The Mind Toolbox, Dr. Caroline Leaf

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good morning everyone tremendous honor to be here thank you so much process cotton Elizabeth for inviting me it's I'm always so encouraged when pastors are so insightful when it comes to the need to understand mental health because what's happening in the world today with mental health is very scary because it's been mismanaged and the message that I bring to the world globally with my platform I'm very privileged to speak as Mac mentioned you know I mean churches that every Sunday miniature some way that I also trained physicians I work in hospitals I work in education environments helping people to recognize the power of the mind so essentially for 30 year 32 years I've been studying the mind brain connection and basically the mind brain connection is understanding the spirit soul body connection and understanding the concepts of renewing the mind and bring all thoughts into captivity and choose life and all those good scriptures that we love to quote but don't always really know what we quoting so I've tried to make those very practical the science is incredibly practical science and scripture go hand in hand same author so science is the how-to and the Bible is the story so you've got to have the two together God tells us renew your mind science tells us how to renew your mind God tells us bring all thoughts into captivity science shows us how to bring all thoughts into captivity and that kind of thing so we as as humans odd have got a very powerful mind I think you are very aware of that because you know when you're in a good mood how the day goes and when you're in a bad mood how the day goes and you know that instinctively that when you thinking that you're influencing how you're functioning and the people around you well as the Scriptures clearly say you do not have a spirit of fear but of love power and soundness so I approach mental health from that angle and science actually also approaches mental health from that angle to the fact that of the basic foundational principle of mental health and I'm standing in this zone where you see the green trees because this is the love zone and over here where you see the toxic tree this is the fear zone so science and scripture both approach mental health from this angle which is that you have a love power and sound mind as your default mode of operation operation operating or parental default mode of operating so you as a human are made in God's image and God is brilliant which means you and I are brilliant god is love therefore you and I are made of love and love is a huge encompassing term not just the woowoo feeling but it means the ability to operate in wisdom in joy in peace and patience and kindness gentleness faithfulness self-control all those things all the time it is a constant self-regulating a secret regulatory type of lifestyle one way you are conscious and deliberate about your thinking that's what this zone tells us we see in Scripture that we're supposed to bring all thoughts into captivity how many thoughts do you think in a day as scientists we estimated somewhere between 8,000 and 180,000 so an average of scientists we take 30,000 of mark and if we do the calculation you are designed to basically bring thoughts into captivity more or less every 10 seconds so you are designed to constantly regulate what you are thinking feeling and choosing you are designed to do that you designed to do that from earlier a position of soundness and power and you are designed to be able to make choices you are designed to be able to alter your traces you are designed to influence your physical nature so as you operate in this spirit soul wired full of power sound mind you are actually influencing your physical nature which is your physical brain and body which means your spirit in your soul or not your brain your brain is part of your physical body your brain in your body or 1% of who you are your brain and your body are basically I had 75 to 100 trillion cells that your brain in your body the physical and that makes up 1% of who you are and that is controlled by your spirit in your soul which is the other 19 % so I'll show you some slides and things as we're going along to help you understand but with this 99% powerful spiritual that we call in science none physical you are able to influence the physical because your mind expresses itself through the physical so your brain and body enable you to express who your spiritual nature so our spiritual nature is constantly working because it's plugged into the Spirit of God God is the author science tells us and God is the author God is a generator of your energy without God you can't exist Bishop Berkeley said 350 years ago the only reason we exist is because God is looking ok so I love that so God's looking so therefore you exist you have the energy of God you GERB 32:8 the spirit of life is in you this is energy like you plug your cellphones in as the example I always give you are plugged into God whether you access that wisdom is up to you because you have free will but when you're in the zone you are connected to you are not only connected but you are tuning in all humanity is connected or there wouldn't be alive but the question is are you tuning in and tuning in requires bringing all thoughts into captivity all 30 thousand thoughts into captivity which means every 10 seconds you're supposed to be speaking to the Spirit of God who in this room talks to God every 10 seconds about what they thinking feeling and choosing and if you can't put up your hand you are actually disobeying the principles of God you are disobeying God because God says you are supposed to be talking praying continuously in a state of worship bringing all thoughts into captivity now I didn't tell you that to make you feel guilt and shame there's more books written in the Christian environment on guilt and shame than in any other environment which makes me think what on earth is going on if this is the most guilt fold shameful environment when we supposed to understand love so I don't want to add to that because guilt and shame can either chain you or can propel you forward so I'm saying use guilt and shame to propel you to talk to God so use it if you feel oh my gosh I made another mistake I thought the wrong thought I did the wrong thing I made their own choices well you're just part of all of us we all do the same we're all crazy we all keep making dumb mistakes so that they can take responsibility acknowledging getting the Sun this is the zone that says I chose wrong but it's okay because I can access the wisdom of God I can change that I'm not changed by that that guilt of that guilt and shame of making the wrong choices if I'm in this zone I use my left hand my sound mind to self-regulate every ten seconds what those choices are how they impacted my life how they impacted others and I can change them you are powerful you're on your you have a level of control that people don't realize we need you designed for control the ability to think and feel and choose implies control but we live in a world where our control has been taken away by the very nature of how we are told we to see ourselves and if you're not careful you'll have tremendous conflict in yourself because the church will tell you one thing the Bible will tell you one thing which is that you have a love pound a sound mind but the world tells you that you're a biological ultimatum a robot without free will that you're genetically controlled and pre-programmed that your brain has neurobiological correlates for mental health which means that your brain tells you what to do any of you depressed and sad you got a broken brain that is such alive it's not even scientific it's not even evidence-based medicine but it is the model that the world is bringing to us and I unfortunately not all scientists think like that there's a large body of scientists that are in my camp or I mean there can be in each other's camp there's two camps of scientists the one says you have free will the other one says you don't have free will and those that say you have free will the science actually shows that you are wired for love you do not have a single circuit in your brain or a brain structure that is designed for fear you've wired for love every single Pro every single circuit every single structure every single cell right down to the proteins right down to the subatomic level in your brain and your body is wired for love and power and soundness so when we make wrong mistakes it's because we've stepped out of the zone and to this zone I call this the perfect user if you want to call it another have another word for it and this is the imperfect you zone I've actually written a book called the perfect you where I explain the science of love and explain to help Emma to help you understand how you are wired for love right and how we can use physics in and all the different types of physics including quantum physics to understand this wired for love nature that we are made of we are literally energy waves of love living in love and before you think that's weird if you don't like energy you can't use your cell phone or the internet or eat or anything because dual energy so if you careful we don't get you religious and think oh energy that's something evil then you saying gods evil because energy is from God so quantum physics is the most fundamental and accurate of Sciences and a totally and utterly points towards God being the source of all energy so the most fundamental and accurate of all Sciences points to the fact that humans are connected to a supernatural source and humans ability to think and feel and choose is fundamental to how the world works so that's pretty much saying that you have a love power and a sound mind but using quantum physics language and in fact 95% of quantum physicists believe in a supernatural source because the everything points towards that so science God is using at the most the most accurate versions of science God is using to show that you as a human has this incredible ability to think and to feel and to choose that is what your mind is your mind is your ability to think and feel and choose and you are always thinking and when you think you feel and when you think and feel you make choices and you do this at 400 billion actions per second on an unconscious level and you do it at 2,000 actions per second on a conscious level what does that mean it means that you always connecting with God but you're not always tuning in to God and that at incredible speeds beyond the speed of light way beyond the speed of light your mind is always working your spiritual nature is always working and it's driving you and if you don't renew your spiritual nature if you don't renew your mind your spirit is renewed I know that your spirit gets when you get born again and all that stuff that I'm talking about your mind has to catch up you've got to discipline how you think and feel and choose to be renewed to be aligned with love so your body's aligned with love your spirit is designed to be aligned with love but if you don't operate in wisdom then it ray then it breaks down okay so now what does this mean so second-by-second if look at the first slide you are changing your brain by the way you use your mind so your mind is your spiritual nature it is the 99% of who you are your mind is how you think feel and choose your most basic definition of mind is how you think feel and choose what is mind how you think feel and choose when we talk about renewing the mind we're talking about renewing how you think feel and choose when you think feel and choose there is a physical consequence that physical consequences you build a thought into your brain thoughts look like trees which is why I use trees on the stage so thoughts are real things that you build in your brain so you build matter out of your mind you build physical structure out of your mind you're doing this all day long and at nighttime you sort out what you built during the day when you are sleeping so you with your love pound sound mind process life through your thinking feeling and choosing and the results is you build that into these thought trees inside of your brain you build little memories onto branches in your brain called dendrites and those are the branches are made up of computers so you are making right now as I'm speaking you are growing these little super quantum neurobiological supercomputers at the speed of 400 billion actions per second you're pretty smart you growing little computers to hold my words these computers will only be sustained as long as you actually focus on them so within 24 hours this information will go unless you actually reinforce the information so that short-term memory versus