FNAF Lore FIGHTS BACK! | FNAF Security Breach: Fury's Rage (Five Nights At Freddy's)

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what the heck is this hold up what the heck is this [Music] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where i'm back on the couch to try and get more stars in security breach furies rage i had to watch myself had to first off i had to make sure i didn't say five nights at freddy's because there is no five nights at freddy's in the title and then it's fury's rage not to be confused with mcflurry's rage so anyway i can't i can't say it i'm having a really hard time uh i had to take a break from recording i was recording another episode and i kept stumbling over my words today's just one of those weird i'm flubbing all my words days um and so you just i don't know what it is i don't know if i haven't done enough mouth exercises or if i'm just tired and my mouth is just like i can't talk this fast anymore but regardless i am tripping over all my syllables so let me know uh so i guess it's one of those things that if i stumble across my words forgive me just know that see i i don't have any words i totally tells me it's the lack of sleep and i can't imagine lack of mouth exercises what i've been getting plenty of sleep these last few days i don't know what you're talking about matt i haven't been getting a lot of sleep it's been rough it's a lot going on my parents are in town ollie's been having trouble sleeping stef's been having trouble sleeping there's been a lot of work uh yeah i'm just whoo so anyway let's play security breach fury's rage hard mode edition uh which everyone tells me has a different ending and like i mentioned uh in the last video uh i'm assuming that there's at least one if not two other secret stars hidden in this thing um i'm guessing one is from beating hard mode and i'm guessing two is from beating it without the aid of scott coffin or like his super call so i'm assuming one or both of those will give us a different or uh unique ending so let's see how it goes friends let's hop into security breach fury's rage that's redundant scott fury and rage are the same thing uh i'm gonna go monty last time i like monty a lot uh so we're gonna they're very talkative the animatronics are very talkative i feel like i should just i i feel like i need to either go through and listen to all the voice lines because again it's it's it's scott so who knows maybe there's some secret lore or something funny hidden in the voice lines um but but yeah there's a lot of dialogue and i feel like we didn't get a lot of it last time um i bet there's like death dialogue i bet there's winning with this character losing with this character so there's a lot of stuff that i'd i'd be curious to see um and see play out i'm gonna try to not use scott that is my goal with this um so that way you know maybe i can get two chicas with one stone as it were uh see what we mean boo get out of here but that way it you know it'll hopefully save me a run so that way if at the end if i have if i have two if i have two um stars at the end of this and if i well one if i managed to beat it and two if i managed to beat it without you know using scott then that would tell us that okay one star was from not using scott and one star was from beating hard mode is that a chocolate bar it is a chocolate bar what's that for health oh for deliciousness chocolate is really good for you chocolate is chocolate is great uh ollie people have started to see and now that ollie has like peeked into a couple of the videos um that that his nickname is bean so ollie bean is his nickname and so we have this game where it's it started with you know just when you're pushing a kid on a swing i don't know a lot of parents are just kind of like passive pushers uh but i don't know i i try to stay very active in my pushing of ollie on the swing and so with ali there was okay get out of here uh but with ali as one of the things that i started doing on the swing with him was this there's lots of different types of beans and then i would you know it's like every time i would push him i would add a different type of bean so it'd be like a pinto bean and a navy bean and a cannellini bean and a cocoa bean and a jelly bean and a green bean and a string bean and you know and that was and that's fun and it's kind of goofy so every time and so every time i add to it right uh but of all and it always ends with but of all the different types of beans one bean is my favorite that's the ollie bean and then i give him a big push and you know he he laughs a bunch and it's cute but you do that enough times and like he starts getting goofy with it you start getting goofy with and it starts to evolve and so that one has evolved over you know the the year or whatever of of doing it to now it's there's lots of different types of beans the pinto bean you know he evolved it into different like the slidy bean uh the car washing like we started making up joke beans which was part one but then that got old too and so now the new thing is um ollie bean is no longer number one which which is not true but let it be known like and i think he he understands that it's all a joke uh because he plays along with it but now it's but of all the different types of beans of all the different beans