YOU'RE TELEPATHIC And Don't Even Know It — SCIENTIFIC PROOF of Clairvoyance | Dr. Dean Radin

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can you tell us what that means because this is a mind bender of a concept that really blows reality out of the water as we know it some aspect of your awareness most of which is unconscious is spread out in time some of it going into the future if you want to manifest something you don't push it you pull it from the future if you want to do force of will type of experiments or manifestations it's not like you mentally push it into being rather you intend or you affirm that it is already done in the future and now the world will catch up to it [Music] hi everyone welcome back i'm michael sandler your host on inspire nation if you've ever wanted to attract anything into your life then do we have the real magic show for you today i'll be talking with dr dean rayden chief scientist at the institute of noetic sciences author or co-author of over 250 technical and popular articles three dozen book chapters four books now including the award-winning the conscious universe and tangled minds the 2014 silver nautilus book award winner supernormal and his latest another all-time new favorite of mine real magic and that's just what i want to talk with them about today about ancient wisdom modern science and a guide to the secret power of the universe that plus we'll talk about peter venkman and ghostbusters sciquest and synchronicities sheeps and goats eight foot curve balls play-doh and voodoo dolls kissing mules on the snout and what in the world spider-man underwear has to do with anything so welcome to the show dean are you ready to shine i believe i am yes so before we dive right into things and for everybody out there dean is a huge hero of mine for the work that he does when did you realize you've been studying magic from a scientific perspective for 39 or 40 years uh just shortly before i decided to write this book and what flipped that switch from you to realize hey wait this is magic well as an academic you are taught that magic is superstitious it's it's not something that a sober scientist ought to entertain and unfortunately even within parapsychology which is the study of these kinds of phenomena it's within the mold of the academic system so and as evidenced among other things by being a member of the american association for the advancement of science at triple a s so the parapsychological association of which i happen to be president this year uh was elected a member of the aaas because it is a scientific society well scientists and magic don't mix in fact in science the idea that you your your magical thinking you propose a theory and somebody dismisses it as magic that's considered an insult because the connotation of magic is something happens and there's no reason why it happened so the parapsychological association myself most of my colleagues have strongly rejected any affiliation or association with magic because we know that it's a taboo and in fact the the largest book that tells the state of the art of parapsychology today is called the handbook of parasitology for the 21st century it's an update of a book called the handbook of parapsychology that was written in the 1970s and it's a big fat book big big size with lots of articles in it and the word magic doesn't show up in the index so it is taboo on the other hand for many years i've been interested in trying to figure out why has it been so difficult to take psychic phenomena which empirically we're pretty sure that it's a real thing why is it so difficult to get a proper scientific understanding of it and so as i began to dive into that issue i've decided that one of the ways to look for clues was to look for other world views because science is essentially a world view we don't think of it in those terms but it is a way that we view the world and every worldview has blinders and so i wanted to know what are the blinders that are preventing us from seeing what's what's there so i looked decided first to look at the eastern esoteric traditions and that turned into my book supernormal and then the western esoteric traditions which turned into real magic so when you do this this job of going through the esoteric traditions both in the east and the west you immediately bump up into psychic phenomena and you bump up into think the variations that are everything from pretty small stuff like clairvoyance is considered elementary to big stuff like levitation and everything in between i thought okay well that's a good clue because it means that from these other traditions that go all the way back to shamanism so they're at least 10 000 if not longer years old maybe they knew something that we don't know or maybe they don't have the same blinders so in going through that exercise figuring out why was there a belief in magic from these other traditions that are called esoteric because they've been suppressed it became very very clear that magic and psi are are basically exactly the same thing psi is modern terminology for these ancient phenomena and it also then provides a clue as to how do these phenomena work and so my challenge in the book was to figure out then taking the scientific perspective how do we take the clues from the esoteric traditions and make them compatible with the scientific worldview because we can't throw away science it works too well but nevertheless something has to change so the exercise in the book was describing the way i imagined it could change awesome and and i want to dive more into that a few things that come to mind are are first off what is the what is or what are the blinders of science the blinders are that science has been extremely good at studying the objective world it is not very good at studying the subjective world now as a psychologist i would say well no psychology is all about studying the the inner world except it's not exactly true a lot of psychology is about studying behavior it's not exactly the same as behaviorism 50 years ago but still most of it and even in the neurosciences it's all about taking either observable measures or measures that can be objectified like when people fill out a questionnaire but it's not getting at the core and the core in in any kind of subjective experience is the experience itself science does not know how to study consciousness itself and so this gives rise and a kind of a naive reality sense that the world is made out of separate objects and space and time are absolutes and all of the things of classical physics which up until 100 years ago is all we had but now we of course have more modern physics where all of our previous assumptions are basically wrong so we need to think out of the box essentially it's interesting because that out of the box is present in every single known culture since the beginning of known history until 150 years ago and even newton himself practiced magic yeah newton spent a lot more of his time on alchemy than he did on any of his scientific work and that he wasn't even known until about a hundred years ago when the biographers discovered that he had this gigantic cache of additional writings on alchemy that all of the previous biographers ignored and as it turns out