Mother.. Mommy is VERY hungry and her kids are on the menu

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oh no what the heck what is with these games having the coolest openings ever [Music] welcome my scrubs to a game called mother do you remember the child pretty reasonable there she is there's the mother hi mother uh so recently we played a game called the child and it was amazing uh i don't think i got the best ending you guys told me but hopefully i can make it up in this game mother i don't know if they're connected or not but they're made by the same person so i know we're gonna get that quality so i believe this one was actually made first so which is why i'm so excited to play it an extended winter befalls the land but a family's bond can endure something tells me mother's not gonna be okay the next game will should be called cps boys can you hear me [Laughter] it's time to get up the sun has long since risen dude i'd make a great mother oh oh my god well the graphics have definitely approved in the child this is uh what am i looking at playing this i'm like i feel like i'm playing this on my calculator oh no mother is that you mother's beauty is unmatched alrighty then whatever you say is that her now look at the way we run it's kind of cute oh she does it it's like we don't run near mother oh my god that was so loud there you are darling i thought you'd become too weak to rise the others are out hunting for whatever they can it's been so long since we've eaten i don't know how much longer oh i know that i know exactly where this is going no i think i know exactly i think we're about to become a freaking a whopper i think she's gonna eat us for lunch that's just what i'm guessing i'm sorry it's the first thing i have to say it so hungry oh mom's been acting weird lately i'm telling you she wants to eat us like a freaking the new mcrib we're on the menu i really hope that's not it that would be so messed up but i just have a feeling do you remember how to get into dad's workshop so where's dad in the child there's parents so i'm gonna say they're probably not related i don't know maybe they're in the same cinematic universe for all i know but i don't really know others moved other no not there no okay don't go in there darling there's nothing in there for you oh sure sure you know i've been wondering where dad's been he's probably in there isn't he all wrapped up nicely hanging from a meat hook clearly i'm the most photogenic yeah you look fantastic a bunch of pixels mom gets mad when i bump the table kind of i'm kind of getting some misfortune vibes a little bit oh no i'm not allowed to touch these the china the the famous china not the famous one i meant the the the antique you know what i'm talking about what do i what do i do where do i go it looks like okay all right oh she said we need a miracle but i thought she already said that what would your father say in a situation like this don't worry kids everything's gonna be all right i know it i really do off to bed now okay you'll need your strength for tomorrow oh is our mother from the freaking yuri doki doki literature club what if i don't go to sleep there's always little secrets in these games right you just don't go to sleep i think we should run i think we should actually run okay all right we're not going to do that i think i have to go to bed what if i bump at the table all right i guess we're going to bed i tried to be a little troublemaker but it didn't really work oh you have to hold it wait that's like the channel too you have to hold it [Music] [Laughter] what is with this like same little function that they our feature that got in with the sleeping where you have to hold it i want to play everything they make i guess i was a not an early bird here early what i don't know whatever there you are your brothers are having no luck out there mommy needs you to do the best you can to bring something home for the family i know it's a lot to ask but if we don't eat tonight okay like how old are we why don't you come out there with us just saying she's an adult she can't just like oh oh i didn't bring my stick with me dang it i thought we're gonna eat good tonight too so hungry i wish deer were slower oh and it's so sad because like the more they don't eat the slower they get so it just it's just it's a downward cycle monster spring is coming it's a long cold cold winter oh we need a gun we need something something soon so were you able to what does it look like oh i see mama mama don't be disappointed i kept telling myself spring is just around the corner everything's gonna be okay i can't seem to say that to myself today oh no i shouldn't say such things to you children you have lived such short lives i've decided your children go off to bed have the sweetest dreams you can spring is coming i feel like we're off that freaking anime uh uh what's that anime the freaking uh promised land i've only watched like one episode but that's enough if you've seen the anime you know exactly what i'm talking about that's enough it's enough to know what that show's about i mean that's not a spoiler but like i feel like some bad vibes i feel like one of our little brothers is gonna be gone oh my god i really hope we get like a freaking big old fat moose tomorrow you know what i mean it's so unsettling music jesus i hope mama is in a wood shop class i freaking called it i called it i know nothing about this game and