one bean is my favorite and that bean is the black bean and and so now the game becomes where he appears like that's that's kind of the joke now is like oh am i am i number three am i tied for four so like it's the pinto bean and in second place is absolutely the cannellini bean but fourth place fourth place is absolutely the jelly bean and also anime and then you know and then it's funny because it's him again but like i feel bad on one hand because i was like oh he's definitely my number one being but the joke is that he's he's lower on the tier list and he he gets a kick out of that all the aside what is your number one bean it's a good question right you know i think it's gotta be to me i think it has got to be the coco like as as as we do this game i actually think about it and which you know this is something that you do but but i believe it's got to be the cocoa bean right like okay because the cocoa bean i just like chocolate like like you said chocolate chocolate is just popped here you know i think mine is the coffee see yeah i and i get that like my dad like my dad because i was playing the game uh my parents are in town and my my dad heard us playing this game and i think my mom was concerned because she's like oh no he's not the number one being i'm like i explained it to her but i think she was still concerned it's like what if this gives him a complex but my dad's like i wonder what it is and yeah we he's a coffee drinker and so for him it's definitely the the coffee bean but um but for me i'm not much of a coffee guy and so yeah for me i think it definitely is the chocolate cocoa bean but if we narrow it down to meaty beans to like what like meaty beans oh meaty beans like beans like lentils yes narrow it down to lentils uh i think the red bean is really i like either the red bean or the black bean i think it's the black bean yeah right black bean is really solid um garbanzo beans are really good too well garbanzo beans aren't beans wait garbanzo beans aren't beans no they're peas wait but meanwhile chickpeas well okay if we're getting into the nitty-gritty right they're legumes okay and beans aren't necessarily legumes well and so this is what this is also one of the things because black-eyed peas are technically beans and so that's also one of the jokes that ali and i have added over the many many iterations of this game is is we do the black eyed pea which is secretly a bean and so we call them the ninja beans the the beans that aren't actually beans that that are secretly beans wait so garbanzo bean is not a bean it's a chick isn't that the same thing as a chickpea it is and chicken so which legumes i don't i wait is it is it a is it a pea first or is it it's a legume but i don't think all legumes are beans oh man this is because the peanuts are leaf no wait yeah peanuts are the grooms but they're not beans that's true okay okay hey hey puppets those kids are just brutal um that's interesting hmm i might i might have to correct my game or i might have to look this up because theory right this is this is a food theory in the way in the making right here this is it ranking people ask how we get ideas for the episodes by streaming by screaming me playing five nights at freddy's games and you know coming up with dumb questions along the way i push my kid on the swing and it gets me to ask the questions that no one else thought that they need an answer to get out of here virtual girl vr girl i believe that these are all like i i believe that most of these are references to the ar game the only question i have is whether um like i don't know all the references because i haven't kept up with all the skins in that game but like vr i think the vr twins are i know that the clown is certainly um ooh hello oh hello hello hello hello hello oh jeez okay okay sorry i got gotta focus up time i believe this version of baby is also a reference to the to the ar game skins but we'll see okay you hit your maximum number of points did i hit maximum points huh that's interesting right maybe that's maybe that's a oh a star i'm hoping i'm hoping that you know if we are indeed successful in beating this without you know without dying without using scott everything because we still have at least one level left um i'm hoping that we'll be able to unlock multiple stars at the same time but who knows you know i'm not sure no who's this guy this is uh this is uh clearly mega brow obviously uh i believe he is a reference to snap world um so snap world was kind of a jokey game that ended up being maybe more important to the lore than people would have expected oh my gosh these these guys just eat away your health it's terrible get out of here um so he's he's kind of a joke or a a fake balloon boy so he's yeah he's kind of uh like a balloon boy riff or ripoff like what if balloon boy but you know uh and and i believe in that original fnaf world he was a brow brow boy rather than balloon boy but now in this game he is he's obviously mega brow so balloon man well yeah yeah he's grown up into balloon man at this point so it's good to see that puberty is hit that he's living his best life you know that he's continuing his his balloon dominated experience uh so we're moving through hard mode pretty quickly i'm noticing that the the characters definitely punch harder um