You Draw It, I Build It! DRAGSTER TANK! [YDIB 7] - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today we're doing another episode of you draw I build where I challenge you guys to hand draw me things and then I challenge myself to then build what you have hand drawn and whatever interpretation I happen to make of it and at first we have an epic looking drawing here this is apparently a dragster but instead of the big wheels in the back or using tank tracks instead and tank tracks for a recent addition to the mods that are available for scrap mechanic so that's gonna be great so this is a drawing by dragon mech 1 I'm assuming it is or dragon Michonne and they call it the track stir which I get its dragster with tracks I can see why you would call it that alright so I'm gonna try my best to build the dragster first and then we'll add the tank tracks to it after that so wish me luck here we go so the interesting thing I'm just realizing with the dragster is that because it's gonna have tank steering I don't think we need to even put steering on the front wheels the front wheels are just gonna be there for support not steering like they normally would be all right now let's see how big are these tank tracks compared to our vehicle here we need the tank engine and we need the tank tracks oh boy oh boy these are actually pretty big we're gonna absolutely yeah we're good I'm glad I made it this long ok so we're gonna add two tank tracks they're actually I feel like based off of the Hazen's drawing I feel like these need to actually be twice as wide or four times as wide as a single tank track how's that looking compared to the drag I think I'm looking pretty good alright fortunately we can fit our engine right up in the back here alright all that's left is the giant spoiler and a paint job and I think we're gonna be good to go okay I have it tucked everything up and we have a problem apparently the tank tracks have a little bit more ground clearance than my front wheels do so if the front wheels are completely useless right now I feel like the drags are should angles down a little bit so I could put these on bearings but then they'll flip around put them on controllers that you know let's just try it the way it is and see how it works first oh it would probably a good idea to actually hook this up to the seat huh there we go all right Wow wow such fast very zoom Wow well we could definitely bump up the speed of these yeah I mean if you imagine the body of the dragster in between the tracks as a tank you can kind of see the front of the dragster as a cannon sticking out this is fascinating isn't it there's gonna be imagine showing up to a drag race with this thing I'd be the most awkward start all right well you know what I think I think I can make this better so we're gonna go ahead and delete these we're gonna go ahead and delete these and we're gonna make ourselves a good dragster here all right guys I've done it so now you can see that the dragster is on a 2 degree angle and that allows this to be flat and this to be on the ground so now let's go ahead and we're gonna power up the speed by 15 and we're gonna see how that feels oh yeah here we go it's a little bit more like it but I still don't feel like a dragster I really still don't feel like a dragster so we're gonna bump it up another 15 okay this is getting better this is definitely getting better but we're not quite there yet let's bump it up by another that many okay that I actually thought it was gonna be faster than this pressing at that many times but oh I think it's starting to get to the point where having these bearings attached to the tank tracks mm-hmm they may be a little bit too weak now oh man this is actually for to feel like an actual dragster now oh okay that's the spoiler almost acts as an anti flip mechanism but then it acts as the anti flip mechanism oh that's what happens what I just try to turn in place Oh Mike is so much counter torque okay this is ridiculous I'm just trying to face this jump I wanted to go up to jump okay there we go whoa that was actually a pretty epic job oh orwellian this thing is epic okay I still want to go faster though I want to feel I want to feel the speed all right so let's bump it up by that many is this not like oh oh oh whoa what it started off so calm and it just picked up so much I wonder whoa I wonder if if mjm modified the tank tracks mod to have more of a like acceleration rather than just instant speed turning feels pretty instant right here we go okay oh my goodness look at how much speed we're picking up this is ridiculous that feels like a dragster this is amazing Oh what have we done look into where this branch has gone we are a hooked on the tree bridge that is amazing yeah it definitely feels like the tank tracks have changed and how they accelerate I think it used to just be instant acceleration but now it's like a just gradual look at this oh no I like it though it's like more stable oh no I hate when we go upside down our spoiler just like it's just solidifies our position just like a drag strip right here perfect perfectly flat no oh this is so fun I like this free this creation looks really cool too it is such a good idea alright ready let's do the side-by-side comparison here we got ours and we got the drawing and I think ours is a little bit longer and skinnier than the drawing this that the drawing looks a little bit thicker of a body but I think this is good I think we did a good job alright moving on okay up next this is a really genius idea toasters and toasts huh for some reason just been kind of a meme when it comes to building stuff and scrap mechanic on my channel I don't know why you guys started it it's all the suggestions they got for speed builds work like toast based banana based I don't understand the where it comes from but this buy scrap mate is a toaster that doesn't just launch toast but the toaster launches another toaster and then that toaster launches toast so this one's gonna take a little bit I think unless I might be able to convert some previous toasters here let's type in toast yes see here we got all kinds of toasters here alright ooh this one looks like this one looks prime for launching is this one this is it okay sighs this is still pretty big though but I mean to have a good sized toast you need a good sized