YouTube Ads Beginners Strategy Guide: Click-by-Click YouTube Ads Tutorial 2019

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Hey everyone! Jason here, digital marketing consultant. And in this ultimate YouTube ads tutorial, you're going to learn everything you need to know A to Z and every excruciating OCD detail in between, setting up your YouTube ads, the right way. We're going to be going through how to structure your campaigns, how to do the research, which types of ads to use, some YouTube ad scripts that you can copy for yourself. Then we'll actually dive into the YouTube interface going step by step and Google ads interface to create your campaigns from scratch. And of course, wrap up by popular request, how to analyze the results that you get. So you know how to optimize and improve into the future. Now, obviously, this is a long video, so detailed timestamp table of contents in the description. So you can easily jump around it to wherever you have questions. Or if you're coming back to this video. Now before we dive into the five steps to creating your YouTube ads campaigns, and the four different types of campaigns that you can make, I want to talk about who YouTube ads is actually for, because one of the most common questions I get is “Yeah, that looks great. But my situation is” just fill in the blank. So YouTube ads are perfect. If you're number one, a content creator on YouTube, who's trying to grow their channel. Or number two, you're an entrepreneur looking to use YouTube ads to drive traffic to a landing page, to ultimately grow your email list and make sales. If that doesn't describe you, then YouTube ads probably aren't for you. And this tutorial isn’t for you. So with that out of the way, let's go ahead, and dive right in. t The very first step to setting up your YouTube ads is deciding what the campaign structure is going to be. So we're going to go through the basics of what a campaign structure looks like. And then we're going to go through the four different types of campaigns you could use, whether you're trying to grow a YouTube channel or generate leads for your business. Now, the very first step to getting started with YouTube ads is structuring your campaigns the right way and understanding how Google ads, structures, campaigns. So the very top we have our campaign. This is the highest level, and this is where we're going to define the countries, we want to target the inventory, that we want our ads to show up on. That'll make more sense later. And finally, the placements we want our ads to show up. Then at the ad group level, you can have pretty much as many ad groups as you want or need. This represents the people, that we're targeting. This is all the audiences. So underneath the ad group, you're going to be able to decide whether you want to target channels, in-market, affinity, topic, remarketing, similar audiences we'll go through all of those during the research step, which is step number two. And then finally we have the ads. The ads are the actual videos, that we're going to be using to run traffic to. So there are two types of ads when it comes to YouTube, there are discovery and there are in-stream. And we'll see when we get to the four different campaign structures and a little bit here, which ones to use. But very briefly in-stream ads are the ones that pop up before a video or pop up during a video. And for these, you only pay if someone watches at 30 seconds of the video, of course they have the ability to skip. Now these are not bumper ads. Bumper ads are those annoying six second ones, that go really, really fast and then just disappear. Those have no place for us as small creators or business owners. Now, when it comes to discovery ads, what discovery ads allow you to do is show your ads pretty much naturally across YouTube, where it can show up on desktop or mobile, just like in-stream ads. And they'll show up at the top of search results and as suggested videos. And so that's a quick rundown of the different levels of your campaign. Now, this is something that's very, very important. This has been learned after testing thousands of dollars of YouTube ads, irrespective of what you decide to test. Please follow these basic rules. Keep it simple with your campaign structure. When it comes to ad groups, only have one targeting option. When it comes to the videos, in your ad group only have one video. This doesn't mean you can't try testing your headlines or testing a different thumbnail. That's okay, but only have one video in your ad group. And this is because it's going to be extremely hard to analyze your campaigns, when you're trying to figure out what's working, if you have more than one video in there, simply because of the way YouTube does reporting. And I think that's the simplest way I can put it. It's going to make a lot more sense when we get into analyzing at the very end of the video. Now we're ready to talk about the four different types of campaigns, whether you want to grow your channel or you want to drive leads. And something that's very important, as we dive into these four different campaign structures, these are pretty much going to cover any type of thing that you're trying to do with YouTube ads is to remember that this is all about connecting with real people. This is not like Google pay per click ads, where you're just trying to make a sale or get someone to do an immediate action. Remember YouTube is still a social media platform. So there is some relationship building, it’s not where you're just going to magically put up a video and everyone's going to subscribe to your channel or you magically put up an in-stream video and people just buy anything, you offer them. There does need to be some rapport building, and you need to remember that going through, everything that we're talking about, it's about connecting with other people. It's not just about cold, hard numbers. So let's go ahead and dive into the first type of campaign we have. And that is going to be promoting your content videos, the content promotion campaign. At the very top, you're going to be able to decide whether what countries you're going to target. You're going to choose your inventory type. And of course, what your daily budget is going to be. Now, when it comes to the audiences you're targeting, you're going to choose channels, affinity or similar. And we'll get more into that when we go into the targeting and finally with your messaging, these are going to be uploaded, re uploaded content videos. And the reason this campaign structure is so powerful is it follows the organic natural way of growing subscribers. Because outside of YouTube ads, how do you get subscribers? You make great content, people watch content they go, “Hmm. You know what? That's good enough that I'd like to see, see more of this person”. And they hit subscribe. That's exactly what you want to do with your YouTube ads, you just want to accelerate the process with some cash behind it, right? And so your goal is to take those re-uploaded content videos, run them as discovery to people who you think would find value in those. And people will naturally subscribe to you. Now, if you get a ton of views and nobody's hitting that subscribe button and you're seeing your watch, time is great. Then this next campaign is for you. Or you could just start with this campaign now, and that is the channel trailer campaign. And so here, what we're going to do, same settings at the campaign level, except here, we're only going to target people, who've already seen a video on your channel. It's very important that you do it this way. Otherwise, it's very easy to quickly look like someone who's desperately trying to ask for subscribers. And nobody wants to subscribe to a channel who's running channel trailers that they've never seen before and only has like 500 subscribers. It's not a great brand perception to have. And of course, with your ad, it's going to be a special channel trailer, more on that, when we get into the ad copywriting. Now these next two of course are going to be lead generation. And they're going to be in-stream ads, the best place to start to growing your email list or trying to generate some sales from your YouTube channel or off of YouTube is targeting people, who've already engaged with your content. So here you're going to be targeting remarketing again, just like you would do with a channel trailer. Not so much changes here other than the fact that it's an in-stream ad and you're going to be creating a special video to drive traffic off of YouTube. Now the final one we have here is the cold leads, and this is going to apply to most entrepreneurs and business owners, who have never run YouTube ads before, or have no content presence on YouTube. And simply what you want to do here, is use something called in-market audiences, affinity audiences, and then patiently wait for your similar audiences lists