"Your Gift Will Make Room for You" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection if you have your Bible I have a word today that I think is gonna encourage you I want you to go to the Book of Proverbs chapter 18 one of my favorite scriptures in all the Bible I heard this scripture and read it many many many years ago and it's always stood out to me and I thought and pondered and confessed it many many many many times so many times I can't count over my life over my children over my family and over this church and it is a powerful verse and you ought to underline it and underscore it in your Bible it's one of those verses that you can pray back and say back to God and I believe it in acts and in vain' and invokes that word proverbs 18 verse 16 a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men so I'm going to stop reading there and I want to talk about this this disability that your gift has to make room for you it will make room for you I I think sometimes when we read the Bible we don't understand God's dream for his people when you read the systems of God and the thinking of God the strategy of God you see it first in Abraham Abraham is the first major person that God says I'm going to use my strategy and I'm going to use my my system to produce a mighty man that will produce a mighty nation and the Bible said that Abraham went got in covenant with God and when he did he became a wise man he became a wealthy man he became an influential powerful man a gifted man and he started a nation a whole nation God's thinking God's system made him wise made him wealthy made him influential made him powerful and in the earth even though there was no people the gift that Abraham had which the gift of faith is called the the father of faith made room for not only him but for his family which ultimately would become his people and his nation but God was a big thinker in the system that he put Abraham in it would produce a knight a nation and a national leaders pretty powerful then he has a son named Isaac and he inherits wealth and on top of that created his own wealth and became very wealthy Bibles very specific it doesn't shy away from it he was rich Isaac was rich in cattle and sheep and silver in gold because God had them in a mentality that that I'm a big God and I want to bless my people and my purpose and my kingdom and my nation in magnificent ways and I want you to thrive in the kingdom system that I have put you in and then Jacob the third the the great great grandson of Abraham comes along and he goes through a rough season but he gets back on track and God prospers him exactly the same way and he has he has twelve sons and one of those sons is Joseph now listen to me this is the very first time God is revealing his his system of advancement for his people and you got Abraham Isaac Jacob powerful earth-shaking changing national leading people and out of Jacob comes the twelve children of Israel or the twelve tribes of Israel all of them his sons a nation is being formed one of those sons is Joseph and Joseph carries the same wisdom the same ability of thinking and strategy and and an understanding when he's thrown into the system of Egypt and when it's all said and done God raises him up listen and one man whose great-great-grandfather was in covenant with God had been raised in a system that taught him to be wise and make brilliant decisions and surrender everything to God and put your best on the altar including Isaac teaching all of the things for generations until such a leader in the fourth generation is produced in that family that all of the wealth of the entire nation of Egypt was given to Joseph he ran the entire wealth because he had the wisdom of God he had this national place of magnificent the whole world went into famine and the only nation that had food and wealth was Egypt and guess who was over a man who came out of the system of God the way of thinking that God had put in for four generations and so they came a new pharaoh who knew not Joseph and he got jealous of those people and he stripped them of their wealth and enslaved them by the time Moses comes on the scene 430 years of nothing but slavery nothing but bread and water nothing but what the government Pharaoh would give them has set in for 430 years generation after generation the whole mindset has changed we're not leaders we're not dreamers we're not wise we're not wealthy we're not godly we're not powerful we are slaves and they have reached a point when Moses shows up to where they don't even know who they are anymore and they're operating in a system that was a slave mentality that we're nothing but get by people who will never do nothing and that is being passed down to their children now and I guess what I want you to understand is that the system that they were in enslaved the whole generation and then Moses is born and when he's born his mother sees something in him she says this is a goodly child meaning there's more to it than he's just a cute baby there's something special about this child there's something powerful about this child this child is gonna mess the system up this child is going to break the cycle that we've been in as a people and so she hid him the Bible said she hid him from Pharaoh who was killing all the male children she hid him but a man's gift even if you hide him a man's gift will make room for him and she put him in the basket and put him in the river and I watch this this is this is so important they're operating in a system but God says I can't use