Scottsdale 2018 event

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my dad died on the 22nd of o2 I had just moved into a house it was 2 2 2 and he had never gotten to visit our new house at the time and so after he died I'd be backstage and there'd be a sticker on the back of a bathroom door you know that you wear to a concert that's a tutu - it was just like everywhere constantly and no matter where I go a Frank Sinatra song is gonna come on or Copacabana was a song he used to dance - so I did a dancing with the local stars for charity I did it - Copacabana for my dad I caught my flight the next day and the airline attendant started singing Copacabana over the intercom but with Southwest Airlines put in it and I was like that's pretty cool and then this guy that was homeless came up to me and he had the most beautiful voice and he said he said do you like Luther Vandross and I was like I like Luther Vandross and so he started singing dance with my father and my and and just out of the blue it was so random and as you know my dad was a dancer so it's really cool so just be open to the signs there there [Music] hi I'm Robin Robin January 19th is my birthday and your question I would just love to reach out to my daughter who passed daughter um did she make it to 17 yes okay how much beyond 17 did she live 26 okay if you take out a picture of your daughter at 17 that's what she looks like now so it's when you and she were still together and that you were the mom in you baby dur she loved that even though she was hard on you and told you not to baby her you know that she could take care of herself she also said around her passing not your fault she kept referencing it wasn't your fault and it wasn't something you could actually stop from happening but she knows she would trade places with her because she hears you say it and you feel like it's so unfair that she's gone she understands that so she didn't feel anything she felt numb at the time that she passed so when they feel numb sometimes there's something in their system like medication but she felt numb so she wants to know there was no pain okay do you understand that yes okay so she wants you to remember on her birthday when you're celebrating her that she's sitting beside you okay she also says you loved her more than anyone and she wants you to know that she felt entirely loved when she died there wasn't a day that you made her feel I'm loved even when he didn't agree okay she also laughed and she said she said her friends are getting tattoos for her so she sees them getting tattoos and she thinks it's hilarious because they're not all sober [Laughter] he also talked about her your phone carrying her energy so either her pictures in your phone and/or her phone number still in your phone and you can take it out so she sees that and she knows you do that because it connects you to her and she loves you too she also says she loves you more okay so it feels like I love her more right so it feels like that had to do with you thinking you loved her more and her coming back and saying no I love you more okay she says you know that she's there like you can feel her around you but it's there's a disconnect because there's some issue around her passing like she doesn't want you to be upset with her so there's a feeling of don't be mad at me do you understand yeah okay she says at 17 you were still proud of her and she wants you to think of her then instead of at 26 when maybe a word is proud of her that's how she feels she disappointed you and she knows that she's sorry I don't know how I'm gonna keep these lashes it's interesting where she's at she's actually holding like a little dog and it's licking her face so she's very comfortable with this pet and animals so this may be a pet that passed but she's referencing the two of them being together and she said they're equally weird she also feels like you know the things that she left behind aren't worth keeping so you don't have to like keep those things even though you feel connected to her because of them she is saying keep the t-shirts and she's trying to cut squares out of the t-shirts and make a blanket do you understand I was planning on doing that the reason you're planning on doing that is because she whispered in the your ear that she wanted you to do that so when you're sad you can put it around your shoulders and feel her hug do you understand so she's talking to you she started communicating with you so it's not that she's not there it's just because of how she died it left a wedge between the two of you so that tells me she feels some responsibility in her passing do you understand yes but she's waiting for you and she'll always be waiting for you so you don't feel like you're never gonna see her again the next time you see her you'll never say goodbye okay you were her best friend so she wants you to know even though she and you could do this because you were so much alike you're always her best friend you're always in her corner she appreciated that you were that to her it feels like she was closer to you than the father so she's just saying it was you and her you know and that's why you miss her so much because it was you and her she loves you to the moon and back oh wow I'm gonna break my connection with her and send her with you okay can we show her