long-term memory takes 21 days to build a long-term memory so if you want to change happen in your life you have to build along to a memory you then have to turn that long-term memory into a habit which takes another 42 days so it's going to take 63 days for you to build a new thought pattern in your brain that will change your behavior so therefore get wisdom get understanding as the Proverbs tell us is a process of you being very deliberate about getting in your love power in your sound mind perfect you nature to understand connect with the Spirit of God every 10 seconds so that you are thinking feeling and choosing and building is in alignment with God and when it's not that you capture that thought and bring it into alignment with God so when we make our wrong choices which we do we all do it we build a toxic tree so you still build matter but the tree the proteins fold in correctly the whole chemical electrical balance goes goes Orry and what that means is that you build a structure in your brain but it is causing brain damage you do not have wiring for fear you do not have wiring for unforgiveness you do not have wiring for jealousy and envy you do not have wiring for for frustration and negativity etc when you do any of those toxic things you are causing brain damage and when your brain is damaged your body becomes damaged and you increase your vulnerability to disease by 95 percent people are dying at that for I've told the girls us on Friday nights and I'm actually busy finishing off a book on them at the moment on this topic but basically people are dying 15 to 25 years younger than what they should in this current day and age they picked us up between 2014 and 2015 for years we've been living longer but now that train has reversed the media we're going backwards and they are tracking it back down to people dying from preventable lifestyle diseases and those causes of the preventable lifestyle diseases are the way we are managing our mind to manage our lifestyle what I have just said is that this will kill you and James 1:13 through 15 tells us the same thing that it isn't God that takes you but as as we choose to give birth to son and as we feed the Sun that grows up and brings forth death and this is exactly what we're seeing in science you cannot keep the bitterness you cannot keep the unforgiveness you cannot keep the tumor you cannot keep banging through the day or bashing through the day chaotic lis not managing the daily stresses you cannot just freak out and fall apart when acute stressors well in in this in the wrong zone when acute stressors hit you you can only freak out and fall apart and have a foot in this zone it's very different you can freak out in the love zone because when you freak out in the love zone you will cry scream sharp breakdown experience trauma depression sadness but there's a difference to that zone in this zone there's hope there is it's a recognition that this is a bad thing that's happening but it's a process that I will go through in this zone it is negative completely you feel out of control and you try and suppress it with either drugs or not you're not medications like antidepressants or whatever and you don't deal with it you push it down or you just keep it there and if you keep this it will cause you to fall into that statistic 60 years ago we shifted how we function and we shifted to a suppression mode and that suppression of our stuff we don't really talk about it we don't encourage people to talk about it and I'm talking in general because obviously there are counselors and therapists that do get you to talk about these things and in amongst churches and and and people in general but in on average if we take the greater global population 60 years ago we shifted from acknowledging freaking out talking about it to each other connecting with each other connecting with humanity going through processing we shifted from that to as soon as you feel sad or depressed or have a couple of symptoms of anxiety suddenly you now diseased and everyone hangs around the label and it gets diagnosed and treated with medication but the Bible is clear bring all thoughts into captivity not drugged all thoughts into captivity and that model has not worked because suicides increasing the fourth highest cause of death amongst eight-year-olds is suicide the top number one cause of death amongst 18 and 19 year-old is suicide 22 veterans a day commit suicide one physician the day commits suicide I can go on and on and on we have this epidemic of mental ill-health rising it's not mental ill-health that's rising we've always had mental ill-health every time we make a wrong decision since the beginning of time we've had mean every time you make a wrong decision that's me that's gonna create mental ill-health what has arisen is mismanagement of mind get this guy's if you don't renew your mind and bring your thoughts into captivity and process your stuff if you don't get in the garden like Jesus did and face your issues get it on the cross and rise again if you don't embrace process and reconceptualize you will damage your brain and your body and this is what's happening in this day and age our children are the first generation of kids to grow up drugged kids as young as two having put on antidepressants kids are on multiple drugs when kids are said they were told there's something wrong with them so the anxiety increases because then they think that they diseased that there's something wrong with their brain because that is the message that our children are growing up with and that is a wrong message the first time in generations this is the first generation that is going to bear it the parents are going to bury more children than the children bearing parents so we have to watch that because those drugs shortened life span just the label of a mental just a mental health and label and its implications shorten your life span by 20 years now that doesn't have to be you you can change that because your brain is neuro plastic as you renew your mind you change your brain your brain is not your mind as you change your mind you change your brain okay so mental health is the ability to step into the zone and freak out in the love zone and do whatever it is because you're embracing it and an embracing stuff it's so it's painful if you're facing something a trauma from the past and a cute thing that hits you out the side like a sickness in your family or a death in your family or a car accident or or a financial crisis these are things that you need to experience you can't pretend they're not there and throw some scriptures on top God is not a genie and scriptures are not a magic potion okay we've got to be much more careful about this whole thing of don't say anything negative that is crazy if it is negative say it in the zone and then move forward don't keep saying it and get stuck on a hamster wheel of negativity and just keep going round and round and round and never doing anything about it and then you feel so bad that you then drag it and it's still there I mean the drug wears off this comes back plus the damage from the drug you're worse off than you were in the beginning but there's always hope in the 80s I did some of the first research on neuroplasticity which means that your brain can change as you change your mind you can go and see my TEDx talk on my webpage or ever you can just google Tech Talk dr. Caroline leaf and you can see some of my work I've published papers I've spent 32 years researching this mind brain connection and I know for a fact I've worked in some of the most challenging areas in South Africa I have worked in the trenches with people in the prea Party in the in the apartheid post transition period and post apartheid era I worked in areas where people were starving hungry so see economically and politically downtrodden traumatized raped abused hungry starving I work for 25 years in those areas I have worked with all kinds of trauma I have spent 25 years in clinical practice and 32 years practicing I'm telling you that to tell you I know what I'm talking about I have seen the resilience of humanity when we embrace process and reconceptualize and we do it in community Jesus in the garden woke up the disciples and the decide said to the disciples you didn't tell them get me some prozac gave me some painkillers get me out of here do this for me I'll pay you and with a seat in heaven Jesus didn't say that I'm not being facetious I'm being realistic jesus said to them can you but be awake with me for can you be awake with me for but an hour in other words I just need the support of your humanity and that's what we're supposed to do we're the most isolated Society in the world the United States of America our students our youth are the most isolated in the world when they did a study asking the asking Japanese culture versus the American culture what's the most important thing the Japanese answered my position in the community what I can do for the community how can support the community in America me myself my goals my vision my dreams my money etc Americans are the sickest society dying the youngest leading the way in all the toxic stuff yet it's one of the greatest societies that's going backwards and if we don't change it it's going to become one of the worst societies so we've got to be very careful we can change it the church can change it because we understand what love is we understand what God is God is love but I don't see enough renewing of the mind I just see God being used like a magic like a magic Genie and yes I'm generalizing meth maybe that's not your church but I talk all over the place and let me tell you if the church was doing its job we would cease different statistics in the church we would see happier people in the church the church has got worse statistics in the world out there what is going on what's going on is the following mismanagement of mind there's a few facts you need to understand number one let's go back to that slide second-by-second you are changing your brain by the way you use your mind so in using feel and choose you are building thoughts it happens instantaneously and those thoughts become the roots roots of your words and your actions as a man thinks in his heart so is he out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks you don't just randomly say and do stuff whatever you say and do is first something that you thought felt chose so you used your mind you built the matter and you spoke everything you do comes from a root and that root is the thought and the thought came from thinking feeling and choosing so everything that you do is in a signal to you of going back and looking at what is the root cause to help you with this I've developed an app called switch which and I've got these these books I've got 17 books but these are my four latest books there are a toolbox and these will help you navigate this whole thing of learning how to renew your mind if when you and just keep that slide up okay there we go there's the app okay so I strongly recommend you get this because this will teach you how to renew your mind how to connect with the Spirit of God how to train yourself to find these issues and deal with things so that you don't become one of those statistics you see when you were worshiping a few moments ago and you were praising God and you were in that zone you know the zone when you get into that connection your brain waves in your brain changed their different brain waves in your brain making you bring us back that picture of the firing brain I'm going to show you a picture that came up earlier on another slide you're gonna see a brain of a person who's alive and this firing that you sing in there is exactly this is what's going on in your brain at the moment what that means is that orange that yellow firing is you're thinking you're feeling and you're choosing your spirit or 99% moving through your physical brain if you were dead we wouldn't see the firing up that firing up is the energy of thinking feeling and choosing moving through your brain and your brain responding electrically chemically and genetically you are changing the structure of your brain you are changing all the time whether you like it or not so you may as well change in the right direction because if you change if you think you're not changing then you and you think it's status quo it's not you are either getting worse or you are getting better because neuroplasticity means that you can change your brain that's what I was doing in the 80s that I've done for the last 32 years as you capture your mind you change your brain you could influence those changes so this is what's happening on a close-up level of that image you just saw this is you growing thoughts now in your head you're growing trees in your brain