IMMEASURABLY MORE: Make Room For Expectation | Pastor Chris Durso

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man let's go week three in our own building come on if you're excited come on can you give god some praise for that i'm excited man amazing amazing amazing uh yeah remain standing for a second uh thank you for standing for me but i'm gonna give you a real reason uh to stand and applaud uh i wanna brag on your pastors and then we're going to praise jesus and then we're going to keep praising jesus all through this word you know moments like this they could become a bit predictable if you spend any time around church your guest speakers coming guest speaker gets introduced senior pastor lead pastor says kinds kind words to introduce the pastor pastor gets up says kind words back and i feel like so many people could miss out on these moments because they they look at it as predictable but you know predictability is not a bad thing in fact there are certain things you should predict and expect in the presence of god in a moment like this the reason why i would take time and talk about how incredible your pastors are is because it is right for me to talk about how incredible your pastors are now there's someone here there's always one probably two that would say here we go again talking about people making much about men and women of god but but come on it's only jesus i thought it was about jesus and you're right except you're wrong because theology teaches us that when i make much of a man or a woman of god i am coming into agreement with god's choice so when i celebrate the choices of god and i say thank you for the man of god thank you for the woman of god thank you for the pastor thank you for the leader thank you for the volunteers thank you for the worship leaders thank you for the sound checks thank you for the lead pastors of this house understand that god extracts glory from that because what you're doing is saying i'm coming in agreement with your choice god thank you for your choice in who you've chosen to be the heads of this of this house can i also want to point out it's not only good for god but it's actually good for you see the irony is the reason why so many people don't like these moments is because we think that it's bad for the person being applauded and and that's really wrong but in actuality this moment is about god and it's about you it's about me the bible says that when jesus went to his own hometown he could not perform any miracles because of the lack of faith and because of the lack of honor i think about all the people in that room that really needed a miracle but missed out on it all because they could not honor what does honor take god you're great thank you for your provision thank you for who you've chosen thank you for their life thank you for dedication thank you for their commitment to the gospel i i think how silly for those people missed out on their breakthrough all because they did not understand the importance of honor now in a second i'ma give you the opportunity to make much for your pastors but i do stand here proud and i love that he said like i'm the older brother but like when you get at this point in life you don't really want to be the older brother you want to be peers you know what i mean like [Music] i have a daughter that's about to be 11 next week i have a son that's about to turn 14. you know what i'm saying i'm feeling kind of bold but i love your pastor so much i've i've had the privilege and the honor of doing ministry with with you all for a good amount of time longer than you realize dreaming with micah and lindsey over in modesto preaching for pastor glennon and deborah and who she's here right now can we thank her right now we so appreciate you and pastor glenn your heart's to serve this the world and generation after generation you are incredible and those are not just words that preachers say i i i mean it i am grateful for you you you are a woman of god that teaches people how to pray your your prayer life is something that i think all of us should chase after and seek to have a prayer life like yours thank you for your faithfulness and we are praying for for your husband we're praying for your husband we're believing god for a miracle we're believing god for breakthrough for him right now in fact come on let's pray in the name of jesus would you touch pastor glenn right now would you touch his body come on house let's pray would you touch his body right now would you cast out any sickness and illness right now god we thank you for doctors and we thank you for medicine but none can compete with you at the mention of your word healing has to happen at the mention of your word sickness has to be evicted and gone we say in the name of jesus would you send your word to pastor glenn right now and would you heal his body would you take away the sickness would you take away the illness oh how the enemy would love to see him losing this season after all his years of faithfulness but god we believe that there is more for pastor glenn and we believe oh father god that this is not the end of his life no god would you touch his body would you cover him right now would you give them peace in favor o god and we pray and declare that there will be strong healthy years in front of the bertos in the name of jesus right now touch them and be with them church if you agree with that can you shout amen amen [Applause] [Music] it is emotional for me because i do love this church and i love this house i love the legacy it represents and i think of the choice that god has made for this city and the surrounding cities and cities on the west coast cities here is anyone grateful for the choice that god made in giving you your pastors come on pastors micah and lindsey come on can we thank god for them right now hey anybody grateful for jesus come on make some noise in this place amen hey man amen you can go on ahead and grab a seat you can go on ahead and grab a seat [Music] i'ma jump into this text i was trying to figure out what to preach and i'm the type of preacher that