Sarah buys a horse... 🙄 | Equestrian Comedy

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can i be frank with you frank you are not going to get what you want for that horse take the 20 grand and be done with it oh my appointment's here all right i'll talk to you later bye sarah so good to see you again come on in ah i cannot believe that i am doing this this has been a long time coming so you're shopping for your very first horse correct yes that is so exciting all right let's jump right in why don't you go ahead and describe to me your dream horse i'll take a few notes and then we'll go ahead and search the database yeah that's a hard question i guess i haven't given it much thought okay well um what discipline are you into i'm not really a fan of discipline i was spanked when i was a kid and so i think i would just stick to grounding or maybe like timeouts or something oh no no no i mean what kind of riding do you want to do with your new horse oh um i'm not really sure but i definitely want to do barrel racing and dressage well those are two different horses oh no i only want one horse yes but those are very different types of horses it's very very unlikely that you're going to find a barrel horse that also does dressage but we can look we can look did you have a specific breed in mind oh so many hard questions i guess i haven't put much thought into it but i always love that series spirit so maybe one of those spirit the cartoon yeah okay so a mustang yeah or one light chica linda i'm not familiar with that one what breed is it wow i'm surprised this is your job and you don't know what breed chica linda is oh yeah sorry about that i said most my time here at work or riding one of my many horses i don't make much time for cartoons well then you're missing out on a market of potential clients okay well moving on what's your budget um the cheaper the better do you at least have a ballpark amount that you'd like to spend i mean are we talking twenty thousand ten thousand where are we at here maybe like two thousand dollars okay so here are a few horses for you to take a look at now i search for mustang dressage barrel racing in your price range of two thousand dollars and there aren't many or any actually that fit all of your criteria but i do have a few that i want you to look at we'll start off with a mustang she is a beginner safe trail horse and she is listed for 4 500. you might be able to get that down a little bit but um yeah she does fit your mustang criteria no that is too expensive and it doesn't look like spirit at all oh did you want a buckskin not necessarily i just think it needs to have more of like a spirit personality or like some sort of resemblance you do know that spirit's a cartoon and this is a real horse right duh it's just not what i'm looking for okay can i see the other ones all right well here we have a barrel prospect prospect no i need a horse that has competed and done well okay how well like eight seconds done what in eight seconds the barrels the world record is 13.46 are you thinking about bull riding oh yeah sorry i just went to a rodeo last weekend so maybe that's what got me confused okay so did you want a horse or a bull i want a horse obviously okay i just wanted to be sure a barrel horse that has already placed well is going to be very difficult to find for 2 000 um but i do have a horse here that has a record of 35 seconds so an up-and-coming competitor and she is a buckskin and she's quite young so you'll have quite a few years with her ooh slow poke alert no thanks plus look at those white hooves that means they're weak well that's actually a myth did you find any dressage trained mustangs yes but they don't look like spirit and they are a bit over your budget unfortunately actually there is one here that is five thousand i know this horse oh my gosh only five thousand oh but this mare needs an experienced writer oh i'm experienced earlier you said you were a beginner oh i was just being modest okay what level of dressage are you currently training at i'm a level six right now and progressing oh okay and you were looking for a tall horse yeah the bigger the better so like 15.7 does that sound right to you yes that is actually perfect all right let's see what i can find oh maybe search for the chica linda breed thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and make sure you are subscribed so that you don't miss a video i'll see you guys all in the next one what's your budget hmm something went wrong try again in a few seconds trying to shoot a video here lady you
Channel: Gypsy Equestrian
Views: 101,150
Rating: 4.9697623 out of 5
Keywords: Equestrian, Horse riding
Id: PG3C3-JC0Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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