These ENERGY CODES will ACTIVATE Your Psychic Powers and Clairvoyance! Cyndi Dale

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is everyone Clairvoyant absolutely everybody is Clairvoyant my beautiful Clairvoyant daughter we are all Clairvoyant and uh she can see her twin sister on the other side of the veil Huna bear where's M Miku right now where's Miku yeah I want to learn some easy steps to get into Clairvoyance starts with just saying I'm willing I think the second step is saying I would like assistance with that because there are invisible beings there's guides you know when I was a little kid I'm I'm like both of your daughters one on this side of the veil and one on the other I had perfect Clairvoyant Vision I could see Angels ultimately we're talk we are talking about Clairvoyance we are talking about our intuitive nature which is our spiritual nature which we can choose to better activate and we can choose how to employ also what are energy codes for Clairvoyance how do we use that in our lives okay I'm going to give the easiest way to access our own energy codes are you ready to shine hold sunlight on your CH to the my spirit shine shine bright [Music] wo hi everyone welcome back I'm Michael Sandler your host on Inspire Nation if you've ever wondered or if you've ever wanted to become psychic or discover your psychic abilities and Clairvoyant abilities then do we have the show for you today I'll be talking with Cindy Dale intuitive healer energy worker and the author of many brother books on energy the shockist and a favorite book of mine awakened Clairvoyant energy and that's just what I want to talk with her about today about how to become psychic open up your Claire's and see Beyond the Veil and with some very specific tools before the end to do just that so welcome back to the show Cindy are you ready to shine I'm ready to shine I'm ready to help everybody shine and see better inside their head and with their eyes too because Clairvoyance or clear scen we can do it with our eyes and we can do it inside of ourselves as well so it begets the question is everyone Clairvoyant absolutely everybody is Clairvoyant and it's really important I think to put The Clairvoyant capability in context of all these other wonderful wonderful intuitive capabilities that we all have as well just in general there's empathic capabilities like sensing in physical body what's happening with with others are feelings or knowing or Spirit or nature there's a verbal capability which is CLA audience and then there's Clairvoyance which is seen but we're all all of these things you know I mean we all know that you know these weren't you know really terribly welcomed gifts probably when we were kids so maybe we had them maybe we shut them down maybe we used them in past lives but we have all the capabilities and apparatus for every single one of those gifts thank you and I think this is is a perfect time is there a chance to bring Hana bear over here right right now calling on a Hana bear is there a way to bring a Hana bear over all right the Claire's are not working there we will get back to that well that's CLA audience we're emphasizing here we go here we go so when we when we were last together I think we were actually at the hospital with Honda bear years ago is is my guess and so this is my beautiful Clairvoyant daughter we all Clairvoyant and she can see her twin sister on the other side of the veil Hana bear where's M Miku right now where's Miku yeah isn't that can you wave to Miku yeah yeah and she plays with you you guys play don't you do you play you play do you play with Miku is she fun yeah she said Miku was fun and so what we understand is every night when she goes to to sleep she plays with Miku all through the night and then plays with us all through the day so oh she has a lovely life doesn't she she's got her best buddy her her sister who's gonna keep growing with her and then you have mommy and daddy and you have your own show and and what we understand is we all have these gifts but somewhere along the line we tend to shut them down unless thank you will you get back to playing now I know she'll be home sure we have all these gifts but we shut them down not because we don't want to use them but we're told they're not real and uh get real get uh what is the term for it we're basically in essence go ahead we're shamed out of it is what and then and then we get scared of them you know when I was a little kid I'm I'm like both of your daughters one on this side of the veil and one on the other I had perfect Clairvoyant Vision I could see angels I mean I remember having tea parties with angels and Archangel Gabriel would sit down and have tea with me and you know we both saw the tea even though it was water you know we knew that it was tea and I also could see what kind of walks on the dark side I could also see these like really strange entities coming in and out of my mother there was like a skinny one and a fat one and when the skinny one came in she'd get really sad when this fat one came in she'd get really angry I wasn't scared of them per se but I knew that what I was seeing with my eyes and what I dreamed at night was very very real I knew what I was hearing you know that other people told me I was making up I knew it was real so I was fortunate that I retained my gifts a little longer than most people um because I just had the innate intelligence to ignore my parents you can't do that in most families this is true fortunately in this case we're supportive she still may choose that but we're supportive but you brought up several very very key points so I wanted to understand a if the veil is Getting Thinner but also this appears I'm using that quote appears to be a time of Greater Darkness what's going on and what does this have to do with what you even saw with your mother as a child it is a Time greater darkness and I'm even drawing from some of the ancient indigenous populations that spoke to this time both in religion and spiritual you know tribal approaches that were in at least the fourth age and consistently each age has gotten darker and worse in the first age the hopes talk about how we had one heart we had one heart that held the teachings of the light and then we developed two hearts we learned to ignore uh the plain plants the animals we chose what was not love we went for power and darkness and evil and so each we've Fallen many many times as a as a people group as a civilization but it's also spoken that there's going to be a thousand years of Peace at some point and we're approaching that potential fifth age but if you are a dark character if I were a dark character you know kind of what would be we'd be doing but sending in more clouds during this time we want to avoid goodness so the dark is rising the dark is rising But but so is the light and it's the light that helps us see it's the help you know kind of that that's present that's going to help each of us awaken these innate gifts because we have to be able to see through the shadows and the clouds that's a higher purpose for these gifts it's not just what should I eat for dinner it's about how am I called to move through the chaos to use my gifts to touch somebody to love somebody to help an animal to listen to the plants you know to help our fellow beings our fellow citizens that's what we're supposed to be doing with our gifts right now so I want to go a couple different directions I want to do a lot of how-to here however before we get to the how-to to me I I'm Optimist isn't the right word I keep using the term bullish so I'll go with that we've got the the bullhorns here I'm very bullish for the future and I'm bullish that the darkness has come in to help the light transcend or Ascend or whatever send word we want to use to a higher level it's like an electron pump positive negative positive negative and if we choose it it will actually help Humanity get someplace even more special absolutely the Sufi path is called The Way of the heart uh they talk about how we have to develop into unification and it doesn't really matter you know how all these self-help books say there's five steps seven steps they say there's 12 who cares maybe there's just one um but they talk about how the first half of every developmental cycle that we're on whether it's in our soul or our body they call them the kns you know like that little negative chatter in our head needs evil needs Darkness it's a contrast it's not a bad thing even though it feels bad and we can choose to do bad because it's so evident that many people get away with it right it's a power trip you know it's a power trip you know to kind of enforce darkness and use it against people and if you think in the bigger point of view and these different theories that the star nations are showing up you know and our own star seed self are being activated you know the dark is rising because it's