The Importance of Knowledge - Shaykh Ahmad Ali

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you you after praising the almighty allah subhanaw taala and sending salutations and our beloved Nabi Muhammad son Allah while he was sending them I begin as always by first thanking you my host giving me this opportunity to convey the message of Allah knees resorcinol awhile ewilson them I pray to the Almighty Allah that Allah accept these efforts of yours and listening to this message as I pray to the Almighty Allah that Allah accepts these efforts and mind in trying to deliver the message of Allah neither a sword sudden allahu allah wa sallam as it was revealed on our beloved nabi muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his true and pure form over 1400 years ago my young friends the title has been advertised this evening is the importance of al-madinah religious knowledge how important is it for people like yourself and myself that profess that declare la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah there is no god worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad SAW Allah while he was ill and truly is a Messenger of Allah people like yourself and myself that claim that we love alone is the source and Allah who Ali was something more than the entire dunya and everything within it how important is it for people like yourself and myself to acquire the knowledge of the Deen knowledge of the Quran knowledge of the Sunna familiarize ourselves with the teachings of Islam why should I waste my time learning the Quran learning the hadeeth of Rasul Allah learning the Deen of Allah what will they get me how will it benefit me in the dunya and how will it benefit me in the osawa my young friends once upon a time such was the love for Allah and his results on Ilario Salam and such was the level of Iman such was the commitment and dedication such was the zeal that every single one from amongst the believers our forefathers the Companions of Rasul Allah son Allah Hawaii will seldom every single one of them sacrifice whatever they possess for Allah and is a source on a lot of solemn they sacrifice their health to their wall they sacrifice their properties they sacrifice that time they sacrifice their children they sacrifice their parents they sacrifice their wives my young friends they even sacrificed their lives when it came to Allah and his ruse and Al Ahly was on them when it came to the Deen of Allah when it came to Islam they did not hesitate not even for a second to lay down their life for Allah and his Rasul they lived by the Kali ma la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah and they died by the Kalima la ilaha illaallah muhammaden-rasul allah whenever the call was made by allah and his rasul the words will flow from their lips lebec was are they well hi raffia dig ya rasul allah my wealth is at your disposal Yara soon Allah my children my wife my property is at your disposal ya soon Allah my life is at your disposal tell me and I will do whatever you ask every single one of them there was a fire burning inside their hearts and this fire burning inside their hearts will not let them rest will not let them Wine and Dine on a Saturday evening wouldn't let them socialize my young friends this fire burning inside their hearts did not let them sleep till they did not elevate the Kalima la ilaha illa allah muhammad rasul allah to every corner of the globe this fire burning inside the hearts did not let them rest till they did not give everything that they possibly could give to allah and his rasul sun Allah Allah Allah how many a time you'll have heard the story of Balaam they will persecute him by day and they would persecute him by night they would whip him by day and they would whip him by night and when blood would gush from the Blessed body of belong to add salt to the wounds the co father would duck drugs in the rebel alley hability Allah Allah no in the scorching heat of Arabia and forced him to lie on the burning Sun in a land in a land where temperatures exceed forty five degrees centigrade in the summer months a land my young friends the even the mountains of Makkah cannot tolerate the heat of Makkah and this is why you will find when you go to the sacred land that these mountains are blocked because they can't tolerate the heat and they would force belongs to lie on the burning Sun and then they would take a large stone and place it on his chest and then they would torment further say Obolon lattice Allah Harkavy had a mood attack followed by Muhammad what a Buddha later well huzzah Oh Bela you will remain like this we will punish you day in day out night in night out till you do not leave the Dean on Muhammad's Night wasalam until you do not return to the worship of the idols Latin OSA they would persecute him by day they were persecuting by night and they were torn him in this manner not Asolo Hakata letters are oaxaca casa and say the nobility hability allahu taala no would take on his chest whatever they threw at him and he would say o cavero I had Ahad you can do what you like you can strip the flesh from Balazs bones Bilal declares the Kali ma la ilaha ill allah and he will die on the karim allah allah in the law there is only one God worthy of worship and that God is Allah and Mohammed sonali was sanam is the Messenger of Allah a fire was burning inside his heart he could lay down his life within an instant without thinking without hesitation no one's for allah and his rasul my young friends Mulally habit of the allahu taala no such was the level of Iman such was the passion such was the zeal such was the love for Allah neither soul if Allah gave him life a million times Bilal would not hesitate to lay down his life a million times for Allah and his rasul who can forget the likes of kebab the same companion of rasoolallah they would brand his head with hot iron rods this is the same huh Bob just as you are gathered inside this Masjid and you're listening to the reminder the Sahaba of the Allahu Alam ajma'in on one occasion I gathered around the Great Satan Emre Faruk lodi allahu taala no the Ameer al-mumineen the commander of the faithful and Satan a kebab enters the gathering and as soon as the Ameer al-mumineen say the nominee Faruk radiallahu ta'ala anhu notices kebab realizing the value of kebab realizing the sacrifices kebab made for allah and his rasul sal allahu wa sallam appreciating her bob his maqam his status the Ameer al-mumineen invites Aden a kebab right to the front of the gathering and he makes him sit next to him and then he addresses the gathering he says ma Allen I'll be a hardened Huckabee hurdle medalist min has a larger warhead Kay I swear by Allah on the face of this earth there is no one that is more worthy of this of this seat of this modulus in which I've asked her Bob to see more than her Bob except for one individual no one on the face of this earth more worthy of this honor which I bestowed upon her Bob more than her Bob except for one individual only one individual was more worthy of this signature Bob so Satan acaba bloody Allah with a non ASCII or merely mock me who is this individual that's more worthy of this honor of this seat in which you've asked me to say more than myself and say the nominee Faruk radiallahu trial on the said or ha Bob only and only Bilal a hostility allahu taala no is more worthy than you of sitting in this seat of this medalist see the NACA Bob radhi'allahu style on the said key amirul mumineen in my opinion Bilal is not more worthy of this honor than myself and then he explained to the amirul mumineen and the believers he said to the signal Mary Faruk radiallahu ta'ala no amirul mumineen there were times when the Kafar would persecute bilal so much so much that other coof are watching him being persecuted their hearts would melt and they would pity him they would pity belong and they would come to the other kafar and stop them from persecuting Bilal a habit of the allowed Island but he said or miramont meaning nobody would ever pity me when they when they persecuted me nobody's heart would melt when they're persecuted and tormented and branded hot iron rods on the head of her bob nobody's heart would ever melt nobody would come to my rescue nobody would come and save me from that torment and that torture and then he says to the emir element mean l'académie 8:20 omen aha Looney for Okkadu lean on some masala Kuna via Sunnah what the origin rigid or allow sundry from a title of the illa billahil Amir al-mumineen I witnessed the day in which they hold of me the kuffar caught hold of me they started a fire when the fire became hot they took off my clothes and then they dragged my body over heaps of smouldering charcoal almost and then one of them he stood on my chest so I'm able to get up and run away from the fire he asked Oh mommy no what do you think put out the fire that day it