Deadly Snake Milking Gone Wrong!

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these snakes scare me these guys are renowned for just going crazy [Music] today we're going to be milking five of Australia's most dangerous snake species and in doing so we're going to calculate how many humans that Venom yield could kill and in the end explains you exactly how anti-venom is created [Music] I will be working alongside Billy Colette he's a Jedi master in the universe of reptiles and today has milked the Venom from all of Australia's most dangerous snakes hundreds of times Billy before we get into the intensity of milking snakes today and I have to note to the audience it is palpable how dangerous this room feels every one of these containers filled with a snake that can kill you but I want to talk real quickly about the difference between dangerous and deadly and how with Australian snakes it all combines together yeah it is there's a big argument there I think but when it comes to deadly and dangerous we look at dangerous are the ones that kill the most people and then deadly being the most toxic so up here we've got Australia's most toxic snakes right A lot of times the dangerous versus deadly breaks down to where a snake is located in its proximity to humans how often you will come across a snake versus how infrequently you could come across it correct yeah yeah so at the moment Australia's most dangerous snake is the eastern brown it's not the most toxic it's number two in the world but it bites the most people wow okay so that's because of its proximity to humans yeah when it comes to the actual most deadly snake in Australia which species would that be that's the Inland Top Hand and that's the most toxic snake on planet Earth okay the first one we're going to be taking a look at is the king Brown this thing is a giant the molga as it's commonly known what do we need to know about the snake they've got the biggest enemy out of any venomous snake on the planet what they lack in toxicity they make up for in volume and it's just an overwhelming effect on your system and you imagine one of our really big king Browns can pump out in excess of 800 milligrams in a bite foreign you can see straight away massive Venom glands on this fella yeah it's such a big snake okay yep here we go King Brown the mulga let's milk it oh wow dang that's a lot of venom so it's still going he's glands is still they're probably still 80 full so he's able to control in a sense the amount of Venom that he's choosing to give and look at that it's just locked and he will not let go of that there we have it the king Brown officially milked that's one out of five and that is an intimidating snake right there this okay Billy King Brown is down and next up on our list of venomous danger noodles is the Death Adder the thing off on interesting about death that is is they've got the fastest strike of any snake on the planet really I did not know that yeah it's it you can't even see it out of all the snakes I restrained these guys make me the most nervous because a their strike and their bottom jaw is extremely flexible like the Vipers and they get their things out the side of them and work them towards your fingers so I use a three-point grip like I do with all my snakes and I just keep that the front of that head as far away from my fingers as I possibly can you guys ready milking the death oh jeez I jump every time you didn't warn me about that you can see just with that leap to grab onto the vial the speed even with your hand controlling it was fast so what sort of prey species are these snakes specializing in using quadril luring like that with the tail I imagine they're drawn in little mammals lizard in particular small birds okay um yeah they love to eat Kinks and geckos okay see only a leopard short thick body lapid that sits still on the ground and relies on camouflage and that Ambush attack you know pretty cool so I wouldn't mind letting go of the head of this fella yeah so yeah with these guys the strike is is faster than the eye so I've actually got to wait for him to pull away from me before I can let go because I literally wouldn't be able to get my hand out of there fast enough right so you want his body I I need I need him to reverse like he's doing before I can actually let go Billy's faster than the Death Adder I like that two snakes down successfully milked next up is the tiger snake this is my favorite snake in Australia wait until you guys get a look at this reptile Wild Thing with tiger snakes they turn your blood into jelly I did not know this your blood turns to jelly so it coagulates it together it coagulates and then it can't actually move around your body anymore so that's what can kill you if you don't use first aid with this well with any of our species but yeah okay so don't want to get bit by this one same deal when we get him onto the pin pad I'll grab the head you come in body and then block that cloaker okay oh wow that snake is beautiful yep you're good pretty strong bodied snake yeah they are very thick all right the tiger snake let's do it [Music] oh yeah look at that there we go so you can see it funneling out of that left-hand thing then also a clear Venom yep now like the king Brown is this a snake that's gonna bite and