Readings in Scottsdale 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so who am i bringing through for you who are they to you it's like dad yeah dad honey so your dad grandfather you're my father's a life as far as I know okay okay so when I say what's the relation to you I don't need their name just I need the energy of you saying boyfriend or wife that's it okay so grandfather is this an a maternal grandfather or paternal MITRE no maternal he's not hard to get he's actually very talkative you Polly he says she's she's the favorite and then he says apple of my eye a chip off the old block so that's how he sees you as being a chip off the old block he makes me feel like the way he sees you as you're smarter than most like he sees you as highly intellectual and he's very proud of you he does talk about his ring and and who got your grandfather's ring when he died sister mmm okay did he have more than one ring that had something that had an affiliation to the Ring though you know he had yeah he has actually I do have a ring that is where he retired from okay when you miss him he wants you to take out the ring and hold it or put it on a chain that ring carries his energy and he wanted you to have it and that rings actually very special to him so he doesn't want you to feel like you got a second class ring you know it's an important ring so use it okay he says I asked him I said what kind of a man where he was like I was an honest man he was a handshake guy if he gave you his word he'd crawl over glass to keep it so salt-of-the-earth he makes me feel like it was really hard to breathe when he passed so I'm just feeling an inability to breathe and then I'm gone so he's just letting you know it wasn't traumatic so not to think of it as traumatic or to feel like he suffered it was painful and fast that's what it feels like do you understand that very much okay thank you he feels really special he's like I'm really not that big of a deal because he's looking at all the people but so he's not used to having so much attention but he likes it the place that he's at he's showing himself walking by a lake and you know where they'd have like cabins or that you'd go camping like places where families would vacation is what it feels like did he have a place by the water that he would take you when you were kids no not that I can think okay so he keeps showing a lake and he keeps showing a cabin so oh the gravel pit yeah he grew up in a gravel pit and a head of cabin they okay was my favorite spot okay that's okay that's why it's good to have two family members you know it's his version of heaven so when you picture him picture him there that's where he likes to be okay mmm he also has a black dog with him is it little it's not big so he has this dog with him and it feels like it loves him like it feels close to and it likes to lay at the foot of his bed so he's just letting you know they're together do you understand okay you know what here's the thing if you run an agenda in a reading I got to go to the next person oh no no no there are mostly based beings and I can only tell you what they tell me I'm just a secretary that's perfect if I was doing an hour reading with you probably would get a name but not in five minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and let him say something to you and then wrap that up painting okay he's showing his birthday next to another birthday is there another family member that's got a birthday with my brother okay will you tell him that his grand your grandfather's always there on his birthday and he loves that they share that time together and that he loves them very much and they he'll never leave you you're where he wants to be your home he says so I'm gonna break my connection with him and send him with you and what is the connection to you my son passed away fun okay that's all I need so I'm gonna go quiet first I can and make my connection with him just so you know your grandfather's just standing behind you then he wants to watch so he's still there okay he felt closest to you so he shows himself as a mama's boy yeah and he's proud of that he also said he had great hair he said best mom in the world he doesn't want you to feel like there's anything you could have done to save him there's nothing there was nothing thank you I asked him how he felt around the time that he died and he said um was there something in his system that would have made him feel numb yeah okay he didn't feel any pain okay so he wasn't feeling anything he need you to know that it feels like your son loved to have a good time he says he loved he had a great laugh and he lived in the moment and living in the moment was part of his beauty but it was also part of his downfall yeah yeah some of his friends feel guilty feels like there's guilt carried there yeah just so you know your son reverted to what I believe is a younger age he looks like he's 12 so he went back to being your little boy some of my favorite pictures of him okay so when you're drawn to that picture it's because he's communicating with you and whispering in your ear and saying mom this is me now so he went back to an age that was safe before he started playing with fire you understand yes he approves of the music so the music they picked for his memorial was exactly what he wanted and he was there yes monies grabbing you here is our necklace yes is his thumbprint okay so he loves it okay and he