was none other than the blood and pus that came out from the back of her bob that put out the fire that day amirul mumineen banal is not more worthy than myself of this honor I ask you my young friends who can forget the likes of unmarried Nielson the entire family Amari RC Romania the first shahida in Islam the first woman to give her life for Allah knees rasul they would persecute them so much so much this entire family that when the nabi of allah would see them in the desert of makkah being persecuted tears would flow from the eyes of rasul allah dampening his blessed body blessed beard kids would flow from his eyes dumpling his Blessed beard and professional artist Anna would console am are so many hacer its bureau are liars here it's bureau ally yourself anymore is a comedian hang on there or family of Yasser we pay stay strong a las Vanuatu loves you so much that he's raised your ranks in paradise one of them there was a fire burning inside his house and this fire did not allow him to rest till he did not elevate the Kalima la ilaha ill allah and to elevate this Kali ma la ilaha illaallah every single one of the my young friends they would not hesitate to lay down their life for Allah and his rasul not one time if allah gave them life a million time every single one of the companions of rasul allah this was the level of iman this was the love this was the dedication this was the commitment that they were prepared to give whatever they possess for alone isn't a sword look at when it came to familiarizing themselves with the teachings of a learner's rasul familiarizing themselves with their creator and their moob muhammad sallallaahu was on him you have say dinner Abdullah bin Abbas through the allahu ta'ala anhu was up the love in a bus abdullah bin abbas was the son of satan on a bus and who was say that on a bus the cha-cha the uncle of rasool allah son Allah while he was on him my young friends I ask you how old do you think say that abdullah bin abbas was when our beloved nabi muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left this world how old do you think he was a mere 10 years of age when rasul allah Sinagua Selim left this world Satan abdullah bin above the allahu ta'ala anhu was a mere 10 years of age now look at his passion and look at his love for Allah neither soon my young friend you were also once upon a time 10 years of age there are many youngsters here that here today there are 10 years of age or near about what is the passion of our youth today our 10 year old my young friends their passion are their Playstations their passions are the YouTube videos their passion is the internet this is how they spend their day and night and here my young friends look at the cousin of Rasul Allah 10 years of age you know how you know how uncle Munda you know it is person at the age of 10 he's only this is tender age young age it's an age of play where you enjoy the dunya look what gave Satan abdullah bin abbas the buzz he saw last night was a lemon leaves this world he's no ordinary individual he's the cousin of Rasul Allah he's been around the Nabi of Allah he's been around the blessed house of rasool allah salallahu alayhi wasalam nemi km Salam Salam leaves this world and he comes to his ansari friend and says Halima for less Alaska babassu nila friend normally ohm al qadir or my ansari friend let us go to the great companions over soon Allah send a lot asanam let us go to the likes of a worker Omar Othman and Ali and tell house LeBaron Saladin said let us go learn the Deen of Allah from them let us go learn the Quran from them let us go learn the sunnah of rasulallah salallahu sallam let us learn from them what we couldn't learn from Rasul Allah because of our young and tender age the Sahaba are alive and well and in great numbers my young friends his young is Ansari friend response voix a german la cabina abbas watchable Nakayama abbas after a nasty after Karuna a leak were announced Mina's Xavier lazuli last night was a lemon for him what dream do you dream peer pressure what dream do you dream or even your boss do you think by learning the Deen of Allah by familiarizing yourselves with the teachings of Allah and his rasul you're going to become some great Sheikh you're going to become some Island some Mufti some cheerful Hadees and people will travel far and wide and sit in your circles and benefit from you is this the dream that you're dreaming when the Companions of Rasul Allah are in great number alive and well Abu Bakr is alive and well Omer is alive and well Ali is alive and well they possess more knowledge than you will ever possess and you still dream this dream be fresher but look at look at look at the vehicle and the intellect of this 10 year old he knew what will benefit him in terms of the akhirah my young friends this 10 year old in allow this peer pressure to have an impact on him he ignores with Ansari friend says and this 10 year old Abdullah bin Abbas the cousin of Rasul Allah son Allah o sanam whenever he was informed that somebody is narrating a hadith over rasool allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam this ten-year-old child would humble himself and he would present himself to that companion over soon allah that was narrating the hadith of rasul allah whenever he was informed not so-and-so is narrating the hadith of rasoolallah so now a son of abdullah bin abbas this 10 year old child would present himself to him and many a time he would find that this person to whom he's presented himself is sleeping at this moment in time it's midday he's taking his tail ooh like he's taking his siesta he's afternoon not my young friends the cousin of rasulallah wouldn't use his maqam to disturb this individual or take advantage of his high status and knock on the door of this individual no my inference this 10 year old child Allah blessed him with such internet that he would humble himself he wouldn't knock on the door he would wear outside this individuals house he would take off his outer garment and he would lay down on the floor and the wind would blow in the scorching here of Arabia and cover his blessed body with dust under and he would remain there lying on the floor my young friends and he would wait till his individual would actually wake up from his sleep and open his door and when this individual actually would wake up from his sleep and open his door he would be shocked to see the cousin of Rasul Allah sleeping on the ground covered in dust and dirt he would be shocked to see now the cousin of Rasul Allah is our is door he's sleeping on the ground covered with dust and there and this individual would address him he would address him Yemanja Allah or the cousin of Rasul Allah imagine a big what brings you to my house Halla our Santa Alea Fortier why didn't you tell me I would have come to your house I would have brought the heavies over sooner last night was salam to you and again this child would humble himself further and he would say to this individual no bhai I'm the one that was in the need you are the source of knowledge you are the well the thirsty should come to the world this is the other of the hadith of rasulallah salallahu alayhi wa sallam my young friends and he would take the Hadees of soon alhasan are you a son from him indeed this Ansari lived to see the day when satan abdullah bin abbas radiallahu ta'ala know had become greater than a king wherever you would see abdullah bin abbas you would see hundreds and thousands of people around him some are questioning this young individual with regards to the verses of the Quran Sumer asking him question with regards to the hadith of Rasul Allah soon are asking him question with regards to loja my young friends and the ansari said indeed this young and young individual was more cleverer than me who can forget that forget the likes of satan about of the allow talent my young friends when did sadhana abu huraira the allow teller declared the Kalam Allah Allah in the law he wasn't from amongst us arbequina already he wasn't like abu bakr umar osman ali the other dawn of islam when rasool allah slag was Adam declared his prophethood that he's the last chosen nabi of allah saving abu huraira the allahu ta'ala wasn't from amongst those that declared the Kalima at the dawn of islam say deny abu huraira they allow tarana if you pick up the history books my young friends you will find that say deny abu huraira the allotted or declared the Kalam Allah Allah in the law seventh year of migration nami crimson Isle Salim spent 13 years in Makkah then he migrated to Medina to Roman awara seventh year of migration after Haber was conquered this is when Satan abu huraira of the allah tala know declared the Karim Allah Allah in Allah 20 years after the dawn of Islam so he was not from amongst us la bikina Lewallen my young friends look at the love for Allah neither a soul look at the love to