Neglected Camaro! YOU would NEVER let ME work on your car!

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hey everybody customer States they want an oil change on this Camaro I feel like I'm already being set up here look at this right here haven't even uh moved it out of the parking space yet I hopped into it trying to trying to bring it in now they made no mention of the uh of that front bumper thing hanging down but here we go watch this now they're not here for this near the clicking now according to our our gauge assortment we don't have a dead battery so we actually probably have a mechanical failure tell you right now they just parked it here still up to operating temperature but yeah nothing let's see how this works out yeah so before I do anything else I'm going to go ahead and and get sales guys involved and uh we're going to have the conversation with our consumer because I'm not about to get stuck with the uh it didn't do that before you worked on it [Music] nonsense all right so the battery is in the trunk let's get this out of here I'll show you guys what it what the guy showed me yeah check this out right here nope not going to that's not going to work and this one that one's got the bolt in it but it just still kind of kind of moves around so I'm going to try to tighten this down for this dude and uh I'll see if I got one of these for him cuz this is a this a crappy spot to be in he already said he didn't have any money to fix it so I'm going to prob bone with this one try to help this guy out okay let's see what I got here it's my my Rando drawer of goodies that's my nice one I don't want to give that away maybe that's a marine terminal and I don't want to give that one away thought I had a little metal one right let's see shotgun shell nope no ah aha that one and that's for a negative side that's going to be that's going to be the one I'll hook them up with this one stick this prop Rod here there now I can hold up that [Music] flat wrong way oops right there hope that fits oh no it's not going to fit dang all right let's find another one this one will fit for sure yeah okay that kind of fits [Music] and this is this is going to fit yeah all right we're getting somewhere oh come here okay and then a 13 I think for for that that should handle that side let's see if I can tighten up this one and make it steady oh yeah that's good all right I need to just tighten that some up and then uh it should be okay yeah my my front counter guy just came over here and he said that this dude who owns this Camaro told him he never had a problem getting it started I I don't get it I'm not trying to sell you bro I'm not trying to sell anything but either way his batter is uh connected now so we shouldn't have a problem so that's his that's is pro bono problem solved that's my good deed now I just need to collect my tools and do my customer States oil change procedure I'll give him his tire back there we go and I'll give him this gas can back and see you later Camaro and since I suspect predatory customer action is a a foot here I'm going to leave uh nothing to chance there's not going to be any you got my car dirty nothing like that so here we go it's broken and this is also broken poppen the hood ow it's eating me dang looks like a transformer in here attention Autobots all right here we go filling it everywhere oh it's full let's see what the bottom this thing looks like I think put it up there we go that's good okay moving on up need to close this so I don't uh get the ceiling oh never mind it's not a Transformer it's Iron Man all right well right off the bat I see uh See metal to metal brake uh brake pads see the grinding in there right about right now not even taking these wheels off I don't want the liability that's cool no 30 seconds there's that dangly piece again oh okay and not too bad I guess it needs some little bit of Maintenance but it's whatever yeah I'm just I'm going to let him know about this stuff but I'm not even going to try to sell him anything cuz he's already he's already communicated to me that uh he's not being truthful uh there appears to be some kind of hole in the inner fender well all right and uh a hole in this inter fender well also interesting okay time to changing the Z oil let's see I I organized my toolbox and now I can't find where I put my oil filter pliers there's some Perfect all right let's see uh let's see what comes out of this thing it's going to be a 15 yeah that's tight [Music] wow okay nothing spectacular here appears to just be spent motor oil this is good all right so I was taking a hot filter off like this one time and uh it was on a Chevy Tahoe and the lady was watching me through the the window from the waiting room we call the Fishbowl because they stand there like they're in an aquarium just kind of watching us mammals Scurry around and I get done and I bring it to her and she goes why were you banging my on my Tahoe and I looked at her I was really perplexed and I was like what banging you know she was being aggressive she's like yeah I was watching you you were you were banging on my engine on my Tahoe and I was like lady I've never banged a Tahoe in my life you know I didn't I didn't really correlate the two uh until after she had left and I went oh she was watching me and saw me doing this back and forth motion and she thought I was hitting her her car with a hammer and so we we actually had a negative interaction because you know she came right out of the gate with that this accusation of I'm banging