Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin

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hi guys welcome to my channel so in this video I'm going to teach you guys uh there's a there's a particular error that I normally encountered whenever I'm building apps and this is the error let me just read it she said that model was combined with an incompatible version of kotlin the binary version of its metadata is 1.8 expected version is 1.6 so when I search for this error Google suggested that the project is using an incompatible Android Grado plugin which is version 4.1 of the other one I'm using a version 4.3.1 of the Android Grado version a Grado plugin so now like this is the one I I'm using so I came and countered I encountered this issue and this this is the second time that I've encountered this issue so what is this that I try to think back to the formal error the the first time that I got this error I tried to reason it how I managed to solve the error but I was not able to sort it out because let me show you let me show you guys something on a on Google when I search for this error on Google according to stack overflow if you check here stock overflow say that that I'm using that are supposed to change my kotlin version from this to this and you know that whenever stack Overflow tick good like this it means that it has the the question owner accepted it as the best answer as of July 7 2021 so it means that this Quest this answer is correct and it's supposed to work but Android Studio is now has been updated so Android I'm using Android studio dolphin so this version now could be Android Studio maybe it could be Android Studio Canary but I'm using dolphin so I tried to figure out where my kotlin version is I went to my code I went down a search for my diversion I came here thinking that this could be the version that I need to change I change it to from version 7 to version 6 because the error is suggesting that I supposed to use that as opposed to use version 1.6.0 but I'm using version 8. so just imagine after building your app you tested your app your app is working on your emulator is working on your phone but you want to build release you want to release your app the you want to generate sign bundle aab or APK that is when you encounter the issue now you might be surprised asking me that why is it that I'm not showing my my lock cards or my build error the reason is that after fixing this error surprisingly after fixing the error I decided to put my like to revert back to the formal setting so that the error will will come up again Android Studio refused to give me the error again refused to give me the issue so you guys understand that Android Studio behave as if something is behind it so you guys understand that sometimes it behave abnormal so what I actually did that helped me resolve this issue is that you see this point this implementation Android X call KTX I actually change it from this nine to six that's what I did so after doing this I build my I think my project and build my uh aav file and it works but you know there's something I would suggest to you that do you know that after changing it and it works and I'll change it back this was the formal state of it when it was giving me the error but after changing it to version 1.6 after changing it to version one point six the issue was resolved I built my aab successfully now I now decide that let me change it back to the way it was the way it was that it was giving me the error I changed it back yet it didn't give me the error so what I'm the essence of sharing this video is that if you have this issue just come here and change it back just change it to this version 6 video just build your ab file once it works if you like to change it back to this version 9 no problem you know that play store doesn't care about this kotlin version the only care about the SDK version which is SDK it could be which is I'm using SDK version version 33 this is what they really care about and secondly I also add this code this link option I bought on error false so these are the things that I did that helped me to sort that problem I know that as people that have not encountered this issue they might be seeing it as a little issue but when you encounter it bro you will think twice if Android development is your calling is really frustrating so if you have any question you can comment below you can comment just post your question on the comment and I'll reply it I've encountered this issue twice this is the second time so that's why I decided to hear it on my channel so that I myself I will also be watching my video whenever I come and counter this error once again let me repeat myself I if according to the error the errors say that the message I said that model was compiled with an incompatible version of kotlin the binary version of each method data is 1.8 expected version is 1.6.0 now one of my developer friends suggested that I should reduce my uh gradu built from you know if you check here my Gradle build I'm using 7.3.1 it say that this latest version used to have issue with kotlin that actually reduce it back I wanted to reduce it back to 7.2 or 7.0 but I just decided to try what that to try that option so when I tried it it worked by changing this point just I just came in and change it to uh 1.6.0 build my just build my a b and APK and everything work I came back change it back to version 9. again the error was gone so I think is an Android Studio normal error so if you have any issue like this these are you sort it out this is how you solve it so thank you please subscribe to the channel like and share the video with your friend thank you for sticking around foreign
Channel: Clever Developers
Views: 3,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j_l4DQoqVFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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