Japanese Marble Pusher Is Finally HERE! Marble Carnival Arcade Game at Round1

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we're at round one new game we actually checked this one out in Japan and Japan it's called marble fever but this one's called marble carnival so the only difference well there's a couple things to friend the one in Japan used strictly one coins so actually coins will come out of there so whatever to whenever a ball sale or a marble you actually get coins back and then you'll be able to put in here but it seems like they retrofitted for the US as well the new league North America market because now you can win tickets I believe oh so that's right here so each marble is one ticket and then the cards are 50 tickets now they have the card set it doesn't say how much it is it shows that it's supposed to be a four figure number those five thousand I think he might got dropped down to three thousand and we're gonna find out again the cards are worth 50 tickets but this is the first sign of blind in the least North American version and it looks like you could change that so had 300 plays loaded let's see what this does no I want to do maybe the left side see what goes so if it falls hold on fall in there if it falls into one of those holes it'll do like a bonus spin and from the sounds of it that when you wind it just a bonus the bone is a 500 marbles dropping that's probably good site oh we got a first spin would it be three action shots so what can we give you get three extra plays or three shot by marble bonus wheel bonus lives what we want Oh car drop offs be good too but we want to see those cards move I don't know which one's a rare one yet but we'll find out so let's focus over here first see with us I'm holding a button right now do the maybe do a rapid fire for make it rain three marvels you never gonna spend every bonus thing man come on come on yes few more marbles all right keep on going okay nurse then oh we got the boy skins here till we get five more shots I'll take that and right there where he is stop that means how many's already lined up so we got at least two more spins you're going oh we got some more plays three shots so I think what I think the shots is where you'd be able to shoot it it's in the marbles I think it is like randomly deployed zone so like right there said three marbles yeah so they're kind of like the same thing but you just don't get the option when they put a fire come on go in there go right there Oh come on don't dance for me your reign take your ring marbles balls whatever you want to call it boots and marvel knights [Music] but oh there we go [Music] all right there there heywhat friends we got Horseman's I'm gonna make it rain a little bit more on the top right you can see how many marbles we have there we go that's 50 right there three shots fine over game tomorrow game the policeman's alright I'll take it a little bit goes come on Duke our job oh look at the cards whoa that's one big a drop down an Irish Bend like Elvis pins we got I don't know if we just focus on the spins for the cards I possibly do both maybe okay well maybe if I make a flood a little it'll make it ball come on right there yeah [Music] oh I think some goddamn that I think it we had like okay it's hanging out all right you got some spins oh we got another card oh that thing goes up and down so they're like evenly distributed cards I guess [Music] can we play by plays keep on going come on we got a bonus place what hurts I kind of hope it will at least go for like the bonus I like to see that and for the sound stuff so that's a super bonus right there I need somebody won it earlier but he loaded them all up and when you win it it just plugs it floods a whole entire playing field I'll be a sight to see fitting fins Marvel gets down to 196 exactly thank you definitely we're not bringing him through them too fast known as well I might take the fire - now you can see the stock it's all the way high up so that might be going for a bit right there so what we got the cat lady got that guy and we got very low we got something going on Oh No alright I check the cards the places stuff oh wait hold on we got something [Music] Oh hold on let's see what this says so this is a bump to the bonus chance right here super marble bonus would be nice 50 would be decent 100 will be okay don't do tend to be anything too dirty for do the super marble bones super bonus right there no you're right there okay I'll take that who's right there - but it gives extra spins but he's not bad 100 looking nice hi job yes Oh 9/3 carton is so nice that's some kind of like carnival game oh here we go forgetting more got the nutter ferris wheel I know where I got that no merry-go-round we got some Isis pieces what and now and the cousin spins we got we sent in your plays whoa really nice I'm at the funny-looking bonus video