that many of the the great scientists throughout history have been interested in esoteric ideas even the founders most of the founders of quantum mechanics were deeply into the vedas into the upanishads so there's kind of a mythology about the way scientists are and how they get their inspirations and how they work and all that the mythology is the person in the white coat who is sober and serious and probably a nerd in all the rest and tightly focused on analytical ways of thinking and certainly some subset of scientists fit into that but a lot of them don't a lot of them are human beings as well and as humans we have all kinds of strange experiences and if you pay attention to those experiences it's very difficult to maintain what amounts to an illusion that we're just absolutely rational all the time and we don't admit that there are other ways of gaining information and if we go back in time we go well on back of time for to one of the founders of we the way we think today also was studying this plato plato pythagoras most of the greek philosophers yeah there's an unbroken thread that goes back as far as we can see the the main difference today is that uh you you go to someone like uh francis bacon who is considered maybe the father of empiricism so that was one of the the the key elements of the development of modern science or the scientific method as we know today well of course he was very interested in esoteric ideas everyone was saturated in these ideas at the time and he even recommended way back when hundreds of years ago that if one wanted to study the force of imagination which is the way he would put it that you could do it by rolling dice and seeing whether your intention would affect the role of dice so in two strokes he had both an experimental method to test what amounts to a kind of magic and the use of statistics to do that so he forsaged by hundreds of years what we are doing today as a means of studying these kinds of phenomena but notice the difference in that when he made that proposal at the time science hadn't created the constraints of strictures that it has now in terms of what you can study so most people don't study these ideas even though the founder of the empirical method said well sure you could study again and it's fascinating because you do study it and and then there are strange things like these articles that come out and like wired that that say well they're completely unrepeatable these studies but we're talking about six sigma results maybe you can share what that means well a six sigma result is uh the the term six sigma is used more in industry than elsewhere but statisticians know what it is too it means that you've reached a level of reliability that the odds against chance are about a billion to one so and and this is not exactly how it's used in an industrial context it's used more in terms of the reliability of a device so if you have like a hard drive and it starts making mistakes people are not going to buy it so you need to have an extremely reliable device well once you get past around six sigma it means that your quality control is so good that the likelihood of making an error is really really small in an experimental context it means that you keep doing experiments again and again and your your confidence that you can assign to the results that you're seeing in these experiments gets bigger and bigger and bigger so a six sigma result is is sufficient to say yeah we think it's really real and by the way in physics the the uh the threshold where you begin to say okay i think we actually found something is five sigma the uh the higgs boson that was found by cern was uh given the nobel prize based on a five sigma result wow so what are some of the experiments that are getting six sigma results and how long have they been going on for there's a number of classes one is telepathy there's a certain type of telepathy experiment that has been done for at least 40 years now it might be almost 50 years uh and repeated thousands of times the the number of experiments is something like 120 but within each experiment there may be 30 or 40 trials so lots and lots of sessions of this particular type of experiment that's over six sigma another is pre-sentiment which is an unconscious form of precognition there are also conscious forms of precognition which also reach the six sigma level um the studies involving random number generators which is a a target for intention to see if you can push the results of these electronic choices like coin flips uh those are six sigma another is a large scale worldwide version of that experiment you call the global consciousness project where you have lots of random number generators around the world and you see if they are correlated with large world events they shouldn't be under the null hypothesis but they do correlate up to seven sigma so those are a couple of examples of experiments that have been repeated again and again one of the reasons they're repeated by the way is simply that if somebody doesn't experiment like i i did one of the early presentment experiments and i got a really good result so good that i had to repeat it again and again because i wasn't sure if it was if i could believe it and can you tell us what what that means because this is a mind-bender of a concept that really blows reality out of the water as we know it represented it yeah oh well all of it blows reality out of the water except that it is reality this is it's not the usual sort of thing that we think about all the time so a presentment experiment is part of a long line of experiments that are using physiological measures for uh for detecting an effect rather than asking somebody to perform a miracle on demand in the laboratory you ask somebody to be psychic on demand many people can't do that they get anxious and then they can't do anything so a physiological based experiment is where we do an experiment where we're recording your heart rate or your skin conductance or your eeg or some aspect of your body which we're we're able to see what's going on in an unconscious level rather than conscious awareness so present them an experiment in its simplest form you would sit down in front of a computer screen we'd wire you up to measure some aspect of your body and then you would press a button and see a blank screen for five seconds then a picture would suddenly pop up well the picture could be very calm or it could be very emotional and then the picture would go away after three seconds and you get a little time to relax and then you do it again you might do this 40 times in one session there are many variations on this idea so the the idea of it is that if some aspect of your awareness extends through time which is precognition then maybe your body begins to feel that before the event unfolds and you can detect that feeling unconsciously through things like a change in your heart rate change in your skin conductance change in pupil dilation change in virtually every aspect of the nervous system in the body so that's the experiment that has been done many times by many labs around the world and overall when you repeat it again and again it shows that a matter of seconds before a randomly selected picture shows up the body is already