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hi I'm Allison Dubois welcome to Allison and Tom take on the universe no small D today we're gonna be talking about owning who you are and some sometimes people try to fit in in life and instead of fitting in maybe own that you were born to stand out so Tom you know we meet a lot of young people who really try to fit in I know that we've been there too as children and I wish I had somebody like you when I was a little girl to tell me that you know sometimes you're born to stand out not to fit in with the rest of the crowd especially in school you know your parents want you to assimilate they look at whose birthday parties you're invited to it's a very big deal in the social world as to if their child fits in and I think what parents don't usually teach their children is that it's okay for you to be an individual that you don't necessarily have to be part of the crowd what were some of your experiences well as an astrologer when I'm looking at charge there are certain people that come in almost with an alienation crisis like they don't fit in at all no matter what they want to and feel they don't and that actually is an Aquarian situation in astrology and the planet that rules Aquarius which is Uranus and so you're in eseni time those signatures are strong in someone's birth chart they're gonna come in with a sense of I so want to belong especially in school like you talked about and then always feel like they don't and they don't know what group to belong to because they're trying to find that place and they can go through life that way now you know you are an Aquarian and so you you will have that obviously but Alice and I have two signatures both in our birth charts that are very similar that make that even stronger and that is the planet Uranus is in our house of identity so right away that's a huge dynamic of feeling like I'm different from everybody and and I went through my life trying to figure out how I fit it in or fitted it and fit in and being a Libra a Libra Sun sign I'm supposed to please other people so I have to figure out what they want so I'm liked on top of it it was a tough journey you know it was a tough journey I mean I as a child I had bright red hair so I had my mom's side with the Scottish French German influence and then my father was Hispanic so I have these black eyes and dimples and and freckles and I was just like this odd-looking little thing and so I of course had to go to school and make myself even stranger like carrying an attache case and wearing penny loafers knee-high socks and culottes and that really hot Gloria Vanderbilt built a v-neck sweater back in the eighties so I just didn't know that my standing out the way I was at least I was being true to myself I have to look at the little Alison that I was I wore rollerskates everywhere I wouldn't go to the movies without my skates on I was just not just owning being awed it's all I could be right and so people go oh you're so weird and I took that as I'm not like them I just wish that people out there that are watching this especially people who have little Aquarian children explain to them that they're oddities they're they're little characteristics that make them so different are magical and fantastic and you shouldn't be anybody but who you are don't try and fit in you're wasting your time here's me trying to fit in not so good alright still but as an adult it's different when you know you own your uniqueness by the time you get to my age you start accumulating friends who are different that's how we became very good friends very close and so now all of my friends are incredibly unique people who also never felt like they fit in but they became incredibly successful in their fields and so for all of you that don't feel like you can vibe with the most people that's okay the older you get the more you're going to draw in unique funny people like yourself and then you're gonna look around at the people that you went to junior high high school with and say well who cares that's the goal the goal of graduating from the school of I don't care what other people think I'm my own unique being essentially and you know I'm up to about my mid-40s before you know I consciously realized I'm trying to fit in and please other people and figure out who I am and it reversed like 180 degrees and being the eccentric I'm wanting to fit in never works and what it does work is even as an astrologer I wouldn't tell people I was an astrologer so what would change was that being in charge of being the eccentric was a lot more fun and so now when I go out in the world and if I'm sitting on a plane and someone goes so what do you do and I go I'm an astrologer I have a blast watching the reaction because it's it's unknown I never know and I don't care what the reaction is but it's entertaining me rather than I'm fearing it and so you know in that regard you look at yourself and there people will have the planet Uranus born in the fourth house of home they come in feeling like they don't even belong to their family that is it that does happen yes that's hard Aquarians by nature don't feel like they fit in with their families and yes I totally share that sentiment exactly that I was the kid in the household where my brother would go hunting and my stepdad won hunting and everything was so gamey and onions and mushrooms and I was like me I was like I just want a peanut butter sandwich I feel like really simple I'm like looking at the people that I was born into this family not understanding why I didn't like the same things that they liked why my mother and my brother seemed on the same page and I never did I mean it's something that as a child you have trouble processing and understanding I think it takes until your 30s for me it took into my 30s to where I finally just started saying to people I don't care if they're like I don't like that you did that I'm like I don't care I mean if you care about everybody's opinion of you then you're gonna get bogged down in and becoming who they want you to be instead of really owning who you are and at the end of the day we all die and those people's opinion of you really did we don't matter at all no whether you get like one like or 800 likes on Facebook there's no gauge of you as a person and and how accepted you are you know I think a lot of people look at social media as a way to engage their popularity or their likability and it doesn't mean you're all that likeable necessarily it just means you have like-minded people on your site you better like their pictures too right so I encourage people to rather than caring about what everybody else what their opinion of you is go out and grow as a person figure out who you are and engage with those that you vibe with instead of trying to be friends and surround yourself with many who you don't really vibe with but you all pretend to be friends and we've seen right instead of doing that find those three friends that you vibe with and do everything with them it's not numbers it's not quantity its quality as they always say and being different is an advantage in life everybody can be general in population or you know average why would you want to be average and I you know still look back at my childhood and wishing I had you know known that it was okay to be different so I'm really glad that we're doing this segment for people who have children grandchildren or are still discovering themselves so that you embrace your quirkiness your weirdness it's what makes you different you like superhero movies none of them ever felt like they fit in yes so wouldn't that make you kind of cool too I call them the misfit toys so you know if you find yourself attracted to those that feel different in their life that's your that's your tribe but at the end of the day you're really your own tribe by yourself and you've got to figure out what that is and not worry about how you're supposed to fit into somebody else's and the more you do big choices and take action into the individual things that define you specifically the stronger and more power will you become in those gifts that's very true so I'm take it from two oddballs that's it all right in life for sure and that really embrace who we are thank you for watching Alison and Tom take on the universe please like and subscribe you
Channel: Allison DuBois
Views: 12,369
Rating: 4.9712229 out of 5
Keywords: Allison DuBois, Tom McMullan, Psychic, Mediumship, Astrology
Id: 5fcam55gBiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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