you are taking my words you're thinking feeling choosing generating this fiery energy and causing your genes to express and you are building my words into these little branches and each branch is made up of millions of little supercomputers that you are building but they'll die in the next 48 hours if you don't stabilize this information and and if you do stabilize it after 21 days you'll have a long-term memory and as I said earlier on it takes another 42 days to build a habit to take 63 days to build a head but not 21 21 to move the long-term memory 63 days to build a habit everything I'm saying at the speed of light is in the materials I also have podcasts I have so much to help you you see my mission is passion my mission is sorry I am passionate about getting you to understand your mind you are outstanding you write here as you in front of me you are changing your brain if you realize the kind of power and control that your head you would be very very very cautious because you building stuff that you're going to act upon really this is as a man thinks so is he if you've got to really focus on that scripture God has designed you with the power to think and change the nature of who you are and he advises or God advises that you renew that nature according to the principles of love because God is love God is the final authority love is the final authority so science shows us what love is love is being able to sense that peace in the midst of a crisis rejoice despite the circumstances love love is that recognition that you need wisdom love is the recognition that it's tough but you'll keep going love is the recognition that you'll have the mindset to keep pushing through that you will the expectation that there's multiple possibilities there's so much in the zone that is wisdom this is the zone of wisdom that we have access to so I have in this book over here I have think low and succeed in the toolbox I have the different mindsets and mindsets are very important when we talk about renewing the mind very powerful way of understanding how to in your mind because our mindsets set the frame for the day they kind of set the perception for the day now each and every one of you is unique and you see the world through your love power in your sound mind in your own unique way and you see the world in your own unique way but you have deep down inside of you that you'll call this perfect nature made in God's image but you have the ability to choose so you've wired stuff on top of that you built thoughts on top of that so we often blew our view of the world by wrong perceptions so mindsets the different mindsets which I don't have time to teach you but it's a fantastic tool is 15 and as you learn how to use these mindsets you can learn to recognize how you viewing the world because this is a toxic perception and you may have been thinking in this way for so long that you think it's part of you but if it's producing negative emotions inside of you is producing negative effects on your body if it is impacting and hurting others then it is not a healthy perception then it needs to be brought up and it needs to be rewired and that is going to take 63 days you're not gonna just do it once and think it's going to go away it's entrenched this is a physical thing you have to rewire it so when you bring something into consciousness it becomes weakened and then as you consciously and deliberately work on this it changes so the switch app that makes showed you a picture of a few moments ago so it takes these principles of bringing that thought into captivity bringing it in alignment with love and rewire renewing it and rewiring it using the principles of neuroplasticity over the 63 days so it walks you through that process of how to do that and these books also explain lots of techniques and things I don't have time to go into all of them but let's now jump okay this slide over here shows you this is another view inside the brain the little white blobs are lots of these thought trees that you have built and if you have a look at the read writing down the bottom the red numbers and you look diagonally up you'll see that there's one little white circle that did you see it pop okay we're gonna replay it so look diagonally up from the numbers and you'll see that there's a little white circle that's a whole cluster of thoughts it's thoughts it's information and emotions it's maybe a perception that you have and and when you bring that thought into captivity and you embrace it process it reconceptualize it over this period of 63 days you pop those branches off what I have just told you is one of the most phenomenal incredible gifts from God you are not stuck in your perceptions you're not stuck in your past you're not stuck in your traumas you're not stuck in those bad decisions that we all have and will make you can capture them at any point and you can pop them literally pop them out of your brain so as you bring these thoughts into captivity as you bring it into consciousness which is what it which is what you do you bring it into consciousness you align this with God and you ask God is this the correct way of thinking and feeling and choosing how should I alter that and that process you do over takes you 15 minutes a day over 63 days and you break down all the associated behavior patterns and thoughts and branches these lots of branches on this tree and you rewire yury conceptualize and then you will be like reconceptualization is the following Paul said once I was like that and now I am like this so this is not that you never get you're gonna obliterate it from your brain you redesign it so you remember what you work but now you operating in a new way and that is healthy change that is bringing the thought and renewing it and that is you do that using your love power in your sound mind so you use the core of your humanity your love power and your soundness to identify the toxicity with any which is capture the thought and then you use your love pound your sound man to go through the processing like Jesus did in the garden when Jesus faced all the the issues of took the sins of the world and face the cross it's gonna get worse before it gets better get on the cross and then you will rise again and the rising again is the reconceptualizing but you remember your story because each and every one of you has got a story not one story multiple stories and we need to honor the story it's part of your life it's your trial becoming the test of me to use some Christianese so we don't want to obliterate this because we want to learn from this Thomas Edison when after a thousand attempts as you know he discovered how the lightbulb worked and someone once said to him one of the reporters or something after the discovery said how do you feel about the thousand failures and he turned round and said those weren't a thousand failures those were a thousand things that I know not that don't work but I've learned from them there is a reconceptualized mindset I talked about that in there in the possibilites mindset we have to have a possibilites mindset we have to realize when you in the love zone you have a possibilities mindset which says ah I know a thousand things that don't work but when I'm in the fear zone and I'm not reconceptualizing I'm not embracing processing Andry conceptualizing I'm not really changing I'm just getting stuck here I'm getting stuck in the bitterness and unforgiveness this is the zone that says it's all bad it doesn't work I tried that once it didn't work I am this and this is my plan for the day it didn't work out so now it's terrible and this and you just start talking neg and you know whatever you think about the most will grow so you grow your negativity and this is causing brain damage and this is affecting all the cells of your body and this is increasing of vulnerability to disease God didn't make you with disease disease has come from man's ability to think and feel and choose mutate genes create chemicals and things in our environment that could also cause illness everything around us is the result of a human choice the computer this design of the stree the clothes you're wearing the chemicals in your food that you shouldn't be eating you need to look after you your your body I've got another book thinking eat yourself smart which teach is not a diet it teaches you the dangers of not stewarding your physical brain and body because that's what your mind has to work through so if you're gonna live on the modern American diet which was introduced sixty years ago at the same time as you were being told that you're a robot well then your brain and body are gonna break down now you cannot blame the devil when you're eating junk food that you never renew your mind that you never actually bring the thoughts into captivity and are you just gonna blame everyone and then you're gonna go and get the diagnosis and label and you've got a nice fat excuse to carry on behaving let's not grow it that's not and that's not wisdom it okay it is killing you people are dying fifteen to twenty five years younger this is serious this is time for us to stop playing Church and start doing church and I know that sounds facetious but we really need to recognize the power of the mind you see the consciousness of your mind is becoming the cells of the matter of your brain what you are thinking about is becoming part of your physical nature when you make something part of your physical nature you're going to do it so the things that you're saying and doing you made those and yes maybe you were a victim of abuse so you were a victim but if you don't forgive and disconnect from the source of pain and hand that over to God has got your back which is what it says in the scriptures okay then you stay connected to the source of pain and you keep growing nuts forgiveness is not excusing what was done to you forgiveness is protecting yourself and healing your brain so that you can in guard there and do more good in the community so we've got to learn to forgive but how do we learn to forgive we've got to be loved we need each other we need to not be judged we need to be forgive you need to be forgiving to each other we need that can you be with me for about an hour connecting to humanities one of the things that's killing people more people die from learning must send any other thing on this planet because loneliness will cause your heart to literally pack up it'll cause autoimmune disorders it causes the things that kill you loneliness breaks your body down be not designed for disconnection we designed for connection with each thought that you think you are signaling your brain to create new neural connections with every thought that you think and you are conscious and you are able to consciously be aware of these thoughts that you thinking feeling and choosing and building every 10 seconds you designed to be in a continual discussion with the Spirit of God it takes a whole different mindset it's not a passive mindset what I'm teaching you is a very proactive mindset a very determined mindset should be deliberate about how you're thinking and what you're thinking about you with each thought that you think you are signaling your brain to create new neural connections use this power deliberately rather than allowing random thoughts to flow through your brain when random thoughts keep repeatedly flowing through your brain they will becoming part of your neural network let me show a look at you build a brain that becomes habituated to a process of the signals of love peace and happiness so you can choose to build your brain in the direction of this or you can choose to build your brain in this direction and let's say you've been doing this for 30 years or whatever it's never too late to change and any points this is the beauty of God love is always love it is always accepting God meets you where you add an all of us have got our skeletons in the closet and all of us need to be much more authentic and vulnerable and honest about bringing those arts into the open I do clinical trials and I'm gonna show you to end off this so actually I want to show just make if you can just pick up to 810 cells you are making this is just amazing figure listen to this you are making 810 thousand cells every literally every second you in in the second that's just gone by you just made 810 thousand cells how amazing is that but the quality of those cells is dependent on your thinking feeling and choosing which generates that fiery energy through your brain which goes through your body and if it's toxic you create toxic cells and a continual production of toxic cells will increase your vulnerability to mind and physical issues okay so we have to work out why someone is depressed it's a conundrum and hard work so you can't just say depression