Yusha Evans - Pray Before You Are Prayed Upon

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damn article Muhammad Allah he will better care to whom come on man seriously is it everybody asleep already I haven't even started yet I haven't put you to sleep yet so you're not permitted to go sleep assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh little better bismillah alhamdulillah so Mel hamdulillah he lolly o allah rasool o who villopoto a demon half-billion here who Aladeen equally rockefeller he Shaheed or sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad wa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in why should Allah hang no ma the who Larry Kara why should do n muhammadan abduhu or a Sulu I'm a dad how is everyone I'm Delilah for the Muslim is always work hunger in lat that's it today was a good day Rehan dreamed if today was a bad day one hungry left because one thing we are assured of out of the mouth of our beloved messenger subrahmanyam Selim is that the affair of the believer is higher in its integrity it's good in its entirety and that's an affair that is only for the believer if the believer is blessed with something good from Allah then the believer thinks Allah for it and it becomes higher for them and if the believer is tested by Allah then the believer is patient with Allah and that becomes kind for them so the entire life for a believer is good the good and the bad so we say what Hungary left for everything because Allah Azza WA JAL is in control of all the affairs of the universe he is in control of everything everything is within his power therefore if something comes to you and it displeases you or you don't like it or maybe it's bad know that either allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Azza WA Jalla Jalla WA ala either wants to free you from some of the sins that you have committed in this life and that's a good thing believe me to get rid of sin in this life is the best thing or Allah wishes to elevate your status in Jannah in the next life and of course that's good as well so it's always going to be good so when you ask how are you is always tired 400 lap now the issue of solar this is again as the brother said a basic issue this is the first obligation upon us after our covenant with Allah after our covenant of with Allah of the shadow and la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu or soon after we bear witness to Allah is witness Allah has commanded us to Salah so what is the primary obligation and Salah is an obligation that has been upon every nation Allah Azza WA JAL ordered all of the prophets would Sola all of the nations with Sola was mentioned so over 100 times in the Quran in various forms and in various connotations salah is something that is known to every Muslim and I could go many ways with this lecture because we have very short amount of time I could give you some of the cam of Salah and put you to sleep most likely I could give you some of the reasons of the obligation etc etc etc I can tell you about what Salah means and Salah itself is a very interesting word and that we don't really understand its its true root system so I is a very unique word Salah can be used many ways when Allah Azza WA JAL uses the word Salah for himself it's sending blessing and mercy as Allah Azza WA JAL says he since Allah upon the Prophet this is blessing that is sent upon the Prophet the Angels makes Allah upon the prophet alayhi salat wa salam on the believers this is sending its dead father for them and so are for us as a means of worship so it has many different meanings and connotations depend upon who's doing it we know that Salah is our connection with Allah Azza WA JAL is the one personal connection one-on-one interaction that the person has with the one who created them but what I want to try to accomplish tonight and sha Allah to Anna is that I'm sure that all of you pray have to ask to that question because if how many people in here are Muslim wage on your Muslim hands down do we have anybody that's not Muslim in the room right now no so that means everybody in this room prays all of you pray so what I want to try to accomplish tonight in charaka ayah is maybe to elevate the status of your sorta a little maybe because when it comes to salah it's more or less about whether you pray or don't pray and then what position that's on our holes in your life this is the reality of salah for the muslim whether they pray or don't pray in the prophet alayhi surat wa sallam said one who abandons it meaning the soul has disbelieved but someone who abandons the salah has disbelieved whether that be out of they don't think it's obligatory whether it be out of they don't just out of pure contempt for it laziness that's another issue it's a different color amongst the scholars about what status reaches the little of Cofer but the prophet alayhi salat wa salam said someone who abandons and leaves it completely they have disbelieved the percolator Abu Salam also said the difference between us and them meaning the believers in the disbelievers is our salah our salah is that which differentiates us from them but the question is what level the Salah hold in your life let position in your life the Salah whole we pray five times a day mandatory five times that's it let's just restrict ourselves to the five so lower that we pray anything that is mandatory upon us it takes roughly five to ten minutes so roughly an hour of our day if you do it right an hour of your day what position does that hour of your day hold and I'm going to tell you right now if that hour a day is not the most important hour of your day if that hour a day is not the most beloved hour of your day in that hour a day is not the thing that you look forward to the most when you get out of bed in the me Elahi you have any amount issue you have any man issue and it needs to be corrected it needs to be fixed because of great importance how you treat that hour a day the prophet alayhi wasallam said that every person upon being resurrected when you are born out of your grave when Allah recreates you the way he created you the first time your feet will land on the ground and they will not move they will not move until you a question about certain things and one of those things you'll be questioned about before your feet move is yourself your connection with Allah and the Prophet ISA dr. Sorrell said whoever salah is in order their salat is in order its affair is right than every affair that comes after it everything you'll be questioned about after it will be okay if your salah is okay your everything else will be okay your zakat will be okay your cm will be okay your honor i'm al all of it will be okay if the salat is okay but if the salah is not okay if the salah is out of order if the Salah is slacking or lacking then everything that comes after it will be slacking and lacking and out of order so if this hour a day that we spend minimally is not the most important hour of our day then we have lost sight on al Qaeda because that's all that matters that's a reality of life is that a Sarah should become the most primary import in our life of importance even though we live here right now you're living in this world you wake up you eat you sleep you go to work you get married you have children you get old you die but but that living in this life is only a stepping stone to the Hereafter it's only a place that we rest for a while on our way