UVs as well and it has to have UV spaced on Newton's if you if you not familiar with YouTube's just check out our other video video on helium's where we explain that almost like we were planning so now we get a few we get a few different settings here we don't really have to change anything here wewe get it this is all the channels which will be created here and which which shaded so based on actually let's just change this just to general and let's just set this to color this is just gonna keep it simple for us we're not going to talk too much about shaders or a physically based rendering workflow PVR or anything like this is just gonna be very simple so these are just channels that are created from from the get-go yeah and you can always create these channels later on absolutely absolutely so geometry and then we said lightning as well I just leave this as default color settings leave everything at default and then we just hit create a new project and then then you're done and that does it that's how you Oh another thing that's also worth mentioning I think when you bring your boot up more you see the at the bottom there was like how much space you have left and like the Mauri archives can get pretty hefty yeah so it's it's worth maybe even like if you know you're doing big projects having a dedicated hard drive yeah just for the more your kind f initely if you're if you're just doing stuff like 10 Newton's or whatnot and few layers that might get like a few gigabytes but if you're doing like full-on production stuff 5050 you times and bunch of stuff like you're talking maybe 50 to 100 gigabytes yeah so they recommend that you run an SSD drive on it as well which we do here yeah so this is what you can see when you first open up Mauri here the first thing we're gonna talk about is navigation which is alt left mouse button just to navigate to rotate alt middle mouse button to a pan and alt right mouse button to zoom you also have those tools in the right hand corner of the of the UI so there's like it'll kind of help you along the way as you click a hotkey to see okay what's possible to do with this kinda hotkey that so um you can also hit the ctrl R key this is this is 2 to a rotative viewport like this because sometimes you'll just rotate it around and you crazy off access control R will just allow you to just reset this the we're also gonna look just look at some the Preferences real quick just goes this is a behavior can disable it's incredibly frustrating this keeps happening that you just go like and now you dissolves it so um we're just gonna go quickly to edit preferences and everyone should one thing here you can change is you can change here to orbit and lock to world up this means it's not gonna go absolutely crazy so we're gonna enable this you can also just set this here the control type here for navigation do something whatever you prefer we're not really going to change anything else at this point so let's briefly take a look at at the interface here so here to the left we have a bunch of tools we're going to use this is where the general tools from using for texture painting will live if you click on them you can see that this opens up a bunch of different tools as well you can all see the hotkey here for instant pain through is the hotkey u so if you are using an older version of Mari like some some studios and some other places might be using older version like Mario 3.3 the interface will look slightly different the hotkeys are pretty much gonna be the same but instead of having them be nested like this they're just gonna be a bunch of tools down here so all our tools will be living here and all our all our menus will pretty much be here all the like the channels and colors and all all these kind of things will be living here and then we have a bunch of things up here as well such as we can undo a control see all these this is all this hotkey based when you have all the settings here you can you have sessions we're not going to cover that in this video though we can go to the project settings you can save you close the document we have a bunch of selection tools here which we will cover a little bit we have objects such as if you want add new objects to it run such an allure layer tools patches tools filters quite handy as well if you want to blur something you can just go here we will cover some of these more later on this just to show you generally where the interface how the interface works we also have color space down here which is important we're gonna keep this video fairly light so there are a lot of things we're not going to cover is so that you know where they were living up here as well you can also toggle between perspective and ortho view which is quite useful I prefer to to paint this just an ortho view just because that just keeps a bit it just keeps a bit simpler for me but then if you do paint an ortho view there's one thing I recommend changing that's disabling the grid which you can do under view display properties and here you have a bunch of general display properties like color for things and and all kinds of various things like the HUD you have the HUD will be down here which gives you gives you real nice tips about your the currently selected select tool I generally keep this off because after a while you you know most of the hotkeys and all that but disable the grid this is just real anyone but you know if this is an ortho it just looks it just confuses my eyes because it's it shouldn't be in ortho so so disable the grid but having the HUD on in the beginning when using Mar is really helpful because it's just there's a lot of keys to keep a track of yeah like when any other software when you just get started yeah it also displays a couple of different things service well like selected patches how many do you have what colors based or our paint buffer or all these kind of things here so what what's a patch so a patch is that is a unit so essentially Mari is based heavily on on yidams so if you click if you take the ortho give me here you can see that we wanna have the UV view and we have and we have the regular 3d view work is your character so Mari is very much based around students so it like we said you have to keep this in the uddham section if you keep if you keep textures here it's Mari is simply just not going to support Gilliam's which they call patches yes for selection it is called yidams in general so if you if you hit the S key that that's a selection tool up here you can now just left mouse button drag around it and you can just select them if you hold down the shift key you're adding to this and you hold the ctrl key you're subtracting from this so it's kind of like standard sort of yeah selection adding and subtract their emotes if you want to hide this you just hit the 8 Shh key if you wanna if you wanna like hide the legs here for instance you can just select them real quick pull down the s key select and drag and just hit the H key if you want to bring everything back you have control shift H and everyone isolate something that's just shift H you can find all these here if you go to selection and visibility oh sorry right click and miscibility we have bunch of these here and we also have them up here as well you also have a bunch of these disabilities tweets up here as well so that's quite useful a lot of menu items to sort of play around with yeah it just takes a while to get familiar with them yeah the interface