MY PRECIOUS! - Coyote goes full GOLLUM!

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(mysterious music) - What's going on guys? Today, we are on location in New Zealand and we're being given the opportunity to explore Hobbiton, the official "Lord of the Rings" set where they filmed for the Shire. - Awesome, so this is the real set? - The real set. This is it. So... - Wow. - [Man] Peter Jackson was here. Frodo was here? - Frodo was here. Elijah Wood was here. Everybody was here. They're not here today but we're gonna go right through that gate. And for the next couple hours, we're going to be exploring and making your own adventure on GoPros while the other cameras follow us and see what we can find. - Nice. - So is this like a free for all? We're just gonna go in and see what's what? - Just explore. My goal is to find Frodo and Bilbo's little Hobbit hole. That's the goal, wherever their little house was. I'm hoping to find that - I hope I can find the Dragon Inn. That would be really cool to check that out from the movies. So it's back there somewhere. - Somewhere. How about you, Mario? What are you looking for? - I'm excited just to explore this beautiful property. I mean, New Zealand is epic with the landscape. So I just want to see the landscape and all the little Hobbit holes. - All right, let's go. Officially entering into the Shire. (dramatic music) Look at that. That is the Shire! Amazing! Okay, so here's what I say we do. We have three hours to explore the grounds. These hillsides are completely covered in Hobbit holes. There's all these different pathways that wind throughout. And I say, we split up, see what we can find. And let's sort of reconvene in like 30 minutes. Sound good? - Yep. - Sounds good to me. - It's just like a "Make Your Own Adventure" sort of adventure. - Sweet. - A what? - A "Make Your Own Adventure" adventure. - "Make Your Own Adventure" - [Coyote] That's why we all have our own cameras. - I'm gonna go look for some critters. I wonder if there's any geckos or skinks around here. - [Man] I'm cool for that. - Wow, what a view! That is spectacular. That is a huge tree. I kinda want to climb it. I don't think you're supposed to do that though. So this is cool. We've gotten special permission to explore this set without any other people for the next three hours. Now you can come here yourself. You can come to New Zealand and tour Hobbiton. - [Man] These are real apples. I've never actually picked an apple before. It's an Apple. This is an apple tree. - This place is absolutely huge. I had no idea that there were this many Hobbit holes in the movie. I'm gonna have to watch it again because there are quite a few of these. Whoa, look at all this. Huh. This place is super cool. - Warning, low railings and uneven surface. Look at this bridge. (mysterious music) You come up over the bridge, look out on the lake. Beautiful. A big part of me wonders how many little Easter eggs exist on the set. And when I say Easter eggs I mean things that you would recognize from the film itself, like check this out, fine ale. I'm pretty sure that this cart and ale was used in the film or pulled at some point by maybe a Hobbit or an ox or donkey, I guess. I don't know what exactly was used in the movie, like which spots were filmed. And I don't know where I'm headed right now. I'm on the far side of the Shire at this point, all the way on the backside. So we started way out over there. And now I'm I think as far as you can go. This back hillside here seems to be the back boundary. I want to go explore up on those hillsides there as well. And the further I venture probably the cooler the things are that I might find. Oh, here's a weird little trail. Check this out. There's a little path, a little walkway that goes down and out into the woods. I'm gonna check that out. Look at this. A little Hobbit type walkway here. Now there are some native animal species here in New Zealand. I actually have not really seen many animals at all but there's always got to be an animal in our videos. This is cool. Look at this. Oo, little swamp walkway out to this hut. Check that out. Oo, not sure that this is where I'm supposed to be or not. How cool. It's like a little set where they dry flowers. Look at that. This is so cool. Is this stable? Wow. I am out on the edge of the lake. Oh, it's like a little, this is the little Hobbit boat that they push themselves across, whoa, push