What if Yuji Got Shrine Against Mahito Part 3: Yuji Awakens

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hello everybody Tai Eternal Flame here and welcome to episode three of what if yug awoken Shrine against mahito or a woke Shrine early either of them work so we're going to go right back into the battle where we left off with UDA kotu being cut in half Yugi toori being cut by sakuna slashes and most of all Maki Landing her soul patana slash on sakuna back it didn't take much time at all for Yuji to finish healing the wound after all he became much more familiar with the damage that Shrine could cause with what he had been doing over the one month time skipping in order to train his reverse curse technique Yuji still felt the determination he felt to save Megami but he realized in that moment he couldn't just talk to him talking to Megami wasn't an option anymore because of how depressed he truly was and how much sakuna had done to break him they'd have to go with the second plan which was forcing sakuna in a similar state to the Detention Center a state where sakuno would be knocked out and causing enough damage to him so they could force the finger out through hana's technique and purged it through that but he knew it would be harder than he thought cuz meami wasn't going to fight alongside them he also was in a hurry though as he knew better than Mo that despite how much they had done to weaken sakuna fighting him alone was not an option even though he knew Moni was strong Moni would need as much support as possible and while Yuji and choso tried to get over there as fast as they could they could see the Sparks of black in the distance sakuna had now landed a black flash on Maki resulting in Maki taking quite a bit of damage and D getting pushed back on the bridge but she was still standing and still awake she had to admit she was thankful for all the weakening to sakuna Soul that Yugi had done so far through his punches and Cleaves she knew though she couldn't take another one of those black flashes she needed a bit of time to heal but there would be none against sakuna that was until kusakabe arrived and realized what he need to do he need to give monkey a chance to heal and hold off sakuna but there was no way he could do it alone fortunately though for him he wasn't alone as from under the bridge a piercing blood got fired towards sakuna when that sakuna was able to dodge with relative ease however that was exactly what they wanted cuz at the same time Yuji quickly took chance to land right on sakuna back and land a punch engulfed in dismantles right onto the center of his back launching him down the bridge this gave Maki enough time to move back so she could heal for now as sakuna felt the weakening effect from yuji's fists on his soul however that caused sakuna to smirk a bit as it confirmed one of his suspicions but now Yuji choso and kusakabe were all facing off against suuna but they had a bit of an advantage so long as Yuji was here the amp sakuna would get through his RCT and through the black flash didn't mean anything because Yuji could just cleave it away Yuji would cleave away any amp he got and would destroy any bit of output that sakuna would hope to regain through the black flash kusakabe was able to notice the fact that Yuji had awakened a new application of dismantle after all he had trained with Yuji so he knew what Yuji was trying to do when he and Gojo had the little training session and how Yuji had originally failed to engulf his fists in dismantle but now we had figured out how to use dismantle on his fists like gloves which did make him proud but he was also a little bit worried because of that as a thought went through his head to question if this application can Target the soul similar to how cleave was capable of targeting the soul he wasn't actually sure if Yugi's dismantle was capable of targeting the the soul yet however kusakabe for now silenced those thoughts right now those thoughts of Doubt were not going to help them as kusakabe was the one who led the charge by activating and expanding the range of his simple domain through doing this he was able to move with blinding speeds in front of sakuna and immediately land a large am of slashes with his Katana on sakuna it truly was amazing what kusaka was capable of as kusakabe did not have a cursed technique but he had mastered simple domain and its applications to such a point that he was able to ascend and reach the level of the strongest grade one the damage was building up on sakuna body which was only going to get better and better for them and worse and worse for sakuna the longer they continued as kusakabe took that moment to launch sakuna right off the bridge before it was followed by an attack from choso because that was when choso clapped his hands together in order to use the piercing blood and fire it right at sakuna after all sakuna was midair sakuna should have no way to dodge this attack at least that was what choso had believed based on everything he knew about sakuna but sakuna did have a way as he ended up hopping off air which caught the both of them off guard as there was no way for either of them to be able to predict that sakuna had such an ability that allowed him to hop off of air however there was one person who wasn't caught off guard by such an ability and that person was yui itadori himself he had seen zakuna do this when Maki and him battled a month ago so this was something he was already aware of as he hopped behind sakuna in that moment using cleave on the ground to make an explosion to launch himself upwards of a bit more speed and a similar method to sakuna spiderweb technique that he had used against Yugi and Maki before it was Then followed up by