in Mari is a bit overwhelming in the beginning but that's why we are we are only going to show a couple of different tools here in in this video here we're not gonna go through everything because that would just be crazy like five six hours yeah easy so so that's that's basic navigation and patches we really would just want to cover patches before anything else cuz that's just that's just how everything works it in the edom video we talked about how you timpz our selection sets in Mari and this is really what for me if you want to use this as selections you really just gotta you really just gotta make your jidam you you damn layout based on how you want this here to be selected here that's really I mean when you're modeling and if you're working with a texture artists or if you're working with yourself like having a good UV layout sort of like where you cut everything in your model it just makes your life easier both in terms of modeling and terms of texture absolutely it's it's really really key yeah like the way I see this you mapping is the first step in texture yeah so what we also need to do now is we need to change to the light so you can see here that it gets a bit nasty here in the bottom you country to see what's going on here and here it's really flat lights in Mari are a bit weird so this is close everything here and then we can go to lights you know something we talked about just before this video is that they've really condensed and and made it easy to have you know the overwhelming UI they've really made a good effort to sort of minimize it by just you close it off but you still have access to all your all your menus to the right eye exactly so this used to be such but now it's a lot easier so you just click where what you want here and you can click this guy here to to dock it over so there are a couple different darling or love different lights here and we just gonna disable everything apart from the first one here and just click the light bulb put so you can see here what's happening now this is based on the scene we don't really want that well you might I don't want that I want to have this based on a camera so that this is all so this is consistent here so you can see now that it's weird it's way too high contrast so we can just go down here to position and this is where we can just really make something which works for us I prefer something like this which has some contrast but but it isn't but isn't crazy this is so that I can actually view my I can view my texture in a fairly honest way yeah this way you're always viewing the part that you're painting yeah if it's like this its way you can't see anything this could be really good like if you if you have like unless you do a preset on one that's where you do your regular Obito map and then on to that's where you want to do the bump inspect I just want to see something really high contrast in order to highlight the version sure the bump there so you can definitely do something like this yeah do so I generally just disable like but yeah like more incest you can definitely have different ones here I prefer to stick with one light here yeah cuz that that's simple you can add something here like a rim light as well but uh your really fancy like yeah super fancy keep it keep it to one light if you prefer very much up to you so so now we can actually work with us because before it's really hard to actually do something here so now let's talk about the paint buffer the paint buffer is one of the core concepts of Mari and it's something that I feel a lot of guys in a big inning they'll fully understand so if we just make sure we're on a layer we'll cover this more later on and we hit the P key or paint and Lance went away that's right alright this others do that so if you if you just click it click it here they're just popping out and then they're disappearing after a while that's why thankful so that's new in mark 4 yeah definitely so now you can see we're painting here now and this is not painting in the same way that you're used to painting in something like ZBrush or substance where this is based on the normal you can see here that the brush doesn't actually change like if I'm going over all this the brush doesn't really care the brush here is purely screen based which means that if we're painting here and and you hit the B key to bake it it's not just baked down but you're gonna see there are some gonna be some area put some errors now ah no Erath alright that's because um this is will get there is a bit later it's up to paint through so now it's actually painted through the entire thing this was because we prepped a little bit before the video so down here this is actually super handy it's a nice little trick here if this is set to this icon and you paint this is gonna paint through the entire thing leaving you with no errors leaving you with no harris excellent but it means you are picking through the entire thing if you click this guy here and it's like this and we paint we paint here now now you're gonna see that we get a bunch of errors because this here is not based on the model is is based on what's called a paint buffer so you can see the paint bar if you hold on the set key and you just drag here now so now you can start to see it here so now you get a little it just looks like we're assuming but we actually is moving the paint buffer so you can see here now it says 2k 16 bit and paintable this means that the paint buffer now is 2,000 pixels per 2000 pixels the the informational painting 16 bit as opposed to 8 bit and we can indeed paint on this so the paint buffer is essentially painting on a pane of glass it means that whatever you're doing here can is currently live so you can use something like we'll cover this a bit later on as well the warp tool and now any painting here we can now modify but once it's baked down onto the model like you can see this painting here you can no not no longer modify this using our tools like this once it's baked down made in the B key you can no longer edit what's here now it's baked down here and you can see you get bunch of these these nasty little errors here so that is when the real core concept in mind be aware that everything is being painted on a paint buffer yeah like you saw before you can't paint outside the little rectangular please mom see here where the rectangle here is if you go to P and we now just make sure here you can see that it stops right here so this is why a lot of people prefer to paint like this apartment is now you're wasting a crazy amount of space yeah you paint everywhere but it means that at least if you do this but it means that you're wasting so much space so I prefer to leave this at 2 K like this but let's go into the settings for the paint buffer you do this under painting this is doc this guy and we don't have to look at this this is a bit hardcore bunch of settings but we go in a paint buffer and here you can see paint buffer so 16-bit this is this is useful if you painting something like bump map or your source images are 16-bit for regular painting you can set this to 8-bit yeah like all images you find on the Internet they're gonna be 8-bit anyway like if you get them straight up for google they'll be 8-bit for sure so if you see if you using like something like the XR generating C brush from Alf or something hmm then there then it might be 16-bit if you're set up but in general you can sleep the state but the buffer size