themselves across the lake on. Look at that. I could actually get myself out onto the lake. I don't know that they want me to do that. Oh, there's Mario. Hey Mario. I'm on the boat. I'm on the boat. It's a Hobbit boat. - It fits you. - Yeah, that's right. I could probably push myself over to you. You seen any hobbits yet? We're going that way? - [Mario] Go that way. - Okay. I'll come over and meet ya. If I can get back off this boat. - Oo, that's a little shaky. Okay, back through the little hut. I'm gonna go meet up with Mark and Mario. I guess that stays open. Back through here. Ha! Finding and exploring some cool places. What is that? Look at this. (mysterious music) Do you see that? Right there. That's a ring. Get outta here. What? That's a "Lord of the Rings" ring. For real. Just found that in the leaves, in the water. Holy cow. That is crazy. Holy mackerel. I just found a ring. (laughs) There's no way. There is no way. I just found a ring. It has the little inscriptions on it. Oh my gosh. This is crazy. I wonder if they hide them, they must hide them. I'm like, I have chills right now. This is like unbelievable. Hey, there's Mario. He's not gonna believe this. Oh, you found a cat. It's a Hobbit cat. Hi, kitty. - [Mario] That's Frodo's little... - Is that Frodo's cat? - Yeah. - Dude. - What's up? - [Coyote] You're not gonna believe what I just found. - [Mario] Did you find a little gecko or something? - I found a ring. - [Mario] What? - [Coyote] Well, hold on a second, don't touch it yet. - Dude, is that, the "Lord of the Rings"? - Like I literally, okay, so you know, I was on that boat. - Yeah. - That thing I've been rolling Five minutes and five seconds now. - Okay. - Here, let me turn it like this. I was out on the boat, that thing and I went back through and there's this like path and there's water. - Yeah. - Literally I looked down and this was sitting in the water on the leaves. - Aw, sweet, dude. - Do you think that people, you think that they hide those around for people to find? - I don't think so, man. I mean... - They must. - It's got some weight to it. - [Coyote] Yeah. It's like the ring. The one ring. - Dude, that's an awesome find. Let me see it. Let me, let's see what- - Well let's go show Mark. Let's go show Mark. - [Mario] Let's give it to Mark. - I cannot believe that. Like they must, they must hide 'em. - Let's show it to Mark. - Yeah. - That's awesome. - [Coyote] Are those fish? - Look at this, these are all eel. - [Coyote] Oh, they're eels. Dude, that's cool. Those are so real looking. Little catfish dinner, right here. - Oh fish, sweet fish. Nice. Man, the props on the sets are just amazing. Everything is like it's magical. This place is magical. Have you found Frodo's Hobbit hole yet? - Not yet. - I still can't find it. All right. I'm gonna keep going. Looking for Frodo's Hobbit hole. - Look at this, look at the little mailbox. Doesn't work. All right. Let's see if I can get in here. It's a little gate. Oh, here we go. (groans) Nope, goes that way. (playful music) - Little chess game. Let's see what we got going on here. Mm hmm. Oh, those are glued in; smart. Got some veggies and we need those. - [Mario] Hey Mark. - [Coyote] Where's he at? - [Mario] I think he's over here. - Little swing over there. That's cool. - Mark? - Yeah? - Where you are? - I'm coming back around. Come up here into this light real quick. - [Man] Hang on. All right, what do you got? - You're on camera. - I'm rolling. - Now Let's see if he believes this. - [Man] What? Where'd you find it? - So there's a kind of an off the path of where you're supposed to be. That sounds about right. Yeah. Well, I went into this underbrush stuff and was like, well this could be a spot to find maybe some frogs or I don't know. We're looking for those screen geckos. What's that green gecko species. - Yeah there's some native green geckos here. - Let me try to find an animal to put in the video. So we went down by the pond area, went out on this little boat, waved to Mario, came back in, closing up the store and looked to my side. I'm like, there's something in the water. Like literally the gleam of it caught the corner of my eye. And that is a Lord of the rings ring. It even has the inscriptions on it. - [Man] If you, if you pick it up. - It does have inscriptions on it. - It's heavy. - Is it? - Can I see it? - Yeah, here you go. - [Coyote] I think we should contact like the owners of the property. Let me check this thing out. - [Coyote] It's pretty heavy though, right? - I don't know guys. I mean, I there's a gift shop here. I feel like I don't know guys. Yeah. - Well, my theory is that they probably hide-- - Here you go Mario. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Oh, I got it. I got it. I got it. - [Mario] I think you're probably right dude. It does look like a replica. - Here's my, my theory is that they probably hide them for people to find. So you're like sweet. I found the ring. Maybe Bilbo dropped it or Frodo dropped it but this one is this one's mine though. I found this one. - I bet you, if you turn that in at the gift shop, they gave you something. - Yes. - That's probably what it is. - That's kind of what I was going to. Let's just turn it into the owners of the property. Maybe it's significant. Maybe it's not but-- - [Coyote] Well let's wait. - [Mario] Now I see. It's a pretty big ring here. - [Coyote] You just look at it from there. - [Mark] I just want to see if-- - You just dropped it a second ago. - You dropped it. - [Mario] Just let Mark see it dude, it's no big deal. - I just want to see if it's, I mean, it's a huge ring. I wonder if it even fits. (mysterious music) See, it doesn't really fit. I mean, Mario, it'll fit on your finger? (dramatic music) - Whoa, whoa! - Dude, dude. Just give it to him. - [Mario] That's fine I don't-- - Hey, all right man, it's yours. - It's mine, my very own. That one is mine. - Let's go check out some more Hobbit holes. Look at that, smoked fish. That's pretty cool. It's a little cold this morning. Probably why we haven't seen any hobbits yet. - So my goal was to fined Bilbo and Frodo's Hobbit hole. And then I found a ring. I guess I was just in the right place at the right time. Look at this. These are little Hobbit clothes hanging out. It's looks like a Frodo vest. And the movie was cool is, oh, these aren't actually functioning but, Bilbo would carry the ring around in his vest. In the little pocket there. Actually I could probably put it in my vest here. Look at that, you got a little pocket. Take the ring, put it in there for safekeeping. And zip it up. - I think it's getting warm enough to maybe start seeing some hobbits. - [Mario] Yeah, this really cool set. Like everything is, I mean, these are not replicas. These are actual, like-- - This is the real deal. - Structures. - [Mark] I remember this one from the movie. Does that open, does that open up? - Do you want to go inside? - [Mark] Yeah, do you want to see if there's anybody in there? - [Mario] I guess we could do this, right? - [Mark] Mario we can do whatever you want. All right. What's the secret Hobbit knock. - I don't know, let's just knock. (knocking) (knocking) - No ones there. - Nope, I guess we've maybe you can just Whoa. - Oh, that's pretty sweet. - [Mark] It's not much in here. This is definitely, definitely a movie set now. - [Mario] Yeah, it's still pretty neat. - [Mark] All right, let's let's head back out. - [Mario] I wonder what else we could find. - Oh wow, look at the light. Mario, look at the Shire. - [Mario] Ah, it's a beautiful morning today. - It's gorgeous. Let's head to the top. Do you want to go on a journey? - Indeed, let's go to the top. - [Mark] Let's go. (bright music) - That'll make a nice staff. - [Mark] Mario, this way. - Whoa, I think this is it. It is no admittance except on party business. I have found Bilbo and Frodo's Hobbit hole. All right, let's go inside and see anybody's home. (knocking) Frodo, Bilbo, anybody home? (door creaking) It's open. Wow, this is cool. Not finished all the way through. As you can see, it is just an exterior set. All the interiors were done on a sound stage. But still pretty cool lookin'. All the way down. All the windows, all the things in the windows are real. And I guess since I'm inside here, might as well get a shot of the ring inside of Bilbo's Hobbit hole. That is a pretty cool moment. (coughing) (suspenseful music) It's gettin' hot out. Sun is making its way up into the sky. And at this point I guess, I guess I will go back down the hill and try to meet up with the guys. Kind of getting hungry, a little thirsty. I pretty much have achieved my goal today which was finding Bilbo and Frodo's humble abode. Of course then as you guys already know, I found a ring in the process which only makes this experience even better. All right, let's close this back up and head back down