that Google will create for you automatically to populate to a size that you'll actually be able to use. And so that does it for the four different campaign types. Hopefully one of these represents the situation that you're in and represents the goal you have for your YouTube ads. Now, before we move on to the next step, which is your target research, just remember when it comes to your ad groups, one targeting, when it comes to the ads inside your ad groups only have one video. In fact, I typically recommend that you only have one video across your entire campaign, but we'll get more into that structure later on. So the second step in the YouTube ads process is the research phase, figuring out who are you going to put your video in front of? Now we have a couple of options here, of course. Channels, what channels do is they allow you to target subscribers of other channels? So when you target a channel that doesn't necessarily mean you're only going to show up on that particular creator's channel, just means that you're telling YouTube, “Hey, you know what? I know people who are subscribed to this channel would probably like my videos are probably want to buy my stuff. So please show my ads to them”. That doesn't necessarily mean that you're only going to show up on that creator's channel. So that's very important, especially when you start analyzing and you look at placements, I get a lot of comments and questions saying, Hey, they're, my videos are showing up across YouTube on these random places that have nothing to do with anything that I talk about or sell. And that's simply because YouTube is following the people, not following the content. Now, speaking of content, the next one is affinity. And what affinity is, is Google be with all of their data is essentially just tracking all of us and figuring out what we're actually interested in. And so affinity audiences represent groups of people who have a general interest in something or their hobbies. Now this is in contrast to in-market audiences. So I'm skipping ahead a little bit here. In-market audiences represents, people that Google has identified are actively looking or researching for something. So as a quick example, someone who is a fitness nut would be in the affinity audience for fitness and health, because there's someone who's constantly engaging with that type of content. Constantly looking for that type of content. Someone who is completely new has never, ever searched for how to get six pack abs or lose 20 pounds. And does it for the first time and goes on a YouTube binge watching spree, would be in the in-market audience because YouTube sees it, hey, they haven't done this before. And they seem really interested in it. So they're probably ready to buy like right now. And so that's why it's really good to use when you're trying to generate leads because people in those audiences are generally looking to take action right now, versus if you're trying to grow your channel, let's go ahead and target people who are going to stick around for more than a week or two, when they're done binge watching or learning about a new topic or potential service. Now the final two, we have, our remarketing and similar audiences. Remarketing is simply a way that you can say, “Hey, you know what, YouTube, I want to show my ads to everyone who's watched my video, liked or commented on a video or has liked or commented or watched in a particular time period”. The maximum you can do is 540 days. I typically recommend doing remarketing audiences from 30 days, 90 days and 540 days. But we'll get into how to actually create those later on in this tutorial. And the final type of targeting you have is similar audiences. And so similar audiences are pretty much like Facebook lookalike audiences, if you're familiar with how Facebook advertising works. And simply what Google does for you, is it looks at your remarketing list and it goes, “Well, we know what these people look like. So why don't we go try and find more people who look like these people”. And so they make a new audience for you. This happens automatically. And then all of a sudden you can target people that look like your remarketing list for people who've already responded or engaged with your ads, for your content. So now that you know all your targeting options, it's time to do some research. Now, before we dive into my screen and actually start doing some research, you'll notice that there are some targeting options that weren't talked about, like topics and keywords. The reason I don't recommend starting with these is because they are significantly harder to nail down and they're harder to get good results with right out of the gate. So that's the only reason they're not included. Doesn't mean you can't use them. I just don't recommend using it on the first or second go. Now let's go ahead and talk about how many audiences, how many channels do you need? So if you're going to be targeting channels, cause you're trying to grow your YouTube channel, you want at least 10 to 15 channels, ideally five above the 500K mark, five above the hundred thousand mark, five above the fifty thousand mark, anything below 50,000 and you're just asking for no impressions, to show up on your ads. Now it's also very important as you put together your campaigns, remember that you're only going to have one channel for one ad group. And when you're putting together your campaign, you're probably only going to want to have five ad groups inside that campaign and have all of them around the same channel size, because what will happen is, if you have one channel that's at 1.5 million views, and then you have three channels that are at or subscribe to views, subscribers, and then you have five channels that are at a hundred thousand subscribers, this one is just going to eat, gobble up that budget. So make sure you do group them by the size. So that's very important. And then if you're doing anything else, then you're going to have to go ahead and start doing some research and the in-market and affinity. Now the good news is the in-market and affinity is actually the easiest one because Google just has a list for you. You'll be able to go into Google ads and easily just pick out any ones that make sense. I recommend going through and actually just making a long laundry list, which is what we're going to do right after we find some channels. So let's say we're looking for some channels. And in this particular example, I'm just going to say that we're trying to drive traffic to our YouTube growth webinar that teaches small creators how to rank their videos on YouTube. Okay, great. I'd go ahead and go to YouTube. And then I would search for how to grow YouTube channel and see what pops up. Okay. We see there's an ad. This is a great example of what a discovery ad would look like. So we'd be competing with whoever this person is. If we went through that, and then I'm going to go ahead and start clicking on these people's channel names. So I'm holding command on a Mac, control on a PC or windows, they're both PCs, Sunny and Roberto. There we go. So I'll pause real quick while all these load. And so essentially what we want to do here, to see if the channel is about growing a YouTube channel. Now, of course, you're going to fill in the blank with whatever your channel is about. You essentially just want to find other channels that are creating a similar type of content. And in this particular instance we see Derral Eves here, I know he's all about YouTube, so this would be a good channel to target. So we just go ahead and copy his user URL and save it for when we're making our ads. The next one here, beauty and lifestyle blogger does not look like it's all about YouTube ads. So I'm going to go ahead and nix that one. I'm sure it's a great channel, but it's just not relevant, to the type of content that we're trying to promote. So the next one we have is Nick Nimmin and it looks like he is also all about YouTube ads. It even says it right there. Didn't even have to scroll down. Then we have Dan Lok, unlike your wealth, success and significance. All right, scrolling down, doesn't look like it's specifically about YouTube ads, seems to have a lot of business entrepreneurial stuff, which would be good, but we're promoting a video about YouTube ads. So let's go ahead and leave that alone. YouTube secrets. Yeah, that's a, that's pretty self-explanatory. And then we'll scroll down here. YouTube, YouTube, YouTube, YouTube tutorials. She actually has her YouTube tutorials right up front. YouTube. YouTube. Oh, I'd say this was a good channel too. And then Roberto Blake, I know that would be a good channel because he makes awesome content for creators. So what we would do is we'd go through this process. So we have a list of 10 to 15 channels. The other thing you can do is, look on the side on these creator suggestions and actually get a lot of other ideas because