production teams hate at churches because i always change up my message or i switch around the order that's not like a skill thing uh it's typically a conviction thing i'm just praying saying god who's in the room because i don't want to just give you a message that i wrote [Music] i want to preach the message that you need that you came for because i don't know about you i like i don't just show up to church to say i went to church every time i show up to church i believe for revival i believe for healing i believe for breakthrough i believe that i'm gonna get direction am i the only one is there anybody two three four five anybody like i believe that like those words we were singing that god could still do that absolutely revival over fort worth absolutely revival over dallas absolutely revival over texas absolutely revival over this nation absolutely absolutely absolutely i believe for healing i believe for miracles i'm i'm praying and hoping to get a text message at the end of the meeting that that pastor glenn is feeling better why because why pray if i'm not gonna believe it i i don't know about you but i didn't just show up to show up and i'm praying through this moment i'm trying to decipher what i'm supposed to say to you if i'm supposed to preach the same text that i preached in the last service even if i preach the same text it's going to be different because of who's in the room [Music] i want you to open up with me the book of second kings chapter four now pastor mike already said a whole lot of nice things around about me and i know i didn't get to show a picture of my family and brag on my church but all i'm going to say is next week next week my wife and i will make a year that's right a year being the lead pastors of our church my parents started our church 35 years ago it'll be 36 on mother's day originally christ tabernacle but in 2016 2017 one of those my dad fell to to ask me and my wife to become the senior pastors of our church and we work towards that transition and in january of 2020 [Laughter] talk about a year to take a church yeah you laugh [Music] and we felt that the new name of our church was to be saints church and it'll be a year next week and well here's all i ask if you ever remember me beyond this moment would you pray we don't get to do this yet we're still virtual we're still recording services and pre-recording we're not in our building yet but man being in the middle of this miracle makes me have faith for mine so i just asked if you ever remember us you don't got to tweet you don't get a post just pray pray favor over new york it's been a tough season for us we lost over two dozen people to copenhagen it's not been easy hey but we're here because god is good believe in the same way that god has more for this city he has more powers amen second king second kings chapter four verse eight second kings chapter four verse eight i'm gonna read from the amplified version which may read uh differently than yours if you're not reading from the amplified version in fact if you don't have the amplified it's gonna read really different than yours so you could follow along on the three screens behind me and you could follow along that way because the amplified it's always going to give us extra language it's for people like me that don't get it the first time so they add all these other words to make sure that we get it like just in case you know what i mean no okay i want people laughing about that like you know read their bible i'm kidding i'm kidding that was like throwing shade okay first second kings chapter four verse eight this is how the bible reads it says now there came a day when elisha went over to shinum where there was a prominent and influential woman and she persuaded him to eat a meal now if we paused right there and that's all i read to you that would make you think differently about this woman that you should she's a rich woman invited over a man of god to eat she persuaded him you know what i mean like it just sounds sketchy however it's not sketchy okay oftentimes rich people catch a bad rep and i understand uh where some of those stereotypes could come from because jesus said it is more difficult for a rich man to get saved it is more difficult than a rich man to get saved than it would be it would be easier it would be easier for a camel to travel through the eye of a needle he makes that comparison so as a result there are believers that think that rich people can't be saved or that it's evil to be rich that's not true in fact this woman becomes the case study that we should all follow because she is rich she is influential and she just loves god that's it she's rich she's influential she loves god now there came a day when elisha went over to shinum where there was a prominent and influential woman she persuaded him to eat a meal why because she knew that elisha was busy in ministry so she just simply wanted to help him she didn't want anything from him she just wanted to be a blessing to him for the ministry that he was doing afterward whenever he passed by he stopped there for a meal she said to her husband behold i sense that this is a holy man of god who frequently passes our way that could also sound like she's not that sharp because she already fed him a few times and he's come through the town a few times and now after the fact she's saying i sense that this is a guy that will be coming here more often and maybe we could feed him that's not what the bible is saying what the bible is saying is that she identifies in this moment that elisha is in fact the real deal that he doesn't only say he's a prophet or carry the office of a prophet but he is a man that hears from god so she says honey this man there's something special about him he's he's pure in his motives and he actually hears from god she said to her husband behold i sense that this is a holy man of god who frequently passes our way please let us make a small fully walled upper room on the housetop in other words let's let's make a penthouse for him let's make a upper room for him put a bed there for him with a