really a way to ask us and maybe invite us you could even say Force us to choose the light and see differently I'm very bullish too I'm very optimistic I hold the end that I think we're supposed to be holding which creates new beginnings new beginnings again work with the end in mind so I want to go to I want to go to the Inner Eye in just a minute before we do that you brought it up please forgive me gotta go there star Nations what's going on so there's at least 27 cultures and that's an old figure that know that they came from the Stars we were seated from IND there lots of we're indigenous cultures yep in IIA the Hopi the Navajo uh all across Africa the first people in Canada uh and you know decades ago they actually had a meeting and they do annually at this point you know where they gathered together representatives from these people Black Elk was one of the first to participate in it he was Lakota it was the Sue who first organized this to share what they knew about creation to share what they knew about where they came from and to call on those fellows the brothers and the sisters from the sky because we need their assistant right now I believe it's here I mean it's interesting that even the military or at least somebody from the military in America you know is showing up and saying you know this stuff is real I saw spaceships one day I think many of us had there was nothing negative about it I had let a group in Sedona a women's group we were disbanded we all ended after ceremon uh it was dark we all went different ways maybe about an hour later somehow all of our cars converged in the middle of nowhere in the desert we got out of our cars we weren't heading all the same direction and there were three spaceships above and they lowered and I got a message many of us got messages that were really about we're all Brethren we're all sisters we're all here to help lift us up you to do you you could even say Fusion instead of fision I mean that's how they work with their own power that there's an absolute light we all share I'll tell you what's really interesting about that too Michael yeah the next day half of those women said that never happened that we never saw or got that message so the brain has this incredible capacity for ignoring what doesn't suit or fit or what makes us odd or unusual or different and I think we independently and collectively really need to break through that and not be so scared that we're we're entering the War of the Worlds rather than a time of great love and sharing thank you which to me andone you say War the world I go on to Netflix and it recommends all of these different movies where Alien Invasion Alien Invasion Alien Invasion I want to look at the world with the end in mind so I'm not going to click on that button and give a vote for what I do not want energetically instead I'm going to see hey when you bring the program where we're all coming together which is what this time is that's how I'm convinced and and you can call it Just Energy we don't even have to call it I mean I spent so much time on the Navajo reservation decades ago that's the birth story or that's the origin story it it it's as real of an origin story I would say more than many of the the Western stories although okay I'm I'm going to go there it's weird and then let's get to the inner eye you could look at even a story like Moses and a burning Bush and go how did it light how did it go on fire where this booming Voice come from hello you can I do look at it that way there's actually a Book of Enoch that never made the Bible that is a predecessor to understandings of Moses and the real messages that were carried down um that talks about the teachings of the light that came from the stars and the star people and the way I interpret what Moses was talk you know kind of the story about Moses he goes up to the mountain you know he receives you know probably a very simple message about love and taking care of each other comes down people are screwing around he breaks that tablet has to go back yeah and and and and get come up with these other 10 roles so that we can find our way back to work through our second heart which is a dark heart right to come to what's really the true message I mean they're called the teachings of the light that's one of the names in many many cultures they're very simple take care of the land take care of the innocent um there's abundance for everybody you know kind of seek to serve they're very simple and that's that's really kind of where we're trying to go you know there's two creation stories in the Bible I saw that when I was in third grade I have no idea why the pastors couldn't see it in the Lutheran Church one is sort of the dark God you know the war god cre Adam and then we get you know we get Eve and then they get punished and they're banned from the garden which you could even see as being another planet um the second story has Elohim in it a plural God that create humans in their image and if you follow that story there's an equality there's a garden that still exists and we're still in it we're not shut out of it in fact I had an experience years and years ago and I'll I'll summarize it I was drinking diet coke at the time so at first I thought this was because I was drinking too much Diet Coke I'm driving home from my cabin I had gone up to mow the cabin which I found very refreshing you know kind of like oh good I get to take a break in being nature okay it's just Mo mowing I'm driving home and this blinding white light comes in through the windshield and it's God I don't care what word people use but it's like I am God I am love I thought Cindy how much Diet Coke have you been drinking I mean when these magical things happen sometimes we're just very human yes I pull off throw out the diet coke swear off of it which is very very wise yes get back on the car and then I saw this image of Christ behind me it's not a religious experience hanging on a cross coming down from the cross entering my body through the backside I see the whole world through eyes of white so it is Clairvoyant I saw he said this is how I see the world I have the same experience years later in Edinburgh in Scotland I was in a museum that had artifacts from every major religion but that included native Aboriginal Etc and I found the painting it was a Salvador Dolly painting and I stood in front of it I could see all these artifacts right of different approaches to the Oneness and the same thing happened the being came down from the painting entered me and smiled I saw everything in that same sort of fluid light and said see there's so many ways to know the presence and I mean ultimately we're talk we are talking about Clairvoyance we are talking about our intuitive nature which is our spiritual nature which we can choose to better activate and we can choose how to employ also well thank you what and thank you so much for sharing what it what it is to me is it it is it's almost like uh an iasa ceremony or other similar ceremonies where uh once you've taken the Brew or whatever it is the dial is turned on your inner eye to see a world that has always been there but now you're tuning into something else and so it looks like in these experiences you were tuning into a a greater Vision we'll say with the inner eye and I guess that be gets a question what is the inner eye but we're all able maybe not to that full extent but to start to tune in a lot more we can tune in and I think it starts with just saying I'm willing I think the second step is saying I would like assistance with that because there are invisible beings there's guides a large part of my training in Shamanism and Clairvoyance was actually done by my guides so I remember one night they threw me in a in a mouse and they said now be Mouse I'm like wow I have a dirty floor then then they brought me into eagle and said see how you can see and so I had consistent guidance from Guides and I don't even care if people believe in guides or not you can still say help you know help me know help me remember help me activate Etc and and we do have the the apparatus for seeing what however it is we to see in in in the main Clairvoyance is connected typically to what we call the third eye it's connected to the sixth chakra it's in the brow most of us associate that with the pituitary gland and it is about seeing colored images that's my technical definition so when you're dreaming at night in some kind of Technicolor heck even if there's just pink polka doted tigers in your dream right that's Clairvoyance when your eye in everyday life gets drawn to an image that answers a problem that's also Clairvoyance when you're daydreaming and you're not only imagining yourself having a fantasy of winning the lottery but you actually get one of those unbidden images that seems to speak to you that shows you something that's Clairvoyance when you cultivate the gift it