these recommended channels are going to represent influencers and creators that YouTube thinks is similar to this channel. So it's a very quick and easy way to find new channels. And so you just need 10 to 15. You don't have to make a crazy laundry list, you can see here, we'd pretty much get to 10 or 15 very, very quickly. And of course, if you see related channels on a channel that you've chosen and other channels that you've chosen, it means you're on the right track because you and YouTube are aligned. Because you do is really good at figuring out related channels and related content. And so that's all you have to do for your channel research. Really just copy those URLs, put them in a word doc or wherever you store your stuff. And you'll be good to go. So now let's go ahead and jump into the YouTube ads interface and talk about how we can find affinity and in-market audiences, because this is something that's going to be very helpful. If you're trying to grow your channel or you're driving leads in-market is going to be the best place to start. So inside of your Google ads account, you can just come up here to this blue plus button and click on new campaign. We're not actually going to set up a new campaign. So we're just going to click campaign, step-by-step. We're going to click video. We're going to leave it alone as a custom campaign and click continue. And for now, just ignore all of the settings because they don't matter. And we're going to come all the way down here to people and click on audiences. Now, inside audiences, it's very important. Again, you need to be OCD, take control. Google is not that great about figuring out who your ideal customer is. You need to do the work. Please don't use suggestions or search. I know it looks like a shortcut, but you're going to miss the gold. So here's what you want to do. Click on browse instead of ideas or search. And then you can see here, we have affinity and then we have in-market. So for affinity, we can click on that and we can start scrolling through the list. And these down arrows will allow you to go down the rabbit hole of all of the different affinity audiences. And so essentially what you want to do is just go through this list and select ones that make sense. So for example, if we're trying to find people who want to grow YouTube channel or care about growing a YouTube channel, then coming down to technology and social media and enthusiasts would probably make sense. And so you can just go ahead and click. Now, it's very important that you click the subcategories. You don't want the big categories. We're not trying--, those are just gigantic, your ad is going to show up everywhere. You're going to get a terrible quality score and people aren't going to watch your video. It just won't be fun. So go ahead and make sure that you go a level down. Let's go ahead and do an example of a in-market. So in-market here, we'll click on that. We'll click on in-market audiences. You can also do life events and they have a couple of these are expanding all of the time. So by the time you're looking at this list, they're probably going to have more, they seem to add a couple every month. And what's really important with life events is that does need to be very specific to exactly what your business is. If it just seems like, “Oh, well maybe my customer just went through that”. Then just don't bother, because you're really going to waste some money. So here, we're just going to click on business creation because maybe someone who just started a business wants to use YouTube to grow marketing. That would be an example of really making a stretch. And then I'll scroll down here to business services. There we go. I'm cheating a little bit, cause I know where these are and we'll click on advertising and marketing. And then we can click down a little more and SEO services, maybe people who are--, we're going to grab some people who are trying to figure out how to rank their videos. And so you just go through this list and you can easily just highlight, copy all of it, put it in a word doc or something and your notes. And then you're actually gonna easily be able to choose the five that you start with. So whether you're going to be targeting affinity because you want to grow your audience and YouTube channel, or you're going through this process for, in-market, because you want to grow your email list or your sales. This is the process you'll go through to find those two audiences. Now the final type of audience that we need to talk about is remarketing. So remarketing is something that you definitely want to set up, irrespective of what you're going to be doing on your YouTube channel. And this is something that you're going to be doing in your audience library. So let's go ahead and jump back into the screen here. I'm gonna exit out of this and now to set up your remarketing we’ll click on tools and then we'll click on audience manager. Now you're about to see a ton of remarketing audiences already set up in here from some of our previous campaigns and just previous tutorials, but long story short here, what we want is to create all these remarketing lists that you're looking at. So we want to create a remarketing list for everyone who's viewed any video on our channel over the past 30, 90 days. If you want to be OCD 60 days. And of course the maximum 540 days, then just make a 540 day remarketing list for likes and comments. Personally, I've yet to find those audiences actually viable because they're so expensive to target because they're small, the smaller the audience, the more you're going to have to pay. So let's go ahead and jump back in and talk about how to actually set these up. So I'll, de-select these and click on the blue plus button, and we're going to click on YouTube users. Now at the top, we'll go ahead and give our audience a name. And if you've connected multiple channels to your YouTube ads account, this is where you can do that. And we'll go ahead and click on this down, drop down. And this is all the options we have. So viewed any video from the channel, someone who's subscribed to the channel, liked any video, added it to a playlist and something that's really cool is you can actually click on viewed certain videos or viewed certain videos as ads. So if you want to get really, really detailed with who you're driving traffic to, you can actually specifically say, “Hey, I only want to show ads to people who've seen this particular video or this set of videos as organic or only seen this video as an app” for simplicity’s sake, I recommend just doing viewed any video from the channel and then membership duration, we'll set it to 540 because this is all, but we'd also do 90 and we'd also do 30 days. And so you definitely want to set this up as quickly as possible because you want YouTube to start collecting that information. The retro activeness of this is typically only 30 days. So the sooner you set it up, even if you're not going to start YouTube ads the better. Now, if you're not quite sure how to connect your YouTube account to Google ads, that's a great question. There's a very simple place you can go to do this. So inside of Google ads, all you need to do is click on tools and then click on linked accounts. You'll scroll down and click on details under YouTube, and you can click the giant blue plus button to add your channel. So go ahead and copy paste your YouTube URL here. And you'll easily be able to walk through a simple interface to connect your channel to your Google ads account. Now, common question, I get it as well, “Is this like a onetime thing or can you do it multiple times?” The good news is you can do it multiple times. So we actually have multiple ad accounts, we have multiple channels and some channels are on three or four different ad accounts. And some ad accounts are connected to three or four different channels. So you have a tremendous amount of flexibility, you're not locked in. Just remember if you want those remarketing lists, you need to set those up per ad account. Those remarketing lists are not going to carry over to each ad account. If you have one channel in three out of accounts, you need to make those remarketing lists in each one. And with that, you've completed everything you need for doing the research part of setting up your YouTube ads, campaigns. You by the end of this process will probably take you 30 to 40 minutes. You'll have all the targeting that you need to start with your campaigns. Now, the next step in the process, step number three is your messaging. When it comes to creating your ads, there is a tremendous, tremendous amount of ambiguity in what is actually going to be successful. So I'm going to go through a YouTube ads formula we've used. I'm actually going to walk you through a script, line by line that you can pretty much just pause the screen and copy if you want. Although I highly recommend you do it your