table and a chair and a lampstand then whenever he comes to visit us he can turn in there one day he came there and turned into the upper room and laid down to rest and he said to hazel his servant call the shannon might so he called her and she stood before him verse 13. now he said to gehezei say to her now you have gone through all this trouble for us what can i do for you would you like to be mentioned to the king or to the captain of the army she answered i live among my own people in peace and security and no need and need no special favors later elisha said what then is to be done for her gaze i answered well she has no son and her husband is old he said call her call her back call her back get her back in the room so gehazar called her and she came and stood in the doorway elisha said at this season next year you will embrace a son he doesn't ask her he tells her at this season next year you will embrace a son he doesn't ask her he tells her why does he tell her instead of asking her maybe because he doesn't want to be lied to you again he asked for the first time and she said i'm good live amongst my people i don't need any special favors so this time when she's in his presence he doesn't ask he prophesies he declares he states by this time next year we will hold a baby look at her response no my lord oh man of god look at the honor look at the respect no my lord man of god i know who you are i respect you i know that you're a prophet i know you hear from god no my lord oh man of god do not lie to your mate sir someone could read that and think the disrespect but but friends this isn't disrespect this is this is years and years and years of unmet expectations this is disbelief this is hurt this is let down this is fractured faith this is a woman that stands there and says listen i've already told you i'm good i was never asking you for anything i'm i'm saying i'm good let me just help you i want to be quiet i want to be i want to just go about my way what do you need nothing nothing i'm good call her back by this time next year you will hold the baby my lord please don't lie to me verse 17 but the woman conceived she never even says okay she never even says yes one verse to the next man it's amazing how a situation can change from just one verse to the next from one moment to the next but the woman conceived and gave birth to a son at that season the next year at that season i love that it says season she's in the same season the next year but the season looked different at that season the next year just just as elisha had said to her i want to take next few moments i want to preach to you from this very simple command make room for expectation if you're taking notes going ahead and write that down make room for expectation if you're not taking notes take notes make room for expectation the reason why i'm encouraging you to take notes is because i do believe that the holy spirit will speak to you in this moment but if you don't take notes you might forget what he says to you or when you need to rely on what the holy spirit said in this moment you'll try to remember it as opposed to having it at your disposal make room for expectation let's pray one more time god we love you holy spirit we need you speak through your servant move in this place jesus we praise your holy name do what only you could do meet us where we're at provide every need and desire in the room that aligns with your will [Music] we promise that when it is all said and done to give you and you alone all the praise all the glory and all the honor in jesus name come on can we shout amen come on that was a week can we shout amen amen that's right it's the 11 30 service anybody here love food that's a fun question right like who here loves food i gotta be honest with you when i asked that question to you today on this sunday it comes from a different place it comes from a different place because i just finished 21 days of prayer and fasting literally yesterday was the last day today is the first full day that i could eat i could eat again i could eat food that i want to eat again today is the day and i love food simultaneously i feel like i'm cheating on new york because new york is not as open as dallas is right now and i'm not mad i'm happy to be here trust me i am happy to be here i want to go to restaurants i want to eat everywhere and anywhere mexican barbecue chick-fil-a anywhere i want to eat everywhere and anywhere i'm just i'm excited i'm excited to eat food i love food and i love the experience of going to a restaurant i love a good restaurant i love going to good restaurants i live in new york city one of the greatest cities in the world definitely a better city when it comes to restaurants than this one don't be mad about it it's the truth you know what i really love i love going to restaurants with people that know how to order anybody else i just love going to with people that know how to order they know what to get they don't just get the same old same old they not cheap they know how to share they get excited about you tasting things they know how to pair things no no you gotta eat this with this you have to drink this with that you gotta take that and dip it in here twirl it around jump on your seat and eat it i love it i love all of it show me someone that knows how to pair good food show you tell you what to eat there's one restaurant in particular that i cannot wait to eat back at home back in queens new york jackson height queens new york it's called pio pio now i'm pretty sure that's not how you pronounce it it's a peruvian restaurant but i'm white okay it's called p-o-p-o and at p-o-p-o they they serve my mouth is watering as i'm saying this to you they serve chicken and all they serve is chicken but it's chicken and green sauce green sauce and chicken and you take the chicken and dip it in the green sauce and then you take the green sauce and you pour it over your chicken and then you get something called saucy papas i know sao chi papas what is that it's just french fries and hot dogs but man it is so good you take the green sauce you