a punch he landed straight on aa's side as he attempted to grab onto sakuna arm and land a cleave the key word though being attempt as a moment before Yugi could grab sakuna sakuna spun midair and lifted up his hand like a finger gun to shoot Yuji right back into the ground with a dismantle as sakuna himself LED as he explained to them what yuji's weakness was Yuji could not use dismantle to Target the soul but Yuji also couldn't immediately use dismantle after cleave there was always a slight delay of around 5 Seconds which he was able to figure out through the fact that Yugi was always using his dismantle with his fist and it was true despite how much he had trained and gotten better he couldn't immediately swap between slashers like someone like sakuna could but during that explanation several supernovas Rose out around sakuna supernovas that choso had gotone to setup during Eugene sakuna midair scuffle with each other that choso activated while sakuna was going on his speech about yuji's flaw his technique sakuna couldn't help but admit he was a little bit impressed that they had actually caught him talking like that and took advantage of that no matter this wouldn't be much of an issue for him this time though Yuji and kusakabe had a bit of a different plan of attack because they were going to go out together this time rather than kusakabe leading and then Yuji being the final move no words needed to be exchanged between the student and master as yuji's hand this time were completely engulfed in dismantles as sakuna covered two of his hands with his own slashes in that moment almost as if to tell them to bring it on as the battle immediately started with kusakabe attempting to land a slash on sakuna left side while Yuji went for a dismantle and punch on sakuna right side however sakuna was very quick to block the both of the strikes while kusakabe was launched back Yuji was not he was able to equal out the slashes thanks to how much of sakuna output had been weakened and landed another punch on sakuna body following that punch Yuji launched a dismantle right at sakuna as at the same time sakuna delivered a kick on Yuji launching him back as a dismantle hit sakuna though during the launch choso was very quick to play support as choso created a blood platform behind Yuji which that was also when kusakabe went for his own strike trying to land another barrage of slashes on sakuna but sakuna broke the staring at him with a confident grin after all the same trick wouldn't work twice on sakuna or at least that's what he believed they were going for but Yuji very quickly took advantage of the fact that sakuna was confident in the moment the way that he did this was by going for sakuna back and using cleave on sakuna back through both of his hands targeting sakuna soul in that moment in order to weaken his output even further while they were not as strong as an attack in comparison to his dismantle and punches they were still good enough when it came to weakening sakuna output and even better than his dismantle and punches at that but sakuna had his own way to counter very fast as he then said scale of the Dragon but he didn't actually complete the full chant for the world cutting slash instead he launched out two amped up dismantles towards kusakabe and Yuji in order to launch them away and while the slashes were painful in yuji's mind that wasn't the main thing that he was focusing on as Yugi realized that this wouldn't be enough he had managed to grow quite a bit over the one month time skip but it still wasn't enough he still had flaws in his cleave and he stilled flaws in his dismantle something that sakuna managed to exploit when fighting the both of them sure they had managed to change their strategy in order to work alongside that which is why having kusakabe there was so important but this wouldn't work forever they needed to remove the delay between it entirely and they needed to make sure that dismantle could Target the soul that was what Yuji was trying to break into it now to make it so dismantle could Target the soul so his dismantle and fist would be able to serve as both something that could do damage as well as something that could hurt the soul and weak in sakuna output after all there was a reason why it was easier to Target the soul of cleave than dismantle and that was because cleave was primarily made for Close Quarters combat and gripping onto somebody but it also had the ability to Target the body and the curse energy in the body so it was just a matter of targeting the soul that was Clan to the curse energy however he couldn't do that as easily with dismantle but dismantle offered him a lot more options but yuji's internal reflection was interrupted very quickly as suddenly sakuna hands were sliced right off leaving him with only one of the hands as they were sliced off by the soul split Katana by Maki zenin the ghost of the zenin clan that had now finished healing with sakuna now only having one hand while at the same time a hard-hitting punch landed on sakuna back Miguel have also arrived with laru standing next to choso as after the two of them had landed their strikes a massive hand slammed sakuna right into the ground before Vanishing this battle was now a 6V one of Maki Yuji Miguel kusakabe laru and choso all against sakuna as sakuna took a moment in order to assess each of their fret levels despite everything he considered Maki the greatest threat due to the difficulty he was experiencing with healing from her wounds with that blade then Yuji thanks who his ability to weaken the soul after that was kusakabe who he had to admit was stronger than he initially expected then laru who was a more of a mystery card and finally choso someone he knew he could