toaster right so what does this do does it oh this doesn't work anymore oh this doesn't use pistons I can't use this one we need a piston toaster launcher all right we got this toaster but this toaster is kind of massive though isn't it see my pistons are down underneath here I don't know how you know what all right we're gonna we're gonna do some modifications to this because the mechanism is already here I just got to make it more compact and then put it in another toaster oh you know I think I'm just gonna have to use this toaster as is right now I got rid of the base so wait how does it even work oh okay so we just pressed the button alright this is actually a prime this is good because we can just we can put a timer into this and yeah this all works this all works great this is perfect so I just need to build a toaster big enough to hold this toaster so we can launch this toaster with that toast okay so pick test I have the toaster on top of its own toast mechanism and we're just even strong enough to launch the toaster oh no that is not that's not good fake it got not only to the glitch through but it's so slow for a launching mechanism we're gonna need more Pistons alright I have tripled the amount of pistons and let's hope that tripling the amount of pistons makes this toaster lunch it still it glitters through that's the problem is glitching through is the problem okay in that case let's make it this part a little bit thicker how about that okay I've made the launching platform twice as thick ah that can work that can work okay okay we can do this this can happen so now the question is going to become can this launch out of this toaster without grinding the walls too much to the point where it just won't launch whoo okay I've built the three-tiered toaster and I think it is ready to be wired up and programmed so that when I press a single button the toaster will launch the first toaster which will then launch the toasts all right I've got it all hooked up so here is how it is programmed and we're gonna see if it happens exactly as planned when I press this button it should immediately disconnect the toast dropping it into the smaller toaster after one second this spud gun should trigger which then disconnects the smaller toaster inside the bigger toaster making it a free object ready to be launched then another second later the smaller toaster gets all launched out of the toaster and then another second later the toast gets lunched out of the smaller toaster midair that's at least the plan let's see if it all goes according to plan when I press this button in three two one toasts all right the toast has been dropped and launched it it it all it kinda almost works not not so much we're gonna try it again I think I accidentally had this one second longer than it should have been let's bump that down to three seconds see if we can get this to happen better all right and lunch launched Lodge yes that totally worked that was amazing after watching this one I didn't think it was gonna go to as planned I thought the thought the launches were too weak or something that totally worked though I want to do it again me all right and lunch or toast look what just happened that was not one of the results what happened to our toaster I don't even know what just holy K what it's gone the toaster is gone people I want to see it happen successful again it was so epic no don't do that stop I am so I am so glad we saw it worked at one time because if this kept happening I would have thought it would have never worked but I want I'm gonna keep doing it until we get one more successful attempt all right toast do it right do it right yes yes that is so awesome I wish it did go more like more separation between the toasters and the toasts and all that but I mean it works as intended pretty much so that is great all right let's move on to the next drawing easily I'm already like an hour into this and it's only been two drawings so far you guys just keep coming up with more and more detailed stuff okay here's something that might be a little bit easier but still kind of tedious this is submitted by error this is a mug made of mugs I don't know why I've never thought of this the the scrap man mug has been a common use on the channel and I don't know why I've never thought to make a mug out of these things I guess you can't attach them to the sides of each other you can only attach them vertically so we're gonna need to have them on a platform of some sort I guess oh and in case you guys weren't aware this mug actually exists almost exactly like this in real life check it out so if you want to get your own mug check the merch link in the description down below it holds all kinds of liquids it can hold water it can hold soda it can hold juice you probably even put coffee in it too I haven't tried it myself so I can't guarantee but I'm thinking if you put coffee in it it's probably also gonna work tea tea as well he that works so yeah let's not let's try to build this mug out of this mug and see if we can have a muggy mug all right so I gave myself a roundish base and I'm just gonna cover this base with these mugs oh and the mug needs to be hollowed too now that I'm thinking about it so we're gonna go ahead and start building this up all right so what I gotta do is kind of just build these up but the problem is the handle because I can't attach anything to the outsides of these unfortunately so I don't know how this is gonna work whoa this is interesting I put all of them facing the same direction so as you rotate around the logo kind of like appears and then disappears which is kind of cool all right did I trap myself I literally trap myself inside my mug of mugs I can't oh there we go got a crotch jump all right now for the handle the handle is going to be the more tricky part I think I can do it if I this is gonna be I had to make an attachment point here okay I know what to do I know what to do with the handle so we got to put a block of air then we fill in with mugs and then we put a block there and then we cap it off with a mug and now we can do this I guess do a block and then we can do more of it yeah this works this totally works okay then we just fill in all the concrete with white paint and now we have our scrap man mug made out of scrap man mugs but it's only missing one