works for for you it works through the body it works through the pineal gland it works also the seven chakra it works through the brain but it's like anything there's a muscle so you need to work it and you need to develop it and there's very simple ways to do that too let's talk about the simple ways before we do that one one that comes to mind here and I know this started with me probably decades ago is I would start getting Snippets from popular culture movies or things like that and I go I don't know why but all of a sudden and and this was something I T about last night in our school of Mystics um Harry Met Sally Cafe scene has popped into my head and I certainly wasn't thinking about Harry and Sally in a cafe scene that's how it starts and I think that kind of throws some people as well you know because they'll get something that's from their own memory bank or they'll get something from culture or they'll keep slashing on a book that they read 30 years ago or 10 years ago and they're like that's just my brain well it is the brain but but the brain's part of it it's part of what happens I mean we're just basically made out of subtle fields of light and sound Einstein said it we know that that's true and so the body is just a set of fields of light and sound and 99.999% of all energy which is information that vibrates right is subtle it's the invisible typically in audible stuff so don't think of us as having concrete bodies we're just these moving waves and we conditioned to let in certain frequency bands of light or sound and then through what we call the chakras but through our nervous system as well the central nervous system which includes the brain and the spine you know were able to interpret those fields so why wouldn't the brain just say you know the message you're picking up on it really relates to Harry and Sally so just get that picture or it really relates to uh you know kind of something you went through when you were in second grade I mean when I do sessions on people I always go with what I get as ridiculous in anain or big or scary as it might be because it's the interpretation you know of subtle energies that were able to offer somebody and then they can reinterpret it themselves my very very favorite story is one of the first readings decades ago I ever gave somebody she sat down I really want to pressor the only thing I could see was popcorn she was in to do trauma work and I saw popcorn now I Love Popcorn but that had I I was going this has nothing to do with this woman I see popcorn I couldn't see anything else so I said I see popcorn she started crying because the very last time she saw her father before he left the family for good he took her to the movie and they had popped and you know what she was addicted to popcorn ever since then because it's about her father so who are we to say that an Imaging is you know worthwhile versus worthless they're all pertinent we have to trust trust trust trust so I want my gifts to be online I want help with them and I'm willing to trust thank you so I want to learn some easy steps to get into Clairvoyance maybe this goes along those lines but I have to ask what are energy codes for Clairvoyance so energy codes for Clairvoyance I mean codes is a great word and I'm gonna wax a little geeky for a while all right that's why you're here today Cindy okay good I love it okay so I'm first gonna talk quanta all right we're really in you know spirituality is really into Quantum but but they're also start to show and I mean real science is starting to show that the universe is really just kind of a Quantum intelligence net of quantum codes these are codes that move faster than the speed of light they can also move slower than the speed of light they can blink in and out of existence but the universe stores all data Known Unknown past potential present potential future absolutely everything in geometric schemes and I mean really geeky is not just you Ian which is what we were raised with that's a very male set of geometric platonic uh kind of figures but also non idian which are kind of you know sort of more spicy and feminine all right so this is the universe and there's a study coming out that came out of Russia called wave genetics that also talks about each of us as individuals have our own set of quantum codes that sort of download in preconception maybe they get corrupt as we go through life maybe we don't get them all but at any point we can do a course correction for that and so there are quantum codes energy codes for who we are that help us be all of who we are to include our intuitive cell right their energy codes and that help us align with the universe in the perfect way for us where we can continue to download even more codes to support who we really are what we're here to do and to make Corrections so we can open to more abundance we can open to more Powers we can open to more knowing we can open to connect in even more spiritual Realms or uh planetary figures that have something to give to us so that's that's really how intuition works it's energetic codes we're bringing in codes we're deciphering with the codes that are in us already we want to open to the codes to en en our capabilities and we receive these codes from the universe at all times too that's what we're doing when I had my second nde and now now it takes place regularly in my automatic writing I'm in a creek bed I'm more or less dying racked in pain blah blah blah but I'm also breathing in light and sending out love and so it actually turned into this once I chose to to embody The Experience rather than go through the tunnel um I I I was actually elated I was ecstatic it was awesome even though they freaked out when when the emergency crews got there and there's no blood pressure on me but I felt like I was downloading information after information after information and so what you're saying is in a sense it may have been codes that I was taking in and I what I say about that information is even to this day I call them seeds and the seeds are still starting to germinate what you're saying is the codes are just activating now at the right time each and every one of them absolutely absolutely absolutely and it's a there's a consistent flow between our own non-local field and the universe and there's movement and so different gifts can just pop open at a certain time because it's what needs to be here right now these codes can correct genetics these codes can correct you know emotions I I had a client once work with them with a dog uh years and years ago I had taught some basic techniques and he was like this stuff's pretty flaky whatever yeah it is but it works and his nextd door neighbor said could you just do some of this energy stuff on my dog the dog's name was te te a k uh the dog had been a rescue dog and had bitten like 10 people and they were GNA have to put the dog down I know the dog was also you know obviously emotionally scattered not physically healthy so he said I will work on this dog three times a day the first two times what he did was just send kind of generic uh light you know generic healing energies that are available to us all around dinner time he would send down that same energy through there's called a ninth chakra it's over the head and we all have it and it has it's an access point for these codes one of the many access points but a very strong one he would send that these energies of light down through that ninth chakra into the dog after 3 days his uh neighbor came over and said what what are you doing to my dog at night he goes well I'm just bringing its codes in and you know to help heal him and she goes he just flops over for 20 minutes every night like just in the food bowl in the yard just goes unconscious after a week that dog was completely civil emotionally balanced and physically healthy so we have codes we're supposed to know about them and we need to be open to them as well Clairvoyance is very useful because it can help you see the codes but of course every single one of our chakras can bring in bandwidths of energy and enable the deposit of the codes that we need which also kicks out the energies that are not ours or not useful too thank you so let's start with the basics of how we do Clairvoyance and I think you may have even said there were three steps and then let's go to the codes let's play with the codes some here today as well that's what we want to do all right so we're all going to go through these and I'm going to add a couple really easy steps as well sounds great so so we own it we choose it so what I want everybody to do is focus in the middle of your heart chakra now you're in the middle of your heart chakra sometimes I call this The God Spot I know I'm pushing religious rules and the resistance to them but I want you to conceive of this chance chamber in almost every culture as the place where our own Spirit indwells our Immortal