is an illness depression is not an illness bipolar is not an illness schizophrenia is not an illness EDD is not an illness those are just descriptions there's no science behind that it's misleading and it's that misleading nonsense that for the last 60 years has been spewed out to the public that has caused people to get sicker it hasn't worked they have tried to take mine issues and treat them like physical issues if you have heart disease we could diagnose diagnose it and treats it if you have diabetes we can diagnose it and treat it if you have autoimmune disorders we can diagnose and treat it that is the physic dealing with the physical 1% that's the biomedical model works beautifully for it works beautifully when it comes to the body but then it comes to the mind you cannot call put them on the same level you cannot say depression is a chemical imbalance because that's not science that was a theory someone had it's never been proven it never will be proven because it's not accurate it's not some broke thing in your brain waiting to jump out some illness of depression hiding and jumping out you are not ill don't accept that label you are a human going through life I give you permission to get the priests I give you permission to get said I give you permission to get and just in this zone because in this zone you will acknowledge which means you get it out and then you can process and do something about it but in this zone if you just get labeled guess what you keep it stuck and if it's stuck inside your brains not designed for your brain will break down very quickly look at the last slide I'm going to show you if you can bring up the slide of naked only if you can bring it up the of the my clinical trials I'm going to show you some okay this is I'm just going to show you one this is using technology that I use in my research called cue EEG so it looks at the energy that the brain generates so that orange remember that slide that had all the orange fire okay that you're all thinking and feeling and choosing generates energy through your brain we can measure that energy and that energy reflects not your thoughts we can't read your thoughts but it reflects the general attitude or mindset of your thoughts so using but the technology of my app the switch app which you can get at Google and iTunes that what we did was we took people and we put them into this trial we looked at their blood measures like the sample DHEA cortisol which if it's if if that's if the if that ratio is wrong cortisol is too high for example then we know that that person in their body is experiencing the wrong levels of stress that the body's in inflammation low-grade inflammation so we looked at a bunch of different measures we even looked at DNA to see because your DNA weighs little socks or chromosomes and there's also those socks when you make those 810,000 cells they get shorter and if your quality is bad they eventually just disappear and then you age and you're more vulnerable to illness but if you change your mind you make strong socks does that make sense when you renew your mind you make strong socks you strengthen your DNA okay so if you can have that slide back again so what we have there in the day one this person the blue means that that person is very depressed very lethargic can't sleep very very like flat really back into process not on literally not on line someone who's just life is terrible cannot process just like a big mission nice going on in the brain okay and they it's a result of what's going on in the mind mind is separate from brain they do the app for three weeks your brain heals in cycles of three weeks 21 days after 21 days the gray means normal okay the blue has gone this person is no longer depressed this person is no longer and is no medication this is through renewing of the mind my app teaches you to capture thoughts and renew your mind the depression is gone the lethargy is gone then inability to process is gone they this person is sleeping the the green that you see in 1 2 3 Row 3 that you see over they shows that this person is actually connecting and becoming insightful and tuning in to the causes behind the depression so they're starting to find solutions they're starting to recognize I need to forgive myself I need to forgive others so there's a processing they're in the garden they're embracing processing and reconceptualizing we see at day 63 the pattern is maintained no depression the depression is not no longer there there's increased great things happening now look at day 63 look at the second column down the bottom so can you see they 63 second head okay lots of green wow this was fantastic that is the fatal wave that is the way that when you were singing earlier on and worshiping earlier on it was very high intense and it was flowing a lot there was a very high boast of it when we connect with our spiritual nature when we connect with God we see through prayer and worship lots of theta activity in the brain it shows a lot of ability to see beyond yourself it shows that these hopes starting to happen this person when you see that green in that let's take that head over there that shows a person who is actually starting to connect with his spiritual nature and connect with God and starting to find move forward so in to embrace and process it doesn't mean life's gonna be a walk in the park life is never gonna be a walk in the park you'll have some days we have to walk in the park and you're gonna have a lot of days where it's not a walk in the park it's up and down because that's what life is but God is in every moment if you think God is only in the health the wealth you have must God completely be careful of getting sucked in that really bad theology that if you were not wealthy then you something wrong with you if you not Feliz he'll he'll there's something wrong with you success is in do you have peace inside of you in the midst of the crisis in the midst of whatever crisis do you still have the peace that you know that you are still connected to God when you can say this - that you are on the road to healing you want to know more back my research you can go to dr. Lev research com I'm constantly putting out white papers research books etc adding to the app to help you because I believe in humanity and I believe in the power of renewing the mind I have seen it for 32 years it's an undeniable fact when we bring thoughts into captivity and renew our mind you will see a change in humanity my church challenge to the church is please lead the way you know who God is you know who love is thank you [Applause] this is going to be this is going to be good and you know I've done a lot of interviews like this before before I begin I'd like for you just to stretch your hands in this direction and pray for my sanity because I talked to a lot of people but most of you aren't as smart as her and whenever you're having conversations like this with somebody like that it's a little nerve-racking if you know what I mean so y'all just pray for me God's gonna I got these butterflies I always prayed that I won't have that I'll have butterflies dr. Leif whenever I preach because I don't want to ever be dependent upon me I want it to be him but this isn't about that today this is all your fault and so I need I need a hug I need all the prayer I could yes Dee strace you don't want information in your brain that's exactly right it's toxic isn't it we're gonna talk about that hey before we before we go on I want to say a couple of things about you personally but then I would like for you just to professionally give a little bit of background of what you've given the last 30 years of your life to number one I want to thank you for traveling with your husband and for honoring him because as brilliant as you are and as great a gift as you are to the body of faith into our world I thank you for being an amazing wife partner and help me and then a mom first thing I heard you say the other night was about your four kids and this morning the first thing we talked about was your four kids so I want to just say thank you and put everybody else at ease this isn't only a brilliant woman this is a wife just like many of you it's a mom just like many of you who has a real world outside of her professional world and I just honor you for keeping that at the fore yeah so tell us about yourself okay well I'm a cognitive neuroscientist and that means that I study the brain and I specifically focus on the mind brain connection which is basically the spiritual body link so I've developed theories over the years to help understand this and I do a lot of research I've been researching for 32 years I practice clinically for 25 I don't practice clinically anymore I go around the world not teaching this concept I trained physicians are trained in hospitals are trained in education I mean preaching churches most Sundays I work all over the place helping people understand how to use your mind but if your minds amiss everything else NOLA will be a mess and your mind is is not your brain your mind is separate from your brain so I teach people how to understand that connection and then the impact on that I do clinical trials and in trying to and I publish and I try and help I write lots of books to try and help people to use their mind and brain boy effectively yeah that's awesome I am I just want to say thank you thank you from the body of Christ and from all of us who benefit from your work because this issue of mental health has taken over our world and we've used mental health as an excuse for so many things and I thank you for bringing spiritual balance and scientific balance to an issue that a lot of us talk about but very few of us really really understand and I'm grateful and grateful for that so my first thing question you're welcome is is this it's a big question and that is this we know biblically the Bible says that we are to take every thought captive but it's so hard anybody have trouble with that one can you help us better understand what that means scientifically how we can work on that absolutely it's such a good question it's a great place to start and Pastor Scott because we told to pray continuously and if you think that continuous means all the time and we told to bring all thoughts into captivity so how do we do that so part of what I've studied is the science of thought how do thoughts form what is the process behind us with what is a thought how do you catch them how do you capture those and from the neuroscientific research and quantum physics we see that first of all your mind is not your brain so that's a good feature no your mind and your brain are separates and that's normally quite new information for most people but most people will use the two words interchangeably so your brain is part of your physical 1% and your mind is part of your non-physical spiritual 99% so essentially you are designed to build thoughts but thoughts are real physical things they look like trees they are the result of a building process that building process is thinking feeling and choosing so you're always thinking and feeling and choosing those few always go together you think you feel you choose think feel choose as you think feel and choose you build thoughts that process of thinking feeling choosing and building thoughts then those thoughts then become the foundation of what you say in what you do so we see that if you look at what you say in what you do you can track back and find your thoughts and then you contract I can find the thinking process behind the thought and that process you are able to do literally every 10 seconds how do we get that number well scientists like myself have tried to understand how many thoughts there which person builds in a day and these lots of different numbers out there and using quantum physics and various calculations it's somewhere between 8,000 and 180,000 I know that's a huge range but it's a very difficult thing to estimate and also you you've got a differentiate between thinking thoughts all the time and then the thoughts that are but more established so in one day you are thinking lots of thoughts and then you building spinning time building some thoughts and then you're pulling up thoughts it is a mixture the thing is is that you're always thinking and that thinking always produces an effect which is a physical change in the brain you change your structure of your brain and then you say things so the calculation show us that if we take an average of about 30,000 thoughts so let's say that you are thinking feeling choosing and building about 30,000 source that means that if we as you do the calculations that means that you can actually if you based on how time works etc you can every 10 seconds you can be conscious and deliberate about your thinking