that boy like I want to use him if he's in the old way of thinking and I know his mother loves him but she doesn't know what she doesn't know and if I let him be raised in this little Hebrew village where they know nothing but slave tall can defeat in poverty and and and we're nothing and we'll never be nothing and can't do nothing and if that's what he comes up in he will never be what I intended him to be so God says put him in the basket girl and send him down the river and just down the river a few maybe a half a mile there's a whole new system that I've got to put him in they think different and not only did he go into Pharaoh's house you know the story the daughter if they roses bathe and she sees the baby in the bulrush and she takes him in and he starts getting raised in the palace and suddenly he's exposed to national things and wealth of Egypt and big thinking he done ever got it over there he done ever broke that's why church is so powerful you might have been raised in a in a home that never saw a marriage work that never saw a family that wasn't dysfunctional never got broke out of poverty never graduated from high school or college never had anybody in your family but when you get in the river which is the Spirit of God he'll take you to another system and it'll show you things you never dreamed your family could do you could do you come out of that defeatism you come out of that victim as victims and I'm this and all I need is just give me give me to you become a person who actually begins to to to manage instead of just give me I want to manage I want I want to rule I wanna reign with Christ and it's a difference that's why coming to church is so important cause if you get in a good church like this you won't stay where you are your whole thinking's gonna get messed up you get in the river and God says that's not what you were born for you were born for greater things come on and give God a praise enough and so when when the time comes you know what's interesting is they changed his language the Bible said he was taught Chaldean now he spoke Hebrew over here but if you're gonna operate in this system you gotta learn how to talk gotta learn how to communicate in this world you can't be you can't be talking this defeated nothing nobody foreign to success language but I want to change your language and you're gonna talk Chaldean you're gonna talk their language cuz you gotta you gotta learn how to get a job and you gotta learn how to sail and you gotta learn how to manage and you got to learn how to be the head and not the tail you got to learn how to look somebody in the eye and talk to them with confidence and communicate your ideas you got to get in this system I don't see you can take the most gifted talented person and put them in this system and they'll never do anything but if you can take somebody average and put them in this system and they can do great things so so so Moses uses all of that knowledge of that system to break it he says I'm the only one and God says well here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna find 70 I want you to find 70 men and I'm gonna take of your spirit I'm gonna take of your mentality I'm gonna take of your of your um assessment I'm gonna take of your mindset and I'm gonna give the same thing to them and they will prophesy when we think of prophecy we think of something super spiritual but or another way to say prophecy is future talk in other words I when I put your spirit on them they're not going to talk about where they came from and talk about Egypt and talk about this is how it's always been they're going to start talking future talk they they are going to they're going to get future talk on them and not talk about the hurt they came from and not talk about the defeat and how their family and all of this and nobody's never done that they're gonna stop talking defeat and and the hurt of the past in the gonna talk future talk they're gonna speak where we are going not where we are it's so powerful that that when you begin to talk future talk this is what the kingdom of God and this is what a good church like this can do some of you say well yeah I think it's just luck I just think no it's not is it's what you got a talk future talk you got to get to focus and quit making excuses and being a victim from the past and get in the river and the river will take you where you can't get yourself but you talk future talk you prophesy you talk future talk now let's bring that home to the church the statistic said that in the next three to five years approximately 40% of the pulpits of America are going to have a pastoral change meaning most of the pastor's are elderly and they're going to be retiring I am NOT one of them but but I'm just saying I'm just saying imagine imagine the transition that's about to happen in the body of Christ 40% of the pastors over the next five years will senior pastors will step out of the way and make room cuz a man's gift will make room for him for a new generation of leaders but here's the problem if those people don't want to talk future talk if they want to live in the good old days if they're not open to what God is wanting to do with new vision and new territory and in future talk you can't live off yesterday you can't live in the good old days you can't do it and I tell you you have to shake it I don't care how old I get I'm going to stay young at heart and realize that his future told never going back never going back never going back now in John chapter 14 Jesus gives heaven's