self yeah and whatever it is the higher spirit so I want you to operate in here and just breathe within that chamber all right and know here's the second major action step just make a decision that you're going to interact intuitively as the essence or Spirit The Immortal self you are and have always been which sets up boundaries and enables you to trust you're going to also decide to interconnect with guidance and only the highest guidance and turn this process over to whatever you call Greater Spirit Universe goodness source so this is how we set ourselves up to be intuitive now there's Str streams of energy they're actually called absolute scalar waves scalar waves is really in these days they're streams of energy always present electromagnetic and sound that can do everything move faster than the speed of light they're sort of a carryover from kind of the the from the Oneness they get created when they need them so just request that your own Spirit allows these absolute scaler waves to emanate from this chamber in your heart inside to outside doesn't that feel good and outside to inside to move up and down through your energy system to turn on your intuitive faculties and to wash the apparatus the mechanics of your intuition so truly you are online empathically clar audient and clairvoyantly and there's many many many ways to receive an image or to project an image but here's one really easy one allow your spirit to sort of like bring you up raise you up into what we call the third eye into the middle of your brow and to make way for you so you're literally in the middle of your pituitary gland in your brain in the energetics of light in the chamber of light in the middle of your head and we're again requesting that those absolute scaler waves do a cleaning and opening basically heal you of the fears and the resistance to Imaging some of you may feel a pressure in the head if it gets to be too much just think of your feet ah and breathe deeply then return to this sort of beautiful chamber that is your Crystal Cave in the middle of yourself in your Universal self and then just request to see an IM that your guidance would like you to receive and trust it we just went through the mechanics we have help we said yes now we're trusting the image or Imaging if you need further definition of that image you can actually ask your guides to write a word underneath it I do that all the time or to clear the first image and give you another one and you can also ask that on an ongoing basis the me message you're receiving is made clearer and clearer to you maybe even over the next two to three days that you'll receive more Visions your eye will catch on a billboard or something that's really going to help you understand this message you'll receive dreams so it's not just a oneandone there's a process in relating to our images and the visions and then I really like closing just with gratitude with a thank you thank you to self thank you to guidance thank you to universe and a you know and a resting in gratitude thank you how often do we do this process or is this a a one and done and now we get to practice so I use these same practices you know what I call that Gods spot or the Divine chamber right interconnecting with spirit and Spirit guides asking for these streams I also call them streams of Grace or love and motion I do it myself every morning and every night right because it unifies me in the morning it makes me you know kind of like feel great about the day and be open to receiving messages as I go and at night it calms me down and sets me up for the dream world you know for whatever it is that that I'm to be at night including somebody who's sleeping as well um but you can use this process any time you want to get an Insight an inspiration or a vision now let me say this again this is kind of like my preciseness around Clairvoyance you may get colored images when that happens that's your third eye that's this pituitary brow Center some people go up just a little bit into what we call the seventh chakra sometimes that's called you know kind of the place of the thousand lotuses and you can get images through there too when those come they're black white or gray and those are very useful for making decisions like should I go to this dance I have I don't even know why I'm thinking of a dance I never go to dances but should I go to this dance wow if you perceive white inside of your head that's a yes um if you get gray it's like yeah rethink that if you get more of the darker shade or black it's like that might not be good for you and I like to encourage people to go a step further to not only receive Insight receive you know kind of information that they can work with but you can send energy codes or energy packets to help others as long as you do this spirit Spirit thing like you're thinking of somebody who could use some support you send her in your God Spot in your spirit connect with their Spirit their higher self right all the guides turn this process over and if you get an image of some energy they need go ahead and wish that it goes on these streams of Grace to them because you're not invading you're not forcing you're actually giving them energetically what they could work with and their own Immortal self their own Essence will decide what to let in how to let it in and when to let it in um so we never Force we're not nothing's ever forced on us we have free will but that's a process you can use to also operate with Clairvoyance to help somebody lots of times when I'm working on somebody I can see in their body you know and I'm like oh that muscles off so I do this protocol and I just say you know what would the muscle look like if it were aligned right if the ligament was connected in better right or if the tear was repaired and I'm given an image of it in a healthier way and I literally help project that onto the person right and half the time there's healing or the healing quickens because we're exchanging energy with people all the time and visioning is a very precise way to operate thank you and I I I'd love it if a little bit later you could do a visioning with me and see if you see anything or or if there's there's any anything that comes to you but but way before we do that and we're going to play with energy codes as well um a lot of people today h not too many people but but people have the question all right I'm opening myself up is there anything I need to watch for yes oh no well we started our talk you know we did with Mom and entities and forces and right all these different kind of course there is I mean we're on we're on a planet I call a polarity planet right that doesn't mean it's bad but there's contrasts there's whatever we want to call good there's bad there's light there's dark there's you know there's all kinds of stuff here and and that's electromagnetic energy that's sound you know we're made out of this yinyang kind of energy that we have other energies that were made of two like when I talk about those scaler ways and I call them Absolute we've also seen through science that present in the universe is a type of light called absolute light that casts no Darkness that's what we want to engage with that's our empowerment process is to keep choosing that as well but of course there's interfering beings and entities and forces and you know if you look at the New Testament almost everything Jesus did was casting something out right and and I've done tons of you know Wonderful interactions and trainings with shamans in different places in the world you know and they all talk about entities or you know imps or negativities or spirits that are you know negative or bad or demons yeah all that stuff is real I mean if it's real that there's people that are sort of like that there it's certainly real that there's a lot of Invisibles that are like that and I actually think many addictions are really about that type of interference um Hitler Hitler had a spirit a negative Spirit he called it Providence uh there's a there's a statement from a friend of his who met Hitler when Hitler was 17 who could see that dark being coming in and out of Hitler it saved his life in World War I it said get out of the trenches h did he jumped out everybody else was killed so there are these beings that don't want to be about their own light that don't want to do goodness for whatever reason and they choose to influence especially the living to incite our rage our jealousy our lack of self-worth um our critically self-critically or other critically sorts of words or actions because because it's a it's all energy it's just a way of stealing energy when you don't go be when you're not responsible energetically when you don't go to Nature for your own energy or source for energy you sort of end up trying to steal it from other people now it's part of why I walked us through what I call that Spirit to Spirit technique when you