the Hill. - I wonder where Coyote's at? - No idea. Oh wow, look at this. Hobbit hole. Definitely looks a lot like the movie guys. - [Mario] Look at these guys. These are Guinea fowl actually from Africa. - Pretty cool. - Pretty cool, pretty cool. - You know I thought you were going to give me that ring. - [Mario] Dude, I really don't care about that ring. He can have it. - I just kind of felt like, I don't know. I felt like I needed to return it or some kind of had a feeling about the ring. I don't know, hard to describe (coughing) (ominous chanting) - Ah, it's so hot. Okay, so I'm exploring along the pond. It's getting too hot. So I took off my sweatshirt and this looks like a good spot for catching stuff. Maybe we could get an animal up close for the cameras. Oh, oh, oh, there's a fish right there on that edge. Hold on a seconds. You see that right there? (water sloshing) (grunting) - [Mario] What's that noise. - I don't know. - Which way? - That way. - This way. - [Mario] Yeah, I think you got to go around here. ♪ Taking off my boots, taking off my boots. ♪ ♪ Taking off my boots ♪ - You hear this noises? - I do. - We don't need you anymore. (grunting) Ah, no boots. Why would you need boots in Hobbiton? Hobbits don't walk around with boots. looking at that. Bare feet and one ring to rule them all. Hobbits also don't wear hats. Don't really need that anymore. (sighing) Yes, yes. Where's the fish? Where's the fish, where's the fish? Where's the fish, where's the fish? Where are you fish? Where's the fish? (grunting) I'm gonna catch a fish. I'm gonna catch a fish. Fish, fish, fish. (water sloshing) (dramatic music) Stupid fish. - [Mario] This is sweet. Whoa, think that Coyote's stuff. - [Mark] Where is he, he left his hat? He never leaves his hat. What's going on here? - [Mario] I don't know man, but you're right. He never leaves his hat. - [Mark] Maybe he's going to the bathroom or something. I don't know. - [Mario] Well, we'll just keep goin'. - [Mark] All right. - We're in the shadow when we found the ring. (grunting) (coughing) - Oh, wow, look at that. Look at that door at the top. Is that Bag End? - I think so. - That's definitely bag End. Let's get up there. - [Mario] Dude look at this. They actually really grow like vegetables here. - [Mark] They do. Yeah, there's gourds. - Like that's that's real. - Wait a second. I remember. - [Mario] Do you know how to get there? - [Mark] Yeah, we go this way. We don't need these trails. (birds calling) ♪ Sweet, sweet, sweet ♪ ♪ Look at me ♪ - See, I get cool shots with the ring. (coughing) Throat's gettin' really dry. I got the ring. ♪ Got the ring ♪ ♪ I got the ring ♪ ♪ Got the ring ♪ You did. You got the ring. (Mark laughing) - You remember that time? Remember we were the fireworks? - Dude, there were some good fireworks. - Yeah, the fireworks that was right here. Let's head up to Bag End. - Oh, something's coming, someone's coming. Someone's coming, someone's coming. Someone's coming. Who's that, who's that? Who is it? Who's coming, he wants the ring. He wants this, it's what they want. They want the ring, we found it, it's ours. But who, who'd want to take this from us? No one want this. Precious, it's precious to us. This one's mine. It's my very own. (majestic music) - We're here. Let's go see if Bilbo's home. - [Mario] I'm not as fast as I used to be. That's for sure. - Look at the Shire from up here. What a view, huh? - [Mario] It's a beautiful day, that's for sure. - We can see them. (ominous music) Whoa. - [Mark] The home of Bilbo Baggins. (knocking) Bilbo? Bilbo? - Look at this pumpkin. - Never home when you need him to be home. Bilbo? Hello? - Hey Mark I think we got to go down to the Green Dragon. Maybe he'll be there. - Think that's where we should head? - [Mario] and maybe we'll find coyote. - Yeah, maybe. Do you think we should go back and get his hat? - [Mario] Na, he'll get it. - Ah, okay. I have now lost all of my clothes and I'm all wet and cold. (eerie music) Something's not right. I'm feeling a little out of it. (coughing) - [Mark] That the green dragon down there Mario? - [Mario] Hey, is that coyote? - [Mark] Oh, there he is. Hey! - Hey Coyote. - [Mark] Bring that ring up here. - [Coyote] What? Bring us the ring. - [Mario] I don't think you could hear you. - They, they're asking for me to bring them the ring. What ring? - The ring that you found. - I don't know what you're talking about. - [Mark] You left your hat. - [Mario] And you left all your gear. - Your stuff's over this way. Do you want us to get it? What is up with this? (growling) - What's happening. (panting) What's happening to me? - [Mario] I dunno man, he's acting strange. - [Mark] Yeah, he's acting really strange. - He might be cranky sometimes when he's, when he gets when he gets hungry, he gets hangry. - Yeah we didn't eat a very good breakfast morning. 