I Won Big Arcade Tickets on New Arcade Games!! Main Event Arcade Fun!

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let's do this Oh oh my god guys two more for Dad oh my god one more for the jackpot [Music] our gate Matt what's up goobers Matt here today a weird main event and we're going to be playing some of the new games that I've never played on my channel before guys I'm gonna show you them they've got some really neat ones here that you guys have never seen here so we're gonna go play them and see how many tickets we can win before we get started if you're new make sure to subscribe to my channel and a Nabal notifications by clicking that bell also guys don't forget to click or ooh that like button on the video that would be awesome let's see if we can get 3756 likes on this video also guys don't forget to leave me a bunch of comments down below because I will personally heart the cool comments anything else I think that's it alright guys we are gonna start off with Sonic check this out guys that it's a really fun game so you have to you press this button in these little things drop and then you have to get it through here's the goal there's like a slight hesitant delay so I got 30 tickets now if you get it through the red you spin the wheel and then you get the bonus bonus you got to land it on bonus so it's 750 so we're gonna place in a couple of times here I like this game because it's a I love the ball games there's so much fun oh the ball games are fun there's some skill to this I feel like but other times it's a lot of luck Oh get in there 35 okay that's one of the better ones we'll take it come on get in there yes all right we got the bonus wheel guys let's see if we can get the bonus oh that was way early alright I wasn't sure of the timing on that but let's see if we can hit it again here well that was late I gotta go earlier guess that was 20 I'm gonna do it when it's like right there yeah right there cuz you want to get it in that red thing there we go bonus wheel again guys alright come on let's do this Oh way too early why do I keep jumping the gun man I gotta stop doing it cuz I say dead Oh as I said it's getting pretty bow it feels like right there pressing the button gets it at least in the red bag bonus again look if we could just land the bonus oh I must have dinner on its own 70 though ain't bad I'll take it that's the best amount we got yet come on get in there nice alright now we're getting better at that timing all right here we go see we can get that bonus Oh 30 tickets do you think I might have been me come on get in there oh I got gypped on that one a lot of bouncing room all right we go getting guys there it is in there get in all right here we go come on 750 it hasn't gone up keep going to early I don't know what couple more [Music] all right well this again guys oh why do I keep jumping a gun unless that it unless that isn't me dun dun dun conspiracy ah come on uh close now Christmas music playing two turtle doves and a goober and Matt's tree oh all right when I come back to that but it was house sonic fun game hard to hit that bonus wheel though I got amount of tickets though oh yeah let's make sure we show that counting up adds it right to the card guys 395 smackers it's a good way to start the video okay guys we're at circus ball drop new game I'd never played on the chance by hand a Miro who made the spongebob coin push they're kind of a neat little going away from an Emir of coin pushers to put to this game so basically a ball is going to come down the elephant's trunk and you got to drop it in the super bonuses the is the idea [Music] oh close this time' bowl and then it's going to go and one whole so i got 20 tickets if you drop the ball at a certain time you can hopefully time it right in that super bonus but we're gonna we're gonna play this cuz i feel like we got a good job just the best i've ever done on this that was so close to that super bonus it was like an in-and-out ur guys oh my lord there it is guys counting up 200 smackers we'll take it please oh I was close all right where was that it was just past that first screw I think got to wait for it to okay so a little bit higher than it's about the second that star there oh nice roll back in the nasty once it goes down there you're at your lower value so that's getting it up here's the higher values you can see they're lower there so that's that's where it gets tricky oh yeah that's fine just leave it on this what's a bonus ball dude I squeal like an ostrich ha ha I was so close dude I think I laid an ostrich egg right there guys Oh getting so close you know it's like I feel it I got a feeling there's some about this game guys it's so intriguing I love I love the physical aspect of it and the randomness of it too but but the fact that there is some time ability just intrigues the crap out of me and that's why I love games like this all right come on elephant let's do this it's not crapping around oh that was in there you saw that it was like Luke ready I got about strength Oh getting so close on this how many do you get I wonder ok had another popped out another egg there guys let me know guys in the comments if you've won this what's your strategy on this Oh hunter baby okay we'll take it dude now it's closer man hundred smackers that's all right adding it right to the card guys there it is shebang that's 300 just from the ones that we got on top that's really good here we go again guys go ahead sorry man I was so close that super bonus oh man we got another 200 though and that's that's not bad if only we can land that super bonus if only the ball would just get a little more grip and that soup we would have it all right guys now we're at launch code another game we've never played before it's kind of like fishbowl frenzy ish where you got to land balls in certain spots and if you spell out the whole launch code you get the bonus but we're nowhere near that but we're gonna see if we can get the four targets there for a nice 300 tickets we'll do some gameplay on it here I guess okay so there's a timer boom so just go straight in which is kind of interesting oh look guys we might get this first draw you only get four balls so now oh I got three I don't know what's going