plan for advancement so important listen he said in John 14 let not your heart be troubled which he's really saying is get hold of your emotions because what I'm about to tell you is a big principle it's not just about heaven it's about down here on earth I know this is in its original content about heaven but it also has to do with the way God does advancement here on earth there's a there's a key truth you got to see and he says in order for you to handle this you got to get your emotions under control I can't let you let your emotions attach you so much to the past that I can't advance you let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you watch I go to prepare a place for you that where I am where I am I'm over here and where I am there you may be also Jesus chose his disciples and he said I go and I'm going to prepare a place for you but a man's gift will make room for him and when I go if I'm still here you can't take you can't be where I am come on try to be where I am you can't be where I am if I'm here so what I got to do is I got to go somewhere else and in order for me to go somewhere else I need you to step in where I was disciples I prepare a place for you and a man's guilt will make room for him that don't push me off you wait your turn and you learn and I'm mentoring you and I'm teaching you and I'm going to show you what you need to do and how you need to do it and when it's time I know it's time you'll know it's time and I'll move on to the next thing God has for me and it's a new season and I'm okay with that now I go to prepare and I prepare a place for you but now I want you that where I am there you may be also there is now what's supposed to happen turn around there's another whole generation because here's what we do we think we belong here to rest of our life and God's thing is always moving it's generational Abraham Isaac Jacob it's generational and he says that's good that's good you're doing good you're in your prime but don't you just be in your prime I'm glad you got that usher badge I'm glad you got that that Deacon badge I'm glad you got that badge on your own the altar team and all that but at some point you need to look around you and find somebody else to say I prepared a place for you hey you're my grandchild I'm gonna put my sticker on you I'm gonna put my tag on you and now you step in and we move on out and then you're supposed to turn around and look again now come back come back listen to this Jesus began with leaving on his mind and and I think about this in just for church I think about business people in this church right now there's people starting businesses and they're in that struggle season they're in that system of can I make it kind of making there's other people setting three seats down on the same row you're on who are blessed and have made millions and hundreds of thousands of dollars and they know they sneeze and make money and the kingdom is supposed to turn around and say you know it ain't just about me building my kingdom but if I can help a business person if I can help somebody in a struggling marriage because my marriage is working if I can help somebody raise those crazy kids cuz I've raised some crazy kids and I've learned we're supposed to pass it and instead of starting from scratch what's sad is what happens is is the guy some guy is preparing a place but he's not willing to wait for his prepared place so he goes out and starts his own thing ends up in a storefront has nothing in the ministry but a storefront ten or fifteen steel chairs and a PR department instead of getting in a house and submitting yourself to Authority and becoming nothing but a servant and if you've got the gift your gift you don't have to politic you don't have to push people you don't have to lie on people you don't have to go around and circumvent your gift will make room for you if you serve if you serve think about this Moses Moses Saul Joshua and said there's something different about that boy and said he's gonna be my successor and the Bible said he asked him to go up on the mountain with him just he and Joshua if he didn't trust Joshua once he told him you're gonna take my place when I'm gone can you imagine if he wasn't a trustworthy guy Moses walking on the cliff kind of close to the edge Joshua looks around what happened he failed but he could trust him he had a spirit about him that wasn't about self-promotion it was one of humility it was one of I'm here to serve you and a man's gift at the right time will make room don't you worry if you're serving and doing what God has called you to do when the time is right your gift will have a room for you so let me close with this Elijah is the old prophet Elijah is the new generation and they are together when he lied ja is about to go up and Elijah the old man takes his mantle which was a leather jacket okay and he hits the Jordan River and when he when he hits the Jordan River with it it parts and he walks across to the other side with Elijah a fiery chariot comes and he gets in it and goes to heaven and never dies and on the way up see if you're helping somebody go up the mantel came down you can't have the mantel if you ain't helping somebody bit go up who are you helping I won't know when somebody's gonna help me who are you pushing up who are you raising up who are you focused on lifting up because it's not about God what God takes this servant stuff serious now watch where the last thing that Elijah did in his miracle ministry was hit the water and the water parted the