i freaking knew this was gonna happen mama where's uh charlie charlie is missing no don't go in there darling there's nothing although you're a liar darling you startled me what are you doing out of bed did she not just see me it's like she didn't know go back to sleep now okay you need lots of rest oh my god this is awful go back to sleep now okay run run run little jimmy every every game every game i play the little kids named jimmy i don't know it's the first thing i think of charlie's dead we must run i was freaking put oh well why mom got such a freaking big bed though she got that king size was i supposed to find something in here stop it music you're tearing this family apart i just spit everywhere mom collects weird things dude she used that circular saw i know she went to woodshop class oh what what are we gonna do in the morning how is she gonna explain why wake up wake up that's some scary crap okay fine let's go to bed i don't have a choice i ain't putting up with this crap anymore oh no food come here ah no mom is gone i wish to okay god we need to find something fast i mean if you were in this situation as a mother you would definitely let your kids eat you wouldn't you something tells me she's not a good mother i don't think she's a good mother that's the vibes that i'm getting from this game and i don't know i don't know if i'm right when did you get here you weren't hunting again darling are you went hunting again darling that wasn't necessary i was able to find some food but there's bad news oh there isn't enough for everyone your younger brother should eat tonight don't worry you'll be taken care of soon no get me out of here i know think this is so cursed dude consider yourself lucky that you're not eating this freaking crap i know things have been hard until now but don't worry anymore i want you children to have only peaceful thoughts now eat up oh he knows he freaking knows john you look so hungry was that my stomach maybe you'd better head off to bed rest easy my love spring will come for you soon oh that's what spring means i'm starting to really catch on here push her in the fire hurry i didn't expect this game to be so freaking dark i'm probably gonna miss things that's the thing guys i'm always gonna miss something most likely let's freaking go to bed i feel like we really should leave no i gotta go check her room real quick what if there's a weapon we need a weapon why are we going so slow i can't i can't go any faster no i'm gonna wake up i'm gonna wake up i'm gonna wake up it's okay it's okay [Music] why is that so scary too hungry to sleep is mom still in bed this is our chance oh her door's creeped oh dude put that pillow over her freaking head wait what is this i'm eating what am i eating [Music] oh it's like oh it's like she knew she knew that i'd come and eat this crap that's why i was so slow because i was so hungry yeah she definitely drugged me she definitely drugged me you know it oh okay come in here wait what where am i bro i did some hacks hey mama can't fit in there she too freaking big what she knows what the heck where am i going i think i i think i've somehow fell right into the trap without even realizing it but i can't stop now what is that is that a saw that's a big salt like what [Music] no what do i do she's looking at us i think i think that's all it's supposed to do bro we just like we use that game shark to get through the wall man this game is so surprising i i love these games man they're like giving the freaking creeps but that's why they're so good i can't go any i can't go anywhere else so wait was i supposed to press enter over there oh my god i'm gonna go try it no i'm just dumb came back for nothing that's great run little brother run this is so sad like i see his fate coming he doesn't see his own fate coming though wait a minute how did she get in there that's kind of a no she definitely there's a hidden door here i never questioned that before but how did she actually get in there oh my god i think i have to go back to sleep oh this is bad this isn't gonna be good oh luke did you see your freaking background wait why are we alive oh surely this isn't the afterlife bro i'm the skinniest one don't eat me your father used to hunt all sorts of creatures in the winter he prepared them in his special workshop we had to close that room off once you kids were old enough to get into trouble yeah keep making excuses you making those excuses no dang it and it's my ticket out of here or take it alive really i should say do you remember how to get into dad's workshop no i'm i'm certain it's behind a bookshelf though like where else could it be wait a minute i just realized there's only one of my brothers left oh my god i'm pretty sure i ate my little brother that is sad that is quite sad get me out of here are you still trying to hunt for us you remind me so much of him i don't want you worrying about the family anymore put your mind to rest fake only peaceful thoughts spring will come for you soon now let's get ready for dinner i was able to find some food again all right boys get your fill don't worry about me your mother isn't very hungry well it's getting quiet in here it's getting a little quiet no it's making me eat i have to actually do it why are you like this game there wasn't that good mother loves you very much very very much i don't think i buy that off to bed now okay spring is coming tomorrow well that's