Things Non-Equestrians Say | Part 2

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[Music] oh do i smell bad you just kind of smell like dirt oh that's just horse poop i always smell like that why does that horse have a blindfold on can he see i mean are you afraid he's going to run into something can you see me so let me show you how you're going to use the curry comb real quick you can just press hard and do circles like your racks in a car so i'm going to let you do this while i go find my hoof pick okay okay i'll try this oh look at his hair fall off it's gonna get all over me this is a little too much for me i'm gonna get so dirty my hands already feel disgusting oh my gosh what is that oh my gosh oh my gosh i think your horse is injured what is he okay there's a growth on your horse's leg are you okay buddy oh this thing that's just their chestnut so when can i ride your horse well not for a while he's a little green still so i don't think that'd be a good idea green what do you mean like he's sick or something green is like he's still in training you know he's not used to being ridden a lot by humans i mean what does he have to learn all you have to do is sit there i just love brown horses oh yeah yeah those are bays we call those bays well yeah i like those but i also like tucker too like the reds i like the red horses oh tucker here oh here's a chestnut that red i call that a chestnut come on buddy you mean like the thing that grows on his leg he's a lot smaller than the other horses that's because he's a pony actually is he really oh you're just a baby you're just a baby um no a pony is a horse that is under 14-2 hands so have you ever fallen off before you must be rich if you own horses ooh have you ever seen that movie about that horse so can i go to a horse race with you is he a mustang or is he a thoroughbred those are the only two breeds i know if you enjoyed this video you can check out part one by clicking the link in the description thank you guys so much for watching please be sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more weekly horse videos you
Channel: Equine Helper
Views: 97,649
Rating: 4.9627728 out of 5
Keywords: Things non horse people say, funny things non horse owners say
Id: -ojB6AHhRy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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