You're All Hypocrites | People Stories #251

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what's the most hypocritical thing you've witnessed i was having a hard time getting a job after college my step-grandmother called me every single name in the book every variation of deadbeat dependent loser you can possibly think of almost every single time i saw her no self-discipline no drive too dependent on others i can't believe you can't get a job i taught my daughters how to work you're definitely your mother's child i had expectations for my own kids all i knew is i had to work this is the same person who never had a job in her life wasn't able to collect her own social security since she never paid into it and was 100 dependent on my grandpa way to call the kettle black it got so bad i had to stop talking to her all together since each convo would just be putting me down if i were you i wouldn't even call her there was a girl in one of my classes that spent the entire class on facebook every single day during a presentation she was giving one day someone noticeably checked their email we all saw but we all also knew that she was on facebook every single day for the entire class that's why we were all very surprised when she stopped the presentation to scream at this person for being rude and disrespectful and then stormed out honestly she probably just needed a way to get out of the presentation and jump to the opportunity my ex-wife shortly after we separated told me when if i started seeing someone that she would want to meet them before our kids did which makes perfect sense two months later the guy she had an affair with moved from nc to fl and in with her and my two kids i still haven't met him and it's been six months what the frick dude i'm sorry i've noticed that pretty much any time someone uses the phrase if you don't like it leave it only applies to other people that person will have no problem complaining endlessly and not leaving comma if you don't like it leave translation i can't handle criticism so i will deflect any attempt to criticize me by telling the critic to just leave and stop criticizing me someone from work just got back from a holiday visiting family who live out of the continent went from the nightclubs pretended to be closed but were open for anyone that knew had so much fun finally going out for a drink to i can't believe how bad covered is here and so many people aren't following the rules it's infuriating real freaking quick x would get mad at me for having guy acquaintances not even friends really just from classes or work and policed my phone and life and the sucker was cheating on me two perfect example when i was in college there was a super immature guy that i believe only got into our private school because his parents had money one day we were sitting in his dorm room watching tv and he speaks up god don't you just hate people who steal things for no reason the rest of us turned and stared in disbelief behind him on a shelf was a collection of all the things he'd stolen from businesses i remember red robin seasoning and bowling shoes but there was a lot more a glimmer of self-awareness pierced through his thick skull and he backtracked somewhat i mean for me it's like my thing but still ig stories lately a post saying crap like don't forget to wear a mask we're all in this together stay safe everyone followed by a series of videos taken inside of a crowded club bumping and grinding up on each other not a mask in sight it's lit fam we're all in this together me on my private island with friends and a team of servants i suffer just as hard as you in your studio apartment scrounging for next month's rent my friends who be about people who break lockdown then go on to break lockdown for sleepovers and girly nights the same day they were criticizing others infuriatingly entitled others must follow the rules but they don't apply to me my mom got very angered that our governor was allowing people to have family over for thanksgiving and not doing his part to stop the pandemic a week later she was very upset about how my grandma had declined her invitation to come have thanksgiving with us this exact crap has been the biggest thing that's bugged me with my mom since the pandemic started she constantly flips between being worried about pandemic stuff and and bitching about things being closed and having to wear masks it's insane like are you concerned about your health or not bro i worked for a small company that hated hated giving out raises the owners pulled a neat trick where they sold the company to itself then they became board members as soon as they weren't responsible for the revenue after all they got the money for the sale we were getting berated for everyone having a low salary it was like you set our prices in the salaries as of last month we don't have any funds because you sold the business to itself and we need to pay that note he was right and we worked on fixing it but suddenly being blindsided due to being in the position he created drove me nuts i work in a courthouse people who abuse children for years and years and when they get on the stand they break down crying and plea for mercy when i was going through my college party phase i ended up hanging with kids who graduated from a local christian school they drank did drugs and bragged about pre-marital sex like a lot of college students when you talked about politics though they immediately would go on and on about the moral failings of society and how it needs to be more christian yada yada just my dad in general here's some highlights as a child he'd often tell me i had to think for myself but then he'd beat me if i said things he disagreed with sometimes he'd pose questions to me and then hit me until i guess the chain of logical jumps that led to the conclusion he was looking for he once went on a four-hour rant about how my generation are all dirty communists and muslims are all terrorists and a big gay conspiracy and other such nonsense i couldn't get a word in edgewise but he had a goal to end with i'd be willing to change my mind if anybody were willing to have a discussion with me but nobody is willing to talk with me when trump got elected and people were complaining about it his response was how dare they question the president that's disrespectful to the office a month earlier he was still aboard the obama bertha train these days he thinks biden stole the election in high school he sometimes made fun of me for being a creature of habit he's had the same routine worn identical outfits and eaten the same lunch every day for the past 20 plus years at least i didn't have much say in my routine back then anyway school ate up most of my time and it's not like my parents allowed me to get together with my friends similarly he'd make fun of me for not having friends i did have friends but to him they didn't count because he'd never met them because he never allowed them to visit because he'd never met them he has one friend that he sees outside of work once a year and often