Can Sukuna Still Use Ten Shadows?

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hello everybody it is I Eternal Flame here and today I'm here to do a little bit of a jjk discussion mainly because this is a question that I have seen going around the community for a while now and most people have a different answer to it so I find this to be a really interesting discussion which this discussion is the entire question on if since sukuna is reincarnated into his true form does he still have access to 10 Shadows or not and the more important question in my opinion on if sakuna does have access to the 10 Shadows can it play a role into this battle more than what it did against gojjo or is it basically just going to be something sakuna has access to but because the shikigami are all so weak that they can't actually be utilized and they don't really have any purpose well today I'm here to talk about both of those subjects and more and the potential of that so without further Ado let's get straight into this video so up first which is going to be the most important subject of the all can sakuna still use the 10 Shadows at all mainly because we have to answer this question before we talk about literally anything else in this video because this decides whether anything else is actually being worth talked about or not in this respective video and my opinion I actually do think the answer is yes sakuna is still likely able to use the 10 Shadows now I'm actually going to talk about one of the reasons why people don't believe sakuna can use 10 shadows and how I actually believe that leads into more so proving that sakuna can still use the 10 Shadows where the most common reason I have seen for why sakuna can't use the 10 Shadows from people is mainly because of the fact that sakuna is now in his true form and in his true body he isn't in megami's body anymore he is in his own true form so 10 Shadows should be gone with megami's body so we shouldn't be able to access him mainly because sakuna incarnated into his original body but in my opinion I don't just believe that's completely wrong but I believe that is actually kind of the opposite and it more so proves the fact that sakuna can still use 10 Shadows the reason why I believe that is purely because of the fact that if that was how it functions if it function that sakuna need to be in his original body in order to use his curse technique or any other incarnated sorcerer needed to be in their original form and original body to use their own curse technique then shouldn't sakuna not be able to use caveland dismantle while in megami's form and only be able to use 10 Shadows because it's still megami's brain doesn't have access to his own brain he doesn't have access to his true form he has access to megami's form so in my opinion sakuna having his current body back instead of megami's body at the current moment just proves more likely that sakuna does have access to 10 shadows and more than likely curss are etched a lot more onto the brain but also onto the soul itself which is also very very likely considering we know that you are able to alter the shape of the soul in order to awaken a cursed technique the reason why we know this is because several of the awakened players were just people who had their brains altered via altering the shape of their souls in order to change the shape of their brains into that of sorcerers we know it's possible through changing the shape of your soul in order to awaken a cursed technique which means that curs techniques are more than likely directly linked to the soul as well as the body rather than just the body so in my opinion if anything that actually just proves it more than likely sakuna is able to utilize the 10 Shadows technique alongside his own technique well you'd have to pick using either celand dismantle or 10 Shadows because we know you can't use several techniques at the same time unless you have one technique imbued into the domain while you're s using another technique as sakuna displayed against Gojo which is why sakuna himself is able to use 10 Shadows while the domain expansion use cleand dismantle but that's the only way of using two curse techniques at the same exact time but yeah basically if jjk functioned like that where in order to be able to use a curse technique you must have the original body of it not rather than just being incarnated then sakuno would never be able to use cleave and dismantle and he'd only be stuck with the cursing of his body because they don't have his original brain granted there was a chance that curs items could actually just work straight up differently but at the same time I don't really think they would work differently I don't see any reason why they would work differently because they just allow the soul to continue living and there's not really a brain for them anymore to begin with but at the same time I could see an argument for it but I don't think there is an argument for it which is why in my opinion I do believe that sakuna still has access to the 10 shadows and the other common debunk about why suuna has access to 10 Shadows is mainly people just wondering if sakuna does have access to 10 Shadows then why hasn't he used the 10 Shadows yet and there's one explanation that I have that I know some people are probably not going to life but it's something that I think people need to constantly remember when they are talking about sakuna and that is sakuna mentality in the current moment sakuna is fighting to win yes but more so he doesn't have any rush to win sakuna is legitimately just doing all of this to have fun that is currently the way that sakuna is fighting to have fun and enjoy himself so if he doesn't see the need to fight optimally by using 10 Shadows to assist him then he's not going to fight with 10 Shadows to assist him of course that's one of the explanations however there is another way to explain it other than just sakuna mentality and that sakuna wants to have fun so he's choosing not to use 10 Shadows even though there are some opportunities where he could have used 10 Shadows he's just choosing not to use 10 Shadows because there is actually another explanation for why sakuna isn't using 10 Shadows right now and that is a pretty simple explanation most of sakuna good combat base shikigami at this point are dead and they were killed off by Gojo which is another impact that Gojo had on this battle because not just is mahara dead who maharo would have been a nightmare to fight against new way is also dead who most people don't have a fly encounter so new way being on the battlefield just spamming lightning bolts would be a pain for everybody we also know Divine dog is dead which Divine dog is an incredibly powerful thing especially if it were amp by sakuna K energy and there's also Moka deer that was taken out which I think is also the second most impactful thing that Gojo did right behind taking out mahara mainly because of the fact that if he still had Moka deer around then sakuna would be having these full heals without needing to rely on his own curse energy output there's also the possibility of Gojo taking out rabbit escape with that red he fired when sakuna was hiding himself among the rabbits as well so sakuna doesn't really have that many good combat shikigami left like he has piercing ox but at the same time piercing Ox is way too basic and simple to be utilized in this battle because for people who do not remember how piercing Ox Works piercing Ox has to run in a straight line in order to build up power a lot of people just can full counter that pretty easily and also this is going to be pure speculation but from what we can tell Myriad elephant is incredibly heavy and is likely unable to move by itself mainly because we' never actually seen Myriad elephant do anything mobile so I