decide you're going to operate as your higher self and only engage with the higher components of all others visible or invisible and turn it over to whatever you call that greatness right you naturally have provided boundaries for yourself and other people and you're bringing in the highest form of you know love and power to help protect you and others as well that makes total sense when I teach automatic writing I have us do a prayer at the beginning that puts us in this bubble of love and light and then you are only accessing that which is for your highest good absolutely thank you well let's play with some energy codes and we're going to double back around to some more I'm going to call it visioning ah oh before we do energy codes you've talked about scalar waves you've talked about absolute light you've talked about strings of Grace that word Grace keeps popping in my head while we're having this discussion ask her about Grace or the energy of Grace what does that mean thank you I love that question well and I'm going to back get up with speaking to having been raised as a white wonderbrad Norwegian Lutheran we heard Grace all the time and we were constantly told we don't deserve it right you're Fallen beings you're no good you don't deserve Grace you need you need a bridge to God you know this and that and the other things so so that was the doctrine right that that be you know I was told was Immortal that is not what Grace is Grace isn't like undeserved love Grace is simply love that is empowered to make a difference that's all it is it's love empowered to make a difference and lots of research with different types of scalar waves are suggesting that these they're like pulses of electromagnetic or sound activity the body itself functions on magnetic scalar waves so do plants you know it's in animals you know that enable cellular regeneration Nicolet Tesla was working with electrical scalar waves that if you have kind of connection points can move energy instantaneously and make it available to everyone instantaneously there are scalar waves coming off of black holes that we don't quite know what to do with because we don't really understand the void right this this sort of collection of all energies um you know these days but I work with um what I call absolute scalar waves which to me are made of that light that casts no Darkness that is Grace that is Grace isn't love Grace isn't love that's really going to make a difference maybe it's going to do something maybe it's just going to leave something the way it is maybe it's going to add maybe it's going to do a course correction for us all of that is always available because the backdrop of absolute light is what we're made of and what really is the fundamental reality of this universe so can you tell me more how we play with I'm picturing because oh my what was it I was hit by a motorcycle U I come back from racing bicycles in Europe got hit by a motorcycle on a bike trail uh wanting to go in front I I said to my friend Joe I'm eating too much dirt down back here let me go in front I got hit by the motorcycle didn't hit him I almost died he died a few years later I think I actually extended his life because I don't know that that was meant for me but I went and took a flashlight of all things and I pictured it as perfect white light and with three and a half weeks I dumbfounded the doctor by sealing up a knee that had been fractured in two to where he looked at the at the calcium and he said this is at least six to 12 months of healing this is not possible by playing with light that's what it is it's absolute light I'm just putting a word on it you know that science has been using because they've seen these twists of light in the UN universe that don't cast Darkness it's reflected in cosmic background radiation and it's all I work with now I do it with I like the word intention there's a lot of good experiments around intention I like even better the word declaration so when I'm going to work with absolute light and direct it for myself Andor to be used for somebody else I declare it I say absolute light you know do what you need to do streams of absolute light get designed formulate to assist do what needs to be done and so it's really near miraculous energy as long as we know about it we get to call it we get to summon it we get to direct it it doesn't mean everything heals like instantaneously but it's darn gonna go faster rather than not as well I was working with a client just three weeks ago and she had seven or eight tumor sites in her body now nothing things don't always work this way that this you know this quickly and you know we did a little bit of emotional work I could Envision each of these tumors I said do you give permission for your guidance you know to apply absolute light I didn't use word scaler waves I mean then you have to explain everything to apply you know this sort of Perfect Light you know to those tumor sites and the causes underneath the cancer she said absolutely clear clear scans clear scans after that absolutely clear scans and because because there's a Consciousness in that light the word Consciousness is so IL defined isn't it you know but there's love in it it's it's almost like it's the direction of Love Like if we're to be loved to the highest degree if we're to share love to the highest degree a miracle is created a miracle by CS Lewis's exorian Theologian um's definition is the appearance of what's supposed to be here that's it you were supposed to stay you know kind of you helped like you're saying you helped your friend you bought him more time but you were supposed to stay you were supposed to heal faster to get on with who you are there's a word that comes to mind and and maybe it's because we live in such a a young based masculine intelligence word right now but the word divine intelligence that this light is pure Divine intelligence and you're sending the intellig in to do the job that's absolutely it and I love the word intelligence that's one of my favorite phrases to define the universe and the bigger than the universe you know is divine intelligence what do we need to know to play with energy codes and how do we use that how do we use that in our lives okay I'm going to give the easiest way to access our own energy codes I'm going to work that way right because it because it's hard for the brain to go o all my energy codes are in this non-local field you know that's sort of like where do I roam to find the field or the universe has everything you know we're supplied we have an energy center a subtle Energy Center I call it the ninth chakra that's not terribly creative is called the over Soul chakra or the luminary chakra you know kind of in South Amica American cultures there's many many names for it um but but this is what I want us to really be acquainted with because it's so useful it's what my client used my student used to heal te the the German Shepherd all right so if we understand again that we're just fields of sound and light the the body proper does not end at the skin we already know that we have a whole biofield there's chakras two strong chakras obvious chakras over the seventh which is at the top of the head connected to the pineal so when you go one step up there's an eighth chakra that's a cool chakra by itself that's the shaman chakra that connects us to our soul and the universe and the akashic records but I'm not stopping there one step over that is this big ball of golden light again I call it the ninth chakra that has all your energy codes in it every energy code you need for this functional reality for this life this body as you go is held within that energy center now when I'm being clar voyant I often see up here the codes now to me they look like symbols maybe uh numbers shapes I can maybe hear sounds uh you know kind of totems uh colors but that's been the research in this Russian wave genetics too that people heal sometimes almost instantly of something when you bring the codes in either through Imaging you know Andor through sound so those are codes those are ways we interpret codes kind of within our physical existence and so the mere Act of deciding you want Grace right whatever you want to call it these absolute scaler waves to kind of bring the codes in the body proper the Energy System your energy field that you need helps you bring those codes in they'll go wherever they need to go they'll do what they need to do it's kind of a form of psychic surgery right without you know kind of having to have somebody kind of dig into your into your tissue because it rep patterns genetics epigenetics it'll repattern emotional uh kind of issues it'll repattern the neurotransmitters that create your thoughts and your feelings so it's not like you just have these little codes floating in they set about creating different patterns rewriting patterns that aren't working for you kind of yeah you