Customer States: My Mechanic Messed UP! Wheel falling OFF! 2011 Hyundai Sonata #mechanic

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hello everybody good day to you welcome back we're headed outside to uh go fetch a uh red in color Hyundai uh customer states that the wheel looks like it's falling off let's get over there and see what's going on with it so far the front wheels look good check yeah the wheel's not very straight I think it's this one that's affected it looks kind of straight to me it's cambered in a little bit uh there were some previous repairs down in that corner and it appears that they have failed so uh since they state that our wheels are falling off and that there's a clanky banging noise associated with the concern I'm not going to drive this thing we're just gonna nose it on in get it up in the lift and see what's going on uh maybe a bolt fell out or something who knows I have uh I've never worked on this car before it is new to me and new to us I can't see there we go got into the shade there's a lot of a lot of pollen and dirt and whatnot going on right now it's heavy pollinated season hot in here so let us uh let's get this up in the air let's check out the rear suspension see if I can fix it see what's going on I don't know but like I said we're gonna find out so stay tuned because this is gonna be a very good video opening the hood [Music] yeah [Music] let me just go ahead and get this thing racked up real quick like and uh we'll see what the dealio is with this uh this particular Hyundai lift arm number two there we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah something's going on here look at that it's uh much more cambered than it was uh out in the parking lot that's a lot of camber and a lot of tow see it's pointed out towards us and leaned in at the top that's not uh that's not gonna work something is wrong here what if they hit something and vent some suspension [Music] you hear one more look that right there into the pinch weld good to go moving on up from that subscribe button all the way up [Music] and on the locks for safety [Music] all right let's see what's going on with this wheel here uh it's not okay look at that what it is something is something's coming apart all right [Music] yeah that's not okay what do we got going on here lower control arm that's in good shape bolt it in up front that's new All Right Bingo Bingo look at that control arm bolt is uh is not present it's missing why ooh hang on here we have some damage let's get some lumens in that little hole there let's see what's going on something's not uh not okay here I saw some metal slivers right there you see that it's not looking good okay we're gonna try to try to zoom in a little bit here if I can and see what the deal is with this uh this bolt business right here I believe we've got some thread damage going on oh no look at that threads are gone that's uh that's not okay bushing looks good yeah I think I don't know if I can fix that it's a light in there if I can manage it yeah I don't know I don't I don't know if I can uh that's part of the threads inside of the subframe see that yeah that's that's not that's not okay Okay so we have subframe damage yeah that's a there's another view of it see the threads are completely completely gone out of there there's there's a little bit left but nothing uh nothing for a bolt to grab onto I don't know if I can fix that maybe a time sir to a heli coil perhaps I but then again I won't be able to really drill into it either um this isn't cool tell you what let's uh let me pull the the bolt out of this other side over here and see how long it is Maybe maybe I can get a longer one that's going to match up to the threads on this side because I see threads farther down that hole a little bit it's it's tough for you guys to see yeah if we look down farther there are some threads left over if I can get a hold of those then maybe I can secure this again I mean it might need a subframe too it I should probably get another subframe that's probably where where this might end up Landing yeah let's go ahead and pull that out real quick and see how long that bolt is maybe I can get a longer one um it looks like that runs all the way through perhaps I could put a bolt in a nut on it that's doable yeah I'm sure I can fix this okie doke so this right here this is our left rear upper control arm bolt I'm gonna pull this guy out unclick these I'm gonna go ahead and pull this one out that's going to give us an idea of the length and the thread thread pitch and thread type oh no my battery's dead hang on hang on Epic Fail okay trying again round to Fresh batteries it's green so you know it's good I'm out [Music] alrighty so we've got our Bolt and I need to find another type of bolt that uh that I can use to to patch up that other side I'm thinking if I get one that can pass all the way through we can put a nut on this other side right here see a little hole right there we can put a nut on it and that should secure this thing I think I believe that's the same same hole going through yeah let's let's try that for a plan and if it fails then uh then we'll put a subframe I'm gonna need some working space here so I think I'll just go ahead and pull this control arm out all the way get that thing out of here and then we'll go from there okay so this other bolt over here that's got a nut on the other side I'm just going to get in there with the uh the long flexi ratchet here and take the