feeling and choosing and your thoughts so what does that look like and we talked about this in the green room so now I'm talking to you talking to you we're having so I'm very aware of what I'm saying I'm using what I call the multiple perspective advantage it's cool it's a short the short version of that is MPA my frontal lobe is very active at the moment I'm very with my whole brain active whole brains always working but I'm gonna have a lot of what we call gamma activity which is an energy wave in the brain that shows that I am really trying to introspect and connect and really pulling all kinds of thoughts and information together so I've got a lot of activity happening at the front of my brain and I'm and because I'm tuning in I'm making a deliberate conscious an intentional decision to stand back and observe how I'm sitting how I'm using my hands my tone of voice the words I'm choosing your reaction your reaction I'm very deliberate about that so I'm watching what I'm thinking feeling and choosing and saying and that's a process of bringing thoughts into captivity I'm bringing my thoughts into captivity I'm checking I'm conversing with God as I'm talking to you is this the best way to explain us can I do this better can I so it's a constantly if I'm talking to my husband Mac one of my four children who I'm in a conversational we're now used to practice or whatever I'm very deliberate and that's what it looks like it's not a oh just sit back passively and just react and say any old thing at any old time and it is very deliberate about what I'm saying when that's what it looks like and it takes training that's why it says renewing of the mind bring all thoughts to captivity it doesn't say it's going to be easier it doesn't there's a process is the process of getting understanding getting wisdom so it looks like a very intentional life does it it makes it makes perfect sense and it leads into this next question because I think so many times the people that I counseled with the people that I talked to I hear them say things like I can't get this thought out of my mind or they do things and say well you know the devil just got all over me the devil made me do that and it seems to me as if so often we give the devil more credit for his power to control our minds than we give to God who promises to give us power over our minds but there's a but there's a responsibility that we have exactly and can you can you because that's where you're leading into absolutely I'm leading into that so we take start that that answer was a simple version of the end of the previous question intentional thinking would look like this you would actually like now I'm very careful about how I'm going to answer this question right if I wasn't careful I would just shoot any old thing out and say what he became our first sort of thought that came out of my head and let's say I did do that I would use those thoughts to think hey what am I thinking is that the right way of answering see what I'm saying so that's a little bit okay so leading into that the first thing I'm going to and I hope the reason I said what I said is because I'm gonna jump on your phrase the devil made me do it we know I hear people say that I have to be very calm because I have to I want to say to them how can you say that stop blaming a defeated enemy right so do you believe that Jesus rose again we always say that if you when you make it when you make room for excuses you have no room for expectation very good that's a very good way of saying it and you're also giving up control so you have control because part of freewill means that you have ability and control and it says choose life and death choose your if we will person you make choices so if you say the devil made me do it then you do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead because Jesus rose from the dead and defeated all evil it also Lane don't believe the scripture that says you have a loved part a sound mind yes so what we need a focus in on is recognizing the love and power and soundness inside of us and the fact that the devil is defeated so when we get into these states of these spiraling toxic thoughts that we get stuck in like you gave the example where you find yourself going something happens and you find yourself thinking about what they said or what happened or how it should have been and how you wish it was being it should have been and could have would have should avoid you just keep replaying the same thing over and over and then they say to you I can't control it I can't is a decision okay so you can control everything that goes on in your head you can control all your reactions you cannot control someone else's reaction you also can't control the events and circumstances of life because they're the result of other people's choices but you do have control over how you're going to react to that situation and as and as soon as you start blaming the devil you abscond the responsibility of your brilliant mind that God has given you you basically saying that what Jesus did doesn't count and I know that sounds very harsh but it's a reality because Jesus gave you power you have the power of the mind of Christ so we have to focus more on what we do have than what we don't have also you have limited energy in any one 24-hour period in any one 12-hour period your brain is only what is part of one percent of your brain is physical your brain gets very very tired if you are going to indulge a cycle of toxic thinking you are going to exhaust your brain because it's working against the natural design of the brain so you're going to make your brain and body very very tired whatever energy goes into the toxicity means you have less energy to sort it out and that's why you've got to be very deliberate when I catch myself getting into those toxic silent psyche I can feel the exhaustion I know how to read the emotional physical warning signals and I'll stock myself catch myself and I will go through a process of redesigning it because I know what it's doing let me lean into another another area and this could be a loaded question but it's it's this tension that's so often in the body of Christ and you know every church wants to get it right this isn't my church it's not your church this is God's church and he's given us stewardship over the church and we have a responsibility to to speak with grace and to speak with truth and to speak with intellect and so many times there's you know the positive confession is what I want to get into because because there's a tension there's a tension there if I have a headache and I say I have a headache it's offensive to some people because it's perceived as a negative confession but I really do have a headache and me saying I have a headache doesn't it doesn't excuse my belief or my faith that God's capable of healing my headache but I really do have a headache and I don't say that as a lack of faith I just say it as a statement of truth yeah but so often it's perceived as and there's this tension of confession and name it claim it you know you got to see it before you can be it and and I understand and I believe I believe in the power of confession and our tongue is it's powerful and it's sharp but what where's the the scientific balance between that tension with me saying you know my stomach hurts today and that not being perceived as a negative or toxic confession even that you maybe feel sad today that you're having a day where you feel sad or you feel but depressed or you feel a bit anxious yes I'm so glad you brought that up because there is no science behind that Nords there any real foundational spiritual truth behind that either the whole confession confessing just positive stuff basically that is the positive efforts no different thing as to a positive affirmation and a positive affirmation or using a scripture like a positive affirmation or pretending something that is a reality like a headache or whatever it doesn't exist creates tremendous conflict inside your brain in your body it actually causes low-grade inflammation in brain and body causes our body to go into toxic stress makes your blood vessels around your heart constrict so you have less blood flow and oxygen to your brain you'll cause a disconnect between the frontal lobe of the brain and a part of your brain called the amygdala and the hippocampus which is kind of where my eyes are inside and those there's a cycle these are the network between them that helps you to have insightful decision-making skills and that'll start dropping off so as soon as we start pretending things don't exists we cause tremendous damage in the brain and the body and that is not what we're supposed to be doing the classic okay first to quickly explain this one more thing science and scripture I say this in the first service in on Friday night science and scripture not at odds with each other right because science is knowledge comes from the word scre which means knowledge who's the source of all knowledge good ok God do you agree right okay so that means science comes from God so science is God giving us a way of understanding our bodies or brains and the world we live in so we think science is something that's unspiritual then we think God is unspiritual okay we kind of knocking what God has given a thing the whole physical science is understanding how we function and how the world functions so when you look at it like that it's two sides of the same coin so it really demystifies that so now if you take use science thing to understand what what positive the Word of Faith Movement and it's caused tremendous damage I have so many people from all over the world in that same me may suggest thousands of mesas an email saying but I'm not allowed to say that I feel sick okay let's take the classic example I've used it all weekend of Jesus in the garden Jesus sweated blood that means that Jesus nervous system was so stressed 1,400 neuro physiological responses were working against Jesus in the garden so you when you get interested where you are highly anticipating stuff that's hectic or you going through hectic stuff your body will respond to sweet blood your whole body has responded because your mind works through your body so your brain in your body we'll respond to what's going on in your mind so you will have a response so Jesus showed us that we've gotta face our stuff and it's going to get worse before it gets better because Jesus went on the cross and then Jesus rose again so that principle shows us that we're not supposed to be suppressing our stuff and shoving it down and taking a scripture like a band-aid or a magic potion and slapping it on top because the issue this toxic to yet still exists the only way we see from science and scripture is get it out get it in the garden face it ok and when you do that we see scientifically that this thought moves from the non conscious mind which is the biggest part of you the 99% point of view of you and it moves to the conscious mind as soon as you are aware of something it becomes like malleable such shaking which means you can change it it's weakened the links in the non conscious priests down it's strong you can't do anything then it's driving your cool in an unconscious driver so when we are keeping it down there and then taking a good Scripture and shoving it on top you're putting a bandaid on the wound now just think if you keep on sticking your hand on a flame it's going to keep burning you can put as many plasters or band-aids on that wound as you want but if you keep sticking your hand back in the flame even she will have no hand okay so you have to deal with the flame you have to get it out you have to acknowledge it that's what really confessing is that getting it up and getting it out so scientifically and spiritually you have the same thing happening does your question yeah it really does and it leads me to another thought and that is and that is this I I think that one of the things I say often is you have to think about what you think about and I think so often we think but we don't think about what we're thinking about and so much of your work centers around the energy and the help that comes the mental help that comes from not only thinking about what you think about but manage the thoughts that you think about very good mind management mind management yes and um and you you said something the other night that I thought was so good and in just a few moments ago you talked about the the unconscious mind and I believe what I heard you say Friday night was the unconscious mind is always at work when we're sleeping when we're it the conscious mind is only at work when we're awake the uncon how does that relate to how we go to bed the things we do before we go to sleep before I'm so glad you brought that up okay so you