know kind of letting the universe recycle whatever it is you're letting go of that's honestly the easiest way to do any healing work of any sort or manifesting like if you're meant to have uh a job let's bring the codes in your energy expression will be I'm ready to be hired I'm going to be a great employee so when we have the two sides of the universe we have healing letting go of what's not working and manifesting bringing in what's needed those codes accomplish both you've thrown a you've flipped some tumblers in me which is is is fascinating because I teach a lot of this stuff but you've just taken it to a really new level on one understanding and so I I I cannot thank you enough so um I'm going to try to put these pieces together quickly um when I'm speaking with you when I'm speaking with any guest uh I have my little prayer Stone from Sedona and and I'm going I send love I send love now when I was in Sedona last time for a movie festival a few years ago um I did a uh an aura reading local Crystal shop did an AA reading they said you've got this beautiful Indigo purpless Aura you're a Healer you're a giver they said you need to watch that you're giving too much they said you need to be careful that you're giving too much and so that popped in so I watch for things to pop in particularly when I'm speaking with with you Sindy because because there's something about your field and all of a sudden things things are popping for me and so I'm wait wait I send love I send love wait a second um uh are you replenishing Michael now I do know that love is the ultimate renewable resource but I'm going wait a second she's talking about light coach she's talking about bring him in and then I go back to my second near-death experience where the whole reason reason that I lived I chose to live and and and that was my intention that was set or Declaration however as I'm laying there in the creek bed I said what is the most powerful energy that I can call in and I look up and and it was the most brilliant sunshine I'm convinced at this point it was the sunshine of Le Tahoe maybe it wasn't but I'm said I'm going to breathe in light hello and I'm going to send out love and all of a sudden as I thought that I'm like breathe in light taking the codes send out love Tak in the codes send out love and it feels different Cindy I love that and that is breathing in those codes of light that again may be of any color white light has every color in it I mean we we know that so you are breathing in those codes of love for yourself sending out love but you're making that really important point about replenishing ourselves you know bringing in and doing that on a constant basis be aware of that you know to take care of ourselves I'm very careful about that in my own life I'll only work so much you know I'll only give out so much and then I'll just very human I'll binge F you know binge Netflix or I'll go for a walk with nature I have three animals and they each need to be walked including the cat to be honest very cool I know he's like a super cool cat he'll probably appear sometime in here um you know but so we can breathe in you know nature light we can bring in Supernatural light it's all coming from the same Source you know which is the goodness that actually is as well and so knowing we have a third chakra is kind of having a lever like a shortcut to being able to bring in the codes that we need and you know the physical body is primed for that there's been some studies I call them Enlightenment studies that show that some of our glands and our organs and our tissue change upon so-called Enlightenment which is a process it's not a oneandone okay um but but we have they look like little adrenal glands up in the brain called the cadate nuclei and when we reach a certain level of being I think willing to be the spirit we are like in an embodied way those that gland starts creating different hormones different types of DMT we have a little nodule in the back of the neck kind of right here the Hindus called it the Brahma rondra but until we're about two or3 produces a type of DMT sum called metaton that let little kids like your daughter have metatronic experiences the melanin in our skin is able to bring in light neuromelanin which is more spinal and melanin which is like the skin brings in light and can convert it so the body can use it so we turn into a literal enlightened being when we're alive and all the ancient scripture talk about this potentiality the Hindus talk about this golden nectar huh ninth chakra golden energy coming in right you know that enables the body to continually purify itself and turn on what the Hindus call the CD the CDs s d d h i s superpowers we all have gifts we don't even know we have because they haven't turned on yet how important is it because now we're talking about sitting and taking in this light but I keep coming back I keep hearing Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature how important is it that we are literally bathing in it doesn't matter if overcast like we're literally bathing in light outdoor light real in quotes light critical I think it's absolutely essential um because we're made out of different kinds of light and in a overs simplistic scientific way we could talk about polarity light which is electrons um you know protons positive and negatively charge particles NE neutral wave particles um we've got this absolute light we've been talking about this sort of like a Heavenly light that we're also of and made of and generate there's a virtual light which are quantum fluctuations which are possibilities those kind of bridge the absolute and the everyday kind of energy that the body's made out of nature I believe has all of that light all of that but it is also polarity light which the body's made out of you have to regenerate your electromagnetic activity it creates those magnetic scalar waves in the body that we've been researching that lead to Cellular regeneration and healthiness uh so I think nature light works on all levels but definitely it's sort of like plugging into a battery for the electrical the magnetic the EMF and the sound energy that we need both Quantum and you know more measurable too I I can't not do nature I mean if I don't go outside I'm sort of like depressed frankly I've got this this pink bike next to me I mentioned it before the show that I can use for indoor training and a lot of people get really uh hooked with this uh virtual world and and and more power to them and being able to race in this world and being pushed I can only do a tiny bit of it and I need to go outside because and and I want to get to what you just said about sound I am taking in so much information that I can't take in on a video screen writing and that to me is important as important as the workout absolutely I completely agree because it's all about the exchange of energy and the renewal of the energy you know that's going to ramp us up and the letting go of kind of the stale energy if you would that we finished up with and my favorite thing to do right now for healing um and I've got a little bit of a sinus code I'll wait till tomorrow but I'll go and do it again is I'm in Northern Florida the water is still cold but it's not cold compared to uh New England right now for instance um but I'll go for an ocean water swim because that energy heals it's profound it resets the nervous system everything calms we down it does and they talk about scientists talk about moving water as generating negative ions versus positive it's a positive that makes us kind of sticky right and and shut down moving water especially saline water right salt water generates lots of negative ions trees do the same thing so we're being scientifically accurate by walking on the beach or going in the water or being near a tree I mean it's we're feeding ourselves we're nourishing ourselves and you know it's an old Maxum but it's so true I raised both my sons to know this is true like you have to nourish your yourself because otherwise there ain't nothing to give out Amen to that why is it I can put my hand on a tree and I believe everybody else can too and you start to see things or you start to see the world from a different perspective isn't it exciting it's so interesting trees are their own sentient beings you know and we could go wax poetic about this on many different levels and we know that tree beds you know tree areas frequently are interconnected with myum or mushrooms you know that are underneath the ground that are helping every tree is connected and I and they they also communicate with plants you know that are in their vicinity as well and you know if you even think of the tree as a symbol it's a universal symbol I want to do a book on the Tree of Life sometime because it's a symbol that's in absolutely every culture it actually ties back to those teachings of the light that we talked about in the