When the mappa animators got DRAGGED back into the studio to finish Sukuna vs Mahoraga

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oh no after those long months of not seeing their families the mapa animators really thought they were free they started walking out the building smiling cheesing thought they were finally about to see their families but the higher up said nah where you going we still got this DLC to drop dragg them right back in and then from that pure anguish and pain they created the final product so let's get into it so yeah at this point meami was going through it his dad just offed himself like 5 minutes before and then he gets third party by herut me wasn't going to let that happened though he was just like if I'm dying you dying with me summons him that boy mahara looked like he got packed up by Spider-Man and this is exactly how Batman would look if he ran into Spider-Man on the street but y'all not ready for that conversation myah haraga got my boy looking petrified and he didn't even fully load in yet after hitting the summon in the cold PO he gets in his last words he just like [ __ ] your third party nah he really didn't have to do him like that bro he went from having a cold moment to this damn I guess this is it ass expression and herut had front row tickets to see all that and now he's on the brink of Tears cuz he knows his ass is next BR starts to walk down footsteps sounding like Rod w sing in the kitchen for a midnight snack got herut to survival instincts on straight zero like he took two steps back and fell yeah his ass didn't stand a chance herut was seeing his life blast before his eyes and that [ __ ] had me ecstatic I was watching my screen like I was pling bro turned to Mega me telling him to get up but looking at him he clearly not getting up anytime soon [ __ ] looks like he got got quick scoped right in the head Roger throws the arm and this right here is when sua gives more attention to meami than his own father bro pulls up and he's just like son what they do to you and by Saving haruta he saves megumi's life too he didn't even know meami for that long and he's already up 30 as the father who stepped up toi really a piece of [ __ ] box bro and then asked if he got drafted into the league homie said n and decided it was better to go to an infinite Michael Jackson concert that b to do better than toi was very low [ __ ] was in Hell sua starts walking up to mahara with his hands in his pocket like he's darving H and they stand off against each other mahara starts It Off by showing us he got the timus prime attachment in his inventory swings at him but suina blocks him mahara didn't like that so he tries completely crushing and he gets hit with the right hook and that got his stupid ass leaning he puts his two fingers out likey hitting the Itachi and then he slices him after that he lands trying to hit him with the finisher but he gets counted sending them both into the buildings and they come back out like it's a walk out for a boxing match both of them thinking they cold as hell Suk and AP out with a b and popcorn and mahara walks out like the heavy character he is suguna didn't like that his swag was being tested so he immediately attacked me and mahaga really don't be letting [ __ ] slide because within the next second he's dragging supera through the buildings like Broly and I really need a replay on this cuz that boy mahara was moving at Mac Million to get him to that building like really watch him Zoom across the screen God damn that [ __ ] is insanity mahara into the other building and oh yeah Goku might have some competition for who likes fighting the most when Goku be in a fight the most he'll do is like a little smirk but him nah he's full on ear to ear grinning mahara flies at him and I don't know what's more wild the fact that he's doing back flip ball vertical or that mahara is swimming on concrete full form he's out here doing butterflies on that Michael Phelps timing he tries hit him with the heavy attack but super lands to kick first he grabs him and look at him again with that devious ass smile you know he plotting some he turns his arm into slice bonga and he was just like you know what give me that leg too then he hits him with that e AMA screen pushing him all the way back he recovers by landing on the building like Spider-Man but you know mahara got that Hall of Fame chase down so within literal seconds he's right back on pushing him down and suca is just cheesing and since he wants to do it so much we just going to have to put a counter on bro he at three right now since the start of the fight and what type of unorthodox attack is mahara pulling he got his hand on his leg and he's pressing down this [ __ ] is not boxing this ain't why we watch sua kicks him into the building and goes to swing at him but Raga stops it by clashing punches making the scene look like it came straight out of dragon ball they drop down in bro mahara really gets saer because he throws some punches and tries to sneak in a blade and I never seen a character get their blade blocked with fingers and still cook up so that's how I knew mahara was going to lose this exchange he throws 400 more punches like we ain't see him trying to sneak that blade in and gets all 400 perfect hair and as if that was a Yamcha level sorry enough he gets hit with a bloody backand that send him floating in the looking like this sua pulls out that elevator ties him up and yeets him into the building across and yeah don't