Will we get a Lucky Box?!

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hey guys look what we're doing today lucky boxes so if you don't know how this works basically inside some of these boxes P give me that right there yeah inside some of these boxes there are yellow cards the yellow cards mean a prize and you want to get the yellow cards but you don't know which one has a yellow card because they are wrapped that's what makes it a lucky box are you gonna be lucky enough to get the lucky box I don't know see that person got a lucky ticket they're just showing it as an example I'm pretty sure that was set up so yeah these right here like these small boxes like this cost three hundred yen but the prices range from 300 up to I think a hundred dollars per box yeah so these are like the lower-end inside like this one over here is like a $20 that one's a $30 $30 bucks so what we decided is we're both gonna have fifty dollars each or 5,000 yen each and we're gonna pick out our own boxes and then we're gonna open them on hopefully we're really lucky I already know what setup I'm gonna get do you know what you're gonna get get you tangent at 30 do a lot of different options that you can do I already know what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna go pick out my boxes Crystal's gonna pick out her boxes and we'll be right back cuz I know we're gonna be lucky so many boxes to choose from guys Oh a dream box because there's $30 that is in my dreams how much is this one oh yeah so this was just 600 because it's just two three hundred why don't even have it wrapped up for it we this has to be lucky guys $20 for this small box look at that $30 $20 ones much smaller ones much bigger what else we got here you think the gold ones are the lucky ones I don't think so either how much is this one this one is is this just a three dollar one yeah this might be a 300 yeah I don't see anything else on it yeah see this one's 30 I'm just throwing the boxes everywhere I wonder which ones are lucky holy moly is so expensive I bet I bet there's a yellow ticket inside this thing here's all our boxes this is mice I have one two three look at Angel stack oh my god yeah $30 dollars these are each $10 apiece yes oh I got a $20 and all these are I cannot believe you got that whole bundle pack I knew I was gonna do oh my god I didn't even know they had a huge bundle pack like that I got it for like I've seen double like two of them together which is like six dollars I have not seen bundle packs like that are garbage cocaine I'm really curious I out of all these boxes you have to have something good in there right for trains okay roads going so okay so far so good I mean I was expecting more in that box but I like that a lot of that works brutal I think me about $2 $1 oh yeah please please please let there be more good stuff this is I made for you what I mean it is frozen you know man okay this isn't bad not a dollar oh my gosh I'm down $3 see it's okay this is this is way better than like a skeleton key chain I agree it was like a quarter no please no please no what is that what is that it's a metal art bookmark no no oh it's like if you get a bundle pack you're gonna get one item each in each box what's up with that okay some bookmarks are expensive whoa what's in there what's in there needle Oh cute monster oh yes that is adorable okay so far I think this is my favorite all these are made for you I'll put that over there okay so fight against I'm pretty what's that it's scary this is creepy that is scary kid got this price I agree I figured out it is that penny why this cousin favorite least favorite this thing is ugly before ill not eat where we are hoping to get a yellow ticket yes that's what we need inside oh wait that sounds like something hard so I'm not really sure about it whoa what's in there what's in there not a lucky ticket what is that no idea what in the world no idea let me open it maybe a keychain when you open it when you took out the box like that was like a box of band-aids kind of guys say I don't know who that is maybe this is a girl my opinion yeah I agree this is a fails the box I hope so I got some I think I got some lucky boxes here you have three boxes yeah but one of them have to be lucky right yeah watch was only one not superfluous Oh game now within this box it's a bootie toes series but in the world looks like a soccer player or an angel or something oh oh yeah it's an angel this is what I got oh an angel soccer player I call that what do you call it a fail I don't like that one either we started off pretty strong now now that's dissolution now they're starting to get a pretty family I'll take that I mean this is not worth $3 I really don't think it entrance card future yeah it was actually cuter though it's a key team Norfolk fifty cents morning okay okay yeah so this is good I think I think that's a thumbs-up taurine door it doesn't have much no way so maybe it's a plus what is it there's no noise let me feel anything with these how it works is you get a lucky box right and has a number inside the store I wonder what yeah I wonder what that is I think the numbers there like number 22 or whatever number it is like certain items within that number range this is probably the benchmark for 12 marks yes I completely agree I got a Care Bear figure this one is awesome this is awesome maybe this is actually a Care Bear something oh well hopefully with you get to pick more than one like I hope Rangers though yes Irene's definitely I'm not there where there's like one thing for some of the numbers yeah I got a really high end point I hope so just