You Won't Look at Skyrim the Same After Hearing This Crazy Theory

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[Music] the elves have their grand creation story their tragic decline from divinity is well known and the reputation of the trickster lorcan is immortalized in the form of red mountain that hulking grey rupture in nirn's crust which spews his lies as choking ash and his false promises as molten rock this is largely due to the fact that if the anuad is to be believed the elves are natives to tamriel and arrived on dawn's beauty unscathed while the wandering men were scattered on foreign lands the sundering of old maris is merely a metaphor for their decline the elves are auriel's disciples they are descendants of the aedra and their glorious heritage is integral to their identity but what about men the human races of nirn the wandering elna faye would appear to share similar routes to the elves the old illness yet their relationship with the divine is much more subservient lorkhan shahzad or shaw is revered for conceptualizing the mortal realm and facilitating the birth of mortality and similarly men kneel as lesser beings before akatosh and the divines but who's to say the humans of nirn don't have a divine past if the elves can claim kinship with auriel then why can't men claim kinship with akatosh i believe there is a connection but our knowledge of it is obscured by the mysterious nature of nirn's other continents while the events unfolding on tamriel during the early morefic era are clear and we know all about the diverging groups of uldma as they came to occupy their corners of tamriel the ancient histories of akavir yukuda and atmora are mostly unknown today i want to hone in on atmora the nords have always claimed to be unlike the other mortal races nords consider themselves to be the children of the sky they call skyrim the throat of the world because it is where the sky exhaled on the land and formed them they see themselves as eternal outsiders and invaders and even when they conquer and rule another people they feel no kinship with them it's easy to call this belief symbolic of course the nords weren't born from kine's breath of course when we hear that breath and the voice is the vital essence of a nord it's simply a reference to their use of the storm voice and nothing more they are only men after all well we seem to be willing to accept the preternatural tales of ancient elven history we accept that the weakening aedra gave up their power to provide structure to the world in the form of the earth bones we accept that auriel fired lorkhan's heart into the sea where a mountain emerged from beneath the waves but we seem to think that humans are mostly mundane just because their earliest history before their arrival on tamriel isn't documented some tales give us glimpses like the songs of the return isgramor the harbinger and his 500 companions came from a time when stories were still full of magic and wonder like when his son ingol was lost in the storm of separation isgramor commanded the sea ghost to surrender his kin and a great gale darkened the sky the seas thrashed and churned and a wrawful storm appeared isgramor took up the oars and rode into the storm alone upon the sea isgramor wrestled the sea ghosts and the storm carried him along the jagged coast two fortnights pass without relief until finally the storm broke come the next dawn ingalls longboat was found in the icy surf but the vengeful sea ghosts had already taken ingol and his clansmen in his terrible grief isgramor slew a dozen dozen beasts and burned them in honor of his fallen kinsmen a barrow hill was dug in the atmoran tradition and ingol was laid to rest with rights and honours among his clansmen far below the rocky face of her saric head the first children of the sky to perish in tamriel had this story been about the old ma back when the gods roamed somerset we'd probably take it as gospel but because it's about men we tend to assume it's fantasy embellished by the skulls i think the earliest recorded nords on tamriel is gramor and his companions were not only magical i think they were dragons hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge muppet we might need a minute to digest the gargantuan claim i just made and i wouldn't blame you for closing the video and tuning in to a less ridiculous one but i implore you to bear with me if you're coming along for the ride you'll need your collovian tinfoil helm and a handful of grains from your salt pile we're gonna be getting into some out of law sources and some spacey theories but we'll also supplement them with plenty of canon material i promise what i'm here to tell you is pretty simple isgramor was a dragon as were many of his companions their illustrious exploits made them timeless they entered a process called draco chrysalis where they ascended to dragon hood thus enduring the passage of time and the turn of the calpic cycle the nords were the world eaters when they crossed the sea of ghosts from atmora and when they landed in skyrim they became small pink and fleshy what did i say pretty simple in it i guess we should get started we all know the story of isgramor's return his may be the most famous name in all of skyrim he is to the nords as prophet velhof is to the dunmo he led the northmen to their kingdom in tamriel isgramor and his sons ingall and ilgar were among the first nordic settlers of skyrim inhabiting the first major nordic citadel of sarful when the men discovered a mysterious power beneath the city the snow elves coveted it or so the stories say the falmer assaulted safal in the night massacring every inhabitant