own style, but something that's very important as we go into the two types of ads to make is number one, please, please, please write your ad before trying to film. Whatever your messages in your ad should drive the creative of what's happening on the screen. Because especially if you're trying to drive leads to your website, or you're trying to get someone to subscribe, you need to be writing the ad to making sure that you're focused on your ideal viewer or ideal customer. And don't get caught up in all the fancy things you could be doing with your video. So we have two different types of ads. We have our discovery ads, which are for growing YouTube channels, and we have our in-stream ads, which is for driving leads and sales. So let's go ahead and start with discovery ads. Now discovery ads appear on mobile, search and suggested and users click to watch and you pay essentially when someone clicks. So unlike in-stream ads, it's not that 30 seconds marks, it’s pretty much as soon as the video loads, it's, you're going to be paying. Now, when you write your ad, you're going to be able to give it a headline and a description line one and too. So the headline is restricted to a hundred characters and your description lines one and two are restricted to 30 characters. Now it's very important here when you're creating your channel ad that you're focused on how your content is going to be helpful to your ideal viewer. So it's very easy. I see this a lot. And actually my first YouTube ad admittedly was exactly like this, where it's so easy to go straight into your story, who you are, all the awesome stuff you have coming. Welcome to my channel. This is what it's all about. This is what I'm going to talk about. And really people just don't, don't care. They want to know what's in it for them. And so start your channel ad with what's in it for them. And if you're going to be fancy with your channel trailers and upload multiple of them, make sure only one is public and you leave the other unlisted. Otherwise you're going to bombard all of your current subscribers with a similar looking video over and over and over again. And nobody really wants to see that. So make sure when you're uploading these, if you don't want them to be accessible via search and suggested videos, make sure they show up as unlisted. Now, when it comes to promoting content videos, this is the other type of discovery ad you can do. It's very important that you re upload your video. So something I see a lot of new people to YouTube ads do, is they find--, they have a video that they want to promote. They want to get more views to it. And what do they do? They go into YouTube ads and they say, “Hey, why don't you drive? Let's drive some traffic to it”. And then what happens? The video gets crushed. And I mean crushed because irrespective of what job you do with your targeting, YouTube ads views are always going to be lower than organic views. Because essentially you are pitting your chops against the black box of YouTube algorithm. And the YouTube algorithm black box is 9.9 out of 10 times going to be better at finding people who want to watch your video than you are. Than we are. So essentially what happens is, when you're paying for YouTube ads, you're saying, “Hey, YouTube, I know you don't think people want to see this ad, organically, but I know people want to see this ad. So just, just show them the ad, just show them the ad. I promise it's going to work. Just show them ad”. Right? And inevitably what happens? YouTube takes your money and shows them the ad and a larger percentage of those people are disinterested compared to the percentage of people who are happy watching it organically. And so this doesn't mean YouTube ads don't work just means in the eyes of YouTube, the watch time, whether it's from an ad or an organic YouTube doesn't care. So what you need to do is not create YouTube campaigns around your current videos, go into your YouTube analytics, find the videos that are already working and then tweak them, re upload them as unlisted, and then run the traffic to them. And the reason you want to do this is because you want to run traffic because you already know work. And you just want to re upload them. It's up to you, whether you cut off some portions or you change some of the slides or music behind it, it does need to be a unique video. Don't just duplicate it. Cause then YouTube is going to slap you with a content strike there. And what this will allow you to do, is have your organic video still rank and bring in people. And then you'll be able to test with the stealth private unlisted video, and the great news about this is, you already know that the video works. And so now you're not really concerned when a campaign does bad, you just know, “Oh, okay, well I’m targeting the wrong person because I have organic data to tell me that the ads working”, because if you take a completely new video and then you try and promote it, you have no idea if it's your targeting or your messaging that, that isn't working properly. So that's why it's really important to start off with videos that are already working. Now for your brand new channel. And you have haven't even reached, you know, a few thousand views yet, then definitely wait until you reach that point, to choose which video to actually run traffic to otherwise, it's going to be a very, very expensive process. So just make sure irrespective of what you're doing, your content videos are always re uploaded. Now the next type of ads we have are in-stream ads. When it comes to creating in-stream ads, it's very, very important to remember the format, that they come in. You are interrupting someone who is watching--, trying to watch a different video. And you have five seconds to grab their attention and let them know that this ad is actually worth their time before they hit that skip button. And then you want to, after that five seconds, push everyone else away, who is not an ideal customer before the 30 second mark comes. So you want to hook them in. So you have at least 10 to 15 seconds to let people know this is for them or this isn't for them. And then those people who aren't we'll skip you, it'll be less than 30 seconds. And then you don't pay for all of those tire kickers and lookie-loos. When it comes to the formatting of the ad, you're going to have two options. You can actually put a little banner at the bottom that says, essentially click here and then a little bit of a headline or description. And then you also have the option of having something that shows up on the left hand side of the video that shows a link to your site. You don't want to click that option because that option means you pay, irrespective of whether or not it's been 30 seconds. So you definitely don't want the YouTube master head turned on, when it comes to creating your in-stream ads. Now, of course, we'll go through an example of how to actually write your ads and example of a YouTube ad script in a moment here. The other thing you want to note is making sure that your end screen for your in-stream ads is at least 30 to 45 seconds long, because what you don't want to have happen is you're talking about it and you're saying, “Hey, okay. So click the link, get the awesome stuff and we'll see you there”. And then the video just ends, right? I see that so many times. And then someone was like, “Wait, I was gonna click, but now the video's gone. Okay. Oh, well, I guess I'll see the ad again sometimes”. So you want to have an end screen that shows a, some sort of picture of either you as the influencer or a business owner, creator, or just an image of whatever they're about to receive. And then have some arrows saying, Hey, click here, because there's going to be a little bar at the bottom that they can click on, then have something at the top saying mobile, tap here. And you want to make sure that that stays on for 30 to 40 seconds, so people have plenty of time to click. And now let's go ahead and quickly go through a live example of what this formula looks like in an actual ad that we've run. So we spent a couple hundred dollars on this particular ad and it's just starts off by saying, “Hey! Jason here, this is run to a remarketing audience”. So people typically know who I was, and the hook is in the very first line and the hook being, they're going to discover a secret to get more views and grow their channel without a big marketing budget. And then I go ahead and reinforce this hook with some actionable credible evidence. So on the screen, I actually show some rankings and I show channel growth graphs. So if you could do this in the first 30 seconds to show that, Hey, you're not just full of BS, it's a great way to go. And this takes about 30 seconds to read, and then we go straight into the call to action. So I simply say click or tap on the top, right on mobile, bottom left on desktop. And they can register for the webinar. And