beginning you know how are we to live they actually talk about in some of This Book of Enoch Etc Moses sort of stuff the aines and the gnostics you know talk about that tree as the symbol of the mother of the unifier you know of what's interconnecting us I knew that when I was a kid I mean it was like I was never happier than when I we live near a swamp I would go in the swamp I would you know hug a tree literally hug a tree I was just a kid like second grade you know sit under the tree get Visions from the tree I was one of those kids who got Visions from rocks too I I took I took a group to Calo uh in Massachusetts years ago l a retreat there and I had all of these linear is it linear right brain thinkers and and and I got them if I get my sides in my brain right because clearly I'm but but I I goof that up too I had them all you know the doctors lawyers you name it hugging trees and when they said you can stop now they didn't want to do you know I'm going to recommend a series of books for people interested in that um meline leangle l apostrophe Engle NG GLE e wrinkle and time Young Adult Book it's a Trilogy and there's even a fourth book which doesn't qualify as a Trilogy um and it's about the basic nature it's about stars it's about angels it's about our genetics it's got trees in it that communicate and hold the pattern she talks about how there's a pattern a Divine blueprint that we're to adhere to and how we're able to do that very simple education very accurate I think about what we're talking about thank you so you can do this briefly you can do this not at all you can you can do whatever but is there a reading that I I I love going there and keking out with this because the audience loves following Along on our journey in Han and everything is there a reading you want to do or anything that you see and if not it's totally I do I see something I saw like a few minutes ago all right and I think this is like a really good sharing because it's very simple and so sometimes people think they're going to get this big melodious message or or they have to unpack like the basics of a picture book in order to get a statement I saw a very clear image now I'm going to explain it I I did Spirit to Spirit I asked for what is appropriate to be able to share with you I'm I'm also believing this is going to be delivered to you so there's actually kind of an innate healing or inspiration that's going to come with this so it was almost like it was taken to the back side of your neck that I mean I was like flipped around can you feel me back there Mass that's what I need to learn is that art right and it was like and I'm still back there right now I'm in my body but but you can move your eyes around all right those inner eyes and I'm looking at the right side of your neck it's a little cramped back there you know that muscle in there and there's this beautiful like Indigo purple lavender very shiny iridescent energy that for some reason or another has been blocked from entering your system you know until now and I'm I'm seeing it kind of coming from the right side of you which means that you've actively used this inspirational energy before in other lifetimes in this lifetime and I feel like it's supposed to come all the way around enter solidly through the middle of your neck open up that Brahma rondra for you it's going to clear your sinuses by the way I can take that so I'm doing Spirit to Spirit and I'm asking for all that to get delivered for you with Grace with love and motion to come up and down and I feel the swirl of it is actually activating what we sometimes called Lambda brain waves which are very very high that automatically uh bring us into a guru state if you would very aware but also Guru State and heal old issues old trauma and then with that expansion my sense is there's a hand like I just want to call it the hand of the universe like above your ninth chakra bringing even more codes down for you you have more books to write right we're we're in writing right now I can tell you are this is all I want to do I can tell you more books to write like I'm almost seeing books coming in like messages statements books flow I just feel them flowing through and and from you like fingertips at them and and I'm going share a little bit of a Clairvoyance some times we do futurism it's a potential that you could choose it's a high probability if you want to do this I mean Zoom is great isn't it great because we can sit in our worlds and our basements I'm in my basement right with a cat walking around um but I have a feeling there's a capability that you have that's going to expand where literally you could be as if you're in front of an audience and just the equivalent Michael of saying just heal just shift I don't have the right word and people will it's sort of like that good oldfashioned fall of the holy spirit that capability is inside of you I do that so far I don't do that to the extent you're saying I don't believe now my students might disagree with me there I have a feeling you do do it already but I do it in I do it in clearing work and I will do massive remote group abs clearings and it works and I can't tell you at all how it works why it works it just works you have it and it's being intensified it's being intensified and some of this whatever color energy that's kind of coming in with you and for you when it comes in the back of the neck that way it actually illuminates those different types of hormones we're talking about for for more metaconsciousness you have a lot of that already I mean you don't even really need it increased but it lets the body self-heal also so that's wonderful right that those that immune apparatus because we're still really physical but the the basic immune systems you know work um automatically for us that's just turned up for you now thank you thank you thank youo thank you I have I have dual personalities we all do but but but I wear this this hat here and I also wear the the Hat of the the racer um and so like last year I was on Team USA for triathlon and this year I want to win a National Championships and and and just out of fun I don't need to beat anybody but that hat is going oh goodie that's the body part that's the muscles right that's where I mean there can be even more you know kinetic flow you know kind of chain from up you know what we want to put on this is kind of fun let's let's have the dial speed on this one I I mean I'm sure many of of us heard stories that people when they go into this certain kind of space uh and they did this in ancient tribal times and even now kind of constantly What's called the analog neurological system it's our deeper intuitive system turns on and we automatically take in energy from nature we automatically go into flow let's turn on more for you because that's like like the Brazilian tribes people running 90 miles in a day without eating let's just turn that on more for you and anybody anybody who wants that because then you don't set goals all right go in your God Spot you said then you don't set goals you don't set goals you make dreams you do dreams not goals right because goals are like they're reductionistic right it's like you just want to run your best you want to work do your best you you want that Championship feeling and the joy of it I don't have the right words but those will work all right so any of us go into the Divine chamber within the center of the heart oh now that's going to mean more because when you open from there so does your own Spirit which has unlimited capacities and contacts you are going to be relating to the kind of spirits Dead or Alive who already know how to bring about these kind of physical achievements and Flow we ask for whatever you call Source to move even more energy into the body proper and down through the ninth chakra to code slash recode the physical body for that I'm going to use my term the analog the dream time flow where you're not limited there's no limits it it by measurements there's no limits and you're literally tuning in the body for that and we don't have to close a process like this it just keeps interacting we just go forward and it keeps interacting for us how does that feel how do you feel Michael oh goody it it was the experience of the nde without the pain download want the downloads download we're calling them codes but I'm getting that and I can sense that and I can feel that but there's a Stillness of water in it rather than um what I experienced a long time ago there's a Stillness of the water exactly and it and it's just alleviating sort of our programming that causes resistance I mean I don't think when we're born we go I'm going to have to be limited wa like what you're going to do what to me that's the new job exactly no they are I know I see it with my kids too it's pretty cool you know and so the the body's just part of the entire universe so of course it can bring in the