I Made 200 Python Projects...Here Are My 5 FAVORITES

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I've made over 200 python projects and today I'm going to share with you my favorites now I've got five projects to demo for you here and the best part is none of these are super complicated which means you could code them out in just a few days if you've got some experience with python now I hope you take this video's inspiration and make sure you stick around into the last project because I do have a surprise I want to share with you but first let me tell you about a way that you can code these projects out faster and that's by using bubble the sponsor of this video and the world's first full stack no code production grade platform bubble is programming anything that can be built with code can be built faster using bubble with bubble you have everything you need to build real world apps from design data and logic this means you can rapidly build visually captivating robust and responsive apps while integrating with databases and functionality like user authentication checkout experiences and social networking features if you don't believe me you can check out these full guides that walk you through building entire apps like an Instagram clone an nft Marketplace a budgeting app a udemy clone and tons of others you can start building your first app in a matter of minutes by working through one of these projects or by checking out these interactive lessons who knows maybe you'll even end up building an entire company going from prototype to IPO to a successful business like tons of others already have using bubble bubble supports everyone from Individual developers to Fortune 500 companies and you can get started with them today by clicking the link in the description so let's get into into the demo and I want to remind you that the projects I'm showing you here are my favorite ones the ones I had the most fun building that I can remember today not necessarily the most impressive ones the ones I would put on something like a resume these projects were really what got me into coding and got me really excited and passionate and that's why I'm sharing them with you here so the first one that I have is called super mini golf and this was my grade 12 final project in my computer science class now the idea here was we had to make some kind of game in Python using pame which to to date is still my favorite module that I just love making games in so I made a game that I used to play on my phone all the time which was Super Stickman Golf so I pretty much just remade this in P game you can see that there's like sand traps there's water hazards you can uh shoot the ball that was a gray one there there's some powerups that I'll show you this was a really hard game for me to make back when I was how old would I've been here 17 18 years old it took me a really long time but it was one of the most fun times I've ever had and I've shown this project to so many people and it was something that I was really really proud of uh back in the day all right so I've just wrapped up the game here you can see it didn't go so well after the first few holes that I was actually recording uh but you guys get the idea here and I also implemented like a little ball shop thing where you could purchase different colored balls and equip them pretty cool so anyways that's first game or first project let's go to the next one so the next project is online multiplayer chess and this this is something I made during an 18-hour coding live stream on this channel this is really what brought my channel to the next level it's what got me a bunch of views a bunch of you found me because of this game and it's what really pushed me to keep making YouTube videos and coding so this is one of my favorite projects of all time it is far from polish and if I was going to remake it today it would be significantly better but I still love it and I want to show it to you guys so it's online chess game pretty straightforward you can join with two different clients ignore the fonts all being off but that's just how it was uh one person is white one person is black and when you make a move it will adjust on the other person you can see we have 50 minute timers going by default so on white here I can make my move then we give it a second and we'll see the move updates on the other board you can see the server on the bottom leftand corner here so here let's make our move on BL okay you see it updates there maybe we could play the English opening and I'll just get to a stage where we can like capture a piece so we can check that that is indeed working okay so let's go here fun fact this is the opening I usually play and then let's just test this out and make sure the piece capture does actually work you can see it does we can capture back and even rules like castling all that kind of stuff is implemented in here and yeah it's quite fun at one point I actually ran a live stream where I had you guys all play this game and I actually hosted the server like in like a real virtual private server so you guys could all connect I don't know how well that worked when I'm thinking back to it I think there was quite a few bugs but it was cool to see you guys actually on there playing my game and yeah this is one of the first online things I made it was really really fun and now let's move on to the next project so the next project I have for you here is a sodoku solver now the first reason I remember this project so much is because I put it on my YouTube channel and so many of you guys made fun of the way that I say that word I still don't know what the correct pronunciation is if I'm saying it right if you guys are wrong so you can let me know in the comments but the idea is you can just play a normal game of soku here so what I can do is try to pencil in a number so let's say I think one goes here I can go ahead and hit enter and if it doesn't conflict with anything it will let me actually put that in now if I try to put another one here you see that I actually gives me an X and tells me hey that's wrong you can't actually put that number there and then let's say I go through maybe I pencil in a few different numbers I think you know three or four goes here five seven whatever like a normal game and then at some point I say you know what I don't want to solve this anymore let's have the computer do it and I can go ahead and hit the space bar and it will automatically solve the board for me now it does this using a backtracking algorithm it's really interesting how that works and I had a lot of fun building up this project because it was super visual it actually shows you exactly what's going on and how the computer is solving this board and I just found it really fun and it was something that again taught me quite a bit about algorithms wanted to share it with you here if you want to check it out I'll leave the code link to it in the description so moving on to the next project this one is definitely the most practical