Towed IN! NO BRAKES, & Tires about to BLOW!! 2005 Ford F-150 5.4 Tiriton #automobile

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walking out to the back of the lot today need to see if this thing can be saved we've got a Ford F-150 over here came in on the tow truck uh the other day I understand that customer stated that the brakes have completely failed and the pedal goes down to the floor now even though it doesn't have any brakes I'm pretty sure that I can manage to drive this into the parking lot or into the shop words so let's hop on in that's a bad sign brake fluid hanging out yeah let's go ahead and fire this thing up'll get her uh into the building for a better inspection or or we're not nope dead battery okay hang on a minute here let's see what's going on the Hood's already popped that's also a bad sign maybe the battery's just disconnected hey I was right Dave did that cuz he knew we were backed up and knew we weren't going to touch this for a couple days good job man I appreciate you Dave what a difference a Dave makes I'll tell you what this is bothering me you go you go inside of there there oh yeah we got power now AM radio classic hits from the 50s 60s and today starting Z engine check gauges that's a bad warning and what do we have here 75,500 5 miles on the odometer we've got a brake system warning indicator ABS warning indicator and no other indicators at this current point in time okay windows down cuz it's stupid hot in here let's uh see if the parking brake is going to work okay so we have parking brakes so if I need to stop I can stop and yeah look at that this pedal goes straight down to the floor it has no brake pedal resistance whatsoever all right get her and drive here I'm just going to bring it in nice and slow like pulling out looking good so what we do is when we're going too fast since I have no brakes ding we'll click it into neutral and now it'll just naturally want to slow down we can click it in drive when we go to want to go forward again and if I really need to stop we'll hop on that parking brake okay we're in set up near the rack parking the forward powering down so let's get under the hood let's check the brake master cylinder cuz I think that's where the problem starts and then uh we'll go from there so stay tuned this is going to be a very good video okay taking a look on the hood here we're at the brake master cylinder and I'm going to expect to find almost nothing thing inside of here and the survey says yeah no no that thing's that's empty that's very very empty empty enough where if they were driving on it that could actually uh that could potentially damage the actual master cylinder itself okay so we have a fluid hydraulic system issue going on here let's uh let's run this thing up in the air and let's look for some fluid leaks down below I imagine it's going to be quite profound green subscribe button moving on up the rack's already set we did that when you guys were not looking hey while we're here take a look at that tire look at that in fact I'm going to hide over here like behind the giant piece of metal I I don't I don't like that tire at all okay top of the rackish mostly down on the locks release lock click very good yeah this tire here look at this we can see all the layers look we've got the tread layer or the bottom of the tread layer the tread layer is gone on it there's the bottom of the tread then we've got some nylon see little nylon strand sticking through there and then there's steel now one of the belts out of this unit one of the entire steel builts is completely gone then after that there's another steel layer here and I believe this is the inner carcass on the tire right here there's nothing past that it's uh there's just air on the other side of this so there's nothing really holding this together except for the inner carcass the inner balloon so to speak of the tire okay let's rotate this thing around and check out the rest of the Carnage on it oh dang something poked me look there's more steel sticking out of this other side on the inside here look at that this thing is gone from both directions little piece of nylon hanging out right there we can see yeah more nylon more pieces of rubber wonder if we unzip it if it comes apart oh dang that's dangerous okay yeah this uh this tire has seen some better days that's for certain I I think I'm actually going to deflate this just in case it wants to blow up you see how it's a good example here look you see how since those cords inside have started to break how it's pulling the tread layer apart see that right there so this section of the tire is actually uh wider than this section cuz it has failed and compromise rised up here oh yeah look you can even see the bubble in it look at that bubble sticking out of that tire let me rotate it around big old bubble sticking out there it is like most of the tire is bubbled that's wild and the scary thing is is folks were driving around on that this one oh wow look at the bubble on this one watch this D yeah I bet that was fun driving around on we got more rubber sticking out there's some steel which is rusting due to exposure yeah that's a bad one and same phenomenon on this side where the split it's pulling the rubber apart but then down here it still has some structural Integrity left inside and it has not come apart this is how your tires blow up this is how you get a blowout there's a nail right there sticking in it yeah that's uh that's superior quality who made this what kind of tire is this uh Dante a Delante something delente i' never heard of it before it's a v-rated tire so it can go fast and it