June 2021 Energy Update: Higher Mind Emergence, Group Connection, Revelation and Reckoning, & More

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June 2021 Energy Update Proofed 31.05.21 Hello, I'm Lee. I'm an intuitive. And every month,  I take the pulse on what might show up for us in   the month ahead. Some of the themes that I'm going  to share this month are: Higher Mind Emergence,   which will lead to greater clarity and vision;  Group Connection is on the Rise - how we are   coming back together and how we need each other  to rise and; Revelation and Reckoning - the   continuation of revelations, things coming  to light that were previously hidden or   lied about, and how we as a collective deal  with that. Stay tuned for the full Update. Hello. Welcome to the Energy Update for June.  And it's the morning here in California. Usually,   I record these a little later. But it feels  perfect because it is the dawning of a new day   energetically. We're now moving into a very  different phase. And for those of you who   watched my May Energy Update, you'll have heard me  touch on this because it was beginning to come in   in May. But the messages I've been getting over  the last couple of days, as I've been preparing   to do this for you, is that we are now at the  beginning of a very new phase energetically   so you can expect to see a whole new level of  flow. Where previously, things weren't working   for you, or it felt like a struggle, or you  were just too exhausted to get things going,   there will be a new energy of flow coming in from  the month of June onwards, that will carry through   the end of the year. And it's also going to  relate to one of the themes for this month,   which is, Group Connection is on the Rise. This month and beyond, we're meant to help each   other and be a web of people working together.  This is going to become a lot easier to do. So   if you think of the last year and how most of  us around the world have been in some form of   lockdown, even within that, there were messages  I was receiving all along the way through that   period (and I shared many of them in the Energy  Updates), that rather than separating us or   having a negative effect, what it was going  to do was it was going to strengthen all of   us internally, make us revisit our values -  what's really, truly important in our life,   what's really, truly important to us - bring us  to a level of feeling and presence that we hadn't   previously been in. And the end result was we were  going to come back out of the house stronger and   more connected than ever before - not just to each  other, but to ourselves. So as a result of that,   being able to be more present with each other. Now, of course, that can go in stages.   So that phase of getting more in touch with  yourself can be very painful or very traumatic,   or have a lot of grief and loneliness, and what we  would call the heavier or the more dense energies.   But actually, where we're at now (and this is  something that I'm seeing and feeling in people   around me already), is that it's beginning to  shift and that people are tired of being tired,   tired of being exhausted, or tired of being  afraid, and so this level of group connection and   this remembrance that none of us are here to do  this alone. We're all taking care of our patch of   the garden. And if we all take care of the patch  of the garden that we feel connected to serving   and passionate about, then between us, we're all a  whole group of gardeners creating a very different   garden together. This is going to be very  evident and very important in the years to come.  As we come back out of the lockdown experience,  it's going to be a time where a lot of innovation   will rise. And again, I've spoken about this over  the recent months, and sometimes, it can be hard   to think of innovation when we're also dealing  with restrictions and pressure around restrictions   and attempted restriction in bigger ways. But this  is where we divide a little bit as a community.   There will be those of you who tune into  videos like mine or other people's videos,   and you're very much on the frontline of standing  for justice, balance, freedom in the world and   being the watchers of that and keeping checks  and balances on what's going on in the world. And   many of you are going to find your job a  little lighter over the next six months   than you've felt in the last year or so. There will have been a lot of heaviness that   you will have been involved in, a lot of fear  of the collective, fear in yourself about what   you're seeing going on and what you're trying to  stand for, so that we have a more fair and just   and humane world. You're going to see that the  next six months (if you're one of those people   and that's your role), it will be easier for  you to make headway with some of your causes.   Restrictions will crumble faster than they  would before. So your work will be improved   and easier, but also because of the wave  of people gathering to do it together.   