some support hi I'm sandy my birthday's in January January 7th and my my study aid he passed away your son hinge it was born December 1st so the first thing he had said was she's the best meaning you and I was laughing because he said I was a good-looking guy and he said I said I had a great smile it just feels like when he walked in the room he'd be like hey you know and like light up the room and so he feels like that part of you that you can't always express you did when you were younger though he says but that's who he was he'd walk into a room totally comfortable he felt liked by everybody and if somebody didn't like him he didn't notice but it was like that guy he was a very sensitive energy almost like it would be hard for him to live in this world like for his energy to exist here because there was so much good in him that sometimes the world became painful for him to be in he also laughed and he said I'm her favorite so that was important to him that everybody here know that he was your favorite her favorite person in the world and then he said mom don't die inside he just feels she's shutting down parts of yourself that were the parts that he was like you and he doesn't want you to do that because the two of you could joke together like you couldn't joke with other people so you feel like your best friend like your closest partners gone that was your son he sees that but it's not what he wants for you it's not what he it's not what you would want for him he's asking you to do the same for him show him how to live you know he didn't get a live a full life you've got to let him live through you know go to the places that you need to go want to go and take him with that's what he really wants he says he plays with the lights he shuts him off he turns them on you're gonna see the lights in your house be a big issue light bulbs popping it's him and he'll also turn on the TV cuz it feels like he'd like to watch TV yes okay do you understand okay does he say anything about his brother I can do a message is his brother still living he's got a younger brother that I worry a lot about okay and I'll ask him about that but again let the younger brother know that he's the favorite you know he just wants him to be sure of that he knows that he also said sorry about the phone call so it feels like a phone call that you would get that something happened or that so he says he's sorry about that phone call still when the phone rings you're traumatized by it it almost brings that feeling back again and he says you woke up many days thinking it was a bad dream and then he was still here and he watches you spiral and he's gonna help you to study yourself again okay so we're gonna go for his brother then Andy and what's his brother's first name Chris and the month and day he was born August 11th okay okay just so you know they don't listen I feel like he's I think losing his brothers been really hard on Asher I see with siblings it changes who the other sibling is and sometimes they want to be with them it can cause a domino effect so it could send Chris down the road of drugs or alcohol doing something to tempt fate you know so I'm just gonna see what he says about Chris he's seeing everything that his brother does first of all he says Chris needs structure from a father figure is there a father figure around yes okay that person needs to step up more in order to make a difference with Chris because it feels like Chris is not just depressed he plays what if a lot the what-if game and I think you do too but he said to tell him that he's watching him and that he'll like I guess we're all adults that he'll kick his ass if he doesn't stop okay so Chris is you know try playing with fire be you know he's leo he's gonna do everything very publicly and dramatically and gonna give you heart palpitations and he's like tell him to stop he doesn't want you to have a heart attack and you're internalizing what's going on with Chris because you couldn't save the one son so now everything inside of you is trying to save this one but don't let him run you don't let him manipulate you that's what your son saying because he's manipulating you playing on the fact that his brother died so you'll give him what he wants but in the end what you're giving him will be what kills him so when it comes to money watch that watch what he's using that for but let him know his big brother sees everything he's doing okay and close the wallet for you okay he says it'll always be your sunshine and he feels like young energy like being your boy um he says keep a pair of his jeans they're lucky he says most of his stuff just give to like his brother I'm sure you will I've actually made bears out of most of his clothes I give them to everybody in the family okay first is clothes that's good he also talks about that he had great hair at 17 so he's talking about his hair and he's talking about a lock of hair but when he was 17 did he have beautiful hair he kept referencing 17 when he was 18 he started going bald bald he got epilepsy and the medicine that he was on he lost his hair after he went back to I do that's why he's mentioning his hair and it's so important to him because that bothered him okay he's gonna communicate to you also through songs they come on randomly and elevators and random places to let you know that