but it requires a little bit of context to understand it so a long time ago I used to work at a summer camp this was a sports camp and we had a bunch of different groups so maybe we'd have 200 300 kids and they'd be split into seven eight groups Etc something along those lines okay now each of those groups would go throughout the day and at set kind of time periods just like school they would go and play some kind of activities they might do soccer they might do lacrosse football it was a sports camp so all the different groups went and eventually throughout the week they'd want to play you know every single one of the different activities that existed and sometimes they'd play it two times three times Etc the problem is that no two groups can be playing the same thing at the same time because of equipment constraints Etc so we had some office staff at the camp where every week they would have to go and create a schedule that looks something like this for every single one of the groups depending on how many there were they have to fill in all the different activities and they need to make sure there's no conflicts so that there's not one group playing you know tennis well another one's supposed to be playing tennis then they have to do things like move around the lunches move around when they're swimming there's just all these different things that uh are happening pretty much and it's very difficult to create these schedules because of the number of constraints so what I did for them is I kind of asked them let me just delete this here to explain to me how this system worked and then I wrote out a program that actually went and generated these schedules for them so this is what the UI of the program looked like it's super basic but the idea is you can go in and you can select what period the lunch and the swim is going to be for all of the different groups and then you put in the number of groups and then any of the activities now some weeks maybe soccer is not available or basketball's not available or whatever so you deselect those right and then you can choose what week you want to generate it for so maybe this is week two and I can put in something like six groups hit generate schedule and then what it will do is automatically generate a schedule that has no uh conflictions that they can then go review edit modify and use now this saved them literally hours of work every single week because before they literally had like sticky notes out pretty much and they had like eight different sheets which were the mock schedules and they'd go around and they were like he does group two have this does group three have this and they were manually doing what I wrote this code to do in just a few seconds so you can see that when I click that it generates a new schedule here now I'm on windows so it looks a little bit funky when I open it up but if I click here we have the week 2 schedules and then it gives us a schedule where it's kind of filled in all of the different activities uh and yeah it just made it so that now they don't have to do that and obviously they can go and modify this but it saved them a ton of time they loved it I loved creating it cuz it was actually a really useful project and the way I did this was actually using backtracking as well it's kind of a fancy algorithm where you can go and you can just check all of the different possible schedules you could create based on a set of constraints and I actually made this using something called Pi qt5 uh which is a UI library in Python which is pretty basic which lets you set up something like this right where we have like all these input boxes check Boxes Etc so yeah that's pretty much it for project 4 but wanted to share with you because this is a real useful project something that you guys might be able to come up with based on different use cases you have and actually saved a ton of time and with some pretty valuable software so we move on to project number five but first I do want to share with you that surprise that I promised now that is that I recently started a completely free school Community this is a place where you can network with other programmers you can talk with me we have some free courses in there that you can watch there's a bunch of valuable information completely free no strings attached you can join from the link in the description and that's the surprise that I wanted to share with you now that leads me into project number five which is a tower defense game built in Python now unfortunately I don't still have access to the source code for that project but I'll run some videos on this screen so you guys can see what it looked like now I coded this out during a 12-hour coding live stream on my channel it was a lot of fun to make I personally Love Games as you guys can probably tell from this video I used to always play Tower Defense games like balloon Power Defense 3 4 5 Etc so I wanted to make something like that in code in Python so that's what I did we had different enemies we had bosses we had different Health we had towers that you could upgrade that you could change the radius for we had like assisted Towers I had this whole UI library with different assets that looked really really cool there was some funky music in the background and I just had a lot of fun coding this project out it was also sufficiently difficult and it was fun to kind of problem solve and figure out okay how are we going to move the enemies how the towers going to look like they're animated and not attacking each other and there's a lot of fun challenges and just a really cool project to make so that guys is going to wrap up this video I know a lot of these projects are pretty simple but I just wanted to share with you five really fun projects that personally were my favorite now as I said these are not the best projects I've ever made they're not necessarily ones I would put on my resume but I just really enjoyed them they're ones that I did purely because I wanted to do them and not because I was trying to grind some project or learn data structures and algorithms they were just fun they were useful and that's what really got my passion going in coding and I want to encourage you to do the same thing so let me know the projects that you guys are working on in the comments down below make sure you join that free school community and I will see you in another YouTube [Music] video
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 136,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, Python, Python projects, Tech with Tim, programming, coding, developer, learn Python, Python tutorials, best Python projects, coding tips, programming journey, Python for beginners, advanced Python, coding challenges, software development, Python applications, coding education, coding tutorial, beginner Python, programming tips, project ideas, learn coding, Python code, best practices
Id: y_1-hOBcLas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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