nut loose unclicks please oh that's flipping tight got it lost a flashlight and caught it I have defeated gravity today that's a bold statement with a car lingering above my head that made that weird sound hmm tempting fate let's get this guy out of here oh you know what guys I feel bad I didn't even figure out what the mileage was on this [Music] it's really relevant it's not really a common failure so I guess we can revisit that later anyway here's our control arm there's no damage to it set this thing aside we'll need that later I'm gonna need to figure out I didn't figure out the bolt that I need here okay all right so I'm gonna poke a hole through this with the screwdriver just to make sure that goes all the way through and the survey says it does and look at that there's metal shards all over that screwdriver bit it's a magnetic bit this thing's covered metal chunks see how those threads are uh they're schwaisted those things are junk oh look at that oh yeah yeah those are all pieces of threads on the other bolts so it must have gone in Cross threaded or maybe it was loose and it just kind of wiggled around until it yanked the threads out hmm as I look down I can see about halfway down that there are threads in there but I don't know if I can really get to them Let's uh let me blow out all the dirt or the uh the debris let's blow everything out and I'll try to run that other bolt into that to see if I can even catch those threads I'm afraid I don't really have a plan of action here this is not a a common kind of failure situation I don't I don't really have like a Playbook to work off of oh I'll figure it out troubleshooting get rid of all the metal chunks goodbye foreign let's grab our left side known good Bolt from over here and see if this thing is going to catch the threads or not maybe it will maybe it won't and it's it's really not I don't think I have a cap this size either okay I mean I can see them they're they're in there looks like there's a good inch or so of thread but the trouble is is how do I get to them I could I can't now I was thinking maybe I could run a tap from the other side or run a bolt in from the other side to clean those up that's not going to work either I don't think I have a drill bit that's gonna it's gonna work for us if I go in there with a drill bit I don't know if I can make a cut clean enough to get to the threads that are still good I may have to just drill those out and put in a nut um I don't want to do all these options do not sound very good to me let's get a depth measurement no [Music] okay first let me decontaminate my screwdriver here all right so let's see how deep this hole really is so we're gonna go and until it pokes out see it poking right there and we can measure from the other side with my flange come here okay that's that's actually a really long hole so if that's how much I have to work with my other threads are probably well we can see the witness marks on this one takes up about an inch which means my damage threaded section is that far back in the hole or no no I have to account for the control arm which is going to say flush here and that's gonna okay I don't know what to do I don't know how to fix this what do I do I get a smaller Bolt I can't use a smaller Bolt because if I do [Music] then it's going to flop around in this control arm bushing see that's designed to fit very very tightly in there with almost no clearance so my threaded section on the control or on the on the subframe that's about an inch and a quarter deep I could get a longer Bolt I'm afraid to do that I don't know what to do what do I do what do you guys think I should do let me know down in the comments I'm gonna think about it for a little while stay right here don't go anywhere see I'm not going to do a heli coil and I'm not going to try to put a Time cert in there this is uh this Fastener is much more important than uh risking it on some kind of thread repair kit I mean realistically we need to put a subframe in this um I need a lathe anybody got a lathe I can borrow okay think think think think think think what do I do how do I make this wheel stay straight I might have to pull the fuel tank down I don't want to do that either I would like to fix this easily I think I'm gonna have to I'm gonna do a nut and a bolt I need to find a longer bolt and then just drill those boogered up threads out of that I I really think that's all I can do yeah I may have to pull the exhaust down to get the drill to fit Maybe yeah let's let me see if I've got a bit maybe I have a drill bit that's uh this thread size maybe I don't I had okay I've got a half inch bit that's my largest one and that is not large enough cut the threads out of this it's pretty close let's try it and even so I don't know if I've got space to get the drill in there yeah that's not enough it's not gonna work I need a bigger one okay so I've been pacing around for like five minutes trying to figure out what to do and I know somewhere in here I've got an old box full of very large Hardware because I was saving that from the dealership days when I took a a fifth wheel hitch out of a truck and I think I have all the stuff uh that's not it that's the set of porches maybe this one I've got like four or five of these bins around here maybe this is the one here we go here's some Hardwares um let's see we need one that's this long that's not it there's some bracketry I'm not going to use that that's not gonna work ooh ooh maybe possibly maybe