moving in the direction that it's going to respond so if you're about to see an emotional picture all of the indicators in your body are going into a direction of i'm becoming aroused and if you're about to see a calm picture all of the indicators in your body are remaining calm so we did we did an example of this i was interviewed for cbs news one of the shows and the uh the people the news people always want to see an experiment so i had the uh the way to do that by the way is to have the news correspondent do be a subject not show somebody but have them do it themselves and when you do that it's live on camera and you never know what the results going to be of any given experiment we hope it's good but who knows so this was a version of a presentment experiment using an eye tracker so it you have a laptop computer and there's like a bar at the bottom of of the computer that has two cameras that looks at your eyes and measures pupil dilation we know that when you see something emotional your your pupils dilate so the prediction in this experiment was that before you saw an emotional picture your pupils would also dilate and you're looking at a black screen so there's nothing there to push it by the illumination level and before a comm picture your pupils would remain at some baseline level so we had the correspondent do the test and it came out beautifully she got a statistically significant result in a five-minute test showing that her eyes were where pupils were dilating more before seeing the emotional picture than the com so that was that was a nice outcome but it doesn't always work which is why we have to run many trials and many people and what we're getting isn't what's true on average well what's true on average is that some aspect of your awareness most of which is unconscious is spread out in time some of it going into the future so this particular experiment you can only look about 10 seconds into the future and so limitation of the experimental design other kinds of experiments like remote viewing can look out weeks or months in advance so there doesn't seem to be any limitation in terms of how far one can quote see and can you tell us a little bit about well before we go to remote viewing first off can not only we see forward but are the experiments suggesting that we can affect things backwards when you start thinking hard about the nature of precognition it will make your brain hurt and so i'd i'd recommend people only do it for short periods of time like like 30 seconds and then go do something else the reason that makes your brain hurt is because it suggests that our ordinary way of thinking about causality can be reversed and that's that's a major problem for a lot of reasons a big problem in science is that when we talk about the mechanism of action how does something work what we mean is what are the causal links the quasi-links are always thought to go forward in time and we point to things like the second law of thermodynamics and other ways of thinking about why time only goes seems to go in one direction and it what is probably the case is that the second law of thermodynamics is a special case because time apparently can go backwards in fact maybe there's no time at all it's just an inference that we make based on the sequence of events that we see so the other thing is that at least at the quantum scale we're not so sure yet about the macroscopic world but at the quantum scale the idea of something being precognized or forecast might be exactly the same as influence like it's difficult to tell the difference between influencing something and precognizing something even in these experiments it's difficult so in a presentment experiment it could be that since the pictures are randomly selected immediately before they show up and typically by a truly random number generator maybe somebody gets a sense of i think i want to see an emotional picture now and they influence the random generator and sure enough they get the emotional picture and other times people would say i don't think i want to see an emotional picture and they don't so what's causing what are they getting aroused because the future is going to be a certain way or are they making that future so there is a way to test this idea in these experiments you can use for emotional pictures you can put in pictures that you know people want to see but they will never admit it these are mainly erotic pictures and then you can see whether are they seeing more erotic pictures than you would expect by chance because after all they should be selected randomly like coin flips some people do not everyone but some people get a significantly more number of pictures that they want to see than they should be seeing by chance because we don't see this in everybody we don't know that it's it's a psychokinetic effect in those cases or precognitive that's where it becomes very muddy to try to figure out what's causing what i did report an experiment where i described an experiment in the book where i used a metaphor of pitching a curveball eight foot curve a curveball an eight foot curve yeah normally you can about the maximum is about a foot and a half so if somebody tossed the curb boil and went eight feet how could you explain such a thing and i use that metaphor because it's really about an experiment that is simulating that kind of effect to see when somebody influences a random number generator of which there's a lot of evidence that something like that happens is it due to some kind of precognition like knowing the right time to intervene with the system where are people pushing it some of the evidence suggests that people can push it like your intention causes the effect and others suggest that it's stranger than that so this experiment i won't bother to go through it in detail because it takes too long to describe but the bottom line of that experiment was that people did an experiment with a random generator that got a result which from one perspective you can interpret as they their intention was imposed upon the output of the generator and caused it to behave a certain way but that's not what the analysis of the experiment showed because this was done in a slightly unusual way which allowed you to look at the sequence in time well the sequence in time suggested that the intention started in the future and then it rippled backwards towards the person who had who placed the intention the reason why i reported that experiment in this book is because part of the magical lure is that if you want to do force of will type of experiments or manifestations it's not like you mentally push it into being rather you intend or you affirm that it is already done in the future and now the world will catch up to it this precise way that the world does catch up to it we may not know it may be that you're probabilistically tweaking something in the future and everything else will conspire in such a way as to move towards that future so the nice thing about this idea is that it is experimentally testable that's what that experiment was about and we've done lots of other experiments like that all of them kind of suggesting that if you want to if you want to manifest something you don't push it you pull it from the future can