don't think that would be too helpful in this respective battle like every time we've seen elephant be used he's either been used to crush someone or launch out a wave of water and then immediately disappear after so even if 10 Shadows can be used and I think it is likely the 10 Shadows still can be used there's actually no point currently for sakuna to use it mainly because the two other shikami that sakuna does have access to are either immobile shikigami or really predictable shikigami there's also the toads but the Toads we know are not that strong so yeah and while sakuna could go to the Shadows to try and hide away to recover but that's not really a sakuna type thing to do after all sakuna did want to try recover he would literally just leave the battlefield I'm not going to lie like there is legitimately nothing keeping him there he could leave at any point he wanted to but he chose not to so there's no way he's going to move over to the 10 Shadows to hide for a little bit to heal so how can it prove useful for this fight what can it do and there's one thing that I do think that it's actually capable of doing right now and that is to do with totality if you've been on the channel for a while you know that I absolutely love how totality functions it's one of the strongest things in jjk and most underrated things in my opinion where the way the totality works is by after shikigami being killed its powers and traits are passed down to the other shikigami in order to form a much stronger shikigami for example the curse agito which agito also proves something funnily enough as well which it proves that totality traits can also be passed down mainly because the fact that agito is actually two totalities combined into one where they have the new way plus Orochi totality as well as the two Wolf's totality into one massive shikigami with Moka deer being passed down as well which means the traits are never really gone forever so I think that it's possible that sakuna might end up forcing totality between some of the shikigami since we know for a fact that mahara as well as agito are dead he might end up passing those traits down to one of the other shikigami that he has access to maybe the toad maybe the elephant maybe piercing Ox we have no idea he might end up passing those traits down and forcing a totality to come in a similar way to how we fought against goo where he forced agito to be made because normally totalities do take quite a bit of time however sakuno was able to force it and force the creation of aito which proves Sak is already good enough with 10 Shadows that he might be able to force it furthermore this would be the perfect way for him to actually get out of the situation that UDA kotu was currently put him in the main reason why I say that is mainly because of something else that should be noted sakuna currently is somewhat low on curse energy well he's at UDA levels but he is still low on Cur energy cuz that's low for him he is missing two of his arms so he can't make the hand signs for the world dismantle but at the same time he does have one thing left which is the potential possibility of making a totality shikigami that is already adapted to limited void after all remember something that was revealed to us in 229 and 230 which is the fact that sakuna had already adapted mahara to unlimited to unlimited void which means if these traits of adaptation end up passing down to other Shiki gami it could create one incredibly strong Shiki gami for them to utiliz in battle that already has the capability of bypassing unlimited void because that was how sakuna was able to break out of it the first time well not the first time but that was how sakun was able to break out of it the final time it also asked the question on if maha's adaptations end up passing down and if we're going to be be honest we don't really know that yet mainly because mahara is in completely new territory mainly because of the fact that sakuna is the first person to ever tame mahara in history sure we know what unadapted and Untamed mahara is like but we do not know what a tamed mahara is like and what the traits of a tame mahara is for example we know the traits of a tame mahara now is that sakuna is able to manifest the wheel separately but that was something we had no idea on how to know about until that fight actually happened so it could be very possible that mahar's adaptations end up passing down once tamed for example this mahara might have access to the world slash itself as well as the immunity to unlimited void which would be significantly more difficult for the cast to deal with however would this be a game over for everyone and in my opinion I don't actually think this would be a game over for everybody mainly because of something else that is a disadvantage of using mahara or might actually end up proving a disadvantage of using mahara which is using mahara might end up waking meami up more and more because of you waking up the 10 Shadows basically doing a similar thing to what yuji's been punching him with in order to wake up meami more and more and that could end up weakening sakuna output the reason why I think that's going to be included is mainly because I don't think G is going to give just sakuna this free massive power up of a mahara that can use the world slash with seemingly no limitations well not even a mahara a mahara totality so that should be even stronger than mahara himself especially with how everything has been looking into the battlefield and that is something I could see being possible for how 10 Shadows can end up playing into the battle now I'm not entirely sure if 10 Shadows is going to end up playing into the battle or not however I do think that it could be possible that it does and this is one route that g could potentially end up taking there is another route though that this could end up being a vessel for meami cuz a while back I did see a theory that a 10 Shadow satal might end up being the vessel for Megami and that's how he ends up getting back into the fight but at the same time I don't think that's possible it could also be possible they could use this to directly reach meami as well in order to talk to him there are a lot of ways a 10 Shadows can be used in this fight but I don't think that people should count it out as an impossibility yet mainly because there's nothing that confirms it yet and it should always be remembered until something is confirmed with sakuna you should always keep it in mind as a possibility because gay ends up pulling up a lot of things for sakuna because we don't actually know that much about him however that's just my opinion on whether sakuna can use the 10 Shadow still or not and I want to hear what you guys think in the comment section down below or if sakuna is going to use 10 Shadows how he might end up using it do you think that this totality could be happening do you think he's going to need to use a binding Val in order to force a totality and lose something massive like the world slash I don't know I'm really curious to what you guys think in the comment section down below so I'm going see you all later peace out have a good day
Channel: Eternal Flame
Views: 8,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, JJK, JJK season 2, eternal flame, eternal flame jjk, eternal flame jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen manga, @TheEternalFlame57, JJK Theories, JJK Theory, Jujutsu Kaisen Theory, JJK Theory Iceberg, jjk, jjk leaks, JJK Plot Holes, Gojo Return, Gojo Revival Theory, Gojo the strongest, JJK 261, JJK 262 Review, JJK 262 Leaks, sukuna vs mahoraga, Sukuna Ten Shadows, Can Sukuna Still Use Ten Shadows, Sukuna full power, Sukuna vs gojo
Id: c2SLrAzApb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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