know who Allah is to know who were also Allah is to familiarize himself with his blessed teachings mine him free he himself knew that he can never be like abu bakr and umar they declared the Kalima la ilaha illaallah the dawn of islam abu huraira has lost 20 years from rasoolallah son illallah wa sallam whereas abu bakr and umar have been able to benefit from rasoolallah 20 years more than abu huraira when my young friends from the moment he declared the Karim Allah Allah in the law from the moon he declared that Karim Allah Allah in the law till now me Karim strike wa sallam did not leave this world wherever you found the Nabi of Allah with rasoolallah language son of you found the likes of Abu Huraira from that moment onwards till he declared the Kalima tanami crimson aegyosal on his death wherever you found Anna be of Allah with him you found Abu Huraira where the Nabi cream saliva Salim was home or abroad whether he was in madina al munawwara or ice out in medina to Managua whether the prophet salallahu alaihe wasalam is in battle wherever he was whether it was day or night wherever you found an a bit of allah with him you found say the abu allah now that he's been guided by allah now the allah has shown him the Zarate muslim my young friends now he's realized the value of life now he does not want to waste one more second of his life and he takes full advantage that whatever you found Anna be of Allah with him you would find Abu Huraira so much so my young friends than one occasion our bellevigne de me Karim son al re wa sallam said to abu huraira abu huraira why is it that you don't ask me for money or animate booty spoils of war your friends the Companions of Rasul Allah your friends they're always asking me for money they're asking me for dollars and dimes that asking me for booty spoils of war but you never asked me for dunya you never asked me the money of anybody you never asked me for spoils of war y se then I pull her out of the allahu taala nose response listen to it my young friends he said to me Karim sorry MK Allah so Allah as I look at and to aluminum in my lemak Allah he also a lot this dunya doesn't interest me well lovato high room abaca this dunya doesn't interest me he are sued a lot the Archaea interests me yes ooh la la this dunya doesn't interest me Molly of the Nima doesn't interest me dollars and dimes do not interest me ya rasulallah the only thing that interests abu huraira is that you give him some of the newer than allah is placed inside your heart you are a surah give me some of the light which Allah has placed inside your give me some of that knowledge which Allah has given to you this is the only thing the interest Abu Huraira this is why I Rasul Allah whether it's day or night whether you're in hazard or suffer abu huraira is with you to take some of that news some of that light he says say that abu huraira says give my friends from the muhajreen and ansar some of them were occupied some were occupied with their businesses just like you and i are occupied with our businesses and that's become our priority in life as if we're going to take these riches with us inside our graves and in the our Hara and if this is what will benefit in terms of our here are some of my companions their businesses take up their time and some of them their orchards keep them busy but me he said I was a poor man I possess nothing I did not eat leavened bread or wear robes of silk or have servants to serve me say the neighborhood or the Allah what Allah says I was so poor I was so poor that I would take stones and I would tie these stones on my stomach to ease the pain of hunger that's how poor I was I would take stones and to ease the pain of not having eaten for days I would tie storms to ease the pain of hunger and sometimes he says in the hello FEMA bein a member of a soul wha-hoo jealousy I Shama she and Ali he says sometimes days would go pies in which I would not even really a morsel receive a Mosul tea as a result of which I would faint in the masjid of rasool allah so i in masjid in every I would faint between the member of rasoolallah and as I share allah allahu taala an has room my legs would not be able to carry me and i would faint passes by would pass by and they will place their feet on the neck of abu huraira inside the masjid of rasulallah thinking abou Herrera has become a madman Abu Huraira has become you know Majnoon insane is it almost lamagno it was not the Abu Huraira had become a madman it's not that Abu Huraira had become insane I swear by Allah days would go by in which I would not receive a Muslim and I become so weak that my legs would not be able to carry my way and I would come crashing to the ground and faint in the masjid of rasulallah as a result of which people would think that I'm a madman and I become insane and he says sometimes my condition was so bad but I would stop the senior companions the likes of a Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali and I would pretend and I would ask him with regards to a particular verse of the Quran okay telling me about this verse tell me the meaning of this verse he says I swear by Allah the reason I would stop them and I would ask them not because Abu Huraira did not know that verse of the Quran not because he did not know the meaning of that verse I would stop them and I would ask them okay maybe when they look at Abu Huraira radi allahu taala know they will be able to see the signs of hunger on his face the Abu Huraira hasn't eaten for days and they will pity him and then they will take him home and they will feed him and they will satisfy his hunger it is this is why I would stop them and I would question them he says in spite of this in spite as this be my condition that I was so poor he says I will still present myself in the gathering of rasul allah sonali wa sallam well as they would be absent and he says i would remember what nabi karim said i wa sallam said well as they would forget and then he says on one occasion and as soon a la Serna lowary wasalam said whoever takes off his garment and he spreads it till I finished this talk of mine and then gathers his garment and places it on his chest I swear by Allah he will never forget what was who laughs on Allah when he was son of us uttered wanna be crimson ally what someone has said I ask you my young friends when the nabi of allah wanted these blessed words who in that gathering do you think was the first attack of his garment none other then say Dan abou her or the allahu taala on my young friends could not afford to waste since Allah gave him her diet and he entered the Kalima la ilaha illaallah and he realized the value of life and he realized the purpose of life why Allah has placed him in this dunya my young friends he did not want to waste one more second of his life say that Abu Huraira took off his garment he says this was the only garment on my body and I took it off and I sprained it just slight loss or loss and I was on him said and I waited for Nabi Kareem said I was tell him to finish his speech and when rasoolallah was son finished his speech I took it and I placed it on my chest just as a restaura lost nothing wa salaam had mentioned he says when I put this garment on my chest I swear by the one that sent Muhammad with Huck with truth I have never forgotten any word that muhammad sallahu wa sallam has ever uttered for years my young friends rasoolallah was in a pasture in year 11 he embraced the Kalima in year 7 my young friends I ask you how many Hadees do you think say that Abu Huraira the allahu anhu narrated today my young friends the Hadees that we have you will find other companions of rasool allah the hadees now reaches no company of rasoolallah sunnah wa sallam narrates more Hadees than say the new head of the allahu taala no we have received over 5,000 hadees from sidon abu huraira a fire burning inside their hearts my young friends they would not rest till they gave everything to allah on his rasul he dedicate every second of his life from the moment he declared the Karima la ilaha illaallah my young friends till his last breath he dedicated to Islam which was a passion for the Deen my young friends you and I can't make it to the local halacha in the local masjid which is within 100 meters and here you have say the Nabu you balance re out of the allahu ta'ala anhu traveling for the sake of one hadith one hadith he traveled all the way from medina to Managua to Egypt you know you and I can't comprehend these narrations and these stories why because we live in an era where trouble is so easy now you're sitting in this gathering here and now you can take out your Samsung or your iPhone and you can go on tour do you call it easyJet or Ryanair website here and now and you know within a minute you can book your ticket and you can you know book your seat within a minute you know traveling is so easy you can get to an