touches it all the time so it keeps his energy yeah thank you I touch it too he really wants to go swimming and just grill dad okay so tell his dad that's if he had one more day with the two of you that's what he do okay okay and he says he's there it was there a Mother's Day he'll be there on Father's Day and he'll never miss it so not to feel like you're - a child he says you're not he's still there yeah he's sitting on the edge of a bed in the room feels like it carries his energy do you have a room that has his stuff in it yeah so when you go in there to feel close to him he's is in there yeah so he's letting you know yeah when you look through the photo album he loves looking at that with you okay so when you're looking at his pictures he could sorts through him with you feels like you were looking at him with a heavy heart to put him together for a presentation so that could be a memorial yeah that you're putting them together for yes he knows that was hard he was with you at that time okay okay he likes to move your keys so when you're having trouble finding him that's because he likes to move them to get your attention he also plays with your lights quite a bit yes so that is him he's also really into music so songs he gives you songs that you know he's around and he does the same with his friends so that they know those are the signs he said mom it was it was short but I was wild and free and I was happy and he wants you to remember that he'd rather have lived that short life the way it was lived than had a long life and not lived so I get his energy I like it it just feels like he made a mistake yeah so he was a good boy feels like a good boy he wants to go to the beach with you so when you go to the beach he's gonna go to we're going in September because part of his ashes are there okay our whole family so he's gonna go okay you'll feel him there he sees everything you're gonna do and he approves nothing yeah he does talk about Christmas and he sorry Christmas is so hard he's talking about you putting his ornament on the tree do you understand here I still put an ornament on the tree for him so you make some smile he sits there in a chair it is like good mom you know I'm here my mom knows I'm here you know there's bragging rights on the other side so when a living person does something for them they kind of look at the people they know and they're like see she heard that you know yeah so the interaction is there between you and him he doesn't want you to move forward with such a heavy heart it doesn't feel like his passing you know I'd like to say that it was gonna save a bunch of lives it just feels like he's inspired the people connected to him to live better lives yes and he's not mad and he doesn't want you to feel like when you see his friends getting older and getting married getting kids it doesn't want you to think of all the things he didn't have he does talk about tattoos for him so many friends are gonna get tattoos for him and he appreciates that I do understand his brothers talked about that okay so Tom just thought to make it lame that would be that's perfect and you can bury your face and as as many times as you need to thank you and he spends that time with you remember every day you wake up as a day closer to being with him again you're not leaving him in the past you're moving towards him he's your present in your future okay yeah you're moving towards him he loves you to the moon and back I'm gonna break my connection with him thank you [Applause] so what's your question actually I would like to see if I can connect with my mom mom and you don't have any other mother figures pass like a stepmom that might try and drown her out okay I just like to make sure okay so I'm just connecting with her son understand they don't always want to disconnect from me because they have a microphone me so it takes just a second to like your mom she's sweet she's just put everyone first she didn't like to complain she want people to worry about her she was very selfless in life one of the first things she said was my wedding ring did you get her wedding ring still with my dad to have it so tell your dad you talked to mom she wants you to have her ring it's not doing him any good okay okay oh she's like oh my there's so many people she said to tell your dad to stop crying for her you know it's like he's broken he doesn't know how to exist without her you know they were a love story he were she says tell him she's waiting for him and you enjoy his time because it'll be eternity when she sees him the next time he would love to know that she's waiting for him if he takes out a picture of your mom at 23 that's what she looks like now that was her heaven so she was either in love married or pregnant she had she met your dad by 23 uh-huh okay I think she was pregnant with me version never has take out the pictures of her around 23 that's what she looks like now she's saying tell him to get rid of my clothes I don't wear those clothes those clothes aren't me she's 23 no but he loves the clothes cuz it carries her energy and he doesn't know how to have her clothes away from his clothes like their stuff was just always together and she's like box it all up okay she says he wants to be with her you know he everyday says why aren't why don't you take me to and she says because he needs to be there for the children and he needs to stop that she says Father's Day is important