eliminate at any point however that was not the only thing sakuna had to face either he knew there was still the woman in the distance with their sacrificial Birds furthermore there was the annoying brat who could teleport as well he needed to eliminate the both of them whenever he could the teleporting child would likely be easier to eliminate though as the battle started with Yuji releasing a wave of this dismantles but the W of dismantles he released had two Targets they were closer to the ground in order to cause more rubble and used the ground as a smoke wave of course for most of the sorcerers squa would still be able to detect their curs energy but it was Maki who would be able to take advantage of this due to the fact that Maki had no curse energy as sakuna quickly moved out of the way of the dismantles coming at him after the wave of smoke a several blood spikes would rain down from the sky on sakuna chosa was now aiming to go for large amounts of attacks rather than one fast attack as he had been able to see sakuna could Dodge piercing blood quite easily in spite of that though sakuna began to flip repeatedly dodging the blood spikes that were coming at him this is when kusakabe and Miguel both went for sakuna sides as both kusakabe and Miguel went for a strike on sakuna side sakuna Oliver was able to block both of their strikes but Miguel and particular had a hard strike resulting in sakuna being launched back a bit this was when Yuji quickly went for sakuna back using kusakabe and Miguel's strike to his Advantage as he landed a dismantle and golf punch right on sakuna to launch him forward into another strike going to try and put sakuna in a constant combo and not give him enough time to breathe or be able to cast anything however while sakuna was annoyed from Yugi's strike he was able to figure out what yuji's new goal was right now sakuna simply decided that he'd kill everyone Yuji cares about and Yuji before yui figure out how to make dismantle Target the soul however Yuji ended that train of thought from sakuna as Yuji quickly closed the distance between them in order to land another one of those punches on sakuna chest while kusakabe and Miguel were preparing to go in for another combo on sakuna as the four of them entered into a hand-to-hand combat clash with sakuna repeatedly managing to block strikes from kusakabe and Miguel while making sure to dodge Yuji strikes sakuna was starting to get adjusted to their Rhythm before he very quickly placed his hand right onto the crown and activated cleave spiderweb resulting in Yuji Miguel and kusakabe all being launched back from the explosion caused through cleave spiderweb this was the opening Mony had been waiting for the opening where sakuno was looking down at the ground and paying attention to the free opponents that were in front of him so Maki tried to take advantage of that Maki tried to go down from the heavens in order to stab the S Katana right through zuna's chest in order to cause another wound that would be incredibly difficult for sakuna to heal in his current state however this was exactly what sakuna wanted mainly because this was all a trap this was all made to be bait in order to lure Maki to attack so sakuna very quickly surrounded his hand in slashes something he knew worked and grabbed the soul split Katana from Maki sakuna was starting to get adjusted to their moves he was starting to be able to predict how they would work and starting to predict how they would fight so he was going to set himself up to take advantage of that as it was then sakuna used the momentum of maky falling in order to pull her right into a black flash that they landed on her while at the same time deflecting the soul SP Katana away and while maky was being launched away through the black flash sakuna immediately launched out three slashes into Maki in order to further the distance and further the amount of damage that was land in honor sakuna could feel it though his reverse curs technique output was returning his curse technique output was returning he was getting stronger and stronger now each black flash would only amplify him more and more and massively reduce his recovery time it would only be a matter of time till he was back at full power kusakabe now had to begin reassessing their plan after all if sakuna landed more and more black flashes it would only get worse for them so they needed to be cautious with what their moves were preventing him from Landing a black flash was extremely important by this point Miguel on the other hand was starting to feel they've done way more than they needed to so there was no reason he couldn't just leave after all Yuji though was quick to move as Yuji knew his role he needed to make sure that any output that sakuna could hope to regain would be destroyed after all after all with his punches he could end any progress he had made and send him right back to where he was before this was when choso did something that confused sakuna which was launching some of his blood onto yuji's body however the reason why he did this was unknown to sakuna Yuji was able to figure it out pretty quickly though before the three of them began their battle starting with choso attempting to assist via Landing a piercing blood on sakuna at the same time Yuji went for a strike straight on sakuna chest infused with dismantle an attack and distraction combination something sakuna had already seen them do several times this would be no different as he was able to move to dodge before a massive hand slammed in sakuna back the hand of laru which launched sakuna into the strikes forcing him to get hit down to the ground out from the rubble though a wave of slashes would be launched out towards Yuji laru and choso