other part of the world within hours you know in those days when they travel trouble traveling was not any easy thing you know in those days it would take months years and before they even left they would make will see it they would instruct their wives and their children and their parents if I die and I don't return this is what I want you to do in my absence this is how difficult it was to travel in those days so you can just imagine saving abou a human I'm sorry Ravi allahu taala no traveling from medina to Lamanna what are all the way to Egypt in those days which would take at least a month to get there and he went just for the sake of one hadith of Rasul Allah son allama l-insana you know make the comparison there are people like you and me that declare that you know Allah and his rasul bus bus there is no one beyond that and then you have the likes of a boy you belong sorry daddy allow turn on the fortunate one why was he the fortunate one did he don't receive the honour of entertaining our beloved Nabi Rasool last night was sent away no sooner migrated from Mecca to Medina in whose house did he reside say the Naboo you belong sorry so he was from the near and dear companions of Rasul Allah he benefited from Rasul Allah he would attend the gatherings of allah salla allahu wa sallam then i asked you my young friends somebody that was solo sulla from so close that rasoolallah lived in his house he was able to do hizmet of rasulallah he would attend that gatherings of rasulallah he had many a hobbies from rasulallah then why would somebody like him traveled all the way from medina to egypt for the sake of one Hadees why would he trouble you've heard hundreds why would you travel he gets to Egypt and he meets a month called acaba talked about and seen the great companion of our solar last night was sometime asked Maya abaca yeah are you are you what brings you here to Egypt and say that boy you belong sorry Daniel our honor says a hadith of Rasul Allah out of all those that directly heard this hadith from the Blessed tongue of Rasul Allah slang wasalam only you and I remain alive listen very carefully to his words out of all those that heard the hadith from Rasul Allah only you and I remain alive so it's not that he didn't know the Hadees he was in that gathering just like this more anytime you're in my gathering you're listening to what I'm saying he was in the gathering of Rasool Allah so now you're sanim when rasoolallah Orchard those blessed words but still my young friend he's traveled all the way from medina to Egypt for the sake of the same Hadees he said all you know only you and I remain alive and he says to him relate the hadeeth with regards to concealing the faults of a believer relate the hadeeth with regards to concealing the faults of a believer say dinner aqua narrates the Hadees of rasool allah so allah wa sallam that our believe in every scenario Salim said whoever conceals the faults of a believer in the dunya Allah will conceal his faults in the ocula say the Abu Hubert has heard this Hadees after hearing this hadith he addresses Okuma sadoc you've spoken the truth you've spoken the truth this is exactly how I recall the prophets I was a lamb said when we were in that gathering so he knew the Hadees he's gone from Medina to Egypt just to see does he recall the exact words years have passed rasool allah wa sallam has passed away he's gone all the way to Egypt to see does he still recall the exact words but our better vena be crimson I was still important and when he had exactly the same words he said stood up you've spoken the truth my young friends this was his Moxon this was his MUC said this was his objective now he gets back onto his mount and he turns his mount and he heads back to Medina to Managua he did not even stop in Egypt for a bite to eat for a cup of tea he headed back to madina munawwara I know this example that I've given you say that I bought you belong sorry well it's not an isolated example this books written on this particular sugar and well if you thought about Hadees a man comes all the way from Medina and he goes to sharm the Blessed land of sham may Allah help the people in sham at this moment in time alleviate their sufferings and take care of them just as a lot took care of the Muslims in mother they are so much in need of people like yourself and myself in terms of their door and financial help may Allah give us the trophy to help our brothers and me Allah give us a topic that we never forget to mention our brothers come as come once a day in our prayer come at a dinner - done as you do you will be done my young friends by the grace of Allah our Allah are very good at this moment in time well you know the color yamuna da willow her bein in us allah can turn the tables within a second nowadays you know revolutions used to take place you have to plot and plan for evolutions once upon a time and they would come after years nowadays with your workshops and your media and your Google and your internet and revolutions take place within hours and you know the dunya can change and within a second docket alaikum bima raha but though earth in spite of its vastness can become tight upon you so never forget a lot never forget your identity never forget the teachings of Allah in his Rasul and never forget your Muslim brothers Vanunu college-wide in each new car a new is like a cooler the Muslims are like one single body if any one limb is in pain the entire body should feel that pain till the limb is not cured you should not be sleeping you know you should be restless and always agitated and always thinking about your brothers may Allah give me the tawfiq to help I may Allah give you the topic to help he went to the Blessed land of sham to meet the Great Satan abou Dada and he said to Satan Abu Darda o Abu Darda I swear by Allah I've not come to sham for business you know in those days they used to go sham to my business Allah talks about in the Quran Lee in a vehicle h e la vieja letter I was saving the Horus themselves used to go to shampoo to bring goods and to sell them in makka al mukarrama so he says I swear by Allah I haven't come for business and I've not come to sham because I'm in need I've come to shop for the sake of one Hadees of rasool allah wa salam and that's it when he said this to say that about Allah they're great company never sue la la I say that Abu Dada was so happy that he gave him blood tidings good news any related the Hadees of rasool allah with regards to seeking knowledge he narrated mommy abdun Yahoo Roger October element any servant of Allah leaves his house in search of knowledge Allah honors him so much that the Angels placed their wings for him and he's on a path to paradise he dies was he searching knowledge he's going to paradise and when the father animal are bid the superiority of an Alim upon an orbit is like the moon of the 14 night upon the Stars and Allah loves this individual so much that in the in have the inhabitants of the heavens to the earth make du'a frame for him from the fish in the ocean to the birds in the sky to the ants in the and who make du'a lava give up the lava give up the la forgivable LA he related this Hadees to him they would give their entire life you had a man called bhakti evening Mahalo you had a man called ignore Qasim first ignore Qasim was the student of the great Imam Malik in madina al munawwara 17 years of his life he spent at the feet of Moloch you know today masha'Allah you and I will go in the hitman of mr. Google and everyone's a qualified scholar everyone is a qualified scholar other than the swallow that is qualified and everyone will have an opinion other than the scholar him so eaten as soon had been Cassatt it's not soon head Dean case odd yeah this will not happen in any or the field let me ask you a question do you take the medicine book and you don't go to the doctor and you take your own medicine from that book you'll never do that because there's a buck of your mind you know if you've cocked up boy it might harm you big time you just might be history so even though you may possess knowledge but you will not take that medication till you don't get go to the doctor and get it prescribed and that happens in every field but you know what the Quran is a walkover and the sunnah of rasulallah salallahu alayhi wasalam is a walkover and this is why as an Ummah we are lost and our Salaf assaleh him they would spend 30 40 years and even then their bodies would shake when somebody asked him a question in case they cocked up because they know the difference is heaven and hell you can't play with your Deen it's as simple as that 17 years ago Qasim stayed at the feet of the great Imam Malik in madina al munawwara so much so that on one occasion hadith a group of Hajis of Egypt came to visit the rosa of rasool allah i will send him to say their Salaam and express their love to our beloved