yeah we're going somewhere some washers let's go see let's just go see these are high grade bolts I think the ones that are in there were grade eight or grade 10. maybe one of these will work to the bench here's some space here on my my messy pile of stuff it's organized in my mind don't worry um let's see there's our old Bolt it's definitely got the length yeah look at here to the damaged part which is going to be that part on uh on the subframe that ends right at the shank the question is is this going to be long enough to pass through okay let's find out the only way to find out is to find out right so if this passes through and then the shank is thick enough we actually might have a winner that would uh that would surprise me okay it goes through see how much space we have on the other side here lumens and the survey says not enough oh so close look at it like it almost reaches I need this plus one more inch I'm getting there let's check uh let's check the shank thickness that's a little thinner ever so slightly no dang it was close it was so close okay so what I need is one of these that's one inch longer than this one with a slightly thicker shank in a pinch lock nut this is just a regular nut I don't want to use that I think I need to go to the store all right all right real quick I'm breaking out the mitutoyo calipers we're gonna measure this real quick and just get the right flank uh or shank diameter like five four seven inches point five four seven inches and this one point four nine four so it's a it's a few thou short I'm gonna take these this and this and uh we're gonna go to the bolt store see if I can't find a replacement uh bolt to pass through that subframe otherwise I'm gonna have to put a subframe in this car and I don't want to do that not for some strip threads all right let's get out of here let's go find our uh find our replacement Fasteners put that stuff over you under field trip Road Trip staunting's the engine and it's hot in here I need cool air now yeah we're warming up check that out 86 degrees outside man humidity is not bad 41.7 percent relative humidity I'll take that that's cool better than 90. Rock Row I've got a 40 minute Crosstown drive and the place closes in 41 minutes so I might make it I might not I really hope I make it I called the guy he's like hey you get here before we close we're good if you get here after uh we'll probably not good so I'm I am uh kind of trying to get my butt across the bridge we need to get across town More Steam well I picked a great time to drive across two cities for a bowl 3 30 in the afternoon we're in rush hour hey it's more like traffic jam hour we're not rushing anywhere we're just kind of creeping along cruising through town this is about as fast as I've gone since the bridge 22 miles per hour and breaks we're done yay I got like three more bridges to go over that one's straight traffic jammed I'm not coming this way on the way back okay yeah you know you messed up when the bridges are red on Google Maps but it sure is pretty out there nice day all right you know every time I see the water I wish I had a boat and then every time I think about having a boat I remember the last boat that I had and I loved my last boat it was the best boat ever because it was mine and I got to go on it whatever I wanted but it's true about what they say about boats they're your happiest days of the day you buy your boat and the day you sell your boat and I can attest I've owned a couple boats and I always like getting them and I always like getting rid of them it's that's just how they are and simply because of those reasons I I can't bring myself to have a boat I I'm just not just not in boat life anymore can't do it plus I live really far from the ocean and I would never get to use my boat at the frequency that I would want to use my boat so it's pretty much a Dave Ramsey style upside down investment because it's it's an expense with no return on a depreciating asset and I just I can't do it I really want one too I really I really do I want one so bad but it's just not not in the cards not gonna happen I know better so damn boats so this is the convention center where they have the gun show that you see the signs for that are on the billboard in my parking lot at that place over there haha I think I made it time to spare I've got uh 15 minutes before they close this is good got here faster than I thought all right but there she is at the Fastenal Place they've got bolts and hardware and things of that nature we've been here before this is the Fulfillment center where I had my AC machine shipped too the sidewalk is closed that's not okay doesn't look close right up front perfect parking ziato that's it yep close enough powering down made it all right let's grab the goodies here and uh I don't think I need the calipers maybe I do I'll take them anyway let's grab the goods and uh gravity go see if I can find a replacement bolt it's gonna work [Applause] truck I've got the goods we need the AC again restarting the engine here's what we've got I've got a longer high grade bolt I had to buy the multi-pack got some pinch lock nuts to go with it you see the indentations here here and here these these holes are actually ovular shaped and they're not circular like a regular nut so it won't just it won't just spin freely so it kind of locks itself as you put it on I'm probably gonna double nut that and and thread lock it since I am doing like a through bolt application so back