the next 60 seconds are all about what they are going to get. So I do a brief introduction of who I am, but I actually don't finish that. That's a technique where you simply open a loop and then you just, don't actually the closing, the loop is actually going to be on the webinar. You don't have to do something like that. And I simply have three bullet points of what they're going to learn and how it's going to be helpful and get them to where they want to be growing their channel faster and ranking videos. So after this particular part, I go into the big mistake. I talk about how the typical monetization strategies are just not actually going to work for them. And then I wrap up with a call to action. And this particular script took about two minutes to read and go through between the slides and the B-roll. And that's all there is to, it to writing a YouTube ad. So timestamp table of contents in the description, of course you can easily go back, pause the screen, see how it was worded and modify it for your own products or services or modify it for your channel trailer. So even though you'd be running your channel trailer as a discovery ad, you can still use this format to hook people in, let them know why it's so valuable to subscribe to your channel. And then of course tell them to subscribe. The only difference is in that video, you'd probably say click the link in the description or click subscribe below because they're watching the video on YouTube versus an in-stream ad where they're being collected off of YouTube. And so with that, you are actually finally ready to jump into the YouTube ads interface and build a campaign. So we're going to go through building two different campaigns. We're going to build a discovery ads campaign, and then we're going to go ahead and build an instream ads campaign. Now, once you're in your YouTube ads interface, we'll go ahead and click on this blue plus button and we'll click on new campaign, irrespective of what campaign you're trying to create, you're always going to want to click create campaign without goals. All goals does, is restrict your ability to change things in the future. So we'll go ahead and click on video, custom campaign ad sequence is something that's advanced where you can have videos show up sequentially to people. And that's not really something we want to worry about right now. So we'll go ahead and give our campaign a name. I have an overly complex naming convention. You can name it, whatever you want. This is just simply telling me that this is a brand building campaign and the video code of it is m91. So campaign total for budget or daily, I always recommend going daily because daily will allow you to easily go back and turn the campaign on and off. And it's a great way to throttle things up and down as your views fluctuate and as your budget fluctuates. So here, I'm just going to start with the typical $5 a day, and then I'll go ahead and click edit. You can go down to 2.50 or a dollar today, a day, if you want. Now, I typically just let it go as soon as possible, but for an end date, I like to select at least a month or two weeks out so that the budget doesn't run away from me. So I'll choose a couple of weeks out here and then go ahead and click on bidding strategy. By the way delivery method, leave it at standard. Accelerated just means they're going to burn your money faster. Now, when it comes to your bidding strategy, you do have a couple options. You have maximum cost per view and CPM. I've personally had very poor experience with CPM. I just like CPV because I know exactly what I'm getting and what I'm paying for. And we'll go ahead and scroll down to networks. Now, networks, you want to uncheck video partners because after a lot of testing, we found that it typically wound up hurting a campaign more than it actually helped. Of course you can go ahead and split tests. You can make one campaign with this checked and one campaign without this checked, but this is your first time. So let's go ahead and leave it unchecked. Make sure all of our videos are showing up on YouTube. Now, languages has been a fickle thing. I've gotten a lot of feedback from non US people saying languages have been giving them a lot of problems. So with that, I've actually recommended that you just go and target locations versus languages, especially here in the US, a lot of people speak other languages other than English. And I'd rather just focus on the country or state or region that they're in, versus trying to figure out what language that they are speaking or what language they like browsing YouTube or Google with. So this is going to be very important. If you're a local based business, you're going to want to make sure that you're choosing your state or your neighbourhood, zip code or region. You can get very, very detailed here, but if you're trying to grow your channel, just choose countries. You don't have to go much more than that. So I'm going to come in here and click on United States and Canada. And I'm actually going to add Australia and the UK because, YouTube analytics tells me there are a couple of people there who watch the channel. So then we're going to go ahead and go down to inventory type. Now, this is something that still seems to be controversial. I don't know why big advertisers just go nuts over their brand, but I always click expanded inventory. And essentially what expanded inventory allows you to do as a small creator or a small business is, advertise on a part of YouTube that scares the big people. That's pretty much it. And because it scares the big people with their big marketing budgets, they're playing in the safe standard and limited inventory zones. You get to go to the expanded inventory zones and keep your ad costs like this, because you're not competing with the big brands on those videos. This doesn't mean you're advertising on videos, that's explicit content or against the terms of service. YouTube does its own job of making sure that everything's within the community guidelines, whatever they may be at the time of the recording of this video, it's constantly changing, but you are safe in terms of advertising here. Now, another thing to note is really, it's all about targeting the right person. So unless you really care about what they happen to be watching, just go ahead and do expanded inventory and enjoy the lower view cost. Now, the next thing we want to do, is come down here to exclude content. And if this is something that you actually don't really have to worry about, because it's going to be going away, they keep saying it's going to go away. Eventually it will. Hopefully by the time you're watching this video, it's gone. And then, in here, if these aren't checked for some reason, go ahead and make sure you check them, so that you don't show up on these things. You're typically just going to get lower engagement and then you can check or uncheck this box, if you like. Typically, if you're going to uncheck this box, hypothetically, you should pay less. I just didn't check it because I don't really care what my potential viewers or customers are watching. Then we can go to eligible devices. If you're doing in-stream ads, you're going to want to click on specific devices and turn off TVs. Because TVs do not have a button. If you've ever used the YouTube TV app, you know that you watch an in-stream ad and then you can't click anything. So it's literally a waste of money. So if you're doing it in-stream, just unclick that, and typically I leave devices and all that other fun stuff alone. Frequency capping, this is something you can do if you're really concerned about your ad showing up too many times. But in your analysis, you can see whether or not your ads showing up too many times. So I just leave it alone. Typically, the more restrictions you give you Google, the more you're ultimately going to pay. So then we can go ahead and go to ad schedule. You can be OCD and create different ad schedules if you want, but really you can just leave this alone for your first couple of campaigns. And that's all there is to it to setting up a campaign. So at this point, you've actually gone through all of the options of the very top, of setting up your campaign, irrespective of what type of campaign you're creating. So if you're going to be doing in-stream or discovery, you are all set with these settings. So let's go ahead and click on skip ad group creation and confirm the skip because we just want to create the campaign, save and continue. And then you'll be presented with your campaign settings. And notice here while I was doing the tutorial, I forgot to make sure that US and Canada were still included. So if you ever need to make changes in your campaigns list, all you have to do is click on the campaign that you made. And we can come over here to settings, down here to settings and go ahead and click on location. You'll see here while