nabi muhammad sallahu wa sallim they enter the Masjid Imam RA would his daughters would take place in the city of Rasul Allah now with this group of Hajis from Egypt is a young individual his face is covered and he greets in malik assalamu alayka ya malik and he asked imam malik is there our money here called obnoticus him a block casting was pointed out in my mind exactly this person there that's him no Qasim now this young individual his face is covered he makes his way to ignore cos him and he begins to kiss the forehead of him no cos him in that gathering he begins to kiss head kissed the forehead of ignore him it looks awesome shocked he are I don't know this guy from Adam and he's kissing my forehead my young friends in Oh Qasim did not know that this young individual kissing his forehead was none other than his own son his own flesh and blood how can you not know this is your own flesh and blood how can you not know my young friends when he left home he left home 17 years ago you know it wasn't like you've gone in the morning and come back in the evening he left home 17 years ago in such a state that his wife was expecting and he said to his wife BRE I'm going to familiarize myself with my Ilan - all I want to know who my Ilan who might also sonali was son was and I want to live life to please my Allah and - oh I'm going to learn the Deen of Allah when I will return I don't know if you want to stay as my wife and you can make some other then that's fine but if you can't make several because I don't know when I will return and as a result you want to separate you want to divorce you want to move on then I can accommodate this by giving you tell Ark my young friends wives were wives she accommodating his wish and desire and she chose to remain his wife while she was expecting and she gave birth to their son in his absence and this was the first time he was seeing his own flesh and blood after seven years and if you think my young friend is giving 17 years for this Deen is something then my next question will be to you what will you say about a scholar cold but they even in motherland al-qurtubi from Cordova Muslim Spain in the very lump that Muslim rule for hundreds and hundreds of years bhakti even a masala al-qurtubi was from Muslim Spain he left home twice the first time he left home he remained absent for 14 years the second time he left home he remained absent for 20 years he gave if ignore Qasim gave 17 years at the feet of Malik then bhakti I believe motherland alecour tube gave 34 years you know you and I will compete in terms of the dunya I've got one car you have to have - I have one house you have to have - I have got a particular web pair of trainers you've got have a particular pair I've got some some for you want to have some some vibe we compete in terms of the dunya because the dunya is our primary objective we forgotten why I lost places in this dunya these people my young friends they realised why Allah placed him in the dunya their objective was the Asura they would compete in terms of the ocula you and I struggle to give one hour for the Quran we will talk like kings yet we can't even read the basic Quran we can't recite the Quran with tajweed even though learning the Quranic the correct recitation is why here upon the believers and this will not be an excuse on the day of judgement here baki even in mahathat al-qurtubi has given 34 years to learn the deen of allah and you and i are become scholars overnight mr. Google and you know we have opinions and then we'll begin to debate the opinion and will force others to accept our opinion because all of a sudden masha'Allah you are now authority in terms of the Deen 34 years yeah you've never studied from any scholar whatsoever you are a self-proclaimed scholar you read Bihari you read Muslim and that's as far as it goes and even then you've read the you know the translation somebody else's translation God knows whether it's correct or incorrect 34 years he walked from Muslim Spain on foot all the way to Makkah Medina Iraq thousands of miles he covered on foot this is the same bucket even in Makkah lat oco-2 be who will live on cabbage leaves you know cabbage leaves which people scraps with people thrown the ground my young friends he would pick them up he would clean them he would eat them and that is what would sustain him how many a time he sold his trousers trousers my my friend's trousers he sold and the money that he got he would buy paper so he could write the Hadees of a Sunnah last night were Sund and if you think 34 years was a sacrifice and believe me you know it some sacrifice our little minds comprehend such dedication what would you say to a man called half is even Amanda half is evening manda half is you know in this day and age when we use the word half ways is to describe a person that's memorized the Quran and by the grace of Allah there's many you know in those days when they used the words half is there in those days more or less everyone was a half is so you know being a half it wasn't an achievement even though it's a great achievement in those days they used to give the title Hafiz to that individual who had memorized a hundred thousand a hadith of rasool allah sallallahu wasallam off by her son and woman tenant son is and mutton the chain of transmission and the text any person that memorized a hundred thousand Hadees in this manner he was called the harvest him friends are little mind can't comprehend and if you truly want to get a grasp of what I'm saying you know after this lecture see if you can learn 1020 hi this is a Bihari like that and then come on what's at me or you know email me tell me how long it took you to memorize ten twenty Heidi sees with the Sun and and mutton hundred thousand are this is how old do you think he was when he left home twenty years of age when he left home twenty years of age you know in this day and age if a child doesn't go to university then this is the age that he is parents will normally Temuco son you've done your studying now get yourself a job and you'll start beginning to start working and when will you retire even though the government wants you to keep on walk at work until you're dead yeah so they don't have to give you a pension but in general it's sixty five and that's life more or less there's not many people that surpass 65 but okay mashallah in this day and age I should say masha'Allah half of the guys are dropping dead just on the treadmill fit as fiddles ha pops coding is history so not many past sixty five and that's when you retire how old do you think he was when he returned when he left at the hall at the age of twenty sixty five years of age when he returned to home and he left at the age of 20 this is what you call a believer you know he it took him 45 years he's gave 45 years learning the Deen of Allah when you're learning the Deen of Allah what you're really doing you're familiar izing yourself what's the deal about it's about Ilana's rasul so wherever you are choir in a nutshell you are actually familiarizing yourself with you allow your colleague you're getting to know your heart every single bit of em you're getting to know you and abhi Muhammad's like wasalam your mom ooh your beloved you get T you're getting to know every single bit about him that's what you're doing when you're learning the Deen of Allah 45 years of life my young friends who hasn't heard the name of Imam wash away there won't be many believers in this DNA's that haven't heard the name of imam abu hanifa raha metal gnarly Imam was Charvet rahim allah imam malik an imam ahmed emoney humble rahim allah allah gave acceptance to these four individuals there were many schools of the thought in the early days but there was not many people that followed them schools and overtime came to an end but Allah gave acceptance to these four so much not the whole world more or less follows greater number follows the Hanafi school of thought then you have the sharbat school of thought and then you have the Maliki school of thought and you have the Hungary school of thought this is the exception that Allah gave these do you think Imam who Shah he became Shafi overnight 16 years Imam Shafi sustained himself on days 16 years of his life he sustained himself on this and he would only eat as much as he needed to survival 16 years of life he was so poor Imam Shafi that he could not afford to buy paper and ink he would write on stones he would write on leather he would write on bones EMA Mousavi seven years of age seven years of age my young friend and a mom who Shari is in the masjid of rasoolallah sun allah allah wa sallam sitting in the gathering of the great imam malik the imam of medina tournament awara seven years of age my infant what is seven years of age were you not once upon a time seven years old was I not once upon a time seven years of age yeah you know that tender age children