make it count okay so by her saying make it count that tells me there's fewer father's days than you think with him okay okay she says make him eat ice cream that cheers him up she talks to him every night she kneels next to the bed and whispers in his ear that everything's gonna be all right and that she did not leave him just like she told him she would never leave him and he said the same they were gonna die on the same day they were that couple she's funny too though cuz she doesn't like people being sad and and then she's saying get him a dog we're trying to get him to get one mom so she feels like if he has something to take care of he'll live longer and she doesn't feel like you're ready to lose him yet but it feels like he still has those faculties about you do ya no he's just so you know he'll go fast okay he's not gonna be in a home fading for years it's gonna be more like a heart attack does he have somebody that lives with him no but I live very near him and I visit him often does he have one of those necklaces with he needs one okay I mean I'm just trying to give you a chance that if it's not a life stealing heart attack like my dad had one in his life and that took him if it's not that and I don't think I'd be seeing if it needed to be set in stone that he died of it get him one of those I think that'll buy them a little more time but I'd have to say your dad would just want to go yeah so that's a tough one you're gonna have to decide what you think where you think he'd be happiest right cuz when he dies you're gonna be happy for him because you'll know that they look like in their wedding picture again oh my gosh yeah for sure okay she says you'll always be my baby and for you to remember that she is trying to bring attention to the birthstones of the kids like that needs to be in jewelry does she have a mother's ring or is there jewelry that she has with the birth stones in it I'm not sure but her jewelry it feels like it was important to her okay I'm because the stones represented each of the ones she loves she loved being a mother like she was born to be a mother yes she was the person that if he needed someone to watch your child he would trust implicitly she was just wonderful I mean I don't feel like she had a mean bone in her body she she just feels like very whimsical very sound of music anybody would be lucky to have her as a mother but she was happy to be yours and she wants you to always remember that she's not going anywhere as long as you need her she's gonna be there and she gives you a kiss goodnight every night when you go to bed just like when you were five so in her heaven her babies are still babies and when you wonder what she's doing she's taking care of you just a younger version of you but she's content where she is but it won't be heaven until her family's returned to her but she wants you to enjoy your life and she shows Hawaii and you so that tells me you're going to Hawaii all right and she's showing you under a pantry and like bring your sister or bring your siblings okay and enjoy life and stop worrying about her she's fine I'm gonna break my connection with her and send her with you and am i bringing somebody through yeah my father your dad he says you're his best friend you weren't just a Sutton he said I'm proud of you every day every day and he also says stop being so hard on yourself you beat yourself up for too much and you're doing great so don't judge yourself by others just be the man that you've always been okay he misses talking to you - he knows you miss the phone calls and then putting his hand on your shoulder saying it's all gonna be fine don't worry about it it's gonna be fine if he had a day he'd pack up looks like an old car with kids in it and go on a road trip so he really wants to take you out a road trip so maybe that would be good for you to process some of the grief with him and he says he thought he was better with directions than he was he pretended a little bit but just a little bit when there were maps you know he says he's still sitting in his chair did he have a special chair yeah okay so in his version of heaven that chair is there and he doesn't care how old it gets or how tattered it's always gonna be his chair okay he says you don't really think I believe you do you he's like your biggest supporter so he needs you to know that he does say he does straw dollar signs like there should have been money that you should have gotten when he died did you get it yeah okay he hopes it helps yeah okay he says take your lovely wife on a trip he said she deserves it did you have the boy and the girl yet she's pregnant right now okay well now you know who's helping you okay so he shows a son and daughter connected to you so you'll have both of those it feels like the sun's gonna carry his name as a middle name so it feels like his name translates to the son the grandson he says you're gonna be a great dad don't even question it you already know what to do he says you learned from the best mmm he says new car are you getting a new car uh about one last year okay he likes your new car he likes to ride in it so he talks your ear off while you're driving the car so if you ever start thinking of him when you're driving it's because he's sitting there talking to you going like well what do you say okay so your dad likes to spend that time with you he says work can be hectic for you he sees that it feels like you're