fantastic tomorrow darling wait no wondering around tonight how did she know how did she know i was in the wall like a rat i'm looking around that corner oh she's coming i told you to stay put no no oh wow there's the title screen oh sure there's got to be a way to get away from her oh yeah i knew it i knew it here her weakness wait okay oh cool then make it easy okay she'll get stuck ah ah she can face their walls kind of crap is that okay all right i got this i got this i got this why is it so hard man is this one of those opportunities where i could shoot it is not telling me oh god i thought that would work okay put your nikes on little dude wait so i was so antsy that i didn't know that you could actually just stay there i ain't gonna lie guys i don't look it up i'm like no surely you can get away i thought like sure you can joke or break her ankles you know okay all right mother please no i want to move though what if we can't i feel like there's another ending it almost seemed possible to get out of her grasp whoa whoa she took him oh my god it seems like it's so possible wait i'm asleep i'm asleep i'm asleep i'm gonna move it but if she goes in the corner i'm running why is this game gotta be so dark i didn't i just seen it coming man i was trying to i was trying to fake sleep i'm asleep yeah because people that are asleep they say they're asleep mother no mother no oh wait she did move it she moved the the thingy mom collects weird things i know but that's not what's happening wait it's like in the way maybe the game's trying to tell us to go this way oh mother i'm sorry oh crap oh dude i'm blowing it what did you really touch it i didn't even touch it oh she's got a knife oh okay so we can definitely go around her i can tell that she's slower yeah it's gonna yeah we have to do this no okay that was so close i i i think we can do it i think we can do it this is for my siblings ah dang it it's like she gets slower as we go by oh we can lure in here all right that's what we'll do guys that's what we'll do my scrubs go go go go go go go go i could juke her in here hopefully she like loses speed or something you know yeah surely there you are oh she just gets faster wait what the heck oh i'm asleep i'm asleep i'm asleep i'm asleep [Music] oh this is actually what we're supposed to do i swear it seems like we can get past her there's nowhere to go darling [Music] i used to play this when i put you to bed i'll let you listen one last time come meet me in my room when you're ready yeah right like i'm gonna go meet you freaking gonna turn turn me into some freaking barbecue ribs [Music] heck no no okay i have to i don't have a choice i would have climbed that door dresser whatever that i would have i would have done it i knew it i saw this coming mommy oh i didn't want this but what choice do i have your children are the lucky ones just one moment a moment of mother's mercy and you'll never know the creeping agony this winter wants for you be a good child now and close your eyes keep still as you can can and remember mother loves you bro i just don't i don't think that's true oh my god i just don't think that's true okay oh what are you thinking child i'm gonna kill you mother it's time i'm gonna eat good no that's what you get oh crap what do i do now well i guess i'll leave now can i can i leave oh she did not look like she was alive okay she looks a little more attacked in the picture don't look this way darling your mother's in pieces a child shouldn't have to see this a child shouldn't have any of this what have i done i've been the worst mother darling you need to eat me if you're going to survive i know it's unthinkable but it's the only way go on now be a brave child oh god that's it darling you're doing fine [Music] keep going don't be afraid this is so freaking messed up the child was like freaking sesame street compared to this game my god [Music] oh at least like put her on the pan you know cook you know what i have a misery like he didn't really have to do this how long could i just sit here and do this the game forced me to do it i didn't want to do it guys i think i would have just ran away i i don't who pushed this back oh is there like a secret ending or something no i can't go back in there of course of course it's gonna be spring oh this is stupid of course everything's gonna be fine afterwards it was all for nothing it could have at least waited a few more days i'm sure sure of it horror shop games i love your games good job mother loves you always today script of the day goes to pink born [Music] bro i needed to see something i needed to see something wholesome thank you so much i appreciate that so much after what we played thank you pinkboard i appreciate i appreciate i i just love i love all the support from you guys thank you and with that being said my scrubs i'll see you in the next one if you have not watched the child this is the game after this one go check that out only it'll it'll be linked right here go check that out guys uh and yeah i'll see you in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,909,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, the child horror game, cute horror game, cute but scary games, horror game, bijuu mike horror game, babysitting horror game, cute but scary, mother, mother horror game
Id: xcri2XMGczg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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