Top BEST Zach King Magic Collection 2020, NEW MAGIC of ZACH KING Vine Ever Show #2

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a melon just gonna hurt are you kidding me sorry mmm it says wet paint oh are you kidding me sorry mm-hmm it says wet paint oh sorry sir it's drying you should put a sign up or something sorry it says wet paint everyone knows about the regular push-up but I like to do the yoga push [Music] hey babe I'm in the middle of all ya don't have my Xander I'm gonna get a selfie with Lady Liberty here excuse me can I get a photo cheese okay thank you let's get cool so some see this glass is half-full some see it as half-empty but I see it as a piece of cake [Music] so today I'm going to tell you the trick to getting a perfect carwash using just a little bit of water alright so I'm gonna run over here set you down okay and now your car is as good as new Oh No shun me Nate so this is a demonstration of how team trees works Nate hold this planter give me a dollar you got a dollar yeah okay so you're gonna plant the dollar in the planter and then just a shrub no Nate it's a tree are you okay go team trees trick-or-treat oh I've got a trick hello everyone so for today's meeting happy birthday [Applause] got some juice you hold the bottle [Music] Oh [Music] hey buddy where's your bottle all right we'll get another one [Music] hmm where is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh sorry buzz let's give this a try [Music] cool [Music] Liam Liam storm area51 can't stop all of us I'm in come on they call a sandwich [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today's beach day I told you we're going treasure hunting we need to go to this island in Indonesia so we are going to a beach pass we're going to a beach ready to go [Music] this isn't that hard Wow [Music] hey buddy let me help you Tara [Music] okay you're good Wow Mason lets you can appraise whoa cool dude hey Liam do you want a dog here make you a dog yeah baby don't freak out right but this is even cooler you power my suit power down the lights suit re-cap no I said lights not the hey babe which remote is it Oh oh hey I found the remote [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] five minutes hmm hey Zack yeah have you tried that filter that turns you old no do you want to try it sure what I do well just smile and three two one Oh Zack to that out Oh Zack wait Zack you're finished hey why my old I don't know hey turn me back get back here you hooligan I'm sorry this is the bottle cap challenge ready man I miss being a kid would you look at that five o'clock wow it really does fly well what was everyone going with a lot of work to do I need this done by the end of the day so pay very close attention you're gonna take some milk then you take some strawberries give it a little shake and get a milkshake [Music] dude this is a long line we got an ID let's go grab back over there yeah right there's good oh that's plastic let's get a real one
Views: 17,208,764
Rating: 4.7486076 out of 5
Keywords: zach, king, zach king 2018, zach king collection, magic, magic tricks, magic zach king, zach king magic, new, ever, show, best zach king, vine, top vine, best, tricks, 2018, magic vine, zach king magic vines, zach king vines, zach king new, zach king, VGK FUTBOL, best of vine, vine comedy, comedy, funny, zach king vine, magic vines, cute, vine magic, vine compilation, vine fail, watch vines, vine 2013, cool vines, zachking, vine 2020, zach king 2020
Id: s_8RIMo9DcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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