and some of them have more hit points it feels like but for the most part you know it's it's going pretty pretty smoothly and we haven't had to dip into too many of our like specials or anything so oh so far so good uh you know last level was the first time i died in the in the previous playthrough though so we'll see so i gotta stay on my guard i can't i can't be getting getting loosey-goosey with it i will say that monty gator feels like the right character to approach this with um the only other thing that i can think of when it comes to stars right is maybe there's a world where you have to beat hard mode with every character since they do have different different skill sets right so i do wonder about that one i'm a little bit worried about that and if that's the case i would probably do that like off stream or you know maybe do some extra bonus work and in the background i love how many like they're really trying to give me scots which again leads me to believe that not using scott is the right answer like i see this huge amount of scouts and it's like please do scott please use scott and i'm like and i don't think i don't think i want to i think i think you're trying i think you're trying to mislead me game i don't believe you i don't think you're being that uh that much of a benefactor to me gotta be honest oh classic playing dead and then punching me um but yeah so that's browboy uh what else obviously everything else makes total sense to you though right yeah no the um the fox with the the nuclear mask and the the meat hook i know him right okay good good the big bunny guy with the clown face and the mallet we're good friends yeah your besties uh-huh rose and freddie i do know right he is familiar to me he's buff he is i mean right he's they're looking good all these guys man are looking real good who knew something about the 80s the 80s everybody was you know why i i think it's actually scientific fact at this point the reason why is because everyone was carrying around those giant cell phones and by cell phones i mean that literal like bricks of batteries with a phone attached and the phones literally were the size of your head and they were attached to like a suitcase sized battery and that was how you did mobile on the go and so everybody just got super swollen yeah so everyone got swole the entire time because you were literally just heaving this giant box around to communicate i was watching jim carrey's liar liar recently okay the last scene in the movie where uh his ex-wife is in the car and he's calling her and she picks up like a cord phone in the car uh-huh and i was like i didn't know that that existed you're right there you go like car phones little did you know man 80s were a miraculous time i think it was like early 90s right but i was like that makes i mean cell phones didn't exist so like to talk on the car you needed like a landline the history of cell phones is actually really fascinating because also there was um you know a period of time where like yes for the public cell phones started at us at a certain point but it's also nazis but it's also one of those things where um here we go okay great uh but when cell phones actually were invented or when they first were able to be used like like plane phones is a is a really interesting one because phones in planes like to this day right you're not allowed to use like phones and planes but like air force one has had a has had a working phone in it forever or like for a really long time and you're like wait how's that possible how how does no one else have a phone in a plane when air force one has got this and you like understand why but also there's okay uh ah i knew that was gonna happen this is getting tricky okay get out of here ah so this is this is where you you really need i really need vanity to go away i'm just gonna great get her out of the screen maybe we need to push people okay we're getting close okay we haven't used scott yet so again like we're right there we have not used scott that should be end of vani so this should be it hard mode did not die did not use scott so if there's something new oh here we go yes okay all right there it is so i don't know if this is unlocked because of heart like those are the three things that i was focusing on don't die don't use scott and the hard mode i don't know if this is because we beat hard mode or if this is like the extra i'm assuming this is hard mode like this is the hard mode secret level or something like that okay wait so real quick look back there see on that security screen it looks like is that a camera feed from fnaf one i believe that's so small and like all blurry and wobbly it looks like the camera feed from snap one because you see the map in the bottom right corner you see the animatronic close-up to the screen i think that's this the classic scene where like bonnie or freddie like turns to the camera to look at us oh and there's oh and that's baby's blueprint so this thing okay so this seems to be coming from uh snap in space obviously guys um it could just be a bunch of joking references or it could be you know whatever but uh but that's funny so it seems to be drawing like inspiration from a bunch of oh what the heck is this hold up what the heck is this okay hold up so oh hey okay these guys these guys