to the shop we go let's return to our Hyundai and uh see if we can't get this thing back together and see if it's gonna if it's gonna work or not I think it's gonna work I hope it's gonna work I know it's gonna work all right we are back at the shop space let's run inside and see if this is going to work fingers crossed what do you guys think is it gonna work is it safe is it gonna stay safe we're gonna find out powering down and I gotta tell you I'm slipping we've had like seven powering Downs in this video and no mention of vehicle mileage that's terrible terrible production quality oh well stuff happens that's I guess that's how it is when you're doing 47 000 things at one time illumination powering on another one there you are Hyundai all right let's put that stuff right there let's get the door back open again for some ventilation action and I know what you're thinking what if you got robbed robbed and it's okay I have a velociraptor there you go grab that guy right there band back on awesome okay let's get back to it so I guess the first thing we need to be doing here is seeing if the uh the length is going to be appropriate I did end up getting pinch lock nuts so I'm not going to use just a a regular Fastener and it's going to make it more safer there we go oh bolt gravity come here get over here too much coffee let's see we're gonna run this guy all the way through get in there that's pretty close and I don't I think I failed I think I completely failed I didn't take into account [Music] the thickness to the control arm oh I just did all that for nothing [Applause] I totally dropped the ball I think hang on I'm I was happy now I'm I quit I can't believe I didn't think the way that I thought I should have been thinking hang on I just drove an hour and spent 40 bucks for no reason oh this why foolishness foolishness what have you done hang on here get some light up here that's totally screwed up you know I knew it the second that I put this bolt in that subframe I knew it and this was the longest one that they had too so if this isn't gonna work then uh we're gonna need to put a subframe in it come on Ray I can't really eat it whoa there we go I can't believe I just did that I mean who knows maybe it'll fit maybe maybe I just turned into an instant pessimist I don't know let's get that thing in come on bolt get in your home ratchet yeah I really think I underestimated this big time I didn't do it right go on [Music] is it going to go through or not let's uh what's the deal here hammer well I believe the issue is is this uh control arm is it's uh it's kind of putting a Twist on this and that's why that's not going to go in you know yeah I need to take this thing back out [Music] I'm going about this all wrong in fact I've been going about it all wrong this entire time when I should just be ordering a subframe that's what I need to be doing okay that's all the way through 100 all the way through the issue was is the control arm was binding and I don't have enough bolts on this side stupid I didn't account for the thickness of the of the control arm so that was a giant waste of my time okay fail epic fail I'm I don't know what to do now these are the longest bolts and I told the guy I needed one about an inch or so longer than the one that I brought and the one that I brought went all the way through the full length of the subframe but I didn't account for the width of the control arm so that was a big giant waste of time [Music] oh angry well since that was a the biggest bonehead move of the year so far and I got absolutely nowhere with this car uh I've got to figure out what to do next and it's probably going to be another longer bolt maybe that that's my only choice is to try to find one I may have to order it I don't know but uh the time being um well I'm dead in the water I screwed up I miscalculated and I paid the price for it in a whole lot of wasted time [Music] click so that being said I have no choice uh this was a failed repair attempt nothing to see here I'm all done I'm gonna go ahead and close this video out thank you guys for watching this failure um I am gonna post this because why not that's what happened today uh I'm gonna leave that in there for now uh no this car is not driving anywhere but I'd rather have that thing there kind of stabilizing this as opposed to just letting the wheel if you flop around all willing to like so uh like I said I'm done there's nothing more for me to do I need to get more bolts I guess that's going to be a 2B continued maybe not I I don't know I I might have to finish up for a minute because I I really don't know if I can find a longer bolt that's going to be uh it's going to be suitable for this application so uh that being said as always and again thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoy this video I can tell you right now I did not enjoy making it I'm very disappointed in myself and kind of embarrassed because I I told myself to not make that mistake and then I went did what I said I wasn't going to do I don't even know what I was thinking this brain did not function anyway I'm rambling so as always again thank you guys for watching and most importantly don't forget to have yourself a great day see you guys later end of evil Hyundai
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 375,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kNea3Xp2HDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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