pour it on the chicken then you pour it on the french fries you cut up the chicken and then you put on the saucy papas and then to make the meal complete you got to get you an inca cola some of you are like what i know i'm putting you on game right now inca cola i n c a order it thank me later and inca cola and chicken green sauce saucy poppers that is my jam right there [Applause] you gotta know what to order you gotta know how to order you gotta know what to order and i'm sure if we were to take turns and i would ask you what are some of your favorite restaurants we could be here for hours because we're in a room full of people that have a room full of opinions and thoughts and different taste buds but can you imagine going to a restaurant and just settling for what they give you when you initially get there depending on the type of restaurant they might only serve you water or they'll give you water and bread or water and chips with salsa but now imagine the waiter or waitress comes up to you says sir ma'am what would you like to order and then your response is i'm good what do you want i'm good with the water and the bread the bread and the water you have a menu with a plethora of options for you to pick from you could choose all different types of meals you could choose all different types of sides you can get several courses and yet you settle for the bread and the water the holy spirit wanted me to talk to all the bread and water people all the people that have settled with what's been given to you and have resolved not to ask for anything else the question that the holy spirit wanted me to ask you is what is it that you need to order what is it that you want to order when you look at your life when you look at your past when you look at your future when you look at your children when you look at your finances when you look at your business when you look at your marriage what is it that you need to order what can god provide for you to help you on your journey and along the way what can you order do you need peace why not order peace do you need blessing why not order blessing do you need miracles why not order miracles why is it that you are in need but have chosen not to ask why are you settling for the bread and the water and here we are in the midst of a series where we are focusing focusing on the abundance of god that we serve a god that has more isn't it ephesians 3 20 that says now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than we than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us to him be glory in the church and in christ jesus throughout all generations forever and ever this is the god that we serve and yet we don't talk to him like that's him he says i could give you more but you ask for nothing i read the other day this quote by john maxwell he so brilliantly wrote the primary limitation in life is our low expectations for ourselves and others he said when we expect minimum results that's usually what we get when we expect minimum results that's usually what we get when we expect minimum results that is usually what we get why are you settling for the minimum results in your marriage in your children in your finances in your business in your family in your home in your education why are you settling for where you're at i am happy for you that you're happy to be in the room but you're just so happy to be in the room that you think that that's all that you need and the holy spirit is saying son daughter there is so much more life on the other side of salvation and i want to grant it to you i want to give it to you i want to gift it to you you don't have to work for it my cross worked it just receive it and receive it allow my grace to be sufficient allow my miraculous working never-ending limitless power to overwhelm you and meet you what is it that you want and why is it that you have yet to ask just like this woman presented the opportunity given the opportunity what is it that you want she says nothing i'm good and yet it is obvious by her response that she doesn't just want a child she so desperately wants a child there's nothing wrong with this woman wanting a child it is heretical to think that we should not be able to ask or think for more we serve a god that says i want to give you everything everything that i have for you do you want to be a mother if it's in my will for you to be a mother i will make you a mother if it's in my will for you to be a wife i will make you a wife if it isn't my will for you to be a husband i will make you a husband if it is in my will for you to be an entrepreneur i will make you an entrepreneur if it is in my will for you to be in ministry you will be in ministry there is nothing wrong with asking [Applause] this woman chooses not to ask she chooses not to ask although she's in desperate want she so desperately wants a child when the prophet says by this time next year you will in fact not only be pregnant but you will be holding a baby in your arms and her response tells us everything no sir please do not lie to me i know you're a man of god but all i want is so bad and it's been a really long time and i thought that my life was over i thought that that season was over i thought that that was not for me and you know what the holy spirit is saying it might not have happened in this season but please don't shortchange the next season i have more in front of you i have more in front of you i have more in front of you if there's anybody in the room that says i want everything it is that god has for me i want all the more that he has for me and my family and my children and my children's children i dare you to take about 30 seconds and give them a shout one two three go there is nothing wrong with asking for more and yet this woman chooses not to ask i'm good i got everything that i need see now on one side i love her response because it shows that she's content she wasn't she wasn't serving the man of god in return for a favor she was pure-hearted she is simply using what she has to help she's a faithful believer she's she's content but hear me there is