Queen Elizabeth II Reflects on her life, rare footage

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[Music] in a way I didn't have an apprenticeship my father died much too young and said it was all a very sudden kind of taking on and making the best job you can it's a question of maturing and into something that one's got used today and accepting the fact that yeah you are and it's your feet because I think continuity is very important it is that a job for life most people have a a job and then they get home and in in this existence the job and the life go on together because you can't really divide it up the boxes and the communications just keep on coming and of course with modern communications they come even quicker I mean lucky I'm a quick reader so I can get through a lot of reading in quite a short time so I do rather begrudge some of the hours but I have to do instead of being at dough origins isn't my way of meeting people without anybody else listening and that gives one a very broad picture of what is actually going on either in government or in the civil service a lot of them are regular ones you know but you you can ask to see anybody you want to see I mean if one meets a lot of people man one just does does get to know what's going on there's nobody else there it gives them a feeling that they can say what they like which are for is is part of those other bases where I get my information from rather sort of feeling that the letters are not personal to himself you know people write them thinking that I'm going to to open them and read them I I don't open all of them obviously because I don't have time to do that but it does certainly give me I suppose for cos one gets perhaps even sort of a bit more remote one it gives one an idea of what what is worrying people and what actually they feel that I could do to help and I mean there are occasions when I can help I can pass things on to the right authorities or I can even in some cases write to various organisations who will look into it but I I've always had this feeling that that isn't written to me and I like to see what people want us to write to me but I think in a way when one feels that there is a sort of the backstops here so to speak you know that I'm the one I had a letter this morning about about something and he said I've been going round and round in circles but you were the only person who can stop the circle and you will be able to to fix it I thought that was rather nice and realism an escape place but it is also a working place and a commercially viable bit of England I like farming it's not very easy nowadays I like animals I wouldn't be happy if I just had arable farming I think that's very boring but I suppose that because it's inherited place one has no need ever since when as a child I knew how much my father and enjoyed it but in fact all my family ever since King Edward bought it they've all enjoyed being there and they've very very much involved with the people who live on the estate said that man has a responsibility towards them very much they're very much [Music] I have the stud that to it which is my sort of responsibility and that I enjoy doing King Edward put the stud there he enjoyed racing and I think we've all enjoyed racing but it isn't a profitable venture at the moment because the problems of racing is so very great but I think that one always as a human being one always has hope and mine always has perhaps the gambling instinct that runs horses can be better than the next man's force that's why one goes on doing it a lot of the visits nowadays have a very strong political tone to them and and we are rarely the hosts basically I mean we give the entertainment initially and have the people to stay I hope you to give them a nice time to remember and obviously we we keep up as many of the traditions as we can that are sensible to keep like going anyway it's quite a no-no specially done I dare that some dude put up the red carpet for a guest I mean I think people don't really realize this but I do tell the guests that we do put on our best man says and everybody dresses up and the best China on the glass and the go plate comes out which otherwise doesn't see the light of day so it's pretty nice to be able to to use it in shape if you will do put out the best China on glass it doesn't necessarily make it overwhelming if you don't accept it as overwhelming but just if people are kind you and make you feel at home I don't think that the outward and visible signs are really this is what goes on inside the really matters but sometimes it is worth explaining that we put it on you know specially and then we don't actually live like this all the time I don't think you can stay in London all the time you have to visit other parts of the country to either find out what's going on or try and encourage people in in different areas some of which have unemployment some of which have new factories and I think the possibility of meeting more people is very important a lot of people don't come to London very often so we travel to them instead one mustn't have a long conversation obviously because you've never never finished the question perhaps is what you hope that you're going to get the answer that you want [Music] I was absolutely fascinated by the people who come from all the things that they they've done I think that's very important that the system does discover people who don't and some things you know them and I think that's very satisfactory I think people need Pat's on the back sometimes it's a very dingy world otherwise I've had a lot of prime ministers starting with the Winston and some stayed longer than others they unburden themselves or they tell me what's going on or if they've got any problem sometimes one can help in that way too they know that one can be impartial so to speak I think it's them it's real nice to feel that the runners and ones are sort of the first Spanish and and everybody can come and tell when things and some things stay there and some things go out the other errand and something's never come out at all it's one just one just news about it and occasionally open them but being able to put ones point of view which perhaps they hadn't seen it from that I suppose Balmoral as a place one looks forward to very much as the summer goes on I think that it has an atmosphere rivers of its own if you just hibernate but is rather nice to hibernate for a bit when one leads such a very movable life to be able to sleep in the same bed for six weeks is a nice change [Music] if you live in this sort of life which people did very much you live very much by tradition and by continuity I find that's one of the sad things that people don't take home jobs for for life they try different things all the time I mean as far as I'm concerned you know you know exactly what you're going to be doing two months hence or even beginning to know about next year and and I think that this is what the younger members find difficult is is the regiment inside of them you have to sort of work out in your own mind the hard way and then what you enjoy in retrospect from it of the people you've met like the small soldier was giving a gallantry award to and I said that was a very brave thing to do oh he said it was just the training and I have a feeling that in the end probably the training is the answer to a great many things you can do a lot with all properly trained and I hope I have been
Channel: vlassco
Views: 2,554,311
Rating: 4.8171401 out of 5
Keywords: Queen, elizabeth, II, funny, royal, monarchy
Id: Lh1-9ww_HmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2007
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