times not even that your dad is a sad man who was clearly never equipped with the tools needed to find any modicum of self-respect or happiness in life my wife's dad was like that a bit too very hypocritical but man he was just a sad guy who was the way he was and had no clue how to even go about starting to change my mother crying over sex trafficking victims in other countries while ignoring me telling her when someone was touching me inappropriately and begging my brother to ask for a lighter sentence for the bastard who sexually assaulted him because he's a man of god sorry bro but your mom's a piece of crap hope you and your brother are doing well and i wish you two the best in alberta canada our government rightfully put in place very strict social distancing rules over the christmas holidays everyone had to stay home you couldn't see anyone outside your house old our hospitals aikus were full tons of businesses were closed many government officials traveled outside of the country to places like mexico hawaii and europe some were them to meet extended family members for a holiday one of them tried to defend their actions by saying that it's a 17-year tradition for us to go to hawaii for christmas astounding please tell me albertans are keeping a list of the politicians to vote out of office televangelists preaching how we should live modestly while they own several private jets to fly around the country spreading the word of the lord sometimes they'll come on tv saying god came to them in a dream saying they needed more jesus would fly coach if he flew at all i believe jesus also preached about taking in the displaced etc if i recall correctly in 2017 joel osteen was not allowing hurricane evacuees into his mega church televangelists preaching how we should live modestly while they own several private jets to fly around the country spreading the word of the lord one even went so far as to say flying commercial meant travelling with demons aka folks just like his own followers i've been repeatedly sexually harassed by a gay man before and have even had to make sure he didn't find out where i live so he couldn't keep doing it when i explained this one time to my co-workers one sneered and said i was just being homophobic and assuming it was harassment i said the man has repeatedly attempted to convince me to sleep with him despite my refusals attempted to find my home and once tried to trap me in a public restroom to make sure he couldn't lose track of me if i was a woman in this situation would my co-worker even think of telling me that i was overreacting fortunately the rest of my crew supported me and tell him it was hypocritical to assume sexual harassment can only happen to women my friend is in the middle of getting a restraining order against a gay man like this everyone around my friend is saying he's overreacting but when you are almost raped and harassed every time you go to the bar there is a problem my company said that money is too tight right now for promotions or raises a couple of weeks later a manager that is close friends with hr and the cfo got promoted to director along with a nice raise all this while he was working from home and not doing anything would take hours to respond to emails a chick who posted about how she doesn't eat beef because she loves cows the next day posted a photo of her new designer leather handbag there's a chance she's just really stupid if that makes you feel better my mother praised herself as a devout pious catholic she would curse when opening bills well jesus jesus jesus hydro bill 50 dollars goddamn your she beat me once for asking for five dollars to buy a wwf wrestling magazine and while she smacked me about she raged about that goddamn freaking violence comma she praised herself as a devout pious catholic problem number one i know someone who won't take any vaccines because she doesn't want the mercury and who knows whatever else is in there in her body yet eats fish and has unprotected sex with strangers from the internet gavin knew some telling californians to stay home then proceed to go out to eat with multiple people at an astronomically priced restaurant i was having a good morning my cousin came to visit my family on mother's day last year she traveled across three states to see us and then while she was here she was posting things on her facebook about how inconsiderate and stupid it is to travel anywhere during that time a girl i go to school with claims she's the poorest girl in the whole town yet goes on and on about how each of her siblings got their own laptop and she recently got a car for her birthday so i guess y'all are super rich now girls who pick on other girls and then share anti-bullying posts on facebook i was relentlessly picked on by two particular girls in my then workplace and then they would both harp on about how awful bullying was on facebook it's like they had these other faces for everyone else it wasn't long before the mask slipped though and everyone ended up seeing their true colors they used to be best friends too but now they hate each other mostly because they fell out trying to blame the other one for all the bullying and bitchiness that took place in the end and not just towards me so yeah it worked out pretty well in the end i worked in retail a long time and i got tired of management bending over backwards to anyone who thought they could rig the system by basically being karen's kicking up a fuss and being verbally abusive towards anyone who tried to stop them getting their own way i would outright refuse to serve them and ask them to leave and being a supervisor i was well within my right to do so i didn't like my staff being verbally or racially abused just for trying to do their jobs but as soon as they asked for upper management they would always come out and start fawning over the customer with apologies and i'm so sorry and would give them whatever they wanted i couldn't get my head around it companies claimed to support their staff and their teams with whatever decision they made but that all went away as soon as these karen started their i'll take my custom elsewhere threats the hypocrisy was astounding at times i worked for a veterinarian back when i was in college on a couple of different occasions people brought in animals that had seemingly to me obvious problems but he would insist on doing blood work and x-rays and other extras not really running up the bill per se but as an animal rescuer who could only afford the essentials i felt it was necessary to ask him about it his explanation was that even if it cost a lot more his thoroughness made him more money and it would be mad if he missed something and people who aren't willing to take off every issue an animal has shouldn't own animals a few months later he took his older truck to get something fixed the auto shop told him while he was there that the truck needed this fixed and that fixed in dtc etc etc he was absolutely livid what did they think that he was made of money they didn't charge him extra just told him what