like well your last bundle box he still has one box box oh no camouflage visible that's angels joke for camouflage like all the times before you though okay yeah okay I'm not a huge fan of camouflage but I will definitely wear them at home angel stuff the dream box whoa I am so ready for this one as a dreamer sorry I hope so oh there's another yellow ticket I gotta open this one very slowly Oh the dreams I want to get you on he was a Dragonball Z figure suck yeah anything Dragon Ball Z related like new one yeah there's someone or else it's not working this is an old Dragon Ball super jerk I'll take it you guys are gonna have to wait for him to open that because I have to change the battery or something I think it's one of those it's soft like a marshmallow I think it's one of those things I don't know hmm I don't know but it's pretty cute yeah I leave them branded yeah yeah what is that looks like a wallet yeah Oh what is it what please be a smoothie please be a poopy please be at musique Rose burning oh please be a newbie I'm crossing my fingers so hard right now there's money inside maybe that's the lucky party it was just maybe this is a lucky ticket Yeah right oh my gosh it's not very like Snoopy out kind of let down but it is pretty nice maybe a regifter gift for sure we're gonna find out what this is for active person opens up her box like that dream bueng now it's crystals turn hopefully you do get one inside your big $30 box so this box was 1,000 yen which is $10 let's see is it gonna be lucky I'm watching her reactions it's not very lucky it's it's unlucky look at that face and same line so I actually got this same figure it's a soccer player it looks like what they are wings on the side so this is probably worth like two cents that's it that was in there oh that's not a thing oh my gosh what else is it our headphones they are earphones stereo hands-free and here's the front they're magnet earphones yeah I guess they stick together so they don't get tangled this is probably worth like 5 bucks at most what one with this figure that's about $7 whew that was something there's a lot of stuff in there do you hear that there's a ticket in there yeah so you could have got three three hundred ones and then you had more to open it's like Christmas you want more gifts to open not one gift that is very disappointing please be a ticket please be a ticket please be a ticket it's our ticket see is that awesome no it can't be it was a $10 box this is horrible this is like a dollar at the dollar tree in the US and do some tricks Wow just know that's a fail what else is in there what else isn't it but wait there's more we're awesome what hey at least they kept up with one theme so this one actually has a tool box oh my gosh look that has new I think they call those trucks on them I don't know all the lingo of this if you're into that I don't know if it's worth $10 though but now we're on to the dream box this box guys was $30 it actually says right here 3000 again let's see oh my gosh I should take a seat for this one I have to take a seat for this one hopefully something very dreamy maybe it's a picture of me yeah I'm dreamy right that's probably not what is it what is it this is a cat [Music] how many more things you got news Oh Wednesday what is it how you just barely showed me okay that's probably worth $10 I hope it's at least 10 Chris please is there ticket is there a ticket oh darn hey we got that last time people actually said like it's magnetic somehow yeah we didn't actually open up the other one somehow they said the end of it isn't oh there it goes Oh so what do you do you just do that they said pitch it like a fidget pen or something oh man forgot to fix that now is everything else in there that's it what lucky one we better hope that number 22 inside there is worth more because all that stuff we got we spent a hundred dollars guys and we didn't get anything good I'm hoping number twenty-two inside the store is really awesome if you want Justin Brown oh oh wow I think I want to go with something Snoopy Brandon I actually just this cubbyhole if you look up they get better and better worse or worse in the worst hey I'm not complaining they could have been wearing that's like it's just gonna pick one of these and then get back with you guys this is what we decided to get it's a towel that's probably worth about two or three dollars so with a hundred dollars guys ten thousand yen we have a bag full of very mediocre stuff yeah we didn't do it was really fun opening the boxes and hoping for a yellow ticket but it wasn't very exciting for the yellow ticket that we got it would be really cool to get really high numbers because if you get like number like 151 it was a really high-end prize but we didn't get that but it was still fun and we hope you guys enjoyed the video for the history from these spots I was so excited but we were let down they actually have $100 box in there it's a 10,000 yen box and it's called a I don't want to say it had a name but it's a guaranteed prize it says they said you don't even need to shake it yeah it's like right there by the front counter because and they haven't like tied with like security code things yeah they don't want you to take that but anyway guys we're gonna wrap this me up here if you liked it make sure you like the video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 2,368,112
Rating: 4.3544259 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, lucky box, lucky boxes, lucky box japan, japan 2019
Id: F8104GAL3ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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