hold on unlikely unlikely more of a bite and let go and then try and get away unless it's grabbed a prey you know a lizard or a frog or a little bird or something and where are these snakes typically found I mean is this a species that humans are likely to run into not as much as they used to though used to be very common along the east coast but with Urban Development and so on and their habitat cleared they're not as common but some areas they are especially the colder more Alpine sort of areas and even islands off of South Australia and Victoria and Tasmania and so on and he should let go pretty easy and that's actually a pretty good yield um what I'll do is I'll swap you okay that got it don't drink it yeah I will do my best now too very tempting and I'll take this and tiger snake I'll take him back so far successfully accomplished okay that is three Venom vials successfully accomplished see what we're going to milk next sorry yeah Billy what are you thinking I'm just warming up here okay and picking I think I'm gonna go with Keith like all the Thai pans here are pretty jumpy and its name is Keith Keith yeah okay so he's not as reactive usually okay um he's a little bit more behaved so I wouldn't mind using him the only thing we need to know because these are very fast snakes correct so before anti-venom was available this species had a hundred percent kill rate when they beat someone in Australia okay so now that anti-venom is created that's not necessarily the case so what you're saying is that if you were ever to be bitten by a coastal Taipan it is a 100 death sentence unless you receive anti-venom treatment yep yep so you know normally as our snakes get more toxic their venom yields get smaller not with these guys okay and they're things they've got the biggest thing of any of our Australian venomous snakes and one of the largest Venom yields okay so we are lining up now with a fast snake a smart snake la large fangs large Venom yield and very flighty very funny I'm gonna step over here out of the way and let you do what it is you do uh all right here we go the coastal Taipan is coming out of its enclosure this is one of the the most dangerous situations we're going to possibly face here today oh look at that snake just get him into that right position all right you ready to jump on that tail yeah yeah you're good yep okay that is a very intimidating snake that's for certain look at the size of its head Longhead big eyes they're very focused they're very in tune they're very smart these snakes scare me okay out of any of the Australian snakes these guys scare me the most and I imagine he'll be pretty willing to buy this and you can see that initial huge field that is massive and look at the fangs cheese right and with the Venom itself so you know how the tiger snake causes your blood to clot this guy does a complete opposite and your blood thins out to the point where you bleed out of every office out of your gums your eyes and you know downstairs just bleeding yeah so you're like internally hemorrhaging if you get hit by it internally hemmaging and then it paralyzes your diaphragm so your heart and lungs can't work and essentially you'll choke to death on your own blood literally you just die yeah wow okay that sounds like a horrible way to go but thankfully the anti-venom is fantastic and the first aid is just as good okay how how fast does something like that set in when it comes to your blood thinning out I mean how much time would you estimate you have if you're bitten by one of these snakes if you were to get bitten by one and do first AIDS straight away it'd be ours usually before you had any symptoms because that's how effective those bandages are but without a bandage I reckon based off studies that I know you're looking at about half an hour you'd be vomiting blood you'd be you'd be passing out you'd be in a very bad way so a bite from the snake and within 30 minutes you were going downhill quickly yeah breaking out in sweats and just in a very bad place yeah not a snake you ever want to tingle with okay I imagine you probably want to get this guy back whoa look at the inside of the mouth yeah across that bottom drawer and the top drawer for securing rodents you know that's what they feed on and those massive fangs so I'll grab that tail well done that that was intense and it's not even the most intense snake that we're going to milk today but wow I mean um I'm Sweating Bullets I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now Billy I know this is a part of everyday life but for us getting to milk these snakes and seem up close like that it's intense so Billy we have now successfully milked four snakes and it's hard to describe how intense this scenario is getting through four of them my heart rate is like through the roof and there will be days where you're milking several hundred snakes at a time correct yeah it's it's hot pump and stuff but like the thing off on is I just can't lose focus and if I'm having an off day I have to call it because there's no point taking the risk with these things especially those type ends and as you'll see very soon the Eastern Browns are just so jumpy we're about to milk the eastern brown which is the most dangerous snake species that we're going to interact with today