energetics it needs you know for those dreams you know to manifest those dreams too little ones you know even sure that I've ever developed this capability for cooking because it's not that edible but I don't really care about that either a few more questions before we start to to wind things down here um time periods can we develop the ability to see you call it back site current site future sight to see in in all of these ways absolutely yep and you can remain in your body to do it you know can certainly travel they call it astral travel or remote viewing or kind of journeying or different terms absolutely and sometimes that's just a matter of practicing so I'm going to give everybody one more really simple way to develop their Clairvoyant how to keep it going um so it's you do it in your everyday life a few times a week just hold an object it doesn't matter here's my lipstick just hold an object so this is training the site look at the object close your eyes and revision the object that's going to get you internally kind of creating your capabilities of having Vision so we practice that way what does it mean to re-envision it's like look at the picture close your eyes and picture it in your mind's eye picture Cindy's lipstick in your mind's eye for some people that's hard because we have to train our Clairvoyant to get images and to hold them long enough that we can observe them and then what we do is start playing with the image we're holding in our mind we turn it different colors so we turn it purple we turn it gold we turn the lipstick into eyes Shadow you guys may not be into eyeshadow but I am so we're just going to go there so we have to start increasing our ability to have mechanics of internal vision and then you can take something as lucer and silly as this image of the lipstick and ask for your inner mind to perceive it for your guides to give you an Imaging right of where that was laying before Cindy picked it up so that's back site what's in history we ask for an image of all the lipstick she owns that's present site we're expanding our Viewpoint we asked to get an image of what it looks like when the lipstick is going to be open the tube is going to be opened and applied and you know what we've done we've done back site we've done present site we've expanded what's in the present we've done future site very simply it doesn't need to be complicated then we can add other tools to it too I mean this is where like when I was working with you I literally went to the back side of your neck because that's when I was directed right you know we can get an image and open the frame so we make the image bigger or we make it smaller or we look from on top below or underneath and up we can do point of view which is I want to be the lipstick that's a really ridiculous thing to be but I want to be the lipstick I want be the Frog I want to be the rock or we move our Imaging around or we imagine we're omniscient and we can see everything that's really happening you know I'm not doing Justice to these tools but sometimes why people's Clairvoyance gets kind of stuck is they don't realize that there's mechanics involved and those are some of the mechanics I have all those in my awaken Clairvoyance book too so people can use them as well um but we we do have to practice and enhance our skills too thank you I call it snow globing to look at it from every perspective there's a happy shark in here somewhere but he's facing me there we go snow glob right or or a Picasso cubism you take different reference points right so you can develop that ability to I like that a couple last questions then I want to know where people can go to find your work and to find your books um how do we know and and forgive me I'm leading the witness on this that we're not just imagining things I'm going to put that in quotes right so we go back to one of my third rules which is trust you know what I do it's very simple what I do is I ask myself the question would I make this up would I come up with this right and if I am imagining myself winning the lottery and I say yes I would make that up that's a different thing than receiving a real Clairvoyant Vision that's fantasy that's imagination that's super those are tools for Clairvoyance but it doesn't mean they're accurate and concrete and respectable images you know but a question like that what do I make this off you know if you go no it's a solid image it's like you're receiving it and it has meaning that's the simple way I do it excellent so where can people go Cindy to find all your work your programs everything that you have to offer simple simple simple my website Cindy spelled weird Cy n one place one me thank you what's most thank you so so much what's most in interesting to you about the world today or about energy today or anything you know I I'm going to answer and it will be truthful I love the generations coming up I am fascinated as you are too I know by these upcoming Generations every time there's a baby born every time I see up and through and it certainly can be we older people too that's great I'm an older person um but every time I see you know kind of somebody so-called younger you know Millennial downward you know kind of taking a stand and shining and creating I feel enthused I think we have souls coming in from all over the place you know different places different planets different experiences you know kind of from a good place with one heart that's what I'm very very cool with I'm really down with that woohoo so you see the world then hm it's a if we choose it it's on a Divine upward trajectory absolutely quick story I had a 12-year-old boy his mother brought him in he's sitting across from me he's a geek he's a science nerd you know big black glasses didn't want to talk I said what do you want me to look at and he goes I don't know and so I just saw this little purple girl I saw this little purple girl girl fling floating around him and I said well I see this little purple girl and it looks like she sits next to you and talks to you he looked at his mother and he said you told she said no I didn't and he goes well that's who communicates with me you know this beautiful Little ET girl and the image I got next was this young boy in a circle with beings from all over they're holding hands there's this beautiful white light in the image unifying them to bring about what we're calling this more absolute reality he looked at me and he goes well then who am I and I said you're an X-Man here's to the X-Men I know he was that is super cool I think here's to the ex people that's what we're doing wooo any last words of wisdom you want to share with people today Cindy no just go be your own expers I love it just go do it just go do it we got it I'm excited oh forgive me everybody so for everyone out there this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun become your own X-Men and discover your Clairvoyant gifts today and above and beyond else shine bright woohoo how does it get any better than this this was awesome Cindy thank you for just letting this happen today I think it was great I think with all the communication stuff it was super you go recover you go rest you recover you go to bed yeah go go collapse go go give yourself a break thank you Michael lots of dream time thanks bye bye say hi to Jessica too okay do thank you so much love so so so much love bye wow wow wow what a beautiful timely important Clairvoyant download those codes interview with Cindy Dale how does it get any better than this well if if you want a daily dose of attuning goodness meaning shifting your vibration each and every day simply sign up for my daily Attunement at Daily woohoo. comom that's that link down below daily woohoo. comom if you want to communicate with the other side of the ve take things to Next Level come to automatic that's that next link down below and if you want to work with a group of like-minded individuals and take your energy up up up and way up so that you're at the level of the mystics so you're up above the mountain so that you're soaring high and able to see the world from a completely different perspective and play with energy energy energy and energy come join us with the school of Mystics recording in case you can't make it or live four Wednesdays each month here's the link down below for that here's the link to the next amazing show on that note I love you guys so so much and keep on shining bright woohoo how does it get any better than this lots of love [Music] everyone
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
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Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, michael sandler inspire nation youtube
Id: tt-2Mn35BgM
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Length: 83min 39sec (5019 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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