as well is also just at a 2k and here you can see that this is a scale of the paint buffer here so if you hold on the set key is good and if you see this changes here and by default as well this is here is also actually enabled reset and baked which means that if this here is completely reset and you change the paint buffer and now we paint a little bit here and then we bake it down you see now the paint buffer is gonna reset to your like what would weird go and actually just change the size here that's an obscure value yeah it's weird so I'm at four nine nine one seven so you should set the search of one maybe a bit less here so I can actually see the data here so like this and and then you want to set enable on bake to disable I have no idea why this is a feature you want here I this is one of the first things I do also you can see here that if we hit if he do more painting that this is baked down the moment we wrote now this is being baked down and it's cleared from the paint buffer so this is this cat candy like let's say you're doing a lot of hand painting here you're painting out and now you rotate now it's baked down I prefer to not do to keep it like this there's a setting here which is baked behavior which is Auto baked and clear which is exactly what you just saw you paint something you rotate it bakes it down and it clears the paint buffer I prefer to keep this set to manual what manual is doing like this is a fairly big this is a very big change to how it works this is now if you paint something now and you rotate nothing has happened so now you can go in here and you can reload we'll just work this around you can just warp this to your heart's content you can keep painting on it you can erase from it etc and now you can bake it down so and it's still live so this means that you have to clear it yourself the hotkey for this is control shift and C so whenever I'm painting with this it this sounds a bit cumbersome but the way I'm painting is I paint like this that I hit the B key and then control shift C this is just this is just a part of how I'm working that like it sounds a bit cumbersome but I prefer this workflow for a couple of reasons first off if you're painting something which is a bit repetitive let's you do it like a stroke like this and you have a bunch of the strokes you can now just do it to be key and you can now just move this and you get the exact same stroke this is also really useful when we project the images which we'll cover a bit later on as well that you can just really warp the images without fear of loosing once you have there so that's pretty much a paint buffer for you you're painting on a pane of glass you're not painting on the normals it's impossible to paint on the normals here which means that for certain things that if you do a lot of hardcore painting like just by hand I actually do that sometimes in substance or in ZBrush because if you should pay let's say you want to paint across all these things that have bunch of things going on your page in here you now get bunch of little errors here if you were to do this exact same stroke in Sieber substance this would be a nice continuous stroke because it would actually work across model here it's a very different kind of school of thought yeah it really is I mean you do also have like so I prefer to do these kind of things in in ZBrush yeah like Kenny was saying but you do also have masking available so you could project through but masks on the other side yeah that's sort of like a hacky way to get around it perhaps but if you want to do like straight on 3d painting ZBrush for substance is probably yeah a better alternative in that regard yeah sometimes I have to paint just a bunch of masks for Fortin for shaders and stuff Ilana and and then I'll just do that slide up in in in ZBrush just because if you need to if you need to if you have a lot of a lot of complexity in your model and you're doing this kind of stuff here you're just getting a bunch of nasty error you do not have to go in and paint if you're doing for simple mortals is perfectly fine but um yeah but I mean if you're doing into the stylize texturing cmr is probably not the optimal tool for that no I don't think so I don't think it is I think something like substance is probably better for Nia so you can do edge masking for this which let's just see how this works if you hit the comma key you can now see there's an edge mask here and we can now go to edge marks you cannot change the fall-off of this so that this is supposed to help you avoid these issues so this is what Morton was talking like it's kind of a heck yeah but yeah it's just masking based on the angles here based on the curvature bleed so now you can see that if you disable this again it's not gonna be as no see like you're not gonna get yeah you could pair this with project through and then etch masking yeah and that would get you would get closer to the result but you're still not painting on a 3d model you're still painting on a pane of glass so the hotkey for edge to enable this is the G key this is something I used to use a lot in the past and you can see that you get you get a bit clearer results here mm-hmm if you hit the f1 f2 and f3 you can actually see what you're doing here f1 is it's a perfectly flat image f2 is with with lights and shadows and f3 is with with the full-on shader do you see you you don't get as harsh fall-off anymore cuz there was a fall-off on the on the mask now and it could help you perhaps but it should just be aware of that yeah this is not a the dis is designed more to paint with images and procedurals and all that kind of finds stuff compared to pure painting yeah so just dis be clear on that that if we do a lot of like let's say you're spending a day just like doing fantastic little painting details and all that kind of stuff with tons of colors I don't do that normally in in Mari so with that said let's look let's let's look at some actual brushes here first I'm just gonna clear all this kind of stuff here and then let's go to layers and just create a new layer on top of this paint on the other side we are covering layers a bit later on so brushes are super handy there bunch of really cool brushes here the whole key for that is P so P is it's a long way away from the regular navigation so that is that is a little tip for you that you can remap this we're not really gonna cover remap in this video but if you are a bit more once it get a bit more advanced you can remap keys ivory member to the V key just cuz that's a bit bit closer because I actually have to move my hand a lot now for this maybe if you have massive hands that's nice so if we go to tool properties here we can now see that we have a bunch of brush settings here this is doctors and here we have stuff like radius flow and alpha and all this you also have these up here as well for the tool properties will also display the properties of any tool you you currently have selected down here this is called a scratch pad this is where you can see the stroke but you can also paint here as well so let's say you want to do some changes to your you want to do something on your do some opacity jitter or something you can you can just see what its gonna look like instead of having to paint here and then screwing up your thing you can just you can just try this right down here let's just say bliss again you know I don't really do a whole lot here to be honest and the one thing