phone is a starting yes we know I work so now thank you well going everywhere hundreds dude 33 are super horribleness if it oh oh the hype it's so real daddy's not bad though be more bonesman look at that we're so in the game card drop we're going to give us top hat guy okay so now I'm gonna flood the field just a little you can see a marbles guards we're in it for that bonus I guess it's a mystery but ma'am look at that is if we filled up the bonus spin I don't want to maybe overdo it maybe it will wake up just spins very same thing sorry really Marvel's okay now we can make a party rain alone five [Music] pushing pretty good okay we're down 250 plays I want to see what it's behind you okay we are got the cat guy but we can take another one now it's pretty interesting you how you put the cards we'll talk about that later but okay marbles three marbles Auto marvels it'll be enough to push this stuff down I don't know maybe three extra marbles okay I'm gonna make a rainbow Thunder czarina button all I'm doing come on top that guy again Oh [Music] nice we got that got a let's go just adding to the pile and look at that the bonus assume vote is just there and it's actually voted the numbers going up - that's cool come on top that guy [Music] anything Oh oh my grop what we got we got the cat girl if I'm if I'm not mistaken these are the same characters in the Japanese version as well but he just you don't have cards so they have stuff we don't have oh nice and we have stuff they don't have okay we got the mises again mices mouse however you want to call them we're down to 400 for my plays [Music] getting on a bonus pins we're down to 120 plays I have a feeling we might need two more credits pretty soon so far they're making it way up pretty nicely though that's nice my stack needs up nice there we go anything here cards No we're down so it actually went up we were down to 120 now I'm not 25 [Music] come on go in there go in there [Music] right there oh okay run applaud a little wanna keep an eye out of cards nice nice come on D right there guy thought he's been coming in we still got more than hundred plays left to face anything good okay we got four more spins left three marbles bonus Marvel get but a flood of it all that's a bad part about playing by yourself just imagine wheels well we actually furniture a quicker because if we had somebody else progressing that all right right there nope nope nope oh come on Isis please Oh got hard that's a that's a one the Fox guys on the card we don't have him yet we could use them though oh we got our card where I got that though [Music] okay I'm flooding it out they aren't going that well we're down to 80 plays we are out of bonus pens we are getting a look we are getting tickets but I don't know how many we are getting cousins when there's a break it'll automatically clear so come on we're down to 70 plate right there bonus three so having got the top hat guy oh hold on we gain bonus bins right there not that guy yet we got them they're falling down oh we got another card we got in our care so we are down since 30 plays Oh Otis marble get alright that's clear we got 30 plays left we got spin we ain't got those spins Oh Bonneville would be nice dinner please okay we anis we need those two cards tonight's Karen oh I just need that one with the with the card oh another card drops oh okay we already have him I have 20 plays left I'm gonna see like a strategically gravel come on okay I'm out of plays right now so it's blowing by itself let's see what that does I'll give me a bonus minute making me Bonesmen you Bella said right there pulling nice oh we got this thing going on I'm distressing it whenever cuz really the ball could go anywhere whoa that was quick see 50 marbles nice nice Stan Stan Stan Spence can you believe he spins let's go oh great there okay so it gave us a couple spins see right there maybe we could get the guy I'll give it Oh nope okay gave me this five extra shots now okay they're holding on because of that card let's go card drop oh yeah okay we got away I got one of those but they're piling up on these carts what the heck another card top hat guy again okay good luck we're gonna have to look at the end and see how many cars are gone Oh extra marble get only dream but I'll say gets coming down and just like that there are three marbles [Music] okay we're about how to place I think I'm gonna do some more swipes [Music] when this marble get a car drop really I'll take it oh look at that whole bunch of the either Oh and got our poster let's go three marbles [Music] okay I'm gonna get more places I came Barney I'll let you guys watch that a bit more place another card drop 100k we are get devices click on those cards okay I'm glad I stocked up but it give me part errors [Music] there we go I mean more plays I'm thinking about 150 that'll be about ten flights okay that's 