I was talking, I completely forgot to type in US and Canada. We can go ahead and click save. And you'll see here that nothing is set in stone. We can always come back here and change our settings. So with that, our campaign is complete and now it's time to put together our ad groups. So this is where we are going to be using that targeting research we did. So if we're going to be growing the YouTube channel, this is where we're going to be putting in our channels and our affinity. If we're trying to grow our business, then this is where we're going to be putting in our in-market and affinity audiences. So once your campaign has been completed, we can go ahead and click on the campaign and add some ad groups to it. So we'll click this giant blue plus button and create our ad groups. So we'll go ahead and give our ad group a name. Typically, you want this to represent the audience that you're targeting. So if you're doing affinity, you'll call it affinity and then dash what it is. And once we've given our campaign a name, it's time to look at the demographics. Of course, here you can uncheck age groups and genders. That's pretty much all I recommend playing with here. If that's important to you, and then we'll go ahead and click on audiences. This is going to be affinity. And because I've already done my research, I know that I want social media enthusiasts so I can just type in social media and it should pop up there, boom, there we go. This is an ad group. So we're only going to have one, one targeting option and we'll scroll down here. And our maximum cost per view will be 10 cents. I highly recommend with your cost per views, start between 5 and 10 cents. You don't need to go lower than five and you don't need to go higher than 10. This is a good range to just get some views. If you try and start with 2 or 3 cents, you're just not going to hit any impressions, right? Nothing's going to happen. So it's always better to run it a couple of days at 10 or 7 cents, get your views. And then if that's too expensive for you or that's too expensive for your budget, then go ahead and lower it, after you know that your campaign is actually going to get impressions because it's very, very possible. Especially if you're doing channels, you can set all this up and then just crickets sometimes. So you want to make sure that it's not your budget on the outset, so we'll leave it at 10 cents. And then we'll go ahead and click, skip ad creation. And the reason we want to do this is we want to set up our ads separately, save and continue, but we do need to decide aside whether this is going to be a video or discovery. And in this particular instance, we are promoting a video. So we're going to go ahead and click on discovery ad here and then click save format. This is something you cannot undo. And with that, we're ready to set up our next ad group. So let's go ahead and click the blue plus button and we'll go ahead and call this affinity because this is going to be another affinity audience, business professionals. So leave demographics alone. I'll go ahead and click on audiences here. And I will start typing in business professionals and hopefully they pop up. There we go had to type it almost all the way out. There's our affinity audience, and that's all we need to do for this ad group. We'll go ahead and click, skip ad creation and we will click on skip again. And when we click save and continue, it's going to ask if it's going to be an in-stream or discovery ad, we're going to be doing discovery. We'll click save format. Oh, nope. Of course, bid as always 10 cents to start save and continue video discovery ad save format. There we go. So now we have our two ad groups. Now let's go ahead and add some ads to the ad groups that we've just put together. So click on the ad group here and it will take me to ads and extensions. Of course there's nothing here. So let's go ahead, click that blue plus button and actually make our ad. So I'm going to pull in my ad information here, copy the video. It's already been uploaded because I'm just promoting a content video here. And of course this will be a content video that you've re uploaded, right? And we'll leave it as a video discovery ad because we have no choice. And I'm going to go ahead and jump ahead to copying and pasting my headline and my two descriptions. I'll go ahead and give the ad a name. This is going to be M91 headline one version one. So you can actually go through this process, create multiple headlines, multiple descriptions. I recommend testing up to three headlines. Something that's very annoying though, is you will not have it evenly rotated, YouTube ads do not allow you to do that. So we'll go ahead and click save and continue. And of course YouTube is telling me that I cannot say get more subscribers, so let's try something else. Grow your channel. Maybe they'll allow me to say that. Let's try that, and it works. So if you ever get a warning like that, don't ask for an exception. Just change the ad copy. Google is so mean, when it comes to banning accounts. So just don't even, don't even touch it with a 10 foot pole, if you have something like that, just okay. Back off, just change the text. All right. So there we go. We have our ad, now to take this ad, whether it's in-stream or discovery, we can go ahead and select it. Copy it. Control C, command C whichever Mac or windows you're using. And then we'll go back out to our campaign here. So I'll click on my campaign and then I'll click on ad groups. So we just added it to this, top business professionals. So we'll click on social media enthusiasts. And of course we have no ads, and we can actually just paste it in there. Control or command V and then we'll go ahead and if it already exists, we don't really have to worry about that. We can just go ahead and click paste. And now our, the exact same ad is in here. And remember, this is very important that we want our ads to be the same. Now, if we want it to run a split test for discovery ad, all we need to do is go ahead and paste it again, paste the exact same ad again, copy and paste. And this time we're going to go ahead and edit it. You see it's under review. We'll go ahead and click on edit. And then we will say, “Yes, we understand that edit any ad” will screw up all of our metrics, but that's okay because it's a completely new one and then try a different headline. So I'll come in here. I have a different headline. So let's try this one. And go ahead and paste in the new headline. And then I'm going to call this headline two, right? Oops. Nope. That's H type Jason too. And then click save and continue. Hopefully we don't get any bad messages. All right, great. So now we have headline one headline two. Let's go ahead and copy this over. Obviously, probably do this sequentially and then copy both ads at the same time, but hey, we’re being inefficient here. And we'll go back over to the campaign level ad groups and we'll click on the business professionals and drop in that new ad. So now essentially we have our campaign. Then we have two ad groups and we have two ads, the same video, but two different ads running inside there. And this is how you're going to run a content promotion campaign. So going back out here, inside of this content promotion campaign, you can see that we have our two ad groups. And then if we click on videos, we are only going to see one video. So there's only one video in this entire ad group, right? But when we click on ads and extensions here, you'll see that there are four different ads. And that's because we have two of the headline, one and two here and headline one and two here. So it's the same video, across the entire campaign. That's what it needs to be. One video across the entire campaign, but we're just testing different targeting and we're testing different headlines. And so you can go through this process, have five to six max different ad groups inside of this campaign. And of course you can try some channel targeting as well. So let's go ahead and go through putting together a channel ad group. So we'll go back into ad groups here and we'll click on, this plus button. And this time we're going to click on ch--. We're going to call this channel and go back to our research here. And let's just take Sunny's channel here. We're going to see if we can target her channel. And I'm just going to paste that in. And then I'll go down to placements and search YouTube channels. So this goes a lot faster. If you have the channel ID, you can use something like tubebuddy to find it. But typically when you're targeting really large people like this, they're going to pop up, when you put in their name. I'm again, going to put 10 cents, make sure that there's only one channel here. And then we'll go ahead and skip ad creation because we already have our ads go ahead and skip saving, continue, make sure that we choose video discovery because that's what we