he's okay so and he says he's getting used to listening to your music and that's cool too he likes to rock he likes to ride in the car with the shotgun like he's your copilot he says stop multitasking you're not that good okay so no no I understand he doesn't want you to reread somebody and he says you come close so but he rides with you always he's your copilot he loves you always I'm gonna break my connection with him and thank you okay hey Joe yes I want to go here can we go back there after hear you yeah hi your first name Whitney Whitney that's right and the month and day you were born February 10th okay thought you might have been an Aquarius you got like that cool exterior like me are we bringing somebody through hopefully okay who do you want brought through my brother brother um first of all energetically he comes through very protective of you like wouldn't want his friends to date you know like very protective of you a lot of brothers and sisters aren't completely close it feels like the two of you knew what each other was thinking and was going to say like it just feels like you could read each other very well he did talk about loving cars and road trips so you might talk to your mom and take out the pictures of like when you were kids and the road trips that you'd take or it just feels like he had a side that wanted to see everywhere that wanted to go everywhere and he wants you to have that adventure in life too and not feel guilty for having a good time and laughing because your brother's not here to do it he sees you do that a lot and it's not what he wants okay he shows you in white so he's showing marriage for you did you get married yeah okay did you have the Son and the daughter yet okay so he's around his niece and his nephew he loves them okay he protects them alright I said how did you feel when he died and he said he felt kind of sick to his stomach and it was hard to breathe and he just showed it being hard to breathe do you understand that yeah okay but he doesn't feel that way anymore so he doesn't want you to think of him struggling okay he says not all guys are like good with just being you know with hanging out with girls and females but like he actually kind of preferred being from the women because they took care of him and they he loved that he says you guys had the best mom she do his laundry and forgive him for anything and let him get away with everything and his friends loved your mom they'd rather be at your house in their house and so you have that mom that everybody wished they had so he says he loves her very much he knew he was lucky he has an entourage where he is there are a plenty of good-looking women around and he likes that again he's a teenager so he's enjoying the social life and hanging out with other teenagers and that's a good thing a lot of them he said though got to live fast like cart they died in car accidents so he's showing being around a lot of young people that died in car accidents where he is and then Vegas like he wants to go to Vegas with you like Vegas is he's showing Vegas connected to you do you understand that okay you're gonna be invited to Las Vegas if you haven't already gone since he died you're gonna be invited to Las Vegas this summer go okay and you don't have to get a tattoo for him okay do you understand yeah okay good okay and he's going like this to your mother like the necklace that carries his energy so do you have a necklace that symbolizes him yeah she's okay he likes it so he plays with it sometimes and he likes being close to your heart so it's a good thing okay whitney says you can do anything in life like you have no limitations you want you to stop being your own worst enemy he's like you're stopping yourself from doing the things he always dreamt of doing and just because you know that you have the two kids doesn't mean you can't do it so he's gonna be the energy that pushes you to fulfill your destiny do you understand it feels like there's gonna be education involved for you in moving you forward and to go ahead and just take that path now because one way or another is gonna push you down it Danny champion so you're here today to hear that from your brother it's for a reason it's because he loves you and he says keep celebrating both of your birthday's you know and remember you have somebody watching over you so you don't have to worry anymore okay and you don't have to worry about the kids they'll be fine it feels like your boy is gonna be a lot like your brother and he carries his energy and so he'll keep you on your toes okay and they're both gonna be healthy and fine so don't worry about that he says the you're his nephew is actually smarter than most kids and so he's saying don't worry about him he just learns differently so that's something that you'll go through he says he's going to be artistic and very creative and just give him some art utensils and he'll be fine he's just got an artist's heart okay tell them he loves them I'm gonna break my connection with him and send him with you okay hi my name's Michelle and my birthday is 12 27 am i bringing somebody through or is it a life question I'm bringing someone through hopefully you could come up he's referencing the number 21 did he make it past 21 no he passed it 20 he wanted to be old enough to drink so in his version of