all needed fixed and yeah an animal is different than a truck but a person say an elderly person on a fixed income who wants to get this lump on fluffy checked out doesn't need to hear that they are basically a bad pet owner if they can't afford scheduled teeth cleanings and all the extras needless to say he didn't appreciate my comparison of his methods to the auto shop's methods people who quote the bible as their reason to hate gays but have tattoos tattoos are specifically prohibited by the direct word of god to moses it's on the same page as the part about gays my pops is a maga guy and hates illegal immigrants he was once deported from the u.s from entering illegally as an immigrant as a type 1 diabetic that is capable of eating anything a normal person is as long as i take the appropriate amount of insulin to adjust it makes me livid when people say you probably shouldn't eat that to my second slice of pizza and they then proceed to shotgun a three-tear wedding cake oh man now i feel like and but a friend at work is type one i didn't know how it all works so i have asked her a few times about eating habits and when she switched third to first i asked if that messed anything up just to clarify i never told her she shouldn't eat something i just asked if it messed with her sugars and kinda asked her to explain it to me climate change advocates flying to climate change conferences on private jets one yes climate change is real that's why this is not just hypocritical but truly offensive too these people exist some of them are lovey and well-intentioned i know some of them it still fits the question 3. this does not invalidate wanting to mitigate climate change hypocrisy is a weak noodle to assault anything it says nothing about the issues only about the consistency of the hypocrite americans revolting against the british because no taxation without representation but going on to create the largest taxation without representation system in the world via dual citizenship our school always been saying that self-defense is completely fine as long as there's evidence that you fought in self-defense well once i fought in self-defense and maybe because the kid was well liked by the teachers and i was a crap student i was expelled from school for a week and the kid wasn't punished and it's not like nobody saw seven kids so the kid stopped to attack me and told the school but all of a sudden the school said that you showed co-nt are all your raggy ass people that always moan about toxic or hateful people while doing the same stuff themselves and can't handle when it pointed out my religion got into depression because of it don't worry i recovered in 2013 after i left it there was continual preaching of love and being non-judgmental which is what a typical religion does i guess however because they felt that they were the one religion to rule them all children and teenagers growing up the religion were validated left and right to have the mindset this religion had on one side it's great to be surrounded with that much support but on the flip side when the real world hits them at around 18 and they're with college and whatnot that validation gets challenged because of that they carry the superiority complex over others who don't share the same values as they do i've seen continual times where the church supports loving others but then the cheek turns and they judge those who do to two piercings alcohol drinking and then it even goes to trivial things like rated r movies feeling right in every argument or holding grudges i justified to myself for six years straight oh it's just one person out of the religion and it doesn't mean they're all like that it became a daily trouble for me and eventually i wore myself out mentally and pushed myself into depression about it i realized it wasn't the religion itself but organized religion i wasn't a fan of i got depressed left the religion and six months later i recovered yeah not a fan of hypocrisy and conflict within organizations like those when some christians use bible verses for an argument but when someone brings up a questionable bible verse they say it's not supposed to be taken literally and that times have changed my sister once accidentally bumped our dad's car door against a bin and he nearly lost his mind then when dad bumped his car door he just said accidents happen like really this definitely isn't the most but it's something i thought about the other day when people typically women get mad at their so typically men for playing video games while they are on their phones on social media for eight hours of the day i see you girl reposting facebook memes all day the problem isn't the amount of time spent on it it's when they start neglecting their partner for video games phones bokehton lil neomando used stupid zealot following stupid ancient rules mando here's your black sword bokehton i can't the ancient rules forbid it it's not that it was forbidden it just wouldn't mean anything moff gideon outright said it the sword itself has no power what matters is the story din took the dark saber by force no matter who actually holds the weapon he is the mandalore my brother wouldn't let his kids go to school because of covet but they went to hockey practice and games all three got covered currently have the same issue with my parents they don't let me and my siblings go to school but both my parents go out almost every day because of date night or they go out to eat without us but they say we can't go to school cause we are gonna get infected but they ended up giving us covered celebrities and politicians telling everyone to stay home while they don't have to obey the rules and don't have to worry about feeding their families losing their job became homeless etc etc catholics wagging their pious fingers at what they deem immoral while pedophiles have been running rampant and unchecked in their own houses of worship lol they don't go unchecked they get shuffled around to avoid the law they are checked given a thumbs up protected and hidden the us congress taking recess after recess and earning more than 100 k while forcing millions of citizens out of their jobs and taking months to decide to toss them a token of 600 members of my congress impeaching a guy for lying about a blow job then turning around and supporting an aspiring despot feminists saying to stop body shaming and then when you say anything they disagree and they say stuff like you have small dong energy i saw a post about a girl saying when his height starts with five feet the guy responding to her said when her weight starts with three and was removed and banned from the site you know like a quality does if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 26,723
Rating: 4.8527608 out of 5
Keywords: hypocrite, hypocritical, hypocrite meme, hypocrisy, hypocritical thinking, the most hypocritical youtuber, disgusted, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 3ZE2KJVeI0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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