to Africa it's like taking a plane I take a plane from one country to another I might have to stop at an airport here wait a couple hours get on the plane and continue on to my destination the money that's what we're doing in this life we're stopping over from but our souls have existed long ago when a Lara's region created them and took an oath from them am I not your Lord yes we bore witness to that fact we took an oath of Allah Azza WA JAL we accepted a huge burden of responsibility upon us to worship Allah freely a burden that Allah offered to all creation they burned that a lot offered to the heavens and the earth and the mountains and the trees and they said no way you must be crazy you don't want it but us man we were ignorant ignorant and accepted it so it's become a responsibility upon us to spend some time worshipping Allah Azza WA JAL JAL ori alia now i want to give you a few examples of people from our setteth some of the companions and people after them the people whom we are told to take an example from the people whom the prophet alayhi salat wa salam said the best nation or need the one that is with me so melody Nia you know whom with whom Allah Dina you do know whom then those who come after them and those who come after them and then that was it he was silent after that meaning that the people after that were the color the people who would mess up things from then on but those would be the three best generations there was two companions the prophet alayhi surat was to them they were on their way to a battle and the prophet alayhi salat wa salam send two people to guard the muslims one of them was from the Ansar one of them was a Mahajan he was one of the immigrants and they both went to watch now the MSHA decided to take the first watch and the Mohanji decided asleep you sleep I'll watch and as the ansara was guarding he started to pray he devoted himself in salat and nights as he was praying an enemy came from over the hill and saw him and shot an arrow and stuck it in his chest now for most of us that would have been it that's it we are running screaming like chickens of the heads cut off we're done we wake up everybody this answer who is unnamed this answer stood there and continued his solo he pulled it out of his chest and he dropped continued to worship Allah a solid there was an even mandatory upon him and now I feel so odd that he's offering for Allah pulled the arrow out of his chest set it on the ground now can you imagine the man who's shooting the arrow can you imagine what's going through his head I just shot this guy and his response was to pull it out of his chest drop it on the ground and to continue to recite the Quran so he said okay shoot him again shot him in the chest again he didn't move he pulled it out of his chest dropped it on the ground then the man shot him for a third time that one took something out of him any-any and he fell to the ground because he couldn't stand up anymore and the Mohajir woke up and said what's wrong with you man you wake me up the first two times he said I was reciting such a beautiful recitation such a beautiful verses from the Quran that I didn't want to break my Salah you see this is the importance that the Companions paid to this Allah it was of importance when they stood in front of Allah they understood what was happening they understood the transaction that they had entered into when they said Allahu Akbar and they kept their commitment there was another man from amongst ourself in an Bukhari which many of you are familiar with him and Bacardi Limon tal are are they a member card he was one since Allah and he was being stung by a wasp I wast was stinging him and instilling him according to the narration 17 times 17 times he was stung by this wasp and the people around him said that once he finished his song he felt some discomfort and he looked around and he asked those who were around him do you know what happened to me while am i hurting like this he didn't even realize it he was so engulfed he was so focused so much oh sure was in his soul he didn't realize what was happening until after so uh he felt the stinging and as companions what happened to me who hit me this was the importance in a Bihari Fahim about to die they played on his Salah there was another companion a Doozer air around the allah and even zubayr was on the front lines of a bathroom and the enemies were flinging catapults whatever they put in the catapult things it on fire whooping you know catapult a for what everything and find and they're flinging things at him and it's crashing all around him and the companions are able zubayr said all throughout this it moves abate didn't even move until after he had finished sauce allah he actually realized they were under attack he didn't even realize it he had no idea what's going on when i early about the omaha and this is told to us by his beloved wife for tema all of the allahu and how are ba the delivered wife a beloved daughter of the messenger of allah so allah hani who seldom said that when the time for salah would come when the oven would be called early would begin to shake in tremble and his face would turn pale and he would say to himself it is now time to discharge the duty there was offered to the heavens and earth and they refused but i an ignorant foolish man accepted it you see this is the reality of the position that salah should have in our lives it should have a position that is utmost importance it should be something that becomes more important to us than food more important to us than water more important than the air we breathe should be that solar because you can take away air and i'll die you can take away food and I'll eventually die you can take away water and my body will eventually just fall apart and die but if you take away my soul oh my accurate is gone and even if my body lives for a million is one day I will have to face a law and it will be a bad day that should be the reality they sell our holds in our life that should it be the position that a lot that's a lot holds in our life we have to start realizing what it is that we're doing when we stand in front of the creator of all things the creator of all things I want you to think about a few things few things when we go for solo we first and foremost are taught to prepare ourselves prepare ourselves we get up we make goo-goo and we stand in front of allah azza wajal the prophet alayhi salat wa salam wants to ask his companions to tell them about the importance of salah he said to them if someone had a river running outside of their home and they bathed in it five times a day would there be any traces of dirt left on that person the complain you said no of course not this person will be perfectly clean he said the same is the Salah for the believer five times a day they wash themselves from sins and finished the day without sin now Allah Azza WA JAL forgives the sin of the believer through the Salah there's another hadith of the prophet alayhi surat Bassam that once the person begins the Salah the the sins rise up to the head portion of the person and then when they POW and prostrate the sins fall right off this is what salat is for the believer it's a time for me to wash myself and I have an opportunity five times a day to free myself from the garbage and foolishness that I have done in between this is the beauty of the soul oh but think about something for a moment what is the thing that we say at