heaven there's a pool table and he's in a bar and he's 21 so and there's chicken wings and he likes that do you understand oh yes so four is this sister sister so when you go are drawn to going to bars like that and a song will come on that somebody plays it's him hanging out with you okay so that's why you're drawn to those places and then he said to me wasn't i lucky look at how great they are so his whole life it just feels like he felt sorry for everybody else for not having it as good as he did so he's thanking you both for that and it feels like sister they could pick on each other but if anybody else did it they'd have held up hey so yeah they had that relationship and then mom he referenced a picture it's just you and him and he's little and he's dressed up so it feels like he'd be little and you'd have your arm around him in this picture and it looks like more professionally taken but he's referencing that picture always being you in him okay the he'll always be your boy that's how he puts it and you know he knows that his sister her judgments gotten better with partners he's but he still says nobody will ever be good enough for you you understand that would the sister feels like he's calling you partners in crime like there's still things the two of you know about each other that mom doesn't even know he says he wasn't like anybody else he was so different and he always prided himself on being different whether it be with his hair or his over-the-top personality it just feels like he was almost too good to be true because he had more energy than most people so he never saw himself growing old he just never saw that because he was such young energy he understand his sister is gonna have a son that she names after him so his name gets carried on have you had the boy yet no but you know you're gonna name him after him oh yes she knows he's gonna have his eyes so you'll know that a part of him is back okay it also feels like you're gonna have a child maybe early December not late December like mom he says more of like a Sagittarius energy like a fire sign to keep you on your toes he said that's really what you need oh my goodness he's and he says mom she's gonna need a lot of help but I'm not retiring hahaha you won't he says you won't have to he feels like his sister's actually very nurturing even though she thinks in the this is his words not mine even though she thinks she's a hard-ass is what he says yeah it's actually very nurturing he where she could actually be a nurse so he's showing you taking care of other people it's not just gonna be the children you're gonna have this other career and it's gonna be great that's good he wants his sister to have all of like his black t-shirts like for her to have the t-shirts you have them he's like do something with them they're getting dusty well maybe make a blanket they you know if you've got a box of dusty t-shirts laying around somewhere cut out the squares and make it into a blanket that you can wrap around your shoulders you know when you miss them it's a good thing to do he says maybe baby blankets feels like you're gonna get pregnant really soon so I hope that's okay it's time he knows you're scared but it's gonna be fine your kids are gonna be healthy and rebels in a good way oh it felt like his body there was no repairing it there was no fixing it and he's like you did all the right things mom all the right choices so not to second-guess yourself it was his time to let go do you understand yep when you go to bed don't think of them when you were holding their hand saying goodbye don't think of them when they were in the casket or when they didn't look like themselves take out a picture of him when he looked really happy and he was probably partying you can put that up and just say okay I'm ready for a visit because we're tearing down that wall right now so then you could let him be part of your life again instead of him be your past he's your future every day you wake up's a good day it's a day closer to seeing him again right you're not moving away from him you're moving towards him remember that when you wake up he says mom couldn't get out of bed for a long time so he laid there with you when you laid in bed he is showing balloons for him too so balloons get released for him yes Stan mm-hm so he saw that so thank you okay you keep him alive everyday just by talking about him or thinking of how so he's very much still part of your family he doesn't want you to think of your family picture without him he's always gonna find a way to be seen look at some of your photographs if you see a glint of light off in the corner that's how they show themselves they like to stick their face in there like I'm here too you know so he's got a lot of energy he's gonna find ways to mess with you in the best ways yes and for a sister like teasing you like moving your car keys things like that so he's not going anywhere he chooses to stay good so he's like that to the two of you I'm gonna break my connection with him and send him with you hi Lisa February 19th and all these Aquarius I have a life question so that's fine I guess it's regarding romance and I'm have had such bad luck with emotional vampires I'm terrified I'm just wondering if it would be better to just fully give it up like if that would just be better for my soul