but for isgramor and his two sons as they fled back to atmora isgramor vowed to return to reclaim sarful to keep the eye of magnus from falling into elven hands and most significantly to have his vengeance the songs of the return are part history part mythos they read like the norse edda full of tall tales about legendary heroes and heroines gods and dragons when history and folklore intertwined it becomes almost impossible to sift truth from myth immediately from the very beginning of his grammar's song it is hard to believe that free men could successfully crew a longship back to atmora across the sea of ghosts had they been capable of flight it would have been considerably easier but it's safe to say that more implausible things have happened in the elder scrolls isgramor rallied his companions and together they tore across skyrim raising every falmer settlement to the ground slaughtering every elven inhabitant a massacre so complete that it culminated in the remnants of the falmer race descending underground and deteriorating into the blind stunted creatures we see in the forfeit here are some of the supernatural feats either poetic or literal achieved by isramor and his companions isgramor wept tears of the purist ebony which were used to forge the mighty axe wufrad isgramor let loose a fearsome war cry that echoed across all the oceans jake of the river led his crew to whiterun hold and somehow two of his men menro and manway who had assembled the glistening hull of yorvasca now carried the longship inland to its new home at the heart of skyrim in the great city of whiterun the crew of krillot lock were propelled westward after kyan lifted their souls and their winds these wanderers came upon fearsome and terrible sights entire kingdoms of men beyond their recognition skin charred like overcooked meat this of course is a reference to yakuda they also flew across the swamplands of the snake men to the southeast and brita screamed her famed war cry so that all the marshes were emptied only to be filled again by more argonians in the future while these feats among countless others may seem miraculous you're probably wondering where do dragons come into this well first things first where dragons originated from is still the subject of debate akavir literally translates to dragon land and dragons do live in the far east but the dragons we see in skyrim and throughout tamriel came from the distant north of atmora the book titled the dragon war states in the mourific era when isramor first set foot on tamriel his people brought with them a faith that worshipped animal gods certain scholars believe these primitive people actually worshipped the divines as we know them just in the form of totem animals foremost among all animals was the dragon in the ancient nordic tongue it was drag khan occasionally the term dover is used but the language or derivation of that is not known grand temples were built to honor the dragons and appease them dragons being dragons embraced their role as god kings over men after all were they not fashioned in akatosh's own image were they not superior in every way to the hordes of small soft creatures that worship them the arrival of the norse is undoubtedly connected to the arrival of dragons in skyrim and before the migrations to tamriel dragons were worshipped in atmora dragons granted small amounts of power to the dragon priests in exchange for absolute obedience in turn the dragon priests ruled men as equals to the kings dragons of course could not be bothered with actually ruling and the dragon cult was active in atmora not just skyrim the text titled there be dragons elaborates on the origins of dragons there is no credible story of how dragons came to be according to dramora that the college of whispers have questioned they just were and are eternal immortal unchanging and unyielding they are not born or hatched they do not mate or breed there are no known examples of dragon eggs or dragon lings the iliac bay area has stories of such things but so far all have proven false this is where things get interesting dragons in the elder scrolls are not a naturally occurring species if there is rhyme or reason to their existence then it transcends mere biology if dragons are not bred and hatched then what makes a dragon in the words of parthenax the dover children of akatosh thus we are specially attuned to the flow of time time is the lifeblood of a dragon and dragons are eternal immortal unchanging and unyielding thus they are timeless you could extrapolate that to make the claim that any living thing that achieves immortality that is unfettered by the constraints of time is linked to akatosh and is in some way a dragon don't worry though that's not the claim i'm making here that theory is thin and stretched like butter scraped over too much bread i wouldn't entice you with the title was isgramor a dragon just to hit you with the fact that because his legend is immortalized in song he is therefore a dragon but i think it is important to look at dragons through this lens to better understand what i am getting at to see dragons as big angry shouty lizards would be a mistake despite having scales they're not second cousins to the argonians twice removed on their father's side their only kinship is with akatosh okay so where does the connection between isgramor and the dragons come in well the first and most apparent link is in the name isgramor dragon names tend to be trisyllabic and made up of free words in the dragon language for example aldu in means destroyer devour master while par fur knacks means ambition overlord cruelty a name which he defied later in his story