Train Heist Multiplayer Survival Challenge! (Scrap Mechanic Gameplay)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic multiplayer monday and today we are doing the uh what are we doing what are we calling what did you call it you called it something run away train well i mean clearly this train's trying to get away with these explosives so we what did you what did you call this challenge though you had a name for it you said it before another trained heist show we did this in trail makers where's your video title and trail makers it was the like the tr the train heist challenge but the train fights back oh yeah okay that's not like that i don't know train you can also shoot oh the train keeps going okay perfect too much speed so uh conveniently whatever transportation company this is has uh protected the explosives with cardboard and glass so yeah very very safe very high safety rating on this transportation company go ahead and leave the yelp review what is this uh cons train industries oh hey holy oh hold on hold on just because it looks like a brick doesn't mean that cod built it okay although actually i did build this one so never mind wait look i'm peeling away the black paint look look what's underneath it wait is it green underneath it did you not it is yeah yeah you only painted oh no i already only paint the surface all right all right anyway so for people who don't know the challenge is actually we're all going to build cars little cardboard cars that have to shoot the train and uh two people are gonna try and shoot the one person on the train the train drives on its own and the person's just the turret trying to stop cars um yep you were gone but we discussed this but we are gonna put a large explosive on top of your car that is allowed to be surrounded with only a single block layer of cardboard i wasn't there yeah oh okay it has to be on top it has to be on top like a campbell heart right on the top visible from all sides so the train guy can just try and aim for kind of like we did the sub battles when the the it was on top of the sub yeah but you can respawn your car infinite times it's a time trial whoever survives longest as the train is the winner and if your car goes up you just spawn a new car and chase after the train yep uh 16 by 16 car limited 15 by 16 no thrusters no glitches remember cardboard all right slab time boom done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay let's see these train chasing turret car explosive turret cars i am on first so you all copied me because i made a car oh and it has a shooty turret thingy that doesn't tilt it just rotates and goes pew pew pew and then you know i can go pew pew pew pew and dodge like that that's a useful strategy problem solved all right that was my car all right spawn that in again real quick no i can't i can't get out wait wait no spawn it again real quick real real quick what are you looking at i just want to see something here i just want to see something here real quick what is there some yeah okay okay just just make sure your seat's not blocking it no the seat the seat like so that's why i was talking about what we were building like you know it blocks like the bottom blocks but like half the explosive like all this part up here you know all this is all shooting yeah yeah right so like i think it's i think it's all right you guys want me to move it up more i can't but then it just becomes this top-heavy monster with like the explosive way up here right so but yeah you can still shoot all the way around you know hit explosives so yeah your vehicle's very high well it's because i wanted to be on the height with the train there chief like that's pretty good see so i can you know right along right alongside the train and just puked you could pew pew pew pew chew done all right uh mumbo's next okay um let's see here here's my train chase oh my god making are you sure what are you trying to blend in with the ground or something and the sky are you camouflaged is that what this is yeah if you get the right angle going i disappear completely okay you just got to get the right oh hold on hold on i got the angle hold on look at this look at it wait wait wait that's right yeah it's right here right here shooting out of nothing oh you can you have a raiseable spud gun on a piston that's cool yeah yeah and i realized i kind of broke the rules i might have to fix this i used pipe pieces so i gotta i gotta i don't i don't really care we're gonna be shooting the explosive i don't that's yeah i don't think anyone's going to shoot the wheels everyone's just going to aim for the explosives right yeah yeah you know oh wow your sleeve's a huge chunk wow that is fine i still think 16 by 16 vehicles are like the worst size in the world we keep doing it to ourselves i know we keep doing it we just but like anything else is too big to be like 20 or like you know yeah all right what do you got let's see your nonsense um i have this thing right here it's it's really good you can tell by the flames on the front oh is that flames oh that's the flames it must go faster than all of ours then because yeah probably yeah but yeah i could shoot i got the thing on the back and yeah i'm driving you can zoom in through that and it's gone your wheels keep going did you see that oh look at that your wheels keep going that's amazing wow totally planned that yeah no first because it's because of the fire they go so fast yeah right right for sure all right so who wants to be the train first who wants to you know i can go first i'm just gonna i'm gonna go first all right i'm gonna say settled i'm gonna set the bar super low so that way well we scripted this episode i'm going to lose with a really bad score scrap man's probably going to win because he just wins every year yeah well i'm going last so yeah yeah so there you go that's all right yep all right kahn you ready yeah all right you're going to get a five second head start and then we will begin chasing you and those five seconds will be included in your total time okay here we go and three two one begin shooting at me he already got the ex i forgot that he could shoot back yeah i could shoot back he's awesome that he was gonna be shooting harder to hit boombox when he's beside you no you gotta really trade the shot oh no i actually gotta catch up to you oh why am i all drunk oh nice man i can't these cars are so hard to control yeah i'm just going to go over here oh my goodness these uh this suspension is not helping me nearly as much as i was expecting you're oh you're just cutting the corner though look mubo you don't have to stay on that side of the track by the way you guys could both go on like whatever probably it might be for the best no no no no no no no it's harder to hit you when you're far away don't worry i'm distracting the mumbo i'm distracting them i got a couple of hits on them get them get him with the oh oh i gotta turn no there's gonna be so much i can't pay attention to all these controls at once it's too many controls okay all right yeah this is rough this is a lot rougher on the chasers than i thought it was going to be all right i'm getting i'm making some hits there turn it in a little bit there we go there's some hits yeah we definitely oh boy we definitely need the both of us going i know like one all right i'm getting oh no i think i found a comfortable spot here i pressed the wrong button my bad my bad i pressed the wrong button i'm doing some long distance that's not a big deal oh if anything it just helps you guys stop all you