the beginning the Salah and we recite it more than we recite anything in surah one statement that we say more than anything and so on what is it Allahu Akbar do you understand what that means do you understand why we start salat with Allah Akbar why is it not with subhana Allah I'm gorilla there are many other things that praise Allah that we can begin our salat with but Allah as what you're legislated for us through messenger so Baba honey we'll sell them who told us play as you see me pray to start our Salah a low economic what is Allah Akbar I mean what is the word I gotta mean somebody tell me greats almost there greatest no clothes greater I'm not like about Allah is greater do you understand what you are making a statement of when you stand in front of Allah and you say Allah Akbar you're saying that Allah is greater greater than what anything else that's going on right now Allah is greater than my job right now was greater than that allows greater than my money right now Allah is greater than that Allah is greater than my cell phone that's ringing right now Allah is greater than that Allah is greater than my children who are running around doing confusion right now Allah is greater than that Allah is greater than my wife who's calling my name right now Allah is greater than that everything that could be taken in preoccupying me Allah is greater than that Allah is greater than my sleep so I get up and say Allah Akbar Allah is greater than my own life so I get up and I say Allahu Akbar we are claiming and making a statement that I think we free it we say it just Allah Akbar don't even think about what it means we are making a proclamation that right now Allah is greater than anything else from the time I say Allah Akbar to the time I say Saddam are I take o Muhammad Allah Allah is greater than anything in therefore I'm giving him the attention he deserves do you understand what happens when you say Allah o people there's another authentic statement of the prophet alayhi surat was salam that when the servant of Allah says Allah Akbar standing in front of him Allah commands that the veil between him and his slave be lifted and Allah gives complete attention to the one who has turned his attention to him in a way that befits his Majesty in honor and he can do it for everyone he gives attention to that person that person has now entertained me Allah gives that person at Inchon and remains attentive to that person as long as that person remains attentive to Allah but you know what happens to us we start thinking about everything else Shaitaan comes Shaitaan comes and reminds you your phone is ringing did you did you lock the car did you turn your phone off what's going on I got a paper this dude did like all kinds of things start coming in your mind and then the mind turns away from Allah Azza WA JAL so Allah asks his slave is there something you have turned to more important than me and he lowers the veil that is between you and him because you've turned to something now there is more important than Allah you said Allah Akbar therefore Allah turned his attention towards you and then you turned your attention to something more greater than the one whom you're standing in front of so the attention is turned away from you do we understand that we are entertaining directly the king of all kings you're worrying about something in your salah that allah himself is in control of the person who you're standing in front of excuse me the one whom you're standing in front of the one whom you're standing in front of whose attention is directed toward you and your attention is directed towards him the things that you are worrying about in your salah is something that the one whom you're paying attention to has control over and you're worrying about it allah azza wajal is the one who the affairs of the heavens and the earth in his hands the affairs of the universe are in his hands he controls everything that exists in perfect balance and you're worried about your cellphone you're worried about your children you're worried about money you worried about all of these other things when the one whom you stood in front of is the one who can take care of all of it we have to ask ourselves what is going on with us our Salah needs to come back into having value it needs to have value one thing that we can do to add some value to our Salah is learn to love the one to whom we are standing in front of know Allah you have to learn to have some love for again this is the purest form of worship that you'll ever find because some of us we pray we pray for many reasons some of us pages because we're told to pray our parents make us pray some of us pray because that's just what we have to do Islam tells us to pray so we pray we get it over with and we're done with it it's just a duty that we discharge and we're done but the true worship is the one who worships out of love he doesn't care about if Allah rewards him for it doesn't care about if Allah punishing them for it does it matter worships Allah for love of allah azza wa gen and we love a loss of Hannah who with the Ayana because Allah Azza WA JAL is the source of everything why do we love in this life we love for many reasons we might love someone or something because it's beautiful we see a nice car we love it see a nice watch we love it nice pair of shoes we love him our family we love them our wife we love her because she's beautiful her husband I love him because he's beautiful we know things because they're beautiful or we love things because of what they've done for us we might love our parents because of what they've done for us we love our brothers and sisters because of what they've done for us we love people because of the way they have treated us so if we love in this dunya for those reasons what about our loss of Hannah who were to Ana house as a legend is Allah not beautiful Allah is the most beautiful Allah Azza WA JAL is the most beautiful a beauty that is so beautiful that it cannot even be exposed to this vignette it can't even be exposed to creation the beauty of Allah is so severe so beautiful that if Allah removed his veil that prevented him from being seen in this life his beauty would burn everything in existence it would overtake everything and destroy everything Allah Azza WA JAL is the one who gives you life Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala woke you up this morning came here you rock back all he asked in return stand up and worship Me for ten minutes give me ten minutes in the morning of worship forgiving you back there oh it's a very very very unprofitable trades the profit is on our behalf the profit is on our behalf Allah gave you food Allah gives you drink Allah gives you clothes and yet we love things that Allah has created more than we love the one who created them just the reality because if we did in our Salah would have that that importance it would take on that level that it took on with the companions and the son of Elohim although when we stand in front of Allah we have to ask ourselves what am I trying to accomplish with this solo what am I trying to accomplish am i praying to discharge a duty am i praying to get something from Allah it's permissible am i praying to worship allah or am i praying because i have the opportunity to do so am i praying just because i have the ability and the opportunity therefore i long and wait for that time to be able to stand in front of the one whom i