You've Never Seen Arcade Games Like These! Winning New Arcade Games At IAAPA!

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that crate is like I pick up a baby chaos it's here [Applause] [Music] our gate mat hey what's up guys matt here today I'm back at I app of Florida 2018 we're going to be going around and playing some arcade games that normally would give tickets in the arcade so we're going to showcase some of the games that they have here and see if we can win any huge jackpots before we get started guys make sure to thumb up the video if you enjoy it alright guys I am person gamer green pill at Kinect for hoops the new Bay Tech game oh shoot I like I like the underhand technique this marks Kobe a little bit harder every time I swear I know it's weird it looks weird that I'm like pressures on yeah and takes the W on that one alright guys now I'm gonna burst the nerdy traveler by Neal it's been met him at Dave & Buster's a while ago we're gonna play the Kinect for yellow it's all ready to get another Oh human being that I met actually Oh Oh Oh man underhand technique is another does he block or go for the win alright guys I'm going for the win I'm not gonna block Oh are you kidding me a player takes the dummy on guys check this out it's called wild river and you load the ball up and you put it in and you got to guide it through the maze that's cool here we go oh you have known 200 points it's kind of fun in it yeah yeah it's great it's crazy right my thing was - getting to go to the right of that thing so much glare there we go no there you go pretty good yeah go it's a wild river man Oh oh nice though all right I think I think I think you're feeling it I think you're feeling it that's crits crazy right there in the middle scale face to it very fun guys check it out this is Pat it's like pac-man drop kind of I guess don't see many I like 70 not bad the excellent see I liked I mobile games like this there it goes it goes down around oh it has a lip on it that's how they get you oh I almost won in 60 I'm gonna see if I can time it come on baby get in there it's like a rollercoaster 70 all right there we go 70 seconds I like this check out this coin pusher guys look it's a it is a soccer theme oh I see if you get that then you get the you see how the coin I like it look at that zero I got zero so that spots a letter or what does that do look it's so awesome like this you gotta get in the goal I see so go what gives you that the gives you the spin in the middle okay so I got a go again and I got a G for two little ding kurz biggering stuff give me exactly yeah we're a bunch of dodo birds over here I like the idea of the fact that you dropped a soccer ball oh five okay so that gives you I like this that's just so visually pleasing look at that guy's three look at that how cool is that tokens galore man I like I like oh I got five look at that I would totally buy this for my arcade if I had one advice for my house I I got go oh we got the middle again guys I got zero I don't know what that does oh is that Oh spots the letter I see and if you get all those in the middle then you get the feet and I need an L I need yeah yeah we're just there are so many videos I probably have earlier today where I don't even know I got it a guy need an L guys Oh 15 Wow look at that's a good amount of look you can get even 25 or 30 go come on L no means a no I need an L I like this alright now that we figured it out three first I got a couple little silly sausages down there five there's fine I love that that is so cool sorry it's a little overexposed does I wish you could spam oh the drop thing yeah one at a time yeah Wow I got 15 on that one all you need to know I got a zero yeah I got five I love that fountain look at that guys that's amazing I need l-man for 200 mappers kneel or kneel and five all right hey look at that that matches my shoes shipping all right guys check this out a ticket game it's called triple turn so you got to drop the bull the goal is to get it down here so if I get into the red it's going to go directly down to the red spinning wheel I pass so now I'm in blue okay so I got it drop so we're going to yellow now the goal is to get it down here into that jackpot let us show oh I see it so it's kind of luck there then that's tricky but if you get it there though that's getting that rich yeah okay I gotta turn up so now we there's only one drop on the yellow which it's tough so let's see if it gets in there come on yellow three bold yes oh my god just might be jackpot come on baby rekt oh my god this could be a big jackpot third time plan oh that was exciting i won quick adjust time it to get it in the plaid you got again you know what this reminds me up guys is it's like gear it up but you're gearing it down yeah let's go that's I love free plays guys and you go to travel like enslave a winner I love the free flex there's a drop there's a drop I love [Music] but and you definitely get a lot of play for your buck I think your method now is a little bit better it's coming back so intense [Music] yellow tragic nuts man all right wait what about my hero wait am I actually going in this I'm forcing you to it actually go ahead oh my god this is crazy [Music] [Music] excellent score man you got them all back in there like that's amazing how this is like mrs. crazy guys mention attractor