Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin. | ':app:compileDebugKotlin'.

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foreign [Music] how are you guys today well today to solve this problem combine debug kotlin your project required new version of kotlin to get the new version of kotlin we need to go to this link you get this site we must Focus here this is the last season of kotlin we need to write this to flutter code cubby we need to go to this bath and flutter up go to Android and search cubby base this this and search here on Earth you will get this if we focus on this version the last version is what this the last version is this you need to remove V this is last version then you must save after that we will try to run up let's start sorry this problem tell me you know you must go to Le Beth unified and lab folder then try run again quickly please quickly quick please my BC is slow I don't know when I can solve this problem when I can play a new pc and this depended on my network speed I get the Gradle task that's sweet foreign [Music] [Music] mm-hmm quickly please it's late sorry sorry for date yes yes now it start start this is not error that's only not this only not to know no problem only no don't worry for this don't worry my PC is very slow sorry for that foreign the error is not shown no problem is solve it now my app is run that's sorry for the slowly it take a lot of time 15 minutes this mayab is launched thank you for watching place subscribe please comment if you have any question please if you can't share this video thank you very much thank you for watching [Applause]
Channel: BS2Prop
Views: 3,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0NqnODjSjjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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