thing we need to stabilize this because look at how unstable it is look look look at how unstable so unstable right now clearly we need to stabilize this all right the mug has now been stabilized check it out look at that super stable now see now if we hit it now yeah see look look super stable obviously it works it just works so you know what in celebration of the giant scrap man mug a made of smaller scrap man mugs I'm going to put a five percent discount on the entire merged store if he used the code buggy for the next 24 hours from the release of this video only use the code mughi you can get 5% off of a mug or anything else on the store as well you can get a push button to see what happens Church you can get a click fade shirt you can get a delayed Annihilation shirt or like a logo shirt to support the channel all right effects we have a really unique kind of vehicle that I've never built anything like before it is a rocket-powered vehicle there's also kind of like a rocket sled but the vehicle is sitting on the Rockets with suspension and I'm assuming that the Rockets themselves kind of act like wheels like we can probably turn the front rockets for front rocket steering and this is submitted by mr. bee's knees right he did a really great job at making this car very angular and odd-shaped which is super easy to replicate in scrap mechanics so I'm just gonna I'm not gonna go with the angles because this is scrap mechanic and we're gonna go with blocky instead the main point that I want to focus on is the way that the thrusters and the suspension is going to work all right so I built the base on the cars let's go ahead and start by adding the thrusters in here this is gonna be a super weird-looking car I don't think I'm gonna be able to add the thrusters directly to these because thruster is only having attachment point on the front this isn't gonna let me add a thruster the way that I want to add it to this we're gonna have to build like a frame here and this frame has to hold the thruster like that yeah I think that's the best way to get around that yeah it doesn't look too bad this is gonna be a really cool-looking creation once it gets going if it gets going I don't know how friction gonna affect it and I actually I don't know how I just wasn't seeing I was so focused on the thrusters I just saw this that the seat is like way on tight is that a seat is that what that is the driver's seat is way up on top why that's just gonna make it top it like it's gonna be more likely to flip over it was already gonna be hard not to flip over I think this is it guys I think this right here isn't what he's been asking for we just hope the thrusters straight up into this seat and we hope the seat up into the steering oh we forgot to color it obviously we got a color in purple and here it is ladies gentlemen the weirdly shaped thruster wheel car thing let's see how it runs I didn't adjust the thruster power at all so I guess that's what we should have expected you know what let's bump the thrusters up I'm gonna bump him up by two each let's access feels like it's actually a lot now they're looking at it all right is it gonna work Oh okay I guess good guess we got to go max power then gonna work at all I actually explained a bit I expected it to work a little bit better than this I mean you can't say it's not working the picture makes it look a lot faster maybe it's too heavy I'm gonna replace a bunch of this with wood all right I've made the vehicle presumably a lot lighter let's see if it has an impact okay I forgot I disconnected the front all right I've made the vehicle a lot lighter let's see if it had any impact hey hey is this working this is actually working and it's working pretty well I am actually surprised at how much of a difference just that little bit of weight made the turning is a little weird like it has an inconsistent turning radius are you seeing that like when I'm going faster and I go to turn its her spine and then it like as the suspension kind of kicks in it slows down the turning which I'm assuming is the weight just digging into the ground a little bit more friction very suddenly let's try to go around this turn here alright and parent say yeah yeah there's a little bit of weird just going on with that oh I have no reverse that's an issue gotta be careful not to fall into oh okay that's also an issue once the suspension starts bouncing you your thruster power is just so inconsistent because of the lack of friction and presence of friction all right well once you're stable it feels pretty good all right let's see watch when I go into this is gonna be terrible when I go in it's just gonna just gonna mess everything up okay whoa oh and of course our center of thrust is completely below our center of mass which means if we get any air we're just gonna backflip yep just like that stable stay stabilized no come on yeah Oh I did Oh oh I think I think we can do this I think we can pull ourselves up oh look at that perfect all right I think it's time to do our comparison let's bring up the picture next to this thing and how does it look know what I think it looks pretty good especially once we get the thruster action going yeah then we could see the flames coming out this is fantastic all right and that's where I'm gonna have to call it so out of the creations you saw in this video which one was your favorite was it the mug made of mugs was it the tank tread dragster the toaster that launches a toaster that launches toast or the rocket sled on suspension rocket yields let me know down in the comments below don't forget to use the code muggy for the next 24 hours to get something from the merch store anything 5% off and I hope that you are all staying home staying safe and staying clean during at these times and if you need some more stuff to occupy your free time width then go ahead and check out these videos on the end screen right here anyway this has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 882,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic mods, whatever you draw, you draw I build, whatever you draw i build, drawings brought to life, drawing, scrap mechanic drawing, stupid vehicles, YDIB, dragster tank, tank tracks
Id: WxkGj3OVtFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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