they did add in in Mario 4 is steady stroke maybe that's no that's actually I didn't in version 3 I believe server that and here this is like this here is like lazy Mouse in ZBrush this is really handy I actually paint usually paint a bit with this active discuss this just gives you a lot nicer strokes here you can see there is a if we exaggerate a little bit you see there is a bit of a tail of lagging behind this it just means that you're generally getting up it's a bit smooth results for this note we're just going to disable this so no the whole of the seconds in here we actually have tweak most of them are just up here you changed the radius by hitting the our key this is how you can just change your radius here and you hit you change your pasty by hold on the okey okay all of it just makes sense so now you can just paint here and you can just hit the art key to make it smaller but I actually really like this this is this is a fairly efficient way of working and the real magic here comes with them the brushes which already exists in the predefined brushes which already exists in Mari you can find this under shelf unless you stock this so there are a bunch of brushes here and I highly highly recommend just going through all this because there are a bunch of super useful here ones here but um we're just gonna cover quickly which ones we actually use just are way too many here you see here you have bride's new brushes I don't know who brad is but they're pretty cool brushes Brad peep-peep so I I generally prefer to just use the organic precious and and the basic brushes what are you gonna be using or not it's honestly just a default one nothing fancy about this it's just a full brush which has pen pressure enabled you sometimes also want a hard brush which is exactly the same just super hard and then we have super smooth this is super smooth yeah this is really nice this is like if you just want to have a hand of something if you're doing a mask or something and you really just want to have like a super smoother result therefore the name super smooth and then we have this is where I find the most of useful brushes yeah for sure so there were just a bunch of these vascular and I don't generally use a lot of these so I'll just cover some of the ones I use here this took me like three years to find a few good ones I real prefer but feel like that's the case often you get overwhelmed with different kinds of brushes and you can download brushes and I even believe you can import photoshop brushes into it like just a way to do it um but you find a few good ones and you stick with those for like the rest of your career so here's a little tip as well if you hit the D key you can you can change it you can make the color say go back to default one and if your the X key you can swap between these so we can just swap between black and white right now this is super handy if you are painting a mask for instance which we'll cover a bit later on so brushes I prefer to use this octave skin this is super cool this allows you just to get really interesting installed results right away so if you hit with each key this is now on a paint buffer eraser so now you can do the same thing here and now you can just Oh buffer racer and I can start erasing this as well and and if you so if you use the octave skin with essentially additive and subtractive by adding using the P the P brush or the paper by using the P hotkey and then the e hotkey to remove it then you get this really nice and organic feel is like crack a little result here I really are this is the way I'm painting a lot of a lot of a lot of things so then we have we also have si pepper this is from the same thing as with with the other one with the eraser as well except this eraser to pepper you know give this really nice and organic results here this is super handy if you have a two colors you need to blend them together in a more organic fashion instead of just being like instead of it being like a soft blend between them you cannot just get this really nice and organic result here then we have let's go to back to this and let's go back to shelf and let's look at what else we have here I mean there are so many so test them all out yeah so this is also real s sorry but that shelf and doctors over again hit a weak pillow yeah this is super and this is like it has a bit of texture to it but it is also very soft so this is super nice if you want to do like if you want to do exactly something soft but with some definition to it we also have fingerprints these are super nice if you want to make finger prints specific kind of brush don't use that a whole lot but sometimes if you're doing like if you're doing like hard surface objects you might want to do a bit of like fingerprint and a specular map or something that may be doing like a clay thing yeah he's a girl's hand made exactly this is also realest the t-rex brush first as a cool name it's called t-rex but also it's kind of same as the pillar one that it has has some definition to it without and some pattern to it so it's a good mix of but it kind of looks like the render cloud features and exactly things called the t-rex so it's way cooler yeah exactly and then don't forgive this love but it's called sexy oil so I feel we're just gonna mention it so those are pretty much the brushes I use here so if you wanna if you want to store these in a preset or in a collection here if you hit the K key this is how year one can bring up all these brushes as well here so you can you can just go in paint at the K key and just go in here and just change the brush here but you can also just drag and drop from from here into here so if you go to personal brushes you can just disable remove all these which doesn't work for some reason so we can just you can just go in here and you guys drag whatever brush you want in here as well so if you want octave skin you just drag whatever brushes you want in here so let's go classic fish egg yeah I'm very useful so super handy here just drag whatever brush you want in here and now you can just go into personal and you can just start painting here fish egg brush nice so that that's pretty much brushes and these these work with a lot of different tools like paint through which we're gonna cover as well so precious super useful let's kill this gun and then list looks let's look through layers so layers and let's just dock this and now we can disable this and delete all layers from so um I would just become super transparent which I actually can't look at this my eyes go crazier right away so let's fill this in something so um let's do a color you can do that by just hitting the tab key exactly this is the same as in new kiss well if hit the tab key I to be perfectly honest this is a bit embarrassing but I have nobody or anything lives down here because there's no greed doesn't need to know anymore I know the names of them yeah so um if you hit the tab key and hyped-up color you get a just a fill color here so you know just change this here and you cannot just change this to whatever color you want if you click this guy here you make a new layer so here we can just start painting something here it's a D key Teresa this and then there's paint to something here so what's the difference between the color 1 and the layer 1 done so the color 1 this is here you can paint whatever well this is a fill layer this only has this is a procedural one which only has which only has