a fine line in your faith there is a fine line being content in your faith and being convinced that your faith can't produce more there's a fine line and being content with your faith and believing that your faith cannot produce more see this woman although she's amazing and she's incredible and she is she is generous and kind to the prophet she has a very tricky combination that so many so many other believers and saints behave the same way she is faithful but she's content she is faithful but she is content if i were to describe someone and say they're faithful and content you would think those are all good characteristics however for her that's not the case and for so many the same she's content but she's faithful she's faithful but she's also content and friends that is a dangerous combination now on one side of it let's just celebrate her faithfulness faithfulness is a beautiful thing we need more believers to be faithful we need more believers that are willing to go the long run and go the distance we need more believers that will show up on a sunday that even when life does not look like how they want it to look and even after years and years and years of serving the church and operating in ministry life does not look how they want it to look and yet they will still serve the church and yet they will still worship and yet they will still praise and yet they will still pray and yet they will still tithe and yet they will still match their faith with yours it is a beautiful thing to see people that are faithful even with unmet expectation show me a saint show me a believer show me a man of god a woman of god that is faithful with unmet expectation that is that is something to be marveled at right there not the one that already has the testimony i'm not talking about the after picture but the in-between picture the before and the in between i'm not certain what's gonna happen next i don't know what tomorrow looks like i don't know what's gonna happen with the health i don't know what's gonna happen with the bill i don't know what's gonna happen with the finances i don't know what next week looks like i don't know what next year looks like oh but for me and my household we will serve the lord i will worship you come hell or high water i will praise you because everything you've given me is enough the blood is enough the cross is enough and anything that i would have to endure none of it is going to stop me from my worship and none of it is gonna stop me from my praise in fact let's take a little praise break right now for the one for the one that hasn't praised in a little bit and although you haven't gotten what you wanted you can still praise him in between is there anybody in the room that won't mind standing on their feet lifting their hands opening up their mouths and giving jesus their best praise even though i don't know what tomorrow looks like i will serve the lord if that's you lift up your hands and give them a shout one two three go [Applause] we make so much about so many things look at their preaching gift look at their singing gifts yeah but did you check out their faithfulness what did their character look like what did what did their marriage look like and their home life looked like what did their safari history look like are they faithful in a day and age where we platform so many people and where all of a sudden christianity has become cool and we made celebrities out of people that are just human who we should be celebrating are not necessarily names uh but willingness and faithfulness because even though i didn't get what i want i have jesus and because i have jesus i will serve the lord show me that oh he hasn't been faithful to me he doesn't need to be faithful to you he saved you he created you so that you could worship him he allowed you to get up today and granted you new mercies today and by the way he didn't treat you as your sins deserve if that is not enough reason to praise the lord then you are missing it it's faithfulness it's it's faithfulness let's let's get excited about faithfulness let's let's get excited about people let's show up we don't even know her name who cares about her name we know her god her life points to her god her actions point to her god is there a generation that says you don't need to know me because i know him and if you could look at me and find him that's all you need if any of those people are in the room give them a shout [Applause] she's faithful she's she's faithful she's faithful she's faithful unmet expectation but she's faithful she's faithful with unmet expectation she didn't get her breakthrough she didn't get her miracle she filled out the prayer request but never got the response she wanted but she remains faithful can we celebrate that can we make can we make that the thing that people want to run after can we make conferences about that can we write books about that can we preach about that now what's your purpose your purpose is to be faithful you want to be purpose be consistent be faithful love your wife love your children tithe pray serve god when am i gonna get my shot you get a shot every day that you're breathing to be faithful [Applause] go on ahead grab a seat i only got a few minutes are you going to make me keep going it's faithful his faithfulness his faithfulness she's she's faithful she's she's faithful and i'm encouraged by her consistency in the kingdom and her willingness to even help elisha all while having unmet expectation here's the question can you remain committed even when you don't get what you want [Applause] can you remain committed even when you don't get what you want we live in a day and age where we hear about pastors and and leaders and worship leaders and and figures in the faith falling away from god and then all of a sudden we stop serving god because they stop serving god what my faith was never predicated on their willingness to be faithful my faith is predicated on the one true god that is the same yesterday today and forever i will serve the lord i want you to be with me but friend even if you're not i'm going forward