Dr. Dean Radin - SCIENTIST explains Meditation Technique to MANIFEST anything YOU want

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the way of will John so the thing in meditation it's slightly different in that you want to get to a point where you're not trying to do anything right so you when you know if you think about the act of concentrating that requires a certain amount of effort because you have it's not easy to pull down your concentration and focus on one thing if we try to do that it's it's self-defeating within a meditative state so there it's it's like Yoda said there there is no try there is do or not do so you get to that strange internal state of effortless striving you are concentrating but with no effort at all and it takes a while to figure out what that even means but nevertheless that that's where you're going and then it becomes a completely effortless task but it could have extremely high concentration at the same time so that's quite different than every day sure way of being yeah so you once you learn how to do that within a meditative State you have this effortless driving High Focus you then put a an intentional spin on it which is I I want this again with no effort and no anxiety which is not easy to do but but those those are the states within magical traditions for example of how do I how do I affirm something that will actually be more likely to occur it's not guaranteed to occur but you can increase the probability of it that's what we see in these experiments you increase the probability of a certain outcome through focused attention without anxiety plus an intentional I think of it as a spin like the like the intention itself is like a stable laser beam it's just there it doesn't do anything but if you spin it you're now making it do something I see I see it makes a I mean we've been hearing things like this from the Ancients and from different stuff and from different books different texts for many many years uh which is perfect because it leads me to my next question about something that I'm sure you've encountered or I know you have at least to a certain degree the Dogma that exists within the current Paradigm for uh the mentality that we have within Society obviously one which is rather materialistic in its in its nature in the sense that the materialist worldview let's say uh is the dominating worldview uh of today why is it that I'm of the sense of you obviously you're not saying you know all the answers you don't know what it is but you you clearly feel that it's something that needs to be researched and that's what you're doing I'm of the same sense is that it would appear that something beyond what we truly understand is going on but we tend to kind of shy away from it and I'm curious if you know why that is or if we are going to and I do feel as if even in these times that I in those past 10 years it does feel like it's shifting to a point where we're discussing it more and there's more avenues for someone to get into it but I'm curious if you know are we going to get to the point where we are openly speaking about this as if or and it's very possible that governments and obviously in other classified programs they are acting as if it's a norm you know if it's normal and it possibly it was for you in the remote viewing uh world where it's this is a fact and it's not a fact for the majority of the world I think we have a tendency to say yeah that could be something but I would imagine our world would entirely change and flip upside down if everyone had a true understanding of what the mind is capable of doing even on a small you know infinitesimally small level what that means is how you can affect your world and what you can do and and what sort of Technology we might even try to create to amplify which is going to be another one of my questions but I'll stick with the dog my question first before I I go into is there a way to amplify this with technology and have we done so uh you know so yeah right so given uh that these kinds of experiences are very common given that belief is uh the majority of people in the world believe in one or more of these kinds of phenomena including scientists and Engineers they also have a majority belief then why is this not covered in the 15 000 institutions of Higher Learning around the world there's roughly 30 or 40 universities where there's a faculty member who's interested but that's out of millions and millions of Faculty members most of whom might privately believe but they've been taught not to talk about it so well why is that well one reason is that some religions say this is the work of the devil and so you ignore it for that reason there's pressure applied to not do this other religions say this is great but it's religion and it's not science and Science and religion are not very comfortable partners with each other so in the academic world generally even people who are historians of religion were Scholars of religion they would never almost never some do but most would not not talk about the religious psychic events that happen like the Bible is a is a listing it's a taxonomy of different kinds of psychic things very few would be willing to say this was actually real this is how it really worked even today Scholars of uh of ancient yogic practices would look at potentially as yoga sutras and say oh well no he wasn't really talking about real telepathy and real pre-cut he was talking about it in a metaphorical or an allegorical State because nobody believes in that stuff well that comes about because of the prevailing idea the world view held by most educated people in the world today which is materialism which is extremely successful as a way of understanding reality I mean it says that everything is based on matter and energy including your brain including your mind including Consciousness itself so if that is true if that is that's all there is it's just material in the bottom it's Randomness and there's no meaning or purpose for anything then these kinds of phenomena that we're talking about are impossible literally it cannot occur that's what people are taught like anyone who considers themselves educated today goes through uh school for 20 years and then maybe they go on to higher education and that's what they're taught continually not usually by saying it in the in this way they're taught this principle or a way of viewing reality and it's very difficult for people to argue against it except for their own experience and that doesn't count so so we end up with this this world view and we've we've gone through many World Views in history this one's particularly powerful because it gives us the technologies that that tell us that obviously these things work right we couldn't do this interview unless it worked sure so so what I what I try to then paint is a picture of what amounts to the philosophy of science without calling it that because I would scare people away the philosophy of Sciences and like any philosophy is about the assumptions underlying a way of viewing reality within the academic world today the assumption is the Consciousness we don't really know what it is but it's probably something produced by the brain in which case it's completely limited to your ordinary senses our view of reality is produced by local senses in your body that makes telepathy and Clairvoyance and all the rest not possible but since we know that it is possible it means that some elements of our worldview today based on materialism are simply wrong and so the reason why I wrote the book super normal and then wrote the book real magic was to look at other World Views that have been around for tens of thousands of years we call them esoteric now as compared to materialism and within the esoteric worldviews all of these phenomena we're talking about now are easy to understand normal because that's the way the world is so I think what's happening is science as a method is really powerful and it's slowly moving in the direction of saying oh well okay the world is not the way that Newton was describing it's not even the way that we understood at the beginning of the 20th century but over the course from the 20th over that hundred year period our understanding of what material meant radically changed as did our understanding of space and time and all of these very fundamental things they're totally different than they were 100 years ago and more importantly they're different in the direction that make them more and more compatible with the experiences that we're talking about so science is not finished and physics is certainly not finished and if you keep going on that Arrow I think we'll eventually begin to converge more and more with some elements of the esoteric traditions and the way we're going to do that I I would predict then is that there's something about Consciousness which is way more important than we had previously thought it is not part of physics today but I think in the future it will be
Channel: The11thCommandment
Views: 6,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dean radin, science vs religion, science vs faith, spirituality and science, science, spirituality, psi, psychic, mindfulness, magic, consciousness, will john, will john podcast, the way of will john, Joe Rogan Experience, How to Manifest, Billy Carson, Dr. Dean Radin, Real Magic, How to Meditate, Ancient Meditation Technique, Matt lecroix, Learn meditation, Science and Meditation, Easy Meditation Technique, Meditation Benefits, The Secret, Law of Attraction, Neville Goddard
Id: IbdyJPKZF2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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