are the bad ones these are no no okay so okay in his head he's got a chica a chica doll a clock okay get rid of these guys get rid of these guys get to get rid of these guys we do not want to deal with them we do not stand um so wait okay so he's got the locks so he's got a bunch of locks which reminds me of the this is insane which reminds me of the uh candy cadet stories about the the the uh five keys melted into one key uh locked doors things like that in his head which is very reminiscent of nightmare he's got chica and some like balls and a clock and what else is up okay okay get out of there okay do i need that i don't want that candy and he's got what's on his face it looks like it's like a it looks like he has oh no oh my gosh he killed me in like two hits oh no shoot oh i want to get back to it oh no oh no oh no no no no okay so i've died but i have not used scottsdale protein low fat great huh so this is like all the oh no and we're back to the guru oh that sucks okay so you can't die there oh poop so i i bet you have to beat him and do all those things without okay so so he looked like he was the lore guy he i i okay this is this is what i think that was i think that is the lore i think that is the physical embodiment of this game's storyline or the the lingering mysteries of the game so uh the fact that he's got a bunch of blocks the fact that he's got an alarm clock uh what else did he have here hold up what else did he have do we have the ability to pull up like a picture of him so he's got the clocks which is from fnaf world he's got the key like oh there's a lot of balls and gumballs in here which is like candy cadet so it feels like this guy's kind of like referencing candy cadet in a lot of ways where so the clock is fnaf world he's got huh it's a tiny toy chica that's missing its beak which is an obvious reference to fn f4 and the mysteries there's the box the fnaf4 box uh which is obviously one of the most ongoing like questions about this like what's in the box his face is an alarm clock that reads 6 am which again is fnaf 4. his mouth looks like it's sealed off with an x um like oh i'm not gonna tell you or like i'm keeping this a secret he kind of fades off into the distance um like his tail kind of has a gradient attached to it which is interesting where he's not like fully formed so that also makes me think of um that also makes me think of him not being a physical entity but rather like this idea of the lore and then behind the box what is it looks like there's like a cookie or a doughnut and then like a face mask what is that i can't tell what's behind the box that's really bizarre like you would think immediately like oh yeah this makes it oh and there's a black thing too and the four is that a microphone so there's chica there's gumballs or candy there's a key there's the box there's the clocks from fnaf world there's a black thing in the foreground that's either another gumball candy ball or something else and then there's two mysterious things behind the box that i can't make out and that like don't immediately jump out to me as something that i would recognize especially something related to four and then all the keys down all the keyholes down inside so that to me here i'm gonna play through one more time uh because i still got let's see we got about 20 minutes perfect so i'm gonna play through one more time this time i'm not gonna like we'll just try to get through it um and i'd like to beat it ideally uh but if i need to use scott i'll use scott like you know i was trying to accomplish a lot of things at the same time but apparently like that final area is really hard so so to me that creature is just like lore lore creature uh like the unsolved mysteries of the game creature um pulling from a lot of different elements right f4 with the box and mostly from final four right with the box with the alarm clock with the uh with the tiny toy chicken missing or beak but there's also some candy cadet mix in there and some snap world mixed in there and so i'm wondering if i'm sure there's no answers on the other side of that battle i'm sure it's just like a joke ending or something like that but that's that's it's a funny reference to the fact that scott knows that you know those are the most infuriating parts of the lore of the series and of these games um hmm that's really oh wait i did i didn't even notice matt you called out her earrings i didn't even notice her belt buckle chica's belt buckle is a cupcake is is literally the cupcake which is the look right which just makes me love her that much more best character in this game hands down unquestionably she is looking her best right i mean because monty alligator is just wearing some pants right she came with the full for that theme she right she's blinged out to the nines it's great nothing nothing says nothing says classy dame quite like having a belt buckle in the shape of a cupcake i just that's like someone from the 40s just like took over your body did you have physical arcades when i was growing up yeah so the malls back in the day uh yeah i had physical arcades that i would go stop falling in opposite directions from each other you get sucked um yeah so back when i was growing up um in the early 90s right one of my favorite things to do was to go to the mall like