think I don't see that that's number five and this really be the [ __ ] I'm talking about bro mahara picks up a car and I can't imagine working a 9 to5 in chibuya cuz if my car gets tossed like that just to do no damage I'm sick to my stomach because there's really just no point you knew it wasn't going to work you're just doing it cuz you can and guess what Su a penalty takes it right back to him and instead he's the one that gets hurt that's what his dumb ass gets but let's really talk about characters that just be relying on regeneration or being damed near Immortal be having the weakest bags for real you know they always going to have zero evasive skills y'all seen zamasu in the Goku black art anytime anyone threw an attack at him it always connected and don't get me started on boo skilless talentless take his regeneration from him and he a lifetime bubble gum mascot he wouldn't never square up again look at Goku using him as a paddle ball mahara fixes himself and sends a flying through building not going to lie mahara might be for the people he about to make rent as much as a biggie bag after he's done with this city $5 a month sua lands in the building though and as you can see there's civilians here who are clearly not seeing tomorrow mahara breaks D tries to hit him but he weaves it and you expect his first Counterattack to be on mahara but no he goes after straight civilians boost his KD and then he moves on to attack mahara he booms the whole building and then we see mahara laid out on the floor [ __ ] looking like a whole murder scene but he gets right back up and tries to grab him but he not touching him he stamped in weave Nation he Dodges his other attack and something about this is very suspect cuz smiling while letting your throat do the work is very unusual might be just a suspect as having a throat tattoo that says one of one cuz what do you mean by that after showing that he was D's cousin we see that rockley's influence is really generational cuz he hits him with the intro to the Lotus sending him flying up and then he punches him into the other building he sitting there like he about to do the meanest 200 M Dash but then he gets up and starts foaming out the mouth and I cannot lie this is where they really started to lose me cuz he hits him with his attack while hitting the vog pose and then a second later he's just on this Cube spread eagle flying into the air and Mahar is chasing him down like he on a mission you would really think the way he's moving sua is about to get his [ __ ] folded but nah instead suca flips it on him and ends up tossing him and look at this smile number nine yeah at this point his only comert who Smiles the most is the Joker and [ __ ] chip Skylar those the big three he goes up to him kcks him out the way and then this man grabs the hook like Taran and just kicks him down how do you get work like that and I'm not going to lie the [ __ ] that happens next makes even less sense to me mahara gets up and tries to grab sua but somehow he's just all strung up like when did this [ __ ] even happen he just touched the ground 2 seconds ago and do my eyes deceive me there's no way you're telling me he's getting held up by these low ass strings Mega me done pump fake this [ __ ] for two seasons just for bro to get held up by Dental flaws this is crazy work animation so good I forgot mahara stat was three hits 10 cars thrown and 80 buildings destroyed he really not doing [ __ ] for real the city is still crumbling and just like the Avengers they don't give two shits about it Su to chases down mahara he breaks the piece of the building and he finally starts showing some IQ shows that that head is not for decoration he uses the rubble as cover and break steart to hit him with the surprise attack and he must have at a Mario mushroom too because he's three times the size he was before just look at this man's fist it's damn near the same size as suca he hits him with the oversized right hook into the train combo and this is the first and last time you going to see some [ __ ] like this I promise you he breaks out the train turning it into measuring tape and mahara is behind him trying to sneak a kick suing the side eyes the attack acting like it's going to be light work but the second he came into contact he realized it was nothing to play with okay it's got a little kick oh he gets sent flying and that [ __ ] has him happy as hell talking about some this is why we play no matter how evil he may be you can never tell him he ain't have love for the game mahara takes another train cart throws him in it and holds it up with this big ass grin [ __ ] reminds me of Venom but with nicer teeth Bro went to his Dental appointments I respect it he tosses him into the building and I really don't know why because he's 0 and two enclosed spaces he got blocked 400 times got dropped and now he's getting styled on because he tries to stomp him out like a goba but he majestically flips away bunny hopping into another flip and he lands that [ __ ] like an Olympic ice skater and even though he got a shadow over his face we could still see him smiling broy got bbs's on his teeth the attack cuts the building in half and we see mahara holding suin an action figure and that's something you don't want to do he cuts his arm and legs causing mahara to hit the Willow Smith and regenerate sugan is just like I right bet I got something for you and hits him with what looks like a finishing cut scene where he took his arms legs and head got