one color here okay so we use this a lot as well because you can mask them out let's say you want to make a black and white mask you can make this here black and you can make another color of fill on top it is mask between the two so I use this actually a fair bit so now you can just paint that this here if you use the J key you can change the color so really really quite handy if you hit the C key you get a color picker and go back here so we could just change either quickly just um color pick something and just start painting again it's a bit key to break it down and you can all just change the blending mode to this you have a bunch of different lending let's hear one set this to multiply it we'll just set it to multiply so is this the blending mode is that affected by if you're painting 8-bit or 16-bit I'm actually not sure okay I was thinking about it like in the same way the Photoshop you know you have different effects the different kind of blending mode depending on what kind of bit that's actually interesting question if anyone of you know and just let us know any comments that's a good question see were you learned so many things all the time when doing this kind of stuff like I I never use Mari I use more like here and there so I mean I'm just I'm as fresh as you guys watching right now which is actually really cool I'm working on screens yeah so I use it sometimes like if I and then I have to relearn it they're like they're like a 30 minute walk through my head okay where are things now and then I do that and then I forget about it again yeah so here your alt I will pass it here sometimes I just do opacity instead of turning on and off what you can do here because sometimes this gets really heavy turning on and off something's good heavy both turned on opacity for some reason is faster computers man we have computers and we also have adjustment layers here such as invert super nice and then we have and we have great gravy something you'll be using a whole lot and all of these they they work with the tab yes exactly thing like I said I all you should just be afraid and just do this I'm just getting here you delete the layer by clicking in this guy the minus one and so this is essentially where you changing most things like what white point black point I usually do use it for the gain and if you want officer something or gamma this is your ascent essentially your go to node for for grading anything here so I definitely recommend looking through all these here before you start using the tab key just cuz you know anything is cold yeah so I'm client as well super useful this will is clamp everything between zero and one we because if you if you export out something which might be above one maybe two shader gross bit crazy and we have contrast which does exactly you can pivot for the contrast as well just depending what you want by default is at 0.5 if you are key here this resets everything and what else we have which is useful life adjustment layers HSL hue saturation lightness which changed exactly back uo this energy monster and like this so quite handy stuff here as well and let's see if Samson's saturation as well if you just want to do a quick saturation just create something up and down quite handy but it definitely is go through some of these here if you know grade a hue saturation and value or lightness these two here invert and that's that's kind of it you'll definitely using all the other ones once in a while but if you have those you're fine and then we have procedurals so this is where you can add stuff like the color this is where you saw what we did before this is where you have a color we have stuff like projections like if you want to do a tri planar we're definitely doing videos on Trek planers in the future we can do stuff like a UV maps we can do like a bee in here look a new procedurals such as adding a cloud to it now we're getting into photoshop cloud here okey refresh anymore and you're done but so now you can combine some of these and you can do this is gonna be pretty advanced texturing guns so you said this to multiply now and you are done would you text publish approved publish and you're done cinema screen so this is how you'll often do this like your you'll do a couple of these cool procedurals combine them in crazy ways masked them out and and then you you just use as a base for something more advanced room one thing I want to cover as well is real quick is it's the title won the title one is really useful so if you just get tiled get this one up here so this essentially allows you to tile something across for that to work that we quickly just have to look at the image manager just dock this here where did it go it went all the way here so we already have some images prepared for this on our second monitor nice actually fun fun story I used this on the latest Kingsman film the tile note there because I was using we have this platform that needed to be you know that diamond metal stuff like the 45-degree angled diamond metal and in order to get that in ZBrush I needed to subdivide up this and I don't know crazy 100 millions of polygons because it's really close up instead I just I just made like a little thing in Photoshop that was tileable and threw it into Mari and now I have a perfect map yeah and then I'm done you know I just export that out that's my displacement map instead of having to do that all in geometry it's really really handy to use this this is what the title ones wanted once I used two most so you can just drag from the image manager and over here boom instant skin so perfect Tyler pull for some internet we found on yeah exactly there are seems everywhere now because this but we can set the repeat amount here so set this and keep some like seven and you're gonna see that really made it less repeatable yeah yeah this is this is a base lie off new you set this here to like three or something and this image also has to be terrible this image is currently not this is this something you use a lot here so you can do this is a really powerful note yeah this is incredibly useful soon layer no is it an I guess they say yes I'm just much clearer yeah yeah or procedural they have the whole don't they have the whole node few segments were knocked to them you can see you can see there have node graph down here which is super powerful and is so powerful that we're not even but the Taiwan is is phenomenally useful here so it just allows you to get a super quick base here and just drag and drop images in here and this is where like your image library is really useful what the battery images are the better the the faster your textures can get go in here so this brings us to masking actually so let's say you want to mask I would storm these things here like we only want this to be in certain areas so we have two kinds of masking we have the regular layer mask which is the exact same way works in Photoshop so let's just try this out so now by default nothing has happened hit the K key and I just want to get one of these little guys here so if you had white pink and white nothing is gonna happen it's been bitten black you are now erasing from this so if you know it baked beef or baked we've now successfully just erased from from this mask here now if you want to get something back in here you can just paint with the black out paint with white take Emma and again just toggle the X key between these two here this is something you'll be using