love if you love someone in this life when you're away from them it hurts you it hurts you sisters if your husband travels and he goes out of town it bothers you you can't sleep at night you can barely eat all you do is think about him you're texting him all the time why because you miss him you love him what about allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala i was the legend brothers when you're gone you away from your family you miss them you miss your wife you wonder how she's doing you miss your children the first thing you want to do is pick them up and give them a big hug and kiss you miss it what about Allah Arzu again should we not miss a law the same way should we not miss standing in front of the one whom we love should we not miss him to the point to where we desire nothing more than to meet him the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam and this is narrated by aisha radi allahu allah the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam said whoever loves to meet a lot a lot of loves to meet them whoever hates to meet Allah Allah hates to meet them aisha radiallahu anhum wala Baha said ya Rasul Allah but there's none of us who doesn't dislike that there's none of us who doesn't like this the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam said this is not what I'm talking about he said the believer when death comes to them and they realized what's now in front of them Akira is now in front of them they long for it nothing more than anything because the Angel of Death stands in front of them and says all beautiful and pure soul cannot therefore that death is the most beloved thing to them at that moment because it brings them to the end result of their entire life to meet Allah as the origin therefore they longed to meet Allah and Allah longs to meet them subhanAllah but someone who disbelieves or a grievious sinner when the angel of death comes to them and says yeah so Haditha o dirty soul come out then that death and what comes after it becomes the most hated thing to them because they realize they now have to stand in front of Allah and they don't wish to do so therefore they hate to meet Allah and Allah hates to meet them you see this is the reality of this life in Nalina here our analogy here our own we belong to Allah we're going to go back we are the property of Allah Azza WA JAL we are at the left we are the slaves of Allah do we understand what that means that I'm a slave of Allah I'm owned by Allah and the property of Allah everything I have is because of the one whom I'm in servitude to if I eat this because Allah fed me if I drink it's because Allah gave me to drink if I put on clothes is because Allah allowed me to do so if I take a step is because Allah gave me the ability to do so I am a slave in the reality of this life is that everyone is a slave the believers the disbelievers the Jews the Christians they're all slaves they're all slaves of Allah as the legend just the believers the most the only ones who admitted we're the only ones who admit it and live our lives according to it yes I'm a slave so I live like that I live in that servitude I live in that humidity I live in their humbleness in that life of servitude there are some people who live this life serving a lot they live this life worshipping Allah they live this life loving the one to whom created them the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam said about these people that when their soul is taken from them to Panama see this is the reality not only sell out but many things but the key is this a lot the key is the Salah because it is that which all the other deeds revolve around there are people who when the Angels come to them as Allah says in surah fussilat laguna llaca mustafa mu those who say their lord is allah and they remain steadfast upon that the angels will descend upon them at death now this will be the most frightening experience anybody will have I don't care what type of frightening experience you think you've had in your life I don't care you've been in a car accident you've been in this and that the other I had a gun put to my face frightening experience but there will be no more frightening experience than the day of death the day we look at this life for the last time the day we see this world for the last time and unfortunately for most of us that will be the first day that we realize how despise this dunya is unfortunately for most of us the day we leave this world will be the day we realize its true value and that it has none but that day Allah Azza WA JAL says in surah fusillat the those who say their Lord is Allah and they remain steadfast upon that but the Angels descend upon them at death and they have three things to say the most beautiful words that you will ever hear in your life three things the first of them what what is the first one now don't be afraid don't be afraid what a dozen and don't be sad don't even be worried don't even have any concern or worry today well I'm sure ooh but have glad-tidings male genital let's continue our duel of gender that was promised to you by allah who wants to hear these words upon this which one of us does not want to hear the day they leave this life the statement don't be afraid don't be worried but have glad tidings of Jenna that was promised to you do you know what this person is going to do the soul of this person is going to flow out of the body like water pouring from a jug and when it flows out it will smell like the sweetest Musk the angels that accompanied the angel of death will come and grab that soul and start passing it around do you know why they want to smell it they want to smell it they want to smell this beautiful soul and they write that soul in a shroud that is brought directly from Jenna neshama and then they take that soul and they start ascending to the heavens and as they get to the heavens they ask for permission to enter who is it and the angels will call that soul by its best names this is so and so the son of so and so the Sonique the truth for the honest one the uprights whatever his most beautiful and beloved names in this life is what those angels will call it and as that soul is being passed through the heavens every angel will ask who is this soul this beautiful sweet-smelling soul this is so and so the best names and then that soul reach allah azzawajal and allah will tell it that this is what i have promised you this is the promise of allah this is the promise that I made to you so take that soul back and lay it down gently in the grave carefully lay that soul subhanAllah you see this what's comes from a life of servitude to Allah this is what happens to the soul that was in its right mind and it's right stay when it stood in front of Allah as Vaghela in this life when they lay that beautiful soul in the grave and the dirt is thrown over it then the salah comes and stands next to that person the salah comes and stands on the side of that person the CM comes and stands on another side the zeka comes and stands by the head and the good deeds stand by the feet and you're going to want that you're going to need it because there will be two angels that will come now and these angels munkar and nakir they were created by Allah with no mercy these angels have no softness in them they are the interrogators of Asura and they come to every soul they come to every single soul the Prophet lacer Abu Salam said that he stood by a grave