Flutter App stuck at “Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'. SOLUTION

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hey guys i'm adit hakur and welcome back to my youtube channel so in this video we are going to tackle one of the most common problem as a flutter developer flutter app struck at running griddle task symbol debug this is taking unexpectedly long time so let's get started open up your project in either android studio or vs code and head over to the terminal i have my terminal open right here and currently i'm in my project directory i have this sos app project open so why does this happen basically whenever there is a new update available or whenever you upgrade flutter certain gradle files need to be downloaded so when you run your application they start downloading in the background and which takes up a lot of time and it messes up the process so we'll try to do that manually by opening up the terminal and shifting to our android directory type in cd android so once you are in the android directory you need to type in gradle ew clean the this cleans up the gradle files and then you type in gradle ew build so that's it you don't have to worry if it fails uh simply once you are done with this type in cd backslash will go back and then again use the terminal to go over to our flutter project a lot of project and once i am there i'll do my flutter clean [Music] and then flutter doctor this is a choice it is not important but you can do flatter doctor so once this is done uh your project should run fine i hope this helped you if it did do not forget to like this video and comment down also i do have a lengthy version of the solution i have put it up on stack overflow i'll put the link of the answer in the description and if you're a flutter developer we have a flutter broadcast group where we share some trip tips and tricks and all the latest articles regarding flutter if you want to join that it will also be in the description and thank you for watching
Channel: Aditya Thakur
Views: 111,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, assemble debug, app stuck, taking long time, gradle, solution, app development, aditya thakur, running gradle task, google ui toolkit, android studio
Id: 6Pny2MzF8h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 22sec (142 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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