don't know their right from their left in terms of daddy they still on basics Qaeda al if baraja at the seven years of age the only thing that interests a child at the age of seven is what play volcano in this day and age that's the only interest even our 40 year olds sitting down with her Playstations beads down here yeah and he's fighting with his son can you been playing with her all day it's my turn and he's playing with his friend you're loving but that is a sad reality it's a funny world and there's some funny people living in his funny world and you know if Allah doesn't guide you cannot be guided if Allah doesn't open the heart and mind and doesn't allow you to see sense my young friends even at 85 you cannot see sense so a 7 year old the only thing that interests him what play he plays my day he plays by night he has no flicker of the dunya and here you have a seven-year-old sha yi he's in the Masjid of Rasul Allah and he's sitting in the gathering of the great imam malik al madina al munawwara now Imam Malik would relate the Hadees of rasoolallah in his machine and the way he would relate the Hadees of Rasool Allah this was his practice he would relay the Hadees of the Sunnah like this he would say and fool on and fool on and so he beheld Alma come now soon sooner is the Hadees he narrates it from so-and-so and it's also narrates a and so I have a harder amacom from the one inside the grave and then he would point out the grave of Rasool Allah when he would say these words that he narrates it from the one inside this grave because he used to give thus inside the Masjid and the graves inside the let's see it and then he wouldn't let the hadith several Sunnah last night was solemn now on one occasion when Imam Malik was relating the hadith of rasoolallah and foolin and fool on and cybo Halima come and he was actually pointing at the grave of rasool allah salallahu alaihe wasalam he saw this young Shar very seven years of age he's sitting there and he's playing with something he's gonna straw inside his mouth and he's adding his thriver to it now this sudden imam ali cannot be a double that this child has no respect I mean the Hadees sulla and he's playing you know don't get me wrong guys standards were different in those days high expectations high standards no like you were mean or half of the time what do you call it you know when there's a talk going on ones in the east and ones in the West and in Juma mashallah you know youngsters will walk in last ten minutes and even though that's that time for that pay Lula the yearning they're sleeping this is the time test that's the other money the ROM that we've got and then we're still professed by Ilana's Rasul bus must not nobody beyond that their standards were so high I don't know whether it is imam malik remember hari one of the two now you know it was narrating the hadith of a sunnah lost somebody was a man within the gathering is becoming pale but he's still sitting there with her arm and the ring the Hadees of rasool allah and after the garden he asked one of the attending the gathering carries the garmet see if there's anything behind me and a scorpion has stung him sixteen seventeen times in his bomb other way there are four the Hadees of rasool allah he wouldn't move and he kept another making the Hadees of rasoolallah son al re wa salim so when you have such a standard where you gonna tolerate even if it's a child showing well you're assuming that you know that so much disrespect there so he waited on that day imam malik narrated forty hadith he waited for the governing to come to an end and when the governing came to an end imam ali called the seven-year-old ER very the seven-year-old came and sat in front of easel start with other manner on an imam malik said Tim Kabat chair you have no respect it cannot be added that you when I'm narrating the Hadees of Rasul Allah you're playing with a straw the child said and this is worth listening to my young friends never forget the child said to Imam Malik chaos a the mccune to our birth I wasn't playing or my master my beloved teacher I wasn't playing I swear by Allah I was writing with my spit what you were saying so I don't forget I wasn't playing he was using the straw adding speech and writing so he doesn't forget the Hadees of Rasool Allah which Imam Malik was in a raid said o my teacher I'm so poor that I don't even have a dirham I don't even have a power to buy ink and paper as a result of which I'm resorting to these methods Imam Malik was shocked so shocked the Imam Ali wanted to put him to the test and said TK by if you're telling me the truth then just to relate one hadith out of the 40 that I narrated today just one my own friends the young Shafi just as his dad imam ali would say and relate the hadees averse to allah and he began at least number one and fool on and fool on and sahib aha the maqam and just as imam ali would point to the grave of rasulallah the child point at the grave of rasulallah and uttered the one is first hadees he began with the second and fallen and fool on and sorry bahar dilemma calm he began with the third and fallen and fool on and sigh be hard and become the child narrated all 40 hadith which Imam Malik hundred in the gathering on that day just as Imam Malik and that's how he became imam of shia you are the master of hadees my young friends I mean I came with the intention of speaking for an hour and I think it's more or less an hour another 5-10 minutes and I'll conclude you had a master about Hadees even attire a time came when only here left was wonder have one pound and he's now thinking what should he spend this theorem on he's in need of three things ink paper and bread to satisfy his hunger three things ink paper bread and he's actually thinking about what should he spend his last there ham on that would never cross your mind that will never crossed my mind we satisfy our hunger even when we're not hungry never mind when we're hungry the question wouldn't even arise but you know we're talking about a fire burning inside the heart and this fire wouldn't let them give preference to anything other than Allah neither soul and the Deen of Allah he is actually sitting there and he's thinking what should he spend his last penny in his heart wouldn't allow him to give preference to his stomach over the Hadees of Rasul Allah so that he was something and he do not spend an hour or two my young friends he says three days I spent just thinking on what I should spend this last pound on ink paper Oh breakfast satisfy my hunger three days and now when he got to a stage where he was mad or Muslim much more he said to himself I am now in such a position that even if I were to buy ink and paper I don't have the strength tonight the Hadees of Allah so Allah and when he got into that position he now took that one there humph placed it in his mouth and left to buy some bread and unfortunately he says I swallowed it by mistake and I said oh Allah look what's happened for three days and now that I've made intention to go buy some bread you've taken the denim from me it was only when a friend of his realize the difficulty that he went through did he actually take him home and feed him never mind giving the last time you had a man call yeah I believe I mean he was a master of Jeremiah Deen it's a science in hadith he inherited 1 million dirhams when his father passed away you know if you and I were to inherit 1 million pound in this day and age and masha'Allah 1 million pound in this day and age is a is a large sum what would you spend your 1 million part 1 million bond you start fulfilling your dreams you know for some a bugatti veyron for some a new bungalow and for some whatever tickles your fancy look at this believer 1 million dirhams he spent every single one acquiring the hadith of Rasul Allah now in his heart is written it got to a stage where he had to sell his shoes because he had no money left so that he could buy paper and write the hadeeth of Rasul Allah Imam Abu Yusuf the student Naaman Eva he did not attend the janazah of his own son how can you not do that your son has died and you know at Kenny's own janazah he made provisions but he did not attend the janazah of his own son in case he missed a lecture of Abu Hanifa it's our cubanía raha why married a woman not she because she bamboozled him and she was God's gift on earth and he was stunned by her astounding Beauty he married her because she inherited the books of Imam Shafi he wanted a benefit from these books so he married her and brought home as his wife and as a result they excelled you know when you give everything to Allah then Allah gives something in return the same year any marine says I wrote with my own hands 1 million Hadees he gave 1 million dirham I like gave him 1 million Hadees this same a sarcomere away that married this woman for the sake of Hadees he says whatever I would