on her car thinking I was trying to break something fer or do something wrong I never saw her again but just goes to show people are always suspect and uh I wish I understood why but I I really don't anyway enough story time I'm going to go get my filter looks like it's 84060 okay 84 84 88 460 got it all right watch this oil oil change haters I'm not going to put any Lube on this because see there's plenty of it right there I do not have to pre lube this filter and take that step good and where's my there it is drain plug gaskets intact [Applause] good round about about 40 Grand yeah okay time to fill her up after I let her down giggity put you back in your home this one goes back into its new home and I need my Cy cutters there they are yeah the guy does want to uh I'm not even going to snip that off I'm just going to I'm just going to unscrew it no Cutters and zip ah it's not going to work such a piece it won't even unbolt from itself look at it come on this car is killing me let's try over here yeah that one does it see if this is going to work put that right where it belongs keeping that okay coming down time for oil lubricate rotating assembly now almost there okay I think I think I'm there right now still not enough I can't even tell really huh focus more I checked it with two hands and in a better light and it needs another Court 9 seven let's start it and check it I bet it's going to start this time come here camiro keys there we go it started hooray and we have the oil pressure yep sure we do there it goes nice let's go check the diping stick still not enough three four and a half try again nope almost another half court the oo see the mark right there it's going towards my thumb but it was here so 8.2 according to this gauge 8.2 is full so I'm good with that mission complete get in there wipe me down but not today knew it trying to clear the rat move this over to a flat stall he wants me to put some headlight bulbs in it some shiny blue ones or something closing zood okay oh you know there's there's one more thing this is the perfect opportunity see see my nasty groy grimy greasy gloves that when you guys see me wearing in an interior or wearing inside of a car interior you absolutely go ham on me in the in the comments I'm I'm going to show you something real quick when I move this over to the other stall about about these types of gloves after they've been exposed to oil cuz see I'm touching his interior with with my oily gloves you know putting oil on everything inside of their car at least that's what they tell me in the comments and everyone says I would never let you work on my car you're you're putting oil everywhere well I'm going to go through a little experiment regarding that subject so you can see I've been touching this and this and the steering wheel and the gear shifter all kinds of stuff I did sweat in here that's gross I will wipe that away pay attention you got the same gloves on you guys will notice I walk around with these blue towels all the time wiping down my gloves right so I've got this uh paper floor mat here so I don't leave footprints on the floor and I'm going to show you something cool about latex gloves after they've gotten oil on them see the cool thing about these latex gloves is even if they're after they're oily and stained and dirty if I rub them all over this nice clean white paper look nothing comes out of the glove and ends up on the paper so when you guys are hating on me for leaving oil all over their car I just want to let you know you're wrong so now that we've established that we all can move on with our lives and I'm going to figure out what uh what dude wants me to do with these headlights cuz he's already seem to have some uh some nice nice super bright ones so maybe these ones are a different color I don't know okay uh this thing's getting pulled out now I'm not going to change those headlights I I can't even make this stuff up man so so he has HID headlights in this and he brought uh he brought those H hallogen bulbs or those blue looking things or whatever and it turns out that uh well he just told my my front counter guy that um when he's driving around at night with his high beams on people are flashing their headlights at him and so it made him think something was wrong with his with his headlights like like he said maybe they were shaking or or something like that I I kid you not that's that's what the sales guy just told me that the dude that owns this car just said again he said when he drives around at night with his high beams on people are flashing their high beams at him and that's why he wanted to change his headlights I should have been an astronaut so anyway that is it for this here Cameo I have changed the oil and rectified a bunch of other driver safety hazards and let him know he he has no brakes or tires and Etc and uh of course service was declined so I am uh I am now delivering this car back to him and I am finished with this thing and for the day uh I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please go down to the low power mode on my phone there we go sorry camera cut out anyway so if you guys enjoyed this video uh hit that like button for me I really appreciate it and so does the YouTube algorithm and uh always don't forget have a great day
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 3,549,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: goPBCMwv5cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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