i wouldn't do this i would go to the mall with my parents but every once in a while i would be able to like convince my parents to let me like in the arcade for like half hour 60 minutes and that was always like the highlight of the shopping trip i never played the games because you know we weren't frivolously wasting money on games that ate your quarters but i loved to watch everyone else play the games and just be surrounded by you know the dark the dark lights or the flashing lights the you know the dark room all the colors and stuff it was great so so yeah i definitely definitely grew up with a lot of that um and yeah our kids were definitely a part of my life you matt i'm assuming by the time you were growing up those were all gone right well by the time i was like going to arcades they were like the kind of games that gave you tickets okay so you were playing it was essentially gambling at that point i was trying to win the stupid little stuff in the glass case oh well we had that too oh so so the one thing i was allowed to play was was ticket producing games because yeah because ticket producing games were a waste of your course weren't to waste my quarters yeah interesting and so i was so over the years of me playing these and i and i saved up four years to uh earn enough to buy a pair of uh meditation balls whoa uh you know those like um oh i didn't mean to i mean like stress balls yeah the stress balls no no not squeeze but they were like asian themed metal balls with like little chimes inside uh-huh that you're supposed to like swirl around in your hand and that like gives send relaxing tones to you oh so the fidget spinner before the fidget spinner yeah it was the the original asian fidget spinner was that your favorite like uh prize i mean that was yes because it was like two shiny metal balls in a fancy you know cushioned box yeah like it seemed really cool i remember at our bowling alley one of the prizes you could get was a used bowling pin oh yeah that's cool and first i was obsessed with that i like spent all of my time and money at the bowling alley sure get like a used bowling kit yeah absolutely right because owning a bowling pin is legit i guess so thinking back i'm like i just like put it on my desk and i was like cool wait so did you get it yeah nice congratulations wait a way to set your size high i got two whoa i know well to be fair one of them was gifted to me okay because it was my birthday and they felt bad for me oh it's so nice but i got a lot of time trying to get that bowling pin you know pity pity is it goes a long way pity goes a long way honestly uh it's great it's a great thing um that's really funny no when i was growing up because i had that same thing where i'm like oh those those bowling balls the bowling pins were awesome but the only way you could get them from our uh bowling alley was using um was having your birthday there like the birthday boy or girl was always yeah allowed to keep the pin and that was the only way that they would give away that stuff or hear me out you wear your osha approved non-slip shoes you make your way down the bowling alley what are you grab you a pin and then you got one so wait you're you're literally going down the alley to steal the pin off the lane itself but your osha approved non-slip shoes are important oh yeah okay sure grease up the cause like right i learned that the hard way you didn't know that they greased the no wait you didn't i mean who knows that who doesn't know that that's why there's a line you didn't know you didn't know that really are you kidding that's what that's how the ball is able to yeah they grease the lane up until the last um 10 10 feet or so but that's how the ball is able to kind of like slide all the way down and then that's why the hooks always happen towards the end of the ball's uh trajectory is because at the very end of the lane it's not greased anymore near where the pins are and yeah and that's where suddenly friction takes hold and the ball does kind of that last minute scoop around yeah that no that's insane okay it's like i always thought it was wizardry like magic because i was like there's no like there's no there's no way [Music] so they're just spitting the ball yeah and then towards the end it just like stops being slippery yeah yeah that's exactly it oh my god uh-huh that's it that just like broke my brain well good i'm glad yeah thanks for explaining that to me yeah michael is truly one of like my long-standing mysteries was like how did it was it really see look at that man that's like one of the things that keeps me up at night how the balls spin in a bowling alley really because it doesn't make any sense looking at it uh no it does it you're right it does it's and that's because like it defies the laws of friction right yeah uh-huh that's why yeah they were slippery because i tried running bowling alley wait you did you said why did you try running down a ball i was like nine and you didn't know better at that point in your luck i mean like were there no adults trying to stop you from doing this adult adults they were they were doing their own thing you need a more parental supervision matt well we were you learn by failing family okay okay i learned that the stove was hot by touching it oh my gosh no way i learned that the