was built on the third week of 2015 yeah so this thing's been around for a while they definitely got their money's worth out of it that's for certain let's check the build date on this uh this other side over here what do we got uh no build date on that do let's check the one no there's too much nasty in the way they're old and they're junk they have to go that's for certain okay now back to the task at hand let's go and find uh find that fluid Le let's see here checking the calipers first no fluid all those on those guys no fluid on the hoses this caliper no fluid okay let's go out back maybe I don't know no fluid here no fluid on the steel lines there we go got a winter right there there it is see it little bit of fluid saturation right here on the axle there's a hole in it right there that's a very interesting kind of blowout out I've never seen one do that with uh out Lo without loads and loads of rust everywhere there's really not a lot of rust on this line I wonder if it rusted From the Inside Out moisture and that brake uh brake rotor is looking pretty smoked see all that rust on it yeah this truck's been laid up for a while similar to that Taurus we had a few weeks ago yeah lots of rust inside of here yeah brake pads are nearly worn to zero look right there see that almost no pad material okay so we need pads and rotors in the back need a brake line need a bunch of fluid how's the pads on this side simular condition yeah those are paper thin okay let's check the front ones by the way this is not a prop for brake inspection you're really supposed to pull the the wheels off um I'm kind of scared to take anything apart on this cuz I don't know how well it's going to go back together right now again smoked front brake rotors those are garbage very rusted out they've been here a while yeah I think this truck just got drug out from the weeds or something it has been laid up for a very very extensive amount of time okay all right so we need a fullon brake job on this unit and a fluid repair these tires look really good when were these replaced let's find out looking for that date code 09 of 2018 so at the very least this car has been parked for a couple years I would say cuz I know they're not driving around on those tires up there there's just zoom yeah there's just no way they were riding around on those those tires up there so yeah uh yeah full brake job front pads rotors rear pads rotors fix the line put fluid in it needs some tires on the front for certain these rims are yeah they're all right whatever okay here we're letting the air out of these death trap tires for safety we're going to pull these off and probably probably put some new rims on it I I think my neighbor next door has a set of six lug F-150 wheels so I'm thinking we should probably just get rid of these wheels and tires um I don't like them I don't think the customer likes them center caps are missing they're all corroded so I I think these are going to go away but regardless of whether they're buying tires and wheels or not I don't want this to explode so we're just going to deflate them for the time being uh what I'm going to do is after the air is done dumping out of these I'm going to run this thing back in the air real quick and then we're going to pull that rear differential cover off to inspect the internals of the uh rear a cuzz the the guy said that uh because the customer said that when they were driving this vehicle or when it was operable once upon a time they heard some kind of a noise out of the rear end so we want to pull that cover and uh go ahead and clean it out and inspect it to uh to see if there's any Carnage inside if there's a bunch of damage in that axle then doing a brake job on this might be a moot point cuz having to rebuild an axle or put an axle in this may get us past the point of uh an economical repair I mean it's a it's a well-loved well seasoned old truck meaning it's kind of kind of worn out a little bit coming down the locks Dave you clear y yep safety lock safety right there we go ready to rock and roll so let me grab a stool and an oil drain we're going to get down under this rear end over here and uh pop the cover off in the back all righty so we're under the uh the rear end of this fur I've got a drain bucket down here to catch all that nasty fluid coming out and uh we're just going to pull these perimeter bolts off this cover break the thing loose and then uh we're going to find out just how disgusting the fluid is inside and I'm hoping we find no Carnage but you never really [Applause] know got to check for a noise even if there is no noise I'm really certain that this thing is due for a diff service so let us proceed here you know this thing's kind of rusted I probably should uh make sure that I can pull bend that up oh there we go I probably need to make sure that I can pull the fill plug out before I uh before I dump all this oil that would be uh that would be the intelligent thing to do here okay so those uh those little fill plugs are usually just a uh little little plug yeah it's a the fill plug is a plug well yeah uh with a a 3/8 uh Drive insert in it now I'm going to just give this a crack loose here I think it's going to come out but get in there we'll see if the snap on uh the super Snap On ratchet can accomplish is here hanging off of it yeah we're turning yeah this is the um I forget how many teeth it is but it's like the super duper extra ultra fine tooth Snap-on ratchet which I didn't need another 3/8 ratchet but I bought this because when I get my zero drive ratchet that is the zero backlash unit I want to see how the 3/8 version Let me let