you tell us more about that in fact maybe maybe we'll talk about a few of these here for example let's talk about what's a sigil s-i-g-i-l a sigil is a symbol that stands for an intention so i describe in the book how to make one simple form of sigil but it's really any symbol people are wearing religious symbols and all kinds of symbols all the time you you have a symbol the mala beast yeah so these can be act as reminders of something that you wish to to keep either in the foreground or the background of your mind uh they can also be crafted especially for a particular intention so from a magical practice point of view you would create a sigil for some outcome i want a blue car you can make a sigil for that the once you create the sigil it's typically drawn on a piece of paper or something you you charge it mentally meaning that you focus as much intention as you possibly can and motivation through the symbol so to speak you like cast it upon the world and then you set it aside or you burn the piece of paper or you just get rid of it because very similarly to how you don't push a random number generator you can't push these things by praying constantly it doesn't work that way you you need to create the intention and then release it because the action is taking place at a much deeper unconscious level so you put huge amounts of motivation into the creation and charging of the sigil and then you drop it and in some cases you may remind yourself every so often by putting a piece of paper somewhere that reminds you that it's still in play but you can't focus on it too much because your your surface level analytical mind will get in the way so that's the basic idea of a sigil put a lot of intention on drawing something with the two meanings of draw you are drawing something making a sketch and you are drawing it in a teleological way the same is true for spell casting when for writing magic spell has two meanings you spell a word because the word word like c-a-t is a stander stands in a pointer to a feline somewhere but the the spelling of it the casting of the spell is to take that symbol and make it real so spell casting and spelling in the term and in the sense of becoming a symbol for the thing you wish are both together simply the same way that drawing is this makes me think of egyptian hieroglyphics for some reason maybe although there's plenty of ways that people have learned how to how to uh how to write i mean cuneiform as well which is more abstract uh i suppose i suppose it's possible the hieroglyphics were used in that way because egyptians were heavily steeped in magic of course um but i don't know that's an interesting question i'll look into that to see whether or not they had a sense that the drawing of their images was drawing it into reality i don't know very very very cool i want to dive into some more of these practices before we do there's some very interesting experiments that we can all learn from about sheeps and goats sheeps and goats the sheeps are the believers in esp and the goats are the non-believers in the esp the reason i talk about this in the book is because one of the factors that is said to modulate magic which goes all the way back to shamanism is whether or not you believe in the magic if you don't believe in magic it doesn't work very well if you do it works really well so the sheepgoat experiment was first devised about 70 years ago by a psychologist named gertrude schmeidler who was at the city college of new york and she was interested in esp and she got the idea that maybe one of the reasons that some people are very skeptical about esp is because it just doesn't happen to them well why not well maybe they don't want it to happen so this is a curious case where your intention your psychological filters determine what you see you don't want to see something you won't see it but that doesn't mean it isn't there it just means your attention has been deflected in some way so she devised an experiment where you take a classroom of of students you ask each one of them what do you what do you think about esp and then you can separate them into two two groups one that tends to believe one the tenants not to believe they're the sheep and the goats then you have them take exactly the same esp test and now you look at the results well she found that as she expected that the sheep tend to do positively in these experiments and the goats don't and you can then make a prediction that when you take the results of those two two groups that the comparison between them will be significant in a predictable way so that experiment as i said has been done hundreds of times using many different kinds of experiments but everyone involved in experi in the test in a given test will take the same experiment and there's no doubt that your openness and willingness to believe in in this case an esp modulates whether or not the effect works so in some respects this shouldn't be surprising because we know that expectation drives everything in your experience if you expect that you're going to have a crappy day sure enough things will happen that will reinforce that expectation and vice versa so as your your show is about inspiration essentially if you expect to be inspired you will find all kinds of things that will be inspiring because your your filters are being adjusted in such a way that you can see it because one of the estimates of how much of the world is impinging on you at any given time versus what you're consciously aware of it is roughly a trillion to one there's huge amounts of stuff coming in and we we trickle it down to a very thin slice for what we're aware of so you can adjust that and your world becomes completely different so the same is true for something like esp you don't believe it you're not going to experience it although hopefully even if you don't believe it when your hair goes up on end and you decide to pull the car to the left at the last second you decide whether to believe it or not afterwards well yes they uh unconsciously these phenomena are happening all the time in fact one of my colleagues jim carpenter has this notion that we shouldn't call it the sixth sense we should call the esp the first sense because it is really there all the time the world is is interconnected in very strange ways time may or may not be the way we think it is on and on and on we are constructing the world that we live in and and it's reinforced by what we when we compare notes with other people but you get a bunch of psychics together or mediums their reality is very different than than the average person on the street they will see entities they will feel things and whatever it's only because they're open to it so our unconscious is aware of lots more than we are consciously and it's absolutely true that if you get a an intuitive hit to to do this versus that more than likely you should follow that intuitive hit especially if it comes with a sense of certainty it's an unusual sense of certainty that so one of the definitions of a noetic experience is an intuitive sense that carries with it a conviction that this is true and you don't know why it's it's true but the conviction is an important element so if you get that go with it let's talk about and i want to dive