go to slide that's just come up on the screen and this is my theory so we'll just take a totally you'll see this picture in my four most recent books actually sitting on the table here this is called the man toolbox this is a theory I developed 32 years ago and I spent 32 years trying to understand it it's really good it easy to understand if you just look at the colors so look at the green and the purple and the blue and the pink clouds the green and the purple represent what we call the mind the spiritual part of us then the blue part represents basically what we say in what we do so what the world sees us doing physically the pink part represents what's going on physically in the brain in response so if you take the green and the purple that's the non-physical you take the blue and the pink that's the physical so the green and the purple are the 99% and the blue and the pink are the 1% okay so the physical and what people are seeing so in the the green and the they're green and that dark purple part that the green part is the non conscious in oh in non conscious mind the purple parts the conscious mind they're two different things the non conscious mind operates 24/7 always working it works at quantum speeds which means that it is unbelievably fast it's actually 10 to the 27 and faster which is a number that we can't even begin to describe the speed of light is slow in comparison to your quantum or your quantum mind okay so it's very fast its we all your lack of intelligence your wisdom your connection to God it's just this fascinating enormous ly powerful part of you it's also not bound by space or time which is very interesting so as we know God created everything God created time so time is not something that is actually something that binds God so guys are waiting for your tomorrow we all last week to help you or whatever so you so 99% of who you are and this is difficult thing to understand but if you can get it it's going to help you 99% of who you are that green part and that the green and the purple part together but focus mainly on the green is not bound by time it's in a noun us State God isn't in a noun as always Ness which means that in that big part of you the present the past in the future or coexist so your future exists already and your past exists it's all that one thing it's very difficult to understand this but quantum physics helps us to start seeing this and it's given us some insight into understanding this now what's fantastic about this is that there is so much flexibility and movement within this an unconscious mind and at the core of this mind conscious mind we see that it's made up of these these waves of energy called basically love waves so the green part is a bunch of love waves and those love waves and minutes I love waves it's particles and its gravitational fields and all kinds of fancy stuff but they are never a wave form that the scientists call it cool a love wave that's it that's cool so now what happens is that the conscious part the purple part is much slower and it's only awake when you're awake the Bourdon line between where you see it's kind of blurry between the green and the purple is the subconscious mind so we knew just becoming aware of something so when something starts moving as I'm talking now you're starting to become aware of different things that's those things that you becoming aware of all thoughts that are moving from Green into that sort of middle area and then into your conscious awareness and they stay there and some of them stay there and some of them go back so you've got things moving in and out based on how you're being stimulated the important thing to understand all these so many important things but in that non conscious mind that's where your belief systems your experiences your memories it's all the same thing I'm just using different words to help you understand that your thoughts thoughts memories experiences belief systems thoughts combined into your belief systems thoughts combined into your different memories of all of your life events the good and the bad and they all exist there and they become what we call the non conscious drivers so you're innocent in a conversation and someone says something to you that triggers you they say something that makes you angry and why did the trigger use they said something and there's the content you thought felt and chose you were thinking you process it and as they said it triggered up something from the non conscious to the conscious mind side moved from the green into the purple and now you listened looking through this so your perception became skewed by the none conscious driver so that person may have been really innocently saying something that was just an observation or a comment but because of this it triggered something in you if you're not capturing your thoughts your response could maybe be aggressive or irritated or frustrated or whatever all you may just clench your teeth and not say a thing but now you've just added some more energy and branches and made this thing stronger and at the end of the conversation it's there then it goes back into the non conscious mind even stronger than it was before so next time in the same situation or a similar situation with a similar trigger this comes up and it's even more dominant now because it's got more energy and you still don't deal with it then it goes back even stronger and eventually this thing is like influencing your whole relationship because you can't even see straight because you're just looking at everything through this view and those are the people that say to you I can't stop thinking about this so this is when you have to captain what can't you stop thinking about don't have to fret or get guilty or whatever what kind what is constantly popping up and trying to get your attention grab that and in the light of what you were saying about the coin you know not confessing negative and all that stuff I say celebrate the negative now before you think I'm insane let me explain celebrate yeah I'm getting grumpy oh yeah I've got a headache not because of the headache because of the awareness yeah okay so there's a yeah I'm flared I am away I have a headache I have a headache I have a gut ache why it's a physical warning signal it's something's going on what okay let me dig deeper what did I eat today maybe you ate a lot of junk food maybe you are so you not managing the day-to-day chronic stressors you've got no mind management in place so you just haven't given your brain a rest and your brains just tired and you need a ten-minute break where you just walk sit outside in the Sun and close your eyes and switch off maybe you are taking some kind of medication that's having a side effect maybe maybe maybe but if you don't celebrate their awareness you can't find the source of the issue you see what I'm saying right so that's what I mean by acknowledging and as soon as you celebrate to acknowledge you can embrace and you can find a solution so I say celebrate awareness embrace it because now you can process it you can find a solution you can go forward it doesn't mean it made some things may not get easier a lot of stuff doesn't get easier but you learn to manage it it's like grief you can't deny grief grief is a very real thing you lose a loved one you're never going to get over that never but you'll learn to manage it and not getting over it can be a good thing because it can turn into a positive thing that you can hang on to those good memories but we all talk about time or healed up is not heal what you do is you learn to manage things better but only through awareness when you suppress and slap a bandaid on you're going to end up hating God including your self and been anything guilty because you mad at God because why is God doing this to you and then you feel guilty so you blame the devil then that makes it even worse because the devil doesn't have any power so you're giving power to something that doesn't have power yeah so things get very distorted and and messed up and that leads to tremendous conflict so what we need is good old honest vulnerability get it out if you don't get it out it's going to go into your body it's gonna go somewhere because that is there if you don't speak about it it will go in your body and it will make things worse I've got so many things that I want to ask you right now I'm sorry I am I want to I want to ask you to do something I want I want to go back to this whole mindset that causes us to view things through a certain lens in a moment but before we do I'd like to ask you to step into counselor mode and put you on a really high pedestal and that's pretend that I am the Apostle Paul and you are dr. Caroline leaf and I have come to you and I said dr. leaf why is it that the things I want to do I find myself not doing and the things I don't want to do I find myself doing because when anybody else live in that tension and because when I don't do what I wanted to do or when I do do what I know I should not have done all of these negative thoughts this a little bit of shame maybe embarrassment maybe all of those things flood my mind how would you counsel me to manage myself my mind manage myself out of that situation okay so the first thing I would say is welcome to being a human yes yes thank you all of us suffer that we all crazy so that's not unusual yes most I think everyone suffers with it to the search to certain extent so you celebrate the fact that you're not alone in that secondly I'm not thank you dude there you go all but crazy then the second thing is get a throw out religion with all the rules yeah and step into love the final authority step into love and love is kind simply gracious and forgiving the third thing I'd say is that is an undisciplined mind which all of us battle was it's a constant ongoing battle to discipline on mind so we have to go through a step-by-step process of what is it that you're doing that you don't want to do that you do anyway so it's that same thing what's popping up and there's going to be a lot of theme this is a or a new wing of the mind process I've developed a process technique which I was telling you about and some of you who know me it's called a 21-day brain detox it's one of the main techniques I've developed and I build all my other techniques into that it's now in an app form called switch now in that app you actually in that process you have to learn mind management mind management is simply renewing the mind it's 21 days times 3 you goes through each thing 63 days the point I'm making is that when you finish that you then start with the next thought and the next thought and the next thought you see we've got renewing all wrong renewing is spelt or e in E or e in E W ing ing for those of you who need a grammar lesson is present continuous present continuous you're supposed to be present and continuously renewing your mind every 10 seconds for the rest of your life so when someone says to me I've done your 21 day detox I say you are doing because it's simply a technique a scientific technique for renewing your mind so that's one of the first next things that say to Pau is you have to be in a process of deliberate and intentional self regulation and renewing of the mind so grab those thoughts and day 1 you'll find the most prominent one maker list list in one to ten you can do seventeen in a year why 365 divided by 21 okay so this year you'll do 17 next year maybe more sometimes you'll do lists sometimes more I'm giving you a ballpark figure the point is you never stop renewing your mind and it's when we think that we can just throw on a scripture or throw in a bit of religion or throw in a bit of self-help that we can kind of just get rid of this thing but it's not it is a continual process I am always doing a detox always I use my five steps to manage my chronic stresses I use my five steps to manage my acute stressors I do a five step every morning when I get ready I do seven minutes takes me about seven months while I'm getting ready 7 to 15 Max and I'm doing detox I'm always working on a thought we just did a challenge with I don't know anyone if you did the challenge we just did a challenge and in the Challenger I was working on a specific thought so I'm working on another one my whole family does you see what I'm saying when you wing of your mind so I will tell poor you have to number one you're part of humanity number two throwout religion through the rules step into love with these always grace always grace number three we have to discipline our minds it's a choice to discipline our mind and number four it is an ongoing process and if you drop those principles it makes you you can breathe us underneath you give yourself permission to feel and experience the headache to find the solution the depression it's