i'm making it to well done good and [Applause] well done good and faithful servant oh even when i don't see it he's working even when i don't see it he's working even when i don't understand that he's he's working he's working he's working he's working and and here's the benefit of faithfulness you will be blessed it seems like a longer path but that's how god works you know god is more crockpot than microwave correct it takes a longer time to get there but when you get there it's it's good this is why proverbs 28 20 says a faithful person will be richly blessed this is the promise from god a faithful person will be richly blessed this woman does become blessed with the baby that she wasn't even bold enough to ask for but because of her faithfulness she receives it she was she was faithful friends remain faithful she's she's faithful and she's gifted she's faithful and she's gifted and because she's faithful she stewards her gift properly proverbs 18 16 says a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before the great because she was faithful in utilizing her gift what was her gift she had the gift of hospitality because she utilized her gift of hospitality she welcomed in this man of god this man of god came into her life she used her gift of hospitality sidenote did you know that hospitality is a spiritual gift and it is equal to every other spiritual gift the title doesn't sound as cool because everybody want to be a prophet but the best prophets are the best servants jesus himself said what i did not come to be served i came to serve she was a servant she she had the gift of hospitality first peter 4 9 says offer hospitality to one another without grumbling in other words stop complaining and side note i'ma just throw this in there stop posting about your hospitality it takes it all away no one else needs to know what you did for someone else do it for them and keep it off the ground because when we see it we're not inspired we're grieved [Music] we're not inspired by it we're grieved by it because we know that true hospitality does not need to be showboated or showcased hospitality has has its own sound we'll hear about it offer hospitality to one another without grumbling each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of god's grace in its various forms romans 12 6 says this we have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us if your gift is prophesying then prophesy in accordance with your faith if it is serving then serve if it's prophesying prophesy if it's serving then serve i want to go out on a limb and say that each and every one of us may never have the gift of prophecy but each and every one of us should aspire to develop the spiritual gift of serving we should aspire to develop the gift of serving and here's the first person you need to be hospitable to the holy spirit you need to say holy spirit i welcome you into my life i welcome you into my mind i welcome you into my heart i welcome you into my life see in addition to wisdom knowledge faith healing prophesying serving and others listed above hospitality is in fact a spiritual gift it is given to us by the holy spirit by god's grace and it is used to serve others each christian is given different gifts and that is what enables the church to function and care for the needs of the members friends if you want to see your church grow and thrive you will not you will not need more talent on the stage because you have some of the greatest preachers in your pastors and worship leaders in your worship leaders if you want to see your church grow the right way serve there are churches that start big and then die out because the preaching gifts stop i don't think the church is supposed to work that way i thank god that we we say kind things about preachers and we say we love their preaching gifts i love it i love how your pastor preached preaches i love how pastor lindsay preaches i love how pastor glenn preaches i i think it's a beautiful thing however if you want to see a church go on serve serve one another and notice what she does she makes a room she makes room and she uses her gift of hospitality and because she made room for elisha the holy spirit was able to make room for her because she made room for elijah's ministry ministry that happened to her she used her gift of hospitality to welcome to pro the prophet then in turn the prophet used his gift he used his gift to prophesy over her your gift will make room for you i think too often we interpret that scripture like it'll make room so that people could see me it'll make room so that the holy spirit can bless you and what's better the accolades of man or the blessing of god give me the blessing of god any day over the accolades of man i don't need another platform i need presence i want to find myself in the presence of god making myself available holy spirit you have room in my mind you have room in my heart you have room in my mouth you have room with my hands you have room with my feet you have room with my body my finances my church my children my marriage have room have room have room he's saying make room today it all happened because she she made room she wasn't given to get but because she gave she received catch that she was not giving to get her motives were correct but because she gave she received she was not giving to get but because she gave she received because she made room for god listen god made room to do god things by this time by this time next season this season next year by this time next year you will carry a baby notice her response as faithful as she is notice her response no lord don't trick me don't lie to me she's faithful but she's also faithless you could be faithful and faithless at the same time you could be faithful you could be consistent you could show up every week you could tithe you could pray you could be faithful and you could be faithless you could be in college you could graduate the internship you could serve every week on the worship team you could be on the tech team you could be on the prayer team you could play those drums you could