hear I would memorize and whatever I memorize I never forgot from the top of their heads they were write books about criminal and body 30 books every Shahin 330 500 the list continues what to say Benny hazard mother Dina I need never you name them one by one every one was a master I asked my young friends where do you and I compare with our forefathers in terms of the Deen in terms of the dunya we live on earth and we talk about planets which are millions of light-years away in terms of Allah dunya that's how far Turkey how far we've got we see in the dunya and you've got people ringing us from the ISS speaking to us millions of miles away speaking to us we're sending spaceship to Mars in terms of our dunya look at this in Sun look at where he's got in terms of his dunya and in terms of his ah hello my young friends it sucked to say that many of us struggle to know how to even perform east india messiah with regards to the east india basic messiah how many times do you relieve yourself a day three times four times five times basic mesial with regards to purity impurity mesial with regards to east india mesial with regards to is the bra majority view were not even heard the word history bra in terms our within my young friends this is how ignorant we are in terms of our deen Messiah with regards to East India there are how that was the biggest obligation in Islam after Iman biggest obligation Islam of the Iman is Salah open the Book of Allah every fifth sixth page Allah talks about Salah a chemist's Allah in the Salah take a little mini nakita mo Kota Hafiz Allah - Allah Hafiz Allah Jalla WA he was taught in Worcester and lady non-fissile a team Harun ghanaian aloe-based Allah he was the god verse of the verse talks about Salah my inference there are not thousands there are millions out there that don't have perform Salah they walk in twice a year either fitter and even Adha and they look at those in front of them how to offer their salat you know don't be deceived by the handful that common read here you know those are actually practicing are probably one or two percent are the Muslims that we have you know 98% in this country don't even practice their D so where they're going to know their Salah never mind Salah the Tablighi Jamaat will tell you that travel far and wide there are people out there that struggle to read a shadow Allah Allah Allah and Mohammad Rasool Allah they can even pronounce now you know the problem is not the ignorance that's not the problem why because we're all ignorant I am ignorant if you compare me to someone else I'm ignorant if you compare yourself to someone else you're ignorant Allah says well folk hakuna the element any above every knowledgeable person there is a person more knowledgeable so we're all ignorant ignorance is not the problem you know what the problem is it's the carefree attitude when it comes to the Deen of Allah no care you know as if you know we're guaranteed paradise away it says Allah loves us so much that is going to give us power it's a carefree attitude when it comes to the deen of allah carefree attitude we've got time to socialize we've got time to Wine and Dine will say hours on end to watch a game of footy but we can't sit down for an hour when it comes to the deen of allah one hour and I'm not asking you to become scholars you know that's too much I'm not asking you to give 17 years of life I'm going to asking you to give 34 like bikini mashallah delicate boobie or 45 Hafiz even Amanda all I'm asking is one hour a week one hour a week so it helps us fulfill our obligation towards our Creator and fulfill our purpose in life the problem is the carefree attitude look at the resources that we have by the grace of Allah we have a hundreds of scholars at our disposal you know once upon a time people they all agreeing glistening ID buttoning that exact day I mean somebody's dating that's the excuse that people used to use by the grace of Allah if you if it's English that you want you have scholars that speak English if it's Pakistani you want you have scholars that speak Punjabi if it's good gelati or scholars that speak Gujarati if it's Somali of scholars that seats Mali if it's what you call it a Hindi of scholars that speak Hindi if it's Arabic your scholars that speak Arabic so you have all the scholars we are modest in every city every town we have Islamic schools in every more or less every city every town we have everything we have all the resources and you know the sad thing is it's free there's no charge yeah top pain your children when you send them to the Masjid what did they pay five quid a week what's five quid compare that with a master English lesson when you pay for tuition tuition twenty quid an hour twenty quid an hour a kid comes to the Masjid ten hours a week is five quid and even then you have a heart attack yeah it's fifty P an hour fifty P in comparison to dunya you pay twenty powerful bucks in English so it's free it's not it's nothing and you know for elders there's no charge all this all this it's free all the resources are there the meal has been cooked all you've got to do is pick up that look mum place it in your mouth and you're prepared to do that the meals been cooked you don't have to travel all the way to my car on foot like our forefathers did you don't have to spend millions and millions upon like your Haven imminent and other scholars like Sharpie can't afford to buy paper the resources are there everything is there the meals being cooked all you've got to do is pick up that morsel and place it in your mouth and you know prepare to do it where are we going wrong how will you show your face on the day of judgment to Allah what excuse do you think ignorance is an excuse I didn't know if ignorant is not an excuse in the dunya do you think it'll be an excuse in the arsenal go and go through red lights and tell the policeman I'm ignorant I didn't know and watch him give you a kiss on the forehead well done well done next time come to know any problem think what planet you want an arrest you for insanity ignorance is not an excuse in the dunya do you think ignorance will be an excuse with regards to the basics of Dean do you think ignorance with regards to fara is will be an excuse on the day of judgement it's no excuse where are we going along let me just tell you where we're going wrong let me conclude let me tell you where we're going wrong we just can't see the benefits why should I waste my time learning the Deen of Allah when there's no to get what can you gain from learning the Quran and Sunnah wal become an imam and you know a monkey's on more nuts than him a monkey is on more nuts than any mum is this is the most oppressed oppressed occupation so that's that's a no-go area there's no benefit there what you're gonna buy a house with it Allah Medine it's not gonna get you a house a mobile phone no a holiday no is there gonna get you a wife no way on God's earth put that on here what do you call it TV she's interested but everyone strives for the dunya because you see them enemies look everyone dreams the dream what's the pakistani dream doctor engineer everyone dreams of becoming a doctor an engineer and farmers in dentists not that there's anything wrong with it and you should because just as we need scholars and we need people on our educate in terms of the Dean we need people that educates in terms of the dunya but the point that I'm making here is everyone dreams of becoming a doctor an engineer why because you see the benefit doctor automatically 100k that's what flushes open your mind and automatically straightaway you can buy yourself that bungalow that you've been dreaming about you can buy yourself that car that you've been dreaming about you can have the latest iPhone and you know what tell that to a woman put that on your CV and they'll be throwing themselves at you and you'll be doing the tango in the Bahamas every year in the Caribbean so you see them anyway but you can't see the benefit in terms of a limousine so why should you waste your time now I'm gonna agree with you okay what you you become a doctor an engineer there are these benefits you'll get yourself a nice house maybe a wife maybe you know a holiday every year yeah but how long will these benefits last 50 years 60s 70s for as long as you live then what what will happen after that will you take these benefits with you will you take your house give me an example of one guy from the time of Adam ELISA ramp to this day but I could give it to me right till the day of judgement yeah one guy that's taking his house with him in his grip other than karun older than karun that's taking his house with him in his grave you know your wife claims that she loves you more than anyone isn't that so your wife is the one that serves you makes your head Matt takes care of you and she claims that she loves you more than anyone have you ever seen one