not an illness it's telling you a story right that depression if you are feeling really sad the post I put up today is it's like you woke up this morning if you're feeling like life is a bit tough and whatever you woke up keep going okay it's hard it's tough but you you've just got to keep on going forward and it's in that process of going forward that we start making the changes we need to make in or life before I ask you another question I want to just encourage everyone dr. Leif and Mack have brought a four book pack they don't your way out you can stop by the books by the book table and um maybe you want to pick up some of these they've got four books that they feel like are good self-starters towards mental health but the other thing that dr. Leif has done has developed an app and could you speak to that app you've mentioned it's up on the on the body this is a combination of my last experience it's literally therapy on your phone and we what I love about this is that it's audio driven so I'm gonna talk you through these things and I teach you there's a money lesson every day and in the five steps that are developed based on the science of sort of how we build thoughts so how we think feel choosing both thoughts goes through five major steps in the brain and I've made that simple accessible and it's basically the thing of gathering the awareness and processing and redesigning so it's five steps that you go through every day and I walk you through that on the aeronauts in the books too it's in swich on your brain and it's in think low and succeed and one for detoxing the brain and one for building your brain because you need to grow your brain which is a massive part of mental health that people don't talk about massive and then you also go to detox your brain so the app helps you do that it helps you understand that with a little money listen I can talk about how to do forgiveness and how to deal with uncertainty people hate uncertainty they want to know what's coming up you know I've heard people say I'm giving God five minutes to heal this headache otherwise you know like really oK we've got to we want you to we want everything upfront but uncertainty is the muddiness of uncertainty is where you find your solutions you gotta stick in so i teach lessons like that within each day's focus to help you to build up this resilience so trains you how to talk to God every 10 seconds now I don't have scriptures all over it so before you think oh why don't these scriptures it's because it's science science is scripture if I don't say another scripture if in my life I'm talking God stuff cuz I'm talking God science whose stuff is it anyway okay but there is a prayer journal so you can download the career journal it's free it's part of the app the app isn't free obviously and it's not expensive at all but the prayer journal is in the resource section and it's also 21 days so you can align these great ideas for scripture alignment along with that but don't get caught up in religion that's why I said get into the sons use God's tools which is science to help you so it's just a great way of getting your yourself going with this process we're also having adding a lot of stuff on so there'll be one adapter done for kids and wonderful athletes and one for panic attacks and whatever there's all kinds of things so once you part of the community then you can get access to all the different ways of apply the single life well thank you for sharing that with all of us let me ask you another question that Elizabeth asked me while you were speaking this morning in the first service and in your your study how much is there uh is there an equation or is there a quantified answer to this question and that is how how much brain disease is is linked to toxic thoughts such a good question okay so what we see is that 95% of disease is from lifestyle factors and that would include things of the brain that we me talk about maybe we can control them yes lifestyle means choices that you make about how you are thinking about the craziness of the day the things that blindside you those tumors of the past your connection with others your diet or exercise or sleep those are the eight basic lifestyle factors okay so if you don't manage those eight basic lifestyle factors correctly you put yourself in a very vulnerable zone so what research is showing us is that 95 percent of lifestyle diseases like your cancers your autoimmune disorders your met emit metabolic disorders diabetes etc they kind of stuff all of those ninety-five percent come from or fought life how we are managing our mind in terms of the AIDS lifestyle factors five percent only are genetic okay so that means that there's a lot that we need to do ourselves in terms of managing how are we managing our mind every time that you don't forgive every time you let those crazy thoughts like if Paul just kept these crazy thoughts going which I don't know if you did or didn't but basically if you do you are putting your brain into and your body into what we call low-grade inflammation and you're disconnecting a simple thing that happens in a situation where you don't control your thoughts and how it can lead to disease is you literally when you constantly think about the same negative thing all the time and you get stuck in that loop you create a very you you drop off the the energy in the brain that allows you to connect the non-conscious with the conscious mind so you almost disconnect the spiritual from the physical which is quite dangerous so you get a break in the connection between the front part of the brain which is very much focused on introspection and decision making conscious deliberate stuff and other parts of the brain like the amygdala and hippocampus which deal with memory respond to memory and emotions and stuff like that so you as soon as you have this disconnect you're going to make poor decisions you're going to not have wisdom you're not gonna have you're not gonna think things through you're going to just can say as soon as you disconnect from the spiritual you're not gonna have that nice deliberate type thinking but you can bring that back very quickly so by turning that around and saying I deliberately choose to control what I'm thinking about so if you've got cancer in your body there's no need for guilt all the Devils are taking you all that kind of nonsense it's a reality there's a 5% chance of genetic there's a 95% chance it is mined it doesn't mean that the mind that mind is making it any less important in fact it's vitally important to its ninety-nine percent so and it's also very hopeful because when people used to say things like oh it's all in the mind it was seen as something negative but actually all in the mind is something very positive because it means that you have hope you have control you can change things you have some level of or sphere of influence over how this thing can turn out so the effectiveness of chemo for example is going to be based very much on your attitude on your mindset on your mind to make the to make the chemo work and let's say you live with cancer the rest of your life there are people that live with cancer the whole their whole life and they have long incredible lives because their mind is keeping their body going Wow you know so you're we mustn't think absence of illnesses now the day was gonna wane God's healed us and healing is also in how're you coping with what you if you had been given three months to live and you are alive six years later but you still have cancer in your body that doesn't mean that you failed gosh that means that you have shown the most phenomenal success but you you know you've used your mind to control that lifestyle factor and then maybe someone does die we can't blame them you know we don't know how these things really work we don't know what's really going on in someone's mind and maybe someone just doesn't want to live anymore and that's just too hard for them to process we need to respect people's choices we need to respect that if some and people can is a pain cancers to perhaps give you Ken's example is just so painful they can't go through the treatments they may choose not to carry on living and then they body just shuts down I'm not talking about suicide in this case I'm talking about not being able to you're not having the world to fight anymore and yes you can support and help someone in that community in if they fail they didn't have enough faith that and not at all that's where they're at can you see what I'm talking about with grace and love and not judging others and letting everyone's individual story come out and looking at the power of our mind choices the power of thinking is so beautiful and so misused and misunderstood mind really does change matter yeah and that's the most most fundamental principle of you being a human and it's the most fundamental principle of quantum physics quantum physics talks at quantum physics is the most accurate fundamental of Sciences which I spoke about in through session and at the pinnacle of of the philosophy of quantum physics is the human's ability to choose and the effect of choices so we see the most accurate of Sciences talking about the choices of humans and we need to give operating grace and love and stop having these little rules of what it means who told God what to do no one has derived miss you've got to look at the human in their context and the individual story ok this clock says we're out of time that clock gives us a few more minutes and I don't want to miss this moment with you I like this one best so here's here's my here's my ok beyond space and time I saw people living in quantum reality ok so the Bible says that we were to confess our sins one to another and the Bible says that we're to bear one another's burdens from a scientific view what is the added value in my life when I share my sin when I share my burden rather than living with hidden secrets and hidden compartments in my life that I don't want anyone to know about what is the added value for my mental health whenever I confess that to someone that I know and trust in love brilliant brilliant an example first of all you get it out and it's not in causing brain damage and causing inflammation and setting you up for that's one of the 95% if I keep this if I don't share my burden I'm keeping it in my body and I've now stepped into the 95% honorable loan it's total toxic to your brain and your body toxic in that everyone's different in how they will respond someone will get GI issues someone else maybe get hardly to someone else cancer some it's just different in every person but our bodies our body just does what online tells it to do so can I stop you sure are you understanding what she just said are you understanding the power that hidden sin hidden secrets they they become disease they don't just lie dormant forever they become some angles if they very active they active in your body and because your mind and body is a feedback loop your mind will suffer so you will suffer from the the one feeds into the other so the more anxious you are the more sick you get the more sick you get more anxious you are the more depressed you get you know and in this the cycle you should kind of go to stop the hamster wheel and you stop that by getting it out you talk about it get it out but you don't just get it out you also move forward so there's a difference between just you know like vomiting it out to actually explaining how to express that as specifically as you can in a very organized way and moving forward through it that's what I teach in the app as well that five-step process is how you I mean you can connect with each other like Jesus said to the disciples can you not be with me for about an hour demonstrates the importance of community so we see that when I've talked to you and I'll share with you and I trust you and I tell you what's what's going on and what I'm going through and you listen in love and non-judgmental cetera you've just increased my resilience you just switched on a genetic switch in my brain that has increased my resilience you've just changed you've just made 1,400 neuro physiological responses work for me instead of against me you've increased blood flow from my heart to my brain and oxygen so now I'm so much stronger because just the fact that you listened and that's the key is listening you can't give me the solution you can't fix me I can't fix you but I can carry you I can support you like Frodo in Lord of the Rings Sam I don't if anyone knows Lord of the Rings but go watch it it was written by a Christian from South Africa all good things come from South Africa and Frodo if your photo is the main character he's got to carry this was evil ring and Sam as his friend and at the end after the epic journey it's