a whole lot so um this is where I was saying before like this super soft one can be really quite useful if you want to blend between those you wanna routes have been just soft this blend in the world here and I do apologize for making the ugliest textures don't you so what if you wanted to get away from masking let's say you wanted to make it you wanted to make adjustments to this layer now let's say you want to paint some more on top of it or something because right now you're in masking all right yes so you can't paint on top of this because this is a procedural you can see this you actually can't paint on top of this at all so the only thing you can do with this one is now you want to change the image or something you can change the image so if you let's say you want to convert they want to actually paint on top of this now you can see that this again is it's a live layers anything we put in here is life if you want actually paint on this you can't so you're gonna be like whoa that's nothing happening it's because it's a procedural so if you want to do that you have to convert to paintable right here which will we not can do that because that might take a bit of time depending on it yeah but you can see they have different icons in the layer stack there whether it's procedural paintable mask paintable thing if you're a Renaissance painter so now you can see this one you can paint on based on this icon and this we cannot and also depends where you are if you click on this you are currently on the tiled one if you click on this you are currently in the layer mask so layer masks are the easiest thing in the world against it's literally a black and white image you are paint so let's just delete delete the layer mask here so let's see where we find this layer mask and here you have this remove mask you can also do a layer mask here and you can do add mask and you can choose if you want to reveal everything or hide everything if you choose hide everything that's simply just filling everything with black instead of filling it with white so you can also shift click on it here to disable the mask all together quite useful so layer mask and you have a bunch of different settings here in general convert mask and all these remove mask as the next one we recover is this one I used to most to be honest this is a layer stack this is something which Photoshop doesn't have so layer stack is it's essential that it's a stack of stuff here so if we click on this guy you can just bring this up here and let you see that we have a mask here and we we just have a bunch of layers here now the reason this is more powerful is that you can not use but for justman players and procedurals and everything you want so if you now paint this here you can now on hit the tab key which for some reason it doesn't work we can just go in here and hit invert and now the entire mask is gonna be inverted and we can go in here and we can set something like that we can do a little fractal we can do a little cloud and I guess it's mass for that we can set this here now to multiply just a happy little cloud a little clap he's only gonna affect this area here so this is incredibly powerful and honestly I most of the time don't really use the layer mask here I most of time just use to go straight to a mask stack discuss this is so much more scalable there might be time we you only need atom on the layer mask but I prefer to just use this pretty much all the time here so we can do the same thing here layer mask and just removing last year so this brings us to adjustments tax as well so you saw before we can do adjustment stack just adjustments on top here we can do a little gamma to can that up and down super nice but you can do do this also only on the layer so if you right-click now you can do adjustment stack add adjustment stack and you can add a grade here now so now you can see the icon here changed or you add add a little icon here so if you click it now can do the same thing and this on top and now we have a grade which would only affect this specific layer this is really really useful this is something you're probably gonna be using a whole lot here so the cool thing here is that this here is also you can also combine this with layer mask and layer stacks here so you can get crazy complex networks here so if you want to make this grade node only work on certain parts you can just paint it out here it's a bit key and now you can see it only works here so this here gets pretty deep you can even do you can even paint reduce this and you can even do a lot of masks back in this and I can go up here and I can paint in here and now on this MA stack you can tell add you can add an invert and you're just going crazy here like stuff that life is going just going crazy because now you use stacking stuff and nesting stuff on top of each other it's like creation of the universe yeah complexity exactly you pretty much made yeah you pretty much made the university yeah so um if you want to go back into this just click here and I can see the grade node has a nice stack and mastic that's inverted nice so I normally try to keep the complexity bit lower than this because this just gets a bit crazy do you know there's like a depth level like how many levels infinite yeah I wouldn't recommend going here but you can which is quite useful so if you want to remove this same thing right-click adjustment stack and remove adjustment stack so that's that's spring cleaning that spring cleaning so this was a long explanation talking about the tiled one talking about a mask stacks and talking about adjustment what are called justman stacks doesn't say like the masked acts are really powerful yeah they are yeah so this is something you are gonna be using most likely a whole lot so this is this is essentially it four layers you're sure there's more stuff here like Oh Cheryl mention renaming double-thick and just smash you keep our few types you can also search for stuff up here as well which is quite handy if you want to do like to take a Dipity but the classic just did this to me but that's essentially one last of things well four layers I can color them yeah this is something I do only if I'm giving away my my Mari archive to somebody else because otherwise this is just a bit too flamboyant for me like there is no there is no reason to to add colors just to add colors it would be nice to keep track of it from like in France a tional point of view like if you have a lot of layers say like all the red ones will be my procedurals that do this thing absolutely absolutely definitely useful for to keep stuff so super nice painting here any good job yeah so let's just go through some actual tools now so like I mentioned up here is select I I never this is like the first time I ever hit this cookie up here this video because I only used s key this is like a sticky key so if you're in painting mode and you hit the S key you're good you can just you can just hit you can just very quickly just to select something here then we have the paint tool which you've all recovered control shift H to bring this back so paint tool we've all record that one simply allows you to paint very simple tool here very powerful doesn't do a whole lot what does is useful so just paint here I mean it essentially does what you need to do and mark yes that's and then we can the blur tool which will maybe you'll guess what the blur tool is gonna do this is actually a tool you