me back up I have a zero Drive in the quarin version when I get the one that's in the 38 which is still in development I want to compare that unit to the Snap-on because the Snap-on is the the Pinnacle of the ratcheting technology and uh I'd like to see just how close they measure up and more importantly I'd like to see just how well they stand the test of time in uh in an environment such as mine where I can create create maximum amount of use uh towards the tools it's not really the best sign right there finding some metallic action going on it's not that abnormal but there is metal on uh on that magnet yeah you know the thing about tools like this is they it does look like an everyday tool but these things really shine in those circumstances like where you have just no space to work with that's when one of these really comes into play I've got a lot of tools like that that fall into that category but if it makes your life easier it's worth it anyways anyway I don't like to say anyways I'm going to need two bolts in this that are loose that way when I crack the seal here the cover doesn't fly off at me and spill a bunch of lubricant down my legs wrong direction at least we know the bolts good there okay so let me get behind this we're going to get in there with a uh a pry driver and a hammer and we're going to crack this seal made out of silicone sealant RTV and we're going to Spill the nasty let it ride and we can spray it out clean it out and inspect it for uh for bearing damage or abnormal wear things of that nature so listen when I said pry driver I I meant it this looks like it's a screwdriver but in fact it is a pry bar that I can hammer on uh hence the name pry driver see if I can't get under this uh under this cover here with that thing's on there let me tell you what maybe try it over here come on maybe off the side I'm looking for a lip to hammer against I'm not really finding much H I know let's ruin a mini screwdriver again to kind of start this party then we'll finish it off with the pride driver nope I'm ramming the handle down the shank of the screwdriver that's not working come off see [Music] here yeah I just can't seem to get behind it gravity of the tire that looks like a good spot right there can get at it at a bit of an angle here yeah yeah now we're cooking here fellas oh that's on there tight too [Music] here it comes you hear that thing pop stinky woo that oil smells that's fancy okay let's see what we get in here pull that guy back oh good no massive amounts of Destruction yeah that fluid's pretty spent that's some that's some gross fluid get rid of that going to turn the wheel some that's going to rotate the diff so we can see the uh spider gears in one not inside those are the side gears I refer to so let's see what we can see if we can see anything that needs to be seen I mean I do see wear on these gears you see the pattern no chunks are missing out of anything the uh the ring gear right here looks good inside how's that pinion gear up there looking any chunks missing out of it I think that's all right wear pattern looks pretty good okay yeah this is in fairly decent shape only thing I really see that stood out to me is that little guy right there but that's a that's not a chunk or anything missing that's just kind of some discoloration I think there's a pattern to it maybe there's plating on those gears that chipped off either way there's no there's no metal chunks in here no slivers nothing of that nature so I don't see how anything back here is going to be really uh making a noise that's going to be a problem for us I think this is good that's odd hey Dave yeah can you hold on to uh I say well I'll hold the wheel can you rotate that wheel to the front and see if this uh internal mechanism rotates yeah go ahead and rotate it oh go the other front go the other way oh it's I think it's in hail lock it's is this a limited slip what's the deal here that should have spun independently two wheels and it didn't wonder what that's about now seeing as how that oil in there is exceptionally nasty and degraded I'm going to try to wash out as much of it as possible that way the new amoil that's going to go into it will not be contaminated with the SLL of the nasty worn out original rear end oil beginning cleaning process now nice and shiny top down we're going to hose it out let it drain all that nasty out of [Music] there get the gears and the clutches and the inner gears the front of the case the side of the case see this isn't so bad guys it's slightly more entertaining than watching painting trash dry I love that thing that's my new favorite I'm going to put that on a t-shirt Raz repairs more fun than watching painted Grass Drive oh yeah oh no I'm all out of fluid Dave another weak seriously I mean that another get in there with a straw get all the the nooks and crannies blowed out washed out sprayed out I want all that nasty oil out of there high pressure high volume [Applause] spray so shiny nice and shiny let me turn this thing around and we'll just give the other side a good spray down that's good commencing shiny procedure take two all right get a little stinky air he you guys take a look at this one so I've seen sludge and engine before engines before right but never have I found sludge built up inside of a rear differential I mean that is thick right there scrapes off for the pry driver that is rear differential oil sludge buildup and you can see it was here uh at the fluid line where uh where the fluid comes to rest when the vehicle's parked so this would have been been exposed to air the top side the bottom side was the fluid level that