on here guys mega tickets 60 mega tickets guys can't even get a plastic spider for that here who a lot of bouncing on that wanna see so I'm already but I can't even get the 300 ah boy a lot of bouncing look at us holy guacamole fully guava juice I got one like spider-man guys I'm a leaner is what I am you should have a picture of a hot dog up there wait what's that bonus one do that one says bonus you okay [Music] get in here oh well it's terrible it has the same thing as fishbowl him except he doesn't say that but it has the same credit sound come on get in one okay there we go there's two oh my god guys two more for dead oh my god one more for the jackpot yeah one more will it go ahead yeah no he almost got a name for the one before the one you're gone for that one was easy there because they're all together yeah oh okay I gotta you so we got it we spot a letter guys we got a little mini jackpot therefore I think we can get that plastic spider at least with those two combined alright guys now we're gonna play color match this is my la I games believe it or not so what you do is you pick a color and then you got to match them on you'll see it's very simple so press start now you get to select your color so I'm going to go with that one since that one's pretty distinguishable the bright blue coat let me know in the comments guys your favorite absolute favorite color right now let me know mine is that darker blue not this blue [Music] all right so now I can take the 50 tickets or I can go we're gonna go because that's the whole fun of it right [Music] ah that's tricky it's you have to have really quick reaction time we will try again alright we're gonna go with the same blue again guys you almost got to anticipate and guess when they're gonna put that color in there ah see I jumped the gun man maybe I should pick a different color outside different color alright guys we're gonna pick a different color we're gonna go green since a lot aren't really I don't know that one's really I'm gonna go red actually all right so we're dark red now guys red means stop so that's that might play in psychologically here to my brain [Music] [Music] OOP just made that one Wow all right we're gonna go again we're going for the major prize guys mm tickets ah Trekkie you think [Music] well we didn't get squat from my color masters we're greedy so don't be greedy in life guys let me know if you guys have why ever wanted this in the comments and if you did win what did you win to win tickets oh you want a prize let me know I've won two thousand off-camera I know you guys aren't gonna believe me but I swear let's go play something else all right guys we're gonna give maybe a spin here I want you guys to take your guests in the comments right now what number do you think I'm gonna get here so we got bonus I don't know that gives you a thousand tickets 250s taking guests right now guys let me know in the comments and we'll see if you're right [Applause] that's what I usually get is five right there I'm gonna try to be optimistic and say 200 it's coming around nope and there it goes oh my god bonus we're gonna do in front of the back this time for all right come on let's land this hundred thousand ten well well maybe this one Oh oh my gosh will it give it to me and a free spin guys so if we had with five thousand a few I'll and the thousand but it's tough alright gotta hit the thousand and nothing else which is like insane oh that's all right though fifteen more tickets hey it was cool we got that on and I'll take it alright guys we are back at circus ball job we're gonna do a couple more whoa it's like started way up there we're into a couple more plays on the new games that we feature earlier in the video and see we gonna land a jackpot on one alone that was weird it started way up there plans in there every time but it just doesn't close get up there bonus balls would be nice ready oh dude I'm like feeling it it's so close let's do this Oh 200 us II went in that super bonus but then it like reverse them and plop in the 200 okay that's not bad we pretty much got this super bonus and of landing the smaller ones accumulating how bad we'll take it and that was closer that's super bonus Oh 50 sound like that's so weird huh that ball just like defies gravity we got another 50 guys that's insane we're on a roll now Oh close that with that super bus is raised even more than the two hundreds back to Sonic guys here we go we're gonna see if we can plan the jackpot on this one and okay we got the wheel that's good wheels are good man how do I keep going early why do I keep doing that I keep paying a dingleberry over here guys 30 tickets since Sonic was my game back in the day guys I love the first Sega Genesis and generic one I went earlier this tie there we go bonus we'll get alright let's not jump the gun here Oh hidden closer I'm trying not to jump that gun guys there we go there we can go alright bonus will again Oh [Music] when does this pay out for it's stuck at 7:15 [Music] come on get in there yeah right we'll again I don't know it's so hard to tell if it's skipping or not all right guys that's going to do it for this video hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to thumb up a rue the video remember leave me a bunch of comments down below let me know your thought I will personally heart the cool coma so be sure to comment we played some new games here at main event hope you guys enjoyed those first look at these new games and like we always say thanks for watching but still says mad 37 5 6 [Music]
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 191,435
Rating: 4.8919129 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade matt, arcade channel, arcade games, main event arcade, main event, arcade fun, main event arcade fun, arcade tickets, arcade game, new arcade games, big tickets, big jackpot, arcade jackpot, arcade win, arcade ticket games, arcade jackpot win, won, arcade game jackpot, winning arcade tickets, winning arcade games, arcade jackpots, main event entertainment, arcade hacks, how to win, launch code arcade game, circus ball drop arcade game, claw machine
Id: UZt5gK0v9Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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