into a bunch of them uh particularly writing in a little bit here but you mentioned the importance of a disciplined meditation practice for helping with magic right so when you look at the factors in magical practice that are that come up again and again and again for thousands of years uh one that we've mentioned already is belief the belief is part of it another is that the magic does not happen at the conscious level you can't simply have a whim about something and expect that that's going to take place it might lead you eventually but but the momentary whim of i want to have those shoes well you just go by in the shoes but it's not going to happen magically the magic happens and this was one of the clues that i was paying attention to it and that ended up writing the book the magic happens at very deep levels of awareness usually below the level of what we think of as surface conscious awareness so magicians call it gnosis g-n-o-s-i-s so the gnosis state is very similar to what a yogi would say as samadhi it's a mystical union state and at that level of awareness there are no distinctions anymore no ordinary distinctions it's a non-dual state so at these levels of gnosis the distinction between you and me has dissolved between now and then has dissolved between objects it all becomes one thing so you could if you wish go into a state of what a yogi might say is ananda it's simply bliss and you can stay there and who wouldn't want to be in bliss but to create to do something in that state is what a yoga yogi would call this the cities you you act within this state of union and the magician does the same thing they go to the state of gnosis you apply a little bit of intention and what would normally be an intention at the surface level where you have a whim about something a whim at the gnosis level can push mountains because it's it's at such a deep level that it is it's the place where for want of a better term the creative spark comes from that emerges from awareness into the physical world so what i'm saying now is is about the lore we don't know this yet from a scientific perspective but as a way of thinking about how can the psychic phenomenon be true that way that level of description starts to become more and more plausible we might go into that a little bit later but the the notion of it is that we try to figure out from a surface level description of reality how psychic phenomena can work how magic can work how the yogic cities can work none of it makes any sense you immediately as a scientist you immediately start thinking about forces and fields and particles and things like that that we're used to dealing with experiments don't work in that sense the the the ability to do these things doesn't work very well in fact i don't think it works at all so we need to start thinking about more comprehensive and more slightly more abstract ways of imagining the world and the magical tradition say it's happening at these deep states of awareness of gnosis so how do you get into gnosis well you probably meditate that's probably the safest way but you could also take psychedelics that will thrust you into it whether you want to or not some people are more comfortable with dancing or drumming or lots of other techniques which are all kind of in the domain of meditation and all of them are designed to push you out of your ordinary state of awareness so that's why when people people want to produce magic because uh they want things to happen or they want to have better control of their life they'll meditate for five minutes and nothing happened well if you're really talented and very lucky and fortunate you might be one of those one in a million people who actually doesn't need to practice we just can do it somehow but for the vast majority of people you need at least a little bit of talent but a lot of practice so i've been meditating for about 40 years i started in 1970 when i was in college and and on and off not continuously but of probably 10 years worth of that i can consider to be time of practice i can count in terms of minutes the amount of time that i would think that i was in a samadhi state or a gnosis state minutes after thousands and thousands of thousands of hours of practice and that's because i clearly am not all that talented in that domain but i can get there with enough practice you can get there and some people as i said are just much more adept and are able to get there a lot quicker thank you there's a practice i teach people automatic writing pro program where we teach people how to go into a meditative state kind of shut off the thinking mind go to that larger c and right from that place maybe we can even talk briefly about some of the common channeling books because going into that quiet place and writing is something that many of the the authors who we think are linear thinkers haha whatever that means may be anything but they're magicians well we're all magicians by virtue of being sentient creatures we we have the same spark that the little sea of consciousness inside your head it's made out of the same stuff as the universal see the big c so if we imagine that that the universe is emerging out of that primordial big c consciousness which is part of the fabric of reality the the scientific challenge is how do we understand how you get start from something as abstract as consciousness and make it emerge into physicality there are as i talk in the book there are people working on that problem from a scientific perspective and not only that from the top tier of science today these are thought leaders in science who are working on that issue they don't they i don't think they they think of it in terms of magic but that is exactly what it is it's all about starting from an informational concept of reality or symbolic or mathematical concept of reality and turning that somehow into the world as it manifests so that that's the leading edge of science and that was actually the other aspect of the book that i'm trying to portray here that we when you have uh concepts that go back to the beginning of recorded history but have been pushed aside because we didn't know what to do with them maybe they're trying to tell us something and maybe science finally is becoming mature enough to be able to look back at that and say well maybe we were a little bit premature to imagine that it was nonsense and maybe it really is such a deep level of understanding about the nature of reality that science needed to mature to get up to the point where it was able to talk about it so i'm hoping the book becomes kind of a a catalyst to to help people think about it in these terms because this is a little bit of deflection from what you were asking but go for it it's a riff one of the reasons why i see uh scientists who really really don't like anything about psychic phenomena and then strongly resist it is because they get the sense that something like precognition cannot be true because because if it's true we have to throw away all of our textbooks and we have to start over again and it doesn't make any sense to which i agree so the challenge is how do you start from this crazy consciousness magic perspective and have it fit in to what we know about science so i came up with something i