bowling alley was slippery by trying to run on it uh-huh you know the usual trial by fire i guess wow you had an intense childhood man i learned a lot i was you tried a lot man i mean i guess that's a way to learn certainly now what is it and i have learned a lot about that when it comes to you know there's the school of thought for for kids of natural consequences yeah well but even like even with natural consequences i feel like you gotta warn the kid before they touch the stove i'm alive minimal burns i was gonna say how are your how is your sense of touch doing these days well i also have worked in restaurants forever so it's gone oh yeah yeah the hot plates at ihop oh geez take all my sense away truly hot but it's a cool party trick am i the only person maybe someone in the comments can back me up on this one but am i the only person who when they're like careful it's hot i like lightly touch it just to see how you know like just how hot it is i'm like no i do that too do you okay good i used to touch the fajita things yeah right i'm like i'm like they're like careful it's hot i'm like yeah okay but like i'll be able to do that yeah like i'll tell you what i can and cannot touch which is like the dumbest thing yeah as a waiter that is so annoying because i'm like you're gonna hurt yourself and then and then and then you do and then yeah and then you're like come on come on i warned you about this why why did you listen i didn't trust your recommendation okay i'm gonna have to use god i guess here i still don't want it like it doesn't even make sense for me to like not be using him because i used him in the first level but okay come on scott i need you i need you man step it up step it up scott has that avatar no poop on a brisket the first round went so well and we got through the whole thing without dying oh damn it can i even go into hard mode anymore oh no am i locked into hard mode all right well i've got to go there an ending to like i feel like there's not enough here to start a new here i feel like there's not enough here to start a new like stream of this so i'm here i'm gonna look it up real quick the day was one menace was defeated but was the ultimate goal this is the same ending our heroes worry that it was all the distraction that's the point it was trying to fill out the time before the release of the main game despite the dark days and uncertain times they remain hopeful that only good things were on the horizon to be continued anything else the end no question mark no nothing hmm and is there a third star there's got to be a third star it's got to be from like not dying or not using scott it's got to be oh wait okay okay there is more okay scott's house he peeks out i'm sorry all right well good well i'm glad we didn't dedicate a whole another episode to solving that one uh cool and that got him two stars i'm curious if there is a third there's gotta be a third star somewhere around here anyway uh long story short you know i again i said this at the end of the last video but i'll say it again at the end of this one too like no apology needed i understand i would hope that your fan base uh and the fan base of the series understands that like making a game is really hard and you know you're making this game really awesome and impressive so that's great um you know the the lore monster i think it's just that i think it's just like an easter egg reference to all the unsolved lore of the game i don't i people were asking um you know oh what do you think about the secret boss or whatever uh i don't think it's like a tease of a new character or anything like i think it's just like haha get it the joke is that this is the lore monster like this is the stuff that can't be solved this is the thing that you know is the biggest monster of this whole series which is the unexplained bits of the bits and pieces of the lore so there you go uh fun fun game you know super simple a nice a nice little mid-year tease and now onward to uh gumdrop angel which i believe is releasing today today i think it releases today it's this week at some point so that's kind of the next new fnaf thing that's coming out so that's exciting so anyway thank you guys so much for watching sorry i wasn't able to beat it while uh we had time on today's video but hey we got we had some nice conversations along the way i had fun honestly the journey is what matters exactly the friends we made along the way we learned that bowling alleys are slippery thanks for that this these are channels all about life lessons and remember that's just a video a video for you we'll see you in the next one see ya [Music] foreign you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 216,720
Rating: 4.9825406 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf security breach, five nights at freddys, fnaf security breach gameplay, fury's rage, fnaf furys rage, fnaf security breach fury rage, new fnaf, new fnaf game, five nights at freddys furys rage, fnaf security breach fury's rage, security breach fury's rage gameplay, fury's rage fnaf, fnaf theory, gtlive fnaf, game theorists, game theory, game theory fnaf, gtlive fury's rage, gtlive security breach, matpat, fnaf security breach trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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