150 because it gave us a week month we got extra five plays so you know what but we'll just keep on playing we'll make it right we'll check the cards at the end I came down well actually let's check the cards now this in case oh yeah but I haven't got those yeah I got that guy [Music] all right what are you missing you know what oh I might be missing one I see how this works there's cheese okay no okay you want the one that one might be there one you have the one that have all three of them right here yeah I don't think I have that one yet I wonder if that's a rare card we'll check it later but I haven't written under 50 plays so they call me cards on the field I'm gonna see what this does I have a few of those I think right here can you can you hear I'll let you come over here and I'll let you close that well just doing like increments so like I bring you down to 100 shoot down to 100 and then we'll watch the bonus spin so you just got to really hold it the Gottis never getting there now we're down to 115 a few more and then we'll watch the bonus right up the plate we get all right that's good we're gonna see the first ball I get that oh nice [Music] well it has a spin I've already done a couple couple spoons the bonus wheel so that what you're talking about right okay now I want to flood it a little bit good luck right right down to the heart drop Oh who's that now the instant win oh [Music] okay there's nothing good that we need yeah yeah we need those whoa no I don't know oh I played a few that's right okay we got one more oh no we got two more okay one more it's gonna froze three marbles let's go last one five marbles all right one of manipur I'm holding down the bug car trap what is gonna be not what we need Oh we'll get in watch wine what kind of card your night so there's Noth I'll give you my card into place another card drop okay what's with all these carousels no no oh okay I need that one Dan so close and what that's interesting how it's clear like that I hope we're not gonna empty this out oh look at that come on pretty good another card draw we don't need that one put down dirty play oh nice oh man they're just falling out okay that's gravity just let's go [Music] anything that I need yet dang it you know I'm I have to go to another one and see if that I actually pay out so that's all we need yeah so I'm going for that's a rare one if you know and if you're watching this video and you might know which one the rare one let's know I'm going with this one we got my own hammer down an ticket we need them Oh [Music] fun times go nice three marbles without dirty three plays want to empty this come on come on do something do something another car drop levy what we need no man yeah I'm out of place anything good come on come on Oh Wow we made it pretty big din on that you know I'm going to go to the other side maybe I can find something oh yeah oh there's marble stuck to you my car drop maybe the card we need I'm reaching out to where one yeah all right you got the bonus chance [Music] oh yeah two balls what Wow that's working right there all right well hey shout out two balls but yet three balls Oh off the pill [Music] I got the cat girl yeah you complete a set it's cuz he is way up slowly well if you got our card you got the cat girl again out of plays only gotten Urquhart girl okay I was almost happy for a second but now that's about devices another card drop what that break it Oh yo that nerd card drop what Ferris wheel three marbles so did you understand the stop that mean coming is busy dot right there stay up tree right now yeah Carl are watching carousel another card drop hanging out pretty well another card draw I don't know what that is like one of those boat kind of thing [Music] all right there Oh Marvel get they had 24 more plays shot turned out card job would it be I'm top hat guy so the one that you need is right there you see you got the top back guy the cat guy and a girl okay you got a bonus fence there you go Twitty Oh L so close the car trap [Music] oh I pushed it down how many clerks are you up to Oh three more days one more spoon the cards are right there what's tonight so that's a hiya to begin for our bonus wheel if you could get that 500 super bonus I'll be all are more more awesome [Applause] god 100 will be good since say for the super bonus right there do it do it no okay but see good what its gonna do oh one three okay you got a couple right there hey that again closed [Music] marbles that's it you find more plays if you're unable to get it I'll get it for you but you're down to like zero credits now then shot nice Midmark way [Music] Marvel gear really got three shots there we marvel any more bonus events 3-shot right there Oh bonus man all right now oh there you go nice nice you might be able to do this three marbles [Music] Oh Miss Marple get right there my shot and he got a whole bunch