don't know whether i read it somewhere or it simply dreamt it up or something but it i thought of it and suddenly became perfectly obvious to me that the whole history of science and the whole history of any cosmology that has the people have dreamt up it starts with a core idea and then some things don't fit so you make a little bit more comprehensive and then you keep making it more and more comprehensive so a good example is classical physics which in 1900 was considered absolutely finished until a year later when it completely fell apart and quantum mechanics and relativity started so we didn't throw away classical physics we simply expanded it and saw it as a special case so my proposal then is that our current scientific understanding is a special case of a more comprehensive worldview the more comprehensive worldview is one that imagines that consciousness really is fundamental it's more fundamental than the physical world so that's just an assumption like all everything else in science is assumptions about the way things work but if you take that assumption you simply say that let's just say consciousness is a thing somehow the physical world emerges from it once it has emerged in the physicality as we understand it all of those textbooks are still correct and the chemistry that emerges from that the biology and the neuroscience and so on all of it is right the textbooks don't get thrown away the underlying assumptions on which they sit adds new elements to these so among other things now in physics you will find that conscious intention will slightly tweak bits of physics and it will slightly tweak biology it will slowly tweak everything all the way up just like electrons can be found everywhere in in in this hierarchy of ways of thinking about reality so if you take that assumption and by the way it's not really that different than einstein's assumption that light only goes one one speed that was that's like comes a bolt out of the blue i guess it turns out that the guess was pretty good it's a good it's a good guess and by the same token when max planck came up with the idea of the quanta that that energy only comes in little packets that was not a rational decision it was a guess the guess turned out to be really good so here's another guess the guess is that consciousness permeates everything it's simply a background part of reality and it emerges into physicality and in that one stroke all of the anomalies of psychic phenomena mysticism of magic suddenly are no longer anomalies they're they're things that you can expect and you can test so that's that's my riff on that i like it so let's let's go off of that riff and and one of the things that drives me a little bit batty is this idea that we maybe we can bend or affect things a little bit at the quanta level but not on a more macro level is that just a paradigm that at some point we're probably sort of like watching what is it is it rhonda burns the secret where the the shaman goes ding and you're able to see the wooden ships that all of a sudden we're gonna go ding and this this place changes as we know it yeah our assumption that we can only influence things at the microscopic level is in a sense an affectation it is part of an assumption that is probably you know there's maybe it's okay to do that because it's so small and it's so far away from our everyday life that maybe that's what's happening i i think that's more of a of a baby step in a sense just like you see more and more scientists that are entertaining the idea of pan psychism so pan psychism is still a materialistic concept it's saying that there is matter and energy out there but the matter has this peculiar property of matter being sentient in some way it's a quasi-materialistic or quasi-idealistic step toward the notion of consciousness really being fundamental more fundamental than even than matter itself and energy so maybe we're passing through a time where rather than a paradigm completely breaking overnight which would throw things in the chaos we we take baby steps and we can see cracks forming in the foundation and when enough cracks form then what would seem like overnight actually may take 20 to 50 years for people to get to the idea of saying oh okay all of those things weren't working too well and but now we see that there's some other way of approaching this problem then it flips and it could flip very quickly but it needs a lot of preparation can you tell us about how you personally use this for manifestation or maybe even this great four-part synchronicity compressed so the the four-part synchronicity is referring uh to two people both intending at extremely high levels of focus for a length of time so one of the people was me and the other was another person i wanted to manifest a laboratory of a certain type would cost a lot of money certain kinds of equipment in it and so on and i didn't have it but i wanted it and i was drawing it so i was drawing it and drawing it on a whiteboard in my office the other person wanted to manifest me in the sense that he wanted to contact me or even better to have me show up somehow he didn't know where i was he had no way of contacting me didn't know how to find me but that's what he wanted so he was spending a long time a very intense intention to make me show up somehow and i was trying to pull in a bunch of equipment that i didn't have so to make a long story short uh we ended up with offices right next to each other completely unbeknownst to me that this other person even existed but our offices were next to each other and the wall that had the white board that i was drawing my symbols on the actual equipment was on the other side of the wall and so when i met this guy opened the door he practically passed out from from shock because he was in the process of trying to manifest me and i opened the door and there i was and he had no idea where i was and or how to even to contact me so you can imagine like most synchronicities you you think of somebody and then you see him on the street or something this is a little bit worse than that because this is somebody you have not met before like like pick your favorite celebrity who you're intently focused on and then one day they open the door and they're standing there i mean most people would freak out as this other guy did and then when he told me what was going on i freaked out too because it's we all think we have free will and yet some aspect of this manifestation or synchronistic process is a little bit like like planets orbiting each other they're pulling towards each other so the drawing process or the spell casting process i imagine as a pure speculation that it's something like a gravitational pull it is a kind of force but it forces things in a in a gentle background way so that they come together in just the right way and that's how most synchronicities are experienced that just something some lucky thing happens well that was that was a particularly startling four-part synchronicity which i think the reason why it happened you can cast it into pure coincidence but from a magical perspective i i suspect it was because there were two centers of extremely high intention that happened to be compatible with each other and you could have two things