$5 YouTube Ads - Accelerate Channel Growth with $5 a Day YouTube Ads

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hey everyone Jason here digital marketing consultant and in this YouTube ads tutorial we're going to be going through a simple five-step process to grow your channel using YouTube discovery ads so this tactic is going to work whether you're at 100 subscribers or you have 5,000 or 6,000 subscribers these are the exact same strategies I personally use to attract over a million views to my channel and blast past that 10,000 subscriber mark so with that let's go ahead and jump into my screen and I'll walk you through exactly how you can use YouTube ads to grow your channel quickly and the very first step to using YouTube ads to promote your channel is creating a channel trailer or tranel promotion and it doesn't have to be fancy you can see an example here that works relatively well it's just a minute and a half video 90 seconds of me talking through why someone should subscribe to the channel and the type of content they can expect and how it's going to benefit them in the long run as an entrepreneur or aspiring digital marketer so for your channel you want to think of why do people watch and just come up with a quick video again it doesn't have to be fancy you can check this one out all it is is me talking in front of the camera and the reason that you want one that's not a usual content video is because your watch time is going to be very very low with YouTube ads so if you take one of your content videos you take one of your normal videos and you start driving traffic to it it's actually gonna hurt your watch time and the organic reach of that video is gonna go way way down so that's why it's important to have a video like this where it's just for your YouTube ads and it's not gonna hurt any of your channel content so I'm gonna go ahead and pause this so once you have that if you're curious about how to structure that or if you're looking for a done-for-you script there's a link in the description to another YouTube ads tutorial that actually goes through my entire process for writing a snidey ii script and so you can just copy paste that for yourself so the next step is to head over to Google Ads dot-com or just search Google Ads and your going to be setting up something called a Google Ads account and this is going to allow you to run YouTube ads so it'll just be connected to your gmail address or if you don't have a business gmail address that actually recommend setting up a separate gmail address just for AdWords sorry not honor where it's Google ads because they changed it now it's just Google ads no more no more Adwords so if you ever see anything about AdWords AdWords Google ads they're the same thing now and once you have that you're going to be able to log into your account and this is step number three where we're actually going to be putting together a campaign so this is what your dashboard will look like of course you won't have any campaigns in here yet you can see I have a lot of campaigns because I am a meticulous tester and I test every little variable which so you can be pretty confident that what I'm sharing with you this is after a few hundred dollars in actually a few thousand dollars in ads spin so we'll go ahead and you'll click on campaigns and then you'll click this big blue cross button to setup your first campaign now there is a process for connecting your channel to your YouTube ads account and so if you're not quite sure how to do that you can just come up here to tools and then you'd click on connected accounts linked accounts and then you can come over here to YouTube and you can click on details and you'll be able to easily connect your YouTube account to your Google Ads account and you can connect your Google your YouTube account to multiple different YouTube ads accounts so you're definitely not locked into the one that you're making now so we're back here at the new campaign we're gonna click custom because we don't want to have a specific goal and we're gonna go ahead and click on video and we'll continue so we're actually gonna be doing discovery ads but I will get to that in a second here it's just gonna load and with a new interface update it's actually very very easy to set up your first campaign which is what we're gonna do right now so the first thing we'll do is we'll go ahead and give our campaign a name I'm just gonna say promotion promotion channel one now with the budget we're doing five dollars a day but we're actually gonna split this across two different campaigns because we want to see which targeting type actually works the best that'll be in the next step just for now let's leave it at daily and we're gonna put it at 250 now delivery method you can have standard or accelerated let's not do accelerated we don't need to get fancy just leave it as normal the start and end dates we can leave these alone YouTube networks world just uncheck Display Network I'm going to go through this relatively fast you want a more in-depth tutorial on each one of these you can check out the link in the description to a 54 minute playlist where video where I go through all of this so languages we're gonna he'll go ahead and just check English for now and of course whatever language you're subscribed your ideal subscriber speaks that's what you're gonna want to go ahead and put in here so for location just target your home country to start like just keep it simple target your home country unless you're being super advanced for some reason and you're targeting multiple countries but definitely just start with start with one country you can always get more complicated in the future and bidding strategy maximum cost per view so that's what CP V stands for cost per view and finally we have inventory type and this is where I differ from a lot of advertisers I click on expanded inventory because if it's an ideal subscriber for me I don't care what they're watching I don't judge subscribers for what they do or do not watch on YouTube I just want to connect with them and show them my awesome content so I'm just gonna click expand it territory if you're doing this for a client you're concerned about branding or whatever you can do these other two but really if you do those other two your cuffs are gonna be higher so just keep that in mind excluded labels we're gonna click on this and we don't want to show up on embedded or live streams or games we want people just watching normal normal things there and we can click on additional settings and this will be devices leave that alone and for frequency capping we're doing discovery ads so there's no need to cap the frequency if we were doing in-stream ads you definitely probably want to cap it at two to three impressions per day just so they aren't seeing your your ad or your face over and over again every time they try to watch a video with discovery ads we'll get to that in a second they have to click on it so it's not as annoying now we've actually finished the campaign that's all we have to do to set up the campaign so now we're gonna go ahead and create our first ad group and I'm just gonna call this a a1 affinity for audience 1 affinity and this is where we're going to get into our targeting so our bidding you we don't need to go more than 5 cent no zero 5 you don't need to go more than 5 or 10 cents when you're starting personally I recommend starting at 5 cents you can