stuff's built in nasty I mean it's it's in there trying to clean it out with some penetrating oil oil is a fantastic cleaner when you need to clean away other oil it's not working and I mean it is but it's like not I wonder well only one thing to do to the pots washer which appears to now be a table and poof now it's clear Parts washer let's just uh throw this bit of business in there get it cleaned up fire up the pump and I can scrub brush away all that uh all that nasty business [Applause] inside scrubby for in the bathroom but I stole it now it's a scrubby for car parts wow that's a K on there but I do not wish to contaminate my super premium oil with sludge so we're going to get out of there maybe I hope we're going to get out of there I hate to be defeated by rearin flge that be unfortunate keep scub it's coming clean I can see metal now look at that okay I'm stealing another brush out of the bathroom this a little bit more aggressive than that the EXT s brush maybe this will do like once about all righty she's washed up cleaned up dried up good to go let us go ahead going to head back over to the bench and I need to throw some uh some sealant on this unit here and then we can put it back together put the bolts on and then get the thing filled with some uh some rear end oils okay sealant coming in this is a gasket maker it's called the right stuff it's permex product not sponsored but I really like this stuff it is uh I think it's better than just regular RTV silicone I'm not sure what's it what makes it more better but I've seen silicone sealant leak and I've had them leak but I have not seen and had the right stuff leak it is slightly more costlier but uh it does the job a little bit thicker too here I need to cut this off some so I can squeeze more better there we go okay going around the perimeter inside of the bolt holes not on the outside of the bolt holes you do it on the outside of the bolt holes then the fluid will make its way into the threads on the bolts and it will leak that would be bad bad things are bad there we go there little bit more over here it's kind of thin just going to double it up in the thin spots there okay we're good a little bit more right here kind of thin all right take this over to the rear end and get it bolted into position all right on the other ceiling surface let's take a super scraper get rid of the leftover sealant most of it came off with the uh with the cover just in case there's any little pieces here I'm going to scrape it off it's a carbide scraper super good scrap scraper this one's a I think it's an Astra scraper part number n or five or 32 if anybody wants one I'm not selling them but folks do ask and I acquest to their request yeah that's good give it a wipe me shove a towel in there to absorb any oil that may be pulling up at the bottom and there is some [Applause] nasty extra nasty all righty let us get the cover in position sealant there this is cleaned up all the oil inside of the case has been cleaned out and Brake cleaned and wiped out and sprayed out so what I'm going to do is line these bolt holes up visually going to make first Contact right there holding on to the cover so it doesn't smear the sealant around and get a couple bolts started I'm going to run these down almost all the way by hand these first couple that way the cover can't break free and smear the sealant around but I don't want it so tight where I can't align the other bolt holes so just enough to keep that sealant in contact with the uh other parts of the uh ceiling surfaces so we got our corroded ID tag that can't be read but I'm going to put it back anyway there is forensic information contained within the tag if we ever did need it I don't need it right now but just in case don't want to screw the next guy if someone's got to go in there and change some parts one day especially if that next guy is me that sounded selfish but human beings are selfish [Applause] creatures three more to go zero more to go good let's initiate some forward clicks here nice to see all that stuff squeeze out yeah watch this right here beautiful that's awesome bend that brake line back a little bit good okay so this thing needs about 90 minutes to set up and then I can throw some oil in it and then uh this operation will be good to go for the time being now you guys have heard in the background Dave's been uh plugging away at this we are starting on the brake job we've got the rotors off of it uh don't know if I have pads yet or not but we're doing the pads and rotors up on the front doing pads and rotors on the rear and then I've got to fix those hydraulic lines later so as Parts trickle in we will continue to operate on this uh particular vehicle however uh due to the length of this video and I think we've seen enough here I'm going to go ahead and close this one out right now this video is not about brake jobs it was about inspecting and evaluating said things but uh we are getting this repaired as we speak so having said all that you guys as always I'd like to thank you for watching this video about our rear end on this uh this Ford F150 let me know what you think about this vehic in the comment section down below do not forget to tap that like button we down there and most important have yourselves a fantastic day see you guys later in of inspection in a brake job a preliminary pre- braake job in a rear end in a day in a transmission
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 207,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZtgV2jTkvM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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