solved in one stroke so the universe may like to solve things easily rather than more difficult and just made it happen if people are listening today and that they want to practice some magic and and everybody who's listening is into the law of attraction is into manifestation is there one tool or place based on your experience and what you've tested and what you've learned you'd recommend they start well meditation because as i said the these kinds of effects happen at deep levels of awareness so you need to practice to become comfortable and to be able to sustain a moments of awareness where you're no longer in your analytical mind you're you're not in like a brain mind anymore you're in some other existence so markers that i use for when i know that i'm down at that level and still aware are either uh the yellow light kind of a light that seems sort of yellow well i don't know it actually has a color to it but it perfuses everything so that's one indicator the other one is the the classic ananda state where it just feels really good in a in a strange way it's not like a sensual feeling but a feeling of stillness that feels good and you want to stay there uh i did i i can't make those happen very well i mean i i can i can do a standard meditation and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't and actually i don't even know why other than i think i'm probably disturbed mind wandering is happening because of things coming up and i can find it difficult to drop that but with enough practice you can anchor yourself into those states and once you learn how to to go in there and stay there that's where magic happens that's where i mean it could still probably happen at the level of the surface because after all if you're drawing a sigil you're you're doing writing magic that's mostly at the level of the conscious awareness but you then if you do it with enough intensity you can kind of push it down you push it into your unconscious and then once it's there it can start bubbling and working what advice would you give parents jessica and my wife the producer out out in aspen right now manifesting drawing toward her what advice would you give parents to help their kids in this kind of era of i want to call it an error of change because i do think the paradigms are being uh supplanted so to speak people are more open things are moving forward here so how do we help parents with their kids in this new era well all i can say is based on my own experience as a child was that my parents were always supportive of whatever my interests were provided that they weren't damaging to me or somebody else and unfortunately i was never interested in damaging myself or damaging anybody else so my parents parents supported well actually when you're young enough you don't know what you're interested in so i i was started on the violin very early and there i do have a talent so i was i was put on the concert violinist track very early on because somebody my teachers and my parents recognized that i was good at it so for a long time that was basically my identity because you know because a kid doesn't know any better but at the same time a parent could also then introduce other things to a child because maybe they're interested in all kinds of things so the more you're exposed to the younger you are the more likely you'll be able to find what your actual passion is and that's the thing that you need to follow so be exposed to many many different things and that will help the child thank you thank you thank you on that note what personally brings you the greatest happiness or what i call the whoo-hoo factor well that's a good question a really good donut a donut would do it as i get older i can't tolerate as much sugar as i used to so having a donut is an unusual situation and i know i'm going to pay for it later but yeah a donut could be really good by the same token a really good latte and a donut double good as you can tell i have simple taste i i don't i don't need large scale things in order to appreciate that i'm alive and reasonably healthy and all the rest i i can't believe i'm going to do this last minute tangent on us but i've got to ask on the donut side of things what does blessed chocolate have to do with anything well in almost every tradition in the world you have people who are blessing water wine and food and so the question is since this goes back way in history like like magical practices do why do they keep doing it so one answer is that they're expressing gratitude for the the animals or the plants that are involved in it another is that they're praying intently that they're not going to get salmonella and get sick and others maybe gratitude to the universe or to god for allowing you to live or something like that so besides those kinds of blessings you also have people giving toast so the toasts are typically with wine or beer or spirits or some type that also is a very ancient practice well why why do people do that so one of the possibilities is and i have chefs who have told me this that their intention and the practice of cooking affects how people respond to the food so if you have a lot of angry people in the kitchen the food is not going to be as good if you have a lot of loving people in the kitchen so we did an experiment with chocolate where the chocolate was blessed by buddhist monks and a mongolian shaman and the blessing was specifically that people who ate that chocolate would feel an elevation in their mood less fatigue and more vigor and then we had identical chocolate which was not blessed and in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial we distributed the blessed and the unblessed chocolate to people had them record their mood over the course of a week and then at the end you can see did it do anything well yeah people with the blessed chocolate reported better mood under double blind conditions so they weren't their expectation wasn't pushing it it apparently was the chocolate that was pushing it we did the same thing with oolong tea in china and then later we did an experiment where we had blessed water used to to hydrate seeds of a little mustard plant and those seeds grew a lot better than the unblessed water so it's part of a long tradition that that substances can be affected by intention as well you may know that in biodynamic gardening the rudolf steiner tradition that the the active intention is a very important part of of growing anything including making wine whatever and of course it's an alchemical process the original form of alchemy recognized that consciousness was a part of the practice and so alchemy astrology and herbalism turned into chemistry astronomy and the pharmaceutical world which have left out the consciousness part so someday we'll be mature enough to actually put it back in and then the world will be different and i love that you brought up rudolph steiner who is the founder of dynamic farming but also of the waldorf schools so when people say we're not into magic we want it it's there it's everywhere so oh yeah the big question is are you blessing your donuts well i don't bless the food too much i i consider it a blessing to be able to have a doughnut so it's like it already carries the the essence of some food some