You Might Be a College of Swords Bard | Bard Subclass Guide for DND 5e

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hey do your favorite things in life include a JY tune the freedom of Adventure and some great booty have you ever been kicked off a ship because you made the entire crew cry during your rendition of lever Johnny and the Winds Don't Blow and it's time for us to leave well congratulations you might be a swords bar but what is a swords B well set sail for the open ocean work on a few of those sea shanties while you're at it and see if you can figure out why all this pirate [ __ ] keeps trending on the kids [Music] apps sometimes you just need to get away and go on an epic adventure discover new places meet interesting people and try to forget the smell of 50 dudes trapped in a small and closed space and that's what the swords b is all about now technically speaking nothing in the description of the swords B explicitly says pirate but the same goes for the swashbuckler and come on look at him these dudes scream pirate harder than me anytime I wanted to watch a new movie in the mid 2000s the swords B is someone who leads their life for the thrill of it uplifting those around them with their natural Charisma and becoming a fierce fighter in the meantime oh yeah did I not mention that this triumphant traveling Troubador is also a complete badass that's right confidently taking the top for most versatile B is one thing but this fell comes with such a complete package they also find their way fighting up the list for number one Gish as well not bad for our favorite bag piping Buccaneer huh but you wouldn't be considered a Spell blade unless you learned a little spell casting like all Bs your spells stem from your connection to the Arts and while that loose definition makes me wonder if any performance art can be considered a focus for your spells you'll probably want to keep things simple with an instrument of some kind but considering how mobile we like to be I'd suggest you grab yourself something like a harmonica or a kazoo that allows us to keep at least one hand free during a fight you also get yourself some of that incredible Bic inspiration to use a bonus action to send a D6 to an Al Ally and allow them to add that number to any ability check attack roll or saving throw they need to pass this is The Bard's standout ability and an absolute favorite of mine as it allows you to actively help your team both in and out of combat as well as boost the overall morale of the party so if watching you dive head first into a fight armed with nothing but a short sword and a loot wasn't enough to get them motivated for a scrap this may just be the kick in the pants they need at second level BS become a jack of all trades allowing you to become good at stuff you're not good at by adding half your proficiency bonus to a ility checks you aren't proficient in and you also get the song of rest to soothe your crew after a long day of sailing and allow them to get some extra hit points back if they use the hit dice during a short rest you also get magical inspiration as an optional ability giving the spellcasters a little more utility with your Bic inspiration so now they can add your D6 to the total of either a healing or a damage dealing spell they cast but finally it's third level where our Bard takes their biggest step into the path of an adventurer and like teenagers taking on hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt or the plot of the second Goofy Movie it's time to go to college luckily we learn a lot in school gaining expertise and two of the skills we're proficient in as well as two more level 10 later on but we also pick up skills with both medium armor and citar as well as the ability to use our sword as a spellcasting focus for B spells sorry about that Ludy you're just going to have to take second fiddle I got a new toy now and this one's a lot more stabby but you wouldn't be any good at fighting without a fighting style so you also get the choice between dueling and two weapon fighting to really flesh out your B Ste and while I think dueling is the more interesting option allowing you to save that bonus action for cool bar stuff two weapon fighting can come in clutch when surrounded by enemies and you just need that consistent damage and finally rounding off third level our swords B gains their best ability with the blade flourish not only does your speed increase by 10 ft anytime you take the attack action on your turn you gain three new moves you can pull off by spending a baric inspiration die each of your flourish options whether you choose defensive slashing or mobile will let you add that inspiration die to the the damage as well as have an additional effect these are all cool but your defensive flourish is going to be your bread and butter as a swords B allowing you to dive into combat with that nice speed boost and then protect yourself while in the mix and this gets even better as our Bic inspiration die increases allowing you to potentially add an extra 12 to both your damage and AC at later levels this ability is so busted and absolutely amazing that I'd bet somebody May write a song about your new legendary status in the future you know someday welcome back ye scurvy dogs to DJ perto Cheese's Pirate Radio we've got ourselves another song that is sure to make your dance the Gang Green out your rotten bones so aest me hotties and listen close before I got you like a stinking fish well me father told me of a man with all the Riz and he took no body [ __ ] because he stood on Biz he had no trouble fighting but he loved the flirting more the Envy of the every man and the girls they did adore so find me a loot go grab me a flask and I'll go work on scrapping so I can kick some ass let me figure out a diddy and I better get a sword the legendary battle is what I'm working toward don't take me lightly