first thing that heal I sure did was take the same mantle the water had come back together and he hit the water and he started where the old man stopped I love that I'm preaching veteran y'all letting on right now why don't you get that mentality about wealth in your own family that I just don't leave them so much that my goodness and watch he started where the old man stopped didn't have to go start over and work his way back no he started did the same thing he stopped he started but what's this he did not Elijah did not start with party in the water he started with pouring the water because there's a little obscure verse in 2nd Kings chapter 3 that says that there was a young man named Elijah who was travelling with the old prophet Elijah listen and he poured water on the hands of the old prophet like a servant you will never part the water until you learn to be humble enough to pour the water and if you can't serve and pour the water that's why when people come here and they want a position they want me to hire them and this and that and I say what ministry have you been working in if you're not pouring the water you are not qualified to part the water if you don't go into that season where nobody knows your name and you're not doing it for any other motive or purpose but for the glory of God to honor and to help build the kingdom of God and if you learn to pour the water God will trust you one day to part the water a man's gift will make room for him and bring him before great people I'm so grateful to Jenson Franklin and Kingdom connection for all that they're doing to bless our educational complex in n will muscle a village outside of Kumasi it's a tremendous blessing to hundreds and hundreds of young children a chief said to me in Ghana years ago the hope of the true Ghana is education and we're trying to be faithful to his appeal to supply some of that education and I thank God for Jensen's generosity and graciousness to help us and I thank God for what you're doing I've been informed that we're very near reaching the goal of two hundred and seventy thousand dollars and I believe that right now someone can just pick up the checkbook pick up the phone and make sure that you finish this up Jenson asked for two hundred and seventy people to give $1,000 each and just wipe this out and I'm believing that the rest who have not yet done that will do that right now I thank you on behalf of so many children on behalf of a nation that is needing to step forward into the 21st century and on behalf free chapel Kingdom connection in Jenson Franklin thank you and God bless you for all that you do Kingdom connection is a soul winning ministry that is reaching the world through broadcasting expansion into new church campuses and global acts of compassion by using the technology of today to fulfill the Great Commission we are able to connect with countless people and reach hundreds of thousands of lives our broadcasts connect with people all around the world who say that the messages speak directly to them our ministry exists to help build a connection for strengthening your faith and living out your god-given purpose and our missions and relief work helps connect you to desperate situations showing the love of Christ through global acts of compassion including our newest endeavor of building a school in Ghana West Africa bringing the hope of salvation and a future to children who need them the most and that only happens when you partner with us in connection partners for as little as a dollar a day you'll be helping us reach further than we ever have before for more information on how you can be a part of the ministry and enjoy exclusive partner benefits go online or call eight eight eight three three nine zero zero four nine for more information we can't do everything but together we can do something amazing you do you know why Jesus came and carried the cross and shed his blood on Calvary one writer wrote a song and said when he was on the cross you were on his mind and he saw you right where you are when he was on the cross he saw you helpless to fix your own dilemma to break your own addiction to change your own habits and his blood can cleanse you and it can give you power to overcome the want to the desire to break free comes through the blood of Jesus Christ you need to be saved you must be born again so right now pray this prayer Lord Jesus say these words right where you are Lord Jesus I receive you as my savior by faith I ask you to come into my heart cleanse me forgive me change me everything I have I lay at your feet I surrender to you in Jesus name Amen and amen Jenson Franklin proudly presents I hear the sound a brand new collection of favorite hymns recorded live at free chapel this album captures the heart of worship through Tiny's and cherished hymns and is sure to be a favorite for years to come these twelve familiar classics are beautiful reminders of biblical truths and God's sovereignty they start countdown the brand-new I hear the sound album is available for purchase for $15 each or two for $20 oh well Healy in a quiet moment of worship we hear the heart of God call now or visit us online to order your copy of the I hear the sound album this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jensen drink 'ln media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 60,444
Rating: 4.8679051 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: qMfUTYfZyfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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