of places lined up nice new direct air I think that's them Wow he's pretty much as been sitting here he really haven't even played any of these right yourself Senor up to 30 silk Oh I got um I guess I supposed to beat your balls or something yeah right there okay I think you got a complete set you're about the autocratic scooter let's see if you got a complete set the gala fancy [Music] how many card during the set one two three four by six ten homes oh you're missing that's very there Oh 9 ok nice so you gonna turn him in so it's cool how you do it you have to get use that part right there we'll check that out right now as he finished off this place [Music] maybe his super bonus you know want to see what card they might want got over here no I don't need those yes okay so you're out of plays so you put in your cards in here so you got to like what side you want to use so don't press the button so you put them all in so or delete a complete set okay so there's a certain way you got to put them in you gotta put them in upright with yeah that basic it so we'll put in this card and it should tell you what car you just put in keep on going yeah that's a party take a while last one [Music] okay so the ad opponent with 3,000 tickets [Music] and just like that three thousand tickets look at that yes pay all those out we've I be here for a while while gamba 'the keep on counting the three thousand one since any fights why fifty maybe I could get that car to come out say my plays and I could get anything Vaughn do some bonus men's heart drop okay sleazy what we need No bonus wheel I'll tell you that though but I will accept ten I would only accept jackpot there's I've been stressing it yeah I'm okay bambridge rambha and I got right now [Music] 200 200 don't do 10 do super bonus jackpot super bonus super bonus super Oh No [Music] okay I leave they got some spins out of that yes three marbles I got a couple more spins right you're up to 2,000 and marbles and that's why I don't go by marbles nice now my c25 marbles but see what I'm does Danny five more gap down 25 bonus Oh bonus wheel thing it what you gonna give me give me something good all right race X oh it's gonna be rigged 2,500 [Music] huh please I'll pay up they'll take the bonus pins Oh dirty bonus wheel again nice am i right with you fellas will but I hate the free content Oh 30/30 2710 marvels you're killing me let's go like give me card drops okay if you're already have the card drops in the bonus about that dainty that okay I'm gonna flood it I'm gonna flood the rest of the 30 plays I got let's get men's understand oh there we go give me those fans down out those Ben yes man spin yes thank you and he's done 3,000 see what this does let's go he's card 30 and pushing three aims there so up look at that we're up there five shot alright I'll take that move from zero to eight and now we're down to we're down to zero [Music] County near Luke oh you want to see the guys second step let's go car drop would it be be what I need not that guy No ten shot I'll take up be shot I'll take that yeah my [ __ ] rain now yeah ten shots I'll take that Oh bye shots I get that thanks pretty good right now ten shots geez you're just paying off aren't you okay now I'm gonna fire more nice bonus wheel okay load those up those bonus bands up look at those bonus pins okay again ready set go I'm not why build up to hype medullary psychology reverse psychology reverse psychology reverse psychology for Greece Nicola okay fifties not bad but it was right there got a car it would be what I don't need three marble [Music] nice by marvel nice it's all maxed out thing the one honk video oh we got three shots let me go thank you for all these fins thank you Dad three shots [Music] Oh No three marbles to get there I like this I think I figured out how to play it do small increments but those cars are barely kicking oh I got some cards that ballin tomorrow let's go three marvel three marble 10-shot nice that brings me up to 13 shots always [Music] nice 3-shot car drop what it'd be what I don't need my marble nice bonus wheel all right again reverse psychology depressing or whatever give me at least gonna spend not make me better right there come on rumble sale I got teamwork blaze why'd it burn those real quick guys nice that's nice nice let's go nice [Music] we're still in this hoax 3-shot come on stop teasing neighbor right there [ __ ] goal three marbles let's go nice Oh card drop would it be what I don't need right down yet so should I go from let's 10-shot hard drop please okay I got 13 skin to play we're game dodeca spins on ice or Selena's I think the cars I sell fallen we're getting these lectures spins oh come on right there right there card drop Oh boom okay we're Celeste and I got one shot left mikage fired three marbles so you found Oh bonus wheel hey have you got the super mega spoon no we're