want yeah oh man yeah i'm not even bothering deleting my vehicle at this point keep going trying to get it's hard to get the hits at distance though i will say that yeah it is isn't it you got to really lead your shot hard and it's like train feels like it's really big oh i see an explosive go away go away i don't really want me to go always grab it oh i can see it i can literally see the red one still driving on its own boo boo is like way out there always all right we're getting closer i'm i'm i'm trying to just do one thing at a time here mumbo's just way oh he's coming in i got it i got it i got it oh my god what was the time on that look at he's in his seat he's in his seat what was the time uh your time was two minutes and 36 seconds that wasn't bad it felt it felt like it was a lot longer than it was to be honest all right mumbo you ready i'm ready time to beat is two minutes and 36 seconds you have a five second head start in three two one go all right the switch two three four five let's do it okay i'm shooting go for scrap you are shooting oh my god the wheel bounciness with these oh you're not supposed to be aiming for the wheels i just did it shred it just shred it just shred it just shred it come on oh i'm dead he got my explosive no way ah it like blows up my entire car too like the whole as soon as i spot he's shooting me again like really yeah it's wrong i can't waste any time oh i lost him i don't know why i've lost the wheel oh my gosh how are you digging the wheel another wheel oh no okay all right all right all right okay that means going into the right angle i'm coming oh wait no you're just teleported turn right oh no i turned it too much it's hard to drive and control a thing at the same time it really is they're going to scratch two flaming wheels again what are you doing back there am i i don't know if i'm seeing where you guys are actually i'm probably now do you see me no looks like you're shooting at him i'm right here all right now he's dying right now you're on me oh oh my steering is very inconsistent yeah you're shooting me you're shooting me yeah there you go wow that was wow you got me quick i see explosives on this side by the way but i can't i can't get the shots on them oh my god i lost a wheel wow wow unbelievable okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa when i slow down my steering increases so it's hard to oh man it's hard to regulate it man you're really you're really zeroing in with that gun yeah the turret on the train getting close i can't get close he's really good on the gun oh no i'm oh khan just teleported okay perfect all part of the strategy oh he got me so quick i am like lining me just lighting them up man oh my goodness yeah we need to both be on him at the same time together yeah we're trickling in this is like when we're playing like you know like shooting games and we trick a little one at a time we gotta group up you know squat up yeah really yeah oh no well i see an explosive oh no don't sim i guess you can kind of tell by the distance huh yeah almost exactly right well i stopped for a second i trade oh that's true the time to beat was 236 and mumbo you got two minutes and 25. oh yeah though not quite as long it was awesome i was feeling good about it but once you get the uh once it's exposed it's oh my god it's just a lucky shot all right scrap man you're the last one up are you ready i am ready all right and uh five seconds in three two one go two there we go three four five let's go go let's do this get up get down wow oh yeah you guys are definitely being a little bit teleported for me too unbelievable there we go oh wow i made some great damage on this side really did you i am like don't look you don't want to look good no he's taking shots already let's just group up this oh dang it's so tippy no yes oh no oh con's tipped over no i'm fine i'm fine wait are you on my screen you're way off in the distance yeah oh i see your character over here now just by himself oh dude he's floating in the air now yeah i see it now yeah that was like this is a great game with no issues good old multiplayer right away where's moonbow oh my goodness right next to me snuck up on you i feel like trains and scrap mechanic really cause weird multiplayer problems oh no why did i why am i stopping i can't press all these why aren't you stopping i don't know why you might not get your explosive throttle i don't know i was not even moving oh there you go i thought it was me for a second my whole screen shook oh turn faster i don't know why i moved my mouth oh sick hon did you just flip over yeah and then my wheel got shot off i was sick that's awesome this is a good is it good i don't think i've gotten any hits on this round like this has been really bad oh okay am i stopped you turned off the wrong button oh well i wasn't even i didn't even think i was pressing buttons that's weird you press say or maybe someone shot six somehow but like yeah that's probably what happened it's a pretty hard shot to get uh-oh okay okay just stop shooting me dude please please i am of no oh man i don't even know what's happening right now i am dead oh there we go i don't know why i'm going this way oh god he's so far ahead he's just gonna kill it unless you've been doing super huge you see the explosives yet no i don't think so okay i feel good then i feel good he's just obviously are you on the tracks come on what are you doing i'm trying to drive man there is some operator error happening here it's really bad all right hold on all right i feel good i feel good now i feel confident just just getting those shots on getting them shot and uh come on yeah just don't worry about it the trains like the like the train the train you're driving the train is fun don't worry why am i not you're getting it you got it yeah you got it we were in i was just piled right in what was that we're on the same stretch yeah everyone died on the same stretch what were the times all right so yeah mumbo was at 225 you were at 236 so i have to get more than 236 to win dang that really sucks that really sucks scrap man was 2 47. wow so that was like an 11 second difference between all of us yeah wow wow dang dang i feel like i let the team down there i i didn't get a lot of shots at the beginning uh until the very end there yeah you were flipping all over the place sucks it was pretty it was pretty bad sometimes right yeah that was fun though that was a really fun one i was like being the train turret was definitely the most fun part i feel like this works better in scrap mechanic than it did in trail makers that's just yeah the map yeah but that the trail makers map that we did this in we did not was not really good for it no it was not as good but uh let's all let's just pop up all right we're going to be heading off into the next multiplayer video it'll take us a week to get there yeah give us suggestions in the comments down below yep put those suggestions on the tracks and uh we'll we'll read them as we drive by and that this is one big metaphor for the comment section what are you doing there i just i thought we needed to check these out oh no scrap man did it oh no okay i will see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 110,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic train, scrap mechanic train heist, scrap mechanic heist, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic trains, scrap mechanic tracks
Id: n-EwZimcYgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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