Again, the key is going to be Collaboration and  Connection. The irony is, during lockdown we were   all, in theory, somewhat separated. But what it  has done is it has served to make us stronger and   more connected to ourselves and to each other. So  that wave of energy, which is going to be on the   planet for the next few years in a bigger way,  is about to start to spread out into the world.  Keep your eyes peeled for the good news and  for the innovation and for the people who are   making changes in the world that are  really important and really needed.   I think it's very easy to get seduced by the  bad news or to be magnetized by the bad news,   because at this time in our world, a lot of  that is still very amplified. And we're a   society that are used to that. Those of us who  are of the age that I am (like forties and up),   we're used to mostly bad news being what we  associate with the news. So keep your eyes   peeled for seeing the good things, because it  will spark you, literally. Seeing one person   doing something good in their community  or on a bigger scale, a global scale,   it brings renewed hope in you and in your body.  And it will infuse for you the possibility   that we need to see so that we can  create better (basically) going forward.  We are here creating it as a collective. So that's  really important to remember, and to not just fall   into the disempowerment of, "Oh my God, it's all  hopeless." It's okay if you go there, and you can   go there and we all need to go there at times,  and we move it through our body and our system.   But one of the themes that  came in for this month is,   Density is Having Less Hold over People  than Before. Density being fear, depression,   feeling withdrawn, feeling like you've lost  your energy. Partly because the fear levels   have shifted and the fear is not as strong as it  was in 2020 when it was being broadcast loud and   clear and magnetizing a lot of people, but also  partly because of our exhaustion with it all.   There's only so long that these  bodies are designed to stay in fear   and it's not as long as they have been. So basically, what you're going to start   to see is people, in a way, breaking out of  the chrysalis - breaking out of the cocoon.   And that's going to be happening steadily over  the next few months, but this gets stronger in   the month of June. It started in May, but it's  now going to rise in June. And so in a way,   think of it as people power and people  heart power coming back out in a bigger way.  Revelation and Reckoning is also going to be  a theme. Now in May, there was this message   I got about, "You're going to see revelations  - things coming out that have been concealed,   hidden, that have been told lies about,"  all of that kind of stuff. So it relates to   shadowy aspects of our world, shadowy aspects  that have long been hidden or misused.  This is going to keep going. And when I  questioned the message, because I said, "Well,   that came in last month too." They said, "Yeah,  prepare for a few years of it. Prepare for a few   years where things that you thought were true  are going to be turned on their head or revealed   to be quite different to what you previously  thought or what you were previously told."  Now, part of the trickiness of this is us knowing  how we feel about something. We already see how   the division has worked in the last year. You see  how it's very easy to get us as human beings to   fight each other. And that is the most dangerous  thing we can do. Because if we fight each other,   we don't work in unity consciousness. The tricky  thing about different beliefs about things   is when people go to war with each other. So get really clear about what you feel in   yourself as much as you can. You can still love  your neighbor, love your partner, love your   family member - even if you have slightly  different beliefs. The reason I say this is,   differing beliefs and differing ideas of truth are  going to continue for the next few years. So if   that's currently making you sad or depressing you  or making you angry, see if you can be with those   feelings and heal those feelings enough that  you will come out the other side and recognize   this is part of the world that we're in right now. And there is going to be a splitting of realities.   There are going to be people (as there already  are right now), but there are going to be people   living in one reality living next door to you,  and you're going to be living in a different one.   It doesn't mean we're not connected,  but it does mean that the speed of   consciousness at which everything is moving  and changing, it's putting us all at very   different levels and places on a daily basis. But the reason it's important for me to just   address this is, Revelation and Reckoning is going  to be a part of our next few years - it just is.   And our reckoning with these revelations - how we  feel, how we respond, how we react - is going to   be everything. And I will just say that for most  of you that would tune into the kind of work that   I do, most of you (not all of you, but most of  you), will be here not so much to clean up or to   be justice fighters against the old world  - most of you are here to birth the new.  