supposed to own your own business do you already own your own business yeah okay he says you need help like a partner do you have the partner in the business says you you need help so you're gonna have to draw in somebody that will be behind the scenes but you need help to do this he says you can't take care of all the books by yourself do you understand yes okay he says it's not your strong suit okay he says he loves you though he says you're the creativeminds you stick with that it'll work out though but he says you have to trust somebody sometime especially with the baby on the way you're gonna need someone you can lean on that you can say I need you to pick up some slack for me for a few days and take that pressure off of her okay she sees the pressure she's under - the baby's gonna be fine it was like don't worry about it the baby comes to fruition you're not gonna lose the baby the baby's not gonna have any problems with autism or anything like that you're fine do you understand okay he says you can decorate the nursery your dad is about as uncomfortable getting choked up as you are I can tell you're both guys guys he says he says honest handshake guys too so he's just letting me know he is present at your work do you have his picture he's like referencing like his picture should be on the wall it feels like if he was here I would've helped you [Laughter] he says computers you got to get on that like the computerization of your business do you understand yeah can't do it old school anymore right okay your dad sees everything he says he wish you were three years old and he could put you on his shoulders so you can see the parade so when you think of what he's doing often he has his little buddy with him that's you and he's gonna send you a boy for that reason so that you have that experience so you understand how much he loved you and why he loved you so much he says he's not gone he's just waiting so you tell him what you need and he'll provide that his mother is very important to him and he's referencing be with her so he's showing being with Grandma okay it feels like she loved him like that they were really close yeah they still are he says the works not gonna get done by itself you gods just step back and do it a different way okay and now you know that and you've heard it from him because you always say which dad was here so I could ask him what he'd do you know for his advice so he's telling you he says don't get scared in the house though you're gonna hear knocks in the wall and in the hallway and it's just him he just likes being in your house do you understand yeah okay he's actually really he's really funny he's really sarcastic yeah knock three times like he's trying to sing the song that I'm not familiar with so he loves you he says you'll always be his bud don't forget that he says for Father's Day you know make it special because it's your first here with her with the baby it's important and he says do him a favor I know this is a tall order he's like have a cold beer for me okay I'm gonna break my connection with him and send him with you thank you how can I help you can you bring through my daddy dad your dad feels stubborn very he didn't like people taking care of him he's too proud he really didn't like that he's saying do you don't feel like you could have been there more don't feel guilty he says you couldn't have done more for me he knew you loved them it's okay so it feels like you missed an important time towards the end with him and he's just saying don't feel bad sometimes that's the only way they can let goes of the people that they love the most aren't next to them because they're so instinctually will hold on and to not leave you he does talk about walking you down the aisle do you have a wedding picture with your dad if you want you to take that out that will always be you and him always it's a very proud day for him he says he doesn't know what he thinks about all of this but he says whatever he's got to do does he have like a favorite grandson because he's talking about being around that grandson like he loves them and it feels like that grandson would have been really impacted when he died and just let him know that he's still there and then he's proud of him he loves them and he's not gonna leave him any but he says tell him the grandpa always sees what he's doing just turned 21 he went off to college well there you go now we know why your dad is saying that it feels like your son needs to know there's an angel on his shoulder keeping an eye on him with a waving finger he says he was I said how did you feel at the end of your life he said he wasn't himself it doesn't feel like his personality was the same the communication doesn't feel right doesn't feel the same so he had a hard time communicating he hated that he was ready to go because he knew he wasn't gonna get better so he needs you to be okay with him letting go then okay he says he only ever loved one woman just one so that's your mom yeah okay he called me one time it said hello number two love of my life all that sleep I haven't stolen recording that's sweet he says sometimes you just break down out of nowhere and he's like I thought we were doing better if you take out a picture of your dad at 28 that's what he looks like now that's the age he reverted to that was his heaven okay he's trying to sit in the kitchen with you like at a kitchen table and have like cookies and milk