tremendous representation of what we go through in life the ups and the dance but the big thing here was the caring is that sin at the in photos headed he's got it's true this ring into Mount Doom the volcano and he can handle he collapses it's the end of three epic saga movie and he's given up and Sam turns Timmy's best friend who's been with him the whole way through and says I can't carry your ring but I can carry you and he picks him up and runs up the volcano and that's what we can do that's what Jesus meant I can't carry you can't do this for me you can't get in the garden and go on the cross but you can just be with me to give me the support so it's listening without judgement it's not be so quick to lose I'll pray for you pass the back pray that's not good enough just keep quiet and listen just let them talk let them talk show them that you understand I mean that you fit you care never say I understand why because you don't it's not to experience what you can just say is Wow I don't understand that but that is for you that is so difficult validate the person only give advice if they ask sometimes all the person needs to do is just talk and know that you they no matter what yeah okay that's really I don't know that helps I want to get into mindsets and then we'll close but there's something that you said that it's so powerful that I've been studying over the past couple of years and that is the value of white space just time I think you have a 16 minute measurement that you get if you think it's in this book I talk about the sink of mine sink learn succeed that's right basically what it is is that you've got your brain is tired I mentioned early on your brain gets tired your brains physical you have limited energy so if you're constantly buzzing on your cell phone on your texts on your emails busy with life in the car doing this in a meeting talking kids family whatever you do and you don't actually take little breathing moments you don't give your brain a rest you don't give the internal circuits of the brain a chance to reboot so what what research shows and this is some of the work that I've research I've done as well is that if you can take a couple of seconds and I'm literally talking about five to ten seconds every hour will you stay blankly close your eyes I am on what should be but you just let your mind wander and daydream and then in the middle of the day you can take a 10 to 16 minute break where you maybe just sit outside get some Sun get some you can't sit next to a plant just sitting next to a plant something green can change your brain just where you just close your eyes and you just let your mind wander it restores the energy of the brain and helps you to make better decisions about controlling technology and all that kind of thing and just life in general and unbelievable and believe it in important practice I do it every day of my life there every few seconds if every our act like a few seconds at least once in the middle of the day like 10 to 16 minutes and whenever I'm feeling that feeling of overwhelm I'll just you might be looking at me but I'm not actually seeing you I'm just blanking out for a few seconds to give my chance of brain to reboot reconnect the front part of the brain with the amygdala and the hippocampus and the middle parts of the brain and get the brain waves flowing again get coherence the brain wants order the brain wants connection the brain wants balance when you keep going you throw the bone out of balance very quickly making you pull up the picture of the little wiggly lines it'll really make it clearer for you if you can spring up the you knows what I'm talking about my husband knows yuuna see an image coming up that shows a brain that does that you don't give enough rest you it gets all out of sync and crazy and that's very bad for the brain just by taking those little thinking moments it can it can bring restore the brains function I'm not sure we going to get that picture but anyway if it pops up I'll tell you here's the other question that I had for you this is this is I'm so important I believe you you say in in the think learn succeed that success is different from it for everyone and if I view success in my life measured by your success I will burn out I think so many times in life we when we say success we measure our success based on the success that we see in others and that's time toxic totally toxic was a big thing is that you can't be someone else you make a lousy someone else and you make a great you right it's all about and I talked about this in the book perfect you as well I talked about the identity it's one of the major causes lifestyle factors that kills people it literally you are short on your life every time you try and be like someone else every time you try and compete with someone else you've literally chopping years of your life you designed for enhancement and not competition so when you look at someone else's success and try and emulate that you damaging your own brain you're damaging your body but when you look at someone else's success and celebrate it and maybe what are the principles and you'll find that anyone who's successful has the same basic principles they see possibilities they they push through the hard times they deal with the uncertainty there's a few basic common core principles that all that is that's what you need to adopt the principles not try and model you're like well that's how they made millions in their business I'm going to use that exact same model you are going to destroy yourself in the process and lead to tremendous frustration so when you learn to celebrate others and not see anyone else's competition you're going to transform how your brain functions are your life functions because when you are jealous and envious you're causing brain damage you are tap you you can do something that no one else can do so therefore when you honor that in yourself by finding you identity the unique way that you think feel and choose and what that produces and you celebrate that in others then you enhance each other so the minute you want what someone else has got or you emulate your life after someone else you are in competition competition destroys the brain okay competition completely destroys the brain world enhancement celebrating others heals the brain and heals the body it is so good and what you're really talking about is the right mindset and you say something else about mindset that I believe is so important and all of us all of us have heard perception is reality our perspective is reality but you you put teeth to that because you say perspective is is your reality but perspective is fed are formed by a healthy or an unhealthy mindset which is so important because for me to live with the wrong perspective because my mindset is wrong makes me wrong all the way around exactly I love how you phrase that you phrase that so well see you saw some slide come up you can put it back up again is 15 mine sits there in this book and I explained them give some research and give some activation tips for how to activate them but essentially a mindset is exactly what you said Foster Scott it's it's a it's a an attitude it's a state of mind it's a perspective and it frames the day so they are they're probably more but this is the research I've done and this is these are pretty much all encompassing a very broad encompassing but I essentially put my mind sits on in the morning when I wake up when you are waking up your mind is kind of chaotic and if you don't grab it immediately and sort directing it in the correct direction the perspective for the day is wrong now these two seems to perspective number one is that you have your own unique perspective you've the unique way that you identity your mind is how you think feel and choose your identity is how you uniquely think feel and choose so you see the world differently that's the whole enhancement versus competition in addition to that there's the perspectives that you built through your experiences of life they've become those non conscious drivers so there's a couple of these hiding in your head okay and those those are the things you need to check out in the morning so you literally need to get out of bed on the right side and so you need to put on your clothes you need to put on your mind you need to wake up in the morning and yes if you start the morning with first was I'm not you pray or whatever I'm not giving you an order I'm just saying really before you move out of your room and you start the day make sure that you have got a mindset check going on and one of them is that is because always to think a mindset I make it a term until I wake up I am to take time today to think and give my brain a rest forgiveness mindset someone today is gonna hurt you I can guarantee it someone today is gonna say something or something from the past is gonna pop up so you know you need to get into forgiveness mindset if you don't it does a whole bunch of possibilities you've got a plan for the day yes you've got to achieve x y&z but things happen the acute stressors happen they'll blindside you what is your plan if it doesn't quite work out can you adjust or you're gonna get completely frozen on the spot and not be able to move forward you see what I'm saying those are so when you have these general broad mindsets put on in the morning you go into the day with a very different kind of perspective it's a perspective that allows you to get into the love zone and access the wisdom of God does it make that makes perfect sense so so our mindset is shaped by our attitudes mindset is attitude instead of it's a state of mind state of mind so he has a visual there is a toxic mindset every thought you build you think you're choosing you build thoughts every thought that you build has information and emotions when you when a thought comes up the information and the feelings come with it okay they're not separate things so this is toxic and that's healthy so that healthy thoughts and emotions and one things emotions are bad they're fantastic in that zone and these are toxic I like the way you get the green tree and I get the toxic so these are toxic so basically the combination of the information and the emotions gives you the the general overarching state of the mind set so this would be a toxic mindset which means that you're gonna have toxic forgiveness toxic spirituality toxic thinking think toxic forgiveness whatever one or all of the above are going to be filtered through this so this might be something very specific like you get irritated in traffic and you're in the car you're driving in traffic to work and that may sound harmless but irritated in traffic does a lot of stuff to your body that's not very good and it'll translate into irritation at work because by the time you get to work you are really now very irritable so you've got an irritable mindset for the day you know so that's now put your body into the slow you'll brain waves are not flowing properly you're getting disconnecting areas of your brain as a result of your mind your mind is basically messing up your brain and so then the rest of the day became be unless you grab their toxic minds it's ok was irritable this morning I was irritable traffic I don't need to do that anymore I can listen to dr. Lee's podcasts in the traffic great opportunity to learn some more back my mind Thank You traffic now I no more work full of nice positive emotions so 9 cities is basically an attitude same thing and it's information plus emotions and your toxic thoughts from the past will influence that perspective how you see the day that is so good thank you so much for teaching me that I have to live with them with the right mindset without them without the correct mindset I won't respond correctly to my wife to my friends to challenges that arise during the day and you've just reminded me today and I believe all of us that that this mental care that we have to provide for ourselves for our minds has everything to do with being able to live a successful life mental self-care is incredibly important it's totally important that's why I talk about renewing the minders mind management are so not management is mental it totally without mind management and min which is basically leading to mental self-care your life will be amazed you're just gonna be on the hamster wheel so good would you tell dr. Leeds how much we appreciate her coming being with us today [Applause]
Channel: Cornerstone Church | Athens
Views: 57,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sermon, sermons, christianity, pastor, preaching, service, christian
Id: pVGFG1NB110
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 44sec (6164 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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