Even if part of your work and part of your service  or part of your purpose here is to work with the   old world and the old energy for your own balance,  for your own sense of being a soul in the now,   you're going to need to create new stuff too. So  even if you just do that privately for yourself,   even if you just have a creative practice  where you're birthing something new through   your own creativity, it will help you balance  some of the heaviness with what you're doing.  So Revelation and Reckoning tends to be one of  the heaviest themes of the month and it will   be one of the heaviest themes of the coming few  years. But lean into ways that you can balance   yourself as we go through that, which is really no  different to how we've all had to kind of adjust   the way that we balance in the last year or so.  Higher Mind Emergence was another theme - in June,  an emergence of the higher mind. The higher mind   always relates to clarity and visionary ideas.  Clarity about things that you've felt stuck   about for a while, or suddenly you have this  revelation about a relationship you're in and   you thought you didn't like them or something  and then all of a sudden you're like, "Oh,   actually this is just because I've got this  wound from my past. And actually, they're great,   I was just locked in some karma with this  person,” and the whole relationship transforms.  So clarity can go all the ways. It's just  you seeing very clearly and coming to a very   present awareness - things in your life that you  either do resonate with or don't - and then taking   action based on that clarity. Visionary ideas also  come in when we have higher mind energies. And so   this higher mind emergence that's going to  get strong in June and through the summer,   it's going to mean that some of you who've  been looking for a new idea or a new   vision or something else that you want to feel  connected to, has all of the support to come in.  If you're feeling stuck, I would recommend  journaling every day. Just journal   your morning thoughts, your morning feelings  or your evening if your evening is better for   you. Just get into the flow of activating  some forward direction for yourself. And   because of the higher mind energies coming in now,  you'll be surprised how well it will be supported.  Now this next theme relates directly to higher  mind emergence, and it's a little contradictory,   Energy Spikes and Whether to Act on Them.  Energy Spikes can be anything from having   a huge awakening moment or a Kundalini moment  where suddenly you're highly energized or you   feel highly psychic or suddenly you don't quite  feel like reality is what you thought it was,   and it's very evident in your body and in  the way that you feel and sense the world.  It's not just about your thoughts or  your beliefs - it's a very activated   shift in your energy field. And whenever  we're going through these Energy Spikes,   they usually are elevating us. So we'll have a  very alive week. People who take plant medicine,   Ayahuasca, or have had transcendental experiences  using some kind of substance - it's like that, but   it's happening without the substance basically. More and more people are having these   activated, intuitive awakening experiences,  these awakening moments. And these Energy   Spikes are on the rise collectively. And the  one piece of advice I want to give you (and   I know this from personal experience and from  being around many, many people who have had   this experience over the last few years),  it really pays to wait out the Energy Spike   before you rearrange your life if you can. Usually when these happen, we can go into   a very soul space and we can go into a higher  mind. So this is why it relates to the higher   mind emergence. We suddenly feel like we see the  Universe and everything and our visionary map,   but what then happens is, whether it's an  hour or a few days or a few weeks later,   we come back down into the body and then we  have a chance to slowly but surely rearrange.  Because it's very rare that anyone (it happens,  but it's rare), that anyone has an enlightenment   experience that overnight their whole life changes  and their whole awareness shifts. Most of us will   have it in stages and we'll have it in moments.  But in that moment of amplification, you can feel   superhuman and invincible and like you know  everything or suddenly everything is clear.  So you have to be a little bit careful about  how much you blow up your life in those moments.   It doesn't mean your intuition might not be right.  In that moment, you might have clarity about what   you're supposed to do, but while you're in  that space, you taking the acts to your life   is not necessarily going to be the way to do it  that will be smooth, clean, and easier for you to   ground your vision. It can often create  shockwaves for you and others involved.  By all means, I certainly have done that a  couple of times in my life many years ago   and there are times when we just do do that.  Don't beat yourself up if you're like, "Uh oh,   that's what I've just done." You  did it, so trust your choice,   but learn how to use those Energy Spikes. Learn  to recognize, "Oh, I'm really in that phase again.   I'll make some notes. If I don't want to  forget what I'm thinking, I'll make some notes,   and then when I come down and when it all settles  down, I will be able to gently move the pieces."  