don't think I'm outclass and if you don't watch yourself you'll wind up on your ass cuz I might be good at singing but I'm better with a sword this Bard is not just any Bard he does everything and more this B is not Den bar I do everything and more all that's all for now on DJ pment Cheese's Pirate Radio tune back in next GB in part and remember tip your witches hey oh hey we're back sorry there must have been some kind of interference with the signal there well moving on our Bard becomes a font of inspiration at level five allowing us to regain all our Bic inspiration die on a short rest instead of a long rest for more inspiring songs to our allies and more flourishes to boot and our B inspiration dice bumps up to a d8 so that's neat but at level six we also get counter charm yay this allows you to spend your whole action distracting your allies so they'll have advantage on an enemy's Charming or frightening effect and it's bad but luckily we also get extra attack at this level so at least it's not a complete waste shoo but skipping all the way up to 10th level is where our Bard gets access to some magical Secrets this allows you to pick up any fifth level spell from any list meaning you can grab Killers like still win strike or Fireball as well as incredible Buffs like blank or yes I've already talked about haste a million times but it's just so good for gishes giving you a plus two to AC advantage on Deck saves and an additional action to attack Dash hide or disengage on top of doubling your movement speed for the duration now there is this little caveat about potentially losing your concentration and being made immobile for a round if we take damage but who said anything about getting hit since your baric inspiration die bumps up to a d10 you're averaging an extra five to AC per defensive flourish skyrocketing your AC higher than just about any subass we've seen so far wait you can add Shield to that as well you guys are so [ __ ] at 14th level we gain the Master's flourish for the ability to substitute a straight D6 whenever we use a blade flourish instead of having to spend one of your precious inspiration dice essentially giving us just a straight buff to damage and our other abilities for free we also get access to more magical Secrets but do you guys really need me to talk about highle DND spells everything on every list is busted as hell at this level print it off staple it to a dart board and whatever you hit is the best choice I promise they're all that wild but finally we C off with a D12 baric inspiration D at level 15 two more magical Secrets at 18 so you can pick up wish and make the DM wish this character never existed and Superior inspiration at level 20 to get back one use baric inspiration die if you start a fight without any hey can I just use wish to give myself a 20 Level Capstone that doesn't suck ass anyway does this swords bar Riz its way into our hearts yeah I've been saving this Bard for a hot minute because I knew how much I'd love it and breaking it down like this did not disappoint this is one of those sub classes that reminds you how much fun D and D can be with the right combination of abilities and as much [ __ ] as I give the lizards of the lock they did kind of knock it out of the park on this one and I think most of you guys agree since it's been the number one Bard everybody's been asking me to talk about since I started this channel so sorry to make you wait but I think it was worth it but not only do you do all the barred stuff well with your proficiencies and your expertise and your jack of all trades you make an excellent mid to close-range fighter with the versatility of a full spellcaster and the media attack potential of a high tier fighter not to mention the multi-class combos with this are [ __ ] insane hexade blade swashbuckler blade singer Battle Master Blood Hunter Echo Knight Shadow sorcerer Soul knife and probably plenty more I haven't covered yet make for a amazing combos then all find new and unique ways to make your DM pull their fcking hair out this guy is also why I don't get how people hate Barts I kind of leaned into the pirate aesthetic because that sounded like the most fun but guys like Zoro Robin Hood and Tulio from El Dorado could all probably be considered sword boards and none of them have anything to do with pirates just jovial Fighters with a flare for the dramatic a ton of style and a song in their heart what more can you ask for so if you were able to kill a Ruffian in a bar fight and still grab three phone numbers can hang with the best of gishes while leaving your enemies sleeping with the fishes and Were Somehow the most memorable part of an 11-year-old game about Pirates Templars assassins and Caribbean political conflict and the wind blow and it's us guess what you might be a sword's bar hey guys if you made it this far thank you again for watching these videos are so much fun to make so I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did if you have a subass you'd like to see in one of these make sure to shout it out down below as well as check the community T to vote in the poll and make sure yours wins out I usually post the poll the day after these go up so subscribe to stay notified also don't forget about the new Discord server we set up so you can come talk to me about D and D stuff find a game to play in or just hang out with a bunch of cool people we're having a ton of fun over there but until next time guys thank you very very much for hanging out and I'll see you very soon
Channel: You Might Be A DND
Views: 51,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, 5e, guide, dnd one, dnd 5e, dungeons and dragons, ymba, you might be a, bard, college of swords bard, pirates of the caribbean, jack sparrow, zorro, swashbuckler
Id: txDfGcn4Y2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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