YOUTUBER ARRESTED! Busted by K-9 after Making Video!

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- (Police siren) Canine two central in pursuit, white minivan last seen on roadway up to winter play ski resort requesting backup. - ( phone receiver) backup captain we have one of the (indistinct) in Florida on the vehicle will show up on how to do it. (dog backing) ( eerie music) - Previously, we worked with the core canine of West Virginia to bring you an episode where I was attacked by a tactical apprehension dog, Maya. Today, we are bringing you another action packed canine take-down scenario. The purpose of this video is to exemplify how skilled and effective apprehension dogs can be. Now, before things get really crazy, this chase takes off on foot. We want to remind you that this is a training scenario and everything you witnessed on screen is a well-rehearsed production. I will be working with deputy Chris Garner of the Dodgers County sheriff department and his core canine trade Dutch shepherd Tarrek. I'm playing the role of abandoned was made off with a bag of priceless loop watching to the end. If you want to find out what's in the bag and who knows, you might even get to claim the loot as your own. Okay, here we go. Let the chase begin. (police siren) (dog backing) All right have only got a few seconds, for the dog actually gets up in here. And what I want to do is try to spread my sense throughout the course of the building. Everything that I can do to throw that dog off, is going to be in my favor and, - No, I just lost the bag. - Get it, get it get it. Come on canine you got it. - Okay. (door banged) - First throw the kin out, commander am gonna send my dog ( door banged) First through the kit out. Commander am gonna send my dog. You will get bad last chance for the kin out commander am gonna send my dog in you will get bad - Dog inside, dog inside ooh for the best - Boot and skit storage area. What's smells? It smells security down here. - Forget these rocks ,lets just go . (eerie music) Thereof the basement. (Panting heavily) (eerie music) - Shh ( glass breaking) (shouting loudly) I surrender, I surrender, I surrender (shouting loudly) - Else - (panting heavily) - Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I think the dog might broke my wrist, Oh, I came away. Oh my gosh. That dog has compared to the Belgium. Alan was a whole another level. Oh, I try to hold on. As long as I could. There is no way that if you were somebody, Oh my gosh,he came with my arm. If you were somebody who was trying to run away from, one of these dogs that you could, ever sustain bite like that. Oh, I give him a hand. Oh, man is really bad. Holy cow. That's important to mention that I am wearing it. Bites you without padding. I am just wearing ah, Nickelodeon suit Chris, you got the dog in his position, can take the coat off. - [ Chris] Yes, sir. - Oh man. Look all swollen my arm is already. Oh, you could just feel the dog's teeth. - Crushing the bone. Oh my gosh. The bite force is just unbelievable. Absolutely, unbelievable I thought I broke my wrist. Not even kidding. I thought I broke my wrist. It came down the sleeve when I had to call surrender was when the dog's mouth actually got clipped around my wrist and double bit. And I'm like, that's it. That's it. I'm calling it. And I can remember what it would be like to be, abandoned on the run and they let that dog go, man. If they knock on that door and say, surrender, you surrender. All right guys. - I give up. Here's the loop. Hands behind my back. I'm under arrest. This is so uncomfortable too. - Turn over - All over - Get your knee up, shut up. - Stand up - He cuffed detained At this take the dog out. Handcuffs are extremely painful. Honduras, especially after it's been chopped by, a Dutch shepherd, and I think the one thing we've definitely learned today is that trying to outsmart the ability of a tactical dog, is virtually impossible. I made a good run at it. I felt like my hiding spot was good. The dog sniffed around sniffing around, Oh my gosh. The feeling when it jumped up and I saw his face and it's on me, I was like, this is it here comes If this were to be on your open skin for getting broken arm lacerations, you are going to be surrendering much faster than I just stand here. But I want to give a big, thanks to record canine of West Virginia for walking us through this tactical training today, it was an experience that I will definitely never forget. And hopefully my risk tools up fast enough because we've got some more dog videos to shoot I'm Katie Peterson be brave, stay wild. We'll see on the next adventure. All right, guys, take me off to the slammer. Guilty as charged. Watch the wrist. (upbeat music) - [Female] Around the world apprehension canines are used to help law enforcement officers track, find and ultimately take down, criminals of all types. These proud pooches risk their lives on the front line and are an incredibly important part to all police force teams. If your department is currently looking to acquire a professionally trained tactical dog, I strongly recommend you contact them a core canine of West Virginia not only do their dogs have the bar, they definitely have the bite. Hey coyote pack. We are excited to announce that the beast of bites is now available and if you would like to win one of these exclusive autograph copies, right in the comment section below and tell us which one of my beastly bites has been your favorite and why and if you can't wait to win, order your copy by clicking on the link in the video description below. (upbeat music)
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 2,418,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coyote peterson, brave wilderness, wildlife, youtuber arrested, youtube arrested 2020, youtuber busted, youtuber arrested! busted by k-9, busted by k-9 after making video, arrested live, youtuber arrested on camera, wilderness, breaking trail, k9 bite, k9 tracking, k9 tracking suspect, k9 tracking dogs, tracking dog, k9, youtuber arrested live, k9 attacks criminal, k9 attack, k9 attacks, k9 scent detection, k9 training, k-9, k-9 training, k9 attacking people, k9 bites, bite
Id: LgjHNzOnxbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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