Our soul can move very fast. Our human  body is a little slower, and thus,   so are all our human relationships. Sometimes  it takes more patience than we would like when   we're in that visionary Energy Spike invincible  mode to come back. But that's the beauty of   being a human soul. That's the dance. That's the  chop wood, carry water part of us as human beings.  There's something beautiful to tending to  your inner garden and the garden of your life   gently, slowly, and steadily. Bear  that in mind. These Energy Spikes are   coming online for more and more people. The  question is, when and whether to act on them.  Let me see here. I'm checking the  notes to see what I've missed. Okay.   Deep Internal Healing is Leading to a Group  Awakening. Again, this is a theme that we've been   walking through for a year or so. But this  month, the message was for us to recognize   that the deep internal healing that we have  been going through with increasing energy and   clarity for the last (I would say), few  years, is leading to a group awakening.   More and more people have gone through a real ride  with their feelings, their thoughts, their belief   system than ever before on the planet in the last  couple of years, but especially over the last   year. That deep internal healing, which sometimes  is painful and doesn't feel good and isn't pretty,   and when you're in it, you're in it and it's deep.  But what it's leading to and what the outcome is,   is more of a Group Awakening on the planet. As we come out of this, again, this phase   that we've been in for the last year and  we start to emerge back out into the world,   you will notice there is a tenderness and there is  a vulnerability that is going to be more present   in people. In some ways, that's going to make  some of us more nervous or more cautious or, "Oh,   I don't know. I've been in my house for a year.  I don't know if I'm ready to come out again."   And that's okay. That's normal. That's part of  the process. But actually, the message is that   tenderness, that vulnerability, that hesitancy,  is beautiful because we're no longer on autopilot   the way that we might have been as a group. Expect some awkwardness in interactions and in...   but it's a beautiful awkwardness. It's no  different than watching a child awkwardly   learn to walk. They're determined so they  keep going, but you watch them fall over,   but eventually they're walking and so they have  transformed. They have come through the cocoon   from a non-walking being to a walking being. The  same is true for us. We're going to have to go   through the cocoon a little bit over the coming  three, four, five, six months as we re-encounter   life and re-encounter each other on the other  side of everything that we have gone through.  Just bear that tenderness in mind. Don't see it  as a problem. Celebrate it if you notice it in   yourself, but also be mindful that some people  might be acting in odd ways in your mind until   you remember, "Oh yeah, we're all a bit odd right  now," because, A, humans are odd, and B, we've all   gone through this very strange experience that has  many facets to it and it's complex and everyone   feels a little bit differently about it, and now  we're coming back together to try and unify again.  I know that many of us will talk about the  division energy that's on the planet, but again,   whenever I ask them about that, they're like,  "The unification is on the rise." This is the   period you are in. This was part of  coming back to a more unified world.   Doesn't mean everything will be harmonic  tomorrow. It does mean that we will be more aware   of disharmony than we've ever been and more  bothered by it, more empathic to it, more feeling   the insanity of it. At first, it can be that  you need to feel those feelings, and when   you’ve felt those feelings, you get to a place  where you can act and create some change. Again,   be gentle with yourself and be gentle with  others. It's been an intense time, so that's   just something to keep in mind, this Deep  Internal Healing Leading to a Group Awakening.  The last thing to say about that is that that  integration is happening inside each of us too,   so we're awakening in a bigger way because parts  of us are healing. If you think of who we are,   there's a whole bunch of voices and aspects  and energies in here that make up who we   are. We're a little bit; our relationship with our  mom and we're a little bit; our relationship with   our friends and we're a little bit; that thing  that happened to us when we were 13. And it all   meshes together to create who we are, how we feel  about the world, what we emit, how we interact.  Parts of us have been healing faster than ever  before, and so it changes the whole of us,   so we get to have a bit of a group awakening, too.  Again, don't be surprised if you're reviewing your   whole life right now going, "God, I don't know  if I want to do this thing in the future. I might   want to do something completely different." That's  normal, too. But be patient with it and try not to   have knee-jerk reactions, because the more you can  really sit with it and stay with it, the more you   can deeply create a whole new foundation,  if that's what you're really looking for.  