isgramor follows the same pattern and in the dragon tongue is gramoro means ice battle glory the notion that 500 nords no matter how fierce could invade skyrim and systematically eradicate an entire population of elves beggars belief it's almost as unbelievable as yara greyjoy and five dudes infiltrating the dread fort and then getting scared off by shirtless ramsay bolton but if the 500 companions had dragons in their midst then the falmer would soon kneel to beg for mercy whatever the case the songs are about the exploits of men not dragons they wield axes and shields not claws and frost breath it is an out of law source that goes deeper into the idea that isgramor and his kin were dragons this out of law source was written by that familiar figure michael kirkbride whenever we talk about kirkbride's non-canon texts i always give a small disclaimer but this time i'd like to go a little further there is no doubting the fact that anything that has not appeared in the games or novels is not technically canon but i don't think that means we should simply throw away such sources kirkbride among other names like ted peterson and julian lafaye have once lost games were part of the initial team responsible for conceptualizing the elder scrolls universe their work serves as the foundation of the law we love to delve into so even when these names stop working for bethesda we shouldn't ignore their contributions for example mancar cameron's notorious monologue when the champion of cyrodiil enters paradise was a rough draft kirkbride sent in an email to bethesda softworks when he wasn't even employed by the company details like this are important to keep in mind when it's so easy to get bogged down in what's canon and what's not themes and stories have been woven into the elder scrolls tapestry by developers who no longer work for bethesda but those stories live on even when new minds are employed to take up the mantle you could say new law writers have mantled the old ones like the champion of cyrodiil mantleche agora in short what i'm trying to say is the foundations may have been set for law that was never fully fleshed out kirkbride may have intended isgramor to be a dragon or not and maybe the new minds in charge of world building the universe chose to take on those ideas or not either way there is validity to out-of-law texts with that diatribe aside and a quick apology for rambling i'm sorry let's get to the source it is called the 500 mighty companions or thereabouts of isgramor the returned and it lists in great detail all the members of the 500 companions along with their titles and nicknames some of these names are beyond immortals ability to enunciate so i'll do my best to paraphrase the essential parts the list of companion members begins with isgramor's own kin here is an excerpt and please forgive me for my pronunciations the first of isramor's 500 mighty companions was actually two the ashen amalgamation of his sons that had survived sarful only to die in the freeze reigns of the returning named sunnulti and stu nalmir went alive and now called the grit prince stoonal whose tear wives were vramali yalial aleir tusk widow who forced war her name whose wine wives were elia hate basket and ingridal who lost her casket at the burning and mia relial whose half-wives were none survived and whose kind wives were none survived and whose shield wives were shenzhenen the echo eaton and yarn's daughter whose name stays in its cradle there were also the 22 thundershield women ungiven to marriage and so served as isgramor's oracle aunts until kine would win them away unalt prim kielt of the cult of orky ingridal who used her wine casket as a drum fiorli mjemk saurus lee and shelf whose gigantic shield was stripped from a karstag man keller and akela who traded shields daily out of some ghias vemmab borgassa nemyet vashina freckshield denaliette memyet kamua who held secret shield songs unneeded yet and their five eldest called the five eldest of the thundershield women there were also his ten totem uncles whose names are too long for ink believe it or not this is only the beginning and some of the names that follow are about 20 to 30 syllables long so why is this relevant the text proceeds to list the names of many others including mythical beasts boat fans karstad giants successor heroes and many more sons and daughters of kind but what's interesting is that the text documents the return from atmora to skyrim and when isgramor caught sight of the snowfloat we see that the journey changed him as if they were crossing an ocean of time the name of his ship the significance of which will be clear soon was the world eaters waking isgramor and his kin stepped ashore shouting their victory and doom but their names were as follows here we go the boat feign was his malafax the northerly dragon proceeded by his first clutch sons sunelin faxteer and stunu hass le fafnal whose tearjeals were voromaliks yali elisa alira sugges and the list as i'm sure you can imagine goes on and on the difference between this list and the one at the beginning of the text is that his malefacts and his kin are dragons while isgramor and his family were previously described as men these dragons landed on the shores of skyrim aboard a ship called the world eaters waking as if the 500 companions were the harbingers of the draconic tyranny that would engulf skyrim for centuries if you'd like to read this strange source for yourself i'll link it in the description but surprisingly despite the barrage of nearly incomprehensible names the content of the text is fairly straightforward it's not asserting that the 500 companions who conquered