'cause we had to get here before sunrise, But, maybe that's what it is. - I think Coyote is hangry. (growling) - We must keep moving, get out of the Shire. Leaves the Shire, don't let's the rabbit. Leave, leave now! (dramatic music) Yes, leave. Keep going my love, keep going. (growling) This fish is fake? A fake fish? (spitting) Why would they put a fake fish there Precious. Why would this chew it again my love. OK. (growling) Yes, this fish is definitely fake. Its probably those hobbits is tryin', all 'em, all 'em, tries tricks us. They're tricking us into thinking this fish is real. But it fake. (grunting) This is it, this is the direction my love. Takes it back to the deep forest. Gollum, Gollum, make sure that they don't find you. Make sure that they don't get the Precious. Yes. (mysterious music) Where, where did they go? Where's the hobbitses? Don't see them which is good, Gollum. Means they can't takes from us. It's mine, it's all mine. Keeps going Precious, keeps going. I am. (gasping) Where did Mark and Mario go? Pay attention. What, what? No, no, what. Pay attention to what? Oh, who said that? Somehow I got separated from the guys and starting to feel feverish. This is really strange. You've got its now, you got your Precious. Its your own. I don't know that, this is such a good idea though. You know that you loves it. You found it, it came back to you. Which means it's yours Precious. It's yours. (snarling) (pensive music) - [Mark] Whoa, what's around the bend? Mario, it's the edge of the Shire. - Yeah, cool. - We don't go there. We have to stay in the Shire. The Shire is safe. - Well, if you ever wanted to go there just make sure you go to the, we go in groups. Let's go find Coyote. He's acting kind of strange. I'm getting a little hungry too. - I think we go this way. You think it's down that way or you think it's this way? Probably should stay on the trail. You know what happens when you get off the trail? Bad things happen. Whoa, look at that. Mario, up there. I can see the edge of the Shire. We're on the very edge of the Shire right now. It's very big. We were just at Bag End. Bilbo wasn't home like usual, but we're on our way right now to the Green Dragon where hopefully we can get some food because we did skip breakfast this morning and Mario and I think that's why Coyote's acting the way he is. He's just a little hangry. He's probably already there waiting for us. Hopefully he left us some breakfast because when Coyote's hungry, he can really feast. - [Mario] Yeah I could definitely do some breakfast. I'm pretty hungry. - Do you hear any riders? You hear that, you hear horses? There're no horses out here. - [Mario] Think I heard some sheep and a cow. There's a lot of cows out here. - Let's be careful. - And even Mark's acting weird. So Coyote is acting weird. Mark's acting weird. Look at him, what are you doing, dude? - Shh. (ominous music) I think I hear someone coming. - I think it's just us here. - Shh, shh, I think there's riders. Wait They stopped, let's hurry, let's hurry. Let's get to the Green Dragon fast. Come on. - All right buddy. Whatever you say. All right, well First it was coyote. Now it's Mark. It's super weird. Running around. Talking about hearing things. I think this is beautiful. This is it's a really nice walk. - Mario hurry, the music's playing. Let's go, that means people are eating already. - [Mario] Hang on man, don't worry. There'll be enough food for you. There he goes, off to eat. He's always hungry that little guy. (Mark cackling) - [Mario] It's a beautiful day! (Mark cackling) It's a beautiful day. - [Mark] Thank you. Cheers. - Cheers. (bright music) - The food is delicious. Compliments to the chef. - [Coyote] Smeagol, Smeagol. Catching the fish in the water. Yes, yes, yes! You gots it. (Coyote coughing) Yes, but you were supposed to leave the Shire. We'll leave my love, we'll leave now, we'll leave. (coughing) (Coyote gasping) (Coyote groaning) I hope Mark and Mario are in here. There you guys are. - Hey, it's