I remember, many years ago, there was an  example given that, "Don't take the first   upgrade that comes to you." They used aeroplanes  as an analogy. They said, "If you're in economy   and you wish you could sit in business class,  the minute someone offers you business class,   you might not always want to jump at it  because you might get to first class." Now,   I don't know. I don't know if that analogy is  going to work for everybody, but what I understood   about it was they were saying that you will get  upgrades through your life and you will be offered   different upgrades as you go. Sometimes you take  the first one out of desperation and you're like,   "Oh, great. Yeah, phew!" They say, if you can  really get in touch with what's the desperation,   why are you desperate for the upgrade -  what's the feeling, and be aware of it,   then you can really sit in that and there could  be a bigger improvement for you further along.  Yeah, I don't think aeroplanes is a very good  example in this time, in this day and age,   not with what we've all just been through!  But I think you get the drift. I think it   was because of the word upgrade that it came in. That's everything for June and beyond, everyone.   This new energy of flow is emerging. It's  coming in and it's going to be a more energized,   uplifting time. But as I always say, if you're in  a rough spot, if you've been having a tough time,   just keep looking after yourself. You'll come out  of the chrysalis. You'll come out of the cocoon.   There's no rush. Thank you for tuning in,  everyone. I have some exciting news. We have a   brand new sound healing and music album coming  out on June 11th. It's called Transmissions.  Last summer, we held a virtual online  retreat, which several thousand of you   joined us for, which was amazing. It was called  Transmissions. And we created a special album,   which is 50 minutes long - five 10-minute  tracks to accompany the course and to help   people who took the course integrate the  material. The tracks are called Time, Play Space,   Flow and Peace. And they give you a 10-minute  journey with each of those themes and get you to   sit with those themes in your life. And they  end with sung mantra. So not only do we have   that album coming out publicly now on June the  11th, so it will be on Spotify and Apple Music,   it will also be available to download or as  a special edition CD over at my music store.  We will have five beautiful videos coming for  each track and they will be freely available on   YouTube. I've commissioned our video editor,  Rebecca, to do them and they are beautiful   visual meditations. So can't wait to gift those  to you. The first one will come out on June 4th,   and we're going to play you a clip from the  first video, Time, at the end of this. So if   you stay tuned for another minute or so, you'll  get to experience it. Secondly, I'm doing a free   broadcast on the solstice. It's fun to do things  like that on the solstice. On June the 21st,   we're doing a free broadcast called,  Vision. I will tune in and intuit   for, you know, the rest of the year as I  do now, but I'll also channel my guides,   The Z's, directly. It is free, but I'm not doing  it out on public platforms. You get a different   energy when you have a bit more of a container. All you need to do is go to the link underneath   this video or in the show notes if you're  listening to this as an audio on Apple Podcasts,   and you'll find how to get access to the live  broadcast, but also the replay. You'll get the   replay of the video if you can't make it  live, but us doing it on the solstice day   will give it a special energy. The Portal,  lastly, is my monthly members' community.   It's a sanctuary for sensitives and in  there we give you a whole host of tools   to help you thrive during these times. And I also  do a 90-minute broadcast every single month where   I answer your questions and we get through as  many questions as we can. There's a whole host of   things inside The Portal, including this month you  will get the two meditations that I've created - a   morning meditation to open to your day, and an  evening meditation to close and release your day.  Those MP3s we usually make available in the store  every month too, but Portal members get those MP3s   as part of their membership. So if you're curious  about The Portal, check it out. You can try it for   a month and see if it's for you. You can find  that at theportal.world. And right now, we're   going to give you a preview of the Time video. And  if you want to check out the album, you can go to   transmissionsalbum.com. Again, we'll put the  link below and yes, we will do the Transmissions   course again this year. It will be happening  mid-July and I'll give you all details on the   next Update. But for now, here is a preview  of the video for Time. Lots of love everyone.
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 223,854
Rating: 4.9650302 out of 5
Keywords: Energy Update, Ascension Update, energy forecast, june 2021, spiritual awakening, The Secret Film
Id: yQpsa9yAQ6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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