about to do it alright you show us I'm gonna get a timing so for me the timing was see where the spin is right there teach a super bonus spin yeah so see the next one it's marble 50 right in the middle of that one was the right time he felt right that was on that machine for that spin [Applause] [Music] so now you gotta go oh these feathers that's the way I would do I think it's about things as random because I saw you like you went directly right in one dose city go directly right in super but oh what did you do I don't know look I don't I don't know it's not the card I need I date the rare ones this one right here you think it's that one I gave that one because so I actually don't know I assumed it was that [Music] so here's a look at the dunkers on the back of the card yeah [Music] and on all you know in almost sense it's usually the line I don't think it is better both there is a Gatsby a rare but in there yeah I don't know yeah I borrow that ones who you need the one well let me see what cards I got I already got something random [Music] football after you be yeah it's not like Star Trek or Wizard of Oz or just like I want the racecar to be the rare one because I think it was holy moly unless I'm missing it this is your first time playing it you've got all those cards I've waited here for a while a while but at least gambit got the jackpot I want to keep on looking around the Cardo eventually come out I'm still going a little with that one but this is a pretty fun game I don't know how that happened but it happened but hopefully on Joy's video they're probably quite long but if you love these coin balls marble pushers you can try this you play this video if you didn't get that upset thumbs up if you disliked it why are you watching this channel but anyways hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter they're all too behind scene action but till then did you want Gospels maybe they're all broke go get credits and I'll stay here okay I'll play slow put on it everything boring here gets the cloud [Music] oh I had into livestream because I'm quality looks pretty bad well I think this was worth it and you go to third row they got whole bunch of car drops lick their clog at all right okay okay now what it has to right I don't know but now it has to reload so actually reload using the ferris wheel cool get out yeah I hopefully is gonna add up but we got through the mouth the white okok come on there's there's marbles on top of Marvel's okay what cards that we did [Music] not the cards that we need but I'll take it not really it's still paying up it's still paying out tickets but I want the lecture bonus pin did not pay those though all right look at that one of the thousand tickets out [Music] I'll take down so I guess it doesn't do that let's find out [Music] Wow I'm just letting a rain it's good you're gonna get at least some yeah whoa okay let me use this sighs we gotta back up the freeways fog [Music] we honor spin there we go I don't know what's hard drop the one I don't need yeah yes I guess when you do the bonus there you go you got that card tonight okay I don't need that I press that nope alright well that works fine okay I got ten shots I'll let you shoot change it [Music] send them over here I got it okay what the heck here you go that is insane come on he's getting spit I think in my copy room but it might be time for a flood getting them over there you're a deacon [Music] perhaps [Music] I have people okay that goes to that side well if we get bonus bins now I'll keep the game going why can't I get over there [Music] come on there we go yeah I think I'll get us eventually operation to get that thing that the generation football yes malece we're about to hear that card yeah there you go Oh almost a bonus wheel almost here we are no more plays let's go three marbles [Music] [Music] oh go in go in Oh one more last one three shots a solid take over up to eight oh dude again whatever you just did I don't know everyone was complaining about the quality of livestreams identity pay attention oh my do I in yours are well I think are you okay [Music] one two our job nope last one our job oh nice that was gonna wait in that and then get what I need
Channel: ClawD00d - Coin Pushers
Views: 299,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marble pusher, japanese marble pusher, marble arcade game, marble carnival round 1, round1, marble carnival, marble game, marble carnival game, japanese games, marble fever, japanese arcade games, round1 japan, round 1, japan arcade games, clawd00d, clawdood, claw d00d, japanese arcade, arcade japan, coin pusher big win, coin pusher, japanese coin pusher, coin pusher japan, high risk coin pusher, arcade games, marble games, high risk coin pushers are fake
Id: aKoMk0mQXcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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