and he said make dua for your brother because right now he's being questioned and that soul comes it approaches that body it comes to the side and wants to yank it up in the Salah says you can't come this way I got his back you can't come over here and harass him to her I got his back so Rangers go to the other side the CM says no no no no no not coming to this side I got his back okay well then they go by the head to yank him up or yank her up there's a card ahsoka says la la la la la you're not coming by here I got his back I got her back then they go by the feet the other good deeds say nope no access from here either I got their back so then what do the Angels Mokka linear they're forced to ask the soul to get up they force just to us please get up please get up and when that Saul gets up and sits up it's made to look like it's time for motherhood do you know what that beautiful soul wants to do do you know what the first request that your soul has one who stood in front of the law with Deborah who Shu who gains it's important in this life do you know what the first thing that Saul wants to do in the grave wants to pray it'll say let me pray subhanAllah let me pray after all of this craziness has been through this soul still says let me pray the angels will say there'll be plenty of time for that trust me you have a lot of time to pray I got some questions for you I got some questions for you what is the first question they will have I'm gonna book who is your Lord now we think as Muslims just because I say Larry I have a law no problem middle book there'll be a look that it doesn't work like that doesn't work like that because if you did not live your life Robbi Allah don't expect your answer to the it'll be a la if you lived your life I'll be a for loose my life is money my troubles money I don't know what you're going to say on that day if you lived your life your your rub with your job I don't know what you're going to say on that day if you lived your life with your Lord being anything other than Allah you're up the one who sustained you was anything other than Allah and that's what you gave your servitude to then that might be what you say unfortunately some of us are going to say I'm beat on a vegan I love the Pakistani I'll be a Bengali I'll be Samadhi it's what we're going to say because that's what our lives revolved around our culture's and if you do that if you do that those angels have a very big hammer and I don't think you've ever seen a hammer like this and they smashed that person on the head and that smash is so devastating that it turns the person to dust and the screen is so loud the Prophet Allah saw that Wilson said that scream is heard by everything that Allah created except human beings in June and the prophet sallallaahu Salim said I would let you hear it I would let you hear it but if I did I'm afraid you would never bury a person ever again you would never bury someone ever again but then someone who stood and so on before Allah gave a lot of the proper position in this life they won't have a problem they will be given something called it's the comet religion and a steadfast heart by Allah and they will say without a doubt that I'll be Allah will know in the Angels say how do you know that well because I lived that I live that this will be the winner of the believer in al-qaeda who are you dare question me will be Allah the no book was your Lord and then the angels will say ok good job Bernadine what was your religion what was your religion for those of us who lived with Islam as a proper place in our life Dean Islam my religion was Islam those of us who live the life other than what Allah rose with your legislative for us that's what you'll say and you get smashed again you get smashed again but there will be another question whenever you who is your prophet who is your prophet who did you follow whose example did you take when you lived in this life unfortunately many of our youth I'm going to say maybe a little Wayne my prophet was little Wayne drink $0.50 Denzel Washington because that's who they emulated that's who I took my example after that's who I dressed like that's who I acted like that's who I talked like that's who I moved in my life around so that's who you're going to say but those of you who try to live the example the prophet alayhi surat wa sallam follow the Sunnah of the messenger of allah some more they were seldom you will say about him messenger was Mohamed Salah honey whistling how do you know that because I followed his life I know him you wanna know who his grandfather was do you want to know his great-great grandfather was do you want to know where he was born what year do you want to know what color hair he had how he parted it in the middle how his beard was this like that do you want to know how he hates how he slept I'll tell you ask me this will be the is of the believers in Africa and then when that person answers the three questions properly I'm just explaining to you that when you put your soul on right how everything else falls in place and this is the ultimate like me but that you end up with the good ending the Angels gently lay that soul back down and then the grave they once squeezed and let go opens as far as you can see you think you have a big house in dunya wait till you see the house of the believers in the graves it opens as far as the person can see and then a door to Hellfire is open for that person and they can feel the heat you can feel the heat can you imagine you probably get scared no I've made it this far and now I can see Hellfire and an angel says to you had you disbelieved had you disbelieved in Allah this would have been your place and then that door shut to never be opened again that's it the only time you'll ever see and then a door to jenna is opens and it is said because you believed because you believe in you obeyed Allah and you worship the law properly in this life this is now going to be your home so they bring in furnishings from Jenna and your grade becomes a home a piece of Jenna every grave in this life is either a piece of gender or piece of not one of the two and then that person is told every day morning and evening morning and evening I'm sure obedient little lady come to Adam glad tidings of gender which you were promised every single day and you know that you are in the response of that person think about this the dua and the response of that person is yog be Europe be a Kemosabe Masada subhanAllah my lord my lord established the hour bring the day of judgment hurry it up hasten the day of judgment because I want my reward that person makes do our every day for the Day of Judgment to be established the flipside the person says rugby rugby never established an hour allow the hour to never come you see these are two stark contrasts two completely different scenarios and let me tell you something brothers and sisters there's no third there is no third there is no in-between there's no purgatory in Islam it's Jenna or not that's it this belief in this disbelief and that's it and the beginning of belief the first pillar of belief after accepting and admitting that a larvae gel is the only in lower the other ship is the Salah establishing the worship of Allah as a widget for that which we were created when I call dr. Jinnah will enter in earlier Abu dune I didn't create mankind engine but to worship me Allah asks you asks you only for about an hour a day 23 other hours