gonna use a fair bit like obviously you're not gonna blur a stroke like this because that's stupid but if you if you want to blur our texture or he get seams maybe sometimes you get this place and see from Siebert's you can bring them in here and you can use the blur tool for them mmm it hacky but blur tool used a little bit here I paint buffer eraser it's exactly that's gonna erase from what here is e that's gonna just gonna erase from this decision I believe this weasel is just called the eraser tool which confused a lot of people because you see that you can't actually erase from this layer here you can't erase what's breakdown know you can only mask it out you can what you can do though has a little thing here you can set this or to clear your going to clear it out and now you can but now your so now just declare for now you're painting in clear mode yeah so that is nasty I reckon I'll recommend not to do that so you can do it but I highly recommend if you want to remove something from later use a mask here confusing yes and then we had paint through paint through you're gonna live through paint through pain through is amazing so this means that if you have let's make sure this layer has nothing on it here and we know we can just drag an image in here and now you can just paint proof my god so you can see here now you have your mature and you can see what tool you have here based on the HUD and the hot key here is control shift and this left mouse button to to scale up and down you can control this control drag contour control left mouse button just to wrote it here and that's pretty much it for the tool in terms of a few view painter and that's that's kind of it what's the difference between paint and paint through when you're using a texture like this so you can't use this with a with a regular pink tool I know this is this is a specific tool for this so you can use brushes though now so you can use all the brushes we just found here so we can use tool and then you're basically projecting onto the mesh with the current brush with the texture yes exactly so so the paint is straight up just paint a colorant here it's white well the paint crew is actual and actual image here so not to be confused with the paint through when you're in paint mode and you're predicting or baking on to your metal noise so the cool thing about this is you can use a ton of other tools with this as well and you can do something like which means you is just going to be repeated across here control succeed to clear it so let's say we won't scale this down and now we can just if this was tie label and not just an image from Google you can see that this would just tile perfectly across here so this just means you can just so imagine this was title imagine use your magic an also hit the stamp key which is stamps down everything here which is quite useful so I hate to repeat key again if you just want to stamp it down once like this so this is again why I prefer to keep under painting here keep this here to set to manual instead of water being clear let's again go through this because it's one the main points so we now see here now I try to rotate and I was baked down and it's cleared which is really annoying so currently here I let's say I want to blend these two here together so I'm going in here and I just want to blend these two here a little bit here and I'm like alright let's just maybe just rotate to view a little bit here and ah now it's gone no it's if only there was a way to foresee that happen so if we now go back here to painting I said this to manual I also see how it disappeared super handy so now if we do this we're gonna blend this here together can I just blend this I know you like maybe I just want to rotate this a little bit in order to switch to go away from the paint tool I just hit the P key to go to UM just you go to the page tool so now you're like ah maybe I can just refer to this a little here and just like go around this and we can also use a couple tools here like the warp tool which is a natural segue into the warp tool I can so smooth thank you so now you can just you can select what points you want here and you can actually you can you can select each point here and just drag the points here or you can select all the points and move them or you can select all the points and hold the ctrl key wherever and I need to just do this you can also add more points to the lattice and stuff right yeah go up here you can do this if you want a really fine cone like you really want to blend this is something to do a lot so I just go here and I'll just go here and you're just like warping these guys hear em hmm well it's gonna be quite useful they can toggle the grid so that you can see what you're doing actually that's normal not a problem if you issued this light here but yet it gets a bit dense after a while so this is one of the tools you probably gonna be using the whole lot in conjunction with a paint crew tool so describe it crazy here and this works together and now we can hit the bake tool and you can see that now it's baked down but we still have our data here so let's say you want to use this for something else this is something I use a whole lot now you can just go here and you can just warp this again disable this I believe you can also do this there's a hotkey for this so now you can you can just go through this and you can just warp this around and it's a BQ again and now finally kinetic control shift c2 just a cleared entire thing so that is really the reason I have the manual mode active so you can also use tool called the slurp tool the slope tool is it's kinda like liquify so if you do this you're not and just paint in this super clean you cannot go in here sorry in here and you slip tool same what key asked before our key to move and now you can just move this up here as well so this is if you do want like some really fine precision you really want these scales are just perfectly like I see the scaler is now aligning and that's just you really just have the fine control here so I use this in conjunction with the warp tool hit the B key to break it down and do tools here I don't I don't really use a whole lot say with these we don't really use a whole or these tools here so I mean essentially these are the tools I use for the majority of my painting here you paint using the regular paint fool you paint through using the painter tool and you use the warping tools or the slab tool to do this as well this is something I've also mapped to hotkeys as well which we can cover in a different video or just how to do then how to optimize it this is our probably the tools you'll be using most of the time I feel like we're promising a lot of Mari content here we are doing a haunted I also cover briefly clone stamp tool so as the texture artists you're going to be living for so very simple stuff you hold on a control key and you just paint from that point you see we got a blue little line here now a little point and now you to start painting now you can just start clone and stuff out here really clone that watermark credit to stuck no so the phone to me effect phone tool super useful here we're not gonna cover this too much in depth here you can change the source up here but it's a pretty simple tool but very effective yeah go back to the pen tool again ctrl shift C to clear the buffer and so once we these are pretty much all the tools you're going to use in here so if you use these