skyrim were dragons but that they were dragons before the return the final line reads of those nords that stepped back onto skyrim from the world eater's waking there were these among the five hundred but ismalifax counted that the first was his destroyer isgramor the returned what this line is saying is that the voyage across the sea of ghosts transformed his malafax the northerly dragon into isgramor the returned north these pink fleshy creatures called nords were once dragons and were world eaters in another calper just for those who aren't fully aware a calper is a cycle of time the dawn era is the end of the old calper and the beginning of the new imagine the self-eating serpent the auroboris where the tail meets the mouth is where time resets what remains to be determined is whether this transformation was literal or metaphorical the notion that the 500 companions or at least israel's lineage and dynasty were metaphorically dragons is fairly easy to justify as i mentioned before dragons are not natural biological creatures in the familiar sense they are timeless beings tiny shards of the divine hourglass the akka over soul so if you task the nordic skulls with finding a connection between their great heroes and the timeless beasts they worship it wouldn't be too challenging the dragons are powerful and immortal and the heroes of nord history they too were powerful and when their mortal bodies yield their souls endure eternally both in the memories of the people and at the great feast in the hall of valor but what if the claim that isgram was a dragon was not purely metaphorical there's an obscure theory that originated in the depths of apocrypha suggesting that one of the methods by which mortals can achieve immortality is by becoming a dragon you've heard of kim you've heard of the towers but have you heard of draco chrysalis frankly you'd have to be as weird as me to know that word and if you do i hope the weather is nice for you in the shivering isles there is only one mention of this word and it comes from the neumancia intercept a popular non-canon text written of course by michael kirkbride it says the ultima sought to focus on draco chrysalis or keeping the elder magic bound before it could change into something lesser an act which ironically required a fereal surplus in context this excerpt is talking about how the high elves attempt to achieve ascension apotheosis if the intercept is to be believed draco chrysalis is a means of escaping the mortal realm and returning to a furious a feat the ultima have endeavoured to accomplish since the beginning of recorded time since they devolve from the aedra after the dawn alas there is no definition provided for draco chrysalis but the name itself is fairly self-explanatory draco means dragon and is therefore tied to the god of time akatosh or auriel as the elves would insist he be called a chrysalis is the pupa or cocoon that some insects use when advancing through the stages of their life cycle i.e a caterpillar turning into a butterfly so draco chrysalis must therefore be the process of immortal becoming a dragon through some kind of metaphysical pupation of course if a mortal were seeking to undergo this process they would not be interested in becoming a dragon in the biological sense but rather because dragons are timeless beings fragments of akka that exist unrestricted by the trickling of the sands and the renewing of the calpic cycle if isgramor and his kin were dragons then it happened as a result of draco chrysalis they achieved so much and shaped the history of the mortal realm so significantly that they became timeless and sailed into the new calper aboard their longship the world eaters waking but in order for this theory to work we need to go one layer deeper and rely on another theory what did israemore and his nordic followers do in a previous calper to reach draco chrysalis the short answer is that the nords are trans-calpic world eaters but what in the flying foost does that mean well mankar cameron in his mythic dawn commentaries describes the fall of league in another calper mehrunes threw down league and cracked his face declaring each of the nineteen and nine and nine oceans free by the magic word numancia a great rebellion rose up and pulled down the towers of kimmel garcic and the templars of the upstart were slaughtered and blood fell like dew from the upper wards down to the lowest pits where the slaves with maniacal faces took chains and teeth to their jailers and all hope was brush fire suns were riven as the red legions moved from league to the hinterlands of chill a legion for each gat and curry was thrown down and jaff was thrown down and hormogile was crushed with cold salt and forevermore called hall and so shall it be again under the time of gates under the myers malbioge was thrown down that old city of chains slaked in new bone warmth and set free galg and morgaul were thrown down together in a single night of day and shall it be again under the time of gates know that your hell is broken people of the orbits and praise new mantia which is liberty this is mankar's recount of league's destruction an event that on first inspection has no relation to the current calper there is a theory that this rebellion was carried out by the nords i'd like to give credit to the op of this grand conspiracy theory but the bethesda forums have been sunset meaning these old posts are no longer accessible and they're faded away in a previous calper anyway connections have been drawn between the mythic dawn commentaries and the 500 mighty companions in the verbal labyrinth that is the 500 mighty companions there are parallels