go with her husband okay I can't live without you she sees that in the dunya you know you go let's say from here you're gonna go prophet named Eric Eric I can't live without you one day you're gonna leave me all alone go six foot under and say come with me you know when you take the walls what did she say till death do us part okay you're all right Jillian alive till death do us part you're on your way may I go here and moving on that's the woman that claims that she loves you more than anyone so you're not taking anything with you do you understand and that's as far as it goes the second thing is yeah you'll get these luxuries but having luxuries and happiness is two different things a good surfer brings about luxury comfort a good car brings about look shitty comfort it's not necessary that'll bring about happiness happiness something completely different you know if it brought about happiness then why is it that people possess more than you and I can even dream of millions in terms of dollars with a die of depression they commit suicide if they're happy why would you want to commit suicide if you're happy why would you be depressed if you're happy why would you want to resort to dog to take your mind off things and alcohol and liquor and women just to take your mind off things if you're happy and you what these merely is a pound happiness is one thing and comfort is another thing these luxuries will bring about comfort not bring about happiness and why do you want these converts you want them for happiness so that you can be happy but it isn't my happiness if you're chasing that dunya for happiness my young friends then surely you should be chasing the Deen of Allah illa Medine because if it's happiness that you're looking for Al mayadeen will give you happiness like no element dunya Allah says in the quran allah busy clearly he taught Ummah in Allahu Allah basically like he taught my anal khalood you need to possess knowledge to act upon it the more knowledge that you act upon the more your heart will be at ease peace content satisfied and happy the more and I swear by Allah you don't have to believe me octa pon what I'm saying if you don't find it to be so then you know what I'm not comfortable in what I'm saying that you can hold my neck on the day of judgment before lunch say he did he lied in the Masjid you can hold my leg possess the knowledge and act upon that knowledge the more you act upon that knowledge the more your heart will be at ease and happy and content and he'll get to a stage where you actually begin to taste the sweetness of Iman sweetness of Iman and when you start tasting the sweetness of Iman then you know what whatever Allah throws your way whatever difficulty Allah throws your way he takes away all your children in one Hadees our one event he takes your wife he takes your mother on the father you know what inspire what Allah throws out your way you'll still have a smile on your face because inside your heart will be happy and content just as when he showers you with blessings you'll be happy and content because it's comes from Allah and the day he puts you through difficulties you'll still be happy because you know this is also come from you Allah this is the level every man that you'll get you know I began with the story of Allah and I'll end with this story why is it that Bilal Milani happy she was persecuted by day and by night why wouldn't he renounce the Kalima why wouldn't he say you know why would any chocolate cali make offer they would persecute him by day and by night was he not human being you know if I were to let's say give you an example I would to first I were to get let's say I take a stick and start beating my friend here how long before he started dancing and sighin you know did to the tune that I'm singing how long before one or two good ones and he'll drop his pants never mind anything else and whatever I asked him he will do because he'll feel the pain and naturally saw so would i but why is it belong they would persecute him by day and by night and tell him cover cover cover but Bernard would say no no ah ha ha then he becomes stronger ah ha ha they ain't they out night in now this is how they would perceive and he would say aha you do what you want I had I had why would he do that let me tell you my inference because you know when they were persecuting Balad he could taste the sweetness of Iman and that sweetness would make him forget the betterment of the punishment give you an example and this time really gonna conclude you're just too kind you've got a good rest in here is it the Kashmiri you're gonna kiss me restaurant here the guy from Sweden's walked in he likes the vindaloo there so he's come all the way from Sweden white guy orders himself a window loo and he sits down and he starts he in this vindaloo chicken vindaloo and obviously vindaloo is hot so he takes our is hankerchief and he's sweating he's got smoke coming out of his ears and he's got you know what coming out of his eyes and nose and he's hitting this vindaloo and every time he's eating he's wiping away this wok coming out of his nose and his eyes and he's a man and you've walked into Kashmiri last year and you've seen this guy on a table on his own Beshara sitting down eating and he's - he's crying you know you thinking yahoo Bashara you know he's eating this vindaloo and he's got smoke coming out of his ears and you know what you can see czar Helen outwardly is that this guy's suffering that's what you can see what is that guy really suffering try taking his vindaloo from him do you think he'll give you his vindaloo though you can see him suffer my young friends that suffering from the outside means nothing to him he can take that a million times but he's not prepared to give that vindaloo for that vindaloo he can tolerate the million times over so my young friends you know balada Habashi from outwardly you saw the sofa you saw the pain and I was paying there but you know from inside he was so happy and so content that you know what what he was feeling that buzz at that time inside his heart what they were doing to him then they could do that a million times over he was not prepared to leave when Allah was giving him in place of this torture and go for sweetness of Iman this is when my young friends even when you don't possess a penny in your pocket you're sleeping rough on the streets of India where the mother earth is your bed the heaven is your blanket and a stone a brick is your pillow you're lying there content happy a billionaire with a smile in your face yeah more happier than the sheiks in Dubai and the kings in their policies and if this is what Allah gives you in the dunya that without a penny in your pocket you feel like a king every morning every evening throughout your life and it's all about happiness you're working in their night for what happiness you want to buy stuff that make you happy and if Allah gives you this in terms of your dunya then what do you think Allah will give you in terms of your ocular in terms of happiness because the things that we're chasing are not going to go with you in terms of you are hella in terms of your art Allah you will receive a thing called paradise money can't buy paradise and what will you receive in paradise and on this new I conclude mullah are you none right well that was the newness Amir well a hotter I like I'll be Russia well no eye has seen what no ear has heard the thought which is not even cross the human mind if you're chasing the Doudna be sciences and there's no nothing wrong with God there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever what I'm saying is if you can see the benefits there then why can't you see the benefits here when the benefits here are a million times far greater than the benefits here the benefits here top and other dunya and even then it doesn't bring happiness the benefits here you live like a king in the dunya and you will live like a king in the India here the benefits are far greater and I'm not asking you to become scholars all I'm saying is learn the Deen of Allah come come give one hour a week and learn it from the right people the right people not internet scholars you don't know who they are what they are what they've actually studied as a result of which many of our youth have been misguided and led astray do it like the prophets like wa salam did with jibra eel and the Sahaba did with rasool allah so now you're some heart aha one two one you know from you know the people are practicing their dean may allah give me the trophy can i give you the trophy you
Channel: AlihsanProjects
Views: 10,115
Rating: 4.9195981 out of 5
Keywords: shaykh, ahmad, ali, knowledge, muslim, islam, ihsan, projects, al, quran, muhammad, hassan, sunni, shia, abbass
Id: IcxuC_0TWfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2016
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