tools you now created it's beautiful textures here so once you've done this let's look at the channels kill all this stuff here cuz that's not relevant anymore and doctors here so now you can now see we have one channel up here called color this was the one we created right in the beginning yeah exactly so usually in production this is pulled something like albedo or it's like RGB or it's like called one fairly standard naming for this just whatever name you choose just make sure this is consistent and you always have the same naming for this kind of stuff here so um what you need to know here is essentially scalar data is this your scaler date or not and what this means is is this influenced by color space or not we're not going into color space in this very here because that is definitely a topic for another time here we have experts to do that yes so essentially here if if it's a scalar channel that would be something like a displacement map or a mask or specular maps or something laughs that would be a scalar map if it's something which deals with color it would most likely not be a scaler man so if you want to make a new channel here you can just make a little name to it that's it this is respect our mat for specular roughness we could change this a virtual one came up and we don't need for this we don't need anything more than eight with you you can also set a color here just what color do you want to fill this with it's gonna default to 50% gray and I will just do this and now we have a specular map and yeah this is fine you can also click create quick channels up here if you want a really quick white channel is something you sometimes want just click white and gray you can delete them by clicking in this guy and you can convert them by clicking here this is if you want to convert from an 8-bit to a 32-bit or vice versa so that's just gonna you can if you want to make this channel here as an 8-bit you just play click here and hit convert I mean one thing that's good to note about that it's a when you're converting an 8-bit to 16 or 32 you're not gonna gain the data that you would have young those Maps know so it's not like it's not a magic button that is no no it's more of that if you are military have tons of procedurals and all that that it's gonna work it's more if you want on yeah if you are working in 8-bit and you want to make the map no 16-bit you just got repaint the entire thing but with something like this this this image here is 8-bit it doesn't matter if this is 32-bit or not it's it's never gonna go above 8-bit so channels very simple stuff here which leads us to our next point which is shaders shaders is where we can this is I mean this is the final thing for texturing texturing is essentially just how how light reacts when something hits a surface here and we're gonna describe that through a shader so we currently have a shadow here if you hit current channel this is a the most basic shader in the world like you can change the diffuse amount or whatnot but this is not a this is not a good shooter in any way so um this is where you can set this here to like current layer card layer and below and just current paint target quite useful stuff but what we are interested here is all these shaders here so these are just a bunch of shaders like theory material a principle V RDF material AI standard which works with Arnold you have redshift architectural which works with the redshift and we just can look at the brdf here so this is where you can input your different maps here so in here and diffuse color you can set this to color one and right now we we can set the glossiness to specular roughness here so if we now want to paint some spectral roughness here first let's just add this has now been overwritten here this the glossiness here has been overwritten because we plugged in a map in here now but now we can go to our channels you hit the i key you can't we talk quickly toggle between this so currently this is at the color one we want to set this here to specular respec are so not sure if you can really see this here but we will now be painting directly in this channel here so you can do tons of cool stuff here and this is definitely for another video as well where you um you can just paint we even to set up a crazy-cool channels here and you can just get a pretty pretty accurate result yeah you get some really nice shaders look like you get your shaders looking really nice with Amara now yeah you really can't and and if it's based on the same same material you're using in your render engine experiment can work right away but just know that here you could plug in your various maps here like ambient occlusion bump whatever and and you can just get a fairly accurate view of what this is gonna look like again covering that in a separate videos we're keeping that deliberately light in this one a lot of videos coming up very excited with that and so if you want to export out your Maps here now you go to channels that's again cut kill this channels and docked this and now we can just hit right click and just hit export flattened and you just select where you want your maps to go make sure this is here set to dollar udimm this is good mean that it's guys gonna correctly export out based on um tag you can set a dollar a dollar sign channel which is gonna export out the channel name you had so this respect our and this can be color one so you can also just brute force this here to be like color one maybe you wanted to separate name for this so we can just brute force all this here and then use it export selected patches if you have something selected or export all patches and this is just going to expert at all your maps and they'll be ready to use in in something like v-ray or whatever render engine you prefer to use and know that's how your texture and that is how you take so we promise we'll we are going to get videos on how to actually texture in the future yeah we just want to keep this video here fairly light I mean I know it's already been a long time in this video but we we just want to keep this fairly light in terms of features just to end this video here we're just gonna cover some nice little mari hotkeys for you guys these are something to use the health keys we use the most here so a ctrl shift c is clear the paint buffer at k brings up the brushes the are key resizes the brush size S is for select L is images I is the channel it can new channel layers you is to paint through P is for paint and J is for color so we're just take a screenshot of this and these are once we are gonna be using for most of the time while painting amar so we really hope there's this hair has been useful and that you can now get started with painting in Mari based on this if you have any questions or if you have suggestions for Mari tutorials you want to see or any Corrections just just let us know in the comments yeah we have a lot of this stuff coming up in the near future yep so make sure to stay subscribed like comment this video if you want to see more thank you cool thanks guys
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 128,172
Rating: 4.8974829 out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, twitch, mjthehunter, flippednormals, henning, morten, creature, character
Id: LArgA2QR2vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 55sec (3835 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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