however sakuna notably wasn't in the wave of rubble sakuna had managed to reach behind laru and black flash theu right in the back towards the slashes that sakuna had launched out at them with a confident grin now on sakuna face Yuji was able to punch away the slashes that were launched at him but just barely Yugi could feel that his power and skill with dismantle had been growing even now but it wasn't growing fast enough as he saw sakuna lands another black flash on the choso just barely managed to dodge the attack and Yugi can see choso was starting to get a bit tired after all by this point choso had fired several piercing Bloods he used Supernova several times and the blood shards Sher Cho stamina had improved a bit but it still wasn't boundless Yuji then rushed at sakuna now engaging sakuna in hand-to-hand combat after all he knew so long as he could land a strike even if it was blocked it would help them Yuji this time though before he made it to sakuna quickly placed his hand onto the ground and used cleave spider web in order to attempt to force sakuna up into the air which was a success as sakuna could see the little scissor lines appearing knowing it would be best to avoid that mainly because he wasn't actually too sure if this would be able to Target his soul directly or not after a while he knew cleave on his body could Target the soul he wasn't too sure if cleave through the ground could Target his soul so Yuji then jumped after sakuna and sakuna launched a dismantle right at Yuji based on what he knew Yuji couldn't air hop after all so this would force Yuji to take even more damage and force him to have to use even more reverse curse technique at least that was what sakuna believed mainly because choso solidified the blood in that moment that he had placed on Yuji and had Yuji Ed that as a platform for him to hop to the side and move out the way of the dismantle as also formed another barrier allowing yui to jump up and punch sakuna straight in the jaw causing damage through dismantle and weakening his output once again but before sakuna could Counterattack Yuji grabbed onto sakuna and used sakuna to launch himself over him as he deactivated dismantle and went for cleave this time he had to push himself he had to push himself in order to force a delay to be even less time than normal and he managed to succeed at that he managed to make the delay 3 seconds instead of 5 Seconds as he planted both of his hands onto s his back and launched him into the ground while hitting him with the soul slashing cleave he had been developing and this Improvement in particular angered sakuna Yuji was getting better with his technique getting better with Shrine but it was no matter he still wasn't anywhere close to sakuna was on his own he just got lucky that was all Yuji wouldn't have been able to accomplish any of that if he was on his own after all but that was when kusakabe expanded the range of his simple domain once again while activating Moonlight Veil to go for a slash on sakuna back while chos at the same time launched out a piercing blood right at sakuna as sakuna with one hand caught the blade while moving out the way of the piercing blood as he then broke the Moonlight Veil Katana of kusakabe and he was about to go for another black flash on him but Choo's piercing blood quickly clung to zuna's arm not as an attack but as blood itself after all even the slightest of delays can help with stopping a user from casting the black flash and this delay would certainly help as kusak cab ended up getting hit by a normal punch rather than a black flash but after that strike Yuji rushed for sakuna while kusakabe was launched back and there was a focus in yuji's eyes that was new no it wasn't new it was the same feeling sakuna had felt when Yuji had battled against mahito the feeling when Yuji had forced to black flash sakuna couldn't let hit sakuna couldn't let that hit him or else however something else forced his attention L's curse technique had grabbed his heart of course it didn't take long at all for sakuna to snap himself out of that but he didn't do it fast enough as Yuji landed a black flash on sakuna with the Sparks of black covering the both of them and massively exceeding the both of them in size but following the Sparks of black was a wave of slashers that broke apart the bridge while causing quite a large amount of cuts to sakuna however there were two things sakuna could immediately note number one the black flash caused a significant amount of damage to his soul much more damage to his output than he thought it would have but there was something else that was even more important the dismantle was now capable of harming his soul within the Sparks of black Yuji had now awakened and gained the ability to use dismantle to Target the soul and that's where we're going to end this part of the what if as the next part we're going to cover Yuji versus sakuna awakened and see how that's going to go for Yuji now I hope you enjoyed this part of the what if of what if Yuji awoke Shrine early I hope you all have a good day I'm going see yall later peace out
Channel: Eternal Flame
Views: 8,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK season 2, eternal flame jjk, eternal flame jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, @TheEternalFlame57, JJK Theories, JJK Theory, Jujutsu Kaisen Theory, jjk, jjk leaks, Sukuna vs gojo, Yuji, Yuji awakens, JJK discussion, JJK 263, JJK 263 Spoilers, yuji vs sukuna, yuji curse technique, yuji technique theory, yuji cursed technique theory, Yuji kills Sukuna, JJK What If, What If Yuji got Shrine Early, sukuna
Id: 33ghqYFSssU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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