No I mean I had boyfriend's before a Joe he just made them all look like they paled in comparison to him you just haven't met the right guy yeah 40 years and the right one I met I thought last year he died so let me say this energetically I meet a lot of people I've probably met hundreds of thousands of people you have amazing energy so the people that you're drawing in it has nothing to do with you not being right you'd make a great mate for anybody I don't feel that way I feel like um those emotional vampires they can see my energy and they dart for me because they're like we can manipulate this one she's gonna think we're nice and we can pretend that for months well you know what I found works for me my dad was kind of a ladies man and I'm his only child so I kind of was a son in a way so you know when I met Joe I was kind of like yeah I'm not looking for a relationship you know good luck to you hope you find what you're looking for take that stance with them right off the bat be like yeah not really into you but we could be friends and keep playing that card for like months let them chase you okay you know you're too nice right out of the gate you know that it's almost like the more you tell them no the more they just absolutely have to have you ladies you know that's true so you know don't don't project it's like don't they're mistaking your niceness for weakness and that's there's a difference not to be nice and put your foot down on their throat from time to time so I like to write be strong oh yeah so but you said the guy that you thought was the right one died yeah you want me to bring him absolutely if you'd be willing you want to come up here yeah can I be his mother too of course just go ahead and have a seat there and what what was his Alec Alec in the month and day he was born September 7th so I'm gonna tap into him so just you got your mom holding your hand his mom his mom oh that's good the first thing he said was I finally had it all so he felt like in his life he finally had it all he's great that it's great to him that the end of his life was spent with you he's thanking you for coming into his life or he wouldn't have known what love was okay he said she was the best thing that ever happened to me he did show a ring so his intention was engagement for you I asked him how he felt around the time that he died and he feels confused to me like his head wasn't in the right place or like he didn't know what was happening it just feels he feels very confused to me but like he didn't know what was coming for him does that make sense to you yeah yes so it almost feels like the air was or was knocked out of him it just feels like I can't breathe and you know the air is knocked out and that's but he other than that he didn't feel anything so just want you to know the air was knocked out of him and then he everything went black it just feels like he doesn't want you to worry about him hurting mom he says that's what he felt at the time like knocked out of his body do you understand yes okay mom he does reference himself as your angel and you know that he's your angel yes he likes angel statues the cherub angel statues do so put one in the yard there's not one there you have one then he told you to buy it yes okay so you're communicating with him yes I do okay he says I talked to my mom when she sleeps so he likes to lay next to you mom when you go to sleep because he says you have trouble going to sleep and he really worries about you and your blood pressures off get that checked and but he says laying next to you just he listens to your thoughts and how much she missed them and how you wanted to trade places with him but he says you need to go on a cruise for him you need to live for him and it just feels like he wants all of his friends and including his love to take he's showing you on a cruise ship together and like having a good time and like celebrating him so either birthday or anniversary of death but he wants you to do that and he says you can't be home for Christmas mom you can't do that it's too hard you know he says you need to distract yourself do something else he says go buy toys for a bunch of kids that need him or something in his name and he would love that he feels like a big kid inside like he really enjoyed he feels like a teddy bear to me he feels like he was a soft teddy bear on the inside and he also feels to me like his eyes were what drew you in to him and also his big heart both of you had a big heart which is why the two of you worked so well and you waited so long to find somebody like that and he was taken from me it was so unfair and he sees that too he says mom get her a ring to wear in a chain so she finally gets the ring he just wants her to have it because she's always gonna imagine it and he doesn't want that so he just just a gold band just for her to wear on the chain so that she always has him there but he does say you meet somebody in the next year and you're gonna have a hard time with this because you're gonna want to push him away and he's like don't do it you just told me to stand his neck I'm so confused I love my audiences there is marriage for you but that's why the Rings important so that she has some full circle the ring for him he's not gonna leave mom ever you're gonna have another life and so he'll stay as long