like your little like this is something he would want to do he let you get away with a lot and if if you if you cried he didn't know what to do and it was like open my wallet here what do you need so but he says he knew what he was doing he loved he loved that he loved that you were his princess you don't have to look for him anywhere he's always around you you don't even have to leave the house he does talk about his shrine does somebody have a shrine for him out of okay he's like nice she says you have a beautiful home I do well you did good he says you have a good taste okay he says keep a pair of his shoes like in your closet just keep them for his energy and good luck and then it feels like the grandson who's 21 there will be a day where you'll want to pass those to him for if he needs to feel that connection but it just feels like your dad's shoes were very defining of him he says put up his young pictures the young pictures the early pictures he likes those because some of the older pictures remind him of him losing his sharpness at the end and he doesn't want to be thought of that way he was too proud for that you know he loves food he can eat whatever he wants now you don't have to worry about it it's all the good stuff all the good stuff and whenever you have holiday parties and you put out all of the things he loved he's right there save him a chair he never misses it okay so he loves you I'm gonna break my connection with him and send him with you am i bringing through like a child my son yeah okay come on up here says I should have listened to my dad he should have you were right it was like he was around some of the wrong people he trusted the wrong people yes your sons energy was very interesting he gave everybody the benefit of the doubt and when you'd see people for who they really were and you'd tell him he'd be like not that dude just being paranoid but you saw he's saying you were right he references 18 did he make it past eight to use he did okay eighteen sage he reverted to that's what he looks like now so take out those pictures it's probably around the time or before he started making that choice yes okay he makes me feel like it was you and him he makes me feel very close to you two peas in a pod he says he always looked up to you he always did and you always took the time for him so he doesn't want you to think you should have taken more time and it would have made a difference it wouldn't have he's funny he says hey dad let's get like an old Mustang and write cross-country together it was like he had an old soul like he appreciated classic classic things yeah we worked on my 72 Nova together okay so maybe you'll take it out go somewhere special - if you would have loved and take a picture of him at 18 and be like we made it son yes he protects you the axe is your protection he says he's kept you here so there's a time that you might have passed and you didn't because he stopped it I wanted to go find him but I couldn't I didn't know how to come back I know how to get there but I didn't have a return plan it's not the right time so he's not gonna let you do that okay so stop if you love him enough to die for him love him enough to live for him you'll spend more of your existence with him than without him okay okay and he's like I love you pop that's what he called me pop yeah he didn't call me dad he always a pop just so you know there was no way I wasn't gonna not read you today because his energy was oh that would be him yeah yeah he says he picked me for you like he could vibe with me somehow I don't know why but for whatever reason he picked me he says keep his t-shirts did you get his t-shirts I have this I have his clothes and this mother does too as well once you take his t-shirts and cut out the emblem or where he was at and make a blanket when you miss him just wrap it around your shoulders okay it carries they carry his energy feels like he was really a good time a lot of fun and the music that you listen to when you're listening to 70s and 80s he listens to it with you like he likes it too every time Jimi Hendrix comes on he's there I just well he says free bird oh yeah so yeah that's his way of Sam right here pop right here okay this is why don't you mourn like other people and get a tattoo I wanted to go to his friend and have one but I never got the nerve to do it I wanted to I wanted to get his face on my arm and his friend would do it for me I think you'd like it I think you'd like it a lot he talks about your phone carrying his energy so his pictures are in your phone or you never took his number out of yours oh they're both okay he sees that he says you're not ready it's okay he doesn't blame anybody for his passing okay so he's like you have to let that go that's just gonna take a toll on you and he doesn't want that he wants you to do all the things that the two of you were gonna do together and he wants you to smile doing it knowing he's next to you enjoying it when they died they don't get to create new memories they only can through us they live vicariously through us so if you go someplace that the two of you wanted to go they go with you but they don't go there unless somebody they love is there they're emotionally based so you got some road trips to take about 72 Nova some classic rock no doubt he says she's a good lady be good to her you know he says she only gets like a fraction of you just like part of you and it's time