usher in the presence of god by the keys you could be faithful in using your gift while all simultaneously being faithless why doesn't she mention it when given the opportunity here's why she didn't believe that it would happen for her it'll happen for everybody else i'll believe with you for your healing for your pregnancy for your breakthrough but for me i'm not so sure she did not believe it why she didn't believe it could happen for her she didn't think it she couldn't imagine it she didn't have this understanding this faith of abundance she knew that she served a god that was exceedingly and abundantly greater than ever she could think or imagine but just not necessarily for her she must have looked at her circumstance and thought this there's not enough room for a miracle in me there's not enough room for a miracle enemy there's enough room for their miracle there's enough room for their breakthrough but for me and my marriage i don't know for me and my children who i i don't think these are the cards i'm doubt i'm not that special i'm not that person and what you don't realize is that you are special because you have been saved and born again the blood of jesus has washed you and cleanse you he created you and designed you in your mother's womb he pieced you together bit by bit he has a destiny and a purpose and a calling over each and every one of you even though we don't know her name please understand god dude god knew her name exactly he knew her name he knows your name he he knows what you need he knows what you want so just ask what would keep somebody from asking i didn't think i would get it i didn't think that it could happen for me i'm older my husband's older i asked for it in another season i didn't get it then why would i why would i waste my time i'ma just go on i'm good being how i'm living right now i'm good my bills are paid for i'm eating i have friends i have family i'm good i'm good i don't need to ask for anything and look look i i'm okay with what i have what would keep her what would keep her for from asking and yet what we learned from this woman is that although she does not ask she does receive and in fact i believe she did ask in a pre previous season and even though she didn't ask in that season that did not stop her from getting those prayers that she already prayed let me encourage you those prayers that you prayed in one season that you cried over that you fought over that you were on your knees begging god for the ones you forgot about the ones that you thought were not heard everything that you cried over the holy spirit saying i got your tears and i bottled them up in jars of clay i'ma take care of you i'ma provide for you now here's the thing if i would have gave you that baby in that season your family would have been blessed but if i give you the baby in another season when you shouldn't be able to have a baby the whole family will be blessed and i'm doing it for my church and i'm doing it for my brothers and my sisters and the other women and the other faith that lack faith and lack of zeal i'm doing it through you just keep on serving me i got you because guess what i know you don't have it right now but by this time next year you're gonna have that [Applause] even when i stopped thinking he responds even when i no longer believe he's still working he's still he's still figuring it out he's still maneuvering he's still planning look at god friends the encouragement that i simply want to give you is do not settle for what you have believe that god has more because as you make room for god god will make room for you he will make room for every desire that aligns with his will you know the verse that says god will give you the desires of your heart and every teenager and every young adult misappropriates that text because they look at a girl or a guy and they say god that's the one i want but he also knows that through those through those immature undeveloped prayers what you're really saying is god i want a husband and i want a wife so i'm gonna give you the true desire of your heart not the desire in the moment see when we pray those prayers he's saying i got you i'ma work it out but trust me i'm not gonna just give you what you want if he gave us what we want when he wanted it he would be a genie he's not a genie he's god i will give you what you need when you need it i will give you what you want in seasons when it's not supposed to happen because i don't operate in time and in space i know what the doctors say i know what the bank said i know what the husband said i know what the child said but you better get ready i'm about to pour down my favor i'm about to pour down my blessings the miracle is on its way is there anybody in the room with enough faith that would say i'm ready for next season whatever i have to do to get there i'm on my way i'm gonna carry my baby i'ma hold my blessing i'ma walk in the favor that god has for me if that's you take about 30 seconds and give him a shout [Applause] worship team come on up worship team come on up [Applause] but let me help you is this helping you so far let me help you because you know what i would hate for you to just be excited in the moment and then revert to the behavior when you leave i can get you shouting but i'm trying to get you to think i'm trying to get you to believe i'm trying to get you to imagine exceedingly and abundantly more more than we could ever think imagine let me hope you're thinking pay attention to what she does she made room for him where on the roof this is the original upper room if you would she made room for him in the upper room she created an upper room the term upper room is synonymous with acts 2 because there were that's where the holy spirit first fell on the day of pentecost when the holy spirit fell it is said that the sound of a rushing wind fell and filled the entire house as noted in acts 2 verses 1 and 2. that greek word house is oikos and refers to a house or a living space this living space was the upper room trek with me the term upper room also suggests that it was a part of a large