arguably the most dangerous snake species in Australia if the worst case scenario were to happen if you were to be bitten what is the protocol that you would go through to save your life we have a drill and we can go through that drill if you want you can be our victim yeah I'll play the not bitten by but the what if bitten by victim um yeah let's let's do it let's test out a snake drill where do we start go out here with a snakeball Advantage okay Billy let's set up the scenario a bite is most likely going to happen right in this vicinity if the snake's head wasn't pinned correctly so assuming I was trying to make my move just move away from the snake come up this way very quietly and calm straight oh that was bad take that jury off for me in that sweatband gonna get a bandage for you ah we're gonna go three times over your bite side it's important to try and get those rectangles into squares on these type of bandages because this is actually slowing down your lymphatic system movement in this limb which is what the Venom's actually traveling through so it's not in your blood system yet okay really important you keep that limb straight okay I'm going to deal with this snake uh so we've got the snake he's back in the cage I'm gonna grab the wheelchair and at the same time I'm going to contact reception really to the reception coyote has been bitten by a tiger snake he's got his bandage on and I'm just transferring to wheelchair now the time is 1109 can you please advise Gosford Ed that we are on our way I'm grabbing the anti-venom how you feeling mate oh Billy yeah I'm scared and it hurts let me know if you start to feel nauseous or blurry vision if you get a funny taste in your mouth any of that we've got a document any of those symptoms oh man I cannot believe that just happened that got us out here in two minutes and we'll be at Gosford ER in under 10. okay well that was pretty efficient between bite rap wheelchair out to the vehicle that would take me to the medical facility less than two minutes and I'll be having help in under 15 minutes now we need to head back inside and get ready to milk the most dangerous snake in all of Australia the one and only eastern brown all right now this is a pretty good sized snake correct it's big yeah one of the one of the biggest one of the fastest one of the most ornery here in Australia and the one that's responsible for biting pretty much more people than any other species yeah yeah absolutely so the Asian brownies now responsible for 65 of snake bite deaths in Australia wow this snake is jumpy so I'm gonna need a bit of space and please don't come in until I've I've got him proper secure and then I'll I'll call you in obviously but yeah I just need space he's big he's over six foot very jumpy and um he's he's a wild boy okay he's from brown snake coming out of its enclosure all right that is a big snake oh boy yeah I know he does not look real happy does he okay who came over here see him flatten out there strike whoa oh yeah it is really quick these guys are renowned for just going crazy not calculated though like a taipan are they just consistent with it and it's what they use to Bluff Predators away and obviously he would look at me as a predator which is why he's acting like that well it's interesting the way he curls his body into oh that was close see what I mean that sort of stuff straight up at your face you okay you're good yeah that was intense okay I think we got to get him under control at this point and he isn't even one of our jumpiest snakes [Music] all right okay you good all good good this is without question the strongest snake that we have held on to today unbelievably strong okay you good yeah man all right all right so you can see Tiny yields yeah but unbelievably toxic and how's how they act like they just go nuts and through the handle are you've got to be confident in yourself like reaction speed not to let go what you're doing your next movement and and like I said he's not even the craziest he's one of the quietest Easter Browns we've got I mean that was probably the most intense fastest move I've ever seen a human make which I'm sure we caught on camera I mean he was all the way up by your face when he swung his body up that was Insanity he came mouth open at my face like these things do not muck around okay all right guys we're gonna get the snake back in that was a very very very intense moment you got him yep okay nice oh man that oh that was so close I bet your heart's racing right now isn't it I didn't really get the adrenaline dumped from that anymore my heart's Racing for you how about that I know that sounds stupid but because I'm so used to it I'm so programmed it's not that I'm not scared or anything it's not that it's just yeah it's just part of the job with these guys now that we've got our Venom lined up and next thing I want to do is sit back and take a look and try to calculate how many people this Venom yield added up would kill foreign Billy I would say that this lineup of shots here before us is arguably the most deadly five shot lineup in history 100 right so what we want to do now is go through each one of these Venom yields and I'm going to write down your estimate of how many people this would kill so this part of the episode is US figuring