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[Music] i just dream of finding a boy that loves horses just as much as me at this point my dream guy is just someone who can afford my horses well i really want a dark bay horse that has nice white socks something that can jump like three six really comfortably and could go higher if i want to go higher and really i don't mind if the horse has some spice actually i prefer a horse that is a little bit more crazy well i just want a horse that can get me from point a to point b without any problems that's really what i'm looking for whoa look how big the jumps are today i'm gonna have to go try these i'm gonna go get my horse whoa i don't know who put the jumps up this high but i'm gonna need to lower them we are not doing this today leg leg leg jump i prefer a horse over 16 hands just because i like that they can take up my leg and they can jump anything well these days i don't write anything over 15 hands i like to be closer to the ground in case i fall i just love riding in the rain it's so eerie and mysterious and i feel like i'm in england did i just feel a raindrop yes we better head in now why does my instructor just naturally assume i want to do flat work why does my instructor just assume i want the jumps raised stuck it's our very first schooling show and look at all the adults here too bad we're going to beat them first schooling show in 10 years buddy we got this oh my gosh everyone's younger than us i'm about to get beat by a preteen oh man three hour ride that was awesome well got another five horses to ride so i better get going 20 minutes that was a good workout we'll call it a day you want me to get on the new horse yes i've been waiting to do that i'm so excited you want me to get on the new horse well i'm pretty short on time today i was just gonna hop on real quick and then leave i don't trust that horse at all buddy are you a little scared to go over here it's okay you can do it we got to get you used to it gotta ride through it oh your ears are going forward do you see something are you scared we'll just go this way i don't feel like falling off today oh god i'm okay i'm okay i'm ready to get back on i'm gonna need a minute we just launched our merch store and to celebrate our lunch we're actually doing a giveaway to enter the giveaway go to our instagram channel which is equine helper and find the giveaway post and that post will walk you through how to enter the giveaway if you want to look at all the designs now the link to the merch store is in the description
Channel: Equine Helper
Views: 151,940
Rating: 4.9497361 out of 5
Keywords: young vs old equestrian, equestrian humor, funny equestrian
Id: MR0oWLrP_Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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