of losses is yours is yours initially I wanted 50 Allah wanted 50 every 20 something minutes Allah wanted you to worship Him what would your life be natives if you had received those 50 but Allah reduced it down to 5 out of his rahman out of his mercy Allah reduced it down to 5 and then said that those 5 I will give you the reward of 50 if you pray those 5 and give me that hour I will give you the waters if you prayed half the day this is how merciful Allah Azza WA JAL is to us but how grateful are we in retrospect how grateful are we do we think about it do we realize it do we stand in front of Allah and say Allah Akbar meaning it do we really mean a lot is greater than everything when we say subhanAllah home or the hammock do we know do we mean it do we mean glory be to you O Allah and praised looked America's look and go if I'd be your name what their honor did Duke and lofty be your position Valeri Lahiya and there is no other God but you do we understand what were even saying when we stand in front of Alonzo Jed do we realize that our Salah will only be counted with more cognizant of it the only Salah we're going to get credit for is this a lot that we are aware of the one that we're cognizant of not the one that we've discharged just to get it out of the way just to get it out of the way we have to realize what we are doing Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala commanded in the Quran to the Prophet laser or Salaam look I'm not a book and say the your Lord says what what is Allah Azza WA JAL tell us the only call upon me and I will answer you call upon me and I will answer you how many times throughout this day do you need something raise your hand if at least five times a day you need something anything anything whatsoever you need something at least five times a day raise your hand you need it much more than that Allah Azza WA JAL is telling you my slaves call on me I will enter you calling me and I will answer you Allah also says how many of you have ever committed a sin anine hey Jan you've committed a sin yeah how many of you gonna commit another sin most likely going to commit another sin unless you die now or in the next two minutes are you going to commit another sin Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says say to my slaves who have transgressed themselves say to my slaves who have transgressed themselves do not despair of the mercy of Allah do not despair of the mercy of Allah for indeed he forgives all sin I mean seriously we sin every day and every day Allah is saying to us don't despair my mercy I will forgive all of your sins I will forgive all of your sins in the whole earth or Rahim indeed I am the most forgiving the most merciful but do we even show any gratitude that Allah is ready to forgive us that Allah is ready to have mercy upon us let me finish with this one little last thing that hopefully if if I've tried to accomplish anything tonight it's that when you stand in front of Allah the next time your Salah is a little bit different is that when you go pray Maghrib tonight that Margaret tonight is different than any other time you've stood in front of a bar of the vigil and I wish I could take you through every component of solar beginning with Allah how active are ending with cinema Radhika Muhammad Allah explaining to you the position it plays in our lives but the time is not with us but I want you to think about something because you just told me that all of you commit sin and then you're going to continue to commit sin correct we agreed on that yeah I German in the room sha Allah we got an edge amout of more than 10 Muslims so it's a shocking fact in the UK nevertheless do you know that when Allah created you he knew you were gonna sin did you know that or any of you aware of the fact that when Allah created you he knew you were going to sin how many of you aware of that raise your hand a lot knew you were gonna send but he created you anyway Panama when I where Azza WA JAL decided to create us when it is that when he decided to create something called insan' allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and a lot reminds us of this very early in the quran in surah Baqarah allah says and remember when your Lord said to the angels a discourse he had with the angels in media I don't feel out of the Khalifa indeed I'm going to create on earth of halifa I'm going to create something earth they will become a representative a vice Jared's a successor all of the things that hadith I mean but the angels understood that word Khalifa had special prominence there was something special about this new thing that Allah was going to create so the Angels had a question for Allah Azza WA JAL and the question was quite logical quite logical the Angels wanted to know our Lord are you going to create something that is going to cause mischief and shed blood really because the Angels had already witnessed a similar creation to us called jinn they had a free will and they made a big mess of things so the angel said you're really going to create this Khalifa so that it can cause mischief in shed blood now did the Angels know us the day did they peg us pretty good did they understand us a little bit yeah they understood us a little bit do we cause mischief do we cause mischief if you don't know that we've caused mischief why this is why the first time you come out of your house ever to this event just look around we cause mischief we're not shedding blood do we shed blood look at the world today it's all about killing killing killing and and how long was it before we began this mischief and shedding blood how long the very first sons of this Khalifa the very first sons of this Khalifa one killed the other and caused and started all this mischief and shedding blood so it didn't take very long and angels knew that but a loss of Hanna who at the ayah in His infinite wisdom said something very beautiful that there is the reason that you exist it's the reason you exist it's the reason that you are who you are it's also the reason that you're going to commit sin today tomorrow and probably for the rest of your life until you turn into a vegetable or you die he did not even answer the question Allah didn't give any logic any explanation except but to say what those allows response verily I know what you don't know I know what you don't know I have knowledge of something you don't so allah created this khalifa allah created him and before even breathing into him the rope of life beliefs looked at this Khalifa so what's so great about this thing when all around it through it looked at it kicked it there's nothing special about this thing man and when Allah Azza WA JAL gave it life breathed into Adam Alisa Ram Allah commanded everything to prostrate to this thing everything prostrate to this and they all submitted except Iblees he said no man not submitting to that thing it created out of thirds created me out of fire and then I'll walk a straight on out michelle phan said give me some respites just give me respite and i will prove to you that this hurry for the you've honored above me will be disrespectful and ungrateful to you it will be ungrateful to you and so gave Shaitaan respite and he played his role and he's been playing his role very very proficiently since caused us to do many things that we normally would not have probably done and then allah azza wajal landed adam took a rib from him created his wife Eve put them in