need and then save the format. So here we go. Here's our new channel one. So let's go ahead and get those ads that we need to copy to the new one. So I need headline two and headline one. So I'm just going to go ahead and copy those. I'll go back over to ad group here and click on Sunny. Of course you can always slow down the video or pause. I'm going faster here on purpose, paste it in, paste. And so now we're testing three ad groups. We have two affinity and one channel. So I would go through complete this process and maybe add one more, two or three more channels or one or two more affinity. And then I would call it good. And the whole purpose of this is to figure out who likes the video, right? You want to promote the content video. You want to figure out I have this cool video where the people who want to watch it. And so that's what you're doing here. So your videos constant in this campaign, you're trying to figure out which audience on YouTube is going to engage with that video. And of course the ad groups that work you keep going. And the other groups that don't, you turn off, we could just easily find next week that this business professionals doesn't work that well. Okay, great. Then we don't advertise to the business professionals. And so that's all there is to it to setting up a video discovery campaign. So now let's go ahead and go through creating a, in-stream ads campaign. And you can actually go through a very, very, pretty much the same process. We're just changing a few buttons, but let's go ahead and build it from scratch. So from our campaigns page, we'll go ahead and click on the blue plus button to create a new campaign. And we'll come down here to create campaign without goal, because we always want to make sure that we're in complete control and we'll come down here to video and then we will leave it at, custom ad sequence advanced stuff, that we don't need to worry about. We'll go ahead and give our campaign a name. I'm going to go to a document, where I have the name all queued up and ready to go. So I’ll go ahead and copy this. And for the budget we want to do daily, not campaign total. So our daily budget, let's go ahead and start at $5 a day. Of course you can go down as low as a dollar or 2.50. For editing, let's make sure that Google doesn't burn our money. So let's make sure we go out a couple of weeks here and then we'll go ahead and leave delivery method alone, because accelerated just means Google's going to burn our money faster. Now for bid strategy, we're going to leave it at cost per view for in-stream ads. Target CPM works for in-stream ads, but not as great as CPV. Now for our networks, we really don't really have to worry about display partners, but I uncheck it anyway for in-stream ads, just for being safe, all languages. Let's go ahead and make sure that we choose locations, languages doesn't work all that great when it comes to in-stream ads. And when you're running your in-stream ads, you do want to be very specific with the locations that you're targeting, because you're trying to drive traffic off of YouTube. So you can actually add bulk location. So you can just come in here and copy paste a list. And then click search and it will go and find the ones. So we can just say target all because that's who we want to target. This nice little map is going to show us where our ads are going to show up. And then we can click save. If you're a local based business, then what you can do, is go ahead and make sure that you choose specific States, zip codes and neighbourhoods here. And it's okay if they overlap, you'll find which ones ultimately work best as you test. So now that we have our locations for our inventory type, let's go in and choose expanded. We want to get the lowest cost per view possible and not have to compete with the big advertisers on the platform, excluded content, that's something you don't have to worry about. It's going to go away. And then excluded labels. Just make sure that these have already been unchecked for you. And if you really don't care what your video shows up on, you can uncheck this box. If you have any concern over your brand, then go ahead and leave that box checked. Additional settings, nothing in here, you really need to worry about, unless you have business hours, that's going to affect running your traffic. And then we can come down here in our ad group, but we're actually going to skip that. So let's go ahead and skip ad group creation. And we're going to skip because we just want to create our campaign and set up our ad groups afterwards. It'll give us a nice little summary and then we'll click to continue to the campaign where we can set up our ad groups. Now, the first step to setting up your in-stream ad groups is of course coming up here, clicking the blue plus button, and then going ahead and giving your ad group a name. We want to name it by what we're targeting. So this is going to be an in-market audience and we're targeting SEO and SEM. Of course, we've done all this research, so we know what to name our ad groups. Demographics, if we were doing some sort of sales and it really mattered, we can uncheck 18 to 24, but we can just leave that in there for now. And then let Google tell us whether or not this group of people really isn't interested. Because not everyone's always going to be logged in. Then we can go ahead and go to our audiences. We'll scroll down here to browse and then we'll click on in-market and we can just go ahead and search for it. And then we'll go ahead and scroll down to our audiences here. And because we've already done the research, we don't need to go through the arduous task of looking it up manually. Actually it's showing up right here, but of course we could just come in here and type SEO and our in-market audience would pop up. We can go ahead and select it. And because we always want one targeting per ad group, that's all we're going to do for this ad group. So let's go ahead, close it off and click, skip ad creation. We're going to skip the ad creation for now. And we'll go ahead and click save and continue. Here we do need to say whether this ad group was going to be discovery or in-stream. We're doing in-stream now. So let's go ahead and save it as an in-stream ad. Of course, I always forget the bid 10 to 15 cents for in-stream is a good place to start. I typically just start everything at 10 cents and then adjust up and down. From there we'll go ahead and click save and continue, in-stream save format, always hard to do a tutorial and this at the same time. Okay. And then this is the exact same process we go through for each ad group, we create, inside of our instream campaign. Of course, to save some time. Let's go ahead and just talk about how to create your ads. So we'll come in here and click on our one ad group. We'll go ahead and add our ad. So we're going to need our URL, that we've already uploaded. So if you're doing an in-stream ad, make sure you do upload it as unlisted. You don't want your instream ads showing up all over the place. And because it's an in-stream ad, now we need to go ahead and give it a URL. I'm just doing a example here. So this actually isn't going to be going to a landing page. This is just going to go to the YouTube channel, but here, this is where you would be putting your landing page URL, it’s going to make this ugly display URL. So let's make it nice. And then we get to add a call to action. So the call to action is, what's showing up here, when someone goes to the in-stream ad, it's going to show up at the bottom here, that they can click, on mobile. And then it's going to show up right here on desktop. So that's why you'd want that little arrow that's pointing down at the end and your end screen. Cause it's going to be pointing at this saying, “Hey, click me here, click now”. And our call to action. There's very, very limited text here. So we can just say, click here is the best way to go. And then our headline, we're just going to call it entrepreneurs. Or we could say something like free download or free webinars, something to that effect. And you want to leave auto-generate the channel banner, because if we check to upload a custom one, we're not going to get that sweet 30 second grace period before we pay. It's ultimately just going to tell us that we have to pay every single time see, someone sees the video, even if they skip after five seconds. So let's go ahead and leave auto-generated on and we'll click save and continue. And of course I forgot to give the added name. So it's going to be P2 headline one version one, then we'll click save and continue. Now we have our video ad. Now, very easy to take this ad and of course copy it to other ad groups. So I'm just going to go ahead and copy that. I'm going to go back to the campaign level and actually go through what it looks like creating an ad group, using a remarketing audience. So creating an ad group from