delicious. - [Coyote] I think I caught something. I am not feeling good. - Where's your hat. We saw your hat. - What are you guys eating? - Scones - Delicious. - Scones? - Grab one of those. - Scones? Scones? Hey We don't want no stinking scones. - They're good. - We want fish! - [Mario] Hey, hey, hey, hey. - Stay off of me, leave or this is torture. - Actually Coyote? - Leave the Shire. - Coyote? - What? - I've been, I've been thinking, I need to see that ring again. - I told you Precious they wanted the ring, they wanted to take it from you. - [Mario] I need, I need to see the ring. I've been thinking, I need to inspect. - No! It's mine! (growling) (Mario yelling) (Coyote snarling) (suspenseful music) (eerie music) Here it is. Yes, yes, yes, we did it. We gots the precious and we got it away from the wizard and the hobbit. That's right, the wizard and the hobbit was trying to takes it from us they were. But, my love, my precious, They were your friends. Mark and Mario. No, they're not, they're hobbits and wizards and they want the Precious to be taken for them. Not for Smeagol. Yes, Smeagol does love the Precious but Smeagol also... (coughing) Likes making YouTube videos with the animals. For the education. No, not anymore. Now, Smeagol makes videos with Precious. Yes, where would you be without us, huh? Gollum, Gollum. No, weak, pathetic. Yes, Smeagol wants to go back. He wants you to leaves us alone. Leave, we're not leaving. We're not going anywhere. Yes, leave now and never come back. What, leave? I'm not going anywhere. Leave now and never come back. (suspenseful music) He's gone, he's gone. Precious, Precious he's gone! Yes, he's gone, yes, Smeagol is free! He's free. Smeagol now make YouTube videos about animals and education. Yes, yes, Smeagol is free. Be brave, stay away from the Precious. We see you in the next adventure, yeah! (dramatic music) - [Cameraman] Hold the ring up to your eye and look at it. - [Coyote] It's Precious. - [Cameraman] I wonder if you should say some random facts about animals. - Okay, I'll try. - [Cameraman] I don't know, something animal. - Yes, Middle Earth is home to all sorts of different animals. There's parrots, ferrets, and bears. What? There's no bears, there's definitely no parrots, Precious. Yes there is, I sees them in the trees all the time making cooing noises. (imitating bird) Polly wants a cracker. There's no parrots on any of Middle Earth! And if there was I'd eat them, just like the fish. Fish, I loves the fish, gold fish, the golden ones, the yellow ones, yes! Stupid fish, we eats all the fishes if we could. Gollum, Gollum. Well, we will not eats the parrots though would you? The feathers, Smeagol no likes feathers, he doesn't. (hacking) You would not eat parrot would you, Gollum? (snarling) Yes. - [Announcer] Big thanks to the wonderful stewards of Middle Earth for hosting us in the Shire. Getting to explore this incredible set where we made the ultimate Halloween video was truly the opportunity of a lifetime. - Give it to me! - [Announcer] If you ever have the chance to visit the beautiful island country of New Zealand, make sure to book a tour at Hobbiton and tell them that Smeagol sent you. - [Coyote] Yes, my Precious. - [Announcer] Hey Coyote Pack. If you love Brave Wilderness and want to show off your fandom, head over to and check out the new gear we just released including long sleeve tees, water bottles, animal figurines, and whole bunch of new t-shirt designs. To see all the new Brave Wilderness merch make sure to click on the link in the video description below and don't forget join memberships so you can brave alongside me and the crew on our next wild adventure. (animals roaring and calling)
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 2,118,566
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Keywords: halloween, halloween 2020, lord of the rings, lord of the sting!, lord of the stings, coyote peterson, brave wilderness, wildlife, wilderness, gollum, hobbiton, breaking trail, my precious, my precious - Coyote goes full gollum!, smeagol, halloween 20, halloween costume, lord of the rings costume, new zealand, lord of the rings gollum, lord of the rings smeagol, lord of the rings adventure, lotr, lotr halloween, j.r.r. tolkein, tolkein, lotr tolkein, halloween costumes, costume
Id: SvaQuaCbUBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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