Jannah and said look this is your home do whatever you wish eat from anything you want but there's this one tree don't touch it just that that one tree just leave it alone it's not for you but then straight on and takes them you all know the story they ate a lot told them get down from here you must live in the earth for a while but they will come from me messengers whoever follows them will be rightly guided whoever turns away from them will be destroyed now there is something that Adam and I am and this sums it all up there's something out of it he said I'm asked Allah when Allah kicked them out of Jenna Adam are SLM a Salah yell be my lord when you created me did you not create me with your own two hands as beef added that beef it's Allah not like our hands Allah said yes I created you and did you not breathe into me the Rope of life and make me live God says yes I did and when I sneezed did you not say your mock Allah yes I did and when you placed me in the garden did you not know I was going to eat from that tree did you not already know before any of this that when you put me in this garden and told me don't eat that tree I was going to eat from it didn't you already know that you see Adam understood Allah Azza WA JAL Allah says yes I knew you were going to eat from that tree so he said well then will you not place me back into that garden one day if I repent from it and I lost said yes I place you back in that garden one day you see this was what life was all about for this in sin Allah created it showed in its position Allah shows us our position by where he placed the first of us in Jannah that's where we were meant to be but due to the fact that we had that free will we were going to make mistakes we're going to screw it up so therefore we had to screw it up down here we couldn't screw it up in Jannah Jen is perfect journalist a beautiful place is not for mischief and shedding blood and all that nonsense so what gave us this earth to just tear it up as we wished a world would you loo there would be some of us there would be some of us who would then return to Him when we screwed up we would repent and I love what forgiveness you see life is not about whether or not you're going to make a mistake that's guaranteed mistakes guaranteed life is about what you do with those mistakes life is about what you do with them do you learn from them do you repent from them do you make Taobao to allah azza wa Jenna because you know Allah Azza WA JAL loves for being that repent for once a lot loves it tobei is something that a lot desires from you and he loves it almost more than anything because something has ordered you to do so now it's something mandated upon you but Alber Tober is something you do willingly you turn to allah and repent to him and allah loves that a lot loves it so think about that the next time you make a mistake it's not the end of the world it's not to bad thing Allah doesn't love your sin but Allah does love the outcome of it for the repentant for those who repent Allah loves the outcome of their mistakes they turn to Him and repent to him and that's the real value of life you see Allah could have been known as great by what he creates it look at that was the earth they bear witness of a lost power of a lost grandeur the design of the heavens the earth prove Allah Azza WA JAL is everything he says he is it a lot wanted to be praised he created angels for that purpose and he can create more and more and more and more everything praises everything the trees praise Allah the water play everything's a Muslim everything praises a lot but there was some things about a Lara's origin some attributes that a lars was yet possessed that couldn't be known until Allah created something that could disobey him you see Allah could not show that he was merciful until he created something to have mercy on something Allah cannot show that he was the fool until he created something to forgive Allah cannot show these ar-rahim until he creates something to be merciful to and this became the greatest attributes of Allah religion these became the attributes that allah awj s wore upon himself before creating anything my mercy will always overcome my anger so we have to understand we're living a life that has purpose it has reason it has reason every single one of us our life is grand and it's part of the grand design of Allah sewage and we just forget that many times we forget that many times so low it's supposed to remind us of that grand design so why is supposed to remind us of that grand design the yes I'm have a daily life I'm doing this that and the other in the third but but I remember my purpose that I'm here to worship allah azza wajal i'm here to ask a lot to forgive me i'm here to make up for the things that i have screwed up in this life so it's not about whether or not you will make a mistake the mistake is guaranteed to you it's all about what you will do with a mistake and now lastly as I close I want to say two things one of them I'm going to say for the very end because it's about Salah another one I'm going to interject really quickly interject really quickly it's about the greatness of the one to whom we emulate our Salah should be an emulation of his Salah as he said pray as you see me pray Salah must be in the manner of the prophet alayhi salat wa salam if you don't play the way the prophet muhammed sallalahu they were seldom played you have no soul oh forget about it so if you pray the way your parents pray you have a problem yeah no problem I don't know if you'll be able to answer for that Salah on the day of judgment you can't say I prayed because my parents prayed like this it's not acceptable in Islam it's not or I prayed because I saw the Imam pray like this it's not acceptable it's not acceptable the Prophet lace that item said pray as you seen me pray if you pray pray because the Prophet lace about Wilson and prayed like that if you put your hand somewhere put them because the Prophet lace wrapped or celeb did that if you recite something in your salah recited because the Prophet lace about what surrounded that if you makes a dude a certain way do it because the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam did it that way and you will have a Salah that will be meaningful it will be beneficial and it will be acceptable in Charlotte Arana but there is a day coming and they coming and it's a days it is called Yamuna shoo one of the names of it is young mature the day that everyone will witness it is also called Yamuna Adeem the greatest day the greatest day that will ever exists when a law started creating days there was one day he saved to the young melody the greatest day because it's a day that will last for fifty thousand years fifty thousand years this one day will last it is the day of Yom will be on the day of standing today of standing now on that day people will be in utter confusion and chaos I want to tell you about two great things of that day about Allah and His Messenger saw lots of them I'm beginning with The Messenger of Allah so I can finish with allah awj led greatest Allah Akbar the prophet alayhi salat wa salam on that day will have a special position and I'm hoping that you give the Prophet race about post Ram special position in your life right now because if you don't today I don't know if you will be privy to this on that day though we'll be running around in craziness and confusion and we won't know what to do we'll