a remarketing audience, it will work for in-stream and discovery. And so we're going to do is click on audiences, except this time we're going to go to browse and we're going to click on remarketing, how they've interacted with our business, YouTube users, remarketing all viewers is right there. I'm going to go ahead and click that. That's the only setting I want for this campaign. I'm going to set it to 10 cents again and click skip ad creation because I've already created the ad. Save and continue, tell it that it's going to be in-stream. This is an instream campaign. I like making sure that everything's either in-stream or discovery in a campaign. Here's our remarketing for all viewers. And now we can go ahead and drop in our ad, just control V and paste. And just like that, we have our in-stream ad campaign with two different ad groups and the same ad. Again, I really like having one campaign to one ad, even though you don't necessarily have to do that, but I just like it because then I can tell, easily tell what type of targeting option is working with a particular ad. And of course, if you wanted to split test your ads, all you need to do is create a another version of the same ad and upload it here. Or if you want to have two completely separate in-stream ads, you can upload them both. But of course what's going to be the problem with that, is you can't evenly rotate it. So if you have two different in-stream ads, what I actually recommend doing is, going through this process twice. So you do this was once for this ad, and then you do it the exact same way for the other ad. And then that way you can easily control and see which ad is performing the best. Because you control your budget at the campaign level. And just like that, you have everything you need to know, to actually create your campaigns. So if you're still with me on this crazy long tutorial, go ahead and hit that like button. Remember there's that timestamp table of contents to easily skip around. The final part, the home stretch is, what do you do when the traffic actually comes in. And to analyze your campaigns, the best way to do this is to click on columns and then modify columns. And you're going to be able to add all of these custom rows, so you can get additional insights on what's working. I won't go through this now, because it's could be a video in and of itself, but this is where you're going to go to get those special columns that are going to help you figure out which videos are working and which videos aren't. And the columns at minimum I recommend you have, is the percentage played and how many and your display rank last is. Because that's going to be very important and figuring out which audiences are working and which audiences aren't. Which is the final part, the experiment. So the experiment cycle is going to go on until the end of time, because when it comes to YouTube ads, advertising in general, it's never over. So the very first step in the last step of our process here, is making sure that you have all of your tracking installed. This is something that I decided not to include in this particular tutorial, because it was long enough already, but there'll be a link in the description on how to use something called Google tag manager, to make sure that you have remarketing setup on your site. And even if you're only trying to grow your YouTube channel, you want to make sure that all of those tags are on your site, because you're actually going to be able to use those remarketing audiences to help you grow your channel, when you're creating remarketing audiences and trying to send videos to people, who've visited your site. Now, the next step I want to talk about here in the experiment cycle phase is, how to analyze your campaigns. Because at the end of the day, this is great, but now we need to figure out how, what's working, what isn't and what we need to do next in order to make sure that our cost per view continues to go down, our watch times continue to go up. And of course we get subscribers and leads. And so here's a screenshot of a previous campaign that we ran and we're in the audiences section. And we're looking at all the different audiences that were targeted and we're looking at our average cost per view. And then we're looking at our view rate. Now, in this particular instance, there were two audiences that ate up the entire budget for the campaign. This will happen, it's only natural. And what you can see here is, we only spent 20 bucks on it, but you can see the view rate was almost A percent and this was actually pretty good for this account. So what we would do, is we would actually create a new campaign with one ad group that only has business professionals as the targeting. And then we'd create another campaign that only has avid business newsreaders as the targeting, we'd pause these two in this campaign, and then we'd let the budget continue to run. So that the two big audiences, that were eating up all the budget are now taken away. We put them in a different campaign, and then we continue to run this one. And hopefully we get impressions on the smaller ones. So we can start getting some data. And you don't want to do this just at each individual campaign level. You also want to do this across your entire account, because it's very important that you are cognizant of how is a particular audience performing across everywhere, because it might look okay here and it might look okay there. But when you look at all the campaigns, all of a sudden, you're easily going to be able to see hey, you know what? This particular audience is working really well. So looking at all of these audiences in this screenshot, you can see here that we've highlighted avid news business readers, remarketing, and business professionals gave us the best view rate. So here we were just looking at how can we get people to actually start watching the video? You'll see the completion rates are very low. So that means we just don't need to look at them. Let's go ahead and look at 25% and work our way up to the 50% and 75% success rate with getting a higher number of people to actually watch. And you can see here, the average cost per view was just a cent, for a really long video, this was good on discovery. So essentially what we would do is, again, we'd create a separate campaign for each one of these. And I know this seems overly simplistic, but this is really all there is to, it to analyzing YouTube ads, you just, you run the ads and you see, okay, well, which audience is watching the most of the video, even if it's a paltry 3%, that's better than some of the other ones that were less than 1%, right? And finally, I want to leave you with a pro tip, on how you figure out whether or not you're actually on the right track. So sometimes you can be looking and saying, “Wow, you know what? The view rates super low”, but the display rank last is actually going to tell you what Google thinks of your ad. So in this particular screenshot, you're looking at display budget loss versus rank loss. So rank loss, you want the lower the number, the better. And then here, the lower, the budget percentage, the more likely you're going to be able to cut your cost per view bid and still get results. So you want to make sure you're checking out your search ranking because if your display rank last is very high, that means Google doesn't think your ad is relevant. If it's very low, like you're seeing what this budget numbers, that means Google thinks it's relevant. So you can either increase your budget on that campaign. Or you can actually try cutting your cost per view, bid on that campaign. And with that, that's all there is to it to setting up your YouTube ads campaigns. Thank you so much for sticking with me. This has been a crazy, crazy long tutorial. I do want to apologize for some of the audio problems that we had while we were putting this together. But thank you so much for watching. I sincerely hope you have way more information than you would ever need to set up your YouTube ads campaigns. Make sure you hit that like button, subscribe for more digital marketing tactics and strategies, just like the ones covered in this video. And until the next keep building the business you love.
Channel: Jason Whaling
Views: 10,236
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Whaling,, youtube ads tutorial 2019, youtube ads 2019, google ads, youtube ads training, youtube ads cost, how to advertise on youtube 2019, youtube advertising rates, how to put ads on youtube, youtube ads tutorial, youtube ads training course, youtube marketing course, youtube ads strategy, google ads tutorial, youtube ads tutorial for beginners, how to run a youtube ad, how to set up ads on youtube, youtube advertising
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 52sec (3892 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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