always bring the costs up if you're finding that people responding to your ads but Google will spend what you let it have you set it to $0.10 your costs are gonna be higher than if you set it at five cents or three cents popular bid adjustment yeah no no need demographics and audiences so if you are data nerd like myself which you can do is you can go into your YouTube dashboard and you can look at the ages and demographics of the particular people that are already subscribed to you and then you can go ahead and change these here personally I'm just going to leave them alone because I want subscribers I'm not trying to make sales here now content here's where we get into the targeting so this is where you're gonna be spending the majority of your time when it comes to figuring out what type of campaign is going to work to attracting subscribers to your channel so for this particular instance we're actually going to be using audiences so I'm gonna click on audiences here and you have a couple you have in market and affinity because we're looking for subscribers we're going to do affinity in market is going to be more expensive because that's where all the people who are selling stuff they're targeting those so the cost per view is going to be higher so we're gonna go into affinity here and then we just want to look for audiences that Google's already set up for us that represent the type of people we want to target the type of people we think would be good fits for our channel and you don't want to choose more than three so three maximum per ad group you can always if you find more you can always make another ad group inside of this campaign and target some other ones so I'm just going to pause here and choose three and after a quick little search here I have social media enthusiasts avid business news readers and business professionals so these audiences would be good to test trying to find fellow entrepreneurs and digital marketers who'd be interested in this channels content so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave those there and then we can scroll down and this is where we actually create our video ad so I'm gonna go back over here and I'm gonna right click to grab the video url and I'm just going to drop it right in here control V and this is where you get to choose in-stream or discovery so an in-stream ad is one of those ads that pops up and you have the ability to skip it in the first five seconds of the video whereas video discovery ads they show up around YouTube so they'll show up in the search the top of search results they'll show up as a top suggested video and this is what we want because we want to have people clicking on our video and then watching it for a channel trailer because the cost per view is gonna be lower and you're starting a relationship with a subscriber in a more native way to YouTube just think about it for a second if all of your subscribers come off a in-stream video we don't want to start a long term relationship with your subscribers by interrupting something they're trying to watch now after they subscribed or if you're trying to sell a product or service interrupting I'm all for that but when it comes to actually just trying to get subscribers build that initial relationship let's not be as pushy because we're we're thinking about the long term here and your cost of course are going to be cheaper so we're gonna go ahead and do Discovery ad and so here typically I just have the thumbnail and then we'd come up with a little headline and in the description one description to really the first five or six words of the headline is the most important most people aren't reading description and most of your views are going to be coming from mobile which means they're only gonna see the first couple of words in your headline and they're not even going to see the description so really just focus on your headline trying to call out to the type of subscribers that you want so I could say something like attention entrepreneurs or for entrepreneurs only or digital marketing hacks delivered to you daily or something like that it doesn't have to be directly related to the content of your video so we'd go ahead and put in a headline a description and then we go ahead and just name our ad I'm just gonna name this ad number one it's great to number your ad so you you don't lose track and then we go ahead and click Save and continue and once we click Save and continue after 24 to 48 hours our campaign will be reviewed and then it will be live at two dollars and fifty cents a day so definitely make sure you don't just set it and forget it because Google will not give you a refund if your ad just keep running continuously so once you've done all this what's really great is you're actually going to be able to duplicate this campaign so what I want to do now is just show you what you should do with the other 250 because we're doing a $5 a day plan so you'd go through this process pretty much all over again except instead of going to this audiences section we're actually going to go to the placement section and in the placement section you're going to be able to choose channels and specific YouTube videos so here you want to look for three to five specific channels that you think are very similar to yours and you'd add them here so you just add them by URL or channel ID you can you can look that up on YouTube and what's important to note is if you're targeting channels you would not have all of these settings checked so we only want to have a campaign for the audiences Google gives us and then we'll have another campaign for the channels that we want to target and that is the five dollar day YouTube plan the final step step number five is just test test and test so you'll continually go through this process over and over again as you find audiences that work and you find channels that work and of course the ones that don't just go ahead and turn them off it's no big deal and eventually you'll be able to get subscribers for just a couple pennies per view thank you for watching I hope you found this video informative and actionable if you got some value out of it go and hit that like button and then subscribe for more digital marketing tactics and strategies just like the ones covered in this video over on my channel I'm documenting the entire process of what it takes to build a online business from scratch and of course growing your YouTube channel and using YouTube ads is just one small piece of that bigger picture of generating a full time income on line so go ahead and hit that like button subscribe comment below if you have any youtube ads questions and make sure you check out that full 54 minute tutorial everything you need to know about the YouTube ads interface so until the next video keep building the business you love [Music]
Channel: Jason Whaling
Views: 355,552
Rating: 4.9020977 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Whaling, JasonWhaling.com, $5 a day youtube ads, Youtube ads, how to promote your youtube channel using ads, youtube ads cost, youtube ads cost per view, how to start youtube ads, types of youtube ads, youtube ads campaign tutorial, youtube ads campaign, youtube ads tutorial, youtube ads 2018, youtube ads for beginners, youtube ads step-by-step tutorial, youtube ads on a budget
Id: Ho3598JtItc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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