structure so it was an upper room but it wasn't the only room it was the top room amongst all the other rooms the room itself must have been fairly big because you're talking of a minimum 12 plus disciples living there and when the holy spirit fell on the day of pentecost there were 120 people in that room as noted in acts 1 verse 15. so not only was this a place of residence for the disciples this was the same room where they held the lord's supper as noted in luke 22 13. and they nominated mathias the next apostle in that same upper room it was also the room where jesus appeared to the disciples in mark 16 verses 14 through 16 and washed their feet as noted in john 13 verses 1 through 7. it's also where the disciples gathered for prayer and worship after christ ascended in heaven in acts 1 verses 13 through 14. all in the upper room all of this happened in the upper room what does that tell us that god likes to work up top [Music] when he filled the upper room every other room then became filled it started from the top down i wonder i wonder what upper room god is still trying to work in today but is being kept out and he says if you let me in your upper room i will impact every other part of your body if you would invite me into your upper room if you would invite me into your thinking with you would invite me into your imagining if you would invite me into your mind if you would just make room for me in your upper room i will take care of every other room beneath if you would just create the room you have not because you asked not can you imagine if she would have just asked how great of that story would have been the bible would have told us that she wasn't looking for it but then the prophet says what do you want what could i do for you and then she says well and then because we read the amplified version it goes out of its way to tell us that she really wasn't looking for it but she responded to the question because she didn't want to lie to the man of god so imagine she would have said she would have said well well i really want a child but i know i'm too old and he says done by this time next year and i think of all the work that now the prophet has to go through he sends her away because she says there's nothing i need then he has to pray and there's nothing wrong with the prophet praying but what i'm saying is she could have got it the first time she was given the opportunity but because she made the profit work the prophet didn't even want to ask her anymore as faithful as kind as loving as she was she wasn't even worth considering because by her own thoughts by her own standards she would have settled [Music] so i got to give it for you to get you to believe but man what would it look like if on the way we believe holy spirit you are welcome here in this upper room oh fill my mind fill my thoughts remove every lie remove every feeling all the doubt all the insecurity all the all the thoughts i tell myself i'm not pretty enough all the thoughts i tell myself i'm not smart enough all the thoughts i say to myself i'm not worth it i'll never be happy i'm i'm never gonna live a full life all the lies that i tell myself holy spirit you are welcomed here he said if you would just give me your mind i will show you how to think [Music] i also want to point out that elisha the name literally translates to god my salvation so she invites my salvation god my salvation into the upper room [Music] could god possibly be saying i'm glad that you invited me into this space but can you now invite me into this space [Music] you can invite me to bless your home or you could invite me to fill your head because if i fill your head i'll show you which home to buy if i fill your head i'll show you which relationship to be you know you don't jump into the relationship and then ask god to bless it but fill me lead me and guide me and then i know that his blessing is already on it why oh yeah because that's how faithfulness works is there anybody in the room that says i will be faithful holy spirit would you fill me would you lead me would you guide me would you fall upon me so that i could live my life for you i want to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever ask or think or imagine did you stand now this is a prayer we all need to pray but there are also people here that your thoughts and your insecurity have literally been choking you you've lost sleep you're arguing with your spouse right now because of those thoughts you're not showing up to work you're not working correctly because of your thoughts they've got the best of you you don't have rest you wake up more tired you wake up you don't want to leave the house you're overwhelmed by life there's nothing more for me god's not going to do it for me that's a lie straight from the pit of hell if if your thoughts have been getting the best of you come to this altar come on step out and come i have a feeling it's it's a good amount of this room come on step out you can be in the front seat just take a step forward step out step out step out [Music] as you come up lift up your hands come on lift up your hands lift up your hands worship team just start to sing over us we're not going to go into a full song just start to sing start to worship freely start to worship freely all of you can you say extend your hands towards these amazing people extend your hands and start praying over them come on open up your mouth start filling the room with your faith fill the room with your prayers fill the room with the name of jesus all of you that are at this altar lift up your hands right now lift up your hands and start worshiping fill this fill this room with the name of jesus come on praise his name
Channel: The House Fort Worth
Views: 604
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the house fort worth, micah berteau, lindsey berteau, the house, the house church, thehousefw, the house church online, fort worth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 40sec (3640 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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