wow that was fast st. you doing this wait how do I you can just do left and right eyes I'm gonna go right here it looks like there's a lot of eggs here no you have to get they're over there and then you get what's there and then you get points then oh my lord that's a lot oh I see oh I keep going what well you're just trying to fill hey I thought you were trying to pick an egg I guess we're in the continuing saga oh man we'll figure out [Music] so now we just I guess you're on a time limit okay five minutes what's how that's five credits baby meditate you eat what's going on in there I type what's that over there there's other credits that's our honestly you just keep going so I guess you get tickets every time it's good sitting there I guess that's how many I got yeah yeah like it dude it's like vibrating and everything this is crazy it's really okay that's like pneumatic you can hear that crane is yeah like I pick up a baby when a baby have a baby yeah they are there drop it down look at that guy's you're bang Oh baby oh you know cool addition do I even see the slide over here two extra slides if you make it all the way to the end if you're gonna make one of them go all the way to the head and then it goes straight down to the scoring [Music] what is this called it's called the sweet sweet crane I like now I love the bigger scale yeah that's awesome [Music] Wow [Music] check it out guys capsule show oh there it is all right here we go I gotta count for the delay this just takes a second yaya dacosta I see it spinning it turns without getting right in here so when you win this prize to that I was late again alright so I gotta go a little bit earlier all figured out now we got this it's all timing guys we go Oh [Applause] player 1 how does that mean what are you doing you know I'll have to jump over the you keep going around you can't hit them down there below you can't get zapped that's got you I like that you got to just jump over there you go it gives you the first level without it moving very good that's cool I got you now keep pressing it jump and be careful because it's gonna start moving again not bad that's cool check it out guys here at La eye games booth you all know I'm so well stacker the new virtual rapid came which is human there so I'm here at the booth guys I've been talking to one of the guys on Twitter so they're just kind of showing me around here and they got some really cool stuff public talk guys their little virtual rabbits and flushes look at that but the talk oh my god it's awesome are you sure for me yes I was just telling LA I games guys they got to make a tabletop stacker let me know in the comments if you guys want to see that how cool would that be awesome - lets bounce here we go are you good at this game ah no at least likely get the first floor liar in my life no more balls guys Neil has to be 22.97 challenge any do it we got these guys giving you good luck a little the little rabbits there let's see if we can move here what's your strategy here like ten extra let soon wow that's like one of the highest scores I've ever seen he got me guys and we're gonna take my little rabbits now yeah I've never got to play this guy's finally I can play monster drug chaos it's here not a lot of people not a lot of people have it yet so let's see a chart for the K awesome Alec drivers announcement fifteen try we're gonna time this ready okay I'm gonna go a little bit earlier yeah baby Wow chaos we go [Music] Wow come on mega bonus oh you got a good shot of that that was cool yeah that was your turn drunk third drop guys ever playing this game we timed it Wow 314 tickets okay our caves need to start getting this if I could do together go try no I did it earlier and we have it at round one the reason I don't want to like it it's like $2 to spike it's crazy it's like the edge of that Oh Oh there it is shebang chaos again look at that I like [Music] the mystery value that's crazy ah what a lucky rolling back-to-back chaos guys lucky ruling back to Pegasus I'm feeling the mega bonus right now I'm feeling it that's gotta load them up all right come on baby putting for chaos baby make a bonus make a fungus mysteries are good though come on mega bonus that was awesome that was monster job chaos guys alright guys that's gonna do it for the arcade ticket version day 1 of I app I'll be back tomorrow we're gonna be filming another day here so definitely look for that in the future because there's tons of games I didn't get the triad guys it's just so much here it's crazy so definitely look for that in the near future and be sure to subscribe and there we're closing now so like we always say thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 657,674
Rating: 4.7672219 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade matt, iaapa arcade games, iaapa 2018 arcade games, iaapa, iaapa 2018, 2018 iaapa, winning arcade games, arcade games, new arcade games, new arcade, iaapa expo 2018, iaapa expo, new games, newest arcade games, arcade videos, arcade game, arcade ticket games, ticket games, iaapa orlando, connect 4 basketball arcade game, japan arcade games, monster drop chaos, arcade fun, matt jackpot, arcade jackpot, arcade tickets, arcade hacks, bay tek, gamergreen
Id: iUTeVXn_L6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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