to give her a little bit more and do some of the things she'd like to do because she lives for you she wakes up and thinks how can I make him happy I want you to know that about her okay yes he says thank you to you he worked with her for a while he wanted to learn beekeeping he was a wild good okay he says he feels weird now so he says I love you pop I'm gonna break my connection with him and said in the world okay what's your question when I reach out to my dad dad dads have taken over today that's why I moved my event between Mother's Day and Father's Day to include both of them would you mind coming up here you could bring a friend with you or whoever my my um it's interesting your dad the the first thing he said was she's amazing looks like yes she's amazing he said I'm sorry I was so stubborn so he feels like he said I love her so much I hope I wasn't hard on her he just worried about you and then he tried to shift his energy he wants you to know that the choices you make are fine with him he just wants you to be happy he also shows marriage for you and he's okay with that do you understand it dad's growing out a mustache if you take out a picture of him at 27 that's your dad looks like now me he it feels like he was very good-looking yes Harry it feels like he was very charming and ladies really like being around him meaning he had some moves back in the day yeah he did he was good at it so yeah he paid for it though he had a daughter I'm suffering for him now he's making me feel dizzy and then he's making me feel like I can't breathe my chest feels like really tight and heavy and just like he steals my breath so I feel like he went down or just everything stopped inside of him just stopped working yeah he's sorry about that you didn't mean to scare you okay he feels like his death rattled you in the way that I feel like he doesn't mean to scare you too because it's in your house a lot so he's just saying I don't mean to scare you in the kitchen your dad and I'm just I don't know if you knew this but he carried a lot of it feels like he could be hard on people that he loved because he loved him so much he's worried that you that he wasn't soft with you often enough you know it just feels like he was a really strong personality thank you said that but he just wants you to know he always loved you and he loves that you're a little wild he suppose where do you think he got it from you know he says you're his baby girl you'll always be his baby girl mmm it's kind of funny he wants to go to Disneyland with you are you thinking of going to Disneyland kind of no multitasking when you drive okay okay he's trying to keep you from rear-ending somebody okay you're not gonna forget him he doesn't want you to think every day like that you're forgetting either you know his smell or how he sounded or you know he'll always remind you and you'll always remember he just as time goes by don't feel like he's gonna fade he won't he's showing balloons and a big party do you know somebody celebrated his birthday after he passed um I think so I can't remember I'll try to do that he's talking about his birthday being celebrated after he passed and a lot of this yeah yeah most likely you know it's funny he says you're an artist like you're creative yes and he loves that about you he says the tattoo has to be unique for him so you will get a tattoo for your dad and he's like just make it unique like you and him like something that's both of you okay do you want kids cuz he's showing you being a mother so that's gonna be part of your life really so you're not scared of your mom it's gonna be a great all the moms that are afraid are actually the ones that do the best generally they're hard on themselves they're already thinking about it he makes a little dog Burke a lot yes he's just saying it's just him so don't toss it out or scold it it's just your dad okay he says you'll succeed at everything you do so don't be afraid to try okay it feels like whatever you're doing professionally needs to go to the next level okay so to believe in yourself and to Jesus to it just do it life's short all right he's trying to give you his jacket leather jacket yeah it's in Texas okay that's supposed to go to you okay okay he says it has a lot of history he says he was very loved and very celebrated after his passing everybody loves a Z everybody who met him loved him and he just wants you to know that for him being somebody that stories are still told about that you were his favorite person and to remember that you're his favorite person he says you don't have any fear you're his daughter you'll be fine I'm gonna break my connection [Applause] and I'd like to connect with my father Father's Day up in here today and you don't have a stepfather pass just dad stepson awesome okay it gets a little dicey er when there's two sometimes one will try and push through on the other so we'll just if this starts sounding more like your stepdad let me know okay cuz then I have to have a talk with them okay um would you mind coming up no he's calling you his miracle huh you changed him as a man you softened him so he's just letting you know that he wasn't as loving before you were born well he doesn't want you to judge him but he's in the smoking section he's around a lot of smokers on the other side so it's a different time that I made him pass this feels like he went back to the 70s yeah okay yeah sometimes he says he's gonna