Yuji and Todo Bully Sukuna! Gojo's Return?! JJK 260 Review

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hello everyone it is I Eternal Flame here and we are here to do the chapter 260 chapter review if you have been on the YouTube at all you already know the insane thing that happened this chapter but I'm going to wait a little bit until that actually does happen in the chapter for me to discuss that so let's get straight into the chapter view of the decisive battle the uninhabited demon infested Shinjuku part 32 and no matter what side of jjk you're on no matter what agenda you have we all agree on one thing and that is A's naming scheme is absolute art now I will say this in advance I am expecting this to be a somewhat shorter chapter review but that's mainly because this is mostly fighting focused but at the same time it might actually end up being longer I have no idea at the current time of recording this anyways enough stall let's actually get into the chapter review as the chapter immediately starts out with the narrator talking what the narrator saying the Vibra slap a percussion instrument striking the ball against the wooden box causes the metal teeth within to oscillate wildly producing a characteristic sound as the battle immediately then starts with Toto Yuji and sakuna all facing each other with being very heavily implied that sakuna and Yuji had just swap places thanks to Toto as we then go right back to the narrator as the narrator says having replaced his left arm Toto AI changed the activation condition for his technique from Applause to the collision between the wooden box and the metal teeth of the vibr slap this now allows him to activate his swapping technique roughly 50 times in a single second and I'm just going to say this now this is the biggest upgrade to a technique I have seen in a long while after all One Clap was already enough in order to cause disorientation to an opponent now they have to account for the fact that Toto can swamp you 50 times in a single second oh boy that is going to make comboing so much worse man Toto just really got a massive buff thanks to mahito that's kind of funny to me as it's then in the battle we immediately get the first swap which is swapping sakuna and yuji's position allowing Yuji to land a punch straight on sakuna side while Toto kicks sakuna in the face making sakuna bleed a bit which is absolutely insane now yes this is more likely because of how much battle damage that sakuna has taken up to this point as well as the fact that Yuji has drastically weakened his soul not just with his normal punches but also his black flashes but it's still kind of insane about the fact that Toto can make sakuna bleed which really shows how much stronger Toto got over the time skip as well as from training with UDA before it's then soon after we return back to the narrator as the narrator says by imposing a BAL onto himself limiting the amount of swaps in proportion to the oscillations of the vibro slap his ability to multiple targets along with his effective range was expanded after the fine-tuning his technique with aotu help at Lake go show Colony Toto proceeded to successfully retrieve his allies who were trapped within malevolent Shrine and for people who have forgotten allow me to explain something for you guys and what this actually means remember that was the same colony where UDA had fought against Kaku which means it was more than likely that Toto had actually managed to help UDA aotu fight against Kaku and take him out there's also an entire Twitter post going over why this was definitely Toto helping with Kaku and it was actually the same sound effect that was played against Kaku and Kaku was taken out by UDA that entire Twitter post is going to be in the description down below so let's get back to the chapter as then immediately right after we get Toto and sakuna both thinking as sakuna thinks none match his egocentricity among the sorcerers He's Surely the peskiest this is basically sakuna saying that Toto is extremely annoying and he definitely does not have a chance at all to morally break him it's kind of similar to what mahito had realized back when he had fought against Yuji and that the only way he'd be able to somewhat try and break Yuji again was if he separated Toto from them before it's then we get sakuna thinking to himself I must admit he appeared exactly when I least wanted him to as I said right after we get a shift in terms of the battlefield going back to where Yuji had landed a black flash on sakuna and upper cuted him back towards that area however as Toto tried to catch sakuna off guard but trying to land a hit on him before sakuna landed the ground sakuna managed to catch total off guard through his ability to airhop allowing him to to perfectly avoid the strike from Toto before it's then right after Yuji froze a curse energy imbued Rock right at sakuna that Toto immediately has Yuji swap places with that curse energy imbued Rock in order to land another strike right on sakuna after all it should be remembered even blocked hits from Yuji is not a good thing for sakuna because every time Yuji lands a hit it is going to weaken sakuna Soul control even further even if it's blocked it doesn't matter it will still affect the soul however it's soon after sakuna immediately tries to grab yuji's face and succeeds in doing so Toto is able to swap him right out of that and get him out of that situation and it's then sakuna immediately starts to think to himself and try and think around his way of being able to predict Toto as sakuna thinks he can swamp as much or as little as he'd like all with one tap the fact that he can regulate it at will makes adapting to Boogie Woogie essentially impossible and yet there is one single instance where I can read his timing as then right after Yuji punches sakuna right into a pillar causing that pillar to break however then gets revealed to us what sakuna believes that their giveaway in tell is which is that basically every time yuji's Focus begins to sharpen more and more he's going to go for a black flash and that's what's going to allow him to read the movements however it's then he immediately gets bamboozle