out just how deadly this concoction really is okay so we're going to start with the King Brown how many people would you guess that that Venom is capable of killing this yield right here I would confidently say that would kill about 40 grown men moving to our second vial here that is the Death Adder what is your guess Billy how many dead people 50. our third vial belongs to my favorite Australian snake the tiger snake uncomfortably size 65 with that 65 tombstones our fourth bile is the ever so frisky coastal Taipan good size yield this is a very dangerous glass in front of us and I'd say in excess of 150 probably more closer to 200 people wow all right I'm rounding up we're going 200 corpses coming off of that shot glass and last but not least one of the craziest snake experiences I've ever seen your interaction with the eastern brown a pretty small yield but pretty toxic that's a big yield for a brown sniper oh that's big yeah okay that's a really big yield for brown snake and that'll be 100 people 100 people yeah okay 40 plus 50 plus 65 plus 200 plus 100 that is Bonkers so how much anti-venom could be created from this Venom yield that we have here not much so you need about 30 of each to create one boil okay yeah now the work that's being done here at Australian reptile Park this is the only place on the continent where people are milking snakes and creating this life-saving anti-venom without that anti-venom people that are bit by these snakes every year would not be able to survive they say not all heroes wear capes this guy doesn't wear a cape but honestly he should have one it's impressive the work you guys are doing here and one last thing that I want to answer for everybody out there watching how is Anti-Venom made it's a crazy process but in a quick sum we've milked these five species we then freeze dry the Venom we sent it to a lab in Victoria they rehydrate it small amounts injected Into Horses so there's Taipan horses black snake horses death little horses so on different horses designated for different types of Venom yep okay and they get a tiny injection once a week for about six months their immune systems are so strong they don't even pick up on the effects of that Venom I've been down there they're walking around eating grass stone hall stuff yet at the end of the venomation period that six months Mark they bring the horses in individually into a lab they hook them up to the blood machine and they draw a liter of blood out of them at a time they run it in a centrifuge during the envannimation process their immune systems start to produce Venom resistant plasma so they remove that out of the blood system everything else goes back to the horse horse is fine that Venom resistant plasma is antivenom they add some proteins to it so the human body is more likely to accept it and yeah essentially we take on a horse's immune system and our anti-venom in Australia it's the best quality in the world and it's free so we're one of the very few countries worldwide that does it and here at the Australia car park we are the sole supplier for terrestrial snake venom for that program very cool well Billy this has been unbelievably educational it was amazing to watch you work thank you for having us as a part of your day check out if you want to ever come here and visit or just learn more about the work that they do I'm coyote Peterson be brave stay wild we'll see on the next adventure [Music] it doesn't take a genius to recognize how staggering the mathematical death toll is behind today's Venom experiment and now knowing this I hope you can why it's so important to avoid interactions of any type with Australia's venomous snake species every year thousands of people are bitten and every year thousands of people are saved due to the creation of Anti-Venom and while milking these reptiles has its inherent dangers Billy is a seasoned professional who knows the risk yet remains dedicated to his mission but seriously I saw Billy's life flash before my own eyes so one more time let's take a look at that shot Standing Ovation Billy is faster than the brown snake if you're still watching it must mean that you're brave Wilderness Super Fan and don't click off just yet we've got some exciting updates for you the team has been working hard behind the scenes creating cool new merch designs over the past few months and we wanted to share them with you first here on this episode our updated store Launches on Monday May 22nd but if you head over to right now and sign up for our emails you get 10 off your first order how cool is that [Music] foreign
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 1,158,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadliest job in the world: australian snake milker, snake milking, snake video, what snake has the deadliest venom, what snake has the fastest strike, when snake bites, which snake is the most venomous, which snake bite kills fastest, snake venom, snake snake, inland taipan, coastal taipan, eastern brown snake, tiger snake, king brown snake, mulga, black mamba, copperhead, snake bite, snake attack, attacked by snake, bitten by snake, snake milking gone wrong, snakes
Id: USZpOfdpeHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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