let you smell cigarette smoke so that you know that he's around don't get mad or do okay he says you're a good girl okay he says you take care of everyone everyone around you he says take care of yourself and don't worry so much about what would make him proud but make people around you proud you know that sort of thing he just wants you to be happy I just kind of let let let loose let go okay he says go to Vegas oh I was supposed to be there today so and I came so last-minute without knowing I was gonna be here okay okay cuz he'll help you with the slot machines like pickin they'll help you pick um do you know he's talking about his car do you know where his car went or who got his car my stepfather got his car oh okay well where's the car now did you sell it oh god it's been so long okay long time ago in your dad's version of heaven his car is still his car it's not your stepdads car it's his car okay is your mom gonna move closer to you or he's talking about your mom needing to be near you so he worries about her being alone so who's with her my younger sister which is my steps dead daughter okay understand it's not that they're being totally territorial but yeah his life with your mother is completely separate from the life of the stepdad yeah and sometimes they just so if it's your stepfathers daughter with your mom for him he's trying to get her to be around you yeah because your daughter excess tan okay it's funny where is that there's a lot of open shirts with the collars music drinks and gold chains so that's where he's showing himself so ask your mom if they used to go to a dance club it was the disco era they went clubbing every weekend okay yeah yeah we had a music room in a house we live disco ball with the disco ball oh yeah so understand that's a version of your dad yeah so when you wonder what he's doing he's out there yeah yeah mm-hmm ask your mom if she still has the chain like his gold chain from back then okay ask her cuz he wants you to have it sorry he makes me feel like his smile was what drew women in that he had like a great smile and that's so he's smiling he's in the 70s but he's smiling and it feels like he thought his hair was pretty right on - oh so your mom's gonna have a decision to make when she passes oh because he feels like he has unfinished business with her definitely so he still loves her definitely so she's gonna have to decide if if it's her second husband if she feels like they fulfilled the life together or if she needs to go back to your dad to pick up where they left off that makes sense okay totally yeah so he probably went back to the era waiting for her to rejoin him there in the 70s yes he says go easy on kids so do you have children I have an adult son okay go easy on and I don't know feels like your dad's just saying just lighten up and just he'll figure it out okay okay your dad's keeping an eye on them you don't have to worry about him it feels like your son's actually got a good moral compass he's just saying he'll be fine okay all right and it means everything to your dad that you travel and are in love he feels like after passing especially he realized what heaven is it's being in love and all those moments that you feel it so he just wants you to have that okay did you get his ring I have his wedding ring that's where it belongs yeah my mom gave to me yeah he wanted to have it so he's just letting you know that that was that's what he wanted with the ring yes her name engraved on it yeah good he wants you to take out a picture of him and you as a little girl with like ponytails or pigtails and just can't he and you together and just put that up so he's showing you being around four five years old little I'm not gonna wait for you to get over all the pictures in your head I'm just saying when you go home go through the pictures it exists and if you don't have it your mom has it my mom has so he's just saying you're always gonna be like four years old to him you're always gonna be that little girl he adores you he always has and he's so proud of you and he just doesn't want you to feel so much pressure to be perfect okay okay so he loves you he'll see you on the dance floor [Laughter] [Applause] hello my name is Kenny I was born June 20th and I've lost my stepson stepson are you with his mom yes I am okay would you two mind coming up here I asked him how he died and he said it was a mistake so he's letting you know it was a mistake it wasn't on purpose do you understand yes um he's showing the number 16 did he make it past 16 yes okay 16 is the age he went back to you check out pictures of them at that age that's what he looks like now it's when you were still doing his laundry and babying him so he went back to the safe age okay he says she was the best and he's making me feel like it was always you and him you and him two peas in a pod and that fence you know like the same person he says when he was born he saved you feels like you needed him you know it gave you a direction and responsibility so he was your anchor for a while now Kenny is okay he is so grateful to Kenny for being there with you he very much sees you as a father so he's just letting you know like he's making me cross step out like he doesn't like that I wrote that okay huh and then he said I'm with your grandma so he says she's so nice and she she dotes on him and so it's like what you used to do and she does that for him and she loves you he says