as you need him but you've got a lot coming for you this year and there's also a sense of you are born to be a mother so I know that's heavy you know hitting the 40's and you see I've read a lot of people really good with babies so the fact that he's saying you were meant to be a mother says that that's in the cards for you don't push it away because you're afraid of being hurt again that's why it's gonna happen so soon because it'll be so soon that you have to give in to it and he says give the guy a break too don't compare him to him constantly cuz you're gonna want to and he says he's gonna be as sensitive and as loving just a different guy that's all he feels like he's gonna be more of a get on the back of my motorcycle kind of guy let's go on a road trip that's what he feels like so he's like give him a chance he's looking for love too he just assumes he's never gonna find it either so put yourself out there this year the two of you are always gonna be friends if he says always and so he's glad that he brought the two of you together but he wants you to remember you're the most beautiful woman in the world never forget that and he says you look good in his t-shirts do you understand I think that was a flirt he loves you completely and mom he'll always be your baby and he wants you to know that he'll he'll be waiting for you with bells on he says he knows his birthday is one of your favorite days of the year and so he always spends it with you son needed to be heard and that was important and he's he's giving you a kiss on the cheek and then standing up slowly so he's gonna go with you today he says if you have problems with your car radio you'll know why okay I'm gonna break my connection with him thank you birthday is January 11th Capricorn's and Aquarians today all right a lot of garnet in the house and is it a live question or is it mediumship yeah I'm bringing someone through my dad okay can you come up here yeah the first thing he said was daddy's girls so it felt like you changed the man he was he was kind of a tough guy before you guys came along and then you like softened them and he couldn't help but to do things for you that he wouldn't do for anybody else he feels like that kind of dad that when the mom go when you go I need some money the mom would be like she needs money do we have it yes then give it to her you know he feels like that dad to me and he says he brags where he's at about the two of you still so it just feels like he was always very proud of you telling people about you constantly where everybody knew your business because your dad was always telling him it you know he also said he had a great laugh and I felt like when he laughed he'd make you laugh just because his laugh was funny okay and then he said check your oil and your tire pressure you're not always good about that and he worries about you getting strand on the side of the road okay he understands he's just holding up a ring and a watch and like keep him safe did you get his ring and his watch yeah I wore his ring for my wedding I just got married okay he would have saw that then so you did he did walk you down the aisle then because she had his ring yeah but he also referenced his watch who has his watch hey don't I'm really so upset cuz I lost it and then my husband and gave me a watch it looks exactly like his for Christmas that's good yeah and people compliment me on it all the time and I say it looks just like my dad's watch they lost so this is how he's gonna make it right for you have it inscribed the dad on the back okay it'll carry his energy still he knows that bothers you yeah okay okay he felt incredibly blessed he had a beautiful family people always told him so he was loved by his friends he was admired by his peers he was a handshake guy if he gave you his word he'd keep it it was very important to him that people were like that that were around him he was extremely loyal when it came to people he worked with to you know not leaving them behind making sure they had a job or that they advanced would be important to him do you understand yes okay says it all he was a judge and he was very respected yeah absolutely respected yeah which is funny because he said he'd do things for you girls he wouldn't do for anybody else so I got a sixer of yes all fours get a son of tickets that's lucky you're lucky so it feels like there's gonna be pictures of him even like on the like with no shirt on and shorts like swimming or you know being outdoors just feels like he used to be really strong what very strong which is why I got a picture of him I was gonna bring it I used to run marathons and he just looked at it again today and I said he was just pure muscle from head to toe and that's lucky yeah so it just feels like towards the end of his life he didn't feel like himself anymore he doesn't want you to think of him like that because he was a strongest man the biggest man in the world to you girls he always wants you to see him that way you know and you major all people by him and he felt as lucky to have you as his children as you feel to have him as your dad he said he fixed a lot more than parking tickets for the two of you it feels like he was not just protective but he would bring down like the hammer on people yes yeah yes one of the things he really enjoyed was teaching you