because there was one more thing he was not accounting for one more possibility which was May's crows being an additional thing that they could swap with and he immediately goes for May's Crow however he ended up getting a third layer of deception because he didn't swap with anyone Toto did not swap with anyone he pulled what he did on mahito to sakuna and I got to say it's kind of funny despite everything sakuna talked down about mahito he still fell for the same trick mahito did and funnily enough in the same exact way too because Yugi immediately lands a black flash right on sakuna and you can tell Yuji is angry and mad because not just does he land a black flash but he grabs sakuna not allowing him to move as he immediately claws into sua's face with the claw hands that we have seen him enter into the battlefield with however that is the end of the chapter I'm kidding that's not the end as we actually get to the real end of the chapter where sakuna attempts to use his domain expansion as the narrator said sakuna is incredible efficiency meant that despite his cursed energy levels dropping to that of a kotu UDA if he were to recover his burnt out technique he would be able to utilize domain expansion as many times as needed however we then hear domain expansion as we then see the narrator say what then beell sakuna was a vision of a man he had buried with his own hands The Departed Spirit of the strongest with the editor saying there's no mistaking those eyes and now that we're at the end of the chapter there are quite a few things that I need to discuss and there's one in particular big thing that I'm going to at least give a little bit of a teaser on because I am planning to make a separate video about that and my entire opinion about that tomorrow which if you know you know but the main things that I do need to discuss is number one Toto just got a massive amp not just did he get stronger over the time skip down to the point where he is able to even fight alongside this massively stronger Yuji in comparison to before but he also gained a massive upgrade to Boogie wogie which is absolutely insane considering he can swap 50 times in a second like I don't want to imagine having to fight that because that must be disorienting for anybody especially if he's fighting alongside someone so that's kind of massive Yuji is also now on his eighth black flash and as we know black flash is stack but now I'm going to get into the important thing the big thing that everybody has been talking about on if this is actually satu Gojo is this satu Gojo's ghost or is this really just satu Gojo revived and returned or is this somebody else entirely different now I will say this I do think that this is more than likely satu Gojo and not somebody else but at the same time it could be possible that it is someone else and gaygay is just playing absolutely everybody even though I very much doubt it but there is also this massive debate that's been going among the fandom on the spoilers mainly because of the fact that the spoilers didn't actually make it clear if this was Gojo coming back as a ghost or if this was Gojo truly being alive however in my opinion tcb's translations kind of make it more clear that this is a ghost and not really Gojo being alive mainly because of the wording they specifically used where they say was a vision of a man he had buried with his own hands so yeah at least in my opinion TCB seems to be kind of leaning closer to this actually being a ghost rather than this being the true Gojo but at the same time I'm not entirely sure because it could also be interpreted as sakuna is looking at the smoke and seeing the vision of someone he had just killed we don't really know yet it's kind of too early to tell but in my opinion I'm going to wait till the next chapter because the next chapter will answer absolutely everything on whether Gojo is alive or not and this is going to be an absolutely massive discussion which is why I'm going to sa it for its own separate video basically me talking about all the possibilities of who this person could be if it is Gojo and what it might mean for the narrative because right now basically anything is possible and while I'll admit there was a part of me that was for a long while against the idea of Gojo coming back at the same time I do want to see how this is executed or what's going to happen because in my main op because in my opinion if I'm being honest the execution matters so much more massively than the idea of it itself and yeah I know a lot of the Gojo Fanboys are currently very happy and you guys honestly deserve it for having to wait this long it all really depends on what's going to happen next week and I know these next seven days are going to be so anticipation filled because guess what we are not on break week now it would be an absolute shame if gay decided to troll everybody and instead swap back over to ram versus AAR you know the fight everybody's been wanting for so long yeah but I don't really think that's going to happen I really doubt it but I'm really excited to see what's going to happen in jitsu's future who this might end up being and I want to hear what you guys feel in the comment section down below who do you guys think this might end up being and also and also most of all what are you guys' opinions on this very chapter itself do you guys like this chapter do you guys hate this chapter I want to see what you guys think in the comment section down below anyways I'm going see you all later peace out have a good day
Channel: Eternal Flame
Views: 8,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK season 2, eternal flame, eternal flame jjk, eternal flame jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, @TheEternalFlame57, JJK Theories, JJK Theory, Jujutsu Kaisen Theory, JJK Theory Iceberg, jjk, jjk leaks, Yuji, JJK 260, JJK 260 Leaks, JJK 260 Spoilers, JJK 260 Leak, JJK 260 Chapter, JJK Plotholes, JJK Writing, JJK Writing is Bad, Does JJK Have Plotholes, JJK Plot Holes, Gojo Return, Gojo Revival, Gojo Revival Theory, yuji vs sukuna
Id: 8tWv8Nd3tAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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