he says grandma's always afraid people are gonna lose her jewelry you're wearing a ring okay he's talking about his picture being blown up do you know if somebody made it bigger like blew up his picture so it's big okay he likes it he likes to look at himself he's and he likes balloons so it feels like somebody brought him balloons or celebrated him but he's showing balloons do you know somebody brought like did it for his birthday or his sister okay so tell the sister he got his balloons okay he says and you don't need to ever tell her this but he's your favorite and you both know that he feels like he had the last say on this one we want you to know she's gonna be alright okay he says tell her not to be stupid she has terrible taste in guys spot-on and he says she doesn't need to be anyone's mother right now okay so he actually want you to tell her that but he said don't be stupid you know okay he says he expects more from her yes says I love you mom and he puts his arms around you like your shoulders and squeezes you he says you still can feel him in your house but it makes you sad and so sometimes he's afraid of being there because his presence makes your soul recognize his soul and then you cry so then he pulls his energy back because he doesn't want to make you cry of all people in the world he never wanted to make you cry like you were a soft spot okay and he says you always act so tough he says but you're just a softy so I feel like he was the same way [Laughter] he wants you to know that when he passed it was like going to sleep it was like going to sleep he didn't still impact okay it does feel like somebody may have waited too long though at the time did he have a friend around him or was there somebody that you know it kind of feels like something that was in a system contributed him his passing yes so he's saying that is true that's what happened but again he didn't fill it he said he knew he was gone because he saw all these faces of people that he'd only seen pictures of and they were there so your whole family stepped forward did you get his keys so when you take out his keys to feel close to him he sits with you so keep them in your nightstand in the in your nightstand that's where he wants them and he's talking about his phone being kept you have it okay I always tell parents keep it on I've seen kids a year later when you keep it juiced up text their parents and they're there they've been gone a year give them something to manipulate it's how they communicate with us he wants you to donate most of his clothes to the homeless feels like he had a big heart when it came to people just trying to make it so he wants that but it's okay for you to keep some shirts to snap he says that's alright that's alright okay and he says necklace so that's for him okay he sees that he likes it carries his energy sorry I know this might sound strange but he says there's a lot of dogs there so I don't know if you've had a lot of dogs but he's referencing there being a lot of dogs that have passed there with him okay well apparently he's the keeper of the town pup so that's all good he says you have to live you have to move forward you can't try and die with him that's not your path and he knows you'd rather give your life and let him come back but that's not he says that wasn't the plan that's not the way it's supposed to be you are gonna meet those what he says you are gonna meet a lot of parents in grief counseling so that's going to be important for you and he's around a lot of other kids that are there kids that have passed it feels like a lot of the kids it's had to do with chemical dependencies that he's around he says he could hear people talking at the end but he couldn't communicate so just feels like he wasn't really there okay there was no bringing him back and he thinks it's funny that if he tells you he wants you to do something he feels like you have to do it so he says for Mother's Day he would have gotten you a very beautiful necklace so so maybe you can get her the gold Mother's Day necklace okay so he would have a heart okay so get her the heart necklace Yes Man yes Bubba okay he's pulling back he loves you more than anything in the world he's not going anywhere and he doesn't want you to cry all the time you've got a laugh sometimes too or you're gonna break his heart okay and you need to take a vacation he's trying to put you on a cruise so when the cruise comes up and it will take it okay he says not Alaska though right well he doesn't want you to go there anymore so when should I go somewhere warm like the Bahamas like with great music something really upbeat that's what he wants we used to take the cruise that you were supposed to take together okay he loves you I'm gonna break my connections [Music] thank you well thank you so much for being here with us and I want to thank Joe and Sophia did the grape put the grape pictures up and Tom and Rodney and Bob for being here so I really enjoyed being with you here today I hope you learned something from the readings and take something away with you and please be careful driving and I'll see you next year okay [Applause]
Channel: Allison DuBois
Views: 169,623
Rating: 4.821671 out of 5
Keywords: Allison DuBois, Mediumship, readings, psychic, scottsdale, event, medium, dead, dead people, ghosts
Id: hsoADxOyOb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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