him looking like one of those headless mannequins and it's really at this point where that extra Blu-ray DLC is hitting it's like they put up the Whiteboard and just put one bullet point in it at hands because the second sua smacks the arm out the way mahara goes up to him like Hey that was real disrespectful and you cannot lie it was he got his whole arm bending backwards for the backand that's how you know he was truly disgusted sua just like [ __ ] you going to do about it he not afraid of a dude with a pirate ship steering wheel over his head Luffy wants his [ __ ] back they did all this standoff [ __ ] for no one to get a single hit in Su had to make sure he got something out of it though as he jumps away to show off his sneaks we aren't impressed though cuz those are some shitty kicks so I'm going to need you to get those shits off the screen and go back to boxing mahara gets his body slashed but he still somehow knees him and flies at him with the upper half of his body and punches him with his arms severed sends him flying with a Bluetooth Rayman punch and this time he hits him with his left hand in a severed head causing him to spin out of control and now he's just chasing him down head only bro this cannot be fair how much more does he have to do mahara brings his body back causing sua to be in a critical position and I would really be clenching my fist here because there's no way I chop R three separate times to be in this position he leaves the attack though and lands with his hand out don't be fooled though because this was really one of those tactics couldn't let mahara know his next move because in the next frame bro says he straight up air bending and turning this man into straight scribbles sua starts smiling and hits him with a pump fake got his ass blocking and cowering in fear you know he feeling the damage when he got that please don't hurt me as stance sua flips over him and that boy raaga is straight up lagging got him looking goofy you would think that he's hitting a speed back sua makes his body paint the wall red though so you know myah haraga had to try to get back notice how I said try though cuz he comes back and gets absolutely work mahara swings and Su nut Ducks then he jumps up causing mahara to block high and he knows he got him right where he wants him slashes the Torso mahara charges up this crazy swing though you can't even see any of his arm all that [ __ ] for nothing though cuz weaves it slashes his torso comes back around does it again then he goes up to hang out the steering wheel to make a skate for poster and at this point I'm already knowing that was out in the studio animating anything because no way sukin is hitting the Michael Jackson emote gliding across the screen while mahara is out there lagging in Shadow Boxing for the second time and I don't know what happened after that because they somehow change stages and end up in a Subway mahara comes in and hits him with a gargantuan gut Punch or I believe because suguna actually blocked it rotates on his arm and kicks him away got his surroundings looking like he traveled back in time and now it's time for the final phase of the fight so mahara comes out the rubble picks up a piece of the Tower and throws it at suca who's just sitting there moving like he's in an edit and I'm not going to lie whoever is the cameraman that's recording reporting him so he's up on the big screen that got to be some type of glazing cuz no way you're out there getting the right angles of bro when the environment is a threat to your life after causing a hell of rcks to the city he gets up and starts bowing admiring his own work self blaz is crazy I'm going to need you to get over yourself keep this up and I'm going to have to intervene the next scene we see them somehow crash into a plane and then sua throws them away then he takes a plain wing and hits him with it and it sends him Sonic barreling all the way into the pool and hold up bro what type but dangerous ass pool is this Mahar is like 9t some so this pool must be like 50 ft deep he gets the radio tower throwing at him with perfect aim and that's how you know it's really time to wrap up this fight a plane wing and a radio tower back to back is insane work don't even bother swimming back up I know a Sensei that's an expert at it he takes all the water dissipates it and they just go back to fighting which is throwing random [ __ ] at each other mahaga throws a giant ass pillar and sua is just cutting through all of it rager really thought it was his chance to sneak up on him but sua was prepared helps the finger on him and sends him back down which gave him enough space to hit him with the finisher you see this big ass grin the red background and he starting to clasp his hands mahara is out there trying to stop him but he's already moving in slow motion so you know it's over Sugo went into his bag takes out the flame arrow and just bombs the whole place which allows him to defeat mahara and win the fight and yeah that's the end of the video thank you for 466k we moving
Channel: Codenamesuper
Views: 1,384,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sukuna vs mahoraga, sukuna, mahoraga, gojo vs sukuna, sukuna vs mahoraga theme, sukuna vs mahoraga reaction, sukuna vs gojo, sukuna vs mahoraga full fight, sukuna vs mahoraga english dub, mahogara vs sukuna, codenamesuper jjk, jjk, codenamesuper
Id: v-K-DWVxh7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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