have been standing there for fifty thousand years the Sun is on our heads were drenched in our sweat or reading our books people are going bananas all we care about is the day of judgement starting that's just let us now start judging us some of us won't even care if we go to Jannah or not I don't care anymore just get it over with so we run to Adam relates to them and you can find this hadith in Bukhari we went to adam alayhis-salam the father of humanity and we say yeah Adam Allah created you with his own two hands we need someone to go and intercede with Allah for us and tell him to start this day man we need someone Allah do not see what's going on here you know what Adam and I said and will say to us my lord is very angry today he is angry like he has never been angry and he will never be this angry ever again i disobeyed my lord in the garden I have my own worries today me me me I cannot help you go to Ibrahim Alize about - no don't - no no la silla we want to know ya know ya know look what's going on go to a Mazda jail for us no ELISA Ram will say the same thing my Rob is angry like never before or never again I had wonder are given to me as the prophet alayhi salat wa salam every prophet had to do ah that was given to them that whatever you asked me for I will give it Allah gave all prophets one special do I get out of whatever you want do I ask you skill get it not will say the dua Allah gave me I used it on my people I used it on my own people to destroy them so I have my own worries today I can help you go to moosa a.s ram moosa already spoke to allah directly so we'll talk to musa we run to mu see ya musa at first actually we could able to him even Himalayas to them yeah Ibrahim help us same thing Ibrahim will say I lied I lied about my wife I can't help you today I'm worried now in front of Allah I'm scared so we will move to the same thing Musa says I killed the man I'm scared you think I'm going to alone Naaman not me go to Easter Day Silla Griesa we go to a race Aram ya ISA ISA says the same thing are you joking they worshipped me like I was a lot I'm afraid I'm right here I'm not going anywhere go to Muhammad Sawa hiding center go to him so we run to mohammed salameh Hollywood seldom ya Rasul Allah intercede with us on behalf of of us for alarms with them to Allah as region and the prophet alayhi salat wa salam will not turn us down because you know that one do odd that was given to every prophet every prophet used it in their lifetime for something except a rasool sallallahu alayhi wasallam he said that do I not finish in 60 seconds he said that do i I saved it for you do you understand how much the prophet alayhi wa salam loved us he loved all of us the first of us in the last of us so much that he suffered so much in his life more than anyone else and yet he still held on to that do offer you so you do you love him like that do you put the prophet alayhi salaatu said I'm above everyone else in your life because what why he put you above everyone else he will go in front of Allah as legitimate soju then worship Allah as long as Allah wishes then Allah will say to him get up and ask me anything you wish it would be given to you now the Prophet later Abu Salam could ask for many things but he has only one door meteo metier my nation my nation forgive him not my companions not my family my nation everyone who followed me because he says almighty my nation the people who followed me forgive them and Allah Azza WA JAL only accept inshallah the Schieffer vertosols Allah send them and forgive the minor sentence of this nation do we put the position of the prophet Lisa wraps around like that in our life not only that but let's say you're granted Jenna by Allah Allah says your good deeds outweigh your bad I have forgiven you go to Jannah and here we go running to Jenna we running there's any gates we know our gate run up to the gate I'm ready to go where's my house let's go the angel says who is it it's full an bin full and dangerous a I don't know but I can't open for you I can't help you look say okay even I can't I open the door see but he clearly a walk not sorry can't open for you Moosa can't open for you I said no can't open for you it won't be until our beloved messenger saw a girl already whistling comes and knocks on that door and the angel says who is it and he says the muhammad IBN abdillah suburb all honey was send them and the angel will say by Allah I was commanded not to open this gate for anyone but you anyone but you because you were the first one to walk into this gates this is the position of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam this is the real position of the messenger of allah so allah jalla wa sallam we need to have his position like that in our lives and finally finally for those of you have put a law in your life as his right position when you are resurrected on the day of judgment the prophet alayhi salat wa salam said when everyone is resurrected they will run to that which they worshipped they will run to that which they worship there will be idols that will be around things that they worship will be there for them people who worshipped idols they'll run to those idols and ask those idols to help them people worship Jesus he'll run to them in Jesus it was wrong with you everyone will run to that which they worshipped except except for the meaning the meaning they will be standing in their position without moving and people will say to them why are you not running to that which you worshipped they will say we worshipped our man the unseen in this life therefore we are waiting on him now we're waiting on him now and we won't move you see that's the real honor and as of the one who puts a lot as we gel properly in a proper position in their life the one who stands in front of Allah and says although I thought and understands that it means it the one who says Surpanakha Lahoma why be humbly Corte better because milk with the eyelid you do well I that woke and they mean it this will be their position on the day there is young Allah the greatest day so I hope in Charlotte Iran as something has been of some benefit to you I hope that you've learned to value yourself a little bit because it's the most valuable thing you possess it's the most valuable thing your own is your solar so give it the proper place it deserves and I hope every seller after this will be more beautiful to you more beneficial and more worthy in your eyes to be given worship to omars origin and finally if I have said anything that is good all sire good is from Allah from allah azza wajal and he says al hamdulillah all of it belongs to him so don't praise anyone but him for it and if i have said something that is wrong which i am guaranteed to have because I've been talking for an hour then is because I'm a human being with very little knowledge and please forgive me for it and insha'Allah make dua for me to increase what is a coherent assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh um ah um Oh Oh
Channel: AlihsanProjects
Views: 36,002
Rating: 4.9041533 out of 5
Keywords: yusha, evans, slough, hadith, muslim, Quran, Muhammad, prophet, Koran, salah, prayer, bible, Sheikh, Ahmed, Islam (Religion), Nasheed, imam, Ramadan, hajj, makkah, mecca, Convert, Holy
Id: 851UOUE_IT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 25sec (4105 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2013
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