sometimes but actually i've i've learned almost to have a a practice of uh continual gratefulness because i i really do feel uh grateful to be able to do the kind of work that they do and be paid for it so i mean to have your living be play is what could be better than that all right well here's here's uh how do i how would i best put this i wish you donuts thank you i will accept the donut where can people go to find out more to find your beautiful book real magic and what's the importance of them writing a review so you can go to or you can go to dean or you can go to they will all end up in the same place the the reason why any author any book should be reviewed on amazon hopefully a positive review but really any review it should go onto because it's become the one place that people go to to get a hit immediately about whether or not they think they want it we are strongly biased by seeing a bunch of of stars on anything and whether you agree with the amazon model or not the the fact is that that is becoming the de facto place where people go to see whether they want something so i would like this book real magic to become a kind of catalyst which is helping to break the taboo where people are simply able to talk about something that everybody's interested in but find that they are reluctant to this is probably more so in the academic world but you even find it in the general public that people may be fascinated by magic and even using it they want they won't talk about it so i want to break that taboo and so the way you do that is to make ideas go viral and in this case there's a book that explains in in great detail why it is rational this is not faith-based or irrational arguments but simply from a scientific perspective as best as we know today magic is real and as the last line in the book is let's deal with it so come on over to and is that right did i get those three correct if you didn't catch that come on over to and we'll get you over to and and make sure to get your review in before i let you go well two last quick last things first off there's an element of bravery here dean you really stepped forward into this this sounds like such a strong mission such a strong calling that you're actually willing to use that word magic well for people who especially for scientists who are pushing against the status quo it from the outside i can see that it looks like bravery i don't feel it that way so much i'm not a particularly i don't i'm not a big risk taker like i don't climb mountains and stuff for me it feels more like this is the most interesting thing that i know how to do and so i'm pushed by curiosity and if it turns out that you also need to be an iconoclast where you don't care too much about what other people think because you do get a lot of criticism uh i decided that i i can't please everyone in fact if your goal in life is to please people then you should go along with the status quo that that's definitely what you should do i never cared about that very much so maybe because i grew up in an artistic family and and artists are always pushing the limits in terms of of the status quo it's part of what art is about so for me it just feels like a natural thing to do and if it's brave all right but that's not that's not how i'm thinking about it and by the same token if you i mean that one of the things you'd say about a firefighter for example somebody running into a burning building well that's brave and a firefighter kind of knows that but that's not why they're doing it that's what they want to do any last words of wisdom you want to share with people today this has been phenomenal and i want everybody to get your book and because it's just it's important for everything well i hope so but so my final comments would be get a latte and get a donut now i'm not going to say where i go to get those those things but even if you're dealing with you don't want to have too much sugar like like i do all the time occasionally in moderation a latte in a donut could be really nice it's been years since i've had a doughnut dean right so when you choose your donut very important you choose your donut there are some donuts that are just absolutely saturated with sugar i wouldn't recommend those they're very tasty but but then you'll pay a big price those those have k with them typically uh yes so there are other donuts that are more cake-like like an old-fashioned donut those are they feel better because they're not quite as sugary uh but even still you don't want to overdo it so this has to do with law of attraction affirmations calling things in drawing them out we can do the whole show next time on the power of the donut yeah the drawing in of the donut i'm sure it has there's symbolic symbolism in there right it's the oro boris it's the the donut eating itself because yeah there's a whole symbology in there and now if we went actually from a donut almost to a fritter shape we could almost get that that infinite infinity symbol of the of the figure eight doubling back on itself all right now i know what my next book has to be it's it's the magic of donuts that's i'm going to write that down yeah the magic of uh yeah the magic of donut doughnut magic okay all right so for everyone out there this is michael sandler saying be well have fun get real magic and a donut and begin diving into the magic and that donut today [Music] [Applause] what another amazing sacred special interview on that note if you want to dive into something that's sacred and special then you want to dive into awe the automatic writing experience it's a process where you learn how to channel to go quiet put pen to paper and literally get answers from the other side of the veil now you can get our video based program where you can begin learning automatic writing today along with live classes at on that note if you're loving the show then that means you are a mystic so join michael's school of mystics we meet four wednesdays a month simply go to and you can find michael's school of mystics on that note come join us every monday night we have youtube live events and if you want even more than that click the join link come join the inner circle with me you get an uplifting dose of goodness in the inner circle with all of the behind the scenes footage and videos that i make specifically for you we're a podcast too find us on itunes spotify every single place you can get a podcast you can find the inspire nation show click the subscribe button and the bell icon which will notify you with upcoming shows youtube live premieres and here's the link to the next amazing video love you guys so so much big thumbs up leave your comments if you like this shine bright love you guys
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 345,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, dean radin, dr dean radin, real magic dean radin, telepathic ability, scientific proof clairvoyance, power of your mind, neotic science, real magic ancient wisdom modern science, guide to the secret power of the universe, parapsychology, telepathy explained, closer to truth consciousness, ultimate reality of the universe
Id: 6RD1beUYtpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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