between the destruction of league and the titles of the many nords one example reads vraga the gifted born under the strange suns meaning the son of old mora and the son of miref land if we buy into kirkbride's assertion that the dawn era is the end of the previous calper and the merefic era is the beginning of the new then the presence of two strange sons could mean the death of the old son and the birth of the new mancar cameron mentions the legions traveling to the hinterlands of chill which could be a reference to the wandering el nafee finding their way to skyrim mancar calls the people who destroyed league the red legions while the 500 mighty companions includes a multitude of red titles there's morgan the red rebeck the red and ragam the red cowper who held two calpers one in either eye there's olwep the bold who couldn't stand so many reds and red relda who was one of the triplets conceived despite the chains holding them to their oars the ghee and get mentioned by mankar also appear in the 500. karmage and yorigi and utghi the old get and yun-gi the tailor mankar says jaff was thrown down and the 500 says jaffid who cracked his face across the ice there's also diesel veb the stoic shout whose due clause were adorned in new manchester scratch new mancha is a term used frequently by the rebels of league a war cry that means liberty the 500 even explicitly mentions league and kaya the weird-looking league none of these quotes are smoking guns that the nords destroyed league but it does align with the idea that the companions were dragons alduin the world eater's role in mundus is to end the previous calper and initiate the new one if the nords were the slaves who demolished the towers of lick then they served alduin's role and their return is not only the journey to skyrim but the journey from one destroyed world to a new one that would be why israel's ship was named world eaters waking from an elven perspective humans actively serve to maintain the mortal realm they have no desire to escape the cycle and they fight for sure who is the antagonist of auriel the deity who tells the elves to seek a path back to a furious to the elves humanity is analogous to alduin the force that keeps the cycle in motion we know that the nords wiped out the dragons in the dragon war but there are stark similarities between this war and the destruction of league the dragons were tyrants in skyrim whereas the dregs were tyrants in league but according to mankar cameron the two races are not too dissimilar the mundex terrain was once ruled over solely by the tyrant drag kings each their own dominion and border wars were fought between their slave oceans they were akin to the time totems of old yet evil and full of mockery and profane powers no one that lived did so outside of the suffrance of the dregs mankos states the dregs were akin to the time totems of old what comes to mind when you think of time totems well the nords worshiped the totem animals who depicted their gods and which of these animal totems is associated with time the dragon totem alduin michael kirkbride has called lig an adjacent place as if it is a reflection of mundus in mundus the nords defeated the dragons and the world eater was sent forward in time in league the nords defeated the dregs but they went a step further with mehrunes dagon's guidance they fulfilled the role of alduin and unmade the world manifesting new mantia liberty so when they sailed to the current kalpa they came as world-eating dragons but the dawn ended and the merefic began the cycle renewed and ismalafax returned as isgramor while on the topic of mankar cameron he might actually be the closest canon example of a mortal achieving some form of draco chrysalis roaring i wandered until i grew hoarse with the gospel i had read the mysteries of lord daegon and feeling anew went mad with the overflow offering myself to that daybreak allowed the girdle of grace to contain me when my voice returned it spoke with another tongue after three nights i could speak fire we've analyzed this on the channel in detail before by the sounds of it mancar cameron managed to use mehrunes razor to change his biology when he was finished he was able to speak fire and wear the amulet of kings something that only a dragonborn should be able to do if mankar cameron altered his physical form to be dragonborn then he did achieve a kind of draco chrysalis so with all of this information we can distill it to a few possibilities the nords specifically isgramor and his companions might be dragons in a metaphorical sense as they were the heroes who have been immortalized in song and memory the nords might be dragons in a metaphorical sense because they are responsible for the slave rebellion that vanquished league effectively eating the world or they might be dragons in a literal sense they might have achieved draco chrysalis by fulfilling the role of the world eater in league and enduring the end of one calper and the beginning of the next this endurance would make them timeless beings fragments of the time god world eaters and there you have it this video is probably the most speculative out there video i've ever made so i'd love to hear your opinions whether you buy it or think it's a load of dragon it's really fun to dive into the most obscure elder scrolls theories i hope you enjoyed it too and thank you so much for watching my name's drew this is fudge muppet i'm out of breath and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
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Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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