how to ride a bike so he wants you to remember when you were little in those moments where he's like you can do it you can do it and holding onto the back of your bike he loved being a dad he's funny though he doesn't want you to be disappointed with the rest of life thinking there's nobody as interesting as him and it's so true all we do is tell people how brilliant he was and he was a brilliant man really man and yes yes he was a very evolved soul very evolved um he feels like he made some mistakes around your mom though and he feels like he'd spent more time with her told her how beautiful she was more often she committed suicide when we were really young yeah he's just letting you know he felt partially responsible even though I actually know he wasn't your mom had a chemical imbalance there was an up-down feeling she feels bipolar and she tried to self-medicate and that's what pushed her over the edge it wasn't you and her not loving you and it wasn't him and him not being there more it's why you guys were so close is because he was your mother and father absolutely he's showing you in caps and gowns and all the pictures of graduations and celebrations he really tried to make your life special he hopes he succeeded and he said he had to actually figure out how to be up-to-date on what you were wearing and hair and stuff and he really tried to know what he was talking about it feels like he had a secretary or somebody like that helped him out yes and he actually had really good taste and we would steal okay so that was back in the 90s would actually steal his like big sweaters in history did you have the little judge yet I have two children two girls there's a boy though and he referenced him as the little judge so I don't think you're done she's contemplating it's gonna be the essence of your father that you bring back and and he is gonna go into law like your dad that'll make the nine months worth it he wants you to know that your mother loved you very very much and she had a lot of regrets but he says it wasn't really her fault she couldn't handle life and it feels like it was always winter to her is the way he's putting it and so it was never the son was never out for her and he says you don't have what she had you're not like her can you say that again you don't have what she had you're not like her you may look like her but you're not like her chemically so you don't have to worry about that okay you're gonna be fine he said your mom was very beautiful and she was very smart that's what you got from her not the chemical imbalance and your your daughter's don't have it either thank you for saying that he wants the two of you to go to Hawaii and sit under a palm tree together and just spend that time reflecting although does he know that was volcano I was coming home when the volcanoes are over you need a sister trip to Hawaii to get away the two of you and like share memories and be happy because he feels like both of you are burning the candle at both ends you're way too hard on yourself and you're a perfectionist and you need to watch that so he's with you every day when the Sun rises and the Sun sets he's with you that's what he says and he loves the fourth of July so make sure you put out a flag for him and barbecue he says it's important okay do you understand yes in a parade make sure you're around a parade and he wants you to keep like one of his Blazers so when you feel like he's not around you can like put a sport coat on or something and just fill him there he'll always protect you that will always be the case he says you're both so much like him he both need to lighten up he says you're more like him than your mother he said you just got her good look so he says and he likes American cars so make sure you stick to American cars because he thinks they're safer with good tire pressure any worries about you okay when your phone rings and there's nobody there it's him so your phones are gonna act up so pay attention to that or where it says there's a missed call but there's no number he also says his voice is odd his audio taped and you listen to it and it feels like there's a phone number you keep dialing but you know he's not there so he's just saying he knows how big a party is of you and you're as big a part of him and he's kissing you both on the floor he loves you more than anything and for you to remember that you're his world and that you are the three musketeers okay I'm gonna break my connection with him incentive thank you thank you I want to thank everybody for coming I hope you learned something from the readings that you hurt today and take it home with you you're gonna have messages that you get throughout the night and throughout the day and even getting in your car turning on the radio a certain songs gonna be on that your dad letting you know that he's there or your child so I just want you to know that they take all of the moments you love them with them when they die and they hold on to them until they see you again so you may say goodbye once but when you see them again you'll never say goodbye again
Channel: Allison DuBois
Views: 219,689
Rating: 4.8805408 out of 5
Keywords: Allison DuBois, Psychic, Medium, Readings
Id: mR05GH7mp6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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